Adv RDD&D For MNRE Web
Adv RDD&D For MNRE Web
Adv RDD&D For MNRE Web
1. Major Thrust areas for Research Design & development in New &
RenewableEnergy 2018
The objective of RD&D Programme of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)
is to encourage research, technology development and demonstration encompassing a wide
spectrum of activities such as fundamental research, advance materials and devices;
systems technology development; performance and reliability and manufacturing &
deployment. The support provided by MNRE during the 12th Plan has resulted in
development of capacity in Universities/ R&D Institutions and Industries for carrying out R&D
for technology development in areas of New and Renewable Energy, and the need now is to
build on the efforts.. The following research and development priorities have been identified
for carrying out Research in different New & Renewable Energy technologies:
A. Solar Thermal
B. Solar Photovoltaic
C. Waste to Energy
i. Standardization of Technologies for conversion of Waste into
bio-fuel/electricity with reliable performance at economic cost
D. Wind Energy
F. Energy Storage
i. Batteries for Grid storage at economic cost and improved cycle life
ii. Standardisation of controls and interfaces to allow flexible operation
iii. Simulation and modelling for evaluation of storage requirement for
different applications including grid support, ancillary services , e-mobility
and peak shifting etc. so that appropriate technology and capacity choices
could be put implemented for each scenario.
G. Small Hydro
2. The detailed guidelines and formats for the following are available on the
MNRE Web Site ( (under drop down menu of <Programmes /
Technology>, click <Research, Development & Demonstration> and then
click <R&D Formats>