Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 16.32.52
Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 16.32.52
Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 16.32.52
Home > Adventure > Watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
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Returning to Hogwarts for his fifth school year, Harry sees that the vast majority of sorcerers prefer
to keep an eye on the news that Lord Voldemort has returned, denying that he has encountered evil
Lord Voldemort. The Minister of Magic, who thinks that Hogwarts' esteemed director Albus
Dumbledore himself is telling the lie that Voldemort is returning to replace him, transfers Dolores
Umbridge as the Hogwarts inspector. In Harry Potter, with the idea of Hermione, will start teaching
the people who believe in him how to defend against Voldemort, preparing these young and brav…
wizards for the extraordinary battle awaiting them.
Daniel Rupert Emma Imelda Robbie Gary
Radcliffe Grint Watson Staunton Coltrane Oldman
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