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A Thesis
Presented to the College of Criminal Justice Education
General Santos City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course Requirements for the degree




September 2024


First and foremost we thank to God, the Almighty, for bestowing upon us the

strength and perseverance to undertake this work, and to complete our thesis proposal

to the best of our abilities.

We would also like to express our sincerest gratitude to our practical research 1

adviser Professor Charis G. Oraiz, MALit, for giving us the opportunity to propose this

research. To our thesis adviser Professor Juana Joliza Mangat, RCrim, thank you for

your invaluable guidance, patience and support throughout this wonderful work.

A special thanks to our research panelists; our Chairperson Dr. Ruby L Tamayo ,

PhD, CSP, CST, CCS, Atty. Adelin G. Mendoza, Professor Jay-Ann Valete, Professor

Juana Joliza Mangat, and Professor Charis G. Oraiz. Thank you for lending your time in

validating our research title and being involved in our work throughout the duration of

this study.

To our parents who always there to support us in terms of financial and moral

support throughout of this journey, We thank you with all our hearts.




Preliminary Pages Pages

Title Page i
Acknowledgement ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Tables v
List of Figures vi



Introduction 1
Statement of the Problem 3
Hypothesis 4
Significance of the Study 4
Scope and Delimitation 5


Internship Program 7
Practical Skills 8
Theoretical Framework 14
Research Gap 15
Definition of Terms 16
Conceptual Framework 18


Research Design 20
Research Locale 21
Selection Process 23
Research Respondents 24
Research Instruments 24
Data Gathering Procedure 25
Data Analysis 25
Ethical Considerations 26



The Demographic Profile of the Respondents 28

The extent do internships enhance the practical skills 30

of criminology students
Significant Difference 39



Summary of Finding 44
Conclusion 46
Recommendation 48



Tables Pages

1 The Demographic Profile of the Respondents 23

2.1 The extent do internships enhance the practical skills of criminology 25

students in terms of problem-solving skills

2.2 The extent do internships enhance the practical skills of criminology 26

students in terms of leadership skills

2.3 The extent do internships enhance the practical skills of criminology 27

students in terms of communication skills

2.4 The extent do internships enhance the practical skills of criminology 29

students in terms of community relations skills

2.5 Summary of the extent do internships enhance the practical skills of 30

criminology Students

3 Significant difference between the demographic profile of the 33

respondents and enhancing the practical skills of the criminology


Figures Pages

1 Conceptual Framework 16

2 Map of the Locale of the Study 18

Chapter I


The internship program is a crucial component of higher education, providing

students with hands-on experience and practical skills in their chosen field. In the

context of criminology, internship programs offer students the opportunity to apply

theoretical knowledge in real-world settings, enhancing their understanding of criminal

justice systems and the skills necessary to succeed in the field (Añasco et al., 2020).

This research aims to study the impact of internship programs on the practical skills

development of criminology students. This practical exposure helps students bridge the

gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application, giving them valuable

insights and skills that traditional classroom learning may not have fully provided

(Mapangdol, 2024).

Practical training in criminology internships, stating that hands-on experience

allows students to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world

application, providing valuable insights and skills that traditional classroom learning may

not have fully provided (Libradilla et al., 2023). This hands-on experience eventually

plays an important role in the development of well-rounded criminal justice interns.

Brown (2019) found that internships can assist students develop important transferable

abilities including critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving. The problem is

often influenced by their interests, passions, and expertise. They may be drawn to

problems that align with their background, skills, or areas of specialization, driving their

motivation to study and contribute to addressing these issues.

An internship is defined as "a form of experiential learning that integrates


knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application and

skills development in a professional setting" by the National Association of Colleges and

Employers (NACE, 2019). An essential instrument for graduates' employability is the

internship program. It serves as a fantastic training ground that bridges the gap between

the four walls of the classroom and the real world of work. Since it just needs a person

with the necessary skills and equipment to do the task, it is also regarded as the most

widely used training approach.

The study is in compliance with CHED Memorandum Order No. 104 Series of

2017, which requires the Revised Guidelines for Student Internship Programs in the

Philippines (SIPP) to assure excellent learning, safety during internships, and the well-

being of students enrolled in higher education. According to Section 11 “The duration of

internship program shall be up to a maximum of five (5) months in accordance with the

approved curriculum except for highly technical programs that require longer internship

hours which shall be in accordance with their exsting Policies, Standards and

Guidelines (PSGs)”. It is mandatory for students to establish connections with approved

Criminal Justice System agencies or public institutions that facilitate practicum and

community immersion programs. Institutions where students complete their practicum

must be properly connected to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) that provide the

Bachelor of Science in Criminology program (CMO No. 104 s 2017).

This research is to study the impact of internship programs on the practical skills

development of criminology students. This research aims to examine the relationship

between internship programs and the practical skills development of criminology

students. Study the specific practical skills that criminology students develop during

internship programs. Determine the factors of effectiveness of internship programs in

developing practical skills among criminology students. By investigating the impact of

internship programs on the practical skills development of criminology students, this

research aims to contribute to the development of effective strategies to enhance the

employability and professional growth of criminology students.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the extent do the internship program enhancing the

practical skills of criminology interns of Holy Trinity College of General Santos City, and

explore how do these skills prepare them for future employment in the uniform service.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Category

 Regular

 Irregular

1.4 Ethnicity

2. To what extent do internships enhance the practical skills of criminology

students in terms of:

1.1 Problem Solving Skills;

1.2 Leadership Skills;

1.3 Communication Skills; and


1.4 Community Relations?

3. Is there a significant differences between the demographic profile of the

respondents and enhancing the practical skills of the criminology students.


Influence of the demographic profile through internship program in enhance the

practical skills of criminology students in terms of problem solving skills, leadership

skills, communication skills, and community relation skills.

Ho: There is no significant relation between demographic profile and the

internship program in enhancing practical skills.

Significance of the Study

This study is hoped to be beneficial to the following:

Educational Institution. The impact of internship programs on practical skills

development, the institution may gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of its

current programs and make informed decisions to improve the overall educational

experience for students. This study may also help the institution strengthen its

partnerships with industry stakeholders and better align its curriculum with the demands

of the job market, ultimately enhancing the reputation and competitiveness of the


Criminology Interns. The results may give valuable insights and advantages

from this study, which explores how internship programs impact the development of

practical skills. The research findings may assist interns in recognizing the particular

skills they can develop during internships and how these experiences may contribute to

their professional growth. Moreover, the study emphasizes the significance of

internships in closing the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical skills,

thereby enhancing the preparedness of criminology students for their future careers.

Ultimately, this study has the potential to empower criminology interns by equipping

them with the necessary knowledge and skills for success in their chosen field.

Researchers. The researchers may contribute to the existing body of knowledge

by providing new insights on the impact of internship programs on the practical skills

development of criminology students that can be shared with the academic community

through publications and presentations. This study may also enhance the researcher's

expertise in the field and establish them as a thought leader in criminology education,

opening up opportunities for further research collaborations and academic contributions.

Other Researchers and Future Studies. The findings of this study may serve

as a foundation for future research on internship programs and practical skills

development among criminology students. Researchers may build upon the results of

this study to explore related topics, such as the long-term impact of internships on

students' career outcomes or the effectiveness of different types of internship models.

By contributing to a growing body of research in this area, this study may inform future

studies and help advance knowledge in criminology education and professional


Scope and Delimitations

This study is analytical since it will use surveys on the impact how the influence

of an internship program on the enhancement of practical skills among criminology


students of Holy Trinity College in General Santos City. The researchers distributed the

survey questionnaire to one hundred intern students of Holy Trinity College of General

Santos City. The research will be conducted on a specific date chosen by researchers.

The study is dependent on the ability of the participants to write their answers to a given

topic question on what is asked on the survey questionnaire.

On the other hand, exclusion criteria may eliminate candidates based on a

specific set of requirements. For this study, the respondents must have the following

attributes: being an intern student and enrolled in the BSCRIM course at Holy Trinity

College of General Santos City in the school year 2023-2024.

Chapter II


This chapter presents the related literature and studies both from foreign and

local sources. This includes the synthesis of art, theoretical lens, gap bridge study, the

definition of terms defined operationally for clarity, and conceptual framework.

Internship Program

The student's learning experience in an internship program is average

(Karunaratne et al., 2019). The impact of an internship program is significant to

bachelor's students, Hence, it should focus on students' skill development, including

creativity, project management, teamwork, and managerial skills (Karunaratne et al.,

2019). The On-the-Job Training and Career Development (OJT) program has been

instrumental in enhancing their skills and knowledge . Internships are the best way for

students to obtain real-world experience in a sector they are interested in. It gives an

opportunity to the students to use academic knowledge in practical situations. An

internship can be also a stepping stone to full-time employment (Mina et al., 2019).

Internship applications appreciably effect the expert growth and abilities of the

scholars, affecting their private development and competencies (Anjum, 2020).

Internships also help students gain practical experience, learn teamwork, build

relationships, and earn real money. Furthermore, internships contribute to career

selection, industry experience, and financial support, preparing students for their

professional careers. They also improve employability readiness by developing skills,

positive attitudes, and task clarity, ultimately benefiting both students and employers.

Consistent with Karunaratne et al. (2019) industry and the university should

collaborate to create a comprehensive program and the program should be twelve

months long, with a well-structured training schedule covering all areas. Students

should establish positive links with both organizations, and university administration and

academic supervision should collaborate closely with industry to foster strong


Through internships, students develop critical reflection and self-confidence,

leading to more meaningful learning. The program supports students from diverse

educational backgrounds, facilitating learning through focused mentoring and support.

Internships are essential to the student's growth. Students can develop their critical

reflection abilities and boost their self-confidence by taking part in internships. This

shows that the program values each student's unique needs and abilities and gives

them the direction and support they need to be successful in their internships. the

advantages of internships for students' development both academically and personally.

It highlights how critical thinking, self-assurance, and individualized support are crucial

to creating relevant learning opportunities for students with different educational

backgrounds (Stratton et al., 2023).

Practical Skills

The abilities acquired via first-hand experience in a particular field of study or

workplace are referred to as practical skills earned during an internship. These skills are

essential for mastering tasks related to the profession and bridging the gap between

theoretical knowledge and practical application (Landrat et al., 2019). Practical skills

developed during internships and through hands-on experience are crucial for bridging

the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, enhancing problem-

solving abilities, decision-making skills, communication proficiency, time management,

delegation, and other organizational skills necessary for effective performance in future

careers (Hubbard et al., 2024). Landrat et al. (2019) added that internship provide

opportunities for students to acquire practical skills by working in real-world scenarios,

guided by experienced supervisors, and gaining insights into the day-to-day operations

of their chosen field. Through internships, individuals enhance their problem-solving

abilities, decision-making skills, communication proficiency, time management,

delegation, and other organizational skills necessary for effective performance in their

future careers.

Additionally, competency and skills development have been recognized as

increasingly important for ensuring graduates' employability and sustainability in various

fields . Continuous learning and skill enhancement are essential for individuals to stay

relevant and adaptable in their careers. This includes both technical skills, such as

programming or data analysis, and soft skills like communication, teamwork, and

problem-solving. Employers often value a combination of these skills, as they contribute

to overall job performance and success within an organization (Alam et al., 2022).

This emphasis on practical skills underscores their significance in academic and

professional settings, contributing to improved academic performance and real-world

application. Prioritizing practical skills in both academic and professional contexts

fosters career preparedness, problem-solving skills, and long-term success in addition


to improving academic performance. Employers, educators, students, and society at

large all gain from this all-encompassing strategy (Rahman, 2021).

Problem-Solving Skills. The value of internship programs in developing

students' abilities and preparing them for the workforce. It recommends that educational

institutions take into account the kinds of skills that internships develop and how well

they complement the talents that students already possess in the classroom. The

efficacy of the internship experience can be increased by screening students for

internships to ensure a suitable fit between the candidate's and the placement

provider's profiles. As a useful measure of "internship consciousness," the "work

readiness" lens enables students to evaluate the extent to which their internship

prepares them for the workforce. As the demands of a multinational workplace change,

internship programs can help companies locate the best candidates for open positions.

Considering its exploratory nature, the study is limited by its geographical setting.

Future studies could compare various educational institutions and look at how different

majors affect various aspects of work preparation (Kapareliotis et al., 2019).

In the study conducted by Kapareliotics et al. (2019), the findings idicated that

students who participated in internship programs exhibited positive assessments across

all aspects of the work readiness construct. The students had a clear understanding of

employers’ expectations in the workplace and were proficient in applying basic skills,

high-order skills, and professional skills required by employers.

Furthermore, they placed greater emphasis on intrinsic rewards, such as

personal satisfaction and fulfillment, rather extrinsic rewards like monetary benefits.

These results highlight the influence of internship programs in equipping students with

the necessary knowledge, skills, and mindset to be well-prepared for the demands and

expectations of the professional world.

Leadership Skills. The internship program provides students with a valuable

opportunity to enhance their theoretical knowledge into practical skills. Through the

internship, students gain a comprehensive understanding of the job environment, ethics,

and real working conditions at the KIOT ICT center. This program also fosters team-

building, interpersonal, and leadership skills, making it a crucial and valuable

experience (Anmaw et al., 2019).

For Tanzanian graduates, internships are essential for gaining vital soft skills.

These skills include communication, cooperation, problem-solving, and social skills.

Internships help students acquire these abilities and graduates recognize how important

they are in the job. Nonetheless, difficulties encountered throughout the internship, a

lack of official mentoring, and a need for greater organization and learning emphasis

were noted. This study adds to the body of knowledge on the development of human

capital in African contexts and can assist organizations in creating more effective

internship programs (Kavish, 2022).

At the conclusion of their 15-week internships, candidates' pre and post-survey

scores were compared using paired-sample t-tests to assess changes in self-efficacy

growth. The findings indicate that during the 15-week internships, the applicants' self-

efficacy beliefs in all three categories of leadership competences increase significantly

(Nilsson, 2020).

Isabela State University student-organization presidents possess high leadership

skills and a high ability to perform their duties effectively. They prioritize human relations

and collaboration, empowering people rather than being rational. Their leadership skills

are positively correlated with their fathers' education, demonstrating a human resource

orientation (Beltran, 2019).

Communication Skills. The program is thought to be a tool for developing future

career plans and clarifying job aspirations. Students, on the other hand, frequently

disagree with a large number of the mentioned issues, suggesting that they do not

believe there is a serious lack of personal skills. A few aspects that require

enhancement are the suitability of the evaluation technique and the degree of

assistance provided by the department. In order to educate students with ethical

standards and terminology linked to their profession, the curriculum also emphasizes

the value of seminars and orientation sessions. Future research should look at how

students felt about their internships before and after, how different intern perceptions

were depending on demographics, and how to provide possibilities for professional

development and comprehensive assistance (Azis et al., 2023).

The internship or work practice variable's dependability shows that it has a major

impact on communication, critical thinking, and leadership skills. Tests for

heteroscedasticity, normality, and Cronbach's Alpha were used to validate the

instruments' reliability. Each F count number exceeded the F table value, according to

the F test, demonstrating a substantial simultaneous influence on several skills.

Additionally, the T-test demonstrated that Leadership and Critical Thinking were

significantly impacted by internships and work experience (Azis et al., 2023).

It makes the key assumption that factors such as gender, duration of internship,

general look, successful customer communication, and timeliness all have an impact on

intern development. According to Tameka et al. (2020), internships can assist students

in realizing their full potential as communicators, as effective communication is essential

for success in the labor market. Interns' development is greatly influenced by a number

of variables, including gender, length of internship, overall appearance, efficient

communication, and punctuality. Internships are viewed as opportunities for students to

improve their communication skills and general potential for success, as effective

communication is emphasized as being vital for success in the job market.

The educational community is tasked with preparing students for career-ready

positions. Aligned with skill development and curriculum content, experiential learning

has often proven beneficial for students to reinforce concepts and provide a transfer of

learning and application. Internships, prior graduation, seem to provide a win-win

opportunity for the student in the for more real-world, experiential learning. The

organization benefits by receiving additional resources at a reduced rate and an

opportunity to determine whether the individual will be a good fit for the culture and the

position. This paper will seek to explore this relationship to determine whether the

outcomes are positive and may lead to increased job offers and quicker employability.

In addition, this will include some research on the attributes of students who pursue

internships. Cappelli, P. (2014).

Community Relations Skills. There are several advantages for the institution,

community partners, and students when they participate in Community-Based

Internships (CBIs) . CBI supports the university's efforts to meet administrative

requirements, strengthen ties with the community, and get students ready for the

workforce. Along with gaining access to professional networks, career discernment

chances, and professional skills, students also build a sense of civic identity. The

combination of internships and service-learning produces novel circumstances that

improve stakeholders' experiences. The program is enhanced by the course-based

reflection component, which tackles issues that intern students encounter (Trager,


Internship programs play a crucial role in enhancing students' understanding of

academic learning and achieving social equality . Rigid research on best practices is

lacking, though, especially when it comes to community college internship programs.

The amount of data in outcome reports is restricted by the lack of a conceptual model or

best practices for effective internship programs. The inability to monitor results and use

common instruments makes it difficult to evaluate effectiveness. Future studies should

concentrate on comprehending how structural features and internship mechanisms

interact, as well as how various approaches result in differing degrees of sustainability

and success. When delving deeper into a subject, case study research is suitable since

it facilitates the creation of conceptual models and best practices (Lucero et al., 2021).

Theoretical Framework

This study anchor to John Dewey's theory of experiential learning, introduced in

1938, advocates for "learning by doing," which can be effectively applied to internship

programs in criminology. According to Dewey, individuals learn best when actively

engaged in experiences that are pertinent to their goals and daily lives. For criminology

interns, this translates into providing opportunities for hands-on involvement in the

operations of correctional facilities and programs.

Dewey's theory suggests that interns should be immersed in practical

experiences that allow them to confront the intricate challenges of managing such

facilities. This may entail working directly with inmates, collaborating with staff

members, and participating in decision-making processes related to facility

management. Through these active engagements, interns can cultivate a deeper

comprehension of the complexities faced by correctional administrators while also

acquiring practical skills and knowledge crucial for their future careers.

Moreover, Dewey's theory proposes that this experiential learning approach

fosters the development of personal responsibility and accountability among interns. As

they are entrusted with real-world tasks and responsibilities, interns are compelled to

take ownership of their actions and decisions, thereby enhancing their sense of


Research Gap

Through our research, we found numerous studies concerning to the role of the

internship program through self-development for their career support of the future field

of the students. Also, it improve employability readiness by developing skills and

positive attitudes (Stratton et al., 2023)

In line with this, the researchers found the gaps of the studies regarding the

impact of the internship program in developing practical skills, specifically problem

solving skillls, leadership skills, communication skills, and community relations skills.

Karunaratne et al. (2019) though that internship program provides students with a

valuable opportunity to enhance their theoretical knowledge into practical skills. The

internship program enhances theoretical knowledge into practical skills, enhancing

team-building, interpersonal, and leadership abilities, communication and problem-

solving (Kavish, 2022). Developing practical skills, such as problem-solving, decision-

making, communication, and time management, is crucial for success in both academic

and professional contexts (Hubbard et al., 2024)

Internships enhance students' communication, critical thinking, and leadership

skills, influencing factors like gender, duration, appearance, and punctuality, thereby

enhancing their potential in the labor market (Azis et al., 2023). Community-Based

Internships, facilitated by community partners, enhance academic learning, foster civic

identity, and provide professional networks, despite limited research on best practices

and sustainability (Lucero et al., 2021).

The researchers found out how the program impacted the practical skills in the

field of criminology. The internship program provides students with a valuable

opportunity to enhance their theoretical knowledge into practical skills, but it gaps the

impact on how it supports the enhancement of developing practical skills.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined in the context of the study:

Category. It refers to the status of the criminology intern based on their

attendance and enrollment patterns.


Communication Skills. It refers to the exchange of information and ideas

between individuals or groups. It is essential for criminology students during their

internship to effectively interact with colleagues, supervisors, and the community,

conveying information clearly and professionally.

Community Relations Skills. It refers to building and maintaining positive

relationships between an organization, such as law enforcement agencies, and the

community they serve. During the internship, criminology students learn how to engage

with the community, address concerns, and promote trust and cooperation.

Ethnicity. It refers to the historical and cultural background of the criminology


Internship. It refers to a structured, supervised work experience that provides

students with opportunities to gain practical skills, professional experience, and

exposure to their chosen field of study.

Irregular. It refers to the category of criminology interns who does not follow the

typical academic progression or attendance patterns.

Leadership Skills. It refers to the ability to guide, motivate, and inspire others to

achieve common goals. Criminology students have the opportunity to develop

leadership skills by taking on responsibilities, making decisions, and working

collaboratively with others in the criminal justice field.

Practical Skills. It refers to the tangible abilities and competencies that are

directly applicable to professional tasks and responsibilities, including technical skills,

problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and leadership qualities.


Problem solving Skills. It refers to identifying, analyzing, and resolving issues

or challenges effectively. Criminology students enhance their problem-solving skills by

addressing complex situations, making informed decisions, and implementing strategies

to overcome obstacles.

Regular. It refers to the category of criminology interns who is enrolled in a

course and attends classes as per the prescribed schedule.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study entitled "Impact of

internship program on the practical skills development of criminology students". At its

basis, this framework illustrates the impact of an internship program. The demographic

profile of the respondents will serve as the dependent variable, particularly in the

practical skills development such as problem-solving skills, leadership skills,

communication skills, and community relations that will serve as independent variables.

Furthermore, after identifying the dependent and independent variable, this study

will identify if there is a significant difference between the demographic profile of the

respondents and enhancing the practical skills of the criminology students.




What is the demographic profile To what extent do internships

of the respondents? enhance the practical skills of
criminology students in terms
 Age
 Sex  Problem Solving

 Category  Leadership

Regular  Communication

Irregular  Community Relations

 Ethnicity

Is there a significant differences between the demographic profile of the

respondents and enhancing the practical skills of the criminology students.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Chapter III


This chapter discuss the research design of the study, the research locale where

will be the study be conduct, selection process, research participants, data gathering

procedure, data analysis, and the ethical consideration.

Research Design

The research design for this study is a quantitative methods to provide a

comprehensive understanding of the impact of internship program on the practical skills

development of criminology interns at Holy Trinity College of General Santos City.

Quantitative methods, according to Babbie (2020), place an emphasis on

objective measures as well as the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of

data gathered through surveys, polls, and questionnaires as well as the manipulation of

pre-existing statistical data by computer systems. The main goals of quantitative

research are to collect numerical data, generalize it to other populations, or explain a

specific occurrence. Quantitative research quantifies the correlations between various

variables by employing certain methodologies and techniques. Quantitative research

uses thorough, convergent reasoning with numerical, static data instead of emphasizing

divergent reasoning. An investigator using two variables in quantitative research aims to

examine the link between an independent variable (predictor) and a dependent variable

(criterion) in a population, for instance.


Research Locale

Holy Trinity College of General Santos City is the locale of the study, located in

Fiscal Daproza Avenue, General Santos City, Philippines. This non-sectarian institution,

founded by the Albano family is renowned for being the Home of Talents and

Champions. The college offers tertiary courses, including a Bachelor of Science in

Criminology with an accreditation level III. To gather the necessary data, the interview

will be conducted at (specific place or room). This location has been selected to ensure

the availability and convenience of the participants.



Figure 2: Map of the Locale of the Study.


Selection Process

The researchers conducted a survey with the criminology students of Holy Trinity

College of General Santos City who applied for internships in the school year 2023-

2024 and were willing to share their thoughts and feelings as they experienced this kind

of program. The researchers needed to standardize the procedures, and a random

selection of respondents is use. One hundred (100) respondents answers the survey

questionnaire. The inclusion and exclusion criteria for the participant selection process

were established by the researchers. The participants for this study are male and

female criminology intern students from any ethnicity or religion who are enrolled in Holy

Trinity College of General Santos City's Bachelor of Science in Criminology (BSCrim)

program for the academic year 2023–2024.

On the other hand, exclusion criteria may eliminate candidates based on a

specific set of requirements. For this study, the respondents must have the following

attributes: being an intern student and enrolled in the BSCRIM course at Holy Trinity

College of General Santos City in the school year 2023-2024.

A participant can also leave the research at any time. The researchers create a

set of criteria to ensure the orderly and safe withdrawal of the subjects: the first

participant verbalizes their intent to withdraw from the study; the second participant

must submit a withdrawal letter to make the intent official; the third participant may or

may not disclose the reason for the withdrawal; and the last participant may have the

choice that the gathered data not be used.


Research Respondents

The researchers conducted a survey interview with 100 students from the

Criminology Intern program at Holy Trinity College of General Santos City The survey

interview aims to gather data from the respondents, indicating a qualitative approach to

data collection. Criteria for withdrawal from the study will outline, allowing participants to

leave at any time and providing a qualitative understanding of their reasons for

withdrawal. Inclusion and exclusion criteria will be establish, providing quantitative

standards for respondent selection. The focus of the research is on understanding

practical skills in the internship program of criminology intern students of Holy Trinity

College of General Santos City.

Research Instruments

The researcher used research-made survey questionnaire for quantitative data

gathering in order to get respondents to answer structured questions and provide

answers to the research. The data instrument will be expected to give the extent of the

internship program in developing practical skills. Researchers used the likert scale as

the statistical analysis, heres follow:

Mean range Description Interpretation

4.50-5.00 Very High The practical skills are always practice

3.50-4.49 High The practical skills are generally practice

2.50-3.49 Moderately High The practical skills are neither practice

1.50-2.49 Low The practical skills are rarely practice

1.00-1.49 Very Low The practical skills are never practice


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers take a number of actions to address every requirement in this

area as per the formal protocol of this study. Prior to beginning this program, we

obtained a letter of authorization from the adviser and the dean of the College of

Criminal Justice Education.

Afterwards, the researcher asked the respondents permission to participate in

this study. Using the validated researcher-made questionnaire, the test is administered

by the researchers. The data was tabulated accordingly for the purpose of evaluating

the impact of the internship program on the practical skills development of the

criminology students.

Data Analysis

The researcher used descriptive statistics for quantitative which describes the

data collected from the survey. The statistician converts the gathered data from the

survey turns to numerical form and subjects it to statistical analysis. Subsequently, the

data is summarized, ensuring it can be comprehended, evaluated, or connected to

specific decisions by identifying strong opinions, emerging patterns, and trends.

Relevant sections of accompanying notes are underlined to extract key insights. All the

data gathered will be analyzed through statistical hypothesis and through identifying the

pertinent themes from the information.


Ethical Considerations

The researchers ensured that the ethical considerations will be followed as

mandated by the Holy Trinity College Ethical Review Board to avoid engaging in

practices that may implicitly or explicitly abuse or exploit those with whom they seek to

conduct research.

Informed Consent. Potential participants will be told what the study is about,

what they would need to do, and what good things could come from it. They will also be

told that they could choose to stop participating at any time, keep some information

private, and that their information would be kept private. We will ask for consent from

the participants, who, if they wish, would remain anonymous to maintain confidentiality.

Voluntary Participation. When determining whether something is entirely

voluntary, the situation of prospective respondents will be considered to determine

which safeguards should be implemented to safeguard the exercise of free will. The

amount of effort required to define perceived behavioral control varies and will be

determined by several factors, including the respondents’ ability to resist persuasion

through cash rewards, government bureaucracy leadership, or other means. When

survey respondents have a limited ability to refuse, extra vigilance is required to avoid

extra stress (both real and perceived).

Data Privacy. Any personal information provided by the participants will be kept

confidential under Republic Act 10173, otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act of

2012. No one offered anything to make them participate. Furthermore, all participants

are guaranteed that the data collected will be handled with the utmost confidentiality

and will solely use for its intended purpose.


Gender Sensitivity. The researchers will make sure that both male and female

participants will be treated the same. The researchers, teachers, parents, and other

students will treat everyone fairly. The questions that will be asked in the survey did not

favor one gender over the other to prevent any unfairness or discrimination.

Cultural Sensitivity. The researchers are respectful towards the cultural

backgrounds of the respondents involved in this study by making sure that the research

methods and questions are culturally appropriate and do not cause offense or

discomfort. This will be achieved by understanding the terms used to describe a culture

through comprehension and communication with teachers and parents. The

researchers will treat everyone fairly.

Chapter IV


This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data. The

presentation is arranged according to the subtopics raised in chapter 1

The Demographic Profile of the Respondents

The table 1 presented the Demographic Profile of the respondents in terms

of age, gender, school status, and ethnicity.

Table 1

The Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Age Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

20 years old 0 0.00%
21 years old 15 15.00%
22 years old 33 33.00%
23 years old and above 52 52.00%
Total 100 100.00%
Gender Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
Female 50 50.00%
Male 50 50.00%
Total 100 100.00%
School status Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
Regular 85 85.00%
Irregular 15 15.00%
Total 100 100.00%
Ethnicity Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
Cebuano 63 63.00%
B’laan 10 10.00%
Tagalog 10 10.00%
Muslim 6 6.00%
Hiligaynon 6 6.00%
Others 5 5.00%
Total 100 100.00%

In table 1 The Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age, the

respondents' ages are categorized into four groups: 20 years old, 21 years old, 22 years

old, and 23 years old and above. No respondents were 20 years old (0%), while

15% of the respondents were 21 years old. The highest percentage, 33%, were 22

years old, and the largest group, at 52%, were 23 years old and above. This suggests

that a majority of the respondents are older students, possibly due to extended

academic journeys or a later entry into the internship program.

The gender distribution of the respondents is balanced, with 50% male and 50%

female participants. This indicates an equal representation of both genders among the

criminology interns, allowing for a more inclusive perspective on how the internship

program impacts practical skills across gender lines.

The majority of the respondents, 85%, are regular students, meaning they are

following the standard academic timeline for their criminology program. In contrast, 15%

are irregular students, who may have experienced academic delays or breaks. The

predominance of regular students suggests that most of the respondents are

progressing according to the typical academic schedule, which may influence their

readiness and performance in the internship program.

In terms of ethnicity, the majority of respondents (63%) identify as Cebuano,

reflecting the dominant cultural group in the area. Other ethnicities represented include

B’laan and Tagalog, each making up 10% of the sample. Meanwhile, 6% of the

respondents are Muslim and Hiligaynon, respectively. The remaining 5% belong to other

ethnic groups. This diversity in ethnicity highlights a multicultural mix among the

criminology interns, which could contribute to varying perspectives and experiences in

the internship program.


The efficacy of the internship experience can be increased by screening students

for internships to ensure a suitable fit between the candidate's and the placement

provider's profiles. As a useful measure of "internship consciousness," the "work

readiness" lens enables students to evaluate the extent to which their internship

prepares them for the workforce. As the demands of a multinational workplace change,

internship programs can help companies locate the best candidates for open positions.

Considering its exploratory nature, the study is limited by its geographical setting.

Future studies could compare various educational institutions and look at how different

majors affect various aspects of work preparation (Kapareliotis et al., 2019).

The extent do internships enhance the practical skills of criminology students

The table 2 presented the extent do internships enhance the practical skills of

criminology students in terms of problem-solving skills, leadership skills, communication

skills, and community relations skills.

Table 2.1

The extent do internships enhance the practical skills of

criminology students in terms of problem-solving skills

Indicators Mean Description

1. Internships have significantly enhanced my ability to analyze 3.99 Great Extent
and solve complex problems.

2. My critical thinking and decision-making skills have improved 4.23 Great Extent
as a result of my internship experience.

3. I have gained practical experience in identifying issues and 4.11 Great Extent
finding effective solutions during my internship.

4. Internships have helped me develop strategies to approach 4.15 Great Extent

and resolve real-world criminology-related problems.

5. My ability to think on my feet and handle unexpected 4.11 Great Extent


challenges has been strengthened through internships.

Overall mean 4.12 Great Extent

Table 2.1 Extent to Which Internships Enhance the Practical Skills of Criminology

Students, The overall mean for problem-solving skills is 4.12, indicating that internships

significantly enhance this ability to a great extent. Specific indicators show strong

development in areas such as analyzing and solving complex problems (3.99),

improving critical thinking and decision-making (4.23), and gaining practical experience

in identifying issues and finding effective solutions (4.11). Moreover, students report

developing strategies to approach real-world criminology-related problems (4.15) and

handling unexpected challenges (4.11), reflecting a solid improvement in their problem-

solving capabilities through internships. Practical skills developed during internships and

through hands-on experience are crucial for bridging the gap between theoretical

knowledge and practical application, enhancing problem-solving abilities, decision-

making skills, communication proficiency, time management, delegation, and other

organizational skills necessary for effective performance in future careers (Hubbard et

al., 2024)

In the study conducted by Kapareliotics et al. (2019), the findings idicated that

students who participated in internship programs exhibited positive assessments across

all aspects of the work readiness construct. The students had a clear understanding of

employers’ expectations in the workplace and were proficient in applying basic skills,

high-order skills, and professional skills required by employers.

Furthermore, they placed greater emphasis on intrinsic rewards, such as

personal satisfaction and fulfillment, rather extrinsic rewards like monetary benefits.

These results highlight the influence of internship programs in equipping students with

the necessary knowledge, skills, and mindset to be well-prepared for the demands and

expectations of the professional world.

Table 2.2
The extent do internships enhance the practical skills of
criminology students in terms of leadership skills

Indicators Mean Description

1. Internships have provided opportunities for me to take on 4.26 Great Extent
leadership roles in criminology-related tasks.

2. My ability to guide and motivate others has improved during 4.16 Great Extent
my internship experience.

3. I have gained confidence in leading teams and making 4.07 Great Extent
decisions as a result of my internship.

4. Internships have enhanced my ability to delegate tasks and 4.11 Great Extent
manage responsibilities effectively.

5. My leadership potential has been nurtured and developed 4.06 Great Extent
through my internship experience.

Overall mean 4.13 Great Extent

Internships also greatly enhance leadership skills, with an overall mean of 4.13.

Students particularly highlight the opportunities to take on leadership roles in

criminology-related tasks (4.26) and improvements in guiding and motivating others

(4.16). Confidence in leading teams and making decisions has also grown (4.07), while

the ability to delegate tasks and manage responsibilities (4.11) and nurture leadership

potential (4.06) are positively affected by the internship experience. This suggests that

internships provide practical experiences that allow students to step into leadership

roles effectively.

The internship program provides students with a valuable opportunity to enhance

their theoretical knowledge into practical skills. Through the internship, students gain a

comprehensive understanding of the job environment, ethics, and real working

conditions at the KIOT ICT center. This program also fosters team-building,

interpersonal, and leadership skills, making it a crucial and valuable experience (Anmaw

et al., 2019).

Internships are essential for gaining vital soft skills. These skills include

communication, cooperation, problem-solving, and social skills. Internships help

students acquire these abilities and graduates recognize how important they are in the

job. Nonetheless, difficulties encountered throughout the internship, a lack of official

mentoring, and a need for greater organization and learning emphasis were noted. This

study adds to the body of knowledge on the development of human capital in African

contexts and can assist organizations in creating more effective internship programs

(Kavish, 2022).

Table 2.3
The extent do internships enhance the practical skills of
criminology students in terms of communication skills

Indicators Mean Description

1. Internships have significantly improved my ability to 4.26 Great Extent
communicate effectively with colleagues and stakeholders.

2. My written communication skills, such as report writing and 3.95 Great Extent
documentation, have been enhanced through internships.

3. I have gained confidence in public speaking and presenting 3.99 Great Extent
information during my internship.

4. Internships have improved my interpersonal communication 4.07 Great Extent

skills, enabling me to work well with diverse groups.

5. My ability to clearly and concisely convey ideas and 4.10 Great Extent
information has been strengthened through internships.

Overall Mean 4.07 Great Extent

The overall mean for communication skills is 4.07, indicating significant

improvement due to internships. The highest scores were in improving communication

with colleagues and stakeholders (4.26), followed by enhancement in interpersonal

communication (4.07). Students also gained confidence in public speaking (3.99), report

writing and documentation (3.95), and the ability to convey ideas concisely (4.10).

These results suggest that internships offer substantial opportunities for students to

develop their communication, both in professional and personal contexts.

With internships, individuals are more likely to prepare for professional life in

effective communication. There should be more structured opportunities within

programs for writing and public communication, which would better polish these skills.

According to Tameka et al. (2020), internships can assist students in realizing their full

potential as communicators, as effective communication is essential for success in the

labor market. Internships are viewed as opportunities for students to improve their

communication skills and general potential for success, as effective communication is

emphasized as being vital for success in the job market.

The educational community is tasked with preparing students for career-ready

positions. Aligned with skill development and curriculum content, experiential learning

has often proven beneficial for students to reinforce concepts and provide a transfer of

learning and application. Internships, prior graduation, seem to provide a win-win

opportunity for the student in the for more real-world, experiential learning. The

organization benefits by receiving additional resources at a reduced rate and an

opportunity to determine whether the individual will be a good fit for the culture and the

position. This paper will seek to explore this relationship to determine whether the

outcomes are positive and may lead to increased job offers and quicker employability.

In addition, this will include some research on the attributes of students who pursue

internships. Cappelli, P. (2014).

Table 2.4
The extent do internships enhance the practical skills of criminology
students in terms of community relations skills

Indicators Mean Description

1. Internships have enhanced my understanding of community 4.25 Great Extent
dynamics and the role of criminology in society.

2. My ability to engage with and build positive relationships with 4.28 Great Extent
community members has improved during my internship.

3. I have gained practical experience in working with community 4.19 Great Extent
groups and organizations related to criminology.

4. Internships have helped me develop skills in community 4.18 Great Extent

outreach and collaboration.

5. My ability to contribute positively to community safety and well- 4.29 Great Extent
being has been strengthened through internships.

Overall Mean 4.24 Great Extent

The internship greatly equip participants to engage effectively with the

community, with an overall mean of 4.24. A strong enhancement of the abilities of the

participants in contributing positively to community safety and well-being (4.29),

followed by build relationships with community members (4.28), understanding of

community dynamics and the role of criminology in society (4.25), gained practical

experience in working with community groups and organizations (4.19), and helped me

develop skills in community outreach and collaboration (4.18). These results suggest

that internships especially enhance interpersonal skills and social responsibility.

Internships are helpful in providing on-site experiences to equip the people to

effectively interact with communities. Landrat et al. (2019) added that internship provide

opportunities for students to acquire practical skills by working in real-world scenarios,

guided by experienced supervisors, and gaining insights into the day-to-day operations

of their chosen field. Through internships, individuals enhance their problem-solving

abilities, decision-making skills, communication proficiency, time management,

delegation, and other organizational skills necessary for effective performance in their

future careers.

Internship programs play a crucial role in enhancing students' understanding of

academic learning and achieving social equality . Rigid research on best practices is

lacking, though, especially when it comes to community college internship programs.

The amount of data in outcome reports is restricted by the lack of a conceptual model or

best practices for effective internship programs. The inability to monitor results and use

common instruments makes it difficult to evaluate effectiveness. Future studies should

concentrate on comprehending how structural features and internship mechanisms

interact, as well as how various approaches result in differing degrees of sustainability

and success. When delving deeper into a subject, case study research is suitable since

it facilitates the creation of conceptual models and best practices (Lucero et al., 2021).

Table 2.5
Summary of the extent do internships enhance the
practical skills of criminology Students

Indicators Mean Description

1. Problem-Solving Skills 4.12 Great Extent

2. Leadership Skills 4.13 Great Extent

3. Communication Skills 4.07 Great Extent

4. Community Relations Skills 4.24 Great Extent

Over-all Mean Result: 4.14 Great Extent

A few aspects that require enhancement are the suitability of the evaluation

technique and the degree of assistance provided by the department. In order to educate

students with ethical standards and terminology linked to their profession, the

curriculum also emphasizes the value of seminars and orientation sessions. Future

research should look at how students felt about their internships before and after, how

different intern perceptions were depending on demographics, and how to provide

possibilities for professional development and comprehensive assistance (Azis et al.,


The highest overall mean across all indicators is in community relations, at 4.24,

showing that internships significantly enhance students’ understanding and interaction

with the community. Internships have strengthened students' ability to engage with

community members (4.28) and build positive relationships, as well as understand

community dynamics and criminology’s role in society (4.25). Students also gained

practical experience in working with community organizations (4.19) and developed

skills in community outreach and collaboration (4.18). This indicates that internships are

particularly effective in improving students’ community involvement and contributions to

public safety.

The overall mean score of 4.14 across all variables reflects that internships at

Holy Trinity College of General Santos City enhance practical skills among criminology

students to a great extent. The strong scores in problem-solving, leadership,

communication, and community relations highlight that internships provide a

comprehensive learning environment that significantly benefits students' real-world


Through internships, students develop critical reflection and self-confidence,

leading to more meaningful learning. The program supports students from diverse

educational backgrounds, facilitating learning through focused mentoring and support.

Internships are essential to the student's growth. Students can develop their critical

reflection abilities and boost their self-confidence by taking part in internships. This

shows that the program values each student's unique needs and abilities and gives

them the direction and support they need to be successful in their internships. the

advantages of internships for students' development both academically and personally.

It highlights how critical thinking, self-assurance, and individualized support are crucial

to creating relevant learning opportunities for students with different educational

backgrounds (Stratton et al., 2023).


Practical skills developed during internships and through hands-on experience

are crucial for bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application,

enhancing problem-solving abilities, decision-making skills, communication proficiency,

time management, delegation, and other organizational skills necessary for effective

performance in future careers (Hubbard et al., 2024). Landrat et al. (2019) added that

internship provide opportunities for students to acquire practical skills by working in real-

world scenarios, guided by experienced supervisors, and gaining insights into the day-

to-day operations of their chosen field. Through internships, individuals enhance their

problem-solving abilities, decision-making skills, communication proficiency, time

management, delegation, and other organizational skills necessary for effective

performance in their future careers.

Additionally, competency and skills development have been recognized as

increasingly important for ensuring graduates' employability and sustainability in various

fields . Continuous learning and skill enhancement are essential for individuals to stay

relevant and adaptable in their careers. This includes both technical skills, such as

programming or data analysis, and soft skills like communication, teamwork, and

problem-solving. Employers often value a combination of these skills, as they contribute

to overall job performance and success within an organization (Alam et al., 2022).

Significant Difference

The table 3 presented the significant difference between the demographic profile
of the respondents and enhancing the practical skills of the criminology students.


Significant difference between the demographic profile of the respondents and

enhancing the practical skills of the criminology students

VARIABLE Enhancing The Practical Skills

Profile p-
F-value Remarks Decision
2.191 .120 Do not reject
Age Not significant
Gender 4.784 .032 significant Reject Ho
.329 .568 Do not reject
School status Not significant
2.022 .086 Do not reject
Ethnicity Not significant

Table 3 Significant Difference Between the Demographic Profile of Respondents

and Enhancing Practical Skills,The F-value for age is 2.191 with a p-value of .120,

which is above the conventional significance level of .05. This indicates that there is no

significant difference between the different age groups and the enhancement of

practical skills through internships. Therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho) is not rejected,

suggesting that age does not significantly influence how internships impact practical

skills. The F-value for gender is 4.784 with a p-value of .032, which is below the

significance level of .05. This result is statistically significant, meaning that there is a

notable difference between genders in how internships enhance practical skills. Since

the p-value is less than .05, we reject the null hypothesis (Ho). This implies that gender

does have a significant effect on the extent to which internships improve practical skills,

suggesting that the experience of enhancing practical skills may vary between male and

female interns.

The F-value for school status is .329 with a p-value of .568, which is significantly

higher than .05. This indicates no significant difference between regular and irregular

students concerning the enhancement of practical skills through internships.

Consequently, the null hypothesis (Ho) is not rejected, suggesting that school status

does not significantly affect the development of practical skills.The F-value for ethnicity

is 2.022 with a p-value of .086, which is above the .05 threshold but close to it. This

result indicates that there is no statistically significant difference between different ethnic

groups in terms of how internships enhance practical skills. Therefore, the null

hypothesis (Ho) is not rejected, meaning ethnicity does not significantly influence the

effectiveness of internships in improving practical skills.

The analysis reveals that gender is the only demographic variable significantly

impacting the enhancement of practical skills through internships. Age, school status,

and ethnicity do not show significant differences in this regard. This suggests that while

most demographic factors may not influence the effectiveness of internships broadly,

gender does play a role in how practical skills are developed.

Internship applications appreciably effect the expert growth and abilities of the

scholars, affecting their private development and competencies (Anjum, 2020).

Internships also help students gain practical experience, learn teamwork, build

relationships, and earn real money. Furthermore, internships contribute to career

selection, industry experience, and financial support, preparing students for their

professional careers. They also improve employability readiness by developing skills,

positive attitudes, and task clarity, ultimately benefiting both students and employers.

Consistent with Karunaratne et al. (2019) industry and the university should collaborate

to create a comprehensive program and the program should be twelve months long,

with a well-structured training schedule covering all areas. Students should establish

positive links with both organizations, and university administration and academic

supervision should collaborate closely with industry to foster strong relationships.

The results show that internship plays a very prominent role in developing and

growing skills of the students, as contended by John Dewey's experiential learning

theory. Dewey states that education must come through actual experiences in order to

cultivate healthy critical thinking. Data reveals that students did gain in problem-solving,

communication, and leadership-the core components that Dewey espoused.

Internships bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical

application, thereby helping develop self-confidence and critical reflection in meaningful

learning. Dewey was of the opinion that education must engage learners to make

connections between experiences and academic knowledge. High scores of community

relations portray the manner in which internships enhance understanding of social

dynamics, which supports the view of Dewey concerning community involvement in


Such support and mentor-ship during internships reflect the dedication to

attending to diverse student needs, much like Dewey's advocacy for personalized

education. When their situations present problems, students learn skills that make them

more employable and adaptable to a job, which demonstrates the significance of

continuous learning in today's job world.

The outcomes confirm the relevance of experiential learning as Dewey might

have described, as internships significantly develop critical capabilities, self-confidence,

and community engagement into students' careers.

Chapter V


This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions and

recommendations of the study

Summary of Findings

This study determine the extent do the internship enhance the practical skills of

criminology students in terms of I terms of problem-solving skills, leadership skills,

communication skills, and community relations skills. It describes the significant

differences of the between the demographic profile of the respondents and enhancing

the practical skills of the criminology students. Based on the analysis and interpretation

of data in the study, the following finding were made:

1. The Demographic Profile of the Respondents

1.1. The majority of respondents are older students, with 52% aged 23 years old

and above, followed by 33% who are 22 years old. This indicates that most

participants are in the latter stages of their academic journey.

1.2. The gender distribution is equally split, with 50% male and 50% female

respondents, suggesting balanced gender representation among the

criminology interns.

1.3. A significant portion, 85%, are regular students, while 15% are irregular

students. This reflects that most respondents are following the standard

academic timeline for the criminology program.


1.4. The respondents are predominantly Cebuano (63%), with smaller

representations from B’laan (10%), Tagalog (10%), Muslim (6%), and Hiligaynon

(6%). A diverse mix of ethnicities is present, though Cebuano is the dominant


2. The extent do internships enhance the practical skills of criminology

2.1. Problem-Solving Skills,With a total mean of 4.12, internships significantly

improve the problem-solving skills of criminology students. Interns report

enhanced abilities in analyzing and solving complex problems, critical thinking,

and handling real-world challenges, indicating a high level of practical learning

in addressing criminology-related issues.

2.2. The leadership skills of students are greatly enhanced through internships,

reflected in a total mean of 4.13. Interns gain opportunities to lead teams,

delegate tasks, and build confidence in decision-making, suggesting that

internships play a crucial role in developing leadership potential.

2.3. Internships substantially improve communication skills, with a total mean of

4.07. Students experience notable growth in professional communication, report

writing, public speaking, and interpersonal skills, equipping them to convey

ideas effectively in criminology-related environments.

2.4. The highest enhancement is seen in community relations, with a total mean of

4.24. Internships significantly improve students’ engagement with the

community, fostering skills in outreach, collaboration, and understanding the

role of criminology in society, positioning them to contribute positively to public


2.5. Overall, Internships enhance practical skills across all areas, with an overall

mean of 4.14. This demonstrates that internships provide substantial learning

experiences, preparing students for real-world challenges in criminology.

3. Significant difference between the demographic profile of the respondents

and enhancing the practical skills of the criminology students

3.1. The analysis of the demographic profile and its relationship to the enhancement

of practical skills through internships reveals that gender is the only variable

with a statistically significant impact. Specifically, there is a notable difference

between male and female interns in terms of how internships enhance their

practical skills, as indicated by a significant p-value of .032. This suggests that

the experience of skill development during internships varies between

genders.On the other hand, age, school status, and ethnicity do not show

significant differences in terms of enhancing practical skills. The p-values for

these variables are above the threshold of .05, indicating that these factors do

not substantially influence the effectiveness of internships in developing

practical skills among criminology students. Therefore, internships appear to

have a generally uniform impact across different age groups, school statuses,

and ethnic backgrounds.


Based on the summary of the findings, hereunder are the conclusions:

1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

1.1. The demographic profile of the respondents reveals a diverse group of

criminology interns at Holy Trinity College of General Santos City. The majority

are older students (23 years and above), with a balanced gender

representation, indicating inclusivity in the program. Most students are regular in

their academic status, suggesting a steady progression through the criminology

curriculum. Ethnically, the group is predominantly Cebuano, but there is notable

diversity, which could enrich the internship experience through varied cultural


2. The extent do internships enhance the practical skills of criminology students

in terms of
2.1. The internship program at Holy Trinity College of General Santos City has
proven to be highly effective in enhancing the practical skills of criminology
students. With an overall mean of 4.14, it is evident that the program
significantly contributes to the development of key competencies. In the area of
problem-solving, students report notable improvements in their ability to analyze
and solve complex criminology-related issues, make informed decisions, and
tackle real-world challenges. Leadership skills are also strengthened, with
students gaining confidence in leading teams, delegating responsibilities, and
making critical decisions. Communication skills have been substantially
improved, particularly in professional interactions, report writing, and public
speaking, equipping students to convey ideas and information more effectively
in criminology-related environments.

3. Significant difference between the demographic profile of the respondents

and enhancing the practical skills of the criminology students

3.1. The analysis of the relationship between demographic factors and the

enhancement of practical skills through internships at Holy Trinity College of

General Santos City indicates that gender is a significant variable affecting this

enhancement. The significant difference in practical skill development between

male and female interns suggests that gender plays a role in how effectively

internships contribute to skill acquisition.In contrast, age, school status, and

ethnicity do not show significant differences in the enhancement of practical

skills. This implies that internships generally provide similar opportunities for

skill development across various age groups, academic statuses, and ethnic

backgrounds. Overall, while gender-specific factors may influence the

effectiveness of internships, the program appears to be equitable and effective

across other demographic dimensions.

Based on the conclusion arrived in the study, the following were


1. Problem-Solving Skills

1.1 Incorporating more complex and varied problem-solving scenarios into the

internship program. This may involve case studies, simulations, or real-world

problems that require advanced analytical skills and decision-making

processes. Providing structured feedback and reflection sessions on these

scenarios can also help interns develop deeper critical thinking skills.

2. Leadership Skills

2.1. Although leadership skills are generally well-enhanced, the mean score for

nurturing leadership potential proposes room for improvement. To address this,

introduce more formal leadership training workshops or mentorship programs

within the internship. These may focus on developing specific leadership


qualities, such as strategic thinking, conflict resolution, and team dynamics, to

better prepare interns for leadership roles in their future careers.

3. Communication Skills

3.1. Improving written communication skills, such as report writing and

documentation is the lowest among communication indicators. To enhance this

area, provide targeted training sessions or workshops focused on effective

writing techniques, documentation standards, and the use of professional

language. Additionally, incorporating regular assignments that require written

reports and feedback on these assignments can help interns improve their

written communication skills.

4. Community Relations

4.1. To strengthen this area, consider expanding opportunities for interns to engage

directly with community organizations through collaborative projects, volunteer

activities, or outreach programs. Providing guided experiences and structured

opportunities to work closely with diverse community groups can help interns

build more robust skills in community engagement and collaboration.

5. For Educational Institutions

5.1. To address the significant gender differences observed in how internships

enhance practical skills, educational institutions should consider tailoring

internship programs to better support the unique needs and experiences of

different genders. Implementing mentorship programs or workshops focused on


addressing gender-specific challenges and leveraging strengths could help

ensure that all interns, regardless of gender, receive equitable opportunities for

skill development.

6. For Criminology Interns

6.1. Criminology interns should actively seek feedback and engage in additional

training or development opportunities to enhance areas where they may

experience lower skill growth. For instance, if communication skills or written

documentation are identified as weaker areas, interns can take proactive steps

to improve these skills through supplementary workshops or practice. This self-

initiative can help balance the practical skills acquired during their internship.

7. For Researchers

7.1. Researchers should investigate further into the gender-related differences in

skill enhancement observed in internships. Conducting qualitative studies or

interviews with interns could provide deeper insights into how different genders

experience and benefit from internships. This information may be used to

develop more targeted recommendations for improving internship programs and

ensuring that they meet the needs of all participants effectively.

8. For Other Researchers and Future Studies

8.1. Future studies should explore the underlying factors contributing to the

significant gender differences in practical skill enhancement. Research could

focus on identifying specific aspects of internship programs that impact different

genders differently or examine other demographic variables that may influence

skill development. This could provide a more comprehensive understanding of


how to optimize internships for all students and improve the overall

effectiveness of such programs.


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