Energy Storage Systems Batteries and Fuel Cells
Energy Storage Systems Batteries and Fuel Cells
Energy Storage Systems Batteries and Fuel Cells
Batteries and Fuel
Energy storage systems are crucial for a sustainable energy future, ensuring
reliable power supply and reducing reliance on fossil fuels. This presentation
explores two key technologies: batteries and fuel cells.
SS by Shobhit Shrivastava
Introduction to Energy
Energy storage is the process of capturing energy from sources like solar or
wind and storing it for later use. This allows for the efficient use of intermittent
renewable energy sources, ensuring a steady supply of power.
1 Lead reacts with sulfuric acid, releasing electrons and
producing lead sulfate.
2 External current reverses the chemical process, converting lead
sulfate back to lead and sulfuric acid.
Fuel Cells: Principles and
Fuel cells convert chemical energy directly into electricity through
electrochemical reactions, utilizing hydrogen or other fuels as the energy
1 Hydrogen Supplied
Hydrogen gas enters the fuel cell and is split into protons and
2 Protons Migrate
Protons move through the membrane to the cathode, while
electrons flow through an external circuit.
3 Oxygen Reacts
Oxygen reacts with protons and electrons at the cathode,
producing water as a byproduct.
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
SOFCs employ a solid ceramic electrolyte that conducts oxygen ions at high
temperatures, enabling efficient energy conversion from various fuels.
Heat Recovery
The high operating temperature allows for efficient heat recovery,
increasing overall energy efficiency.
Advantages and
Disadvantages of
Batteries and Fuel Cells
Both batteries and fuel cells offer unique advantages and disadvantages,
influencing their suitability for different applications.