Celda de Colision
Celda de Colision
Celda de Colision
Agilent Technologies Ltd., Lakeside, Cheadle Royal Business Park, Stockport, Cheshire,
UK SK8 3GR. E-mail: ed_mccurdy@agilent.com; Fax: 144 161 492 7173;
Tel: 144 161 492 7500
The development of collision and reaction cells for inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
has extended the capability of the technique by allowing the selective attenuation or removal of previously
problematic spectral interferences. However, many of the reported applications of collision and reaction cell
ICP-MS have required the adoption of operating conditions that are so specific to the selected analyte and/or
target interference that the multi-element capability of the instrument has been compromised, or the conditions
have been applicable only to a well-defined and consistent sample type. This work demonstrates the application
of an ICP-MS, fitted with a collision/reaction cell, to perform multi-element analysis at the single ng ml21 level
in multiple sample types. A single set of operating conditions was used for all selected analytes across a diverse
range of sample matrices. The capability of an octopole-based collision/reaction cell ICP-MS, operated using
He as the inert collision gas, was demonstrated for the removal of unidentified polyatomic species arising from
variable Cl2, S2 and C-based synthetic matrices and round-robin samples comprising a range of clinical
matrices. Compared to the standard (no cell gas) mode, the He cell gas mode improved the accuracy of spike
recoveries at the 5 ng ml21 level for all the measured isotopes of all the transition metals investigated (Ti, V,
Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn) in the synthetic matrix samples, using the same cell gas and voltage conditions
for all analytes in all matrices. Where reference values were available for the clinical samples, analyte recoveries
were typically within the range of the expected concentrations, when calibrated using simple (not matched for
sample matrix) calibration standards and using operating conditions that were constant for all analytes and all
matrices. Additional benefits of using an inert cell gas such as He were the complete absence of newly formed
interfering product ion species and freedom from analyte signal reduction through loss by reaction. This is in
contrast to the reported generation of new, cell-formed polyatomic ions and the loss of some analytes by
reaction, which can occur when highly reactive cell gases are used, and suggests that the use of an inert
collision gas may be suitable for the analysis of complex and variable sample matrices, where the identity of
any potential interfering species is not known in advance.
in ion transmission (e.g., increased space-charge effects due to solution. Mathematical corrections may be complicated to set
the presence of a high concentration of high mass ions in the up, time consuming to maintain and may introduce errors if
extracted ion beam4), or spectral (e.g., polyatomic ion overlap). sample matrix components vary.7 Although aerosol desolva-
The principal sources of spectral interferences in ICP-MS are tion in the guise of spray chamber cooling8 is almost universally
isobaric overlap from a second element with an isotope at the used in commercial ICP-MS instruments, more elaborate
same nominal mass (e.g., 114Sn1 on 114Cd1), or from devices that use ultrasonic aerosol generation or heating and
polyatomic species at the same nominal mass as the target cooling stages to remove water vapour from the aerosol more
This journal is ß The Royal Society of Chemistry 2004 J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2004, 19, 607–615 607
efficiently may add excessive cost and complexity and analyte. Reactive cell gases may also provide very high
introduce new problems of poorer analyte washout and loss efficiency of interference signal reduction; up to 9 orders of
of volatile species.9 Cool plasma conditions are widely used in magnitude signal reduction for 40Ar1, from 2E9 counts per
the semiconductor industry, where samples typically have low second (cps) to 2 cps has been reported with H2 cell gas, for
and consistent levels of both matrix components and analyte example.27 Finally, reaction processes can offer a high degree
elements, but these conditions provide less efficient decom- of flexibility, since the wide range of different reaction gases
position of the sample matrix, and a reduced signal for poorly available means that specific conditions may be set up to
ionised analytes, and are therefore less suitable for the analysis address a variety of individual polyatomic overlaps.
of variable or high matrix samples.10 High resolution mass However, the reported problems of reactive gases, especially
spectrometers are more costly and more complicated to operate those that react with a large number of ions, include the loss of
than modern, automated, quadrupole-based ICP-MS systems, analytes by reaction28,29 (which reduces the number of analytes
but high resolution does have the benefit of absolute certainty that can be measured under a single set of conditions) and the
of interference removal, up to a required mass resolution of generation of new, cell-formed polyatomic species30 (which
about 10 000 m/Dm and with the proviso that ion transmission requires that the cell conditions be set up specifically for each
is severely reduced at high resolution settings.11 analyte in each sample so as to exclude these new interferences
One of the simplest approaches to reducing the occurrence of from the mass spectrum). In addition, the inability of a specific
polyatomic species in the mass spectrum of a quadrupole ICP- reaction pathway to address multiple interfering species of
MS is through judicious optimisation of the ICP conditions, different reactivity at the same analyte mass31 renders this
principally the selection of operating conditions that give a high approach unsuitable in many cases for the analysis of
effective temperature in the central channel of the plasma. unknown, complex sample matrices.
Plasma efficiency is typically monitored using the ratio of the The issue of loss of analyte signal and the generation of new,
CeO1 polyatomic ion to the Ce1 parent ion, which measures cell-formed polyatomic species also has implications for the
the ability of the plasma to dcompose this refractory molecular application of ICP-MS to the screening of unknown samples,
ion and can give an indication of the degree of decomposition using semiquantitative analysis. Semiquantitative analysis is an
of some other polyatomic species.12 However, plasma optimi- immensely valuable tool in ICP-MS, as it provides a rapid
sation alone is unlikely to be able to reduce most polyatomic overview of elemental concentrations, reporting almost every
species by much more than 90% or one order of magnitude element and covering a wide concentration range, but based on
(based on reducing the CeO1/Ce1 ratio from 3.0% to 0.3%), the measured response for only a small number of reference
which may be insufficient for many applications. elements. Semiquantitative calibrations in ICP-MS depend on
The development and commercialisation of collision and the fact that the relative sensitivity of the analyte isotopes can
reaction cell technology incorporated into ICP-MS instruments be predicted with a reasonable degree of accuracy, requiring
has allowed analysts to address several of the more commonly only the determination of the general ‘‘mass/response’’
reported and problematic interfering polyatomic species, allow- relationship for the instrument, followed by correction for
ing the adoption of an alternative approach to the analysis the abundance of the measured isotope and the degree of
of many interfered analytes. Following initial work, where ionisation of the element (using the Saha equation). Any
residual water vapour was identified as causing interference processes that disrupt this mass/response relationship as a
reduction through reaction processes, several publications have result of element specific (and matrix dependent) chemical
emphasised the use of hydrogen (pure or as a gas mixture) as a reactions in the collision/reaction cell have the potential to lead
reactive cell gas, as it is effective at removing polyatomic ions to increased errors in the reported semi-quantitative results.
(especially argon-based polyatomic species) but is virtually Further practical problems arise in the selection of operating
unreactive with most analytes,13 so the multi-element capability conditions for interference removal by highly reactive mole-
of the ICP-MS is maintained. In this respect, hydrogen has cular cell gases, due to the difficulty in predicting all the
been studied extensively, e.g., ref. 14, and has been proposed as possible reaction pathways and/or rates and their dependence
an ideal reaction gas for inorganic mass spectrometry.15 on the composition of the sample. While many papers that have
While the maintenance of the multi-element capability of the reported on the utilisation of reactive cell gases refer to the
ICP-MS has been the subject of a few publications on thermodynamics of the cell gas reactions with the interferent
commercial collision/reaction cell ICP-MS instruments, these and analyte, the observed reaction processes and pathways
publications have typically investigated a limited number of sometimes appear to be far from simple. As an example, the
interfered elements, where the interferences are well-defined relative ionisation potentials of interfering and analyte ions are
and relatively easily removed. For example, Iglesias et al.16 commonly quoted as a means of selecting, with a high degree of
assessed the impact of several different reactive cell gases on the certainty, between interfering and analyte ions. In such cases,
major background interferences ArO1 and Ar21 on 56Fe1 and the charge-transfer reaction of the cell gas with the interferent is
Ar1, respectively. They established that using a highly often said to be thermodynamically ‘‘allowed’’, while the
reactive cell gas (NH3) significantly degraded the detection reaction of the cell gas with the analyte ion is said to be
limits obtainable for half the previously uninterfered elements, ‘‘disallowed’’. In practice, however, individual potential
while a mixture of H2 and He (as a buffer gas) yielded a reaction paths (such as the charge transfer example), taken
significant improvement in the LOD for Fe and Se, without in isolation, do not provide enough information to ascertain
degrading the analytical performance for the previously non- whether a given reaction gas will provide a suitable interference
interfered analytes. However, in many cases the reduction or removal process. Olesik and Jones28 discussed the case of the
removal of a particular polyatomic species has been based on removal of the 35Cl16O1 interference on 51V1 in a matrix
the use of a highly reactive cell gas in combination with cell containing a moderately high concentration of Cl and noted
multipole voltage settings for the selective removal of a specific that, although the primary charge transfer reaction of V1 with
target interfering ion from a specific interfered analyte mass. In their selected reaction gas, NH3 (V1 1 NH3 A V 1 NH31),
other words, the ICP-MS has frequently been operated as a should not occur, the reaction being endothermic by 3.45 eV,
single element or even single isotope analyser.17–26 loss of V1 from the mass spectrum was in fact observed, at a
The reported benefits of using a reactive gas for interference rate about 10 times faster than the loss of Ca1. The authors
removal in a collision/reaction cell ICP-MS include a high also noted that high intensities of new, cell-formed interfering
degree of specificity, such that a particular cell gas may be species based on clusters containing V and NH3 [V(NHx)n1,
selected to provide conditions that reduce the signal for the where n ~ 1–6] appeared at high NH3 cell gas flow rates,
target interference with minimal effect on the interfered confirming that V1 does indeed react with the NH3 cell gas, but