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Fighter Archetype: Amazon

Additional Superiority Die. You add one superiority

Amazon die to your superiority dice total.
Avoidance. Opportunity attacks made against you are
The Amazon archetype hails from women warriors, from
made with disadvantage. Opportunity attacks that hit you
different cultures, origins and stories.
have their damage reduced by 2 (the minimum damage
While more than competent with different weapons,
caused to you is still 1). If you are not wearing heavy
Amazons shine when using their set of favored weapons,
armor, your speed also increases by 10 feet.
namely bows, javelins, spears and glaives. As you progress
as an Amazon you will acquire more skill and be able to do Darting and crippling. As an action, you can move
feats of excellence with your favored weapons. up to your base walking speed and perform a bow, spear,
javelin or glaive weapon attack. A creature hit by this
Archetype restriction: only female! attack has its speed reduced by 10 feet until the end of its
If you want to take this archetype, talk to your DM to see if next turn. If this attack would reduce a creature speed
this restriction should apply. below 0 feet, it becomes prone instead.
Elemental strike. When you make a ranged weapon
attack using a bow, spear, javelin or glaive, you can
Combat Superiority expend one superiority die, double the result adding it to
At 3rd level, you gain a set of abilities that are fueled by the damage roll. If you do, you choose one of the following
special dice called superiority dice. damage types to replace the weapon damage this attack
Superiority Dice. You have four superiority dice, which would cause. The damage type choices are cold, fire or
are d8s. A superiority die is expended when you use it.
In addition, when you make a weapon attack using a
You regain all of your expended superiority dice when you
bow, you can expend one superiority die and add it to the
finish a long or short rest.
damage roll. The damage type becomes Force and, on a
You gain another superiority die at 7th level and one
hit, you may push the target 10 feet away from you in a
more at 15th level.
straight line.
Using Superiority Dice. You can expend superiority dice
Fend. When you are wielding a javelin, spear or glaive,
to gain a number of different benefits:
you can use your action to make a melee attack against
any number of creatures within the weapons reach, with a
• Inner sight. When you make a check that allows you
separate attack roll for each target.
to add your proficiency to Acrobatics, Athletics,
Improved Critical. Your weapon attacks score a
Perception, or Stealth you can expend one superiority die
critical on a roll of 19 or 20.
to bolster the check. Add half the number rolled on the
superiority die (rounding up) to your check. You apply this Riposte. When an attacker that you can see misses
bonus after making the check, but before learning if it was you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to
successful. immediately make a melee attack against your attacker,
• Penetrate. When you make a weapon attack using a using a javelin, spear or glaive.
bow, spear, javelin or glaive, you can expend one Strafe. When you are wearing light, medium or no
superiority die to add it to the attack roll. You can use this armor, you can use your action to make a ranged attack,
ability before or after making an attack roll, but before any using a bow, javelin, or spear, against any number of
of the effects of the attack takes place. creatures within 10 feet of a point you can see within the
• Power Strike. When you make a weapon attack weapons range. You must have ammunition for each
target, as normal, and you make a separate attack roll for
using a bow, spear, javelin or glaive, you can expend one
each target.
superiority die to add it to the damage roll.
Superiority Savant. When you roll a 1 on a
Amazon Skills superiority die, you can reroll your result once. If you roll
another 1, you must keep this result. You can use this
At 7th level, you gain two of the following features of your
feature a number of times equal to your Constitution
choice. You can pick a new feature from this list at level
modifier (minimum of 1). You regain all expended uses
15, and a final one at 18th level. You can’t pick the same
when you finish a long rest.
feature twice.
Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker that you can see
Additional Fighting Style. You can choose one
hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve
additional Fighting Style from the Fighter’s list.
this attack’s damage against you.

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Improved Combat Superiority range for one attack. The weapons reach increases to 10
feet. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
At level 10, your Superiority dice turn into d10s.
the next dawn.
Starting at level 15, when you roll for initiative and have
Terra’s Aim
Weapon (shortbow), rare (requires attunement)
no superiority dice remaining, you regain 1 superiority die.

This bow gives you a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Extra content: Magic Items You can use a bonus action to say its command word
For extra content, here are some additional magic items and designate a single target. When you do so, you gain
that your DM may use in his games. advantage on attacks rolls, while using this weapon,
against the designated target, until it falls unconscious,
Fallen Charge when you attack other target, attack with another weapon,
Weapon (any bow), very rare or for up to 1 minute. You can use this feature up to three
times. The item regains all expended uses the next dawn.
This bow once belonged to a great archer that was Curse. If a marked target is not defeated during the 1
corrupted by evil. minute duration, you will start having dreams and must
While wielding this bow, you have +2 bonus to attack take a DC 9 Charisma saving throw or become obsessed
and damage rolls. In addition, every time you hit a target, about the target. The curse ends when you meet the target
that is large or smaller, it must take a DC 15 Strength again.
check or be pushed 10 feet away from you. If it can’t be
pushed away, for any reason, nothing happens. Dusk Shroud
Curse. The bow will whisper words of evil in your mind Armor (leather), very rare (requires attunement)
and dreams. Every day at dawn you must make a DC 10
Charisma check. If you fail, you become compelled to This armor was made using part of the leather used to
make an evil act. The more days you fail, more evil acts shroud a warrior that had fallen in battle.
you have to perform, for each fail. For every 3 times you While wearing this armor you gain +1 to AC and
fail, your alignment becomes Neutral, if it was Good, or become resistant to necrotic damage.
Evil if it was Neutral. If tour alignment is already evil, you
are immune to this effect. Lawful and Chaotic alignments Jumping Staff
are not affected. Weapon (quarterstaff), uncommon

Stonecrow This staff is made of a bright yellow wood. When wielding

Weapon (spear), very rare (requires attunement by a Fighter this staff, you can use it as a pole vault. When you do so,
or Paladin) you gain advantage on Athletics checks related to jumping.
Your maximum long jump distance becomes double your
This elegant, well worked spear is adorned with drawings Strength modifier, in feet. Your high jump is also doubled.
of shields. While wielding this spear, you gain +1 to your
attacks and damage rolls. In addition, every time you take Warrior Queens Circlet
the Dodge action, you gain +2 to your AC. You also receive Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a
this bonus against opportunity attacks from a single target woman)
of your choice, once every turn.
The first time you use your Second Wind or Lay on This simple looking, golden circlet with a small pearl in
Hands (on yourself only) feature, you heal additional half front grants its wearer an improvement on its superiority
your class level hit points. The item regains this use the dice. d6s become d8s, d8s become d10s, and d10s become
following dawn. d12s. If your superiority dice is already a d12 or you have
no superiority dice, this item has no effect.
Terras Reach
Weapon (glaive), rare (requires attunement) Crown of the Warrior King
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
This finely worked glaive grants you + 1 to attack and
damage rolls when wielding it. This item grants to its wearer one additional superiority
In addition, you can use a bonus action to say this dice. If the wearer has no superiority dice, it has no effect.
item command word, when you do so, the next attack you
make with this weapon, it will elongate, giving you extra

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Bellog’s Holder In addition, whenever you are struck, you can use a
charge to cause each creature in a 15-foot cone, from the
Weapon (javelin), uncommon
direction you were struck, make a Dexterity saving throw.
This javelin was originally crafted as a gift for a joyful
A creature takes 3d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half
Storm giant, which kept peaceful and friendly relations
as much damage on a successful one. The armor has 3
with a town of halflings. Bellog used two of these holders
charges and regain all expended charges on the next
to hold on to some of the dishes the halflings served him.
Many copied this items formula for less gastronomic
oriented uses.
When this weapon hits a target, it becomes stuck to it.
True Sight
To pull it off, a creature must succeed in a DC 20 Strength Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
check or say its command word.
In addition, this javelin is crafted in a way that holding This silver circlet has a yellow topaz on the front. While
on to it is very easy. Tests made to hold on to this item are wearing this, you gain +1 to all ability checks.
made with advantage. You can also spend one superiority dice to gain true
sight with the reach of 25 plus the number you roll on
Whip of Truth your superiority die feet, for the duration of 1 minute. If
you don’t have any superiority dice, you can’t use this
Weapon (whip), very rare (requires attunement)
feature. Once you use this feature you can’t use it again
until the next dawn.
This golden-colored whip grants +1 to attack and damage
to attacks made with this weapon.
In addition, the user can use an action to cast the 1st-
The Tenet
level spell Zone of Truth. Once you use this feature, you Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
can’t use it again until the next dawn.
This heavy belt increases your base walking speed by 5
feet. You also gain advantage on your first Constitution

War Litany save to avoid exhaustion, if possible.

The War Litany is not a single magic item, but a set of Icy Clutch
items, that when combined grant even more power to the Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
one who possess them.
When you attune to 3 items of this set, attuning with These Gauntlets imbue any weapon you hold, along with
more parts of it do not count on the maximum number of the weapons ammunition, with a magic cold. Any weapon
items you can be attuned with, meaning you can attune attack you make while wearing these gloves deal 1
with all the items of this set. additional cold damage. In addition, you gain resistance
When you attune with 4 items of this set, you gain +1 against cold damage.
to all saving throws. You can also use a bonus action to extinguish any
When you have the full set, you gain additional +1 to non-magical flame in a 10-foot radius of you. Once you
attack and damage rolls of The Caster and +1 to your AC. use this feature, you can’t use it again until the next
The Caster If, for some reason, you are dealing fire damage, while
Weapon (longbow), legendary (requires attunement) wearing these gauntlets, reduce that damage by 1 instead.

This bow was finely crafted using mithral and magic. This
magic weapon grants you +1 to attack and damage rolls,
while using it.
In addition, you can make one ranged attack with this
bow by using a bonus action.

The Embrace
Armor (breastplate), legendary (requires attunement)

This armor was masterfully crafted using parts of the shell

of an ancient sea monster and metal. This armor grants
you +1 to your AC. Also, you have advantage on saving
throws against spells while wearing this armor.

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Designer: Caio Sandy
Last updated October 5, 2017

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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast

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All other original material in this work is copyright 2016-2017 by

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