2324 BLP ws04 Ce01 Guide T
2324 BLP ws04 Ce01 Guide T
2324 BLP ws04 Ce01 Guide T
Unit 4
Board Meetings
In Unit 3, you learnt about the kinds of day-to-day decisions which directors make.
You also carried out exercises requiring you to analyse the Model Articles with
amendments and the Companies Act 2006 and the rules they contain regarding
company decision-making.
This unit requires you to plan a meeting of the directors of a company. Company
procedures are set out in statutory provisions and the Company’s articles. Therefore,
whilst planning a board meeting, it is essential that you analyse both the relevant
statutory provisions and the Company’s articles to determine the procedure that
applies to that particular company, and you will practise applying the statutory rules
throughout the unit. You will also be required to draft board minutes and complete
Companies House forms.
The unit is set in the context of a shelf company. This is a company, usually
incorporated by a law firm, which a client can use in order to get a company up and
running quickly without having to go through the process of incorporation itself.
1. Your Business Law and Practice Textbook and Business and Company
Legislation Book.
2. The forms listed in Preparatory Task 1 and the letter you are asked to write in
Preparatory Task 2.
1. View the recorded lecture ‘Business Law and Practice Lecture 3: Assessment
Preparation’ via the Lecture Recordings page on Elite.
2. It is important that you consolidate your learning. In particular you should
review the documents that you have drafted and completed in the unit
workshop, making neat final copies of all documents for future reference.
Unit 4
Preparatory Task 1
Using the Companies House website, locate and bring with you to the
session (in either paper or electronic form) the forms necessary for:
Trainee solicitors often need to advise clients on company meetings. You are a
trainee solicitor at ULaws LLP (“ULaws”), 3 Victoria Street, Manchester, M1 4DL.
This Task will involve you using the procedure planning template which you first
encountered in Workshop 3 to convert a shelf company into a company almost ready
to start trading.
Your supervisor, Sheena Patel, has been instructed by Olivia Robinson, company
secretary for the companies in the Enright group, which you first encountered in
Workshop 2. The directors of Enright Holdings plc (“Holdings”) want to expand into
the green energy sector and have been investigating the possibilities for several
months. They are almost ready to start trading and would like to set up a new
subsidiary to run this side of their business. Your firm has a shelf company,
Newco327 Limited (“Newco”), which can be converted into this new company.
Your client wishes to get the new company up and running and Sheena asked
another trainee to prepare some of the documents. She would now like you to take
over as the other trainee is going on holiday. She has told you that Holdings has not
yet decided what Newco’s new name will be, and is currently conducting market
research on the options, so you should keep the name Newco327 Limited for the
Sheena has also explained that the client will deal with other matters such as issuing
more shares to Holdings once Holdings has sought further advice from its
Firstly, please access and read form IN01, which is the form applicants must fill in if
they wish to start a company. You will find this form at
attachment_data/file/946155/IN01-V8.0.pdf. This is the form which your firm would
have filled in to apply for the shelf company to be registered. You will be asked to
complete an IN01 in unit workshop 16.
Who should give notice of the board meeting and what period of notice is
What the quorum is for the board meeting and whether this is likely to be
Whether any directors will need to declare a personal interest in any matters
to be resolved at the board meeting.
Whether the resolutions are likely to be passed at the board meeting.
What external filing and internal administration Newco will need to carry out
after the board meeting. The board of Newco has not elected to keep its
statutory books at Companies House.
Chris Williams and Luca Berti are paralegals in your firm’s shelf company unit and
will be attending the board meeting, along with Sheena Patel, who will help to run the
meeting. However, Olivia would still like a full explanation of the procedure for her file
because she does not have time to attend the board meeting. Isabel Smith and
Laura Ghosh will also be attending.
Assume that today is a Monday and that the board meeting will be held in 10 days’
time at ULaws’ Manchester offices.
You should ensure that your letter complies with the legal writing criteria
which you first considered in your Introduction to Professional Practice
The Registrar of Companies for England and Wales hereby certifies that
is this day incorporated under the Companies Act 2006 as a private company with its
registered office in England and Wales and that the Company is limited by shares.
L Berti
1. Luca Berti - One
1. Preliminary
2. Proceedings of directors
2.1 Whenever the number of directors is one, a sole director shall have
authority to exercise all the powers and discretions by the Model Articles
and by these Articles expressed to be vested in the directors generally,
and, in those circumstances, regulation 11 in the Model Articles shall be
modified accordingly.
Workshop 4
Task 1
Lawyers prepare draft minutes before company meetings. The company’s chairman
may then use the draft minutes as a reminder about how to conduct the meeting
and as a prompt for the resolutions to be passed.
If necessary, the draft minutes will be updated after the meeting to reflect any
changes to the original plan. The chairman will then sign them as an accurate
record of what took place.
To draft minutes, lawyers must first plan for the meetings. You have already done
this when you drafted the letter in Preparatory Task 2.
You now receive the email below from your supervisor, Sheena Patel. Please
prepare the draft board minutes she requests.
I would like you to prepare a first draft of the board minutes for the meeting that will
be held at our offices in Victoria Street next Thursday. You have already planned the
meeting, including a list of all the resolutions that need to be passed, and you should
base your minutes on that plan.
On this occasion you do not need to use a blank precedent since we went through a
similar exercise for Firenze Trading Limited a few months ago and you should
instead use the minutes from the Firenze file (attached) as your precedent.
Some of Newco’s resolutions will be almost identical, but be careful since some are
a little different. Assume for the purposes of this draft that all resolutions will be
passed. We can make changes if necessary after the meeting is actually held. I will
be attending the meeting to give advice if it is required. Laura Ghosh and Isabel
Smith will also be attending, along with Chris Williams and Luca Berti.
Tony Welch (Chair)
Tim Adamson
Sheena Patel
The directors noted that the meeting had been duly convened and that a quorum of
two directors was present in accordance with the articles of association and declared
the meeting open.
The directors reported that the business of the meeting was to report on the
purchase of the shelf company and to complete some of the business required for
the Company to start trading. There were produced to the meeting the following
2.6 Stock transfer forms transferring the subscriber shares to Firenze Trading
3.1. Tony Welch and Tim Adamson were confirmed as directors of the Company.
3.2. After due and careful consideration, having regard to the requirements of
s172 of the Companies Act 2006, IT WAS RESOLVED to appoint Margaret
Humphreys and Colin Henshaw as additional directors of the Company with
immediate effect
The directors proposed that the registered office of the Company should be
The directors reported that there would be benefits in changing the accounting year
end of the Company to 31 December.
After due and careful consideration IT WAS RESOLVED that the accounting
reference date of the Company be changed to 31 December.
There were produced to the meeting two stock transfer forms transferring the
subscriber shares from Tony Welch and Tim Adamson to Firenze Trading Limited.
7.1 Notify the Registrar of Companies of the change of registered office, the change
of accounting reference date, and the resignations and appointments in the
prescribed manner; and
7.2 Make all necessary and appropriate entries in the books and registers of the
There being no further business, the directors declared the meeting closed.
Unit 4
Task 2
Turn to the forms that you identified in Preparatory Task 1 and now fill them in to
reflect the changes that are being made in Newco, namely:
Laura Ghosh