Assignment Infor
Assignment Infor
Assignment Infor
• Literature review
• Discuss your topic in detail using various literature sources for example, books,
journals or any credible internet sources but not Wikipedia, Investopedia,
Economics Help, Economics Tutor etc
• You basically discuss how your variables are related theoretically
• Methodology
• Discuss the method that you are going to use to conduct your analysis as well as
your model
• In your case you will be using the Least Squares method. Discuss briefly what the
method is about
• Also develop a model that will be used (Econometric model) stating which variable
is dependent (y) and which is independent (x)
This Eviews output should come in the appendix and not in your results section, in your results
section you should present your results in a table, for example:
Table 1: Savings and Investment (Investment as the dependent variable)
Dependent variable Investment
Included observations: 268
Variable Coefficient Standard error t-statistic p-value
C 184156.6 18783.27 9.80 0.000
Savings -10.90 0.997 -10.94 0.000
• Interpret your results and discuss what the R-Squared value means
• The section should be about a page
• Is your result in line with a priori expectations?
• Is your result statistically significant or insignificant
• Brief summary of the assignment including a brief discussion of the results
• Should be about a page max
List of references
• Documents/sources consulted or cited in your work.
• Use the Harvard method of referencing
Financial liberalisation is a process which involves the removal of controls by the government in
the financial sector namely, credit controls and interest rate controls (Spratt, 2009).
Spratt (2009) defines financial liberalisation as a process which involves the removal of controls
by the government in the financial sector namely, credit controls and interest rate controls.
List of sources/references
Ang, J. B. & McKibbin, W.J. 2007. Financial Liberalisation, Financial Sector Development and
Growth: Evidence from Malaysia. Journal of Development Economics, 84(1), 215-233. Journal
Articles – Names of the authors, title of the paper, Journal name (in italics), volume, issue
number in brackets and page numbers
Spratt, S. 2009. Development Finance: Debates, Dogmas and New Directions. London:
Routledge. Books – Names of authors, title of the book (in italics), place where the book is
published and publisher
World Bank, 2014. World Development Indicators. [Online] Available: http://data.worldbank.
org. [Accessed 14 July 2014]. Internet sources – Names of the authors, title of the articles
• You present the regression output from Eviews