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3-2000-Simple Method For Computing Global Solar Radiati

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A Simple Method for Computing Global Solar Radiation

Article · January 2000


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2 authors, including:

M. Chegaar
Ferhat Abbas University of Setif


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Rev. Energ. Ren. : Chemss 2000 111-115

A Simple Method for Computing Global Solar Radiation

M. Chegaar and A. Chibani *

Département de Physique, Université Ferhat Abbas, Sétif (Algérie)
* Département de Physique, Université de Annaba, Annaba (Algérie)

Abstract - In this paper a simple correlation is developed to predict monthly average daily global
solar radiation on horizontal surfaces for different Algerian locations. The suggested model
expresses global radiation in terms of the per cent possible sunshine and the noon height of the
sun on the 15th of the month. The agreement between the measured and the computed values is
remarkable and the model is recommended for use in any location in Algeria.

Keywords: Global radiation - Horizontal surface - Sunshine duration.

Solar energy occupies one of the most important places among the various possible
alternative energy sources. An accurate knowledge of solar radiation distribution at a
particular geographical location is of vital importance for the development of many solar
energy devices and for estimates of their performances. Unfortunately, for many developing
countries solar radiation measurements are not easily available for not being able to afford the
measurement equipment and techniques involved. Therefore, it is rather important to
elaborate methods to estimate the solar radiation on the basis of more readily meteorological
Over the years, many models have been proposed to predict the amount of solar radiation
using various parameters [1-12]. Some works used the sunshine duration [1-8], others used
mean daytime cloud cover or relative humidity and maximum and minimum temperature [9-
11], while others used the number of rainy days, sunshine hours and a factor that depends on
latitude and altitude [12].
Algeria is a high insolation country. The number of sunshine hours amounts almost 3300
h./year. The climate is most favourable for solar energy utilisation, but the distribution of the
solar radiation is not well known. The importance of this work lies on the fundamental need
of knowledge of the global solar radiation data in the country.
In this paper, a simple model has been tested for different algerian locations. It only requires
the duration of sunshine and the noon height of the sun on the 15th of the month.

In the present work, data of monthly mean of daily global solar radiation and sunshine
duration from four Algerian meteorological stations (Algiers, Oran, Bechar and Tamanrasset)
are used [4]. The geographical location of stations are presented in table 1. The duration of
records of sunshine duration is 25 years and of global solar radiation is approximately 10
years. Measurements of global solar radiation were performed with Robitzsh and Kip-Zonen
pyranometers. For the recording of sunshine duration, Campbell-Stockes heliographs are

112 M. Chegaar and A. Chibani

Table 1: Geographical location of stations

Latitude Altitude Longitude
(deg.) (N) (m) (degree)
Algiers 36.43 25 3.15 E
Oran 35.38 99 0.37 W
Bechar 31.63 806 2.40 W
Tamanrasset 22.47 1378 5.31 E

From the analyses of the data of the four stations the following relationship is obtained:

G G 0 = K ( S / S 0 ) 0.63 sin h −0.19 (1)

Where G is the monthly average daily global radiation on a horizontal surface (MJ.m-2day-1),
G0 is the monthly average daily extraterrestrial radiation on a horizontal surface (MJ.m-2d-1), S
is the monthly average daily number of hours of bright sunshine, S0 is the monthly average
daily maximum number of hours of possible sunshine and h is the noon solar altitude on the
15th of the month (degrees). K is a zone parameter that depends on the climate.

G0 and S0 can be obtained from

G 0 = ( 24 I 0 / π ) ( 1 + 0.033 cos ( 360 N / 365 )) . Z

Z = ( cos λ cos δ sin ω + 2 π ω sin λ sin δ / 360 ) (2)
S 0 = 2 / 15 ar cos ( − tan δ tan λ ) (3)

Where I0 is the solar constant equal to 1367 Wm-2, N is the day number starting from the 1st
January, δ is the declination, λ is the latitude and ω is the hour angle. The coefficients a and b
are determined by the method of least squares.
The four meteorological stations are divided into three zones according to the relative
duration of sunshine.
- Mediterranean climate for Algiers and Oran.
- Sahara climate for Bechar.
- Tamanrasset which is influenced by the African tropical climate.

The relative percentage error is defined as follows :

ei = ( G i,m )(
− G i,c 100 / G i,m ) (4)

Gi,m and Gi,c are the i-th measured and computed values of global radiation.


Using eq. (2), the monthly average daily global radiation values were calculated and
appropriate zone parameters determined, K = 0.70 (Algiers and Oran), K = 0.73 (Bechar) and
K = 0,77 (Tamanrasset). The best estimates of global radiation were obtained for Bechar and
Tamanrasset. It is observed from the results that the maximum absolute percentage error
between the measured and predicted values of global radiation are 7.13 per cent for Bechar,
8,48 per cent for Tamanrasset and less than 9.7 per cent for Algiers and Oran.
CHEMSS : A Simple Method for Computing Global Solar Radiation 113

The variation of the daily global radiation measured and computed are represented in Figures
(1-4). The peak solar insolation occurs in the cases of Algiers, Oran and Beni Abbes in June,
July and for Tamanrasset in May-July, the solar radiation fluctuates from 22.21 MJ.m-2d-1 to
29.37 MJ.m-2d-1 for all the stations.

The monthly average daily global radiation incident on a horizontal surface has been
estimated using the proposed model. The formula requires only the sunshine duration and the
noon solar altitude of the sun. Appropriate zone parameters have been determined, K=0.7 for
Algiers and Oran, K=0.73 for Bechar and K=0.77 for Tamanrasset. It is possible to determine
other zone parameters by extending this model to other meteorological stations. The value of
the constant K changes from place to place according to the climatic characteristics. The
agreement between the measured and the estimated values is remarkable and it is
recommended for use in any location in Algeria or stations with similar climate.

[1] J. Canada, ‘Global Solar Radiation in Pais Valenciano Using Sunshine Hours’,
International Journal of Ambient Energy, 1988; 4: 197-201.
[2] J. Canada, ‘Solar Radiation Prediction from Sunshine in Eastern Spain’, Renewable
Energy, 1992; 3: 219-221.
[3] S.M.A. Ibrahim, ‘Predicted and Measured Global Solar Radiation in Egypt’, Solar
Energy, 1985; 35: 185-188.
[4] M. Capderou, ‘Atlas Solaire de l’Algérie’, Office des Publications Universitaires, 'T'. 1-3,
[5] S. Barbaro, S. Copolino, C. Leone and E. Sinagra, ‘Global Solar Radiation in Italy’, Solar
Energy, 1978; 20: 431-435.
[6] K.J.A. Revfeim, ‘On the Relationship Between radiation and mean daily sunshine
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology’, 1997; 86:183-191.
[7] N. Halouani et al., ‘Calculation of Monthly Average Global Solar Radiation on Horizontal
Surfaces Using Daily Hours of Bright Sunshine’, Solar Energy, 1993; 50: 247-258.
[8] C. Gueymard, ‘Analysis of Monthly Average Solar Radiation and Bright Sunshine for
Different Thresholds at Cape Canaveral, Florida’, Solar Energy, 1993; 51: 139145.
[9] I. Supit and R.R. Van Kappel, ‘A Simple Method to Estimate Global Radiation’, Solar
Energy, 1998; 63:147-160.
[10] J.C Ododo, ‘Prediction of Solar Radiation Using Only Maximum Temperature, and
Relative Humidity’, Energy Conversion and Management, 1997; 38: 1807-14.
[11] J.C Ododo et al., ‘The Importance of Maximum Air Temperature in the Parametrization
of Solar radiation in Nigeria’, Renewable Energy, 1995; 6: 751-763.
[12] J. Canada, ‘Global Solar Radiation in Valencia Using Sunshine Hours and
Meteorological Data’, Solar & Wind Technology, 1988, 5: 597-599.
114 M. Chegaar and A. Chibani

Fig. 1: The measured and calculated values of global solar radiation (Algiers)

Fig. 2: The measured and calculated values of global solar radiation (Oran)
CHEMSS : A Simple Method for Computing Global Solar Radiation 115

Fig. 3: The measured and calculated values of global solar radiation (Bechar)

Fig. 4: The measured and calculated values of global solar radiation (Tamaanrasset)

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