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Creatures of Lendar Private

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Creatures of Lendar

Fauna within The Baratic Mountains
The Saber Tooth Squirrel Native to the Northern regions of Relica,
this beast often roams around the cold
The Saber Tooth Squirrel is a ferocious forests and hills of the landscape. It can
beast that is both dexterous and occasionally be found on mountains as it
powerful in nature. is not fearful to traverse the land by
Although the smaller regular squirrel climbing. During heavy snowstorms it
cousin is only fond of fruits and nuts, also may sit out in caverns and caves.
this beast has grown a liking to meat and
often hunts prey within its habitat.
They still however have the same
natural boldness and aggressiveness and
often pick fights with bears, or go
around destroying bird nests just for the
fun of it. It is thus always hard to tell if
this creature is toying with its food or
not. Biology
Similar to the owlbear, this beast is a
Habitat cross between squirrel, bear and
sabertooth tiger.
The great long fangs of it are said to be The nightgazer is a nocturnal creature spaces and urban dark areas such as an
even sturdier and sharper than that of a that lives in groups of up to 100. During attic.
regular sabertooth tiger. Strong enough the night their big yellow eyes are the They make great nests and infest a great
to seriously injure a giant even. only thing visible. When encountering area such as the inside of a great tree, or
Its body is similar to a bear, but also travelers, dozens of them will surround within a barn. They also make whatever
more powerful for it to be able to leap them and blankly stare at them for attempts to survive without bringing
and climb great distances across many hours. themselves in danger by stealing from
surfaces. Some say they can see the lifespan of civilization and foraging.
Top this off with its great tail to balance other creatures and that they weep Biology
and even use for attacks, it becomes tears for the ones whose life will be cut This sapien-like creature has a tail
unstoppable in the wild. short… acclimated for the harsh colds. When it
needs to warm up it wraps itself with its
-MOBILITY/JUMPING WHEN tail. Its claws allow it to climb to reach
CONSUMED. maybe for cooking??- sources of food or run from predators.
With their bright yellow eyes and big
ears they are always aware of what's
The Snow-Tailed Nightgazer around them. When they see a predator
This little creature is often referred to as or other threat, they make a call that
the ‘ugliest of them all’ within the animal alerts other animals in the area. When a
kingdom. Its blank facial expression hunter finds a forest strangely empty,
paired with its unusually shriveled skin they often have the Nightgazers’
and big eyes make for a comical sight to vigilante to thank. Skilled rangers and
behold. People familiar with this beast druids are able to cultivate a spy
will even use it as an insult. “Your Habitat network among the Nightgazers. They
mother must’ve fucked a Nightgazer to The Snow-Tailed Nightgazer can be do this in order to gather news of
have you!” is one such phrase.. found in the wild within trees and comings and goings in the area, for the
caverns where they can crawl into tight Nightgazer always has a watchful eye.
get themselves a great hole in their foot Tales of old say that they go to sleep one
Magical usage/Harvesting if they’re not careful! more time, for the soil covers them and
Although maybe cruel, the eyes of the they become one with the mountain
Nightgazer can be used as an ingredient Habitat with only their stony spikes protruding.
for a Potion of Watchful Rest or a Potion These turtles can be found near any
of Clairvoyance. mountains, they however succeed in
The hair, claws and organs are all their accidental ‘trap’ mostly in the
excellent components for Divination north of Relica due to the snow covering
spells such as Augury, Locate Creature the dangerous shell.
and Legend Lore. Properly treated During Aelgo –when snow starts melting
remains of a Nightgazer are considered on the lower side of the mountain– all of
to be hard to find however. the Bear Trap Turtles wake from their
slumber and start their journey towards
the great hot springs near the top of the
mountains. They only have enough The diet of this turtle consists of only
The Bear Trap Turtle
energy to travel for one day though stone. They grind down the stones that
An unusual turtle with a rock-like shell before they go back into the ground. they eat and process it to use it as a
that is not very welcoming for anyone The cycle repeats every year and the substance. This only gives them a
touching it. Such a great fellow only journey is long and treacherous. Thus it limited amount of energy however
really cares for himself and is for the takes dozens of years for most to which leads to them hibernating almost
most part a regular turtle. complete. all year round.
It hibernates within the soil or earth and When one eventually does arrive, they When they are met with danger they go
waits out until Aelgo. During hibernation find their partner and mate within the back into their shell and are unable to be
time his sharp shell gets covered by hot springs. Once they have mated and harmed by most mundane things. Their
debris and snow, and creates a fools completed their journey it is unknown great rock shell is extremely resilient
bear trap. Any unlucky traveler might where they go. and even able to reduce magical effects.
Magical usage/Harvesting
The shell of this beast is very valuable
and rare. On its own without any magic
or additional ingredients it can be used
to craft strong pieces of armor or
weapons. Many tribes hunt them during
Aelgo to get good equipment.
For magical purposes however, this shell
can be used for sturdy equipment such
as a Ring of Resistance or a Spellguard
Shield. Furthermore it can be used as
components for any resistance spells or
a Potion of Invulnerability even.
To obtain the item will be difficult, due
to the difficulty in finding them even
during Aelgo time.
Magical usage/Harvesting

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