Aunali Rupani Sir's Strategy V2

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Aunali Rupani Sir’s Trading Strategy

1. Find stocks with ROCE > 50. What is ROCE? Below is a snapshot of the formula from

ROCE (Return on Capital Employed) Definition:

ROCE stands for Return on Capital Employed; it is a financial ratio that determines a
company’s profitability and the efficiency the capital is applied. A higher ROCE implies
a more economical use of capital; the ROCE should be higher than the capital cost. If
not, the company is less productive and inadequately building shareholder value.

ROCE Formula:

Use the following formula to calculate ROCE:

ROCE = EBIT/Capital Employed.

EBIT = Earnings Before Interest and Tax
Capital Employed = Total Assets – Current Liabilities.

Calculating Return on Capital Employed is a useful means of comparing profits across

companies based on the amount of capital. It is insufficient to look at the EBIT alone
to determine which company is a better investment. You also have to look at the
capital and calculate the ROCE. Many consider ROCE a more reliable formula than
ROE (Return on Equity) for calculating a company’s future earnings because current
liabilities and expenses.

2. How to find the stocks with ROCE > 50.

Go to and login. If you don’t have an account then sign up. Signing up is

After logging in go to the Screens menu at the top right and then click on Add New

Type Return on capital employed > 50 in the Query Edit Box and click on Run This
Query button.
After running the query, the output would look like…
3. Download the volume and weighted average price data for each of the filtered
stocks from NSE link .

4. To start with we will need to download at least one month or 3 weeks of price &
volume data and keep appending price volume data thereafter on daily basis to
calculate Running Price. Ideally we will need at least 21 days to maximum of 30 days
of data to derive a realistic Running Price. The data table should look like the one
below (*used screenshot from webinar). Set the Cumm Amt and Cumm Qty value to
0 in the very first row of the table to begin with.

Here are the data field details:

Date: Date as in the NSE table
Delivery Qty: Delivery Quantity as in the NSE table
Average Price: VWAP price from the NSE table
Weighted Average Amt: Delivery Qty * Average Price
Cumm Amt: Cumulative Weighted Average Amt
Cumm Qty: Cumulative Delivery Qty
Running Price: Cumm Amt / Cumm Qty

5. Strategy:

Monitor any substantial volume breakout (substantial increase in Delivery Qty) and
thereafter monitor the change in price.

If Running Price > Average Price then it’s a Buy trade. The day, signal is generated,
get ready to take trade the very next trading day.

Wait for the LTP to cross the high of the first 45 minutes candle, PDH (Previous Day
High) and PDL (Previous Day Low) to take entry.

Add 20% of the total planned quantity in the beginning. Gradually add the remaining
80% positions in the following days as the LTP increases. The quantity would depend
on one’s individual capacity and risk appetite.

Exit the trade when Running Price < Average Price or PDL is breached.

Note: One should start experimenting with stocks ROCE > 50 in the beginning but
can try with stocks ROCE > 20 with caution as one becomes comfortable with the

6. Same process continues for all the selected stocks.

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