Graph Basic Terminology

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Basic terminology – Representation of Graph-

Graph traversal – Graph Algorithms

Introduction to Graph in Data

What Are Graphs in Data Structure?
✓ Graphs are non-linear data structures
comprising a finite set of nodes and
✓ The edges connect any two nodes in
the graph, and the nodes are also
known as vertices.
• A non-linear data structure is one where the elements are not
arranged in sequential order.
• For example, an array is a linear data structure, it is arranged
one after the other.
• Traverse all the elements of an array in a single run.
• It is not the case in non-linear data structures. The elements
are arranged in a multiple levels (hierarchical pattern).
• Graphs are non-linear.
• The next word to pay attention is finite.
• The graph to have a finite and countable number of
• This is a rather non-agreeable term.
• Essentially, a Graph may have an infinite number of
nodes and still be finite.
Real-World Example
• The best example of graphs in the
real world is Facebook.
• Each person on Facebook is a
node and is connected through
• Thus, A is a friend of B.
• B is a friend of C, and so on.
Graph Terminologies
1. Graph Representation:
• A graph is represented as a pair of
sets (V, E).
• V is the set of vertices or nodes.
• E is the set of Edges.
• In the above example,
V = { A, B, C, D, E }
E = { AB, AC, AD, BE, CD, DE }
Graph Terminologies

2. Node or Vertex: The elements of a

graph are connected through edges.
3. Edges: A path or a line between two
vertices in a graph.
4. Adjacent Nodes: Two nodes are called
adjacent if they are connected through an
Node A is adjacent to nodes B, C, and D in
the above example, but not to node E.
Graph Terminologies
5. Path: Path is a sequence of edges between
two nodes.
It is essentially a traversal starting at one
node and ending at another.
Thus, in the example above, there are
multiple paths from node A to node E.
Path(A, E) = { AB, BE }
Path(A, E) = { AC, CD, DE }
Path(A, E) = { AD, DE }
Types of Graphs in Data Structures
1. Finite Graph
The graph G=(V, E) is called a finite
graph if the number of vertices and
edges in the graph is limited in
2. Infinite Graph
The graph G=(V, E) is called a
finite graph if the number of
vertices and edges in the graph
is interminable.
3. Trivial Graph
A graph G= (V, E) is trivial if it contains only a
single vertex and no edges.

4. Simple Graph
If each pair of nodes or vertices in a
graph G=(V, E) has only one edge, it is a
simple graph. One edge connecting two
vertices.(one-to-one interactions between
two elements).
5. Multi Graph
Numerous edges between a pair of
vertices in a graph G= (V, E), is referred
as a multigraph.
There are no self-loops in a Multigraph.
6. Null Graph
It's a reworked version of a trivial graph.
If several vertices but no edges connect
them, a graph G= (V, E) is a null graph.
7. Complete Graph
✓ Graph G= (V, E) is a simple graph and it is
✓ Using the edges, n number of vertices must
be connected.
✓ It's known as a full graph because each
vertex's degree must be n-1.
8. Pseudo Graph
If a graph G= (V, E) contains a self-loop
besides other edges, it is a pseudograph.
9. Regular Graph
If a graph G= (V, E) is a simple graph with
the same degree at each vertex, it is a
regular graph.
10. Weighted Graph
A graph G= (V, E) is called a labeled or
weighted graph, each edge has a value or
weight representing the cost of traversing
that edge.
11. Directed Graph
A directed graph also referred to as a
digraph, is a set of nodes connected by
edges, each with a direction.
12. Undirected Graph
✓ It comprises a set of nodes and edges has
no direction.
✓ Undirected graph can form with a finite
number of vertices and edges.
13. Connected Graph
✓ path between one vertex of a graph
to any other vertex,
✓ is called connected graph.

14. Disconnected Graph

✓ no edge linking the vertices,
✓ the null graph as a disconnected graph.
15. Cyclic Graph
✓ graph contains at least one graph
✓ it is considered to be cyclic graph.
16. Acyclic Graph

✓ When there are no cycles in a graph,

it is called an acyclic graph.
17. Directed Acyclic Graph
✓ a directed acyclic graph (DAG),
is a graph with directed edges
but no cycle.
18. Subgraph
The vertices and edges of a
graph that are subsets of another
graph are known as a subgraph.
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