Grade 7 Cre Curriculum Designs
Grade 7 Cre Curriculum Designs
Grade 7 Cre Curriculum Designs
First Published in 2021
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transcribed, in any form or by any
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ISBN: 978-9914-43-927-4
ii) Promote the social, economic, technological and industrial needs for national development.
Education should prepare the youth of the country to play an effective and productive role in the life of the nation.
a) Social Needs
Education in Kenya must prepare children for changes in attitudes and relationships which are necessary for the smooth
progress of a rapidly developing modern economy. There is bound to be a silent social revolution following in the wake
of rapid modernization. Education should assist our youth to adapt to this change.
b) Economic Needs
Education in Kenya should produce citizens with the skills, knowledge, expertise and personal qualities that are
required to support a growing economy. Kenya is building up a modern and independent economy which is in need of
an adequate and relevant domestic workforce.
c) Technological and Industrial Needs
Education in Kenya should provide learners with the necessary skills and attitudes for industrial development. Kenya
recognizes the rapid industrial and technological changes taking place, especially in the developed world. We can only
be part of this development if our education system is deliberately focused on the knowledge, skills and attitudes that
will prepare our young people for these changing global trends.
vi) Promote respect for and development of Kenya’s rich and varied cultures.
Education should instill in the youth of Kenya an understanding of past and present cultures and their valid place in
contemporary society. Children should be able to blend the best of traditional values with the changing requirements that
must follow rapid development in order to build a stable and modern society.
vii) Promote international consciousness and foster positive attitudes towards other nations.
Kenya is part of the international community. It is part of the complicated and interdependent network of peoples and
nations. Education should therefore lead the youth of the country to accept membership of this international community
with all the obligations and responsibilities, rights and benefits that this membership entails.
viii. Promote positive attitudes towards good health and environmental protection.
1. English 5
2. Kiswahili/KSL 4
3. Mathematics 5
4. Integrated Science 5
5. Pre-Technical Studies 4
6. Social Studies 4
Total 40 + 1
Christian Religious Education is the study of God's revelations to people through personal experiences, his creation, the Holy
Spirit, Jesus Christ and the word of God. Christian Religious Education at Junior School aims to build on competencies covered
at primary level. The subject aims to equip the leaner with basic principles for Christian living. Hence the moral values, virtues
and attitudes acquired will enable the learner to relate well with other people. Further, the subject seeks to support the holistic
development of the learner, morally, spiritually, emotionally and intellectually. The learner is exposed to a broad range of biblical
experiences for character formation and upright living. Christian Religious Education is tailored to constructivists, multiple
intelligences and cognitive development learning theories which entail making links between the learner’s own experiences and
the teachings of the Bible. As a result, engaging, participatory, interactive, collaborative and cooperative problem-solving
activities have been embedded in the learning experiences. The six strands are deliberate in developing the intellectual skills
necessary for moral living including “reflection, discernment, critical thinking and deciding how to act in accordance with an
informed conscience. The competencies acquired at this level lays the foundation for the learner to transition to the next grade.
1.0 Christian 1.1 Importance By the end of the sub The learner is guided to: Why is it
Religious of Studying strand, the learner should be ● brainstorm in small groups the important to
Education Christian able to: meaning of Christian study Christian
Religious a) analyse the importance Religious Education Religious
Education of learning Christian ● search the meaning of Education?
Religious Education, Christian Religious Education
(6 lessons) b) discuss how Christian using internet/ textbooks or
Religious Education the library and write short
promote sound moral notes
and religious values, ● in pair discuss the importance
c) compile five values of studying Christian
needed to foster Religious Education and make
responsible living notes
d) apply the values ● write a personal reflection
acquired in their daily journal on how learning CRE
interactions to lead has changed their behaviour.
morally upright lives, ● list and share five values they
e) appreciate the learning need to live a morally upright
of Christian Religious lives
Education by living ● use charts, posters or
responsibly. flashcards to write messages
● Respect for one another: the learners list and share values they need to live harmoniously with others
● Responsibility: the learners use charts/ posters/flashcards to write messages that promote sound moral and religious values
Assessment Rubric
Ability to analyse the Analyses the importance Analyses the Analyses the Analyses the
importance of learning of learning Christian importance of importance of learning importance of Christian
Christian Religious Religious Education learning Christian Christian Religious Religious Education with
using relevant examples Religious Education when assistance
Education prompted
Ability to compile five Compiles five values Compiles five Compiles three values Compiles only one value
values needed to needed to foster values needed to needed to foster needed to foster
foster responsible responsible living and foster responsible responsible living responsible living
living encourages peers to do living
2.0 2.1 Accounts By the end of the sub The learner is guided to: 1. How is the
Creation of Creation strand, the learner should ● identify and name features found in the first account
be able to: natural environment of creation
(6 lessons) a) describe the biblical ● take a nature walk and explore God’s different from
accounts of creation, creation in the school compound or the the second
b) discuss the similarities surrounding area account?
and differences ● read in turns Genesis 1:1-50 & 2:1-2:4a on 2. Why is it
between the two first creation account and Genesis 2:4b-25 important to
accounts of creation, on second creation account learn about
c) identify the attributes ● watch a video clip on the two biblical creation
of God from the accounts of creation accounts?
biblical accounts of ● summarise main points on the two biblical
creation, accounts of creation on charts and display
d) appreciate God’s them in class
creative work by taking ● in pairs discuss the similarities and
care of the differences between the two biblical
environment. accounts of creation and write short notes
● in groups, use the internet or the library to
search for the attributes of God, and write
them on a chart.
● take care of God’s creation found in their
● Responsibility: the learners take care of God’s creation in their environment
2.0 2.2 By the end of the sub strand, The learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Creation Stewardship the learner should be able to: ● brainstorm on how they take care of you take care
over Creation a) explain the biblical animals, fish and birds and make of animals, fish
responsibilities given to summary notes and birds?
(6 lessons) human beings over ● read Genesis 2:15-20, James 3: 7 2. How can you
creation, and discuss the responsibilities given reduce
b) discuss ways he/she can to human beings conflicts
protect animals, fish and ● in groups, discuss ways they can between human
birds, protect animals, fish and birds beings and wild
c) practise good stewardship ● visit a zoo, animal park or farm and animals?
by taking care of animals, observe how animals, fish and birds
fish and birds, are taken care of, and write a report
d) desire to take good care of for presentation in class
God's creation in his/her ● write sensitisation messages on
environment. charts/posters on the importance of
good stewardship over animals, fish
and birds and display in class or
school notice board
● compose a poem on how they take
care of animals, fish and birds in
their environment
● Responsibility: the learners take care of the different animals, fish and birds
● Social justice: the learners advocate for animal rights and welfare
● Patriotism: learners show love for their country as they visit a zoo, animal park or farm and observe how animals, fish and
birds are taken care of
2.0 Creation 2.3 By the end of the sub strand, The learner is guided to: 1. Why should you
Responsibility the learner should be able to: ● brainstorm on different take care of plants?
over Plants a) describe the biblical types of plants found in the 2. How do you care for
responsibilities given to environment and how they plants in your
(6 lessons) human beings over plants take care for them environment?
b) apply the biblical ● take a nature walk in their
teachings acquired to environment, observe
conserve the environment different plants, draw them
c) discuss ways responsible on charts and display in
use of plants contribute to class
economic growth ● read in turns Genesis 1:29:
d) desire to contribute to a Genesis 2:15 and Psalm
healthy ecosystem. 104:14, summarize the
biblical teachings on charts
and display in class
● in groups list the activities
they do to care for plants in
their environment
● brainstorm how responsible
use of plants contribute to
economic growth
● Responsibility: the learners plant an income generating crop either at home or school
● Social justice: the learners advocate for environmental conservation by taking good care of plants in their environment
● Unity: the learners take turns to read Genesis 1:29: Genesis 2:15 and Psalm 104:14 and summarize the biblical teachings on
Strand Sub -strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
2.0 2.4 By the end of the sub The learner is guided to: 1. Why
Creation Use of strand, the learner ● brainstorm on how their communities use natural should we
Natural should be able to: resources conserve
Resources a) explain ways in ● in small groups, discuss how their communities the
which human have misused natural resources; write the points environm
(5 lessons) beings use and on charts and present to the class ent?
misuse natural ● conduct an online or library search on how 2. How do
resources, human beings have used and misused natural human
b) explore the resources and make a PowerPoint beings
effects of presentation/posters to the class benefit
misusing natural ● debate on the effects of destroying the from
resources, environment natural
Ability to explore the Explores the effects of Explores the effects of Partly explores the Explores the effects of
effects of misuse of misuse of natural misuse of natural effects of misuse of misuse of natural
natural resources resources and gives resources natural resources resources with
relevant examples guidance
Ability to discuss Discusses Biblical Discusses Biblical Discusses Biblical Discusses Biblical
biblical teaching on the teaching on the use and teaching on the use and teachings on use and teaching on use and
use and misuse of misuse of God’s misuse of God’s misuse of God’s misuse of God’s
God’s creation creation using creation creation when creation with guidance
illustrations prompted
● Unity: learners work in groups and prepare PowerPoint slides or charts on the importance of the Bible
● Respect: learners read in turns various Bible texts
● Responsibility: learners engage in different services in their local community.
● Peace: learners put into practice the Word of God and live harmoniously with each other
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
● Unity: learners work in groups to sort and arrange in order books of the Bible using the flash cards
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Question(s)
3.0 The Bible 3.3 By the end of the sub The learner is guided to: Why is it important to
Bible strand, the learner should ● in groups, list translate the Bible into
Translations be able to: translations/versions of the different languages?
a) identify different Bible that they know
(6 lessons) Bible translations ● in groups discuss reasons that
used in Kenya today, led to the translation of the
b) discuss reasons for Bible to local languages
translation of the ● brainstorm on how people
Bible to local have benefited from the
languages, different Bible translations
c) examine the social ● use digital devices to search
and economic effects on the different
of translation of the translations/versions of the
Bible into local Bible
● Unity: learners work in groups and pairs to discuss, brainstorm and appreciate the importance of Bible translation
● Respect: learners take turns and listen as each of them air their views/ideas as they engage in different assignments
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
● Responsibility: learners debate on the advantages of choosing good leaders in the society today
● Social justice: the learners choose leaders of integrity at school and in the Church
Assessment Rubric
Ability to explain the Explains using Explains the Partly explains the With prompts
importance of the examples, the importance of the importance of the explains importance of
Bible in the society importance of the Bible in the society Bible in the society the Bible in the society
today today today today
Ability to explain how Explains with relevant Explains how God’s Explains how God’s Explains how God’s
God’s word inspires examples, how God’s word inspires different word inspires different word inspires different
different services word inspires different services among services among services among
among Christians services among Christians Christians with Christians with
Christians prompts guidance
Ability to classify the Classifies the books of Classifies the books of Classifies some of the Needs assistance to
books of the Old and the Old and New the Old and New books of the Old and classify books of the
New Testament Testament according to Testament according to New Testament Old and New
according to their their groups their groups according to their Testament according to
groups sequentially groups their groups
Ability to identify Identifies different Identifies different Identifies some Bible Needs assistance to
different Bible Bible translations used Bible translations used translations used in identify Bible
translations used in in Kenya today with in Kenya today Kenya today translation used in
Kenya today illustrations Kenya today
Ability to discuss Discusses reasons for Discusses reasons for Discusses reasons for Discusses reasons for
reasons for translation translation of the Bible translation of the Bible Bible translation to translation of the Bible
of the Bible to local to local languages in to local languages local languages but to local languages with
language details omits some prompts
Ability to identify the Identifies roles played Identifies the roles Identifies roles played Identifies roles played
roles played by Moses by Moses during the played by Moses by Moses during the by Moses during the
during the Exodus Exodus with during the Exodus Exodus when Exodus with guidance
illustrations prompted
Ability to discuss Discusses leadership Discusses leadership Briefly discusses Discuss leadership
leadership qualities qualities he/she can qualities he/she can leadership qualities qualities he/she can
he/she can emulate emulate from Moses emulate from Moses he/she can emulate emulate from Moses
from Moses using relevant from Moses with guidance
4.0 The Early 4.1 Prophecies By the end of the sub The learner is guided to: How were the Old
life of Jesus about the strand, the learner should ● in groups brainstorm on the Testament prophecies
Christ Messiah be able to: meaning of the term fulfilled?
● Love: learners practice the teachings of John the Baptist through sharing with the needy
● Unity: learners work in groups and pairs and take turns to air their views
● Social justice: the learners brainstorm on how they can apply the message of John the Baptist in their lives.
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
4.0 The 4.2 The Birth By the end of the sub The learner is guided to: Why do Christians
Early life and Childhood strand, the learner should ● in turns read Luke 1:26-38 and celebrate the birth
of Jesus of Jesus Christ be able to: Luke 2:1-20 of Jesus Christ?
Christ a) outline the events that ● in pairs list the events that took
(6 lessons) took place during the place during the annunciation of the
annunciation and the birth of Jesus Christ
birth of Jesus Christ, ● make a presentation on the
b) describe the dedication annunciation of the Birth of Jesus
of baby Jesus, Christ using Power Point slides or
c) analyse the story of charts
Jesus Christ in the ● watch a video clip on the birth of
Temple, Jesus Christ and write the key
d) identify values learnt points on a chart
from the birth and ● share experiences of how children
childhood of Jesus are dedicated in various churches
Christ , today
e) appreciate the ● read Luke 2:22-38 in turns and
dedication of Jesus make short notes
● Love: is exhibited as learners respect each other’s opinions and take turns to air their views during group discussions
● Peace: learners acquire values like peace, sharing and kindness from the early life of Jesus Christ hence they co-exist
Ability to outline the Outlines the Outlines the Outlines some of the Outlines prophecies about the
prophecies about the prophecies about the prophecies about the prophecies about the Messiah with prompts
coming of Jesus Messiah and quotes Messiah Messiah
Christ relevant Bible texts
Ability to explain Explains how the Explains how the Partly explains how Explains how the Old
how Old Testament Old Testament Old Testament the Old Testament Testament prophecies were
prophecies about the prophecies about the prophecies about the prophecies about the fulfilled with guidance
Messiah were Messiah were Messiah were Messiah were
fulfilled through fulfilled and gives fulfilled fulfilled
Jesus Christ relevant examples
Ability to analyse Analyses the events Analyses the events Analyses some of Analyses the events that took
the events that took that took place that took place the events that took place during the annunciation
place during the during the during the place during the and birth of Jesus Christ with
annunciation and the annunciation and annunciation and annunciation and guidance
birth of Jesus Christ birth of Jesus Christ birth of Jesus Christ birth of Jesus Christ
Ability to relate the Relates the birth of Relates the birth of Relates some aspects Relates the birth of John the
birth of John the John the Baptist to John the Baptist to of the birth of John Baptist to the coming of the
Baptist to the the coming of the the coming of the the Baptist to the Messiah with guidance
coming of Jesus Messiah and cites Messiah coming of the
Christ relevant examples Messiah
Ability to describe Describes the Describes the Makes effort to Describes the events that took
the dedication of dedication of Jesus dedication of Jesus describe the place during the birth of Jesus
Jesus Christ in the Christ in the Temple Christ in the Temple dedication of Jesus when prompted
Temple and cites relevant Christ in the Temple
biblical texts
Ability to identify Outlines values Outlines values Outlines values Outlines values learnt from the
the values Christians learnt from the birth learnt from the birth learnt from the birth birth and childhood of Jesus
learn from the birth and childhood of and childhood of and childhood of Christ with guidance
and childhood of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ Jesus Christ when
Jesus Christ gives relevant prompted
5.0 The 5.1 Selected By the end of the sub strand, the The learner is guided to: Why is prayer and
Church Forms of learner should be able to: ● share experiences of how worship is fasting important
Worship a) explain teachings on done in his/her church in the life of a
selected forms of worship, ● in pairs, discuss the meaning of Christian?
(6 lessons) b) discuss the importance of “worship”
prayer and fasting, ● in turns, read Exodus 15:20-21, Psalm
c) describe how they practice 30:11-12; 96:1-2, 150:1-5, Ephesians
the teachings of Jesus Christ 5:19; and outline the teachings on
on prayer and fasting, praise and thanksgiving
d) practise different forms of ● brainstorm, in groups, why prayer and
worship in his/her day-to- fasting is an important form of
day life, worship
e) desire to use different forms ● use a digital device or a poster to
of worship to build a strong summarise points on the importance of
relationship with God. prayer and fasting
● in groups read Luke 4:1-2, Act 13:1-
3, Matthew 6:9-13, 1 Thessalonians
5:16-18; write lessons learnt and make
a presentation using a digital device or
a chart
● in pairs read Matthew 6:16 and discuss
how one should behave when fasting
● Respect: learners take turns as they share experiences on how worship is done in their church
● Unity: learners work in groups as they read and compose a song based on the Bible texts provided
5.0 5.2 By the end of the sub-strand The learner is guided to: Why does the
The Role of the the learner should be able to: ● in groups brainstorm on health care church support
Church Church in a) discuss the contribution of facilities established by churches in education and
Education and the Church towards his/her community health?
Health education and health, ● use google maps/County maps to
b) identify barriers to identify health care facilities
(4 lessons) effective Church mission established by the church in Kenya
work in Kenya today, today
c) appreciate the contribution ● carry out an online search on the role
of the Church in education of the church in education and health
and health. and present findings in class
● in groups discuss and summarise on
charts, barriers to effective church
mission work in health and education
● interview resource persons on the
contribution of the Church in education
and health in Kenya today
● Unity: learners in groups brainstorm on health care facilities established by churches in his/her community
● Love: learners appreciate the role played by the church in establishing schools and health facilities
Assessment Rubric
Ability to explain the Explains Biblical Explains Biblical Partially explains Explains Biblical
Biblical teachings on teachings on selected teachings on selected Biblical teachings on teachings on selected
selected forms of forms of worship and forms of worship selected forms of forms of worship with
worship gives relevant examples worship prompts
Ability to discuss the Discusses the Discusses the Discusses the Discusses the
contribution of the contribution of the contribution of the contribution of the contribution of the
church towards church towards church towards church towards church towards
education and health education and health in education and health in education and health education and health in
in Kenya Kenya in details Kenya in Kenya but leaves Kenya with consistent
out some details guidance
Ability to identify Identifies barriers to Identifies barriers to Identifies barriers to Identifies barriers to
barriers to effective effective effective Church effective Church effective Church
Church mission Church mission work mission work in Kenya mission work in mission work in Kenya
work in Kenya today Kenya today with today Kenya today when today with guidance
relevant examples prompted
6.0 Christian 6.1 Human By the end of the-sub The learner is guided to: How do you utilize
Living Sexuality strand, the learner should ● brainstorm on the meaning of Christian values to
Today be able to: human sexuality maintain sexual
(5 lessons) a) explain the meaning of ● in pairs discuss healthy and purity?
human sexuality for unhealthy relationships
holistic development, ● in pairs read I Corinthians 6:9 and
b) discuss healthy and 18; discuss the meaning of the Bible
unhealthy texts
relationships for ● read Philippians 4:8-9 and Galatians
responsible living, 5:23 reflect on it and keep a journal
c) discuss the on values and life skills they apply
circumstances that as they relate with others
lead to unhealthy ● write 1 Thessalonians 4:3 on a flash
relationships, card recite it and display it in class
d) outline the ● in groups discuss circumstances that
consequences of can lead to sexual temptations
engaging in sex ● brainstorm on how to avoid
before marriage, temptations/tempting places
e) apply Christian values ● role play on how to overcome a
as they relate with tempting situation
others. ● list/mention the negative effects of
engaging in sex before marriage
Core Competencies:
● Learning to learn: learners brainstorm on how to avoid temptations/tempting places
● Self-efficacy: learners journal their resolve to remain chaste until marriage as they depend on God’s strength/prayer
● Communication and collaboration: learners debate on, ‘it is possible for a young person to remain chaste until marriage’
● Respect for one another: learners brainstorm on the meaning of, ‘healthy and unhealthy male –female relationships’
● Responsibility: learners make decisions to avoid temptations/tempting places as they depend on God
● Integrity: learners journal their resolve to remain chaste until marriage as they depend on God’s strength/prayer
● Peace: learners resolve to have healthy relationships
6.0 Christian 6.2 Christian By the end of the-sub The learner is guided to: How does a good
Living Marriage and strand, the learner should ● in pairs brainstorm on different marriage
Today Family be able to: types of families contribute to
a) discuss the biblical ● read Genesis 2:23-24: Ephesians stability in the
(5 lessons) teachings on 5:22-33 in turns and summarize the society?
marriage and family, main biblical teachings about
b) explain ways the marriage
church promote ● in turns read Exodus 20:12, Psalm
values among young 127:3-5, Ephesians 6:4 and note the
key points
Core Competencies:
● Critical thinking and problem solving: learners write key messages on the skills required to sustain and support stable
families in the society today
● Citizenship: learners discuss the biblical teachings on values and life skills required to contribute to stable families
● Learning to learn: learners interact with a religious leader or resource person to find out strategies used by Christians to
promote values among young people before marriage
● Digital literacy: learners carry out an online search on the skills required to sustain and support stable families in the society
● Unity: learners respect each other’s ideas and take turns during group discussions
● Love: learners list values and life skills needed to contribute to stable families
● Responsibility: learners write key messages on charts or flash cards on the skills that young people need to contribute
towards stable families
6.0 6.3 Alcohol, By the end of the sub- strand, the The learner is guided to: 1. Why do
Christia Drugs and learner should be able to: ● in pairs brainstorm the meaning young
n Living Substance a) identify drugs commonly of alcohol, drug and substance people
Abuse abused by youths in Kenya abuse and share with the class abuse
today, ● list drugs commonly abused by drugs and
(5 lessons) youths in Kenya today
● Responsibility: learners make the right decisions and avoid alcohol drug and substance abuse
● Respect: learners respect themselves by avoiding alcohol, drugs and substance abuse
● Patriotism: learners make a decision to live responsibly by not engaging in alcohol, drug and substance abuse
6.0 6.4 Gambling By the end of the sub The learner is guided to: Why do young
Christian strand, the learner should ● in groups share what they know about people engage in
Living (5 lessons) be able to: gambling gambling?
Today a) identify different types ● in pairs, brainstorm on the meaning
of gambling, and types of gambling
b) explain the biblical ● in turns reads 1Timothy 6:9-10;
teachings on gambling, Proverbs 13:11 and 28:20-22 and
c) discuss the causes of summarize the key points on charts
gambling in the society for presentation in class
today, ● in groups use digital devices /read
d) examine the effects of relevant textbooks to identify causes
gambling on of gambling and share in class
individuals and ● role play the effects of gambling on
families, individuals and families
e) explore measures taken ● listen to a resource person give a
by Christians and the talk/speech on the negative effects of
government to help gambling on individuals and families
young people ● in turns, read Proverbs 13:11; 1
overcome gambling, Timothy 6:10; Hebrew 13:5;
● Responsibility: learners make the right decisions and avoid gambling
● Respect for self and others: learners avoid situations that can lead to gambling
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
6.0 6.5 Social By the end of the sub strand, The learner is guided to: Why should you
Christian Media the learner should be able to: ● list different social media platforms be cautious when
Living ( 5 lessons) a) identify different social they interact with using social
Today media platforms used by ● brainstorm on the dangers of chatting media?
young people today, or meeting with online strangers
b) describe ways of using ● in pairs share precautions they need to
social media responsibly, exercise as they make interactions with
c) examine ways in which online strangers
social media is misused ● in groups discuss how social media is
today, misused today and make PowerPoint
slides for presentation in class
● Integrity: learners write sensitization messages on charts or posters on values and skills needed to use social media
● Responsibility: learners in pairs share precautions they need to exercise as they engage on social media platforms
● Respect: learners respect self as they make a decision to use social media responsibly
Assessment Rubric
Ability to explain the Explains the meaning of Explains the meaning of Makes effort to Explains the meaning
meaning of human human sexuality with human sexuality explains the meaning of human sexuality
sexuality for holistic relevant examples of human sexuality with guidance
Ability to discuss the Discusses the Discusses the Discusses the Discusses
circumstances that circumstances that lead to circumstances that lead to circumstances lead to circumstances that
lead to unhealthy unhealthy relationships unhealthy relationships unhealthy lead to unhealthy
relationships and gives relevant relationships when relationships with
examples prompted guidance
Ability to discuss the Discusses the biblical Discusses the biblical Partially discusses Discusses the biblical
biblical teachings on teachings on marriage teachings on marriage the biblical teachings teachings on marriage
marriage and family and family and cites and family on marriage and and family with
relevant examples family guidance
Ability to identify the identifies skills that Identifies skills young Partly identifies Identifies skills that
skills that young young people need to people need to contribute skills that young young people need to
people need to contribute towards stable towards stable families people need to contribute towards
contribute towards families and provides contribute towards stable families with
stable families relevant examples stable families guidance
Ability to identify identifies and gives Identifies drugs Partly identifies Makes effort to
drugs commonly relevant examples of commonly abused by drugs abused by identify drugs
abused by youth in drugs commonly abused youths in Kenya today youth in Kenya today commonly abused by
Kenya today by youth in Kenya today youth in Kenya today
Ability to discuss Discusses reasons why Discusses reasons why Discusses reasons Discusses reasons why
reasons why young young people abuse young people abuse young people abuse young people abuse
people abuse drugs drugs today in details drugs today drugs today and leaves drugs today with
today out some details prompts
Ability to discuss the Discusses the causes of Discusses the causes of Discusses causes of Discusses causes of
causes of gambling in gambling in society gambling in society today gambling in society gambling in society
society today today using relevant today when today with support
examples prompted
Ability to examine the Examines the effects of Examines the effects of Makes effort to Examines the effects
effects of gambling on gambling on individuals gambling on individuals examines the effects of gambling on
individuals and and families and cites and families of gambling on individuals and
families relevant examples individuals and families but requires
families assistance
Ability to identify Identifies different social Identifies different social Partly identifies Identifies social
different social media media platforms used by media platforms used by some social media media platforms used
platforms used by young people today young people today platforms used by by young people today
young people today illustratively young people today with prompts
Ability to discuss Discusses ways he/she Discusses ways he/she Discusses ways Discusses ways he/she
ways he/she should should respond to should respond to he/she should should respond to
respond to cyberbullying with cyberbullying respond to cyberbullying with
cyberbullying relevant examples cyberbullying when guidance
Ability to apply Constantly applies Applies Christian values Makes effort to apply Applies Christian
Christian values and Christian values and life and life skills in their Christian values and values and life skills
life skills to live skills in their interaction interaction with others to life skills in their in their interaction
responsibly with others to live live responsibly interaction with with others but require
responsibly others to live consistent guidance
Assessment Rubric
The ability to Learner defines and Learner defines and Learner defines and Learners requires
identify and analyse elaborately discusses a discusses a pertinent discusses a pertinent support to critically
a pertinent issue in pertinent issue to be issue to be addressed. issue to be addressed examine and select the
society to be addressed. with minimal support. appropriate issue.
The ability to plan Learner systematically Learner establishes Learner establishes Learners establishes
to solve the establishes resources resources needed, resources needed, resources needed,
identified problem needed, develops plans, develops plans, assigns develops plans, assigns developing plans,
assigns responsibilities, responsibilities, and responsibilities, and assigning
and generates data on the generates data on the generates data on the responsibilities and
CSL project. CSL project. CSL project. generating data on the
CSL project.
Ability to share Learner comprehensively Learner shares findings Learner shares some of Learner briefly shares
findings to relevant and confidently shares of the issue addressed the findings of the findings of the issue
actors findings of the issue in the activity. issue addressed in the addressed in the
addressed in the activity. activity. activity, lacks
necessary details.
The ability to Learner distinctly and Learner outlines the Learner outlines the Learner outline the
reflect on own clearly outlines the benefits of the CSL benefits of the CSL benefits of the CSL
learning and benefits of the CSL activity on the target activity on the target activity on the target
relevance of the activity on the target community and own community and own community and own
activity community and own learning. learning, a few unclear. learning with support.
2.0 Creation 2.1 Accounts of ● Observations ● Good News Bible Interview a resource
Creation ● Questionnaires ● CRE Course Books person for more
● Journals ● Digital Course Books- information on
● Anecdotal notes www.kec. Creation Accounts
● Project ● Realia
3.0 The Bible 3.1 ● Questions and ● CRE Course Books Participate in Bible
Functions Answers ● Good News Bible competitions/Sympo
of the Bible ● Observation ● Posters sium
Schedules ● Charts
● Bible Quizzes ● Digital Course Books-
● Rating Scales www.kec.
● Anecdotal Notes ● Flash cards
● Audio-visual resources
4.0 The 4.1 Background to ● Observation ● Good News Bible Prepare a drama on
Early life of the Birth of Jesus Schedule ● Posters the background to
Jesus Christ Christ ● Oral/Aural ● Models the birth of Jesus
Questions ● Workbooks Christ and present it
● Rubrics ● Manilla papers during
● Anecdotal Notes ● Pictures and photographs clubs/societies
● Rating Scales ● CRE Course Books
● Portfolio ● Digital Course Books-
● Flash cards
● Charts
4.2 The Birth and ● Observation ● Good News Bible Conduct a role play
Childhood of Schedule ● Posters on Jesus at the
Jesus Christ ● Written ● Manilla papers temple and make a
Assignments ● Pictures and photographs presentation during
● Oral/Aural ● Newspaper Cuttings clubs and societies
Questions ● CRE Course Books
● Rubrics ● Digital Course Books-
● Anecdotal Notes www.kec.
● Rating Scales ● Hymn Books
● Pictures and photographs
● Charts
● Audio-visual resources
5.0 The 5.1 Selected Forms of ● Observation ● Good News Bible Participate/ sing
church in Worship Schedule ● Posters during an event at
Action ● Written ● Pictures and photographs the school
Assignments ● Newspaper Cuttings Lead prayers during
● Oral/Aural ● CRE Course Books school assembly or
Questions ● Digital Course Books- academic day
● Rubrics www.kec.
● Hymn Books
6.0 Christian 6.1 Human Sexuality ● Self-assessment ● Good News Bible Engage in debates
Living Today ● Peer assessments ● Posters on responsible and
● Questions and ● Pictures and photographs irresponsible sexual
Answers ● Newspaper Cuttings behaviour and
● Journals ● CRE Course Books values needed for
● Portfolio ● The Kenya Education Cloud- responsible living
● Anecdotal Notes KEC
● Authentic Tasks ● The internet