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PARCT C Mount Abu 06 Nos SOS 261024

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Assistant Engineer (E)(P) Jodhpur Executive Engineer (E) Jodhpur

CPWD Jodhpur CPWD Jodhpur


Schedule of quantities (as per PWD-13 for E &M Works: As per separate sheets attached
Schedule of material to be issued to the Contractor: Nil
Tools and Plants to be hired to the Contractor: Nil
Extra schedule for specific requirements/documents for the work, if any: Nil
Reference to General Conditions of Contract: General Conditions of contract for Central
PWD MAINTENANCE WORK 2023 as amended/modified up to last date of
submission of bid.
Name of Work: Repair of 06 No. SOS staff quarter of Railway Colony, 15 No. Staff
Quarters of Spring field and 20 No. Staff quarters of Chaprasi Line at ISA,
CRPF, Mount Abu(Raj.) ( Civil & Electrical work).
Estimated cost of work: Electrical work - Rs. 28,36,984.00/-
(i) Earnest Money As given in Major Component
(ii) Performance Guarantee 5% of the accepted tendered value of the work
(iii) Security Deposit 2.5% of the accepted tendered value of the work.
General Rules & Directions:
Officer inviting Tender: As given in Major Component
2(i) Engineer-in-Charge Executive Engineer (E)-Jodhpur
, CPWD, Jodhpur or successor thereof
(ii) Accepting Authority As given in Major Component
(iii) Percentage on cost of materials 15%
and Labour to cover all
overheads and profits
(iv) Standard Schedule of Rates DSR 2022 (E&M) modified by multiplying correction
factor of 0.973 as per Directorate General Office
Memorandum No. 158/SE(TAS)/GST/ 2024/ 02-E Dt.
08-08-2024 with upto date correction slips issued up
to date of receipt of tender & market based items
(v) Department Central Public Works Department (CPWD)
(vi) Standard CPWD Contract Form: GCC 2023 MAINTENANCE WORK, CPWD
Form 7as modified & corrected up to date of
opening of tender (Whether correction vide latest


circulars are incorporated or not in this document)

(i) Time allowed for submission of Performance Guarantee,
programme chart (Time and Progress) and applicable labour As given in Major
licenses, registration with EPFO, ESIC and BOCW Welfare Component
Board or proof of applying thereof from the date of issue of
letter of acceptance.

(ii) Maximum allowable extension with late fee @ 0.1% per day As given in Major
of Performance Guarantee amount beyond the period Component
provided in (i) above

(i) Authority for fixing compensation under clause 2 As given in Major Component

(i) Number of days from the date of issue of letter of As given in Major Component
acceptance for reckoning date of start
(ii) Time allowed for completion of work As given in Major Component


Same mile stones as for major components shall be applicable for civil as well as electrical parts of
the work. The electrical contractor will ensure that electrical components of the work are executed in
time without giving any chance for slippage of mile stones on account of delay in execution of
associated electrical works by him. However, in case mile stones are not achieved by the contractor
for the project the amount to be withheld under clause 5 of the contract will be done by the Engineer-
in-charge of major component only.
Authority to decide:
(i) Extension of time As given in Major Component
(ii) Rescheduling of mile stones As given in Major Component
(iii) Shifting of date of start in case of delay in handing over of As given in Major Component

Nature of Hindrance Register (either Physical or Electronic): As given in Major Component
Clause 5.4 Schedule of rate of recovery for delay in submission of the modified programme
in terms of delay days.

Sl.No Contract Value Recovery

I Less than or equal to Rs. 1 Crore 500
II More than Rs.1 Crore but less than or equal to Rs. 5 Crores 1000
III More than Rs.5 Crore but less than or equal to Rs. 20 Crores 2500
IV More than Rs. 20 Crores 5000


Clause-6 :
(i) Clause applicable - (Computerized Measurement Book) EMB

Gross work to be done together with net payment /adjustment of As given in Major Component
advances for material collected, if any, since the last such payment
for being eligible to interim payment

No Running Account Bill shall be paid for the work till the
applicable labour licenses, registration with EPFO, ESIC and
BOCW Welfare Board, whatever applicable as submitted by the
Bidder to the Engineer-in Charge.

Clause 8A
(i) Authority to decide compensation on account if contractor As given in Major
fails to submit completion plans Component

List of testing equipment’s to be provided by the agency at As per work requirement

site lab
Clause-10B(ii): Not applicable

Clause-10C: Applicable

Component of labour expressed as percent of 15%

value of work

Clause-10CA: Not Applicable

Clause-10CC: As per Major Component

Clause 10CC to be applicable in contracts with stipulated period of 12 months

completion exceeding the period shown in next column.
Schedule of component of other Materials, Labour etc. for price


Component of electrical construction materials expressed as percent -
of total value of work

Component of Labour expressed as percent of total value of work. -


Specifications to be followed for execution of work:

Electrical 1. CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works (Part-1) Internal – 2023, with
work up to date correction slips.
2. CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works (Part-II) for External 2023
with up to date correction slips.
3. CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works (Part-IV) for Sub-station with
up to date correction slips.
4. CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works (Part-III) for Lift with up to
date correction slips.
5. CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works 2023 (Part-VII) for DG Set
with up to date correction slips.
6. CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works (Part-V) for wet riser and
sprinkler system with up to date correction slips.
7. CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works Heating, ventilation & Air
conditioning (HVAC) - 2017 with up to date correction slips.

Type of work: Maintenance Work

12.2 & 12.3 Deviation Limit beyond which clauses 12.2 & 12.3 shall apply
No Limit
for building work
12.5 1. Deviation Limit beyond which clauses 12.2 & 12.3 shall
apply for foundation work (except items mentioned in earth No Limit
work sub head in DSR and related items)
2. Deviation Limit for items mentioned in earth work sub No Limit
head of DSR and related items.


Competent Authority for deciding reduced rates:

Elect. work SE-Jodhpur, CPWD, Jodhpur or his successor thereof.

List of mandatory machinery, tools & plants to be deployed by the contractor at site:

S. No. Machinery Nos

1 Electrically operated chase cutting machine 04
2 Hydraulic crimpling tool 01
3 Welding Machine 01


4 Megger 01
5 Earth Tester 01
Any other machine/ tool required for completion of work as per As per actual
direction of Engineer-in- Charge requirement
Schedule of rate of recovery for defaults committed in respect of clause 19 and its sub clauses t
hereof in terms of delay days:
S. No. Clause Rate of recovery for default (Rs.)
1 19C Rs. 500/- per day
2 19D Rs. 1000 /- per fortnightly report
3 19G Rs. 200/- per day (Subjected to maximum 5% of Estimated cost put to
Clause 25 Constitution of Dispute Redressal Committee
Chairman-1 Members-2
Constitution of Dispute RedressalCommittee
Member Secretary As provided in Schdule ‘F’ of Major Component.
Case to be presented by

Requirement of Technical Representative(s) and Recovery Rates : As per Major Component
Sl. Minimum Designation Rate at which recovery
Minimum experience

No. Qualification of (Principal shall be made from the

Technical Technical/Tec contractor in the event of

Representative hnical not fulfilling provision of


representative) Clause 32 Per person

Figures Words
(Rs. Per (Rs. Per
person per person per
month) month)
1 Graduate Engineer Principal 2 1 Fifteen
Or Technical years No. 15,000/- Thousand

Diploma Engineer representative or Only.




I/we hereby propose the following agency for execution of E&M work component mentioned
herein. Consent Letter from the proposed associated agency is enclosed.
Name of work :
Component of E&M Work : ………………………. ……………………..
Name of Associated Agency : ………………………. ……………………..
Details of Enlistment : ………………………. ……………………..
Category and Class of Enlistment : ………………………. ……………………..
Monetary limit of work in Enlistment : ………………………. ……………………..
Validity of Enlistment : ………………………. ……………………..
Copy of Enlistment Order attached : (Yes /No)
Copy of electrical contractor license attached: (Yes /No)
Copy of completion certificates of similar work experience attached : (Yes /No)
Copy GST Registration attached : (Yes/No)
Copy PAN Card Attached : (Yes/No)
Consent Letter of agency attached : (Yes/No)
Encls: Self Attested photocopies of as stated above

Seal & Signature of the Main Contractor



1. The applicant should either himself meet the eligibility conditions for the respective E&M
components or otherwise he will have to associate with agencies, fulfilling the eligibility
requirements and the consent letter from at least One eligible Associate Agency of the
respective components of E&M work shall also be submitted as per attached Proforma.

2. In case the main contractor is himself eligible (as per eligibility criteria) for executing
any specific minor component and intends doing the job himself, he may not be required
to associate with another agency for that minor component of work. In such cases the
main contractor also has to submit the documents as per eligibility criteria mentioned for
associated agency of individual E&M component.

3. The main tenderer have to submit the following documents for association of electrical
contractor within 30 days of award of work or 15 days before start of electrical related
work whichever isearlier.

4. In support of the eligibility conditions of the proposed associated electrical contractor,

copy of their registration documents, Electrical Contractor’s License, PAN Card, GST
Registration and verifiable work completion certificates duly attested by the applicants
(Main Contractor) shall be submitted to the concerned(Minor Component in–charge)
Executive Engineer (Electrical), Jodhpur, CPWD, Jodhpur, for deciding the eligibility..
Proposal for associating agency for minor components of work shall be submitted in
Form- “H” of this tender document from each associate independently for all electrical
and mechanicalcomponents.

5. The Executive Engineer (E) will give approval for associating within 7 days after receipt
of proposal from contractor, if submitted documents are found inorder.

6. Thereafter, the main contractor will have to submit MOU signed with the approved
associated agency for minor component. The MOU in the enclosed form
(Form–I) shall be signed by both the parties i.e. main contractor as 1st party and
associated electrical contractor as 2nd party for all electrical and mechanical
components and submit the same within 7 days of receipt of approval from Executive
Engineer(E) or before start of Electrical component of work, whichever isearlier.

7. The main contractor has to enter into agreement with contractor associated by him for
execution of minor component. Copy of such agreement shall be submitted to Executive
Engineer (E) in charge of minor component as well as Executive Engineer, in-charge of
major component.

8. In the event of the concerned E&M agency (Associated agency) is not performing
satisfactorily or failure of associate contractor to complete the E&M work, the main
contractor on written directions of the department, shall remove the associate agency
deployed on the work and shall submit name of new associate agency who fulfill the
conditions mentioned in NIT to execute the left over work without any loss of time or
variation in cost to the department. Such associate shall also give an undertaking along


with the main tenderer that both of them shall stand guarantee for the equipments already
supplied for which payment has been released by the Department, in part. If any
equipment supplied for the work, during the currency of the earlier Associate contractor
and paid partly by the Dept., becomes redundant /not in a position tobe installed and
commissioned and put to beneficial use due to change in agency for execution of E&M
work, the main contractor shall be liable for replacement of the equipment(s) at no cost to
Department. No change of Electrical Contractor will be allowed without prior approval
of the Engineer-in-charge of the work.

9. Materials for all E & M works shall be procured only from the original equipment
manufacturers/ authorized dealers of OEM. The contractor shall submit all documentary
details in fulfillment of this conditions regarding procurement of materials including
relevant testcertificates.

10. Executive Engineer (E) shall be the Engineer-in-charge as far as electrical works are
concerned. Separate tender schedule abbreviated CPWD-7 and Special Conditions for
Electrical Work are appended with this tender. It will be obligatory on the part of the
contractor/ tenderer to sign the tender documents for all the componentparts.

11. The main contractor shall be responsible and liable for proper and complete execution of
the Electrical and Mechanical component of works and ensure coordination and
completion of both civil and electricalwork.

12. Before completion of defect liability period of one year, the main contractor has
to submit Security Deposit of 5% of the price quoted by him for SITC of LED
fittings for the remaining 4 years warranty period in acceptable form i.e.
FDR/Bank guarantee if the major contractor executes or obtain from his associated
agency and submit the same to the concerned Executive Engineer (E). The Security
Depositde ducted from the bill so f contractor shall be refunded to the main
contractor only after submission of Security Deposit for LED fittings, failing which
the Security Deposit against LED fittings shall be deducted from Security Deposit
for total work and balance amount only will be refunded after completion of defect
liability period. The LED Security Deposit will be released after completion of
warranty period of 5 years to the agency, who have submitted the LED Security

13. The associate contractor along with main contractor or his representative shall attend the
inspection of the work by the Engineer-in-Charge of E&M works as and whenrequired.

For components of E&M works, the eligibility criteria will be as detailed below:

Sl. No Component of E& M / Eligibility criteria

Specialised work


1 Electrical Installation. Eligible enlisted contractor of CPWD in
appropriate class & category having valid
electrical licence

DG Set Should have completed

three specialized works of similar nature, each

costing not less than amount equal to 40% of the
Estimate amount of corresponding specialized
VRV system work(s) with atleast 80% of equipment capacity;
two specialized works of similar nature, each
Substation costing not less than amount equal to 60% of
Estimate amount of corresponding
specializedwork(s)with atleast 80% of equipment
(c )one similar work costing not less than amount
equal to 80% of Estimate amount of
corresponding specialized work with atleast 80%
of equipment capacityin last 7 years ending last
day of the month previous to the one in which the
tenders are invited. (Value of work shall be
enhanced 7% per annum) NOTE: The
specialized agency shall be got approved from the
Engineer-in-Charge well in advance.
2 CCTV system Should have completed

three specialized works of similar nature, each

costing not less than amount equal to 40% of the
Fire fighting System Estimate amount of corresponding specialized
Fire Alarm System two specialized works of similar nature, each
costing not less than amount equal to 60% of
Estimate amount of corresponding specialized
LAN/Networking work(s);
(c ) one similar work costing not less than
amount equal to 80% of Estimate amount of
corresponding specialized work in last 7 years
ending last day of the month previous to the one
in which the tenders are invited. (Value of work
shall be enhanced 7% per annum) NOTE: The
specialized agency shall be got approved from the
Engineer-in-Charge well in advance.


3 Any other specialized As per the above specified qualification criteria
work with the approval of the engineer-in-charge

i. If the main contractor fails to associate with agencies for execution of minor
components of work within 30 days of award of work OR 15 days before start of minor
component of work whichever is earlier or furnishes incomplete details or furnishes
details of ineligible agencies even after the giving sufficient opportunity, the entire scope
of such component of work shall be withdrawn from the main agency and the same shall
be got executed by the Engineer-in – Charge at the risk and cost of the mainagency.

ii. The main contractor will submit MOU signed with eligible registered composite
contractor of CPWD or Specialized agency. The MOU in the enclosed form shall be
signed by both the parties’ i.e. main contractor as 1st party and associated electrical
contractor as 2nd party. Independently for EI i/c PowerWiring.

iii. Tripartite agreement between composite category contractor, department and

specialized agency shall be executed. Tender accepting authority may approve change
of agency in case it is required during the currency of contract.

iv. Verifiable completion certificates of the work, registration/ approval documents as

the case may be, duly attested by both associated agency and major contractor shall
be submitted within 30 days of award of work OR before start of minor component of
work which ever is earlier. Valid Electrical Contractor's license, self-attested GST
registration documents in respect of the associated agencies as the case may be,
duly attested by the applicant shall also be submitted within 30 days of award of work OR
before start of minor component of work which ever is earlier.


Form- “B”


NAME OFWORK:- Repair of 06 No. SOS staff quarter of Railway Colony, 15 No.
Staff Quarters of Spring field and 20 No. Staff quarters of Chaprasi Line at ISA,
CRPF, Mount Abu(Raj.) ( Civil & Electrical work).

Agreement No:-

I/We here by give my consentto associate with M/s…………………………………,for executing the

minor component of work of…….………(Mention category).

I/We will execute the work as per specifications and conditions of the agreement and as per
directions of the Engineer–in-Charge for the corresponding minor work till the completion of the

I/We will be responsible for necessary action to hand over the installations and for rectification of
defects and repair during the maintenance /warranty period.

Also I/We will employ full time technically qualified Engineer/supervisor for the minor component
of the work as required for the work. I/We will attend inspection of officers of the department as and
when required.

Applicable for Internal EI Component:


Signature with date of Major component Signature with date of

Associate/Minor Component

Contractor Contractor
Address Address

1. Witness with address

(From major component contractor side)

2. Witness with address

(From minor component contractor side)



NAME OFWORK:- Repair of 06 No. SOS staff quarter of Railway Colony, 15 No.
Staff Quarters of Spring field and 20 No. Staff quarters of Chaprasi Line at ISA,
CRPF, Mount Abu(Raj.) ( Civil & Electrical work).



I/we here by propose the following agencies as permentioned against each for executing
corresponding minor component so work. Their consent letter are also attached
Sl.No Name of Category Enlistment Monetar Validity of Consent letter
Associate and class of copy/completionC y Limit registration attached
d registration ertificates Of work (Yes/No)
Contractor attached

Electrical Installation.

Note: Self Attested photocopies of enlistment order, valid electrical contract or license,
annual pre-qualification order, work experience certificates of each agency for each component to
E&M work shall be submitted.

Signature of contractor.


Form- “D”


1] M/s [Name of the firm with full address]

Enlistment Status
Valid Upto:
[Henceforth called the main contractor]
2] M/s [Name of the firm with full address]
Enlistment Status
Valid Upto:
[Henceforth called Associated E&M Contractor or Electrical Contractor]

For the execution of ……………..(mention category) component of E&M work in the

contract for the work : …… ……… ……..……… …………………………………” as per Schedule
of Quantities, Specifications, Terms and Conditions of the said contract.
We state that MoU between us will be treated as an agreement and has legality as per Indian
Contract Act (amended up to date) and the department (CPWD) can enforce all the terms and
conditions of the agreement for execution of the above work. Both of us shall be responsible for the
execution of work as per the agreement to the extent this MoU allows. Both the parties shall be paid
consequent to the execution as per agreement to the extent this MoU permits. In case of any dispute,
either of us will go for mediation by the Engineer-in-charge of E&M work. Any of us may appeal
against the mediation to the As given in Major Component. His decision shall be final and binding on
both of us.
We have agreed as under:
1. The electrical contractor will execute all electrical works in the wholesome manner as per
terms and conditions of the agreement.
2. The electrical contractor shall be liable for disciplinary action if he fails to discharge the
action(s) and other legal action as per agreement.
3. All the machinery and equipment, tools and tackles required for execution of the electrical
works, as per agreement, shall be the responsibility of the Electrical Contractor.
4. The Technical and other site staff required for the said E&M work shall be arranged by the
Electrical Contractor as per terms and conditions of the agreement.


5. Site order book maintained for the said work shall be signed by the main contractor as well as
by the Engineer of the Associated E&M Contractor or Associated E&M Contractor himself.
6. All the correspondence regarding execution of the electrical work shall be done by the
department with the Associated Contractor with a copy to the main contractor. In case of non-
compliance of the provisions of agreement, the main contractor, as well as the associated
contractor shall be responsible. The action under clauses 2 and 3 shall be initiated and taken
against the main contractor.


Signature of Main Contractor Signature of Associated E&M Contractor

1. Witness with address 2. Witness with address

(From major component contractor side) (From minor component contractor side)



I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar work(s) has/have not been got executed
through another contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to
the notice of Department, then I/we shall be debarred for bidding in CPWD in future forever.
Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of Department before date of start of work, the
Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to take action as per Form-‘A’ (Scanned copy to be
uploaded at the time of submission of bid).

Signature of bidder(s) with stamp



NAME OF WORK: Repair of 06 No. SOS staff quarter of Railway Colony, 15 No.
Staff Quarters of Spring field and 20 No. Staff quarters of Chaprasi Line at ISA,
CRPF, Mount Abu(Raj.) ( Civil & Electrical work).

I hereby give my willingness to work as electrical contractor for the specialized work of
“_________________________________” in the above mentioned work. I will execute the
work as per specifications and conditions for the agreement and as per direction of the
Engineerin-Charge. Also, I will engage full time technically qualified
supervisor/engineer for the works. I
will attend inspections of officers of the department as and when required.

Date: ___________
Place: ___________

[Signature of the Associate Electrical Contractor]

[Stamp with Address]



Name of Work – Repair of 06 No. SOS staff quarter of Railway Colony, 15 No.
Staff Quarters of Spring field and 20 No. Staff quarters of Chaprasi Line at ISA,
CRPF, Mount Abu(Raj.) ( Civil & Electrical work).

1.0 General

1.1 The copy of CPWD General Specifications are readily available in CPWD website
www.cpwd.gov.in under the link publication.

1.2 Location:

Work shall be carried out at CRPF Mount Abu.The contractor is advised to visit the site of
work to have an idea of the execution of the work; failure to do so shall not absolve their
responsibility to do the work as specified in agreement. The brief about work is that it
consists of providing internal Electric Installation work i/c luminaires, Tranformer, cables,
DBs, Panels, MCCB etc to be constructed at CRPF Mount Abu.

1.3 The work shall be executed as per CPWD General Specifications for Electrical works part-I
(internal) 2023, Part-II(external)2023, as amended upto date, relevant I.E. Rules, industry
standards, BIS/IES and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge. These additional
specifications/conditions are to be read in conjunction with above and in case of variations;
specifications given in these additional conditions shall apply. However, nothing extra shall
be paid on account of these Specific conditions, as the same are to be read along with
schedule of works for the work.

1.4 The tenderer should in his own interest visit the site and get familiarize with the site
conditions before tendering.

1.5 No T&P shall be issued by the Department and nothing extra shall be paid on account of this.

2.0 Commercial Conditions

2.1 Type of contract

The work to be awarded by this tender shall be treated as indivisible works contract.

1.0 Terms of payment

1.1 On account payments for part work (after stipulated and statutory deductions) as assessed by
the Engineer–in-charge for the applicable items in the Contract shall be payable at part rates
not exceeding the percentage indicated against the stages of work.
S.N Stage of work Percentage of Rate on
Tendered Amount
a Supply of material at site in good condition 70%
along with manufacture’s test reports.
b On completion of installation in all respect. 20%
c. Testing, Commissioning & handing over to the 10%


For other items, the part rates will be decided by the Engineer-In-Charge of the work and shall
be binding on the contractor.

3.2 Security Deposit

Security Deposit shall be deducted from each running bill and the final bill to the extent of
2.5% of the gross amount payable subject to a maximum amount of 2.5% of the tendered
value. The security deposit shall be released on the expiry of guarantee period of 12 Months
stipulated in the contract. Bank guarantee will not be accepted as security deposit.

3.3 Performance Guarantee

As per major component of work.

3.4 Income Tax, labourcess& other statutory deductions etc shall be made at source as per the
prevalent laws. The deductions of Security Deposit, Income-Tax, GSTetc shall be done after
calculation of the above due payments as per clauses 3.1 to 3.3 and net payment shall be
reduced accordingly.

4.0 Rates

4.1 The rates quoted by the tenderer, shall be firm and inclusive of all taxesincluding GST and all
charges for packing forwarding, insurance, freight and delivery, installation, testing,
commissioning etc at site including temporary Maintenance of storage, risks, overhead
charges, general liabilities/obligations and clearance from Local Body. However, the fee for
the Local Body inspections shall be borne by the department.

4.2 The department will not issue Octroi exemption certificate.

4.3 The contractor has to carry out maintenance as per manufacturer’s standards for
a period of 12 months from the date of handing over. Nothing extra shall be paid
on this account.

5.0 Completeness of Tender

All sundry equipment, fittings, unit assemblies, accessories, hardware items, foundation bolts,
termination lugs for electrical connections and all other items which are useful and necessary
for efficient assembly and installation of wall fan and components of the work shall be
deemed to have been included in the tender irrespective of the face whether such items are
specifically mentioned in the tender documents or not.

6.0 Storage and Custody of Materials

For storage of sundry materials and erection equipments or else the agency has to make his
own arrangements. No separate storage accommodation shall be provided by the department.
Watch and ward of the stores and their safe custody shall be the responsibility of the
contractor till the final taking over of the installation by the department.

7.0 Care of the Building

Care shall be taken by the contractor while handling and installing the various equipments
and components of the work to avoid damage to the building. He shall be responsible for


repairing all damages and restoring the same to their original finish at his cost. He shall also
remove at his cost all unwanted and waste materials arising out of the installation from the
site of work.

8.0 Completion Period

The completion period indicated in the tender documents is for the entire work of planning,
designing, approval of drawings etc arrangement of materials &equipments, delivery at site
including transportation, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over the entire
system to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.

9.0 Guarantee

9.1 All equipments shall be guaranteed for a period of as per major component from the date of
taking over the installation by the department, against unsatisfactory performance and /or
break down due to defective design, workmanship or material. The equipments or
components, or any part thereof, so found defective during guarantee period shall be
forthwith repaired or replaced free of cost, to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. In
case it is felt by the department that undue delay is being caused by the contractor in doing
this, the same will be got done by the department at the risk and cost of the contractor. The
decision of the Engineer-in-charge in this regard shall be final & building on the contractor.

9.2 The tender shall guarantee among other things, the following: -

a) Quality, strength and performance of the materials used as per manufacturers


b) Safe mechanical and electrical stress on all parts under all specified conditions of

10.0 Power Supply

In any case, electricity connection at one point shall be provided by
client/department, if available and agreed by client department. However, contractor
shall be responsible for arranging power supply and there shall be no obligation from
department to make available power supply for execution of work and while quoting,
contractor has to keep in mind that power and water has to be arranged by contractor
himself at his own cost and included in the quoted rates. No hindrance on account of
non-availability of power supply from client department or CPWD shall be considered
and contractor shall be responsible for any delay in work on account of above.

11.0 Water Supply

Arrangement of Water supply for testing & for successful installation & completion of the
system shall be in the scope of successful firm without any extra cost.

12.0 Acceptable Makes of Various Equipments

The acceptable makes of various equipment’s/components/accessories have been indicated in

“Schedule of work”. The tenderer shall work out the cost of the offer on basis of acceptable
makes alongwith other terms & conditions of contract. Alternate makes are not acceptable.
For makes not available in the contract, contractor shall submit atleast three makes for


approval by Engineer-in-charge. Only makes approved in writing by Engineer-in-Charge
shall be used at site. Any material brought at site without prior approval of Engineer-in-
charge may be rejected, even if the make is available in NIT and contractor shall be
responsible for any such rejection of material.

13.0 The successful tenderer should furnish well in advance three copies of detailed instructions
and manuals of manufacturers for all items of equipment’s regarding installation, adjustments
operation and maintenance including preventive maintenance & trouble shooting together
with all the relevant data sheets, spare parts catalogue etc all in triplicate.

14.0 Extent of work

14.1 The work shall comprise of entire labour including supervision and all materials necessary to
make a complete installation and such tests and adjustments and commissioning, as may be
required by the department. The term complete installation shall not only mean major items
of the plant and equipments covered by specifications but all incidental sundry components
necessary for complete execution and satisfactory performance of installation with all layout
charts whether or not those have been mentioned in details in the tender documents in
connection with this contract as this is a turnkey job. The site of work is scattered and spread
or large area consisting of hilly and rolling terrain. The quoted rates shall be deemed to be
inclusive of all kind of leads, lifts, clearing of site/jungle and nothing extra shall be paid,
whatsoever on such account.

14.2 In addition to supply, installation, testing and commissioning of complete installation,,

following works shall be deemed to be included within the scope of work to be executed by
the tenderer as this is a turnkey job

a) Minor building works necessary for installation of equipments, foundation, making

of opening in walls or in floors and restoring them to their original condition / finish
and necessary grouting etc as required.
b) All supports for rising mains, cables and MS channels for erection of panels, etc as
are necessary.
c) Getting Local Body inspection done & obtaining approval for energizing the
installation if required. However, necessary fees for inspection shall be borne by the
d) Arrangement of electric supply (Single / Three phase) and water supply for execution
and successful commissioning of the system.
e) Small wiring, inter-connection etc inclusive of all materials and accessories,
necessary to comply with the regulations as well as proper and trouble free operation
of the equipment.
f) Closing of the cable entry points in sub-station against seepage of water, rodents etc.
g) Tools and tackles required for handling and installation.
h) Necessary testing equipments for commissioning.
i) Watch and Ward of materials and/or installation and equipments till their handling
over to the department.
j) All minor building works, such as equipments foundation if required cutting and
making good holes, grouting of channels belts as required. Cutting and making
good damages etc.
k) Provision of supports/clamps for equipments, cables etc wherever required.
l) Arranging necessary load for full load testing of Transformer and DG sets, in case
same is not available with Client department.


15.0 Works to be done by the Department

Unless otherwise mentioned in the tender specifications the following works shall carried out
by the department.
i) To make the site available for the work. The contractor should select such equipment
for installation as can be properly installed in the spaces shown in specification
drawings. While no guarantee can be given minor modification required by the
contractor if mentioned in the tender or intimated immediately after the receipt of
tender shall be carried out if
structurally possible.

16.0 Exclusion and work to be done by other agencies:

The following shall be excluded from the scope of the work:
a) Major dismantling of any existing building work.

17.0 Inspection and Testing

17.1 All the tests certificate of the equipments are required to submit alongwith delivery of

17.2 Exclusion and work to be done by other agencies:

The following shall be excluded from the scope of the work:
a) Major dismantling of any existing building work.

17.3 Copies of all documents of routine and type test certificates of the equipment,/cable carried
out at the manufacturers premises shall be furnished to the Engineer-in-charge and consignee.

17.4 After completion of the work in all respects the contractor shall offer the installation for
testing and operation.

18.0 Validity
Tenders shall be valid for acceptance for a period as per major component of work from the
date of opening.

19.0 Compliance with Regulations and Indian Standards

19.1 All works shall be carried out in accordance with relevant regulation, both statutory and those
specified by the Indian standards related to the works covered by this specification. In
particular, the equipment and installation will comply with the following:
i) Factories Act
ii) Indian Electricity Rules
iii) BIS & other standards as applicable
iv) Workmen’s compensation Act
v) Statutory norms prescribed by local bodies, Power supply co., etc.

19.2 Nothing in this specification shall be construed to relieve the successful tenderer of his
responsibility for the design, manufacture and installation of the equipment with all
accessories in accordance with currently applicable statutory regulations and safety codes.


19.3 Successful tenderer shall arrange for compliance with statutory provisions of safety
regulations and departmental requirements of safety codes in respect of labour employed on
the work by the tenderer. Failure to provide such safety requirement would make the tenderer
liable for penalty of Rs. 500/- for each default. In addition, the department will be at liberty to
make arrangement for the safety requirements at the cost of tenderer and recover the cost
thereof from him.

20.0 Indemnity

The successful tenderer shall at all times indemnify the department, consequent on this works
contract. The successful tenderer shall be liable, in accordance with the Indian Law and
Regulations for any accident occurring due to any cause and the contractor shall be
responsible for any accident or damage incurred or claims arising there from during the
period of erection, Maintenance and putting into operation the equipments and ancillary
equipment under the supervision of the successful tenderer in so far as the latter is
responsible. The successful tenderer shall also provide all insurance including their party
insurance as may be necessary to cover the risk. No extra payment would be made to the
successful tenderer on account of the above.

21.0 Erection Tools

No tools and tackles either for unloading or for shifting the equipments for erection purposes
would be made available by the department. The successful tenderer shall make his own
arrangement for all these facilities.

22.0 Cooperation with other agencies

The successful tenderer shall co-ordinate with other contractors and agencies engaged in the
Maintenance of buildings, if any, and exchange freely all technical information so as to make
the execution of this work/contract smooth. No remuneration should be claimed from the
department for such technical cooperation. If any unreasonable hindrance is caused to other
agencies and any completed portion of the work has to be dismantled and re-done for want of
cooperation and coordination by the tenderer during the course of work, such expenditure
incurred will be recovered from the successful tenderer if the restoration work to the original
condition or specification of the dismantled portion of the work was not undertaken by the
tenderer himself.

23.0 The work will be carried out with least disturbance during shifting & shut downtaken in
consultation with the client department.

24.0 Verification of correctness of equipment at Destination

The contractor shall have to produce all the relevant records to certify that the genuine
equipments from the manufacturers has been supplied and erected.

25.0 Painting
This shall include cost of painting of the entire installation.

26.0 Maintenance

26.1 Sufficient trained and experienced staff shall be made available to meet any exigency of work
during the guarantee period of 1 year from the handing over of the installation.


27.0 Interpreting specifications

In the case of discrepancy between the schedule of Items, the specification and/ or the
drawings, the following order of preference shall be observed:-
(a) Schedule of Work.
(b) Specific Conditions.
(c) General Terms and Condition.
(d) Drawings.
(e) CPWD Specifications.
(f) NBC – 2016
(g) Indian Standard Specifications of B.I.S.
(h) Special conditions & additional condition mentioned in part-B of NIT
(i) General Terms & Condition mentioned in part-B of NIT
However, the order of preference provided is in general and higher of specifications
available in above documents/acts/codes shall be followed.Contractor is advised to quote
the rates accordingly keeping in mind that highest of specification available shall be
28.0 General Terms & Condition, Special conditions & additional condition mentioned in part-B
of NIT (i.e. Civil Component of work) shall also be applicable for part-C of NIT as well if
not specifically mentioned in Part-C of NIT.
29.0 For all Extra items OR deviation items payable at market rates, contractor shall submit copy
of original Invoice of materialalongwith proof of payment (i.e. RTGS receipt, bank statement
30.0 Contractor shall get approval of Makes & Models of material before their use at site. The
technical specifications / catalogue shall also be submitted along with submission for
approval. In case unapproved material is found to be used /installed at site or kept at site store
for installation, department shall not only confiscate such material but also be at liberty to
recover cost for removal of material from site from contractors bill.

31.0 List of Acceptable makes has been provided in NIT. For each item to be used at site,
contractor shall submit model number for each item of minimum three different make
for approval by Engineer-in-charge. Only approved make & model/material shall be used
at site. Any material found at site which has not been approved can be rejected and shall not
be paid. Contractor will be solely responsible for non-payment due to use of non-approved
material. The submission for material approval shall be minimum two weeks before its use at
32. No drawing/technical submittal shall be accepted through email. Hard copy of drawings duly
signed by Contractor’s Engineer will only be approved
33. In case of any discrepancy in the size of the items elaborated in the BOQ , the material of
next higher size available in the market to that of the size specified in the BOQ shall be
provided without any extra cost.


34. If the material specified in the BOQ become non available due to technology advancement
or otherwise then the product of better specifications shall be accepted provide there is no
functional change of requirement without any extra cost.
35. In case of variation in the light fitting wattage/specifications then the fittings having more
lumens per watt shall be preferred and better specification products shall be accepted.
36. In case of any discrepancy/Non availability about the availability of material of requisite
specification/size/design as per BOQ the same shall be brought to the notice the deptt.
within one week from the publication of bid , otherwise it shall be deemed that the Agency
has no objection about the size/design/ specification of the material as depicted in the
BOQIn that case, the item of higher/better specification/size shall be provided during
execution without any extra cost and without alteration of the functional requirement.

Assistant Engineer (E) (P) Executive Engineer (E) Jodhpur

CPWD Jodhpur CPWD Jodhpur




1. All hardware items such as screws, thimbles, G.I. wires etc. which are essentially required for
completing an item as per specifications will be deemed to be included in the item even when the
same have not been specifically mentioned.
2. All hardware materials such as nuts/bolts/screws/washers etc. to be used in the work shall be
zinc/cadmium plated iron.
3. Any conduit which is not be wired by the contractor shall be provided with GI fish wire for wiring
by some other agency subsequently. Nothing extra shall be paid for the same.
4. While laying conduit, suitable junction boxes shall be left for pulling the wires.
5. Copper wire shall be FRLS PVC insulated multi-stranded conductor. Termination of multi-
stranded conductors shall be done using crimping type thimbles at both the ends. Nothing extra
shall be paid for the same.
6. Material to be used in the work shall be ISI marked. The makes of material have been indicated in
the list of acceptable makes. No other make will be acceptable. The material to be used in the
work shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge before its use at site. The Engineer-in-
Charge shall reserve the right to instruct the contractor to remove the material which, in his
opinion, is not as per specifications.
7. Where switches/sockets/telephone outlets are to be provided, the same shall be of only one make
and GI box shall be of same make as Modular switch/socket.
8. The earthing shall be carried out in the presence of the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized
representative. Earthing shall be accepted only after verification of earth resistance at site by
Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative.
9. All fittings/fans will be earthed as per specifications.
10. Sockets used shall be interlocking shutter type.

Assistant Engineer (E) (P) Executive Engineer (E) Jodhpur

CPWD Jodhpur CPWD Jodhpur



1. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer - in -Charge two copies of Shop Drawings for
Electrical work for approval before start of work. Subsequent to the approval of the shop
drawings, the Contractor shall submit six copies of Shop Drawings for execution to the

2. Shop drawings shall be submitted for the following conditions:

(a) Conduit layout plan

(b) Layout plan indicating location and heights of all fitting, fixtures
(c ) Single Line Diagram for Distribution Circuit starting from Main Supply till DBs
indicating capacities of components.

3. The Contractor can only commence the work after the approval of above documents by

Assistant Engineer (E)(P) Jodhpur Executive Engineer (E) Jodhpur

CPWD Jodhpur CPWD Jodhpur



1. Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) order 2017 issued by competent

authority of Government of India shall be implemented during selection of materials
and execution of work accordingly. Any Manufacturer if not included in the approved
make list, may be considered by the Engineer-in-Charge provided such manufacturers
comply the above policy along with their product meeting the specifications and other
details of the required item.

2. All the material supplied by the Agency should be in line with the Make in India
guidelines, ifthere are some makes fulfilling the specifications & Make in India
guidelines, then same should be brought to the notice of this office for necessary action.

Assistant Engineer (E)(P) Jodhpur Executive Engineer (E) Jodhpur

CPWD Jodhpur CPWD Jodhpur


List of approved makes to be incorporated in tender documents
S.No. Details of Materials/Equipment Manufacturer's name/make
I.E.I, MCBDB & MCB, Cables
and Wires
1 MCB, Isolator, Industrial Plug Socket, Schneider Electric ACTI-9/
RCCB, RCBO’s. Legrand(DX3)/L&T(Au)/Siemens(Betagard)/ABB(SB2
2 MCBDB & Loose Wire Box. Legrand (EKINOX3)/ Schneider Electric ACTI-9 /ABB
(Elegance)/Siemens (Simbox63)
3 Change Over Switch. L&T/Havells/HPL/C&S/Legrand/ABB/Hager
4 Automatic Transfer switch(ATS) Cummins/Asco/Russelectric/ABB/L&T/GE
5 FRLS PVC insulated copper Finolex/RR Kabel/ Havells
conductor single core cable for wring
(ISI marked).
6 Armoured/Unamoured telephone Delton/Finolex/RR Kable/Bonton/ Havells
cable and Co-axial cable
7 MS Conduit (ISI Marked) with Heavy BEC/NIC/AKG/RMCON/Steel Krafts
Duty MS conduit pipe Accessories.
Note:- All Ms conduit pipe accessories will be same
make as that of conduit pipe and will comply to IS/4768
part 2 2003
8 PVC conduit (ISI Marked) with heavy AKG/Norpack/BEC
duty PVC conduit pipe accessories
9 Modular switch, socket/Telephone Legrand (Myrius)/Schneider Electric
socket/cable TV socket/Data outlet (Zencelo)/Honeywell (ORNA)/ABB(IVIE)/Wipro
socket/fan Regulator/GI Boxes and (North West Platia)Hager (Insysta)/Havells (Murano)
cover plate, blanking plate, Modular
MCB etc.
10 PVC Trunking MK(Honeywell)/Legrand/ Schneider/Hager.
11 G.I/MS pipe Tata/Jindal(Hissar)/Prakash Surya
12 Synthetic enamel paint ICI Dulux/Asian/Nerolac

13 Terminal Blocks and Connectors Elmex/Wago/Hensel/Connectwell/Essen/L&T

14 Phenolic Laminated Sheet/Bakelite Hylam/Formica/Greenlam
15 Cat-6 Cable/Wire & Fiber Optic Amp/Avaya/Belden/Legrand/Delton/Molex/
Cable/CAT 6A
16 XLPE insulated PVC sheathed Finolex/RR Kable/ Havells
Al./Copper Conductor
Armoured/Unarmoured cable of 1.1
KV grade.
17 GI/Copper Strip and Earthing material Bharti/Indiana/Slotco
18 Chemical Earthing JMV LPSLtd./PragatiElectrocom/Ecosafe/Duval
19 Occupancy Sensor/Lighting Control Philips/Schneider/Legrand/Siemens
Fan & Fittings, Street Lights
20 LED fittings Philips/Trilux/ Havells/Lighting Technology/
Wipro/Osram/ Panasonic


21 Exhaust Fan Havells/ Usha/Almonard/ Orient
22 Ceiling Fan Havells /Usha/Orient
23 Wall Bracket Fitting(LED) Havells/Philips/Jaquar/Trilux/LT
24 Lamp/Fluorescent tubes/T5 Philips/Osram/Havells/
Fluorescent tubes/LED lamp
25 Geysers Havells /Recold/AO Smith
26 LED Post Top fitting/street light Havells/ /Philips / KeselecSchreder/ Lighting
fitting Technology/ Osram/
27 LED street lights with inbuilt Solar Havells/ /Philips / KeselecSchreder/ Lighting
panel and controller Technology/ Osram/
28 Ornamental M.S & CI Pole(Factory KeselecSchreder/ Valmont/ Philips/ Wipro/ Crompton
Finish) greaves/ Bajaj/Transrail
29 Hot Dipped Galvanized Octagonal Crompton Greaves/Phillips/Valmont/Bajaj/
Pole(Factory Finish) Wipro/Transrail
30 Polycarbonate Junction Hensel/Spelsberg/Naptune-Bals/Sintex
31 High Mast Pole Bajaj/ / Crompton/ Valmont
Substation and DG sets
32 LT panel/Meter panel Board/Outdoor Tricolite Electrical Industries/Control & Switchgears
Feeder Pillar/APFC panel(less than Pvt. Ltd./Milestone/Adlec Power Pvt.Ltd./Advance
200KVAR)/Bus Duct Panels & Switchgear Pvt.Ltd. /Schneider/L&T/Siemens/
Sterling & Wilson/Engineers & Engineers/ Precision
System control/Neptune/ Conqurent/ SPC/Application
Control/Johns panel
33 LT panel(TTA Type) L & T (Model - TERA)/Schneider (Model - Block
Set)/ABB(Model - ArTu K)/Siemens(Model- Siepan
34 Air insulated rising main C&S/L&T/Schneider/Legrand//Godrej
35 Sandwich type bus trunking C&S/L&T/Schneider/Legrand/ Godrej
36 Moulded Case Circuit Breaker Schneider Electric (NSx Series)/Siemens (VL
(MCCB) Thermal Release/ Series)/L&T(Dsine)/Legrand(DPX3)/ABB(TMAX)
Microprocessor based
37 Power/Aux. Contactor 3/4 pole Schneider /L&T/BCH/Siemens/Legrand/ABB
38 Potential Transformers/Current Automatic Electric/Gilbert & Maxwell/L&T/Kappa/
39 LED type, Indicating Lamps/Push Schneider/ABB/L&T/Siemens/Vaishno/C&S
40 Overload relays with built in Single Schneider Electric /L&T /Siemens /ABB /C&S
Phase Preventer /BCH/Legrand
41 Conventional/Electronic Digital Conzerv/L&T/Secure/AE/Siemens/ Schneider/ABB
42 Timer Siemens/L&T/Legrand/ABB/Schneider Electric/BCH
43 Fasteners/ GI clamp Hilti/Fischer/Canon /Wurth
44 D.W. Corrugated HDPE Pipe(ISI REX/Tirupati/Supreme/Jain Irrigation/
45 Transformer(Oil/Dry type) ABB/Schneider/Siemens/Areva/ VOLTAMP/
Crompton/ Kirloskar/ Uttam Bhart/Indian
Transformer/National Transformer
46 HT Panel/Ring Main Unit Siemens/ABB/L&T/Schneider/ Crompton


47 HT Cable (ISI Marked). CCI/Polycab /Universal/NICCO/KEI/ Finolex/Gloster/
48 HT End Termination/ Cable jointing Raychem/Denson/Cabseal/Safekit/3M
49 ACBs(with display) Siemens (Sentron 3 WL)/L&T(U-Power-OMEGA)/
ABB (E maxt 2 / Schneider Electric (Masterpact
50 Rubber Mat and Electrical Gloves Raychem/Honeywell
51 Digital multifunction meter Conzerv/Siemens/Schenider/Legrand/L&T/ C&S
52 Fire Extinguisher (All types) Minimax/Safex /Ceasefire/Tyco/ Kanex
53 Capacitor & Reactors/APFC Relay EPCOS/L&T/DUCATI/ABB/siemens/Schneider/
54 Cable Glands Double Compression Baliga Lighting/Comet/Cosmos/Dowell’s/Gripwell/
with earthing links Raychem
55 Bimetallic Cable Lug/Thimble Comet /Dowell’s/Hax Brass(Copper Alloy
56 MS/GI cable tray Schneider/Legrand/MK(Honeywell)/
Pilco/slotco/pasco/MEM/ BEC/ steelways
57 Programmable logic controller(PLC) Siemens/L&T/ABB/Allen Bradley
58 Selector Switch & Toggle switch Salzer (L&T)/Siemens/
59 DC Power pack Unit Statcon/Amara Raja/HBL/Thycon India
60 SMF Battery Exide/Amara Raja/HBL/Amco
61 IDMT Overcurrent and Earthfault Areva/L&T/Siemens/Schneider/ABB
62 UPS(Online/Offline) Numeric/Eaton/APC/Vertiv/Mitsubishi/Delta/ABB

Note: 1. Only applicable items as per requirement of the tender.

2. Department reserves the right to reject any material used without Prior approval from
Engineer-in-Charge. No payment shall be made for such rejected material.
3. Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) order 2017 issued by competent
authority of Government of India shall be implemented during selection of materials
and execution of work accordingly. Any Manufacturer if not included in the approved
make list, may be considered by the Engineer-in-Charge provided such manufacturers
comply the above policy along with their product meeting the specifications and other
details of the required item.
4. For each item to be used at site, contractor shall submit model number for each item of
minimum three different make for approval by Engineer-in-charge

Assistant Engineer (E)(P) Jodhpur Executive Engineer (E) Jodhpur

CPWD Jodhpur CPWD Jodhpur


Schedule of Quantity (Electrical work)

Name of Work : Repair of 06 No. SOS staff quarter of Railway Colony, 15 No.
Staff Quarters of Spring field and 20 No. Staff quarters of
Chaprasi Line at ISA, CRPF, Mount Abu(Raj.) ( Civil &
Electrical work).

S.No. DESCRIPTION OF ITEM Qty Unit Rate Amount

SH:- I (Wiring)
Wiring for light point/ fan point/
exhaust fan point/ call bell point
with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC
insulated copper conductor single
core cable in surface / recessed
1 medium class PVC conduit, with
modular switch, modular plate,
suitable GI box and earthing the
point with 1.5 sq.mm. FRLS PVC
insulated copper conductor single
core cable etc as required.
a Group A 533 Point 1015.00 540995.00
Wiring for light/ power plug with
2X4 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated
copper conductor single core cable
in surface/ recessed medium class
2 1000 Mtr 334.00 334000.00
PVC conduit along with 1 No 4 sq.
mm FRLS PVC insulated copper
conductor single core cable for loop
earthing as required.
Wiring for light/ power plug with
4X4 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated
copper conductor single core cable
in surface/ recessed medium class
3 500 Mtr 537.00 268500.00
PVC conduit along with 2 Nos 4 sq.
mm FRLS PVC insulated copper
conductor single core cable for loop
earthing as required.
Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring
along with earth wire with the
following sizes of FRLS PVC
4 insulated copper conductor, single
core cable in surface/ recessed
medium class PVC conduit as
a 2 X 1.5 sq. mm + 1 X 1.5 sq. mm 300 Mtr 233.00 69900.00


earth wire
2 X 6 sq. mm + 1 X 6 sq. mm earth
b 200 Mtr 439.00 87800.00
wire (Submain)
Supplying and drawing following
sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper
5 conductor, single core cable in the
existing surface/ recessed steel/ PVC
conduit as required.
a 3 x 1.5 sq. mm 152 Mtr 95.00 14440.00
b 6 x 1.5 sq. mm 99 Mtr 181.00 17919.00
Supplying and drawing co-axial TV
cable RG-6 grade, 0.7 mm solid
copper conductor PE insulated,
6 shielded with fine tinned copper 348 Mtr 47.00 16356.00
braid and protected with PVC sheath
in the existing surface/ recessed
steel/ PVC conduit as required.
Supplying and fixing of following
sizes of medium class PVC conduit
along with accessories in
surface/recess including cutting the
wall and making good the same in
case of recessed conduit as required.
a 20 mm 800 Mtr 128.00 102400.00
b 25 mm 500 Mtr 145.00 72500.00
Supplying and fixing following size/
modules, GI box along with modular
base & cover plate for modular
switches in recess etc as required.
a 2 Module (75mmX75mm) 41 Each 298.00 12218.00
Supplying and fixing following
modular switch/ socket on the
9 existing modular plate & switch box
including connections but excluding
modular plate etc. as required.
e TV antenna socket outlet 41 Each 148.00 6068.00
Supplying and fixing suitable size
GI box with modular plate and cover
in front on surface or in recess,
including providing and fixing 3 pin
10 5/6 amps modular socket outlet and 41 Each 477.00 19557.00
5/6 amps modular switch,
connection etc. as required. (For
light plugs to be used in non
residential buildings).


Supplying and fixing suitable size
GI box with modular plate and cover
in front on surface or in recess,
11 including providing and fixing 6 pin 164 Each 586.00 96104.00
5/6 & 15/16 amps modular socket
outlet and 15/16 amps modular
switch, connection etc. as required.
Supplying & fixing suitable size GI
box wih modular plate and cover in
front on surface or in recess
including providing and fixing 25 A
12 41 Each 727.00 29807.00
modular socket outlet and 25 A
modular SP MCB, “C” curve
including connections, painting etc.
as required.
Supplying and fixing two module
stepped type electronic fan
regulator on the existing modular
13 82 Each 369.00 30258.00
plate switch box including
connections but excluding modular
plate etc. as required.

SH-II (Fan & Fitting )

Supplying and fixing brass batten/
1 angle holder including connection 81 Each 131.00 10611.00
etc. as required.
Supplying and fixing call bell/
2 buzzer suitable for single phase, 230 44 Each 99.00 4356.00
volts, complete as required.
Supplying, Installation, Testing &
Commissioning of 300 mm sweep
900 RPM, minimum Air Delivery
1100 cubicmeter /hour and Max
power consumption 60 Watt, heavy
duty metallic body exhuast fan with
all accessories suitable for operation
3 on single phase 230 volts 50 Hz AC 41 Nos. 3330.00 136530.00
supply with heavy duty motor with
double ball bearing including
making the hole to suit the size of
the above fan, making good the
damage i/c connection with 1.5
Sqmm FRLS PVC copper wire etc.
as required.


Supplying, Installation, Testing &
Commissioning of 250 mm sweep
fresh air-fan, 1200 -1350 RPM,Max
Power Consumption 45Watt and
Minimim Air Delivery 800
cubicmeter/hour, in existing
4 41 Nos. 1815.00 74415.00
opening/ventilation window i/c
making the hole to suit the size of
the above fan, making good the
damage i/c connection with 1.5
Sqmm FRLS PVC copper wire etc.
as required.
Supplying of 1200mm sweep
ceiling fan capacitor type with
double ball bearing complete with
capacitor , suitable down rod ,
canopies , shackles, three number
Al.blade & suitable for operation on
230 volt 50 Hz single phase AC
supply (minimum air delivery 210
5 m3/min & Minimum Service Value 82 Each 2639.00 216398.00
4) i/c wiring the down rod of
standard length (upto 30cm) with
1.5 sq.mm FR PVC insulated copper
conductor single core cable i/c
providing and fixing laminated sheet
cover 3mm thick on the fan box etc
as reqd. (Minimum Service value
4.00 and above)
Supply Installatiton Testing and
Commissioning of IP65 IK08 rated
Integrated SMD Mid power LED
bulk head type light fixture made
from Pressure Die Cast AL housing
suitable with integral driver, system
lumen efficacy ≥100 lm/Watt output
, THD < 15% ,p.f.≥0.95,CRI >80 ,
life time of minimum 50000
6 41 Nos. 964.00 39524.00
Burning Hours with , 70% of intial
Lumen maintaned till life ends ,
CCT 3000°K / 4000°K / 5700°K
/6000°K/6500°K (As per ANSI Bin)
, maximum power consumption
should not more than the specified
rating and Fixture shall be of BIS
standard and trade mark certificate (
T.C.). surge protection 4 KV. . (a)


Minimum lumen output 1000 lm

Supplying & fixing decorative wall

bracket fitting made of poly
carbonate with vitreous enamelled
7 glass glob fixed on wall i/c 1 No. 82 Nos. 913.00 74866.00
Retrofit 10 watt LED lamp &
connections, testing &
commissioning etc complete as reqd.
Supply Installatiton Testing and
Commissioning of IP20 SMD Mid
Power LED batten type integrated
light fixture made from Powder
coated Extruded aluminium housing
with in built driver , System lumen
efficacy ≥ 100 lm/Watt output,
internal surge protection of 2.5 KV
with Short & Open circuit protection
,THD < 20% , P. F.≥0.95, CRI >80 ,
8 life time of minimum 50000 163 Nos. 667.00 108721.00
Burning Hours with , 70% of intial
Lumen maintaned till life ends ,
CCT 3000°K / 4000°K / 5700°K
/6000°K/6500°K (As per ANSI Bin)
, Maximum power consumption
should not more than the specified
rating and Fixture shall be of BIS
standard and trade mark certificate (
T.C.) 1170mm(+/-10%) LED batten
with min. lumen output 2200 lm
Pdg. & Fixing of BEE star level 5
star rated 15 Liter vertical mounted
Cylindrical shape storage water
Gyser with outer casing made of
M.S.sheet finished with anti-
9 6 Nos. 11283.00 67698.00
corrosive powder coating,inner tank
made of pure electrolytic
copper/stainless steel / SPHP,
Tubular copper sheathed and Nickel
plated heating element/ twin ceremic


cartridge heating element, stem type
thermostat and thermal cut out,Dual
indicating lamps for power supply
and thermostat,PUF insulation,
Pressure relase valve,fusible plug
etc. as required held in position with
4 no. rack bolts,duly wired with 3
core 2.5/4.0 Sqmm PVC insulated &
sheathed copper conductor and 16
A/25A three pin plug top,including
making inlet,outlet heavy gauge
C.P./ Flexible alloy, warranty
comprehensive- 2 years, heating
element-4 years, inner tank-7 years
complete with all accessories and
making good the damages and water
tight connection,testing etc. as
required. (Only for SO's Mess)
Supplying and fixing following way,
single pole and neutral, sheet steel,
MCB distribution board, 240 volts,
on surface/ recess, complete with
1 tinned copper bus bar, neutral bus
bar, earth bar, din bar,
interconnections, powder painted
including earthing etc. as required.
(But without MCB/RCCB/Isolator)
a 12 way, Double door 41 Each 2315.00 94915.00
Supplying and fixing 5 amps to 32
amps rating, 240/415 volts, "C"
curve, miniature circuit breaker
suitable for inductive load of
following poles in the existing MCB
DB complete with connections,
testing and commissioning etc. as
a Single pole 409 Each 256.00 104704.00
b Double pole 42 Each 656.00 27552.00
Earthing with G.I. earth pipe 4.5
metre long, 40 mm dia including
accessories, and providing masonry
1 6 Each 6855.00 41130.00
enclosure with cover plate having
locking arrangement and watering
pipe etc. with charcoal/ coke and salt


as required.

Providing and fixing 25 mm X 5

mm G.I. strip in 40 mm dia G.I. pipe
from earth electrode including
2 60 Mtr 706.00 42360.00
connection with G.I. nut, bolt,
spring, washer excavation and re-
filling etc. as required.
G. Total 2766142.00
Add 6.33% on DSR Rate Item (Total =2047990) 129638.00
Total : 2895780.00
Less 2.70% (for 0.973 Correction factor) on DSR Item -58796.00
Total 2836984.00


Price – Bid
Central Public Works Department

NIT No. : 06/SE/Jodhpur/2024-25

NAME OF WORK : Repair of 06 No. SOS staff quarter of Railway Colony, 15 No.
Staff Quarters of Spring field and 20 No. Staff quarters of
Chaprasi Line at ISA, CRPF, Mount Abu(Raj.) ( Civil &
Electrical work).


Name of the Contractor :

S.No Name of Component Estimated Cost Percentage % in Total

above or Figures Cost
below the
estimate cost.
1. Civil Component 27052645/-

2. Electrical Component 2836984/-

Total : 29889629/-



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