Nakakamatay Na CHAPTER 1
Nakakamatay Na CHAPTER 1
Nakakamatay Na CHAPTER 1
The authoritative structure in instructive teaching arranges student leadership. In line
with this arrangement, the students’ board is found in most instructive education
institutions. In most cases, the board is chosen by the students themselves after the
school organization assigns candidates for different positions. The association of school
organizations within the choice of school leaders stems from the concern around the
performance. Stress is a key factor that plays a major role in a student leaders’ life.
Stress in the form of intensified pressure to perform by learning institutions and also
how demanding leadership roles can be to these very students. Stress among students
This study aims to determine what are the impact of leadership roles on the academic
performance of the students, the researcher intentions is concerning about what are the
possible factors why the student who are excellent academics who have sometimes a
failed grade, the researcher also see that one of the problems of the students aside
from co-extracurricular activity one of the possible reasons of the students who have a
lower grade or failed is having a leadership role. The researcher chooses this study to
have a support idea and contribute to the students and teachers’ engagement of
Chapter 1
Background of the study
Leadership, as defined by Cambridge dictionary, is the quality or ability that makes a person a leader,
or the position of being a leader. This word is not new to students as they are exposed in leading with
this, it is important to introduce students to leadership at a young age (Evans, 2014). According to
Ravasini, C. (2017), leading is important for students for them to be able to experience working within
teams and to identify and achieve tasks effectively. However, many students nowadays are having a
hard time when it comes to leading. Most of the time student leaders were distracted by the
irresponsibility to perform well in the class thus, school leadership has an average but significant
indirect impact on academic performance (Mwangi, 2016). On the other hand, there are also students
who are incapable of leading even though they have the potentials of a leader due to lack of
experience. According to Allegheny College, student leaders leave a lasting impression on the
members of their organization therefore, student leaders should have the qualities and skills to be able
to handle a team. Leadership may play a key role to improve the educational process and also to
achievement (Choi & Gil, 2017). In this thought, leadership has great benefits that will help them
improve themselves as leaders and students. Due to this, the researchers chose this topic to know the
effects of students' leadership to their academic performance. The researchers want to know what the
possible outcomes of being a leader are and how it can adapt in the performance of the students
academically. The objective of the study is to discover the traits that a leader most likely possesses as
well as the problems that they encounter when it comes to leading. This study will be beneficial to
students since it aims to classify different leading attributes and strategies in order for them to be a
which clarifies and defines the variables being studied from different published
literature and the Review of related studies, which gather studies, theses and
t h e organization who is in touch with and acts in line with the organizational purpose
and values."
[1] It shows that anyone can be a leader if and only if they want to commit in any
have. According to Alvaro Choi & Maria Gil (2017), leadership may play a keyrole in
academic achievement. Therefore, determining the impact of the role played by school
academic that the students absorbed during and after leadership training. According
to Chris peels, Burke, Johnson and Daly (2008), gains in student learning have been
diverse learners.
[3] This mentioned that top down approach learning is based on the idea that a teacher
drives the classroom. The teacher determines what is to be taught and then delivers it
to students. This is the opposite of the student-driven classroom, where teachers and
need to be able to take decisions while a wide range of factors remain uncertain.
the leaders have self-confidence therefore, they have the trait to decide on their own
only problem solvers but those who could help the society to a higher level o f
l e a d e r s a r e those who not only ‘do things right’ but are also seen to do the right
[5] It shows that being leaders are not ends in solving problem, but it is the
person who is willing to help and guide his/her society to become better. Leader is
not the one who always makes right but always knows what is best and seen
what is wrong.
Local Literature
also stated t h a t a s t u d e n t l e a d e r i s a g o o d b a l a n c e r b e c a u s e h e / s h e
sibilities in
students. According to Alegria Garcia (2017), there are several factors affecting the
and student factor. The teacher qualities and capabilities also affect the
performance of the s t u d e n t s i n t h e i r s t u d i e s . S o m e o f t h e a t t r i b u t e s o f
and teacher training can highly affect the student’s perception on the study.
d e m i c performance, it shows that one of the training that the teachers give
Ilac, E.J, (2011), studied that in any organization, one of the most basic relationships is
follower relationship.
Ilac stated that, the members are a direct reflection of a leader. They area watcher, a
rules. According to Victorino Abrugar (2012), leadership is not only for mayors,
governors, congressmen, senators or for the president. It’s not only for
priests, f a m o u s a r t i s t s o r t h e b u s i n e s s i c o n s . L e a d e r s h i p i s f o r a l l o f
you should start by leading the nearest Filipino within your reach – you.
[10] This literature is connected to the researchers study. This has said that
leadership is not for those people who have the high position in our country.
It can start with yourself. For example, in our school the student council
who is in high position to guide his/her co-students, aren't be always the one
who leads and guide them. You can be the leader of yourself. And you are
leadership roles in and outside the school, the researcher target sample is 30
respondents who experience the leadership among school and community, the
researcher gather the needed data from students/not students who are residents of
angono, the researcher aims to determine the impact of leadership role on academic
1.2. Leadership
4. From the findings of the study, what action plan may be crafted?
Null Hypothesis
There is no significant relationship between the respondents level of student leadership
Theoretical Framework
The researcher utilizes Social Identity theory by Henri Tajfel individuals derive their
sense of self and identity from the groups they belong to. In the context of student
leadership, students who actively participate in leadership roles develop a strong sense
of identity and belonging to their school or college community. This sense of identity can
towards their peers and strive to set a positive example. This motivation can lead
management skills, which can translate into better organization and prioritization
3. Peer Influence: Student leaders often have a significant impact on their peers.
They can inspire and motivate other students to excel academically. By creating
a positive academic culture and fostering a supportive learning environment,
student leaders can indirectly influence the academic performance of their peers.
solving, and decision-making. These skills are transferable and can positively
It is important to note that while student leadership can have a positive impact on
motivation, and external support systems also play a significant role. Additionally, the
specific context and nature of student leadership roles may vary, leading to different
Overall, the Social Identity Theory provides a theoretical framework to understand the
motivation, time management skills, peer influence, and self-efficacy, all of which can
Conceptual Framework
Intervening Variable
Self-determination Theory
1. Communication Skills
2. Decision-Making skills
3. Organizing skills
The conceptual framework shows that the student leadership affects the academic
performance of the student leaders. The intervening variable however is the causal link
of both variables. When student leaders work with his responsibilities and duties, the
motivation in his action can be seen that drives how he must perform well in leading as
relatedness, in many leading skills people seen, many only focus on the input and
output of the action, but never tried to know the process, in which leaders balance
studying and leading, though each of them affects each other but what affects them the
most was the intervening variable since it is the link on how the academic performance
will be, according to the student leadership. Furthermore, the relation of the three
variables will now result on the impact of student's leadership to the academic
Students It serves as an eye opener to every student who plan to have a position as a
student’s leaders.
Community It will help to them to have an idea about the impact of student leaders in
Organization Group It will be the basis of the following factor why student and leaders’
leadership role.
Definition of terms
Time Management It refers to the leaders who manage their leadership roles and
Decision Making It refers to this study of one’s individual thinking about the leadership
Multitasking It refers to task of the students in leadership role and academic roles.
Critical Thinkings It refers to the personal’s ability and intellectual ability of the