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SatNavNews Volume 77 Winter Edition


Page 2: More on GPS

Page 3: GPS: A celebration of the

first 50 years

Page 4: How WAAS turned into a

must-have system

Page 5: Dual Frequency Multiple

Constellation (DFMC) Standards
Progress and other technical updates

Page 5: WAAS LPV/LPs

Page 6: EGNOS Success Stories

KLM goes for LPV on their new
A320NEO fleet
Credits: GPS III, Lockheed Martin

Page 6: WAAS Storyboard

Page 8: Codes for filing FAA

Domestic Flight Plans

Page 10: WAAS is Working

SatNav Days
The GPS program celebrated 50 years on 17 December 2023—the date of the original approval of
Page 10: LPVs Internationally the system by DOD that now provides worldwide timing and position. That date is also 120 years
since Orville and Wilbur Wright flew the first powered, controlled, and sustained flights with a man
on board in 1903 at Kill Devil Hills, NC. The Wrights didn’t have much fancy navigation aboard the
plane (which resides at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC), but they did have
timing!! The Wrights had a stopwatch to time the duration of their flights.

An interesting tidbit is that GPS was not the first satellite navigation system. That honor goes to
Transit, which was developed by the US in the early 1960s. Transit was operated by the U.S. Navy
The SatNav News is produced until the mid-1990s when it was replaced by GPS.
by t he Nav ig at ion Progr ams
AJM-32 branch of the Federal Another day to be celebrated is “International GNSS* Day” which has been set at 23 October by
Aviation Administration (FA A).
This newsletter provides the Institute of Navigation (ION). It is a fair question to ask, “Why 23 October?” Most of the math
information on the Global geeks in the world are familiar with 14 March as “Pi Day.” With sufficient rounding, Pi is 3.14 which
Positioning System (GPS), the translates to 14 March. But what about 23 October?
Wide Area Augmentation System
(WAAS) and the Ground Based
Augmentation System (GBAS). First, let’s call it 1023. I think most of us understand that our GPS receivers calculate the distance
to each of the visible GPS satellites to deduce our position. This is done by a timing measurement
Reference in this newsletter to any
specific commercial products, process, of the transmission and reception of a signal from each visible GPS satellite with a conversion of the
service, manufacturer, company, time duration to a distance using the speed of light. Yes, it is more complicated than the previous
or trademark does not constitute one sentence, but our receiver basically converts the time of travel from each of the visible GPS
endorsement or recommendation
by the U.S. Government, DOT, or satellites to a distance, and then the receiver uses the distances from each satellite to compute
the FAA. As an agency of the U.S. our position.
Government, the FAA cannot endorse (Continued next page)
or appear to endorse any specific
product or service.
Stay with me—1023 is coming. The way the receiver measures the time from
the satellite to the receiver is with a coded sequence of signals generated at
1.023 MHz on the GPS L1 frequency—called the “chipping rate.” The Electrical
Engineering stuff can get pretty thick, but the 1023 date comes from the
chipping rate. Similar rates (or multiples) are used in other GNSS systems and

Yes, it would have been simpler if GNSS had used Pi Day—and much easier to
explain. But now you know.
-Vince Massimini, NAVTACII/DSc, CFI, CFII

*The Global Navigation Satellite System includes satellite navigation systems from
other countries.

More on GPS

to be
celebrated is
GNSS* Day”
To read more on the anniversary and impacts which has
of GPS click here for the December edition
of GPS World magazine. been set at
23 October
. . .Why 23
For all things GPS go to official website: www.gps.gov

GPS: A celebration of the
first 50 years
Reprint from GPS World
by Lisa Dyer, Executive Director, GPS Innovation Alliance (GPSIA)
October 23, 2023

This year marks 50 years since the U.S.

Department of Defense approved the design for
GPS and first funded the program. It is also the
30-year anniversary of an important milestone –
initial operational capability of GPS. Please don’t
let its longevity fool you into thinking it is past its
prime! GPS is, and will remain, one of the most
innovative systems ever designed, funded and
operated by the U.S. government.

Today, GPS represents a highly successful public

and private partnership, one in which diverse
stakeholders continue to coordinate through
fora such as the National Executive Committee
for PNT and its Advisory Board and the Civil
Image: David Grim
GPS Service Interface Committee. How did this
system become a military, public safety, critical A celebration of GPS must also recognize our lawmakers — the people who authorize
infrastructure, and economic success? The and appropriate funding for GPS and its augmentation programs. Nearly every
world-class GPS community is made up of the U.S. federal department and agency uses these systems to fulfill their missions on
teams and individuals who design, develop and behalf of the American people. They also leverage their technical, programmatic,
operate these critical technologies as well as the operational, and experiential expertise to ensure that GPS and its augmentation
people and organizations that benefit from its systems remain the best in the world. This work is possible thanks to congressional
applications. From pioneers, scientists, engineers, committees, members of Congress, and staff. The Senate Appropriations and House
and Guardians to civil servants, lawmakers, Appropriations committees, the Senate Armed Services and House Armed Services
and entrepreneurs, the GPS community has committees, the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation and the House Energy
transformed, is transforming, and will continue to and Commerce committees, the GPS Caucus and many more members of Congress,
transform lives across the globe, and soon, the provide critical oversight and funding. Their support ensures that GPS continues to
moon. bring $1.7 trillion and counting in economic benefits to the U.S. economy, creating
hundreds of thousands of jobs while enhancing national security, public safety and
GPS World highlighted the important roles played critical infrastructure.
by many early GPS pioneers in a two-part series
aptly titled, “Heroes” in the May and June 2010 The future is bright for GPS manufacturers and those developing new applications.
issues. It has also covered Dr. Gladys West, who To realize their success, projects funded by the Infrastructure and Investment Jobs
is one of the most consequential mathematicians Act and the Inflation Reduction Act will depend on GPS to continue to deliver signals
and programmers to contribute to the global that are accurate, have integrity, and are available and continuous in nature. The next
success of GPS. Her geodetic models helped enterprising GPS entrepreneur is waiting in the wings
refine our understanding of Earth’s shape, which
proved fundamental to the success of GPS and Thanks to a network of determined individuals, GPS-driven technologies — used
its myriad applications. In 2021, the Trimble to support precision agriculture, safe transportation, synchronized global banking,
Foundation established the Dr. Gladys West cutting-edge emergency response, elite and amateur sports, and more — are
Scholarship Program. Virginia State University transforming our lives, creating jobs, and promoting growth across the economy.
(her alma mater), North Carolina A&T State
University, and Florida International University GPSIA joins other members of the GPS community by celebrating 50 years of GPS
award four-year scholarships to one student and looks forward to the innovations and applications that will shape the next 50
per year to honor Dr. West’s achievements as a years and beyond.
woman of science and a woman of color.

How WAAS turned into a
The Safety Benefit
According to the FAA, WAAS provides

must-have system
pilots with more stable vertical guidance
for approaches and enhances safety in
all weather conditions. The Flight Safety

Once the subject of criticism, WAAS is on

Foundation points out that controlled
flight into terrain accidents are significantly
reduced by vertically guided approaches. ILS
the majority of general aviation aircraft approaches can be affected by bends in the
signals that can lead to a missed approach,
by David Hughes, December 4, 2023 the FAA noted.

There are only 1,290 ILS approaches in the

U.S.—just about one for every three LPVs.
Thus, many runways now have vertical
guidance without having to maintain an ILS
at the airport since WAAS approaches require
no navigation infrastructure at the airport.

Some runways cannot have vertical guidance

due to terrain or obstacles. WAAS localizer
performance (LP) procedures provide for
lateral accuracy similar to ILS for approaches
where terrain or obstructions do not permit
the vertically-guided LPV. The FAA says some
manufacturers include an advisory glideslope
so pilots can fly a stabilized descent to the
minimum descent altitude even when the
The FAA now has nearly 5,000 WAAS LPV and LP approaches. (Image: The FAA) approach does not officially have vertical
Twenty years ago, the FAA commissioned the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS),
opening the door to satellite-based GPS navigation with accuracy, integrity, and consistent There are 734 WAAS LP approaches to 734
availability for an array of business and general aviation aircraft. runways at 537 airports—most of which
do not have ILS. These RNAV approach
Leading up to then, WAAS had come under scrutiny—and criticism—after encountering several procedures without vertical guidance have
years of delays and mushrooming costs. Even so, groups such as the Aircraft Owners and LP minima that can also be helpful when
Pilots Association strongly backed it. there is no precision-type approach available
at an airport.
And now, if you are a business aviator and not using WAAS, then you can count yourself
in a minority. Most business aircraft rolling off the production line now are equipped to fly NBAA points to the benefits of the lower
RNAV approaches with WAAS localizer performance with vertical guidance (LPV) minima. minimums provided by WAAS. “Our members
value the precision-like minimums WAAS
Avionics repair shops also continue to upgrade aging jets, turboprops, and IFR-capable piston technology brings to the table. Many aircraft
singles and twins with WAAS LPV, often as part of major full panel upgrades. It can cost owners have equipped to take advantage
$20,000 to $30,000 to upgrade a small aircraft with WAAS LPV and more like $200,000 to of the capabilities and lower minimums at
$300,000 for a business jet, according to several avionics repair shops. many airports across the country that aren’t
currently served by an ILS,” said NBAA
What do general aviation aircraft owners get for the money? They get access to precision- senior director of air traffic services and
like approaches with more than 4,100 WAAS LPV procedures that can, in many cases, match infrastructure Heidi Williams. . . . (more)
Category 1 ILS minimums down to 200 feet. LPV serves more than 2,000 airports, including
more than 1,200 without ILS. Read the complete article here
in the December 2023 edition of
WAAS provides an accuracy of two to four meters for horizontal position by providing AIN magazine.
corrections to GPS from more than two dozen precisely surveyed ground stations throughout
the U.S., as well as in Canada, Puerto Rico, and Mexico. These corrections are broadcast up
to geostationary orbit satellites and then sent from there to avionics aboard aircraft.

Dual-Frequency Multiple Constellation
(DFMC) Standards Progress and other
technical updates
While the production and availability of DFMC SBAS equipment. This version of the MOPS includes all the requirements for a
equipment remains in the future, standards bodies GPS-RAIM service, and L1 SBAS service, and a DFMC SBAS service. The MOPS
completed several important milestones in 2023. adds requirements for detection of interference and spoofing and extends the
required GPS satellite tracking to satellites broadcasting PRNs 1-63, in line with the
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) GPS Interface Standards. It includes the updated DFMC SBAS VPL equation. The
update the DFMC Satellite Based Augmentation fourth meeting in October 2023 commenced the development of the next revision.
System (SBAS) standard and made progress in the Participants at the meeting discussed capability that may be included in the next
development of Horizontal Advanced Receiver version. The meeting agreed to include the H-ARAIM service. Other capabilities are
Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (H-ARAIM) of interest depending on the relative maturity of the capability and market needs.
standards. H-ARAIM provides integrity through There was interest to at least include forward-fit requirements for V-ARAIM. There
use of redundant measurements similar to existing was interest to include authentication services, with the SBAS Navigation Message
RAIM. H-ARAIM however can use either a Authentication (NMA) and Galileo Authentication Service under discussion. RTCA
dual-frequency ranging observation or single did not make any specific decisions regarding implementation of these capabilities
frequency ranging observations from either and plans to monitor development of both capabilities.
frequency. This will provide some resiliency
against interfering signals in only one frequency In September, SBAS providers met in Toulouse, France for the 38th SBAS
band. H-ARAIM also provides a safe way to Interoperability Working Group (IWG) meeting. The European Space Agency hosted
integrate core satellite constellations with the meeting at the Cité de l’Éspace. IWG-38 included one and a half days of parallel
different performance characteristics. The ICAO meetings of the Technology Subgroup (TSG) and the Operations Subgroup (OSG)
Navigation Systems Panel developed a Standards and a day of plenary meetings. The plenary received briefs from SBAS providers on
and Recommended Practices (SARPs) update for the status of current SBAS systems and the planned deployment schedules for new
Annex 10 – Aeronautical Telecommunications, SBAS systems. SBAS providers continue to make progress with the deployment of
Volume 1 - Radio Navigation Aids. In October, new SBAS systems and services. The TSG reviewed some discussion points that
the Air Navigation Commission authorized the emerged from the DFMC SBAS MOPS FRAC and delved more deeply into aspects of
transmission of the update to Contracting States the proposed SBAS NMA scheme. The OSG received updates from SBAS providers
for review, with comments due back to ICAO by on available procedures. Japan provided an update on the trial SBAS approaches to
April 30, 2024. This will become Amendment 94, LPV minima. India indicated an increase in promulgated procedures, with procedures
with effectivity in November 2025. The SARPs now available for 8 runways at 5 airports. India has an additional 16 procedures
update also includes a change in the DFMC SBAS at 9 airports in development. Two airlines provided updates on their SBAS plans.
Vertical Protection Level (VPL) equation. The ASECNA provided an out brief of their Abuja demonstration and outreach event.
change officially incorporates a change briefed - Joseph Dennis, FAA AJM-32/NAVTAC II
at prior NSP meetings and at the 37th SBAS
Interoperability Working Group (IWG) meeting.
The development of Vertical ARAIM standards
remains a future NSP task.

RTCA and EUROCAE met jointly four times in

2023. The first two meetings (January and March)
progressed the development of the Minimum
Operations Performance Standards (MOPS) for
DFMC SBAS Airborne Equipment. This enabled
release of a version for Final Review and Comment
(FRAC). The third meeting in June 2023 reviewed
and adjudicated the FRAC comments, and lead
shortly thereafter to formal approval by RTCA
and EUROCAE. The MOPS, RTCA DO-401 and
EUROCAE ED-259A, was published in September
2023 to support validation of requirements. A
future revision will be the basis for a Technical This graphic reflects the continued growth of satellite-based LPV/LPs approach
Standing Order and the development of DFMC procedures. For more detailed information please visit: http://www.faa.gov/about/
office_org/ headquarters_offices/ato/service_units/techops/navservices/gnss/

EGNOS Success Stories
KLM goes for LPV on their new
A320NEO fleet
Reprint from EGNOS BULLETIN Issue 41, Autumn ’23 Edition

Credits: KLM

The Netherlands flag carrier expands its fleet by incorporating a large set of
new LPV-capable A320NEO and A321NEO, a more efficient aircraft model
that will constitute a significant fleet renewal for the company, contributing
to its sustainability objective for reducing CO2 emissions.

About KLM…
Based in Amsterdam, KLM started operations Airbus 320NEO and 321NEO aircraft. To this
in 1919, making it the world’s oldest airline purpose, by the end of 2021, the Air France-
still operating under its original name. KLM Group signed an order for 100 aircraft
The airline has been evolving since then, of the NEO family, with the option to extend
reaching more than 92 European cities and it up to 160. The new fleet is intended to be
70 intercontinental destinations and carrying operated by KLM, Transavia Netherlands and
34.1 million passengers and 621,000 tonnes Transavia France and will replace the current
of cargo today. The KLM Group (KLM Royal Boeing 737NG, whose face-out is expected
Dutch Airlines, KLM Cityhopper, Transavia in 2030. The Airbus A320NEO family not only
and Martinair) is also part of the Air France- produces 50% less noise than the current,
KLM group, being one of the world’s largest older generation of aircraft but also reduces
WAAS is a highly accurate satellite air carriers. Following this lengthy path, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions to
based navigation system developed the latest objectives for the company are 15%. Alongside their LPV capability, these
for civil aviation that augments sustainability and the reduction of the units will serve KLM to meet more stringent
the basic service provided by environmental footprint, which requires the criteria and thus reduce Delays, Diversions
GPS through improved accuracy, acquisition of the latest and best available and Cancellations (DDCs).
integrity and availability for all
Performance Based Navigation
KLM’s decision on LPV
(PBN) operations and vertically
guided approaches. A fleet renewal As part of this renewal, KLM has decided
The latest outcome of KLM’s sustainability to equip all of those ordered aircraft with
This storyboard demonstrates corporate objective is acquiring a large set of EGNOS and LPV capability, which will
how WAAS operates within the
National Air Space (NAS).

cover the European continental
network. Currently, there are
more than 800 LPV approaches
published in Europe that KLM
could benefit from with the new
aircraft units, resulting in a safer
and more sustainable fleet. As
Vicent Hilligers -ATM Regional
Manager of KLM- declares, the
PBN Implementing Rule and
the safety benefits provided by
EGNOS were fundamental in
the decision-making. The PBN
Implementing rule mandates
that, for 2024, all European
instrument runway ends must
implement RNP approaches to
the three lines of minima (LNAV,
LNAV/VNAV and LPV), and
Credits: KLM
air navigation should transition
from conventional to a full PBN environment in 2030, with LPV as normal means for CAT-I approaches. KLM was aware of the expected
scenario for 2030, and they saw LPV as a basic need for future operations. In addition, the vertical guidance provided by EGNOS is not
affected by temperature or QNH mis-settings, increasing the safety levels compared to barometric vertical guidance.

Next steps
The process to be LPV-ready will not be complicated. Since the aircraft comes with LPV from the manufacturing line, they will only have
to train the pilots from the beginning. The training will also include other PBN capabilities, such as RNP AR, which can fulfil the use of the
parallel RNP AR approaches at their home base, Schiphol, which is foreseen in the Dutch PBN roadmap as part of their sustainability goal.

KLM sees the need to equip its fleet with LPV in the coming years, especially on new orders. Recently, the regional carrier of the KLM
Group, KLM Cityhopper, received the first LPV-capable fleet with the acquisition of new Embraer E2 jets. On the other hand, KLM’s
French partner, Air France, implemented a new company policy to equip all new aircraft with SBAS and LPV. Clearly, EGNOS will play a
key role in the future of the Air France-KLM Group.

KLM has decided
to equip all of
Did you know...? those ordered
Air France will equip all future aircraft with LPV! aircraft with
In a groundbreaking move for aviation, Air France has taken a monumental step to EGNOS and
improve the safety and efficiency of its future fleet. The airline made the bold decision to equip
all its future aircraft with LPV (Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance) capability.
This visionary choice means a commitment to providing passengers with unprecedented
LPV capability,
precision during approaches and landings. LPV technology leverages the power of
satellite-based navigation systems, ensuring aircraft can navigate safely even in the
which will cover
most challenging weather conditions. Air France’s decision to adopt LPV across its
entire future fleet is a major step forward in modern aviation. It sets a new standard of
the European
excellence, demonstrating its unwavering commitment to passenger safety, operational
efficiency and environmental responsibility. continental


Codes for filing FAA Domestic Flight Plans
using GPS/WAAS
A simplified approach
As the U.S National Airspace System (NAS) flight plan for the General Aviation user. The AIM has an entire appendix with pages
transitions to Performance Based Navigation and pages of tables dedicated to many obscure codes, and these can be difficult to
(PBN), the routes and procedures are based on apply. To simply the process for most GA aircraft, this article does not include filing
a level of aircraft performance (RNAV-1, -2, etc.), for international flight plans, aircraft with sophisticated Flight Management Systems
instead of the specific performance of VOR or ILS. (FMSs), nor does it include airline or air taxi users flying under mandated operational
Area Navigation (RNAV) en route and terminal specifications. We will try to keep it straightforward and use a minimum of jargon.
procedures can be flown with a variety of satellite
and/or radio navigation sensors. For example, So, let us start with the first part of Block 10 or “Aircraft Equipment.” This is principally
RNAV en route procedures (Q/T Routes and direct addressing what installed communications and navigation equipment one has aboard.
routing) and terminal procedures (SID/STAR) can If you do not have a radio or installed electronic navigation equipment, enter “N,” and
be flown using either GPS, WAAS, or DME/DME/ you are done.
IRU navigation. To fly approaches on RNAV(GPS) • If you have an installed VHF comm radio, hold that thought and go to the next
charts, either GPS or WAAS can meet required bullet.
performance for non-precision LNAV approaches. • If you have an installed VOR/ILS in addition to the comm radio, enter “S.”
Finally, to fly the minima for Localizer Performance These can be in a single NAVCOM box, a VHF/VOR/GPS, separate boxes, or a
with Vertical guidance (LPV) or the non-vertical multifunction display. If you do not have an installed VOR/ILS, then enter “V”
guidance LP approaches, WAAS is the only solution (only a VHF radio).
in the U.S. • If you have an IFR-approved GPS, enter “GR” in addition to S or V. This GPS
capability does not include tablets, handhelds, or an installed VFR GPS. In general,
The efficiency benefits from PBN come at the IFR-approved GPSs can conduct LNAV instrument approaches (in addition to
cost of more complicated flight plan options and other navigation, of course). The G is for GPS and the R is for PBN approval,
equipment codes. The new ICAO flight plan format which all installed and approved IFR GPSs have.
for civil domestic flights (FAA Form 7233-4) is a bit • If your installed IFR GPS has Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) capability,
more complex in a few areas, but it is mostly the enter “GBR” (and not the GR above). WAAS GPSs have the capability to offer
same stuff as the old FAA form (FAA Form 7233-1). LPV or LP approaches—so you can select an RNAV approach, and the avionics
will cycle to “LPV” or “LP” if the approach has those lines of minima.
One thing that has proved to be more complex in
the ICAO flight plan is the Equipment Codes (Block Now, a couple of quick examples. If you have a Garmin 430W or a G750, you can
10 on the 7233-4 or sometimes just labeled, for enter SGBR, since you have a VHF radio, a VOR/ILS, and a WAAS GPS. If you have
example, as “Aircraft Equipment” or “Surveillance a VHF radio, no VOR/ILS, and King KLN-94 (GPS but not WAAS). Then you enter
Equipment” on tablets or online apps.) Also, Block VGR—a VHF radio, no VOR/ILS, and a GPS (non-WAAS) receiver. Note that some
18 “Other Information,” has required entries that older Garmin G1000s do not have WAAS, so they are SGR, while newer ones have
can be bewildering for folks not familiar with the WAAS and would be SGBR.
performance levels of PBN.
If you are still with me, there are a few more Equipment Codes. If you have a DME,
In the “old days,” filing /G (for GPS) got you then add a “D” to what you had above. If you have fancy stuff like an inertial navigation
almost everything you wanted—direct routing, system, FMS, DME/DME RNAV, or a Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS), go
GPS approaches, etc. The truth is, /G will still get to the AIM. These are not common except in airliners or business jets. Note that an
you most of what you want. But the FAA relies electronic directional gyro (ADHRS) in a multifunction or a round dial display is not
on the flight plan Equipment Codes and Other an inertial navigation system.
Information to understand which services aircraft
use so that the FAA can allocate resources more This gets us through the communications and navigation equipment. Surveillance
effectively. Analysis of filed flight plans indicates equipment is easier for domestic flight plans.
that many users are not completely specifying their • If you have no transponder, enter “N.”
capabilities when filing flight plans. • If your transponder has no altitude reporting, enter “A.”
• If you have a transponder with altitude reporting capability, enter “C.”
The purpose of this article is to assist users in Note: For international flight plans, you must identify various capabilities of a Mode S
understanding and correctly filing the Equipment transponder—a bunch more codes. This is not required for domestic flight plans.
Codes and Other Information in the FAA ICAO

ADS-B equipment codes are also required if you have ADS-B. If you do not have ADS-B, just

enter the transponder code above. Unfortunately, if you have ADS-B you must look in your
ADS-B manual for your equipment type. Here are the codes:
• If you transmit your ADS-B Out information via Mode S (i.e., on 1090 MHz) but do not
have an installed ADS-B In receiver, use “B1.” If you have an installed ADS-B In receiver
In the
and see traffic and weather on your display, use “B2.” Portable/non-installed ADS-B In
receivers do not count—so file B1 if your ADS-B In is portable.
“old days,”
• If you transmit your ADS-B Out information via UAT (on 978 MHz) but do not have an
installed ADS-B In receiver, use “U1.” If you have an installed ADS-B In receiver and see
filing /G (for
traffic and weather on your display, use “U2.” Ditto the above for portables/non-installed.
GPS) got
The last task is the “Other Information.” If you do not have an installed IFR-approved GPS,
leave it blank. If your installed GPS is IFR approved (either WAAS (GBR) or non-WAAS (GR)), you almost
then enter “PBN/C2D2O2S1.” Ok, here is a bit of an explanation—but your installed IFR GPS
will legally do all these PBN operations.
• C2 (RNAV 2 GNSS): This means that you can fly en route GPS routes (i.e., Q and T routes).
These meet the RNAV 2 navigation specification.
• D2 (RNAV 1 GNSS): This means that you can do RNAV arrivals (STARS) and departures
(SIDS). These meet the RNAV 1 navigation specification.
• O2 (Basic RNP 1 GNSS): This means you can do procedures what require RNP-1
specification, which is part of the RNAV (GPS) approach.
• S1 (RNP APCH): This means you can do RNAV(GPS) approaches.
Now, this discussion leaves out some capabilities you may have read about. Some approaches routing, GPS
have curved segments, which are called Radius-to-Fix (RF) segments. Similarly, some
procedures are RNAV (RNP) arrivals, departures, and approaches. Unless you have a specifically approaches,
approved GPS box or an FMS, you will not be able to do these procedures. Generally only

airliners and some FMS equipped aircraft have these capabilities. They may come to smaller
aircraft someday, but not yet.
Below are two tables for a summary of what will work for almost all non-FMS-equipped aircraft.

An example. My Maule M7 has a Garmin 430W (VHF radio, VOR/ILS, and WAAS GPS) and a
Garmin Mode S transponder that has ADS-B Out and In. Here are my Equipment Section codes:
• SGBR (Standard VHF and VOR/ILS plus GPS, WAAS, and RNAV approval)
• CB2 (An altitude reporting transponder with Mode S ADS-B In and Out)
• And my Comments section codes: PBN/C2D2O2S1 (All the capabilities listed above)

Hope this is helpful. As noted above, there are many more tables in the AIM, but they generally
apply to FMS-equipped aircraft or high-end jets and airliners and/or to flight plans filed out
of the USA.
-Vince Massimini, NAVTACII/DSc, CFI, CFII Celebrating twenty years, this video tells
the story of the Wide Area Augmentation
System, from the program’s beginnings
to how it is defining the future of satellite

WAAS is Working
A Video Series demonstrating the benefits

Featuring: Horizon Air, the Goodyear Blimp,

MedStar, Miss Virginia, Floatplanes in Alaska,
Mid Atlantic Angel Flight and Airports

LPVs Internationally

The number of LPVs in Europe is also growing. Canadian WAAS LPVs provided by NAV CANADA
The graphic shows LPV procedures in Europe as of as of November 30, 2023
October 5, 2023. https://egnos-user-support.es- (click for map)

. . . We're collecting testimonials about the benefits of Wide Area Augmentation System
(WAAS) navigation from users. If you are a pilot, passenger, airport manager, controller,
dispatcher, airline employee, or are involved in aviation in any capacity - whether you fly fixed-
wing or vertical flight aircraft - we want to hear from you! Please send your stories and contact
information to Amy Trevisan at: amy.ctr.trevisan@faa.gov


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