2022-Ranked Generic Criteria For EPC Contractor Selection

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Ranked generic criteria for EPC contractor selection

Dissanayake, Nayana; Xia, Bo; Skitmore, Martin; Trigunarsyah, Bambang; Menadue,

Published in:
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management



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Recommended citation(APA):
Dissanayake, N., Xia, B., Skitmore, M., Trigunarsyah, B., & Menadue, V. (2022). Ranked generic criteria for EPC
contractor selection. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/ECAM-

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1 Ranked generic criteria for EPC contractor selection

2 Abstract

3 Purpose – The purpose of this study was to prioritize the appropriate generic contractor selection

4 criteria for EPC projects in the construction industry

5 Design/methodology/approach – Proceeding from a review of previous studies and validation by a

6 small group of experts, a preliminary set of 16 criteria was first identified. This was followed by three

7 rounds of Delphi surveys: firstly, with 64 experienced participants confirming the relevance of the 16

8 criteria; secondly, with a reduced subgroup of 47 more experienced participants scoring the

9 importance of each; and finally, providing the opportunity for the 47 to revise their scores in the light

10 of knowing the aggregated results of the previous round

11 Findings – The results show the consensus view, of which the most important criteria are ranked as

12 past performance, project understanding, technical attributes, key personnel, and health and safety,

13 past experience, time, management, financial, contractual, and legal, quality, cost, relationships,

14 environmental and sustainability, organizational and industrial relations, and geographical location.

15 Originality/value – The findings are useful for both practitioners and academics in making a

16 significant contribution to the body of knowledge of the EPC process. This will assist in providing a

17 better understanding of criteria importance and pave the way to developing an EPC contractor

18 selection model involving the criteria most needed to objectively identify potential contractors and

19 evaluate tenders.

20 Keywords Contractor, tender, selection, criteria, EPC projects.

21 Paper type Research paper


23 1. Introduction

24 The construction industry is one of the most significant contributors to economies around the

25 world. Project delivery methods such as traditional design-bid-build, integrated design-build and

26 construction management are used for construction projects with varying degrees of success, depending

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27 on the project type and skills required (Forbes & Ahmed, 2010). Major projects in the oil and gas,

28 mining and infrastructure industries in particular regularly experience cost and schedule overruns, with

29 their size and complexity being the most significant contributors (e.g., Rui et al., 2017). Especially

30 suited to such projects that are driven by engineering designs instead of architectural designs is the

31 widely used Engineering-Procurement-Construction (EPC) contract (Forbes & Ahmed, 2010; Shen et

32 al., 2017). Also known as Lump Sum Turnkey (LSTK) (The Project Definition, 2013) and Engineering,

33 Procurement, Installation & Commissioning (EPIC) (Al-Bidaiwi et al., 2012), the EPC contract is

34 defined as “a complex transaction involving a set of products, services and construction works designed

35 specifically to complete a specific asset for a customer within a certain period of time; a building, a

36 turnkey factory, a power plant, a weapons system, or the like” (Cova & Hoskins, 1997). Examples

37 include the Turkmenistan Galkynysh Gas Field – one of the world’s largest EPC projects – which, at

38 30 billion m3/annum, supplies natural gas to approximately 1/6 of China’s gas consumption 1, and the

39 USD 33 billion Rovuma LNG Project in Mozambique – Africa’s largest ever private EPC project 2.

40 Others include the USD 2.5 billion Central Chile Copper Concentrator Plant involving 8 million m3 of

41 earthworks and 400,000 m3 of structural concrete 3, China State Construction Engineering Corporation’s

42 CNY 450 million Zhaoqing Bridge expansion 4, and Ghana’s USD 622 million 400-megawatt Bui Dam

43 hydroelectric project 5.

44 Involving one or more contractors and designers combining their efforts to deliver a full and

45 complete engineering project under a single point of responsibility for design and construction (Baram,

46 2005), the EPC delivery method is particularly useful for its innovation in design and construction,

47 initial cost and time certainty, guaranteed performance and reduced administration burden associated

48 with asset development (Forbes & Ahmed, 2010). At the same time, the delivery nature of EPC projects

See https://neftegazru.com/tech-library/oil-gas-field/552159-galkynysh-gas-field/
See https://www.thenationalnews.com/business/energy/exxon-to-invest-in-africa-s-biggest-lng-project-in-
See https://www.ennomotive.com/transportation-of-big-equipment-in-difficult-access-areas/
See https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/CHINA-STATE-CONSTRUCTION-6500392/news/China-
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bui_Dam

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49 is also changing from traditional engineering success to the delivery of more sustainable and economic

50 outcomes (Australian Constructors Association (ACA), 2015).

51 However, such projects depend on a limited/small number of international/domestic

52 subcontractors/contractors undertaking these projects, and with difficult-to-manage complex supplies

53 as occur with petrochemical projects for instance (Siddiqui, 2020). Unexpected additional costs can

54 also arise in the form of change orders as the project design and construction evolves (Habibi et al.,

55 2019), the owner has less design control and intervention opportunities (Dissanayake, 2017), and the

56 multi-disciplinary nature of engineering design within EPC creates projects with a high level of risk

57 and complexity (Said et al., 2020). As almost all project risks are allocated to the contractor, there are

58 increased risks of unrealistic designs, high costs and reduced quality (Kabirifar and Mojtahedi, 2019).

59 In short, the operation process, management mode, contractual obligations and risk allocations in EPC

60 are quite different from traditional delivery methods (Hui & Qin, 2011).

61 Selecting an appropriate contractor − one of the most important decisions at the early stage of any

62 project (e.g., Holt, 1998) − poses particularly significant challenges for EPC project owners, involving

63 a complex decision-making process with diverse criteria, multiple decision makers and various

64 available options (Alzahrani & Emsley, 2013). It is a decision-making process where various criteria

65 need to be considered other than price, making the identification of the most appropriate criteria for the

66 assessment of contractors a critical activity in the pre-tender stage. Despite their unique nature,

67 however, determination of the important criteria for EPC contractor selection has scarcely been

68 investigated to date.

69 This study seeks to rectify this situation by identifying the most important generic contractor

70 selection criteria appropriate for EPC projects. This is done by, firstly, extracting a preliminary set of

71 criteria from the literature followed by three Rounds of Delphi survey with experts in the EPC industry

72 to obtain a consensus set of criteria ranked according to their importance. The measurement of the

73 evaluation criteria and ways to trust the information supplied by EPC contractor is considered to be

74 outside the scope of this research.

75 The next section of this paper comprises a review of the main literature concerning the relationship

76 between EPC and other similar project delivery methods, previous research into contractor selection

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77 criteria and the use of Delphi surveys in construction management and contractor selection research.

78 This is followed by a description of the method used to obtain and rank the criteria, and the results thus

79 obtained. The final section provides a summary of the work, the potential implications involved and

80 prospects for future research.

81 2. Literature review

82 A number of project delivery methods have been developed for the process of designing and

83 constructing facilities, the commonly used of which include (CMAA, 2012; Forbes & Ahmed, 2010;

84 Molenaar et al., 2010): Design-BidBuild (DBB), Design-Build (DB) or Design and Construct (D&C),

85 Construction Manager at Risk (CM at Risk), Engineering-Procurement-Construction (EPC), Design-

86 CM (Construction Management), Fast-Track Construction, Partnering, Turnkey and Build-Operate-

87 Transfer (BOT). These different project delivery methods are distinguished by the structural variations

88 between the owner, the designer, and the constructor, financing methods and operational variations

89 within the parties (Touran et al., 2011; Oyegoke et al., 2009).

90 Four main project delivery categories are widely accepted in the construction industry: namely,

91 traditional procurement, integrated procurement, management procurement and collaborative (or

92 relational) procurement. EPC is categorized as an integrated procurement method (Dissanayake, 2017).

93 It is noted that DB and EPC are distinguished as two different project delivery methods even

94 though they share critical similarities. The typical DB and EPC structures in Figs 1 and 2, respectively,

95 clearly show the structural variations of both delivery methods, which are determined by the roles of

96 the main parties involved.

97 Selection (or evaluation) criteria are the measures that have been used for many years in many

98 countries by decision makers for prequalifying contractors or selecting the most appropriate contractor

99 in response to an invitation to offer (request for proposal) – especially by public sector owners – and

100 involve many different types (Hatush, 1996). However, although the criteria for construction contractor

101 selection in general have been the subject of many studies (e.g., El-Sayegh et al., 2019 Gurgun et al.,

102 2020;; Hunt et al., 1966; Khoso & Yusof, 2020; Merna & Smith, 1990; Moselhi and Martinelli, 1990;

103 Palaneeswaran and Kumaraswamy, 2000), very few specifically identify the contractor selection

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104 criteria for EPC projects and their relative importance. Niayeshnia et al.’s (2020) study of the

105 classification, prioritization, efficiency, and change management of EPC projects, for instance, while

106 identifying the (mainly negative) influences on productivity, does not focus specifically on contractor

107 selection. Only Amiri et al. (2021) have determined a weighted set of criteria. This is as part of their

108 EPC contractor selection model with selection criteria (based on Holt et al.’s (1994b) general

109 construction criteria) for an individual project by interviewing seven experts who are “members of

110 evaluation team of employers”, to be subsequently rated for importance by the members of the

111 commissioning team of the employer. What has yet to be undertaken is a larger study aimed at providing

112 a basic generic set of criteria for the EPC industry.

113 Increasingly used in construction management research, the Delphi method is a structured

114 communication technique originally developed as a systematic, interactive forecasting method that

115 relies on a panel of experts answering questionnaires in consecutive Rounds until convergence, with

116 the facilitator providing a summary of their judgments to the group in the form of the mean or median

117 response in each Round: as uncertainties arise from the judgments of decision makers, this method

118 accounts for interpersonal uncertainty and variability in one’s opinion (Martin & Ramjarrie, 2021). Of

119 particular relevance here is the increasing use of the Delphi method in such construction management

120 research as graduate education (Pathuri et al., 2020), company performance (Mansour et al., 2020) and

121 contract administration (Gunduz & Elsherbeny, 2020), as well as contractor selection (Mahdi et al.,

122 2002), in terms of performance criteria (Gunasekara et al., 2021), safety criteria (Gharedaghi &

123 Omidvari, 2019), public contract criteria (Hajek et al., 2017), effectiveness factors (criteria) (Lajimi et

124 al., 2018), construction supply chain pre-qualification and selection criteria (Mahamadu et al., 2017),

125 and project source criteria (Faraji et al., 2020).

126 3. Method

127 As described below, 16 potential EPC contractor selection criteria were first identified by a

128 comprehensive literature review from the Transmar Consult Inc.’s (2003) original list of 18. These

129 were then adjusted for comprehensiveness and appropriateness by a validation study with four different

130 experienced industry professionals, followed by the main study involving an initial group of 64

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131 experienced industry practitioners from public and private organizations in the Australian construction

132 industry to identify and weight the most important generic criteria. Following several previous

133 construction management studies as reviewed in the previous section, the Delphi method was used for

134 its ability to account for the expected interpersonal uncertainty and variability in the opinions of the

135 experts involved.

136 3.1 Preliminary identification of criteria

137 Generic EPC contractor selection criteria have rarely been investigated and the literature on the

138 topic is very limited. Apart from Amiri et al’s (2021) project specific criteria, the only relevant work

139 available is Transmar Consult Inc.’s (2003) series of five industry studies with participants from North

140 America, Europe and Asia from 1995 to 2005. Table 1 shows the resulting 18 Transmar criteria

141 identified and their respective ranking from the owners’ perspective.

142 The lack of other EPC contractor selection criteria studies made it necessary to initially identify

143 criteria from the non-EPC contractor selection literature, in which studies have extensively investigated

144 (and continue to identify) appropriate contractor selection criteria. Despite the increasingly rapid

145 changes in project procurement laws and increased complexity of projects and client needs, the criteria

146 have not changed greatly over the years, with tender price, contractor past performance and

147 performance potential always present (Acheamfour et al., 2020). All the reviewed literature was

148 published in the period from 1994, including Hatush and Skitmore (1997a), who identified the criteria

149 for the tender evaluation of prequalified contractors as including quality assurance, existing workload,

150 experience on projects, experience of working with the owner, financial stability, local knowledge, and

151 responsible attitude towards the work. As Walraven and de Vries (2009) point out, the criteria

152 contribute in different degrees to the project success factors of cost, time, and quality: contractor

153 selection needs to be unbiased, with owners having to consider what is ‘valuable’, not just ‘important’

154 or ‘required’ (Abdelrahman et al., 2008). While, unsurprisingly, cost is historically the most important

155 factor considered by clients (e.g., Hatush & Skitmore, 1997b), time, qualification performance, quality

156 and design alternatives have also been shown to be primary criteria (Abdelrahman et al., 2008). Watt

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157 et al. (2010), on the other hand, maintain that no individual criterion or group of criteria is constantly

158 considered as more important than others and often vary according to the purchasing situation.

159 As Table 2 shows, this has resulted in a multitude of criteria in diverse project environments in

160 terms of procurement method (mostly traditional or design and build (DB)), experience and

161 geographical location. To facilitate the contractor selection process, limiting the number of criteria

162 assists in making a well-founded decision – a typical arrangement for multicriteria analysis being from

163 six to twenty (Dodgson et al., 2009). Given the large number of criteria identified, it is helpful to group

164 them into a series of themes that relate to separate and distinguishable components of the overall

165 objectives for the decision. The main reasons for grouping criteria are:

166 (1) To help check whether the set of criteria selected is appropriate to the problem.

167 (2) To ease the process of calculating criteria weights in multi-attribute applications.

168 (3) To facilitate the emergence of higher-level views of the issues (e.g., trade-offs between key

169 objectives) (Dodgson et al., 2009).

170 This involved the Table 2 criteria being subjectively grouped into 18 general criteria, the

171 frequency of which is shown in Table 3 against 20 publications. From the 18 criteria, a final preliminary

172 list of 16 criteria was identified by rephrasing ‘Legal status’, which gained least number of citations

173 (<15%), as ‘Contract and legal’; ‘Experience of company’ was considered as ‘Past experience of the

174 contractor’; ‘Experience of personnel’ was included under ‘Key personnel’ as well as ‘Qualifications’;

175 and ‘Capacity’ was included under ‘Organizational’.

176 3.2 Validation

177 Before finalizing the criteria, the provisional set of 16 criteria were validated against a range of

178 qualities in interviews with four different experienced industry professionals from different

179 organizations, mostly from the oil and gas sector, to ensure:

180 a) Completeness: all the criteria that are necessary to compare the contractors’ performance have

181 been included and they can capture all the key aspects involved.

182 b) Redundancy: the criteria that are relatively unimportant or any duplicates have been removed.

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183 c) Operationality: each contractor can be judged against each criterion on a common scale of

184 measurement, reflecting an objective assessment as well the subjective assessment of an expert.

185 d) Mutual independence of preferences: preference scores could be assigned for the contractors on

186 one criterion without knowing what the contractors’ preference scores are for any other criteria.

187 Then, to model the mutually interdependent criteria by combining two criteria into a single

188 criterion provided the new criterion is independent of the remaining criteria.

189 e) Double counting: To check double counting because double-counted effects are likely to give

190 more weight in the final overall decision than they deserve.

191 f) Size: the list is no longer than needed, as an excessive number of criteria can lead to extra

192 analytical effort in assessing input data and can make their analysis more difficult.

193 This resulted in the correction of some wording and some rephrasing, leaving a total of 16 criteria:

194 management (demonstrates a business management system that includes project management system,

195 risk carrying ability and willingness, management personnel, and management accountabilities);

196 financial (provides details of financial capability in terms of financial statements); past experience

197 (provides details of the scale and type of past projects, and demonstrates experience in similar projects

198 in the region, and familiarity with relevant project delivery methods); past performance (demonstrates

199 the performance of recently completed projects in terms of cost, time, quality and cooperative

200 behavior); technical attributes (demonstrates technical capability and capacity that include technical

201 solutions, alternative designs, expertise, specialization, technical qualifications, staffing levels,

202 technology and equipment resources, engineering systems, creativity and innovation, and availability

203 for operation, maintenance, repair and training needs); health and safety (outlines accountabilities for

204 Occupational Health and Safety with plans and systems and demonstrates performance with OHS

205 records); quality (outlines quality control and quality assurance systems, and compliance with

206 specifications and quality standards); Cost (includes tendered price and assessment of capital cost, life

207 cycle cost, etc.); organizational (provides details of company size, company image, age of business,

208 organizational structure, policies, memberships, current workload and resources); relationships

209 (provides details of subcontractors/suppliers that include the length of relationship time, labor

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210 employment agreements, and maintenance of workers’ compensation liabilities); project understanding

211 (responds to Requests for Proposals and demonstrates project-specific criteria); key personnel (provides

212 details of key personnel to be employed, proposed roles, their experience and skills, academic and

213 professional qualification, years with the company and their training); time (provides a program

214 indicating start and finish dates, and adherence to the dates/duration given in tender documents);

215 geographic location (outlines familiarity with the local environment and proximity to project);

216 contractual and legal (demonstrates a disputes and resolution strategy, attitude towards claims,

217 acceptance of contract terms and conditions and compliance with the codes); and environment and

218 sustainability (outlines an Environmental Management Plan and commitment to sustainability).


220 3.3 Main study

221 The questionnaire for Round 1 of the Delphi survey (available from the lead author) was developed

222 incorporating the 16 criteria identified. It comprised two sections. Section 1 contained questions

223 concerning the participants’ background including, crucially, questions aimed at establishing their

224 ability to meet at least one of the following eligibility requirements to help ensure they are

225 knowledgeable enough to provide sufficiently informed and reliable responses to Section 2.

226 1. Professional registration in an engineering or project management body (e.g., Engineers Australia).

227 2. Known participation in engineering or construction project management activities, particularly

228 within EPC projects (e.g., personal contacts, networking, LinkedIn members).

229 3. Known participation in similar research activities.

230 4. A faculty member of the construction project management discipline at an institute for higher

231 education (i.e., university).

232 The questionnaire was initially distributed to 272 potential participants identified using multistage

233 sampling (extension of cluster sampling) and referral sampling (snowball sampling) methods from

234 publicly available data bases, social networking platforms like LinkedIn and researcher’s personal

235 contacts.. Delphi study panels, in general, vary from as low as 3 panel members to as high as 80, with

236 the most important facet being their level of expertise (Hallowell & Gambatese, 2010). Therefore, a

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237 relatively large unbiased sample of 64 participants were selected from those who are knowledgeable,

238 have relevant experience and can commit to multiple rounds of the Delphi Survey. The majority

239 (75.4%) were from private sector organizations, followed by those from public sectors (20%). The

240 participants were from various locations in Australia, with 52% from Queensland, followed by New

241 South Wales (12%) and Western Australia (10%). These three are the leading states for engineering

242 construction, which are predominantly delivered by the EPC method. Some participants were from

243 national or even international companies, which have their businesses at several locations across

244 Australia. This geographical diversity was important to ensure the participants have encountered

245 location-specific challenges when assessing EPC contractor performance requirements.

246 28 were from consultant organizations, followed by principals (21) and contractors (10). They

247 worked in various construction sectors, such as transport, utilities, telecom, mining, heavy industrial

248 construction (e.g., oil & gas, chemical and processing plants), pipelines and buildings, representing

249 most EPC industries in Australia. The majority were from the mining, heavy industrial construction

250 and pipeline industries combined (37%), with 23% from the transport construction sector: the most

251 recent growth in the EPC industry was mainly from infrastructure projects – in particular, transport

252 projects. A significant number (34.5%) had worked or had been working on AUD billion EPC projects

253 and almost 14% had work experience with very large projects costing over AUD 5 billion.

254 23 were project managers and 20 held other managerial positions, which implies that most held

255 decision-making authority within their roles and were directly involved in contractor selection. Most

256 were also well-experienced, with over 22 having over 20 years of construction industry experience, and

257 15 and 14 having between 10-20 years and 5-10 years, respectively. Only a very small proportion (<2%)

258 were unaware of the project cost. Therefore, most were familiar with challenges of large and complex

259 projects.

260 In Section 2 of the questionnaire, the participants were asked to select the criteria from the list of

261 16 list that they considered important for EPC contractor selection. 31 participants suggested new

262 criteria. To analyze these, firstly, all the criteria were given an individual node. Cluster Analysis (CA),

263 an advanced statistical method still uncommon but increasingly used to identify groups or patterns in a

264 dataset and to examine group differences (Crowther et al., 2021), was then used to cluster the nodes by

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265 word similarity (see Fig. S3). After a critical review of the CA results, the child nodes were identified,

266 which represent the criteria suggested by each individual and the parent nodes (representing the most

267 appropriate new criteria to which the child nodes could be mapped − as such, a parent node denotes a

268 single suggested criterion derived from the suggestions).

269 The next step was to match the suggested criteria with the existing criteria manually.

270 A well-rounded questionnaire (available from the lead author on request) was developed for Round

271 2 using the results of Round 1, containing all the 16 criteria of questionnaire 1 refined using the Round

272 1 feedback for each criterion in addition to the new criterion of ‘Industrial relations’ (see Table 4). Each

273 criterion was scrutinized to ensure completeness and appropriateness, so the participants could

274 confidently rate them on an integer scale of 1 (low importance) to 7 (high importance) (see Table 4).

275 The least experienced (0-5 years construction experience) participants (13) were excluded in this

276 Round, resulting in a total of 47 active participants.

277 Finally, a Round 3 questionnaire was distributed to the Round 2 participants, inviting them to

278 change their criteria importance ratings in the light of the aggregated results from Round 2.

279 4. Results

280 4.1 Delphi survey Round 1

281 Table 5 shows the frequency of participant responses for each criterion, indicating that more than

282 50% considered all 16 criteria to be important. Past performance, technical attributes, key personnel,

283 past experience, health and safety, financial, cost and time were identified as the most important criteria

284 with a response rate over 90%. Environment and sustainability was ranked only 13th, even though it

285 was broadly discussed in the local and global arena.

286 Past performance (100%) was the dominant criteria for both sectors. However, environment and

287 sustainability had a contrasting response, as 92% public sector participants identified it as an important

288 criterion compared to 69% of private sector participants.

289 The most experienced (over 20 years of EPC/DC project experience) participants identified the

290 most important criteria as financial capability, past performance, health and safety and key personnel.

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291 In matching the suggested criteria with the existing criteria, it was found that many of the suggested

292 criteria fit with the content of an existing criterion (see Table 6). Items 37 and 38 refer to non-

293 conforming tenders that were excluded in the response rate calculations, given that a non-conforming

294 tender cannot be considered as a criterion. Those not matched with any existing criteria were considered

295 as new criteria. Finally, the response frequencies were calculated as a percentage of the total 64

296 participants.

297 Despite the large number of criteria suggested by the participants, most had been already

298 considered within the existing criteria descriptions. ‘Industrial relations’ was included as a new criterion

299 as it had the maximum response rate (5%) but could not be incorporated into any existing criteria.

300 The participants’ comments on each existing criterion were critically reviewed, and the criteria

301 descriptions rephrased to make them more meaningful. Some suggestions were also useful to be

302 considered when selecting EPC contractors, including having an appropriate number of tenderers and

303 an appropriate weighting of the various criteria. Also emphasized was the importance of the owners’

304 understanding and commitment for successful project delivery.

305 4.2 Delphi survey Round 2

306 Table 7 shows the results of the Round 2 survey. With a mean score above 6 on a 1–7-point scale,

307 the four most important criteria were ‘past performance’, ‘technical attributes’, ‘project understanding

308 and health and safety’, followed by ‘industrial relations’, ‘organizational’ and ‘geographical location’

309 with mean values below 5. As the data were not normally distributed, non-parametric statistical

310 techniques were used for further analysis.

311 Cronbach’s alpha is 0.914, which, being greater than 0.7, indicated a high consistency of responses.

312 Kendall’s coefficient of concordance W – a measure that applies ranks to establish an agreement among

313 raters who are evaluating a given set of n objects (Kendall & Babington-Smith, 1939) – which is

314 significant at 0.225 (p=0.000), indicating a considerable degree of consensus amongst the participants.

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315 4.3 Delphi survey Round 3

316 A total of 36 participants responded to the Round 3 questionnaire. Table 7 shows the outcome,

317 with past performance, project understanding, technical attributes and health and safety still with mean

318 values above 6, but now with the addition of ‘key personnel’.

319 Cronbach’s alpha was 0.819, indicating stronger consistency of responses in Round 3. Kendall’s

320 coefficient of concordance W was 0.285 (p=.000) − the increased consensus from Round 2 indicating

321 greater agreement and increased consensus.

322 4.4 Comparison of Round 2 and 3 results

323 Past performance, technical attributes, project understanding, key personnel and health and safety

324 maintained their ranks within the top 5 in both Round 2 and 3 of Delphi survey. As a measure of

325 stability, Cronbach’s alpha values of well above 0.7 reflected a particularly good consistency in the

326 criteria scores in both Rounds. The increased Kendall’s W statistic in Round 3 indicated that a stronger

327 agreement was reached by the experts on the importance of the EPC contractor selection criteria.

328 ‘Geographical location’ – the least important criterion in Round 3, with a mean value less than 5

329 (4.63) – was excluded, leaving the remaining sixteen criteria identified for EPC contractor selection.

330 5. Discussion

331 This relatively large Delphi study identifies 16 ranked generic criteria for EPC contractor selection,

332 of which ‘past performance’, ‘project understanding’, ‘technical’, ‘key personnel’, and ‘health and

333 safety’ are the top criteria rated at ‘very important’ for EPC tender evaluation. The remaining 11 criteria

334 of ‘past experience’, ‘time’, ‘management’, ‘financial’, ‘contractual and legal’, ‘quality’, ‘cost’,

335 ‘relationships’, ‘environmental and sustainability’, ‘organisational’, and ‘industrial relations’ are rated

336 as ‘important’ and also need to be included.

337 These results contrast with the only two known similar studies by Transmar Consult Inc. and

338 (2003) and Amiri et al. (2021). In the case of the former’s 2005 list reproduced in Table 1, the top ten

339 criteria in each are roughly matched with ‘past performance’, ‘technical’, ‘key personnel’, ‘past

340 experience’, ‘management’, and ‘quality’. Of the remainder, our study’s inclusion of ‘health and safety’

341 clearly represents the more prominent concern with this aspect in recent years, as does ‘contractual and

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342 legal’ as the number and size of EPC projects continues to increase globally. ‘Project understanding’,

343 though clearly an essential factor, seems to denote a more conceptual proponent than Transmar’s

344 technical approach, while ‘time’ and ‘financial’ are basic criteria seemingly overlooked in the earlier

345 study. A particularly notable feature here is Transmar’s highly rated “experience with the same

346 geographical area” now being totally rejected in its significance in the present study, which clearly

347 reflects the international nature now of all the leading EPC contractors.

348 Amiri’s (2021) list is more similar to our results, with ‘financial resources’, ‘management and

349 technical ability’, ‘time performance’, ‘experience’, ‘personnel’, ‘quality’, and ‘health and safety’ being

350 a close match. However, our two main criteria of ‘past performance’ and ‘project understanding’ are

351 missing, with the accent instead being on ‘historical non-performance’. Similarly, they have no mention

352 of ‘contractual and legal’ understanding except ‘claims and litigation’ under their ‘historical non-

353 performance’ criterion. Their ‘current workload’, however, is absent from our list and may well need

354 to be included in future work.


356 6. Summary and conclusion

357 This study addressed the ongoing need to establish the most important generic criteria for

358 contractor selection of EPC projects. Following a summary of the literature relating to construction

359 contractor selection criteria generally and use of the Delphi method, three Rounds of Delphi survey

360 were used with a substantial number of experienced and reliable experts to help identify 16 validated

361 key selection criteria and obtain their importance weightings. The findings indicate past performance

362 to be the most important, followed by project understanding, technical attributes, key personnel, health

363 and safety, past experience, time, management, financial, contractual and legal, quality, cost,

364 relationships, environmental and sustainability, organizational and industrial relations, with

365 geographical location the least important.

366 The findings are useful for both practitioners and academics in making a significant contribution

367 to the body of knowledge of the EPC process. This will assist in providing a better understanding of

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368 criteria importance and pave the way to developing a generic EPC contractor selection model involving

369 the criteria most needed to objectively identify potential contractors and evaluate tenders.

370 A limitation of the study is that the participants were from various construction industries (e.g.,

371 infrastructure, oil, and gas) and public/private sectors in Australia and, therefore, the criteria are not

372 project-, industry- or sector-specific, and some may not be applicable to certain industries/sectors or

373 specific EPC projects in other countries. The next level of research, therefore, would be to ascertain the

374 extent of these differences. Moreover, the criteria considered are at quite a broad-brush level: further

375 research is needed to examine them at a finer level of detail, such as in distinguishing between first cost

376 or tender value, and lifecycle cost or the contractor’s fee, for example. Similarly, such highly specific

377 EPC criteria as ‘willingness to joint venture’ and ‘understanding the client organization values provided

378 by the participants’ that were subsumed within ‘relationships’ or ‘organizational’ may need to be teased

379 out in future. In addition, it was outside the scope of the study to compare these EPC criteria with non-

380 EPC criteria and how they have changed over time, which will be another task for future research.

381 Finally, it is noted that the associated aspects of the measurement of the evaluation criteria and ways to

382 trust the information supplied by EPC contractor are issues for further consideration.

383 Conflict of interests

384 There are no conflicts of interests.

385 Note

386 This work is based on a PhD thesis by the first author. The other authors are either the supervisors

387 or provided technical help in authoring the paper.

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561 Figure captions

562 Fig. 1. Typical design-build structure

563 Fig. 2. Typical EPC structure

564 Fig. 3. Round 1 Questionnaire: Cluster Analysis using NVivo on ‘other criteria’


566 Tables and Figures

568 Table 1. EPC contractor selection criteria importance – owners’ perspective (Transmar Consult Inc., 2003)
# Criterion 2005 2003 2001 1997 1995
1 Quality of key personnel 1 3 1 1 1
2 Project management capability 2 1 2 2 2
3 Construction capability 3 6 8 5 7
4 Detailed engineering capability 4 5 8 10 5
5 Contractor’s price 5 2 3 3 6
6 Experience with similar work 6 7 5 7 8
7 Project control systems 7 4 4 8 3
8 Experience with same geographic area 8 8 7 9 10
9 Procurement capability 9 15 14 12 11
10 Quality of proposal 10 12 9 13 12
11 Responsiveness and flexibility 11 9 10 6 4
12 Size and location of office 12 11 13 11 13
13 Ability to do work in one office 13 10 12 14 14
14 Total man-hour estimates 14 14 17 17 16
15 Conceptual engineering capability 15 17 16 16 14
16 Capability of sales representatives 16 16 15 16 15
17 Start-up, training capability 17 18 18 18 16
18 Quality of senior management 18 13 11 4 9

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Table 2. General contractor selection criteria

# Author Criteria Delivery method
1 Abdelrahman Capital cost and life cycle cost; time; qualification and Traditional
et al. (2008) performance; design alternatives; technical proposal contractor selection
responsiveness; environmental considerations.
2 Ahola et al. Price; experience with previous projects; investments in Traditional
(2008) product development; people involved by the supplier; sub- contractor selection
suppliers used by the supplier; financial situation; client’s
preferences; risk carrying ability and willingness; strategic
3 Alzahrani & Financial; management; technical; past experience; past DB contractor
Emsley (2013) performance; organization; environmental; health and safety; selection
quality; resources.
4 Darvish et al. Work experience; technology and equipment; management; DB contractor
(2009) operation team’s experience and knowledge; financial selection
stability; quality; familiarity with the area (e.g., domestic);
reputation; creativity and innovation.
5 Enshassi et al. Financial; completeness of bid document; past performance DB contractor
(2013) in similar projects; staff skills and experience; contractor’s selection
reputation/image; quality of work; contractor site
management/execution; bid understanding; plant and
equipment resources; health and safety performance.
6 Fong & Choi Tender price; financial capability; past performance; past Traditional
(2000) experience; resources; current workload; past relationship; contractor selection
safety performance.
7 Gransberg & Price; technical; qualifications; schedule; project DB contractor
Barton (2007) management. selection
8 Hatush & Financial soundness; technical ability; management Traditional
Skitmore capability; health and safety; reputation; past failures; length contractor selection
(1997a) of time in business; past owner/contractor relationship; other
9 Holt et al. Organizational; financial stability; management; past Traditional
(1994a) experience; past performance; project-specific; other-specific; contractor selection
current workload; prior relationship; office location.
10 Holt et al. Contractor’s organization; financial consideration; Traditional
(1994b) management resource; past experience; past performance contractor selection
11 Holt (2010) Contractor’s organization; financial considerations; DB contractor
management resources; past experience; past performance selection
12 Mahdi et al. Current capabilities (Contractor capacity, DB contractor
(2002) management/adaptability/co-ordination, current selection
resources/workloads); work strategy; plans and method
statements (cash flow, manpower schedule, procurement
schedule, equipment schedule, quality assurance and control
plan, safety plan, organizational structure/qualifications of the
staff, type of work subcontracted.
13 Oltean- Price; experience; technical approach; management approach; DB contractor
Dumbrava et qualification; schedule; past performance; financial stability; selection
al. (2014) responsiveness to the request for proposal (RFP); legal status.
14 Palaneeswaran Finance; human resources; organization and management; DB contractor
& project-specific requirements; past experience; past selection
Kumaraswamy performance; technology; quality system; health and safety
system; equipment.

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15 Plebankiewicz Experience; financial situation; personnel available; Traditional

(2012) equipment reputation. contractor selection
16 San Cristóbal Cost; completion time; safety (as a measure of company DB contractor
(2012) reputation); technical capability (project-specific); selection
management capability (project-specific); experience in
similar jobs (level of expertise); financial status.
17 Singh & Tiong Tender price; past performance (financial soundness); DB contractor
(2005) managerial capability (resources, current workloads); quality selection
(technical competence, past experience, project-specific
criteria); health and safety aspects.
18 Waara & Quality; cost; technical; environmental impact; operation, Traditional
Bröchner maintenance, technical support services; project duration; contractor selection
(2006) contractor capability & skills, past experience, past
performance; construction methods; financial capacity; health
and safety; conformity with bidding documents.
19 Watt et al. Workload/capacity; financial position; health safety DB contractor
(2009) environment; key personnel; location; project management selection
expertise; organizational experience; past project
performance; company standing (reputation); tendered price;
proposal; quality control; client-supplier relationships;
technical expertise; method/technical solution.
20 Watt et al. Relevant experience; track record (previous projects); quality; DB contractor
(2010) expertise; capability; cost; safety record; capacity; tender selection

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Table 3. Criteria usage frequency

Palaneeswaran & Kumaraswamy


Oltean-Dumbrava et al. (2014)

Waara and Bröchner (2006)

Alzahrani & Emsley (2013)

Hatush & Skitmore (1997a)

Gransberg & Barton (2007)
Abdelrahman et al. (2008)

% (out of 20 citations)
Singh & Tiong (2005)
Fong and Choi (2000)

Plebankiewicz (2012)
Enshassi et al. (2013)

San Cristóbal (2012)

Darvish et al. (2009)

Mahdi et al. (2002)

Ahola et al. (2008)

Holt et al. (1994b)

Holt et al. (1994a)

Watt, et al. (2009)

Watt et al. (2010)


Holt (2010)

on cit
% ati
of on

1. Management capability                  85 1
2. Financial stability                 80 2=
3. Experience of company                 80 2=
4. Performance               70 4=
5. Technical attributes              70 4=
6. Health & safety
              70 6
7. Quality             60 7
8. Cost           55 8
9. Resources           50 9
10. Organizational          45 10=
11. Relationships          45 10=
12. Qualifications        40 12=
13. Project understanding         40 12=
14. Experience of personnel        35 14=
15. Capacity        35 14=
16. Time      25 16
17. Location    15 17

18. Legal status   10 18

Table 4. Final 17 criteria used in Rounds 2 and 3
Past performance: Demonstrates the performance of recently completed projects with records of
project cost, completion time and quality, contract claims and variation history, cooperative behavior
(conflicts/disputes), penalties, etc.
Technical attributes: Demonstrates technical capability and capacity that includes sound
engineering solutions, safety in design, creativity and innovation, constructability, engineering and
technical expertise, technology and equipment resources, engineering systems, etc. Demonstrates
technical support for commissioning, operation readiness, handover, maintenance, repair, and training
Key personnel: Provides the details of key project personnel, which include proposed roles,
experience and skills, academic and professional qualification, years with the company and
professional development plan. Demonstrates project team ability to work collaboratively and as a
part of diverse teams, and availability for backup resources.
Past experience: Provides details of scale, complexity, and type of past projects, and demonstrates
project experience of similar type(s) in a similar environment.
Health and safety: Outlines accountabilities for Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) providing
samples of site-specific management plans, corporate systems and procedures that identify and
control OHS risks. Provides documentary evidence of corporate OHS performance including OHS
records from recent projects.
Financial: Demonstrates contractor financial viability and financial performance over a defined
period and provides financial statements, which include balance sheet, profit and loss statement, etc.
Cost: Includes tendered price, life-cycle costing, etc.
Time: Provides a project schedule with milestones, activities and deliverables with intended start and
finish dates, or complies with the time constraints given in tender documents.
Quality: Outlines quality control and quality assurance systems and complies with specifications and
quality standards.
Project understanding: Demonstrates understanding of Request for Proposal (RFP), local context,
project risks, unique owner standards and requirements, how the project can be executed to meet
client expectations, explains exceptions from RFP and outlines expected degree of owner
involvement, approvals, etc.
Management: Demonstrates Construction Project Management (CPM) capability (risk management
strategy, procurement strategy, stakeholder management plan, logistic and supply chain management,
preferred suppliers/subcontractors, and key trade packages, etc.).
Organizational: Outlines business values and corporate commitment and provides the details of
company size, company image, age of business, organizational structure, policies, memberships,
current and potential future work commitments, resource optimization (people, plant, equipment), in-
house systems, etc.
Environment and sustainability: Takes the stakeholders’ expectations, which include
environmental requirements, social acceptances (e.g., local resources, local economy, Indigenous
participation, etc.) and sustainability approach (products and processes), into account.
Contract and legal: Accepts Contract Terms and Conditions or provides clear, concise exclusions
or conditional acceptances. Indicates compliance with all relevant codes and regulations.
Relationships: Demonstrates ability to develop strong and long-term partnerships with clients,
vendors, and suppliers by providing client/subcontractor/supplier referees, including information
regarding the duration of the relationship, etc.
Geographic location: Outlines familiarity of local environment, and proximity to project (i.e.,
proposed work locale) and/or demonstrates work locations worldwide that can work together.
Industrial relations: Demonstrates employee and industrial relations plan/policy and maintenance
of project agreements, multi-employer agreements, workers’ compensation liabilities, etc., and
provides recent industrial relations record.

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This AAM is provided for your own personal use only.
It may not be used for resale, reprinting, systematic distribution, emailing, or for any other commercial purpose without the
permission of the publisher.

Table 5. Criteria importance results from Round 1

Criterion Response rate Rank
(as a percentage)
Past performance 100.0% 1
Technical attributes 96.88% 2=
Key personnel 96.88% 2=
Past experience 95.31% 4
Health and safety 93.75% 5
Financial 92.19% 6=
Cost 92.19% 6=
Time 90.63% 8
Quality 89.06% 9
Project understanding 87.50% 10
Management 82.81% 11
Organizational 79.69% 12
Environment and sustainability 75.00% 13=
Contractual and legal 75.00% 13=
Relationships 73.44% 15
Geographic location 56.25% 16

Table 6. Mapping of Participants’ Suggestions with Existing Criteria

# Participants’ suggestions Existing criteria Potential new criteria

Industrial relations

Logistic & Supply

Past performance
Sustainability &

Key personnel





Comm. &




1 Ability to collaborate   
2 Aboriginal participation 
3 Alignment with delivery methodology 
4 Availability of back up resources  
5 Client, stakeholder, and team relationship management 
6 Commissioning management and readiness  
7 Communication and reporting 
8 Community consultation 
9 Community relationship management 
10 Compliance to government procurement code 
11 Compliance with contract terms and conditions 
12 Condition and Exclusion 
13 Construction management 
14 Cost control strategy and tools 
15 Cultural fit (organizationally)  
16 Current and future workload
17 Dealing with service authorities and councils  
18 Demonstrated knowledge of contractor company 
values and incorporation them in day-to-day business
19 Design (internal/external) management  
20 Fabrication capability 
21 History of disputes 
22 Indigenous participation 
23 Industrial relations 
24 Information management and reporting 
25 Innovation 
26 IT 
27 Job share flexibility  
28 Key personnel availability   

29 Key personnel dedicated time to project   

30 KPI 
31 Legal compliance and governance 
32 Local and global economic situations 
33 Local content 
34 Local resources and contribution to the local economy 
35 Location-specific EHS Management plan 
36 Logistics 
37 Non-conforming tender
38 Optional analysis in contractor’s proposals and
alternative tenders
39 Organization 
40 Performance guarantees 
41 Performance history 
42 Plant and Equipment 
43 Procurement management and tools 
44 Project controls (cost, schedule, change), systems and 
45 Project management qualification 
46 Project team 
47 Resource allocation considering present commitments  
to other projects
48 Risk Management 
49 Safety in Design 
50 Stakeholder management 
51 Stakeholder relations 
52 Strategy for Engineering, Procurement and  
53 Team experience working together   
54 Team relationship 
55 Understanding of client organization values 
56 Understanding the team 
57 Understanding WHS 
58 Willingness to JV  
59 Working remote areas   
Response % 5% 6% 3% 2% 5% 5% 3% 2%

Table 7. Summary of Rounds 2 and 3 survey results

Round 2 (N=47) Round 3 (N=36)
Criterion Mean Rank Mean Rank
Past performance 6.28 1 6.39 1
Project understanding 6.17 3 6.33 2
Technical attributes 6.21 2 6.31 3
Key personnel 5.85 5 6.19 4
Health and safety 6.04 4 6.03 5
Time 5.57 11 5.97 6
Financial 5.72 8 5.92 7=
Contractual and legal 5.79 6= 5.92 7=
Past experience 5.79 6= 5.89 9=
Management 5.64 10 5.89 9=
Cost 5.66 9 5.75 11
Quality 5.47 12 5.72 12
Relationships 5.21 13 5.56 13
Industrial relations 4.98 15 5.28 14
Environment and sustainability 5.00 14 5.25 15
Organizational 4.85 16 5.03 16
Geographic location 4.57 17 4.69 17
Kendall’s W 0.225 0.285
Cronbach’s Alpha (α) 0.914 0.819

Fig. 1. Typical design-build structure

FEED Contractor Principal (Project Owner) Owner

en g ineerin g team

Specialist EPC Contractor Design and

consultants Engineering teams

Vendors Subcontractors

Fig. 2. Typical EPC Structure

Fig. 3. Round 1 Questionnaire: Cluster Analysis using NVivo on ‘other criteria’

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