Soda Fountain Report
Soda Fountain Report
Soda Fountain Report
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The purpose of this experiment was to determine the different kinds of microorganisms,
bacteria, yeast, and coliforms that were present in two Coca-Cola samples that were
obtained in different locations along with one sample being in a bottle while the other
from a self serve fountain dispenser. As well as calculating the cell density of the
samples through using the colony forming units found on the TSA agar plates,
identifying the unknown microbes on the plates using selective and differential agar
such as EMB and PABC was also completed. Biochemical test such as oxidase,
catalase, Rapid ID Yeast Test Kit, and EnteroPluri Test were the different methods used
in order to obtain the results for this experiment. The final results displayed that there
was a large quantity of varying coliforms, yeast, and bacteria existing within one of the
Cola samples. It is important to study the organisms within soft drinks because of its
frequent daily consumption worldwide in order to see if there are any bacteria or yeast
that can cause foodborne illnesses or dangerous health effects to the consumer.
Table of Contents
Abstract ii
1. Introduction 1
2. Rationale/Justification 3
3. Organisms Used 4
4. Objectives 4
5. Hypothesis 5
6. Materials 5
7. Methodology 6
8. Results 7
9. Discussion 10
10. Conclusion 11
References 12
Figures and Tables
1. Introduction
The Membrane Filtration Technique has been utilized for years in a variety of
industries that require the isolation of smaller molecules and/or microorganisms for
testing. In microbiology, the testing in our food sources, water systems, and other liquid
further allow the consumers or residents to ingest (Bikram Gautam & Rameshwar
Adhikari, 2018). Most bacteria, fungi, and molds are filtered through a 0.45 µm pore
sized filter paper and isolated on specific media to a countable range of 20-80 colonies
(Bartram & Ballance, 1996). In addition, Membrane Filtration Technique can also be
used to determine cell density of a given liquid which allows for calculation of cell
Membrane filtration was chosen for this experiment because the volume of the
liquid sample that is being tested for microorganisms is a sizeable amount. In addition,
membrane filtration offers a way to estimate the colony forming units (CFU) more
environments along with different controls such as sterile water, bottle and cup were
tested, so the filtration process allows for multiple tests to take place at the same time.
Serial dilution along with the spread plate technique were omitted from the methodology
and the experiment, even though a dilution process is widely known to isolate an
accurate result. These two techniques would not have been suitable for this experiment
because it would decrease the number of microbes in the sample of the bottled Coca-
Cola since there is already a very low number of microbes within the bottle and diluting
that would only decrease it further. As for the self serve fountain sample, it has far too
many microbes existing within it already, therefore, it would take time to dilute the
sample into a reasonable and countable amount. Hence, using membrane filtration finds
a medium between the nature of the two samples allowing both samples to be tested
without taking too much time or further diluting the samples in order to get a rational
In this experiment, the following media were used: Eosin Methylene (EMB);
and Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA). EMB is a selective and differential media that is used to
identify gram negative bacteria, fecal coliforms and coliforms. It is differential because
the coliforms isolated will display a metallic green colour due to the methylene blue
which is a pH indicator dye (Jackson, et al., 2013). This media was used to confirm if
any coliforms were present in any of the Coca-Cola samples. TSA is a general growth
media that is neither a differential nor selective media, therefore, various kinds of
coliforms and bacterial flora will flourish on it (Zimbro & Power 2009). This is why the
TSA media was used to measure the microbiological load of both the bottled Coca-Cola
and self serve fountain Coca-Cola. One main crucial ingredient in TSA is soybean meal
which assisted in increasing the amount of bacteria growth on the agar plates.
2. Rationale/Justification
Carbonated soft drinks are indulged daily worldwide in a vast amount; therefore, it
is very important to study the health issues surrounding the consumption of these
drinks. Carbonated soft drinks are made up of solely water, but also contain
preservatives and carbon dioxide that would prevent microorganism such as, bacteria,
to proliferate (Ogueri & Vincent, 2017). The causation of contamination can be due to
equipment, poor in-store cleaning regulations (soda fountain machines), or the raw
material itself (Ogueri & Vincent, 2017). The average pH of the Coca-Cola beverage is
about 2.4 to 3.2 with a sugar concentration of around 0-10% and contains a high
amount of carbonation levels (Shankar et al., 2021), which signifies that yeast and
certain fecal/coliform bacteria can proliferate. The extreme acidity of Coca-Cola aligns
with the range of the acidity (1.5 to 3.5) that already exists within the stomach;
therefore, it can damage the membrane surrounding the stomach and cause potential
survive in these extreme conditions with the possibility of causing human illness which
is why it is important that this experiment was performed in order to isolate, identify, and
confirm if there were any pathogenic organisms present in the two samples.
reviewed articles that showcases how drinking an excess of acidic carbonated drinks
can destroy the normal flora of humans in the intestinal tract. E. coli is a normal floral
bacterium living in the intestines that helps with food digestion (Şeker Dağ et al., 2015),
which is certain that this microorganism will be a target for this experiement.
Biochemical tests were performed to determine the identity of the unknown microbes
found on each of the agar plates in order to verify if any of the species are pathogenic or
3. Organism Used
identifications; therefore, no isolated colonies were used during experiment, but there
found in these drinks, which would be an expected isolation. These microorganisms are
yeast, are very common fungi utilized or found, but the proliferation of yeast causes the
spoilage rate to increase in soft drinks (Ogueri & Vincent, 2017). E. coli is a common
pathogenic bacterium that can be found as a contaminant in cola soft drinks for a more
4. Objectives
1) To investigate and analyze the microbial quality between a Coca-Cola sample from
2) To determine the colony forming units (CFU) of the sample solutions to conclude if
3) To utilize different biochemical testing such as, gram staining and the catalase test,
5. Hypothesis
1) The Coca-Cola obtained from the self-serve fountain dispenser will contain a higher
2) The Standard Plate Count of the self-serve soda fountain sample will have more
6. Materials
2 Coca-Cola Samples:
Sterile Water
6 TSA plates
2 EMB plates
Inoculation loop
Gram-Staining Kit
7. Methodology
was dispensed from a fast-food soda dispenser from a restaurant, and the other was
from a bottled package purchased in a grocery store. Both samples were then brought
to the laboratory for testing. A TSA powder was obtained to prepare the plates needed
Three Membrane Filtration Kits were obtained for 3 experiments: one for the
control, one for the soda dispensed sample, and one for the bottle sample. The control
cup that was obtained at the fast-food store was analyzed by adding sterile water and
ran through a membrane filtration unit. The filter paper was then removed from the
filtration kit with a sterile forceps and placed in a prepared TSA plate. Next, the plate
was incubated for 24 hours at 35oC. Then, the results of the control were determined if
there were any contamination present on the cup carrying the sample. A 5mL, 2.5mL,
and 1mL of the Coca-Cola sample from the self-serve soda dispenser was measured
and added into a new sterile membrane filtration kit which contained a new sterile filter
paper. After filtration, the filter paper was placed on TSA plates. Next, all the
plates were incubated for 24 to 48 hours at 25oC. Then, a 5mL, 2.5mL, and 1mL of the
Coca-Cola sample from the bottled package was put through the same membrane
filtration process using a different membrane filtration kit. The bottle itself, was also
tested as a control using sterile water poured into it. Then it was filtered through a
different membrane filtration kit and placed on TSA agar plates. Lastly, it was incubated
After the plates were all incubated, the process of gram staining was done from a
colony on the TSA plates to conclude the microorganism present using the Microscope
at 1000x magnification. Next, the colonies were streak plated on EMB and PABC
selective and differential media. Then, all colonies on TSA and EMB were oxidase and
catalase tested along with running an E. coli rapid ID test kit in order to determine the
8. Results
The fountain cola sample, the bottled coke sample, and controls were tested
through Membrane Filtration. The volumes filtered were 5mL, 2.5mL, and 1mL using
different filtration kits for different samples. The filter paper used was a 0.45μm pore
size and place in TSA plates incubated for 48 hours at 23oC. The isolated colonies were
counted to confirm the proper range of 20-80 colonies and the cell density was
Table 1 - The filtration results showcasing the cell density (cfu/mL) of the fountain,
bottle, and control sample isolated on the TSA plate incubated for 48 hours at 23 oC.
The fountain sample produced more colonies on the TSA filter paper than the
bottle sample. The 2.5mL fountain sample was the only plate in the 20-80 colony range.
The control of didn’t produce any colonies on the filter paper itself, but the sterile water
control grew possible contamination on the agar away from the filter.
The gram-staining procedure was done on two possible colonies that grew on the
TSA plate: there were white colonies and yellow colonies. The colonies were analyzed
Figure 1 - The gram staining of the Figure 2 - The gram staining of the
white colonies: gram-positive, yellow colonies: gram-negative,
oval-shaped, large colonies. diplococcus, small colonies.
The gram-staining in Figure 1 shows a gram-positive reaction, but due to its large
oval shape, the white colonies confirmed a possibility of a yeast microorganism. The
gram staining in Figure 2 shows a gram-negative reaction, but the diplococcus shape
confirmed a possibility that a possible error has occurred during the gram-staining
procedure. Further biochemical testing was done to confirm the possible error and to
The catalase test and the oxidase were performed on both yeast and the gram-
negative bacteria. The catalase test produces a positive result when the colony
inoculated on the glass slide reacts with hydrogen peroxide reagent to produce a by-
product gas reaction (bubbles) instantly [Figure 3]. The oxidase test produces a positive
result when the inoculated colony with a sterile wooden stick produced a blue colour
instantly on the DrySlideTM. For comparison, a positive control was used for the oxidase
Figure 3 - The catalase test for yeast (above) Figure 4 - The oxidase test of yeast
and gram-negative bacteria (below). The (A) and the gram-negative bacteria
image above shows bubbles (positive) and (B). Both show no blue production;
the image below show no bubbles (negative). therefore, negative result.
The yeast and the possible gram-negative colonies were further tested based on
negative reaction on the oxidase test. The Rapid ID kits were used to perform a series
of biochemical testing in one component. The Entero Pluri Test [Figure 5] was to identify
the possible gram-negative bacteria, which would be a possible Enterobacteriaceae, or
the confirmation of the possible error in the gram-staining procedure. The Yeast Plus
Test [Figure 6] was to identify the type of yeast species that was present.
Figure 5 - The EnteroPluri Test results to test Figure 6 - The RapidID Yeast Plus Test to
the gram-negative bacteria incubated at 35oC identify the yeast species incubated for 4 hours
for 24 hours. at 35oC.
The EnteroPluri Test confirmed negative results for all biochemical tests except
the urea test, which was positive (pink colour production). Glucose is an important
if it’s negative, then it’s most likely not a Enterobacteriaceae. Due to possible errors, we
kept glucose as a possible positive reaction. The microcode analyzed was 20002, and
concluded species was Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. The Yeast Plus Test confirmed a
positive result for glucose (yellow reaction), urea (pink), histidine (pink), and LGY (pink).
The alpha-glucose and beta galactosidase produce a faint yellow, so we analyzed the
possible species and decided to reject the results. The code was 100046 and conclude
9. Discussion
The 2.5 mL filtered soda sample was the only one in range, therefore the other
volumes were rejected. In addition, all filter bottle samples gave too low of a range;
hence, also rejected. The “gram positive” microorganism was concluded to be yeast.
Furthermore, the gram-negative bacteria were mostly likely a source of error which
could have been due too much decolorizer. Media contamination might have occurred
during the plating process or the lack of aseptic technique during the experimental
process, especially the filtration process, may have caused some of the cell growth for
invalid results. The Yeast Plus Rapid ID confirmed the present of a possible Candida
krusei species and a very low possibility of Rhodotorula rubra. Based on the
morphology of R. rubra, the very low possibility was accurate because R. rubra is
uniquely characterized by its orange pigment on TSA or SDA media. The yeast colonies
produced on the TSA plate were white colonies, so the analysis of R. rubra being the
yeasts species were rejected and Candida krusei was kept. The Entero Pluri Test
confirmed the gram staining error to be gram positive instead. As well, the Glucose
species was not found on either Coca-Cola samples. Based on further research of Y.
been the bacteria isolated. Moreover, the fountain Coca-Cola sample contained more
another trial of the procedure such as, using EMB plates as the membrane filtration
media to get more accurate coliform isolation or gram-negative bacteria and inhibiting
the gram-positive bacteria or use other differential media (e.g., MSA, etc.) to isolate the
10. Conclusion
In conclusion, hypothesis 1 states that the Coca-Cola obtained from the self-
serve fountain dispenser will contain a higher concentration of coliforms, yeast, and/or
Listeria due to the microbiological build-up of flora in the machine, and the soda fountain
sample did produce a higher yeast concentration compared to the bottle Coca-Cola
sample, but not Listeria bacteria; therefore, the hypothesis was not rejected, but a
second trial can be implemented. The second hypothesis states that the standard plate
count of the self-serve soda fountain sample will have more colony growth than the
bottled sample and the hypothesis was not rejected as the soda fountain sample did
Bikram Gautam, & Rameshwar Adhikari. (2018, July 25). Comparison of Membrane
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Ogueri Nwaiwu, & VINCENT IFEANYI IBEKWE. (2017, February 14). Prevalence and
Zimbro, M. J., & Power, D. A. (2009). Difco & BBL manual: Manual of microbiological