Module 4 Handout 1 (5V)
Module 4 Handout 1 (5V)
Module 4 Handout 1 (5V)
Somehow the British government had to against the strong (Germany), and that it
persuade the people that in spite of the was fighting for noble causes such as
disastrous results, the war was still democracy and freedom. When the war
worth fighting. The nation was told that was over, more than a million British
it was defending the weak (Belgium) soldiers had been killed and about 20
Literary history: English Literature
Module 4: 20th century: handout 1 (5V)
1. Describe how and why the British
attitude towards the war shifted.
2. Why were so many lives lost in World
War I?
Rupert Brooke
The Soldier
Wilfred Owen (1893-1918)
Wilfred Owen’s intellectual life of comfort was changed dramatically when he joined the
army voluntarily and experienced a number of traumatic war experiences. He was hit by
a trench mortar and lay unconscious for days on end among the remains of a fellow
Literary history: English Literature
Module 4: 20th century: handout 1 (5V)
officer, after which he was hospitalized and diagnosed with shell shock. While home on
leave recovering from his wounds, he read a patriotic poem in The Times, glorifying the
self-sacrifice of the British soldiers. In reply Owen wrote Dulce et Decorum Est, in which
he describes the hideous results of a gas attack, aiming to shatter the illusion that to die
in war is romantic or glorious. His shocking and realistic poetry on the horror of the
trenches and gas warfare stood in stark contrast with the prevailing public perception of
war at the time as well as the romanticized poems by Rupert Brooke.
In 1918 Owen returned to the front where he was killed in action in November 1918, a
week before the end of the war. For his courage and leadership he was awarded the
Military Cross and promoted to the rank of Lieutenant the day after his death. A small
consolation to his mother who received word of his death on the day the war ended.
Wilfred Owen
Literary history: English Literature
Module 4: 20th century: handout 1 (5V)