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▪ The assignment should be between 6 and 10 pages long excluding the cover

page, table of contents, list of sources and the appendix.

▪ Font should be Times New Romans and font size should be 12
▪ 1.5 line spacing and the assignment should be justified
Have a table of contents and cover page
Due date is: 7 September (The assignment should be submitted on the Moodle site, more
information will be provided at a later date).
Your assignment should include the following:
• Introduction – Background information
• Introduce your topic and give a brief background
• State the objective or purpose of the assignment
• State the contents to follow in your assignment i.e. state the different sections that
are in your assignment and what is covered in those sections briefly

• Literature review
• Discuss your topic in detail using various literature sources for example, books,
journals or any credible internet sources but not Wikipedia, Investopedia,
Economics Help, Economics Tutor etc
• You basically discuss how your variables are related theoretically

• Methodology
• Discuss the method that you are going to use to conduct your analysis as well as
your model
• In your case you will be using the Least Squares method. Discuss briefly what the
method is about
• Also develop a model that will be used (Econometric model) stating which variable
is dependent (y) and which is independent (x)

• Description of data and descriptive statistics

• Describe the data that you will be using and where you got it from
• Discuss your two variables briefly and their measurement e.g. are you using GDP as
a growth rate or raw data
• Then use Eviews to calculate the descriptive statistics and any graphs and discuss
the descriptive statistics as well as the graphs

• Results - discussion of econometric analysis and results

• Run a regression on Eviews and discuss your results
• Your results should be presented in a table
• Do not include the Eviews output in the results, that comes in appendix
• You should conduct hypothesis testing as well using the p-value

Dependent Variable: INVESTMENT

Method: Least Squares
Date: 04/05/16 Time: 12:35
Sample: 1975 2015
Included observations: 41

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

SAVINGS -10.90408 0.997095 -10.93584 0.0000
C 184156.6 18783.27 9.804290 0.0000

R-squared 0.754087 Mean dependent var 205487.9

Adjusted R-squared 0.747782 S.D. dependent var 238188.2
S.E. of regression 119621.3 Akaike info criterion 26.26960
Sum squared resid 5.58E+11 Schwarz criterion 26.35319
Log likelihood -536.5268 Hannan-Quinn criter. 26.30004
F-statistic 119.5927 Durbin-Watson stat 0.344788
Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000

This Eviews output should come in the appendix and not in your results section, in your results
section you should present your results in a table, for example:
Table 1: Savings and Investment (Investment as the dependent variable)
Dependent variable Investment
Included observations: 268
Variable Coefficient Standard error t-statistic p-value
C 184156.6 18783.27 9.80 0.000
Savings -10.90 0.997 -10.94 0.000

• Interpret your results and discuss what the R-Squared value means
• The section should be about a page
• Is your result in line with a priori expectations?
• Is your result statistically significant or insignificant

• Brief summary of the assignment including a brief discussion of the results
• Should be about a page max

List of references
• Documents/sources consulted or cited in your work.
• Use the Harvard method of referencing

Examples of how to reference in text are as follows:

Financial liberalisation is a process which involves the removal of controls by the government in
the financial sector namely, credit controls and interest rate controls (Spratt, 2009).
Spratt (2009) defines financial liberalisation as a process which involves the removal of controls
by the government in the financial sector namely, credit controls and interest rate controls.

List of sources/references

Ang, J. B. & McKibbin, W.J. 2007. Financial Liberalisation, Financial Sector Development and
Growth: Evidence from Malaysia. Journal of Development Economics, 84(1), 215-233. Journal
Articles – Names of the authors, title of the paper, Journal name (in italics), volume, issue
number in brackets and page numbers

Spratt, S. 2009. Development Finance: Debates, Dogmas and New Directions. London:
Routledge. Books – Names of authors, title of the book (in italics), place where the book is
published and publisher
World Bank, 2014. World Development Indicators. [Online] Available: http://data.worldbank.
org. [Accessed 14 July 2014]. Internet sources – Names of the authors, title of the articles
• You present the regression output from Eviews


Statistics South Africa: http://www.statssa.gov.za/publications/publicationsearch.asp

Examples of data available; Motor Trade Industry Reports, Retail Trade Sales, Consumer Price
Index, Producer Price Index, Etc
Reserve Bank of South Africa: http://www.reservebank.co.za/
[Macroeconomic and financial data such as, interest rates – prime rate and repo rate, exchange
rates, loans and advances from the banking industry, etc.
Department of Trade and Industry: http://www.thedti.gov.za/econdb/default.asp
[Link to an extensive list of sources]
Absa Bank:
[Property research data]
World Bank: http://data.worldbank.org
International Monetary Fund (IMF): http://www.imf.org

You will be assessed as follows:

Introduction 5
Content 10
Analysis 20
Organisation 5
Conclusion 5
Referencing 5
Total 50

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