MC 300

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Owner’s Manual
MC 0300 Amplifier Owner’s Manual
ThankyouforpurchasingaSoundstreamamplifier. Younow ever require service or replacement, recording the informs
own one of the finest power amplifiers available, a precision tion below for your own records will help protect your
component capable of audiophile~quality performance. Investment:

To get the most out of your MC-300. we suggest you care- Model Number
fullyacquarntyourseltwithitscapabilitresanddesign. Please
retain this manual for future reference. Serial Numbers

Soundstream products are the result of American crafts- Dealer’s Name ~_.
manship and the highest quality control standards; your
MC-300 should deliver many years of pleasure. Should it Date of Purchase ~~~ ~~~~~~

Wiring Diagram .................................. .2
Design Features ................................. .3
Installation .......................................... .3
Selecting Operating Mode.. ................ ,4
Optimizing For Speaker Impedance. ... .
Input Connections .............................. .4
Output Connections ........................... .4
Power Connections ............................ .5
Remote Power-on Connection ~~~~~~~~~~5
Powering Up the System .................... .5
Input Level Adjustment.. ..................... .5
Linear Subwoofer Extension .............. .5
Protection Circuits .............................. .6
Service ............................................... .6
Specifications ..................... ...... .... ... .6
- Figure 1 Z-Channel Operation
?? w


Figure 2 3 Channel Operation

Figure 3 4-Channel Operation

The MC-300 isconservatively rated at 300 watts into4ohms. Proper installation and adjustment will reward you with
This power can be divided into four channels (4x75 watts), reliable operation and optimum performance. Automotive_
three channels (2x75 watts. 1x150), two channels (2x150 sound system installations can be tricky. especially for firs
watts). The design topology utilizes multiple Darlington out- timers. For this reason, you may want to consider using a
put devices with a total capability of 1200 watts. With such re- professional installer who has the tools and, more impor-
serves and no current limiting, the MC-300 operates without tantly, the experience, to do the right job. If you decide to
strain even at maximum output. Power, ground, and speaker install your equipment yourself, we hope that this manual will
cnnnectors are rated to handle up to 60 amps and up to 8 serve as a helpful guide.
gauge wire.
To provide lull circuit protection necessary for an amplifier
thispowerful, theMC~300incorporatesauniquedual”smat~ The first step in irrstallation is thorough planning. Choose the
power supply that works silently and effectively to prevent location for your amplifier carefully. The amplifier should be
nverheating without the need for a fan. Should the ampllfler located in either the passenger compartment or the trunk,
begin to overheat, the power supply slightly reduces output never in the engine compartment or in any outside location
power, which allows the unit to run much cooler. Once the exposed to din and moisture. Adequate ventilation is impor-
amplifier returns to normal operating temperature. full output tant. allow enough space so that air can circulate around the
capacity is then restored. The entire process is automatic heat sinks.
and inaudible. In the case of an amplifier malfunction, Make sure that the installed amplifier will not interfere with
secondary thermostats WIII shut down the ampllfler in a normal operation of the car. It is best not to locate the
conventional manners To prevent potentially damaging turn- ampkfier near your vehicle antenna, since the switching
on or turn-off thumps. a pair of relays at the outputs allow the powersupplycan interfere with AM reception. Your amplifier
amplifier to fully stabilize before sending the audio signal to should be mounted firrrfly to your car’s sheet metal with the
the loudspeakers. four screws provided. USC your amplifier as a template for
An especially useful feature of the MC-300 IS Linear Sub- making pencil marks where you intend to drill. (Make sure
woofer Extension (LSE). which compensates forthe natural thatthelocationyouareplanning todrillthroughisfreeofany
rollofl of most speakers and extends bass as much as one obstacles such as wiring or gas tanks.)
full octave. LSE provides a linear boost of 6 dB/octave, It’s a good Idea to bench test your system before mounting*
starting at a point which is continuously variable over the thecomponents. If you have a 12.voftpowersource. you can
range 35-280 Hz. A subsonic filter attenuates the signal connect and test all components outside the car. Or, you can
below 20 Hz. connecttheminsidethevehiclepriortofinal mountings Either
Orfly prerrfium parts are used 111 the MC.300. such as metal way, connect the components exactly as you intend to in the
film resistors, gold-plated input connectors, and immersible final installation; make all power connections last; test the
sealed potentiometers. The case is equipped with generous system; then disconnect all power until the final installation
heat sinks. Input sensitivity is adjustable to match any tuner! is complete.
deck, the MC-300 can even be interfaced with OEM speaker WIRING
level signals.
Determine how your vehicle’s wiring is laid out. Keep all
wiring inside the car. Good standard audio practice suggests
keeping signal wires short and away from wires carrying
power. Wires can be run under carpet. If you drill a new
passage hole through metal, make sure that all burrs have
been filed away to prevent scraping; use grommets where
needed. All wires should be hidden: an exposed wire can
inadvertently be pulled, causing disconnection or shorting.
Wires should never be under tension or subject to moisture.
Use cable ties to bundle excess wire.

The three hundred watts available from the MC-300 can be If you have an equalizerorlow-level crossover network(s) for
-divided into two channels (stereo) [Figure I]. threechannels bi or tri~amping. these components will be inserted between
(stereo plus a single mono channels) [Figure 21, or four your tuner/deck and your amplifier(s). Refer to the manuals
channels (front and rear stereo; or stereo bi-amp) [Figure 31. for these components for further details.
To select any of these modes, remove the access plugs on In four channel mode, all four input jacks (11 12.22, and 23j
the bottom of the amplifier and set the internal switches are active for CHANNEL A left and right, and CHANNEL B
according to the desired mode of operation. left and right, respectively.
For two-channel operation. set both switches to MONO. In two CHANNEL mode, use only the “righf’ jack (12) for
CHANNEL A. and only the “right” jack (23) for CHANNEL 6.
For three-channel operation, set one switch to STEREO and
ttre other to MONO. Note carefully which is which, because In threechannel mode, useonlythe”right”jackforwhichever
you must connect wires accordingly. of main CHANNEL A or CHANNEL B is operating in mono.
and both jacks for the other main channel,
For four-channel operation, set both switches to Sl~tHEO.


Use high quality Soundstream speaker cable or an equiva-
As dellvered from the factory. your MC-300 has been opti-
lent premium cable for best results.
mized for 4 ohm operation. It is possible to optimize this
amplifierto deliver lmaximum performance into 2.4. or8 ohm In four channel mode, all four terminals ( are active
loudspeakers. This is done by moans of switches inside the for main CHANNELA: and all four terminals (15. 16. 17; 18)
amplifier. are active for main CHANNEL 13
Remove the plugs on the bottom of the amplIfter marked for In two channel mode, use only the “+” terminals (15, 18) for
Impedance optimization. Behind the plugs locate the two CHANNEL B. The “+ right” terrrlinals (4, 7) have positive
switches. one for CHANNELS A and one for CHANNELS B. polarity in this mode.
_Sel I!Tse switches separately based on the load which that
In three channel mode, use only the “+“ terminals for which-
speclflc patr of channels will be driving. If you are unsure of
ever of main CHANNEL A or CHANNEL B is operating in
the impedance of your speakers, or you are wiring more than
mono, and all four terminals for the other tmain channel.
one speaker to a set of termlnals. consult your dealer or
installer for the best settings. The terrrlinals on your loudspeakers are marked for polarity.
and loudspeaker wire is coded bycoloror by markings on the
jacket. Be sure to connect the left and right channels with the
same polarity. Loudspeaker manufacturers are not consis-
INPUT CONNECTIONS tent in their polarity markings, so if you have loudspeakers of
Inputs to the amplifter atlach by means of standard RCA- different types connected to the same amplifier terminal.
type jacks. The MC.300 achieves a level of performance at venfy correct polarity by ear. The correct polarity produces
which cable and connector quality is significant: the jacks on the most bass; incorrect polarity produces less bass and a
your amplifier are gold plated. and we recommend Sound- strangely dislocated sound image on mono material.
stream Interconnecting cable or an equivalent premium If you have more than one amplifier: for each amplifier and
cables its loudspeakers, the left and right channels must always be
In most cases, the signal source will be the preamp output wired witl0he same polarity. But from one amplifier to the
jacks of a tuner!deck. Some tuner/decks use preamp output next. correctpolarity may bethesame, or it may be reversed.
connectors other than RCA jacks, in which case you will This is because of differences in amplifier design. the nature
need a special adapter available from your dealer. of crossover filters. and other factors. Again experiment and
verify the correct polarity by ear.
If your tuner/deck has speaker outputs and no preamp
outputs. you can use the speaker outputs. Wire an RCA
connector to the end of your tuner/deck’s output wires.
making sure that you maintain consistent polarity in all
Note: your amplifier can on/y be operated from a 1% volf If one LED indicator is out, check the internal fuses located
NegativeGroundefecfricatsysfem. Ifyourcarwasproduced behrnd the bottom cover of the amp.Also check the interior _
before 1970. orifyouhaveanydoubts. mahesureofthe type power supply fuses~ If any of those are blown replace with
Of electrical system you have before making any the same value fuse.
The MC.300 will draw up to 45 amperes if used to its fullest
capacity~ Determine the alternator rating of your car and the INPUT LEVEL ADJUSTMENT
Current consumption ofthe car’s other accessories. It may be
Input levels are adjusted by means of four independent
necessary to upgrade the alternator or to install a separate controls that are accessible through the heat sink directly
battery and battery isolator.
above the input connectors. The controlscan be turned with
For power wiring. use Soundstream power cable or an a small. flat~head screwdriver.
equivalent premium cable. The PLUS 12Vterminal[(3) in the In four channel mode. the left and right halves of CHANNEL
wiring diagram] should be connected directly to the positive A are set by controls (13) and (14) respectively; the left and
(+) terminal of your car battery. Install two (2) 20 amp fuses right halves of CHANNEL Bare set by controls (24) and (25).
iin parallel) in the line close to the battery terminal. If you
have more than one amplifier, each amplifier should be In twochannel mode, onlythe”right”control(l4) rsoperatfve
separately fused. for CHANNEL A, and only (25) for CHANNEL B.
The GROUND terminal (2) should be connected directly to In three channel mode, use only the “right” control for
the automobile chassis with 8 gauge wire. Make this wire as whichever of main CHANNEL A or CHANNEL B is operating
short as possible to prevent noise in the system A nearby In mono, and both controls for the other main channel.
bolt can serve as a ground terminal. Make sure that the wire Depending on how you are using your MC.300 (number of
contacts bare metal, not coated metal or paint. It is important
channels, biamplification. associated equipment, etc.), dif-
that the ground connection you select have minimal noise
ferent factors may apply for optimum gain settings. In gen-
resistance to the battery ground post (a maximum of 0.1 eral, begin by turning all level controls to minimum (full
counter-clockwise). Turn the system on, and set the volume
control on your tuner/deck at its mid-point. Advance therq
amplifier input level controls until you have reached a com-
REMOTE POWER-ON CONNECTION fortable listening level and both channels are in balance.
No& with many tuneridecks, the radio output level is signifi~
If your tuner/deck has a remote power,on control wire,
cant/y different than the tape output /eve/. Check both
connect it to the REMOTE terminal (1) on your amplifier. This
sources. and set /eve/s using the lesser of the outputs
isacontrol line. notapowerline. sosmallwire (1820gauge)
(usuatty the tape).
is acceptable.
If your tuner/deck has no remote power-on control labeled as
such, but has a power antenna control, it may be possible to LINEAR SUBWOOFER EXTENSION (LSE)
wire the power antenna control to the REMOTE terminal.
The LSE circuit will compensate for the natural rolloff of most
If your tuner/deck has neither a remote power-on control wire
loudspeakers, and can extend deep bass as much as one full
nor a usable power antenna control; it will be necessary
octave. ForCHANNELA. LSEisengagedbypressingswitch
either to connect the REMOTE terminal to a +12 volt source
(9). and the frequency is adjusted by control (8). For CHAN-
which is switched by the ignition key. or to connect the
NEL B, LSE is engaged by pressing switch (20), and the
REMOTE terminal to a constant +12 volt source through an
frequency is adjusted by control (19). If either CHANNEL A
on/off switch you install in series with the ignition switch in a
or CHANNEL B is operating in stereo, LSE will be applied to
location accessible to the driver. Note: /fan outboardswitch
both left and right.
is used. make sure it is switched off when you leave the
vehicle or when the sound system is not in use. The control allows for continuously variable adjustment,
over the range from 35 Hz to 280 Hz; of the frequency at
which LSE beginsits boost. Below thechosenfrequency. the
POWERING UP THE SYSTEM boost is applied at 6 dB per octave. When properly adjusted,
LSE will “linearize” the low end of the woofer(s) and provide
Once the installation is complete, turn on the system. Both remarkably smooth and deep bass. A word of caution: small
LED indicators on the MC.300 should now be lit. If they did or inexpensively constructed woofers may be unable to-
not light up, turn thesystem off immediately. Proof wiring and handle the equalization which results from setting the LSE to
check for shorts or poor connections. above 100 Hz.
If wiring is okay, check the relay or fuse in the power line. If
blown, replace it with another identical fuse.
Your amplifier is protected against both overheating and Power output:
- short circuits. Because of the “soft’ thermal protection (see
2-channel 150 watts continuous per channel
the Design Features section on page 3) it is highly unlikely
x 2 into 4 or 8 ohms, 20 Hz 20 kHz
that the amplifier will shut off because of thermal overload.
3-channel 1 5 0 w a t t s c o n t i n u o u s m o n o
If your amplifier shuts down, turn off the system, wait for a
into 4 or 8 ohms, 20 Hz - 20 kHz
few moments, and turn the system on again.
75 watts continuous per channel
x 2 into 2 or 4 ohms, 20 Hz 20 kHz
SERVICE 4-channel 75watts c o n t i n u o u s p e r c h a n n e l
x 4 into 2 or 4 ohms, 20 Hz - 20 kHz
Your Soundstream amplifier is protected by a limited war-
ranty. Please read the warranty enclosed with the product. Total Harmonic Distortion <O.l%, 20 Hz 20 kHz
at full rated power
into 2, 4 or 8 ohms
Signal-to-Noise Ratio ~100 dS
Damping Factor ._.............__...... >200
IHF Dynamic Headroom 3 dS
Maximum Current Draw 45 amps
Idle Current Draw 2.5 amps
Input Sensitivity 250 mV 2.5 V
continuously variable
L S E .._..................... 35Hz-280Hz.
infinitely variable
Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...14-l/5” W x 2.3/5” H x 10” D
with bottom plate
14-l/5” W x 2-3/Y H x 6-112” D
heat sink

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