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Paper Group 4 Currency and Graph

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Rifal Seow Putra A (202111094)
Andika Rizky Ekaputra Prabantono (202111076)
Alfi Mukhtarul Anam (202111224)
Muhammad Akbar Kuncoro Jati (202111142)



All thanks for the presence of Allah SWT. Because of his grace we were able to
complete this paper properly and correctly.
We also thank Ms. Dina Novita Wijayanti, S.Pd., M.Pd. as a lecturer in Business
English 2 who has guided us and all those who have helped in the making of this paper,
because without the help of those who have helped in the making of this paper, this
paper will not be completed properly.
In the preparation of this paper, we feel that there are still many shortcomings, both in
writing technique and material. Therefore, we expect constructive criticism and
suggestions from readers for the perfection of this paper.
Thus this paper, hopefully this paper can be useful and useful for readers.




TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................iii

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .........................................................1

A. Backround .............................................................................1
B. Questiuons of the Problems...................................................1
C. Objectives..............................................................................1

CHAPTER 2 THEORETICAL STUDY .............................................2

A. Currency.................................................................................2
B. Graph......................................................................................3


A. Conclusion.............................................................................12
B. Recommendation...................................................................



1.1. Backround
Currency is the unit price of money agreed by the government and its people in a
country. Each country has its own currency. Although some countries have the same
type of currency. For example, in Indonesia, the currency is Rupiah, while in Japan the
currency is Yen. Meanwhile, countries that use the same currency include America,
Ecuador, Cambodia, Panama, and the British Indian Ocean Region.
A graph is a representation of data in a table that is displayed in the form of an image. In
addition, graphics can also be interpreted as a combination of data in the form of
numbers, letters, symbols, pictures, words and paintings that are presented in the media
to provide an overview of the data from representatives of materials and recipients of
materials. in the process of sending information.

1.2. Questions of the Problems

1. Definition of Currency
2. Benefits of Cooperation in terms of state finances:
3. Parties in the Operation of Electronic Money
4. Definition of Graph
5. Description types of Graphs
6. Graphics Function
7. Benefits of Graphics
8. Graphics Features

1.3. Objectives
1. To know definition from Currency
2. To know Benefits of Currency
3. To know Operation of Electronic Money
4. To know definition from Graph
5. To know Description types of Graphs
6. To know Graphics Function
7. To know Benefits of Graphics
8. To know Graphics Features
Definition of Currency
Electronic money / Digital money / E-Money / E-Currency is money used in
Internet transactions by electronic means. Typically, these transactions involve
the use of computer networks (such as the Internet and digital price storage
systems). Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is an example of electronic money.
Electronic money has stored value or prepaid where a certain amount of money
is stored in an electronic media owned by someone. The value of money in E-
Money will decrease when consumers use it for payments. E-money can be used
for various types of payments (multi-purpose) and is different from single-
purpose instruments such as telephone cards.
Electronic money is an interesting field in cryptography (see David Chaum's
work), the use of digital money is still on a small scale. One rare success was the
Hong Kong Octopus card, which started out as a transit payment system and has
grown into a widely used cash system. Another success was the Canadian
Interac network, which in 2000, had passed cash payments in retail in Canada
Its use is now increasingly popular among online businesses because of some of
its uniqueness, namely:
1. Intangible
Because it is only done for online transactions, e-currency is virtual or not in
physical form, so you can't put it in your wallet or shop directly with your e-
currency. Even so, this trait actually emphasizes the practical side of e-currency
that allows it to be spent online.
2. Universal
The role of e-currency in the world of online trading is as a payment system that
bridges the transaction activities of traders around the world. The difference in
currency exchange rates in each country will certainly be troublesome for those
of you who want to make buying and selling transactions abroad. E-currency
allows every online seller and buyer to transact without the need to bother
thinking about the currency exchange rate of the country of origin and the
transfer system from local banks.
3. Valid for Online Transactions
The ability of e-currency as a currency used in cyberspace is only limited to
online transactions. But in this era of globalization, buying and selling online is
increasingly in demand because of the convenience and speed of transactions.
With e-currency, it will be easier for you to make transactions for buying and
selling various kinds of goods and services available online. There are 2 (two)
products, namely:1.Prepaid Card, also known as Electronic Purches, with the
following characteristics:
a) the ‘electronic value’ is stored on a chip (integrated circuit) embedded in
the card.
b) the mechanism for transferring funds is done by inserting the card into a
certain device (card reader).
c) Prepaid Software, also called digital cash, with the following
d) The ‘electronic value’ is stored on a hard disk located in the Personal
Computer (PC).
e) The mechanism for transferring funds is through a communication
network, such as the Internet, at the time of making a payment.
Benefits of Cooperation in terms of state finances:
Not only China, currently BI also has a framework for LCS cooperation with
several other partner countries, namely Japan, Malaysia, and Thailand. . The
hope is that it can support rupiah stability through its impact on reducing
dependence on certain currencies in the domestic foreign exchange market. The
use of local currency in transaction settlement is also considered to provide a
number of direct benefits to business actors, including more efficient conversion
costs of transactions in foreign currencies. , availability of alternative trade
finance, and direct investment in local currency. To support the operation of the
LCS framework using the rupiah and the yuan, BI and PBC have appointed
several banks in their respective countries to act as Appointed Cross Currency
Dealers (ACCD).
• Electronic Money issuers are divided into:
1. Registered Electronic Money is Electronic Money whose identity data of
the holder is registered/registered at the Electronic Money issuer. In this regard,
issuers must apply the principle of knowing their customers in issuing
Registered Electronic Money. The maximum limit for the value of Electronic
Money stored on the chip or server media for registered types is IDR 5 million.
2. unregistered Electronic Money, is Electronic Money whose holder
identity data is not registered/registered at the Electronic Money issuer. The
maximum limit for the value of Electronic Money stored on the chip or server
media for the unregistered type is IDR 1 million.

Parties in the Operation of Electronic Money

1. Cardholder is a legal user of Electronic Money.
2. Principal is a bank or institution other than a bank that is responsible for
the management of the system and/or network among its members, either acting
as issuer and/or acquirer, in Electronic Money transactions in which cooperation
with its members is based on a written agreement.
3. Issuer is a bank or institution other than a bank that issues Electronic
4. Acquirer is a bank or institution other than a bank that cooperates with
merchants, which can process Electronic Money issued by other parties.
5. Merchants are sellers of goods and/or services who receive payments
from transactions using Electronic Money.

Understanding Graphics According to Experts
The following is the definition of the graph according to some experts:
Wai & Kaicher (1976: 1) claim that the notion of a graph is an image consisting
of points and lines connecting these points.
Wilson (1998: 8) states that the notion of a graph is a horizontal and vertical line
that connects two points.
Selby (1979: 13) states that the notion of a graph is a tool to express two or more
types of data.
Harper (1988: 42) states that the notion of a graph is a tool to display data in the
form of lines or curves that connect one variable to another.
In math, a graph can be defined as a pictorial representation or a diagram that
represents data or values in an organized manner.
The points on the graph often represent the relationship between two or more
Here, for instance, we can represent the data given below, the type and number
of school supplies used by students in a class, on a graph. We begin by counting
each supply and representing the data in particular colors in a systematic order in
a table.
Data can be represented in many ways. The 4 main types of graphs are a bar
graph or bar chart, line graph, pie chart, and diagram.
1. Bar Graph
Bar graphs are used to show relationships between different data series that are
independent of each other. In this case, the height or length of the bar indicates
the measured value or frequency. Below, you can see the example of a bar graph
which is the most widespread visual for presenting statistical data.
For example

1. Line Graphs
Line graphs represent how data has changed over time. This type of charts is especially
useful when you want to demonstrate trends or numbers that are connected. For
example, how sales vary within one year. In this case, financial vocabulary will come in
handy. Besides, line graphs can show dependencies between two objects during a
particular period.
For example

2. Pie Charts
Pie charts are designed to visualize how a whole is divided into various parts. Each
segment of the pie is a particular category within the total data set. In this way, it
represents a percentage distribution.
For example
3. Diagram
Diagram is a plan, drawing, or outline created to illustrate how separate parts work and
overlap at the connecting points.

For example

How to Describe Bar Graph

Bar graphs transform the data into separate bars or columns. Generally, this type of
visuals have categories on the x-axis and the numbers on the y-axis. So, you can
compare statistical data between different groups.

The bar graphs show which category is the largest and which is the smallest one. Each
group should be independent so that the changes in one do not influence others. The
bars or columns can be drawn either vertically or horizontally, as it doesn’t make any

The words used to describe bar chart are pretty similar to ones used for the line charts.
Let’s have a look at the exam question to IELTS writing test, as it’s one of the major
English-language tests for non-native English speakers in the world:

For example
We can answer

How to Describe Line Graph

This type of charts converts information into points on a grid that is connected with a
line to represent trends, changes, or relationship between objects, numbers, dates, etc.
These lines show movement over time affected by the increase or decrease in the key

To express the movement of the line, you should use appropriate verbs, adjectives, and
adverbs depending on the kind of action you need to show.

For Example

The answer is

How to Describe Pie Chart

The pie chart is primarily used to illustrate how different parts make up a whole. The
best way to present your data in a pie chart is to compare the categories with each other.
The following comparison words can be used interchangeably:
to compare

compared to

as opposed to


more than

the majority of

only a small monitory

greater than

less than

Here we have an example of a pie chart that represents how internet users aged 16+
prefer to browse the web:

The answer is
Graphics Function

The function of graphs is to describe data in detail in simpler numerical terms and to
explain the development and comparison of objects and related events in a concise and
clear way. The conclusions and functions of this graph are as follows:

 Explain quantitative data in a simple form, but in detail and detail.

 Explain the development, comparison of an object or event that is connected in a
concise, precise and clear manner.

Benefits of Graphics

Following are some of the benefits of graphics:

 Show or provide information about data that is most precise and easy to
 Readers will receive more information in no time
 Readers are more interested because the presentation of the data is more

 Demonstrate clear and easy-to-understand facts

 Make the communication process faster and more interesting
 Grouping the data contained in the text in a structured way so that the reader can
better understand the contents of the entire text
Graphics Features
The following are the characteristics of the graph:

1. X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) coordinates

2. There is a meeting point of X and Y
3. Compare the amount of data
4. Contains information and observation data
5. Contains data collection from the subject being examined
6. Contains quantitative data. Quantitative data is data related to numbers or letters.
Data is obtained by measuring, counting and adding or by modifying qualitative
data in quantities
7. There is a title that refers to the data object
8. The data contained in tables and graphs are real facts or values
9. There is information about the data for reference.



From the discussion above, we can conclude that currency is very important in
the international state order as a legal medium of exchange in a country.

Likewise with the graphics needed in processing data in order to obtain

information. Data can be represented in many ways. The 4 main types of charts
are bar charts or bar charts, line charts, pie charts, and charts.

Similarly, we can describe the material that is the subject of this proposal, of
course, there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses, because it lacks of the
knowledge and the reference. Author much hope dear readers, providing
constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfect proposal to the author in
the writing of the proposal in the next opportunities. Hopefully this paper is
useful for writers in particular are also dear readers in general. Such review this
time, may be useful for you and also inspire.




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