AOon Large Telescopes
AOon Large Telescopes
AOon Large Telescopes
Thomas Berkefeld
Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany
Wolfgang Hackenberg
Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany
Abstract. Observations with ground based telescopes suffer from atmospheric turbulence.
Independent of the telescope size the angular resolution in the visible is equivalent to that of
a telescope with a diameter of 10–20 cm. This effect is caused by the turbulent mixing of air
with different temperature in the atmosphere. Thus, the perfectly plane wave from a star at
infinity is aberrated before it enters the telescope.
In the following, we will discuss the physical background of imaging through turbulence,
using Kolmogorov statistics, and the different techniques to sense and to correct the wave-
front aberrations with adaptive optics. The requirements for the control loop of an adaptive
optics system are discussed including formulas for the limiting magnitude of the guide star as
a function of the wave-front sensing method, of the quality of the wave-front sensor camera,
and of the degree of correction.
Finally, a short introduction to deformable mirror technology will be given followed by
the presentation of a new method to measure and to distinguish individual turbulent layers in
order to increase the isoplanatic angle.
1. Introduction
The image quality of ground based telescopes suffers from atmospheric tur-
bulence. Independent of the telescope size the angular resolution in the visible
is equivalent to that of a telescope with a diameter of 10–20 cm. This effect
is caused by the turbulent mixing of air with different temperature in the
atmosphere. Thus, the perfectly plane wave from a star at infinity is aberrated
before it enters the telescope.
It was the idea of H. Babcock (1953) to correct these aberrations with a
deformable mirror to obtain diffraction limited images. The principle of an
adaptive optics system is displayed in Figure 1. The deformable mirror, a
wave-front sensor and a camera in the corrected focus form the main ele-
ments. The wave-front sensor measures the aberrations with a high sampling
rate and sends the control signals to the deformable mirror in order to correct
the aberrations. Then, the corrected focus can be recorded by a camera with
an exposure time independent of atmospheric turbulence.
Deformable sensor
Figure 1. The main elements of an adaptive optics system. The wave-front sensor measures
the aberrations and sends the information to the deformable mirror to flatten the wave-front.
A camera in the corrected focus takes the corrected image.
The technical requirements for adaptive optics systems concern the sampling
rate and the sensitivity of the wave-front sensor camera, and the frequency
that can be applied to the deformable mirror. The required sampling rate is
determined by the rate of changes of the atmospheric turbulences. Therefore,
the statistical parameters of the turbulence play a vital role for adaptive optics
systems. Kolmogorov statistics provide a suitable theoretical model for at-
mospheric turbulence. Measurements of the statistical properties have mostly
confirmed the assumptions of this theory.
The most important question for the applicability of adaptive optics sys-
tems to astronomical research is the question about the sky coverage: how
much of the sky can be observed given that a star of suitable brightness, the
guide star in the wave-front sensor, has to be close to the object star? The
required brightness of the guide star follows from the required sampling rate
of the wave-front sensor camera determined by the rate of changes in the
atmosphere, and from the desired degree of correction. In Figure 2, simulated
short exposure images of a single star on a 3.5-m telescope under identical
atmospheric conditions are displayed at different wavelengths. At 10 µm, a
single diffraction limited speckle is moving around slowly, and image sta-
bilisation is sufficient to create a diffraction limited image. In the visible
at 0.5 µm, a speckle cloud of a few hundred speckles displays a dynamic
Figure 2. Speckle images of a single star in the visible at 0.5 µm (on the left) and at 10 µm (on
the right) under identical atmospheric conditions on a 3.5-m telescope. In the 10 µm image,
parts of the first diffraction ring can be seen. A simulation for atmospheric turbulence was
used to produce the images.
The wave propagation through the atmosphere and the telescope into the
focal plane is very conveniently described by Fresnel diffraction. Incorpo-
rating optical elements like lenses or mirrors in a spherical approximation
leads to the well known Fourier relationship between the amplitude of the
electromagnetic wave in the pupil of the telescope and the amplitude in its
focal plane (Goodman, 1968; Born and Wolf, 1970; Marathay, 1982).
We use the notation Ψ(~x) for the complex amplitude in the telescope pupil
and A(~u) for the complex amplitude in the focal plane. The two quantities are
connected through a Fourier transform
A(~u) = Ψ(~x) exp(2πi~x~u) d~x;
where the integration is performed over the telescope pupil. The phase φ(~x)
of Ψ(~x) incorporates the turbulent atmosphere as well as the telescope aber-
rations. In the telescope focus, we are usually interested in the intensity dis-
tribution I (~u) = jA(~u)j2 that can be written as
I (~u) = Ψ(~x0 )Ψ (~x00 ) exp(2πi(~x0 ;~x00 )~u) d~x0 d~x00
= Ψ(~x0 )Ψ (~x0 ;~x)d~x0 exp(2πi~x~u) d~x;
where Ψ(~x0 )Ψ (~x0 ;~x)d~x0 is the autocorrelation of the amplitude in the tele-
scope pupil that is called the optical transfer function (OTF). If a plane wave
from a point source at infinity enters a perfect, i.e. aberration free, telescope
the OTF is a purely real function – approximately shaped like a triangle – and
its Fourier transform is the diffraction limited point spread function, the Airy
In the case of statistical fluctuations of the electromagnetic wave, due to
an incoherent source or due to atmospheric turbulence, the autocorrelation
can be expressed as an ensemble average over all possible realisations, called
the coherence function:
Γ(~x) =< Ψ(~x0 )Ψ (~x0 ;~x) > :
It is one of the main tasks of turbulence theory to connect the atmospheric
properties to the coherence function in the telescope pupil and, thus, to its
Fourier transform, the point spread function (PSF) in the telescope focal
plane. If atmospheric turbulence rather than the telescope diameter limits the
size of the PSF it is called the seeing disk and its full width at half maximum
(FWHM) is called the seeing.
2 ρv
1 2
E (L)dL E (l )dl
ε0 = = = = const; (1)
t (L) t (l ) l =v
and it is
v ∝ l1 3
: (2)
The kinetic energy E (k)dk in the spectral range k and k + dk is proportional
to v2 . With the spatial frequency k ∝ l;1 one obtains
lence, generally the size of the largest structure that moves with homogeneous
speed, and l0 is the inner scale at which the viscous dissipation starts. The
outer scale of turbulence varies between a few meters close to the ground
where the largest structure is determined by the height over the ground, and
a few hundred meters in the free atmosphere which is the thickness of the
turbulent layer (Colavita, 1990; Tatarski and Zavorotny, 1993; Haniff et al.,
1994). The inner scale of turbulence is in the range of a few millimetres near
the ground to about 1 cm near the tropopause (Roddier, 1981).
T = 0oC
15 oC
1.00026 30 oC
0.5 1 1.5 2
30o C and
Figure 3. The refraction index of air at 0, 15 and 1000 mbar as given by the Cauchy
formula. The dependence on temperature can be modeled by approximating the refraction as
a sum of temperature and wavelength dependent terms.
Kolmogorov theory predicts a mathematical form for Φn (k) only inside the
inertial range. The von Karman spectrum (Ishimura, 1978) models the power
spectral density also outside of this regime.
C 2n (h)
1 10
5 10
1 10
5 10
1 10
5 10
0 5 10 15 20 h[km]
Figure 4. Average Cn2
profile as a function of altitude in km as given by the Hufna-
gel-Valley-Boundary model. Two distinct layers can be distinguished, near the ground (100
m) and at 10 km.
So far, only the power spectral density of the refraction index fluctuations has
been discussed. The power spectral density is related to the autocorrelation
Γn (~r) =< n(~r1 )n(~r1 +~r) > by the Wiener-Khinchin theorem:
Γn (~r ) = Φn (j~kj)e;2πik r d~k:
As already noted, the random process leading to the fluctuation of the refrac-
tive index is isotropic and homogeneous. Thus, second and higher moments
of n, like the autocorrelation depend only on the distance between two points.
This allows us to express both the power spectral density and the autocorre-
lation as functions of the three dimensional vectors~k and ~r where j~kj and j~r j
are denoted by k and r respectively.
To avoid the integration over the pole at k = 0 the structure function of the
refraction index is introduced as
Dn (r) = < jn(r1 ) ; n(r1 + r)j2 >
This form of the structure function of the refractive index is known as Obuk-
hov’s law. Together with the Kolmogorov spectrum (Eq. 7) it forms the basis
for the description of wave propagation through turbulence.
For the sake of simplicity, only horizontal monochromatic plane waves are
considered, propagating downwards through atmospheric turbulence from a
star at zenith. The fluctuations of the complex amplitude are calculated by
using the Kolmogorov spectrum and Obukhov’s law.
Using the thin screen approximation (Roddier, 1981), the layer thickness
is assumed to be large compared to the correlation scale of the fluctuations
but small enough to neglect diffraction effects within the layer. Also, the layer
is non-absorbing and its statistical properties depend only on the altitude h,
i.e. the structure constant Cn2 does not vary in the horizontal direction.
After propagation through a thin turbulent layer at altitude h, the phase is
related to the distribution of the refractive index through
Z h+δh
φh (~x) = n(~x; z)dz; (11)
λ h
where δh is the thickness of the layer and ~x = (x; y) denotes the horizontal
coordinate vector. The complex amplitude after propagation through a layer
at altitude h can be written as
Ψh (~x) = eiφh (x) : ~
To describe the statistical properties of the complex wave we need the cor-
relation function of the complex amplitude, the coherence function, defined
Γh (~x) = < Ψh (~x0 )Ψh (~x0 +~x) >
ei[φh (x );φh (x +x)] > :
~ 0 ~ 0 ~
= < (13)
As the intensity distribution in the telescope focal plane is the Fourier trans-
form of the coherence function in the telescope aperture, its description as a
function of the atmospheric properties determines the telescope point spread
function affected by atmospheric turbulence, i.e. the seeing disk.
Since the phase φh (~x) is the sum of a large number of independent vari-
ables (the refraction indices n(~x; z), Eq. 11) it is reasonable to apply the
central-limit theorem implying that φh (~x) and also φh (~x0 ) ; φh (~x0 + ~x) fol-
low Gaussian statistics. Then, the expectation value in Eq.(13) is called the
characteristic function of the Gaussian random process, and it is defined as
eizx pv (x)dx = e; 2
izv v2 >z2
< e >= ; (14)
Γh (~x) = e; 2 Dφ h (x) :
The problem of determining the coherence function of the complex ampli-
tude is now shifted to calculating the phase structure function Dφ h (~x). The ;
vector ~x. Assuming also that δh is much larger than the correlation scale of
the fluctuations, one can show that for a horizontal wave-front entering the
layer i at altitude hi , the phase structure function at the exit of the layer is
(Fried, 1966)
Dφ hi (x) = 2:91( )2 δhiCn2i x5 3 ; (17) =
with x = j~xj.
Calculating the coherence function iteratively for multiple layers one ob-
tains the coherence function on the ground in the telescope aperture after
propagation through N turbulent layers as
2π 2 N
λ i∑
Dφ 0 (x)
; = 2:91( ) δhiCn2i x5 = 3
: (18)
The distances between the layers and the size of the diffraction structures are
such that the propagation of the complex amplitude has to be described by
Fresnel diffraction. That means that the complex amplitude on the ground
fluctuates both in amplitude and in phase. The propagation of the coherence
function through the atmosphere, however, is reduced to a simple product of
the coherence functions of the single layers, unaffected by Fresnel diffraction
(Roddier, 1981). This reflects the general property of the coherence function
that Fresnel terms cancel when describing the propagation of the coherence
function through space or through an optical system (Marathay, 1982).
In the case of a continuous distribution of turbulence and of a source at
zenith distance γ one obtains
Dφ 0 (x) = 2:91( )2 (cos γ);1 x5
2π 3
Cn2 (h)dh: (19)
Dφ 0 is the phase structure function of the phase in rad. If the phase is given in
the dimension of meter it describes the physical shape of the turbulent wave-
front. It is interesting to note that the phase structure function of the phase in
meter, and thus the shape of the phase, is independent of wavelength. This
follows from the approximation n(~r ) = n(λ) + nf (~r ). Therefore, a wave-front
sensor can be operated in the visible determining the shape of the wave-front
and steering the deformable mirror for observations in the infrared.
Fried further simplified the expression by introducing the quantity r0 ,
called the Fried parameter (Fried, 1965), which is defined by
Z ;3 5
r0 = 0:423 (
2π 2
) (cos γ)
;1 Cn2 (h)dh : (20)
The phase structure function in the telescope pupil can now be expressed
x 53 =
Dφ 0 (x) = 6:88
; ; (21)
and the coherence function in the telescope pupil is
If a single star is observed through the telescope the turbulence limited point
spread function is obtained by computing the Fourier integral of the co-
herence function over the circular telescope aperture. Figure 5 displays the
turbulence limited point spread function, that is called the seeing disk. A
Gaussian function models the seeing disk reasonably well. However, with the
Gaussian approximation the seeing disk converges to zero much faster than
measured seeing profiles that are better described by the Kolmogorov model.
The full width half maximum (FWHM) of the seeing disk is 0:98λ=r0 corre-
sponding in good approximation to a telescope with diameter r0 . With r0 ∝
λ6 5 the seeing is λ=r0 ∝ λ;1 5 , i.e. it is decreasing slowly with increasing
= =
Very often the power spectrum of the phase fluctuations is needed for anal-
ysis. Similar to the calculation that related the Kolmogorov spectrum of re-
fractive index fluctuations (Eq. 7) to the structure function of the refractive
index (Eq. 10) the Kolmogorov power spectrum of the phase fluctuations can
be calculated (Noll, 1976), yielding
Φ(k) = 0:023 r0
;5 3 k;11
= =3
: (23)
The integral over the power spectrum gives the variance of the phase. As
noted above, the integral over Φ(k) ∝ k;11 3 is infinite. This means, that the
I rel
0.49 λ/r 0 α
Figure 5. The intensity distribution in a seeing disk in arbitrary units calculated numerically
using the phase structure function Dφ (x) = 6:88 x . The full width at half maximum
(FWHM) is approximately λ=r0 .
pling rate of the wave-front sensor camera, are the most important limiting
factors for the performance.
The isoplanacy can be quantified in a very simple way: The displacement
by an angle~θ is replaced by the lateral shift~θh of the relevant layer at altitude
h, and the phase distribution in the observing direction~θ +~θ0 can be expressed
by a shift of the phase at~θ0 :
φ(~x;~θ +~θ0 ) = φ(~x ;~θh;~θ0 ): (24)
The angular phase structure function, describing the correlation between the
phase distribution in~θ and ~θ0 can be written as
Dφ (~θ) =
[φ(~x;~θ ) ; φh(x ; θh θ0 )]2
~ ;~
θh 5 3
< ~ >
= 6:88 : (25)
The influence of different layers with different wind speeds can be investi-
gated by applying the individual altitudes hi of the individual layers i with
structure constants Cn2i (see Eq. 18) and performing the summation.
For the simplest case of a single dominant layer at altitude h an isoplanatic
angle can be defined as θ0 = r0 =h. Thus, if the main turbulent layer is at an
altitude of 10 km and r0 = 60 cm, which corresponds to 0.7600 seeing in the
near infrared at λ = 2:2 µm1 , it is θ0 = 1200 . This value can only give an idea
of the order of magnitude of the isoplanatic angle. In practical cases the value
depends on the particular composition of the atmosphere and the degree of
the adaptive correction. For low order adaptive optics, e.g. a tip-tilt system or
low altitude layers the angle may be much larger.
Using the Taylor hypothesis of frozen turbulence the temporal evolution
can be estimated. The assumption is that a static layer of turbulence moves
with constant speed ~v in front of the telescope aperture. Then the phase at
point ~x at time t0 + t can be written as
φ(~x; t 0 + t ) = φ(~x ;~vt ; t 0 ); (26)
and the temporal phase structure function is
Dφ (~vt ) =< [φ(~x; t 0 ) ; φ(~x ;~vt ; t 0 )]2 > : (27)
The temporal difference is thus transformed to a difference in spatial coor-
dinates with the difference being ~vt. The phase structure function depends
individually on the two coordinates parallel and perpendicular to the wind
direction. In the direction of the wind speed a simple estimate of the corre-
lation time similar to the isoplanatic angle above yields the coherence time
1 The atmospheric window at 2.20.2 µm is called the K-band. Most of the numerical
examples will be given for this band.
The variance of the phase fluctuations is the integral over the temporal power
spectrum. As there is a pole at f = 0 this integral is infinite which is the
well known property of Kolmogorov turbulence discussed above (Tatarski,
1961). This integral can be computed if the outer scale L0 is taken to be finite.
As already noted, the Kolmogorov spectrum is not defined outside the inertial
range and the von Karman spectrum has to be used to perform the integration.
In the last section, the statistical properties of the propagating turbulent wave-
front have been described. When it comes to analysing the imaging process in
the telescope, some assumptions have to be made about the phase distribution
in the telescope aperture. We assume that the turbulent atmosphere can be
represented by a single thin layer in the telescope aperture neglecting the ef-
fects of Fresnel diffraction, e.g. scintillation, discussed in Sect. 2.4 (Roddier,
The average gradient of the phase distribution in the telescope aperture
determines the position of the image in the telescope focus. Although this is a
low-order effect of atmospheric turbulence on the imaging process it is worth-
while discussing it in more detail as it determines the requirements for wave-
front sensors like the Shack-Hartmann sensor that rely on reconstructing the
wave-front from gradient measurements in the subapertures.
First we discuss the statistical properties of the gradient ~θ of the wave-
front without averaging over the telescope aperture. The two components θx
λ ∂ λ ∂
θx (x; y) = ; φ(x; y) and θy (x; y) = ; φ(x; y) : (29)
2π ∂x 2π ∂y
The power spectra of the two vector components Φθx (~k) and Φθy (~k) are re-
lated to the power spectrum of the phase Φ(~jkj) by Φθx y (~k) = λ2 kx2 y Φ(j~k j),
; ;
The effect of averaging the gradient over the telescope aperture is considered
by convolving the gradient in Eq.(29) with the aperture function A(~x) that
usually has a circular shape. The central obscuration usually can be neglected.
The averaged gradient can be written as
x (~x) = θx (~x0 )A(~x ; ~x0 )d~x0 ; (31)
where the superscript D indicates the average over the aperture D. For a point
like aperture the averaging process collapses yielding θD ~0
x (~x) = θx (x ). The
convolution transforms into a multiplication in Fourier space and one obtains
the power spectrum of the phase gradient after averaging with the telescope
aperture (Martin, 1987; Conan et al., 1995)
with λ=r0 the seeing in arcsec. The quotient D=r0 will appear in all those
formulas that describe the imaging process in the telescope. In practical cases
it can be calculated quite easily as it relates the size of the seeing disk λ=r0 to
the FWHM of the Airy pattern λ=D, λλ rD0 = D=r0 . In 0.7600 seeing at 2:2 µm
This integral cannot be solved in closed form. Tyler, 1994 gave an approxima-
tion for the power spectrum at low and high frequencies that can be simplified
by assuming that there is one dominant layer with wind speed v̂ (Glindemann,
1997b). Then, the power spectral density of the centroid motion in the two
regimes are
where λ=r0 is the seeing in arcsec. In Figure 6 , Pflow and Pfhigh are displayed
and compared to measured power spectra. In the low frequency region the
power spectrum decreases with f ;2 3 and it is independent of the size of
function as a low pass filter that leaves the low frequency region unaffected by
the aperture and that takes effect as soon as the frequency is beyond a value of
ft = 0:24v̂=D which is the transient region between the two approximations.
This value agrees well with the value given by Conan et al. (1995). Because
of the steep slope (∝ f ;11 3 ) of the power spectrum at frequencies beyond
the transient frequency ft the contributions to the image motion are very
small. Thus, a tip-tilt system that stabilises the image motion must have a
bandwidth of approximately ft to correct for most of the turbulence induced
image motion. In Kasper et al. (this issue), the bandwidth requirements will
be discussed in greater detail.
The increasing variance of the image motion with smaller apertures D can
now be attributed to an increase of the power spectrum in the high frequency
region. In order to stabilise the image motion on smaller telescopes the cor-
rection frequency has to be higher. It is interesting to note that if the telescope
aperture is larger than the outer scale of turbulence L0 the image motion is
reduced below the values predicted by Kolmogorov statistics. This affects
in particular the fringe motion on telescope interferometers with a baseline
longer than L0 .
One axis power spectra of image centroid motion
0.1 Theory
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Figure 6. Measured power spectra of the image centroid motion on a 3.5-m telescope for
different sampling frequencies. The dashed lines display the approximation for the same see-
ing and wind parameters. From the transient frequency of about ft = 1 Hz and D = 3:5 m the
effective wind speed can be estimated to be v̂ 14 m=sec. The measurements agree very well
with each other and reasonably well with the theoretical curve (dotted line) (Glindemann,
In the theory of optical aberrations Zernike polynomials are used very often
to describe the aberrations. They were introduced in 1934 by F. Zernike who
deduced them from the Jacobi polynomials and slightly modified them for
the application in optics (Zernike, 1934). Zernike polynomials have the ad-
vantage that they are mathematically well defined and that the low order terms
are related to the classical aberrations like astigmatism, coma and spherical
Since the Zernike polynomials are defined on the unit circle and since we
are interested in the turbulent wave-front in the circular telescope aperture
;1)s (n ; s)! ρn;2s
n (ρ ) =
Rm ∑ nm
s 0 s!( 2 ; s)! ( 2 ; s)!
+ n;m : (37)
Table I shows the low order Zernike polynomials where the columns m indi-
cate the azimuthal orders and the rows n the radial orders.
Table I. Zernike polynomials Z j for j = 1 to 11. n is the radial order and m the
azimuthal order. The modes are ordered such that even j correspond to the symmetric
modes given by cos mθ and odd j to the antisymmetric modes given by sin mθ
0 Z1 =1
1 Z2 =2ρcos θ
Z3 =2ρsin θ
p (astigmatism)
Z7 = 8(3ρ3;2ρ) sin θ
p p
Z9 = 8ρ3 sin 3θ
Z8 = 8(3ρ3;2ρ) cos θ Z10 = 8ρ3 cos 3θ
(coma) (trifoil)
The polynomial expansion of the arbitrary wave-front φ(ρ; θ) over the unit
circle is defined as ∞
φ(ρ; θ) = ∑ ai Zi (ρ; θ); (38)
and the coefficients ai , using the orthogonality, are given by
ai = φ(ρ; θ)Zi (ρ; θ)ρdρdθ : (39)
∆1 = 1:030(D=r0 )5=3
∆2 = 0:582(D=r0 )5=3 ∆2 ; ∆1 = 0:448
∆3 = 0:134(D=r0 )5=3 ∆3 ; ∆2 = 0:448
∆4 = 0:111(D=r0 )5=3 ∆4 ; ∆3 = 0:023
∆5 = 0:0880(D=r0 )5=3 ∆5 ; ∆4 = 0:023
∆6 = 0:0648(D=r0 )5=3 ∆6 ; ∆5 = 0:023
∆7 = 0:0587(D=r0 )5=3 ∆7 ; ∆6 = 0:0062
∆8 = 0:0525(D=r0 )5=3 ∆8 ; ∆7 = 0:0062
As already noted, the variance of the phase fluctuations < φ2 (ρ; θ) > is in-
finite. The analysis in terms of Zernike polynomials shows that the infinity
lies in the piston term. Removing the piston term gives a finite value for the
variance of the residual aberration. The residual variances in Table II are given
in terms of (D=r0 )5 3 as the Zernike polynomials are defined in the telescope
aperture D. The right column of the table shows the differential improvement.
It shows that the differences are constant for the same radial degree n.
For the removal of higher orders Noll gave an approximation for the phase
variance (Noll, 1976), as
∆J 0 2944J;
3 =2
(D=r0 )
5=3 2
[rad ] : (42)
Correcting an increasing number of Zernike modes changes the shape of the
seeing disk in an unexpected way. Rather than narrowing the seeing disk in
total, a diffraction limited spike appears on top of the seeing disk. This spike
becomes more dominant with increasing number of corrected modes, until
the seeing halo disappears for perfect correction. Since correcting the low
orders does not affect r0 very much it is intuitively understandable that the
seeing disk, as λ=r0 , remains constant.
The image quality is usually expressed in terms of Strehl ratio that defines
the peak of the point spread function normalised to the peak of the diffraction
limited point spread function. The aberrations can be related to the Strehl
ratio in a simple way using the Maréchal approximation (Born and Wolf,
1970). If the residual variance is smaller than about π2 =4 the Strehl ratio is
approximated by
S = exp(;(∆φ)2 ) : (43)
For a numerical example, we assume an adaptive optics system that perfectly
corrects the first 10 Zernike modes. The Fried parameter is r0 = 60 cm which
is typical in the near infrared and corresponds to a seeing value of 0.7600 . On a
3.5-m telescope the residual variance is 0:0401(D=r0 )5 3 = 0:76 rad2 and the
n=3 f0
n=9 f0
f -17/3
f1t f 3t f 9t
Figure 7. Zernike polynomial mean temporal power spectrum in a given radial degree n for
n=1, 3, 9. The spectra are normalised to the turbulence variance of one polynomial of the
considered radial degree: v̂=D = 10 Hz. The asymptotic power laws and the cutoff frequencies
are indicated. The figure is taken from Conan et al. (1995).
same bandwidth. Otherwise the residual variance from e.g. the tip-tilt cor-
rection could be larger than the uncorrected variance of a high order mode.
This is particularly interesting for laser guide star systems, when the tip-tilt
correction is decoupled from the high order correction. If the image motion
is not corrected very accurately the quality achieved with the higher order
corrections is easily destroyed. We will come back to this point in Sect. 3.3.
It is interesting to compare the high frequency behaviour of the image
motion power spectrum (Eq. 35) that goes with f ;11 3 to the f ;17 3 decay = =
of the Zernike tip-tilt terms. One can show (Glindemann and Rees, 1993),
that the image centroid that usually characterises the image motion is the
sum of Zernike-tilt, -coma and other higher order terms. The slower decrease
can then be attributed to the sum of the single power spectra with increasing
transient frequencies ft . In the low frequency region the f ;2 3 dependence of =
the image motion power spectrum remains unchanged as all high order terms
have much smaller contributions here.
The requirements for the components of adaptive optics systems can be de-
duced from the discussion of imaging through turbulence in Section 2.
This section is organised as follows: Firstly, two different types of wave-
front sensors will be presented and their performance at low signal levels
will be discussed. Starting with the Shack-Hartmann sensor that is most com-
monly being used since it is conceptually simple and its properties are well
understood, the curvature sensor is described next. Then, the mathemati-
cal principles for the reconstruction of the wave-front and the requirements
for closed loop operation will be investigated. Finally, the technology of
deformable mirrors will be presented.
where d is now the diameter of the subaperture and λ=r0 is the seeing in
arcsec. ∆θ is between 0.2 and 0.4 times the seeing and the peak-to-valley
image motion about six times this value. Thus, the size of the subimage
should be at least three times the seeing. If the size of the extended sources is
likely to be larger than this the subimage size has to be chosen accordingly.
Even the solar surface can be used for wave-front measurement if a field
stop and image correlation techniques are used to determine the wave-front
gradients. If the subimage size is very large several sources can be observed
independently allowing for isoplanatic effects to be measured (see Sect. 4)
(Glindemann and Berkefeld, 1996).
The perfect information about the position of the subapertures with respect
to the telescope aperture allows one to calculate the interaction matrix Θsh
linking the image positions with the modes of the wave-front polynomial.
However, this information might be difficult to obtain. Therefore a different
approach was realised in ALFA2 . Instead of calculating the subimage centroid
positions for the Zernike modes (see the following example) the deformable
mirror is driven to form these modes and the subimage centroids are then
measured. This method is discussed in larger detail by Kasper et al. in this
The example of a 22 Shack-Hartmann sensor subdividing the aperture
into four quarter circles explains the principle (Glindemann and Rees, 1994).
The integration in Eq.(46) has to be performed over the subapertures, ı.e. for
ρ = 0 to 1 and θ = 0 to π=2 for the first subaperture. The centroid displace-
ment in x for the first subaperture therefore becomes
π 2p 3p π
Mx1 = a2 + p a4 + 2(a7 + a9 ) + p a8 + ::: :
6(a5 + a6 ) +
2 3 3 2 2
2 ALFA is the laser guide star adaptive optics system of the 3.5-m telescope of the German-
Spanish Astronomical Center on Calar Alto
BB My2 C
Θsh B a4 C
: (48)
@ C A B
@ C A
: :
: :
My8 a8
For low light levels one has to consider two types of measurement er-
rors that deteriorate the performance of the correction system: the photon
noise σ2ph and the read noise σ2r . These variances are given as variance of
the wave-front phase due to photon noise and to read noise of the intensity
measurement. Primot derived these quantities assuming that the seeing disk
is approximately Gaussian and that it is centered (Primot et al., 1990).
Then the form of the phase variance due to signal photon noise is (Rousset,
π2 1
α0 d 2
σ2ph = 2
[rad ]; (49)
2 Nph λ
where Nph is the total number of photoelectrons, α0 the angular size of the
image and d the diameter of the subaperture. In the diffraction limited case
the image size α0 is equal to λ=d and the variance is proportional to 1=Nph .
In the case of a seeing limited point source with α0 = λ=r0 it is
π2 1
σ2ph = 2 2
(d =r0 ) [rad ]: (50)
2 Nph
The wave-front variance as a function of the detector read noise σd can be
written in a similar fashion (Rousset, 1994)
π2 2 2
σ 2 d 4
σ2r = f Nα0 2
[rad ]; (51)
3 Nph r0
with Nα20 the total number of pixels per Airy disk, and f the quotient between
the area on the detector used for the centroid calculation, and the area of
the seeing disk. (As long as the subaperture diameter is larger than r0 . This
is always the case as the wave-front sensor operates in the visible with r0
typically 10 cm.) If for instance the (square) area on the detector is (200 )2 in
0.700 seeing the quotient f is 10. The case of background photo noise is treated
very similarly by replacing the detector read noise σd by the background
noise σb (Rousset, 1994).
As already noted the wave-front sensor usually operates in the visible
whilst the science camera works in the infrared. In order to convert the wave-
front variances to the infrared they have to be multiplied by (λWFS =λIR )2 .
The number of pixels per Airy disk is determined by the optical design of
the wave-front sensor. As the square of this number goes into the variance
calculation it should be kept small.
Since the reconstruction of the phase is made through a linear process the
noise of each subaperture measurement propagates linearly with
λ 2 ;
σ2noise = P(J ) σ2 + σ2 ; (52)
λIR r ph
where P(J) is the factor that describes the error propagation as a function of
the number J of corrected modes. It depends on the properties of the system,
like sensor and mirror geometry, number of sensors and actuators etc. Rigaut
and Gendron, 1992 have derived an expression for Zernike modes that is
given as
P(J ) 0:34 ln(J ) + 0:10: (53)
The error budget of a Shack-Hartmann sensor correcting for J modes can now
be written as
σ2st = ∆J + σ2noise ; (54)
where ∆J is the wave-front fitting error after removing the first J Zernike
modes given in Eq.(41). The implications of the dynamic behaviour of the
turbulence will be discussed in Sect. 3.3. It is interesting to note that the
variance due to read noise (σ2r ∝ (D=r0 )4 ) depends much stronger on the
seeing conditions than ∆J ∝ (D=r0 )5 3 and σ2ph ∝ (D=r0 )2 .
P1 P2
δ δ
Figure 9. Principle of the curvature sensor. The gray lines show the rays from a curved part of
the wave-front that form a focus before the focal plane, leading to a local increase in intensity
in plane P1 and a decrease in P2 .
However, for extended sources and different degrees of correction the sit-
uation becomes more complicated. The local resolution of the wave-front
measurement, given by the size of the subapertures in the Shack-Hartmann
sensor, is determined by the size of the blur that is caused e.g. by the small
piece of curved wave-front in Figure 9. If the separation δ is too small this
blur is too small to be measured. Also, if the detector pixels are too large
this blur cannot be resolved and the mode corresponding to aberrations of
this size cannot be measured. Thus, the separation δ and the pixel size have
to be adjusted according to the required degree of correction. An extended
source has the same effect as a larger seeing disk, and the separation has to be
adjusted accordingly. The conclusion is: for the measurement of high orders,
δ must be larger than for low orders, and for extended sources, δ must be
larger than for point sources (Rousset, 1994).
The normalised difference between the two intensity distributions is (Rod-
dier, 1988):
I+ (x; y) ; I; (x; y) ∂
c(x; y) = ∝ φ(ρ; θ)Ψ ; ∇2 φ(ρ; θ) ; (55)
I+ (x; y) + I; (x; y) ∂ρ
1 ∂ ∂ 1 ∂2
where ∇2 = ρ ∂ρ (ρ ∂ρ ) + ρ2 ∂θ2 is the Laplacian operator representing the cur-
vature of the wave-front. The wave-front radial tilt ∂ρ has to be weighted by
an impulse distribution Ψ around the pupil edge. The advantage of the curva-
ture measurement over the slope measurement in a Shack-Hartmann sensor is
the very low correlation of the local curvature over the wave-front. Measur-
ing statistically independent signals gives a better estimate of the wave-front
(Roddier et al., 1991). Eq.(55) is the irradiance transport equation for paraxial
beam propagation providing a general description of incoherent wave-front
sensing methods (Roddier, 1990a).
We have modelled a 7-element curvature sensor displayed in Figure 10 (Glin-
demann and Rees, 1994). Using the geometrical optics approximation ( f ;
δ)λ=r0 r0 δ= f one finds that δ is 90 mm for a f/35 beam on a 3.5-m tele-
scope for λ = 2:2 µm and r0 = 0:6 m. Since we model a low order system we
used δ = 20 mm. The signal in Eq.(55) has to be integrated over the area
of each segment where the width of the impulse distribution for the 6 edge
segments has to be carefully adjusted. We have assumed that Ψ has a width
of 20% of the pupil diameter and that it has a rectangular shape. Thus, we
obtain the signal cI at detector I in Figure 10 by integrating the curvature for
ρ = 0:5 to 1 and θ = 0 to π=3 and by integrating ∂φ ∂ρ for ρ = 0:8 to 1:2 and
θ = 0 to π=3. The result is
cI ∝ 0:4 3 a2 + 0:4 a3 ; 2:5 a4 + 1:489 a5 + 0:8598 a6 ; 5:736 a7 : : : :
One obtains a set of seven equations relating the signals of the sensors to
the Zernike coefficients. This set of equations can be written in matrix form
similar to Eq.(48) as
c = Θc~a;
~ (56)
with ~c the vector containing the measured curvature and gradients for the edge
segments, ~a the vector containing the coefficients of the Zernike polynomial
and Θc the interaction matrix. A simple least-squares routine was used to
solve this equation.
A comparative study between the 22 Shack-Hartmann sensor discussed
in the previous section and the 7-element sensor discussed here has shown
that the performance is very similar down to very low light levels (Glinde-
mann and Rees, 1994; Rousset, 1994).
The measurement errors of the curvature sensor were investigated by Rod-
dier et al. (1991). He found that in open loop operation the error propagation
coefficient P(J ) (Eq. 53) increases with J and not with ln(J ). However, in
closed loop operation there is no significant difference between the two meth-
ods (Roddier, 1995). Thus, curvature sensor systems are as well suited for
high order correction as Shack-Hartmann systems. As a consequence, the
adaptive optics system of the VLT4 Interferometer will have a 60-element
curvature wavefront sensor at each 8-m telescope (Bonaccini et al., 1998).
In the last section, we have assumed that the modes of a polynomial, in our ex-
ample the Zernike modes, are reconstructed from the information obtained by
the wave-front sensor. Apart from this modal reconstruction of the wave-front
there exists also the zonal approach where the error in e.g. each subimage
of a Shack-Hartmann sensor is minimised by tilting the wave-front in the
subaperture. In a curvature sensor system this approach is even more intuitive
in combination with a bimorph mirror (see Sect. 3.4). Here, the curvature of
the mirror surface is changed by applying a voltage to the mirror actuator and,
in principle, the measured curvature signal from a single detector element can
be hard-wired to the corresponding actuator of the bimorph mirror (Roddier
et al., 1991).
In both cases the local piston of the wave-front elements in each sub-
aperture has to be treated separately in order to smoothly model the wave-
front. This requires some sophisticated reconstruction techniques (Rousset,
1994). Together with the high accuracy that is required in the opto-mechanical
alignment to ensure a precise correspondence between the wave-front sensor
elements and the deformable mirror actuators, the zonal approach becomes
less attractive than the modal approach.
The matrix equation for the modal reconstruction M~ =Θ ~
sh a (Eq. 48) con-
necting the coefficients of the Zernike modes ~a with the wave-front slopes M ~
The product of matrices (ΘTsh Θsh );1 ΘTsh is called reconstructor matrix. This
method can be extended to include the noise characteristics by adding a noise
vector to the vector of slopes
M n=M
~ +~
N: (58)
To solve this equation the covariance matrix of the noise <~N~N T > has to be
calculated. Since the two noise sources, the photon noise and the read noise,
are statistically independent for each subaperture the covariance matrix is
4 The ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer located on Cerro Paranal in northern
Chile consists of four 8-m telescopes separated by up to 130m and of three 1.8-m telescopes
separated by up to 200m.
diagonal. If the noise variance of each subaperture is the same and equal to
σ2noise the result of the least-square minimisation can be written as (see e.g.
(Melsa and Cohn, 1978))
where < ~a~aT > is the covariance matrix of the Zernike coefficients This
technique to reconstruct the wave-front is also called maximum likelihood
technique as by determining ~a one maximises the probability of producing
the measurements M. ~ This method has recently been improved by implement-
ing knowledge about the correlation of the slopes between the subapertures
(Sallberg et al., 1997).
The coefficients ~v of the polynomials of the deformable mirror (the mirror
modes) are related to the Zernike coefficients ~a through an additional interac-
tion matrix so that a new interaction matrix can be calculated linking the slope
measurements M ~ directly with ~ v. The formalism is the same as above, with
the exception that it might be extremely difficult to calculate the inverse of
the covariance matrix < ~v~vT > for a non-orthonormal set of mirror modes. If
the mirror modes do not exactly match the surface of the mirror the maximum
likelihood technique no longer represents the best estimate of the wave-front
(Roggemann and Welsh, 1996). The minimum-variance method can be used
to circumvent this problem (Wallner, 1983). Here, in order to maximise the
image intensity the variance of the residual wave-front aberrations are min-
imised incorporating the mirror influence function. The practical drawback
is that accurate knowledge of the wave-front and noise statistics, and of the
mirror influence function are required.
So far, the properties of wave-front sensors have been discussed for the static
case of a single measurement. In order to investigate the performance of
adaptive optics systems the dynamic behaviour of turbulence has to be con-
sidered. In Sect. 2.6 and 2.7, the temporal characteristics of image motion
and of the Zernike modes have been discussed. These properties are used in
the following investigation of the dynamic requirements of adaptive optics
Two parameters have to be adjusted according to the number of modes
that are corrected: the gain and the bandwidth. The gain should be different
for each mode depending on the accuracy of the measurement that can be
determined experimentally.
The required bandwidth for full correction was given by Greenwood (1977).
He assumed a system that in the static case corrects the wave-front perfectly,
and that all aberrations are caused by the finite bandwidth of the control
system. He then used the power spectrum Φt ( f ) of the phase fluctuations
of the wave-front (Eq. 28) and applied the transfer function T ( f ) Greenwood
(1977)) to calculate the correction bandwidth fG that was subsequently called
the Greenwood frequency. Using the single dominant layer approximation it
fG = 0:43 : (60)
The residual variance of the wave-front can then be calculated as
σ2G = ( fG = f3dB )5 = 3 2
[rad ] : (61)
If the servo bandwidth f3dB of the closed loop system is chosen equal to fG
the variance is 1 rad2 which is equivalent to a Strehl ratio of about 35%.
This variance has to be compared to the residual variance after correcting
e.g. 50 Zernike modes perfectly. Using Eq.(42), one finds that it is ∆50 =
0:25 rad2 in 0.900 seeing, corresponding to a Strehl ratio of 77%. Although
Greenwood’s assumption of a perfect system cannot be compared easily to
the case of removing only a limited number of Zernike modes – leaving
a residual phase variance even for infinite bandwidth – it is clear that the
Greenwood frequency with the residual variance of 1 rad2 is too small for a
good correction.
In the case of a laser guide star adaptive optics system the image motion
has to be measured with a natural guide star (see Davies et al. in this issue).
If it is the goal to reduce the single axis rms image motion ∆θ to 0:25λ=D the
tracking bandwidth is (see for example Glindemann (1997a))
fh o
: :; T= 0:25 : (62)
Tyler, 1994 investigated pure Zernike tilt and the centroid tilt separately, and
he presented a similar result.
The subsequent variance of the wave-front phase due to the residual image
jitter alone is
σ2h o T = ( fh o T = f3dB )5 3 0:33 [rad2 ]:
: : : :
The very simple assumptions that lead to these results make it impossible to
draw far reaching conclusions. However, it is fair to say that the tip-tilt system
has to be run at almost the same frequency as the higher order system in order
to add an acceptable amount to the variance of the wave-front. Conan et al.,
1995 came to a very similar conclusion discussing the temporal power spectra
of the Zernike modes that are displayed in Figure 7.
If for example the effective wind speed v̂ is 15 m=sec and if r0 is 60 cm
which is equivalent to 0.7600 seeing at 2.2 µm the bandwidth for full correction
according to the Greenwood criteria is fG = 11 Hz, and the required tracking
bandwidth is fh o T = 6 Hz. The respective tracking frequencies are about
: :;
110 Hz and 60 Hz. It should be emphasised that this can only give an idea
about the order of magnitude since the adaptive optics system is not perfect
as Greenwood assumed, and, as noted above, since a residual variance of
1 rad2 is too large. In practice one can start at about 2–4 times the Greenwood
frequency and determine the optimum bandwidth by examining the image
quality achieved.
The discussion starts with the fitting error, i.e. the best variance that we can
theoretically achieve if correcting 15 Zernike modes.
It is ∆J = 0:028(D=r0 )5 3 = 0:56 rad2 corresponding to a Strehl ratio of 57%.
If we want to add less than 0.2 rad2 to the variance, i.e. if the Strehl is to
stay above 45%, one can for a first iteration allow 0.1 rad2 for the noise error
and equally 0.1 rad2 for the bandwidth error. The Greenwood formula can be
used to estimate the required bandwidth and then the star magnitude can be
determined that provides enough photons to have less than 0.1 rad2 for the
noise error.
With v̂ = 15 m/ sec and r0 = 0:6 m the Greenwood frequency is 11 Hz.
Since we want to add less than 0.1 rad2 to the variance the bandwidth f3dB
has to be 44 Hz, and, thus, the sampling rate of the Shack-Hartmann sensor
has to be 10 times the bandwidth, i.e. about 450 Hz. The exposure time is then
about 2 msec.
decreases with Nph 2 as long as the second term in Eq. 66, remains small.
Thus, reducing the bandwidth by a factor of two increases the σ2bw by a factor
of 3 but it reduces the read noise by a factor of 4 resulting in a net gain
in performance. However, since the concept of the Greenwood frequency is
fairly crude and one should not overestimate the significance of the calculated
values for small changes.
One parameter that has not been treated so far is the isoplanatic angle
that determines the maximum distance between the object and the guide star.
This depends heavily on the degree of correction and the layer structure of
the atmosphere. Rigaut, 1994 has investigated this quantity and found that,
depending on the tolerated additional variance values between 1000 and 3000
can be expected in the near infrared. If a guide star of 10th magnitude has
to be no more than 3000 from the astronomical object the number of objects
that fulfill this requirement is very small. Then the sky coverage is on average
below 0.1% on a 4-m class telescope.
However, if a laser guide star can be placed anywhere in the sky the situa-
tion changes dramatically. Only the tip-tilt correction relies on a natural guide
star, and here the requirements are much relaxed compared to the full correc-
tion. Using the full aperture D with D=r0 λ=0 5µm = 35 for the calculation of
; :
If the tolerated additional variance is 0.1 rad2 and the read noise σd = 5
electrons, 3000 photons per exposure are required.
The bandwidth f3dB for tip-tilt correction with σ2h o T = 0:1rad2 can be
: :;
calculated using Eq.(63), yielding f3dB = 0:5 v̂=r0 = 12:5 Hz, resulting in
a tracking frequency of 125 Hz and an exposure time of 8 msec. Here, the
tip-tilt system has to run faster than for pure tip-tilt tracking (Glindemann,
1997a) because the error has to be reduced to the absolute value of 0.1 rad2
2 layers of
a) Segmented mirror b) Continuous mirror with ceramics c) Bimorph mirror with
with discrete tip-tilt/piston discrete piston actuators application dependent
actuators (e.g. PZT stacks ) pattern of individual
control electrodes
Figure 11. Three classes of deformable mirrors. (a), a segmented mirror with tip-tilt/piston ac-
tuators behind each segment, (b) continuous facesheet mirrors with individual piston actuation,
and an example of a bimorph (metal/PZT or metal/PMN) mirror (c).
Today, there are mainly three classes of deformable mirrors displayed in Fig-
ure 11: The segmented mirror with single tip-tilt/piston elements and two
mirror types with a continuous surface, the continuous mirror where an array
of actuators behind the mirror surface pushes and pulls the mirror by applying
a force perpendicular to the surface, and the bimorph mirror where voltages
applied between the continuous electrode and the control electrodes change
the curvature of the mirror (see Ribak (1994) for a review).
Segmented mirrors have a number of advantages over continuous mirrors:
the segments can be moved independent of each other, they can be replaced
easily, and the single segments can be combined to form rather large mir-
rors. In the section on wave-front sensors (Sect. 3.1) it was discussed that
by associating each sub-aperture of a Shack-Hartmann sensor to a segment
of the mirror the high order adaptive optics systems consist basically of tip-
tilt systems that are run in parallel. Although this is appealing because of
its conceptual simplicity, in addition to the single segment tip-tilt correction,
one has to process the data to obtain the piston signals that are necessary
to reconstruct a continuous wave-front. Also the alignment between the sub-
apertures of the Shack-Hartmann sensor and the single segments has to be
very precise. The disadvantages of segmented mirrors include problems with
diffraction effects from the individual segments and the intersegment align-
ment. In infrared applications the gaps between the segments can be the
source of infrared radiation that deteriorates the image. Only few adaptive
optics systems with segmented mirrors have been built for solar (Acton and
Smithson, 1992) and stellar (Doel et al., 1990) astronomy.
Bimorph mirrors have their name from the structure that controls their
shape. Piezoelectric bimorph plates usually consist of either a metal plate and
a piezoelectric plate (e.g. PZT or PMN ceramic) or of two piezoelectric plates
which are bonded together. The latter layering is often called the standard
bimorph whilst the first one is sometimes called unimorph or monomorph. A
piezoelectric bimorph operates similar to a bimetallic strip in a thermostat. In
a typical serial configuration one part of the bimorph expands and the other
contracts when a voltage is applied between the two parts. The result is a
bending of the entire structure. As shown in Figure 11c discrete bimorph (or
bending) actuators are created by attaching control electrodes to the bottom
side of the bimorph structure. The pattern of the control electrodes can be
such that it corresponds to the geometry of a curvature sensor (see Figure 10).
The local radius of curvature of the bimorph mirror changes proportional
to the applied voltage (on a given control electrode). This behaviour make
bimorph mirrors the natural counterparts of the curvature sensor. As noted
in Sect. 3.1, it was discussed to feed the signal from the curvature sensor
directly to the bimorph mirror (Roddier et al., 1991). This design is similar
in its conceptual simplicity to the idea of using a mirror segment for each
subaperture of a Shack-Hartmann sensor. However, the requirements for the
optical alignment are similar. The bimorph mirrors that are commercially
available used to have only a low number of actuators, e.g. the bimorph mirror
in the CFHT adaptive optics system has 19 actuators (see Sect. 3.1). In the
meantime, bimoroph mirrors with 36 actuators are available and tested in a
curvature sensor system (Graves et al., 1998), and mirrors with 60 actuators
are being designed.
Piezo-electric mirrors, i.e. continuous mirrors with an array of piezo-electric
actuators expanding perpendicular to the mirror surface (Figure 11b) are in
widespread use now. They are available with up to 350 actuators, and the
technology is well tested and very reliable. They were developed originally
to project high power laser beams on military targets when segmented mir-
rors produce too much scattered light (Tyson, 1998). The typical voltage that
is required to move the actuators is below 100 V, the bandwidth is in the
kHz range, and the typical stroke is in the 5 µm range. Whilst this is suf-
ficient for high order correction the tip and tilt induced by the turbulence
requires a larger tilting angle so that an extra tip-tilt mirror is needed. Some
manufacturers are now using electrostrictive material like a lead-magnesium-
niobate (PMN) crystal that is similar to the piezo-electric lead-zirconate-
titanate (PZT) ceramics, but that displays a smaller hysteresis and a better
motion control.
Both types of continuous surface mirrors avoid the diffraction effects as-
sociated with the single segments and the intersegment alignment problem.
Here, the problems arise from the complexity of the algorithm to control the
mirror surface as the actuators are not allowed to move independent of each
other. If one actuator is set to the maximum voltage its next neighbour must
not be set to the minimum voltage. Otherwise the mirror surface would be
damaged. Also, changing the voltage of a particular actuator usually affects
the shape of the mirror surface at the location of its neighbours.
There are several new developments ranging from very large deformable
mirrors that can replace the telescope secondary (Salinari et al., 1993), to ex-
tremely small units that are based on microelectronical manufacturing meth-
ods (Vdovin and Sarro, 1995). A completely different class of wave-front
actuation is represented by the liquid crystal half-wave phase shifter espe-
cially suitable for narrow band applications (Love et al., 1995). The LBT5
will be equipped with an adaptive secondary with 1000 actuators that has a
diameter of 870 mm and a thickness of 2 mm. It is discussed to use an actuator
design based on loudspeaker technology where the actuator motion is pro-
vided by voice coils. The advantage of the design with an adaptive secondary
is the conceptual elegance and the low number of reflections that improve
both the optical throughput and the infrared background (Hill, 1996).
5 The Large Binocular Telescope consists of two 8.4-m telescopes separated by 14.4 m
(center to center). The Telescope is currently under construction on Mount Graham in Arizona,
The size of the corrected field of view of an adaptive optics system can be
increased by using multiple deformable mirrors correcting multiple turbulent
layers individually (see Figure 12) (Beckers, 1988). In recent years, several
groups have explored methods of measuring the turbulent layers individually,
and the possible improvements in performance both with respect to increasing
the isoplanatic angle and reducing the cone effect on large telescopes have
been investigated (Johnston and Welsh, 1994; Ribak et al., 1996; Berkefeld,
1998). In the following, we discuss a new method for measuring separately
the turbulence in multiple atmospheric layers by combining intensity mea-
surements like in a curvature sensor with wave-front gradient measurements
in a Shack-Hartmann sensor (Glindemann and Berkefeld, 1996).
Strehl ratio
two deformable mirrors
20 40 60 80 100 120
angular distance [arcsec]
Figure 12. Strehl ratio as a function of angular distance from the optical axis for conventional
adaptive optics with a single deformable mirror (grey curve) and for multi-layer adaptive
optics with two deformable mirrors (black curve). The calculations were performed using a
measured Cn2 profile at Calar Alto (Klückers et al.(1997)). The figure is taken from Berkefeld
cally to the image plane of the phase object. The curvature sensor is based on
this idea.
To simplify the explanation, we start with two dominant layers that carry
the bulk of the turbulence. Then, the intensity distribution I1 (x1 ) in the con-
jugate plane L01 of layer L1 in Figure 13 would be determined solely by the
turbulence in layer L2 . The turbulence in layer L1 has no effect on the intensity
distribution in its image plane, L01 . Vice versa, the intensity distribution in L02
is caused only by the turbulent layer in L1 .
Assuming that the phase variation is weak, with φ(x) 1, the complex
amplitude immediately behind layer L1 can then be written as
s12 ∂2 φ1 (x2 )
u2 (x2 ) = 1 + i (φ1 (x2 ) + φ2 (x2 )) + : (69)
2k ∂x22
Calculating the wave-front in image space, one has to be careful to include
the phase disturbances of both layers. Thus, the complex amplitude u02 (x02 ) in
L02 is, neglecting imperfections of the imaging optics, identical to u2 (x2 ) in
L2 . However, to calculate the wave-front in L01 the turbulence in L2 has to be
considered. One then finds that the wave-front phase both in planes L01 and L02
is equal to the sum of the phases, φ1 + φ2 , and that the intensity in L01 resp. L02
can be written as
s012 ∂2 φ2 (x01 )
I10 (x01 ) = 1;
2k ∂x012
s012 ∂2 φ1 (x02 )
I20 (x02 ) = 1+
2k ∂x022
s 12
F s'12
L1 L2 L'1
Figure 13. Illustration of the multiplexer mode of the Shack-Hartmann curvature sensor. For
the sake of clarity only one lenslet array is displayed. In each subimage the total intensity and
the centroid position can be measured separately and, thus, different patches of the wave-front
can be reconstructed.
5. Conclusions
of the LBT. Each of the single 8-10 m apertures requires adaptive optics to
increase the peak intensity and the accuracy of the measurement. The coher-
ently combined beams display a fringe pattern that moves around randomly
depending on the wave-front slope between the single apertures. This cannot
be corrected for by the adaptive optics systems in each telescope. Similar to
the problem of the tip-tilt measurement with a natural guide star in a laser
guide star system one needs a natural guide star to stabilise the fringe motion.
Here, one faces the same problems as with single telescope adaptive op-
tics. The correction frequency for fringe tracking is affected by the telescope
baseline and by the observing wavelength. This determines the limiting mag-
nitude. If the scientific object is not bright enough to serve as a guide star
there has to be a star of suitable brightness usually within a few arcsec of
the scientific object. Then, one can use the guide star to stabilise the fringe
motion, and one can integrate on the scientific object. Increasing the angle
between the object and the guide star is most desirable since it improves
the sky coverage. This technique has to be mastered in order to make tele-
scope interferometers useful. The experience with adaptive optics systems is
a stepping stone to solving these problems.
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tive optics’. In: M. H. Ulrich (ed.): Proceedings of the ESO conference on Very Large
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