MC 300
MC 300
MC 300
Owner’s Manual
MC 0300 Amplifier Owner’s Manual
ThankyouforpurchasingaSoundstreamamplifier. Younow ever require service or replacement, recording the informs
own one of the finest power amplifiers available, a precision tion below for your own records will help protect your
component capable of audiophile~quality performance. Investment:
To get the most out of your MC-300. we suggest you care- Model Number
fullyacquarntyourseltwithitscapabilitresanddesign. Please
retain this manual for future reference. Serial Numbers
Soundstream products are the result of American crafts- Dealer’s Name ~_.
manship and the highest quality control standards; your
MC-300 should deliver many years of pleasure. Should it Date of Purchase ~~~ ~~~~~~
Wiring Diagram .................................. .2
Design Features ................................. .3
Installation .......................................... .3
Selecting Operating Mode.. ................ ,4
Optimizing For Speaker Impedance. ... .
Input Connections .............................. .4
Output Connections ........................... .4
Power Connections ............................ .5
Remote Power-on Connection ~~~~~~~~~~5
Powering Up the System .................... .5
Input Level Adjustment.. ..................... .5
Linear Subwoofer Extension .............. .5
Protection Circuits .............................. .6
Service ............................................... .6
Specifications ..................... ...... .... ... .6
- Figure 1 Z-Channel Operation
?? w
The three hundred watts available from the MC-300 can be If you have an equalizerorlow-level crossover network(s) for
-divided into two channels (stereo) [Figure I]. threechannels bi or tri~amping. these components will be inserted between
(stereo plus a single mono channels) [Figure 21, or four your tuner/deck and your amplifier(s). Refer to the manuals
channels (front and rear stereo; or stereo bi-amp) [Figure 31. for these components for further details.
To select any of these modes, remove the access plugs on In four channel mode, all four input jacks (11 12.22, and 23j
the bottom of the amplifier and set the internal switches are active for CHANNEL A left and right, and CHANNEL B
according to the desired mode of operation. left and right, respectively.
For two-channel operation. set both switches to MONO. In two CHANNEL mode, use only the “righf’ jack (12) for
CHANNEL A. and only the “right” jack (23) for CHANNEL 6.
For three-channel operation, set one switch to STEREO and
ttre other to MONO. Note carefully which is which, because In threechannel mode, useonlythe”right”jackforwhichever
you must connect wires accordingly. of main CHANNEL A or CHANNEL B is operating in mono.
and both jacks for the other main channel,
For four-channel operation, set both switches to Sl~tHEO.