ARC Electric Fire Pumps
ARC Electric Fire Pumps
ARC Electric Fire Pumps
Electric fire pumps, also known as “booster pumps,” A fire pump consists of a suction port that draws water
increase water pressure in fire sprinkler systems. Consider from the source and a discharge port that expels water
using booster pumps when water supplies do not provide at a higher pressure rate. A check valve prevents water
adequate pressure for the operation of a sprinkler system. from leaking back into the source once the pump stops
Fire pumps are connected to a city water main, water tank, operating. Since an electric motor drives the pump,
reservoir, or ponds that are designed for firefighting it is important to calibrate both at the same “RPM.”
The motor and pump assembly is started by a controller
The reliability of a fire protection system depends on the box equipped with a pressure sensing device that will
operation of the pump. In some instances, a secondary engage when the pressures drop below a preset point.
water source is required. And in most cases, an electric It is possible to change the set point while in the field.
motor driven fire pump drives the system.
A smaller pump, called a “jockey pump,” is sometimes A list of some of the major maintenance and testing items
installed to supplement small pressure changes and low are listed below:
water volume resulting from leaks or expansion within
the system. The jockey pump is set to cut in before the INSPECTIONS: SUGGESTED AT WEEKLY
main pump, and has a field adjustable pressure-sensing
device as well. INTERVALS
• Check to make sure valves are open between the water
PRESSURE SETTINGS source and the sprinkler system (including system
by-pass valves, if any). The valve to the test connection
A fire pump engages automatically when the sensing should remain closed during normal operation.
device detects a pressure drop in the sprinkler system.
The National Fire Protection Association recommends • Check to make sure the controller power switch is on
that the jockey pump (if utilized) be set to shut off (closed) and the power light is on. This also applies to
at “pump churn” pressure plus the minimum static pressure the transfer switch, if present.
on the suction side of the pump.
• Make sure there is a heat source in the pump room/
Set the jockey pump start pressure at approximately 10 psi location. If your area is subject to freezing weather,
less than the jockey pump shut off pressure. Set the main install a heater that maintains a 40-degree
temperature in the pump room.
pump to cut in about 5 psi less than the jockey pump start
pressure, and cut out at the same shut off pressure • Check for leaking pipes. It is normal for the pump to
as the jockey pump. drip water from the two pump shaft seals. This provides
lubrication when it is operating and helps prevent
Many systems are set to cut in whenever pressure drops. overheating.
Some building owners or managers are concerned about
the possibility of water damage caused by maintaining • Check pressure gauges for normal readings. A line on
high pressure in the system. However, this could be the gauge face or tag for the suction side gauge and
problematic during testing, as the low pressure in the lines system side (after the check valve) gauge is helpful to
are prone to create a “water hammer” effect, which can indicate normal pressure.
cause leaks throughout the entire system.
• If the alarm panel/control box has visual or audible
alarms, they should not be in the alarm mode when
PUMP MAINTENANCE inspecting or servicing equipment.
TESTING: INTERVALS AS INDICATED • Transfer Switch Operation: Test manual or automatic
transfer of power supplies annually.
• Pump Churn Test: Check if pump starts with a drop
in pressure. Record the gauges on the suction and The National Fire Protection Association has additional
discharge sides. Test weekly. details on inspection, testing, and maintenance procedures
listed in NFPA 25 Standard for the Inspection Testing and
• Pump Alarm Tests: Test pump alarms for pump Maintenance of Water Based Fire Protection Systems
running, power failure, and valve tamper every quarter. (2020 Edition, Chapter 8 Fire Pumps, Sections 8.2
Check alarm functions with the central station. Inspection and 8.3 Testing) that can serve as an additional
resource for help.
• Pump Flow Test: Operate pump with water flowing
through the unit. Test the pump at churn, at 100% of its
rated GPM capacity, and at 150% of its rated capacity.
The resulting pressure should equal the pump rated
pressure. The resulting pressure at 150% of the rated
flow should be no less than 65% of the rated pressure
at 100% flow. It is advisable to have a contractor
equipped to perform this function. Some pumps
have a flow gauge built into the system, which allows
for testing without a water discharge on the property.
Test annually.
Copyright © April 2020 Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE. All rights reserved.
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