O Level Islamiat Aliya Azhar Notes Paper 2 (Resized)

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Paper-2 Author:
Ms. Aliya Azhar
GreenHall, LGS, Learning Alliance,
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Title Pakistan Studies O-Level Notes Book (Article #402)

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This notes book on Islamiyat Paper 2 (code 2058) covers the content
needed for the study of the University of Cambridge International
Examination (CIE) and the Edexcel board.
The book covers all the aspects of the syllabus for paper 2
as the
Teachings and Implementation of Ahadis, History and Importance of the
Hadith, Pillars of Islam, Articles of faith, Jihad and four caliphs.

Itgives the students complete knowledge of the topic studied for the CIE
exam and fulfills all the requirements.The arrangement of the content in
each chapter follows the syllabus style. I hope that it could bea help for
the students in CIE exams.

Aliya Azhar






Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 5
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Islamiyat Syllabus
Revision Notes
Article Number: 402

Aliya Azhar
Cell: 0321-45-51-243

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Prophet said,
1 'Religion is sincerlty'. We said: To Whom?' The
the Muslimns and to their
"To Allah, His book, His messenger, the leaders of
common people. "

a. The hadith stresses on the belief in articles of faíth as in Oneness of Alah.
Books, Messengers &angels. There shall be true conviction in worshípping
Allah. Holy Quran says "Obey Allah and obey the Messenger". There must be
sincerity towards the leaders who are appointed on us and to the whole
mankind "None of you becomes a believer unless he loves ne more than hís
parents, children and the whole mankind".

The Hadith expresses the characteristics of a sound believer.

b. A
muslim should believe in Allah. His Book, His Prophet, His leaders and also
helping the common people. We can observe such examples from the lives of
the caliphs who spent their lives in obeying Allah and following the Ouran and
Sunnah of the Holy Prophet(s). We should have complete belief in all the
articles of faith. Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) had said that he was afraid of the poor
not the rich for his duty. If he disbelieves or disobeys Allah they could also not
follow him.

2 "None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himselt

a. It describes the
brotherhood that the muslims should be heipful to the other
Muslims. "The best among people is the one who is a soure of benefit to the

A Muslim should spread peace and comfort to

He should help them in all circumstances,
b. The hadith gives us an idea of having and fraternity. We shall be like
brothers, helpful to one another. The Muslims are like a body, if one part
hurts, the whole body feels the pain. Therefore, we shall not hurt anyone. In
lslamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 7 Ch-1:Ahadiths
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the present day, the Palestinian Muslims are facing great threats from
the Muslim Ummah should help them to make them strong and
realize unity.

3. Who so ever believes in Allah and the Last Day, either
speak good or keep silent and
let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be
generous to his neighbour, and let
him who believers in Allah and the Last Day be
generous to his guest.
a It stresses upon the belief inAllah and the Last Day of
Judgement. It also
suggests us to be silent and only speak constructively, silence is comparable
togold. It also stresses to fulfill the rights of the
neighbours and guests.
"It is also a charity to utter a good word'". "He, who believes in
Allah and
the Last Day should accommodate his guest according to his
rights. It
is for aday and a night and hospitality extends for three days and
isbeyond that is charity".
b The hadith stresses on using the tongue for a good word
which does not hurt
any one. We shallalso take care of guests and neighbours.
Once there were only two dates with the Holy Prophet(s) and a guest
offered him one date and the whole milk which was in his house.

We shall take care of the needy and be hospitable to our quests.

4. "A man asked the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him.
PEace). Do
you think that if I perform the obligatory prayers, fast in Ramadan treat as lawful that
which is lawfuland treat as forbidden that which is forbidden.
shall enter Paradise? He said, Yes'.
maderothing, further

a. Islam stresses on the observance fasting in the month of
Ramadan as described by Allah. These are levied on us.
(h Ahaditha
Hett ant Wite

during the month of Ramadan, You will

"Pray Mve tìmes a day and fast doos not allW
Paradise" Islam also stressesS on kawtul eamings. It
eating of unlawtul things.
flesh grown and eaten of forbidden provisions shall not enter
the key to succOss,
Eamingthrough lawful means is
observe what is our duty as we shall pray five times a day and fast
We shall show
Allah's affection and love, It is to
in the month of Ramadan for means. We shallwork
by legal
submission towards Allah!We shall also earn
his wages before the drying of
honesty. It is said that a labourer must be paid
his swesat.

by smuggling or theft and bribe is unlawful. We should lead a

The money eamed also worked as a
We shall work honestly. The Holy Prophet(s)
simple life but lawfully.
labourer in the construction of Masjid-i-Quba.

5. act justly
Every person's joint must perform a charity, every day the Sun comes up: to onto
between two people is a charity: to help a man with his mount, lifting him it or
hoisting up his belongings onto it, is a charity: every step you take to prayers is a
charity; and removing harnful things from the road is a charity.

a. Allah has provided us with His great blessings for this purpose. A Muslim
shallpray for every blessing. The movement of our body and our actions shall
perform charity. It could be done by settling differences between two
individuals who are disputing. Speaking good is also a charity.

"Actions are judged by intentions". Helping a perso Joading and

unloading his burden is also a charity, removing an obstacle from the path is
a charity.
We shall perform charity in our every action ashefping óthers, taking their
burdens, smiling and speaking good. Deciding màtters among those who are

Once a companion of the Holy Prophet(s) placeda WOoden log on the road so that
the travellers could rest on it, another companjon put it aside thinking that any one
could be hurt, both had a good intention.
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 9 Ch-1: Ahadiths
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Allah says "lf you show gratitude, I will give you more".

6 Whosoever of you sees an evil action let him change it with his hand, and if he is not
able to do so then with his tongue, and if he is not able to do so then with his
and that is the weakest of faith.
a. Itstresses about the hatred for evil which one hears or sees. A Muslim should
stop the evil by using his physical strength, if he can not do so then negotiate
with the evil doer.

"When people see an oppressor and do not hold back his hands so in near
future, they may all be engulfed in Allah's punishment". If a person can not do
anything then he can dislike the evil by heart, it is a good deed but weak
b The Muslims are commanded to keep faith in Allah and when they hear about
an evil or see it themselves they should try to stop it.

"The best type of Jihad is speaking atrue word in the presence of a


The Muslims in Makkah faced every persecution in the times of the Holy
as Hazrat Bilal Habshi was beaten badly by his master
Ummaya but he did not stop
saying 'Ahad'. He was not afraid of death, He was full of Allah's love, We shall also
practice Jihad to fight against evils.


7. "It was said, "0 Messenger of Allah, who is the most eroelen men?" The
Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace} satg"The believer
who strives hard in the way of Allah with his person

a It stresses on Jihad (Physical and Muslim shall fight in the
cause of Allah with his property He shall fight physically to

Holy Prophet(s) said,

10 Ch-1: Ahadiths
IslamiyatO level Paper-2 Notes
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prepared for
"In Paradise there are hundred grades which Allah has
between any two
those who strive in the cause of AIlah and the distance
Heaven and Earth
of those grades is like the distance between the
creates unrest for others.
It is necessary to resist the one who enjoys evil and
in front of a
The concept of Jihad in such a form is when one speaks the truth
tyrant leader is Jihad-i-Akbar.
b. Muslims are taught the concept of Jihad and for fighting against the enemies
status in
to get Alah's submission. Physical and financial sacrifice holds great
The companions of the Holy Prophet(s) helped physically and with their
wealth in fighting the battles as Uhad, Badr, Trench against the Quraish.
Hazrat Usman Ghani gave thousand dinars, several camels during the battles
to serve Islam. Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) gave everything from his house in
Tabuk expedition.

The messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) said: Whom do
youcount to be a martyr among you?"They said: O Messenger of Allah,whoever
is killed in the way of Allah is a martyr. He sai: 'In that case, the martyr of my
community will be very few! He who is killed in the way of Allah is martyr, he who
dies a natural death in the way of Allah is a martyr, he who dies in aplague in the
way of Allah is a matyr, he, whodied of cholera in the way of Allah is a martyr.'
The different stages of the martyrs are described in the hadith, the one who
dies of plague, the drowned one, one who dies of stomach disease, the one
who dies fighting in the way of Allah.
The Muslims are blessed with the martyrdom on every tests a
human being by providing difficulties in life.

"Diseases and hardships are tests of Allah"

"Whoever sincerely desires the rank of martyrdom gets the rank of
martyrdom even if he is not killed. The Muslims can observe certain
stages of martyrdom which provide them high respect and honour.
b. AMuslim should desire for martvrdocertain sstages as drowning, calamites,
epidemics and diseases with which a Muslim dies, would be considered a
IslamiyatO level Paper-2 Notes 11 Ch-1: Ahadiths
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martyr. A Muslim should be sincere in every aspect. Allah usually tries his
patience to see if he has firm belief in Him or not. The honour of amartyr is
therefore given to him. Holy Prophet(s) has described that if only the one who
is killed in the way of Allah is considered a martyr. Then, there will be
martyrs in his Ummah. The people who were the believers, true to Allah died
during earthquake in 2005 are martyrs.

9. "No one eats better food than that which he eats out of the work of his hand".
a. Allah likes to have lawful earnings from the believerS. Allah likes the one who
works with his own hands. The one who works hard is liked by Allah.

"One who earns his livelihood by the sweat of his brow is a friend of
A believer shall rely on his potentials for earning. Allah also helps such
followers. It is a key to success for them in life.

b. A Muslim who earns by hard work and is happy with that he has
great respect
and honour in the vision of Allah. Hard work is always appreciated by
everyone and it bears great fruit. Holy Prophet(s) liked the one who earned by
Trade. It is necessary to keep oneself away from the evil earnings like bribe,
theft, smuggling etc. Holy Prophet(s) himself worked as a labourer to
construct the mosque Quba.


10. "One who manages the affairs of the. widow and the poor mânis kE the one
who exerts himself in the way of Allah, or the one who stands fa prayer in the
night of fasts in a day."

Explanation: R e a d y

a. AMuslim who isalways trying to help the in their necessities is

exerting himself in the way of Allah.

"The best among you is the one a source of benefit for others."
12 Ch-1: Ahadiths
IslamiyatO level Paper-2 Notes Read and Write Publications

A Muslim when spends his money and time in

helping the poor, needy and
Allah or praying the
widows, has the same position of fighting in the way of
equal to fasting a day.
whole night by standing in worshipping Allah . It is also
It is said,
dwells in the Heavens will
"Treat kindly the dwellers on earth. He, who
treat you kindly."
night or fasting the whole
To help others is equal to the worship of a whole
help others with his
b. Islam is a religion of welfare of others. A Muslim should
the well to do Muslims
wealth and physical actions. It is stressed in Islam that
balance in the
should help the needy orphans, widows and poor to create a
looked after
society. VWe get a great example from Holy Prophet(s) life as he
her house. Holy
the non-muslim widow by providing food, medicines, cleaning
Prophet looked after the widow who used to throw garbage at him. He
her by providing medicines and food.


like this, 'And he

11. "l and the man who brings up an orphan will be in Paradise
pointed with his two fingers, the index finger and the middle finger."

It is stressed on helping the orphans. If a Muslim brings up an orphan
properly, he would be with the Holy Prophet(s) as the two fingers, the index
and middle.

"The best Muslim house is that in which an orphan is well treated and
the worst Muslim house is that in which an orphan is ill treated"
u l b l i c e , t i e h


The financial & moral help must be provided to the
promised Paradise for such a believer.

b. The Holy Prophet(s) was himself an orphan, he was brougit up by his uncle
who gave him full support. A Muslim should treatth¿ orphans with kindness.
An orphan who is helpless and dependent shöid make him
matterGen into custodyand
a blessed by
care. Treatment of an orphan is
Allah's pleasure or displeasure. We shal beskind to the orphans, Provide
them good dress and food. Holy Prophet(s) once gave new clothes of Imam
Hassan, and Hussain to two orphan children on Eid day.
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes
13 Ch-1: Ahadiths
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12. The Messenger of Allah sent Abu Musa and Muadh
ibn-Jabal to Yamen, and he sent
each of them to govern a part. Then he said: 'Be gentle and do
not be hard, and
cause rejoicing and do not alienate".
The Holy Prophet(s) commanded rulers to be just and rule
according to
Islamic laws. He told them to make the life of their people
comfortable if they
want to achieve the pleasure of Allah.

"The best rulers are those whom you love and they love you".
The Holy Prophet(s) said
I have been sent to complete good manners".
Holy Prophet(s) said that Abu Musa & Muaz who were sent to govern
were advised to be kind towards people and judge justly.
b. It is about commanding the ones who are chosen to
rule a group of people
with justice. They should have good treatment with their subordinates. The
Caliphs when ruled the people, they were kind. Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) had
told the men that he was afraid of the poor in fulfilling their needs to
the full.
He said, "Do not follow me if l am not following Quran &
Sunnah. Hazrat
Umar (RA)did not allowrulers to keep guards not to aleniate any one.


13. He, who studies the Quran is Iike the owner of tethered camels.
to them he will keep hold of them, but if he lets them Joose fhey wit
I go
a The Holy Quran is a great Book of quidance for the whQle mankind which was
revealed to the Holy Prophet(s). He stresses ote retation of the Holy
Quran. He said if you do not take care of the tethered camels they will
away; likewise the recitation of Holy close to Allah. If we
donot recite it everyday, the words awayfrom our memory
"Whenever you recite the Holy We place a hidden curtain
between you and the disbeliever in the Hereafter".
Islamiyat O
level Paper-2 Notes 14 Ch-1: Ahadiths
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The Holy Quran guides us and keeps us away from the fire of Hell. Allah
bestows great mercy and blessings on the people who remember Him in
every difficulty.

b. If we have aclose relation with Holy Quran, we should recite it everyday with
complete conviction and faith we will not loose hold of the tethered animals as
we willnot be away from the blessings of Allah. It willhelp us in our problems
solution. Hazrat Bilal (RA) and Hazrat Usman (RA) used to recite the Holy
Quran in a very sweet & clear voice that meanings were easy to understand.
Holy Prophet(s)was amused by the proper and accurate recitation of the Holy
Quran by Zaid bin Sabith who later on placed the Ramuz-e-Aukaf to save the
Ummah from conflict, in future. We must recite it everyday so we cannot
forget it and the words are imprinted in our minds.

14. "May God show mercy to a man who is kindly when he sell, when he buys, and
when he demands his money back".

It stresses upon dealing with others. Holy Prophet(s) liked trading in which
selling and buyingis done. He forced the businessmen to be kind and gentle
in their dealings. Earn a proper profit, do not deceive while selling.

"Give exact measure and weight whenever you measure and weigh.
With the straight balance that is better and fairest in the long run'". A
Muslim should ask for the debt's return gently. The debtors are told to do their
best to payoff the debts as quickly as possible while the creditors areto be
lenient to the one who had borrowed.

"Allah will protect him from the agonies of the DayOf Requital who
allows respite to a poor and indigent person in the payment of debt or
writes it off (wholly or impartial)" t e . e r g

Abeliever must be sympathetic towards the borrawers.

b. A Muslim believer should deal with justice and faichess. He should ask back
the loan he had given to the debtor with politeness and gentleness as Allah
blesses him with Mercy. The Holy Brophef(s) always tried to pay off the
debtor's money if he died by askigg from the companions. A Muslim
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 15 Ch-1: Ahadiths
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should try to write off the debt of the borrower if he is not in the position to
pay. Allah will have mercy on him.

15. "God will not show mercy to those who do not show mercy to
a. It is about the Forgiveness. There is no one greater Merciful than
Allah's greatest attributes are Rehman and Raheem. A Muslim cannot be like
the 'Rehman' as he can act to forgive.
"Treat kindly the dwellers on Earth. He, who dwells in Heaven will treat
you kindly".
Those who are mischief-mongers or harsh towards the mankind are cursed
by Allah. Allah shows displeasure to those who are not forgiving or kind to the
human race.
"A rude and ill-tempered person shall not enter Paradise".
Acruel person's heart becomes as it is a stone, if he never feels pain for
others. Such behaviour is not good or comfortable for the mankind.
b. A Muslim must be kind, sympathetic and show mercy to mankind. He
not be rude or harsh towards others. He should speak politely. As he
-behaves, Allah will act like that. He must be a source of Mercy, love and
comfort to others. Inspite of several persecutions on the Holy Prophet(s) and
his followers he forgave the cruel men of Mlakkah at the time of
the conquest
of Makkah, inspite of their cruelty.
It is said,
"Be kind to the dwellers of the Earth, the one who dwells in Heavens will be
kind to you".

16. "The believers are like a single man: if his eye is affected, heaDteeted and if
his head is affected he is all affected. " t e

a. The hadith gives us the idea of iraternity and equality. (t'st
tstresses upon us that
if a part of the body or an eye is sore, feels the pain and is
greatly affected.
"One Muslim is like a building bric7to other, one part strengthens
the other".
lslamlyatO level Paper-2 Notos 10 Ch 1:Ahaditlin
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The Muslim Ummah must be helpful to one another in the time of pain, noods
& Worrles. If any Muslim has some problem the other Muslims shall help him
to solve his problem. Where there ls pain in head of a Muslim another Muslim
feels fever in the whole body, he ls not relaxed ikewise he shall be
uncomfortable when any other muslim in the Ummah feels pain and worry.

b. Muslims belong to one Ummah whose leader is the Holy Prophet(s). He

stressed on equality, unity and brotherhood. A Muslim along with the rights of
Allah should act upon the rights of people. He should look after the needs of
the other Muslims. He should provide help when they are in need e.g.
Muslims in Kashmir are under great threat on Indian occupation and harsh
treatment by the forces. Muslim Ummah should unitedly try to make a solution
for their problem to make them easy and comfortable.

17. "Modesty produces nothing but good".
a. Ethically, Modesty is a part of faith as a faithful Muslim is recognized by his
modesty. "Every religion has a distinctive quality and the distinctive quality of
Islam is modesty". Modesty plays a vital role in the character building of a
Muslims as the Muslims refrain from evil doings. A Muslim keeps him away
from lust, shamefulness and indecent acts.
"Modesty is a part of faith and faithful is in Paradise but obscenity is a
part of heart and (hardness of heart is in Hel).
It depends on moral behaviour that we shallact according to modest means.
b. In Islam, modesty is very important, "Modesty brings nothing but good in
every aspect". The others respect a modest person as he has shame and
shyness in his eyes. Decency in Modesty keeps a Muslim on a right påthS He
knows that Allah is observing him whatever he does in life. When he is in a
group or all above - we should be modest towards others and with opposite
sex. Holy Prophet(s) always kept a curtain in the room where Hazrat Ayesha
(RA) used to play with her friends.

18. ás a grain of mustard seed will not
"He, who has in his heart as much falth as
enter hell and he who has in his heart as pride as a grain of mustard
seed will not enter paradise. "
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 17 Ch-1: Ahadiths
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Holy Prophet(s) had stressed upon the belief in One Allah.
The one who has
faith in Tauheed equal to mustard seed's size may not
enter the Hell.
Therefore, a Muslim believer is regarded great when he feels that Allah is all
over the Universe. He believes in the Almighty's
attributes being sole Creator.
"who ever rejects faith in Allah, his labours will go waste
and he will be
among the losers in Hereafter".

We must try to develop faith in Allah. In the

second part, the concept of Pride
is described. It is said that the one who has
pride in his heart equal to the size
of a mustard seed is not rewarded
Paradise as Alah does not like pride.
"Allah loves not him who is arrogant and
The one who has pride in his heart is cursed by
Allah. The Pride or
Boastfulness presents a feeling of being supernatural among the other
human-beings and they exploit others in such cases.
b. AMuslim must have complete faith in "I
bear witness that Allah is the only
one and Muhammad(s) is His last Prophet".

This belief leads to success and achievement of

Heaven. If a believer has
such a belief he would not touch the fire of Hell as he
will fear Allah and be on
the right path. Secondly, it is made clear that we
should not have pride in our
hearts that we feel superior to others as Allah
displeases such a person e.g.
Abu Jahl had great pride for his power and
ancestral religion. He was very
strong but he could not get success and he was killed in a blow.

P u b l i e a t i e
0 3 2 1 - N 0 O 5 7 L

19. "The World is the believer's prison and unbeliever's Paradise.

a. Holy Prophet(s) stressed upon the love of Allah notSthe World or material
things. The non-believers are not satisfied with short lifean the world. "Do not
sit beside those who love worldly life and Everyone is free to do
as he pleases. A believer has to spend
Re thea
ited abiding by the rules of
Quran and Sunnah.

"Wherein they will abide with no tobe removed from thence."

IslamiyatO level Paper-2 Notes 18
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The believers are those who lead alite of checks and

restraints in the wortd
Whatever, we do in the world is a test for our deeds.

b A Muslim believer acts like a person wnO takes care of all

the things which
are liked by Allah and to gets the pleasure of Allah in every sense.
When a
person makes the worldly material things, the aim of his life, he sets his heart
in the materialistic world, he will try in the best of his ability and his
interests will suffer in the outcome. Allah has stressed upon the believer to
love Him, not to indulge in the woridly attractions if he wants to achieve

20. "God does not regard your appearances and your posSsessions, but regards
your hearts and your actions."
a. Holy Prophet(s) has said that everyone is equal in Allah's vision. No one is
superior in colour, race &creed. Allah regards the purity of heart.
"Those who believe and do good deeds, we shall overlook their evil
deeds. We shall reward themwith the finest of whatever they have been
All human actions depend upon the intention. The action of one of them is
fruitful and rewarding while the other is wasteful and unrewarding. Allah
regards the one who is pious. Allah does not rewards for appearances. He
will reward us for our good deeds.

b. Muslims should act as a proper believer by adopting iety. We should not

give importance to the appearances and wealth of anyone. The colour or race
has no importance for a true believer. We are incapable of boa the real
Inienton and the hidden secrets of the hearte thot he ot the visible
deeds. Allah is the Lord, who is the Master of the both wOrdswho judges
men's deeds and only like those who act rightly getting the pleasures of
Allah's blessings. In the sight of Allah, judging the superioty of a believer is
due to piety which was made clear in the la_tSerman bn Pilgrimage that
there is no one superior in race,colour, and language other than being pious.
Abu Jahlhaving great possessions and power was killed in a blow by Hazrat
Maaz and Mauz (RA) in Battle of Badr.Házrat Bilal was a black freed slave.
Prophet(s) made him the first Muezzl-glam.
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes
Read and Write Ch-1: Ahadiths



Describe their teachings about what Muslims

Explain how Muslims can put these teachings believe.
into action.
2009 May lJune/P2 No -
2009 October / November/P2 1,9,6,11
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Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes
21 Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths
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Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 22 Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths
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Stages of compilation of Hadith

a. During Holy Prophet(s) time.

The Muslims did not feel the need to write down the hadith as the Holy
Prophet(s)was alive in their midst. Whenever any difficulty arose, they (the
believers) had the opportunity of correcting themselves by referring to the
Holy Prophet(s). He allowed them to write the hadith when he became
confident that his followers will be able to distinguish between the hadith and
Quran. The hadith literature was preserved mostly in the memories and
hearts of the companions of the Holy Prophet(s) as his companions had
accepted him as a sole guide. All his actions served them as an ideal. Every
word which he said was a law to them. Many of his companions made a point
of observing his life and recording everything that they could.

Suraqa bin Malik was given a pledge of protection in writing by the

Prophet(s) from any future violence when he was migrating to Medina
with Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA).
Letters were written to ruters as Negus, Heraculius, Maqucus, Caesar
to call them to accept lslam.
Treaty of Hudaibiya (all terms) was signed with Quraish.
As-Sahifa-i-Ali were the instructions given to Hazrat Ali (RA) by the
Prophet(s) gave instructions to Abu Shah to write the Sermon he
delivered at the Conquest of Makkah.
Farewell Sermon and all treaties with the tribes were allwritten down.
b. By the Companions (11-100 AH)
Hazrat Abu Huraira kept his company for three years sacrificing al worldly
matters in order to see and hear what the Holy Prophet(s did and said as
Sahifa. Abdullah bin Amr bin Aas personally wrote dogn what he heard from
the Holy Prophet(s). Once he said,

"O!Messenger of Allah! I wish to narrae traditions so I intend to

write these with my hand along with
H 9andsonAmrhi these traditions to the people
ofof his
hietime. The Messenger(s) himself aftached a good deal of importance to
the knowledge of his own hadith. In the Farewell pilgrimage, the Holy
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes
23 Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths
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Prophet(s) said after the sermon "He, who is present here shall carry this
message to the one who is absent. At another occasion he said,

"May AIlah give freshness to the servant, who hears my

saying, keeps it
in memory, preserves it and communicates it".

Those who memorized the Hadith were mainly Abu Hurairah, Abdullah bin
Amr, Hazrat Aisha and Ans bin Malik. The traditions were
compiled as:
Sahifa-e-Sadiqa compiled by Abdullah bin Amr.
Sahifa-e-Sahiha compiled by Hanan bin Munabah from Abu Hurairah.
Collection of Aisha compiled by Urwa bin Zubair from Hazrat Aisha
Book of Jabir by Jabir bin Abdullah Collection of Abdullah bin Abbas.
Sahifa Saad bin Abdullah.

Major sources for Ahadiths collecion:

Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA) is regarded as the first one with 5400
Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (RA), son of Hazrat Umar bin Khattab (RA)
who was 23 years old is the second largest source with 2600 Ahadith.
Hazrat Ans bin Malik (RA) is the third largest source with 2300
Hazrat Ayesha (RA) is the fourth largest source with 2200 Ahadith.
Abn-e-Abbas is the fifth largest source with 1700 Ahadith.

Prophet(s) wives were also agreat source of Ahadith as Hazrat Umm-e

Salamah, Hazrat Hafsah and Hazrat Maymunah (RA). P u b l i e a t i e n s

1 - N 0 0 5 7 0

Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)narrated 142 Ahadith.

Hazrat Umar (RA) narrated 537 Ahadith.
Hazrat Ali(RA) narrated 536 Ahadith.

These Companions preserved the Spirit of the Prophét(s) teachings in their

actions and methods of reasoning, rather by citing hisAhadith directly.

Age of followers of Companions: (Tabbeyin) (101 -

was aperiod of caliphs uptil Umar
bin Abdul Ai the period, the companions
spread far and wide and settled in almost all the
was no book or compilation that one could get the
onquered by the Muslims. There
Hadith in One's possession. The
24 Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes Read and Write Publications

the traditions from him Tha ime

only alternative was to go to a companion and hear
works of that period were:

The works of Shihab Al Zuheri

Collection of Abu Bakr Al Hazim.

This is the age of followers of companions of the Holy Prophet(s). They took the mater
earnestly and spared no pain in colecting the traditions from different centres of learning
The most important works were caried out by:
Abdullah bin Mubarik Khurasan
Abu Bakr RabiShybah at Kufa
Suffyan Uyana at Medina
Abu Kilabah.
The outstanding works of this period are:
AI Mautta by Imam Malik bin Anas
Kitab ul Athar by Imam Abu Hanifa
Kitab Al Kharaj by Imam Yousaf
Al Musanaf by Imam Razzak
Jam-iThauri by Imam Suffyan Al-Thauri
Masnad Ahmad bin Hanbal by Imam Ahmad Hanbal
AI Maghazi by Waqidi

Age of followers of followers: (Taba Tabbeyin) (200 -300 A.H)

This was the golden age of the traditions. The Hadith literature flourished under the critical
research of traditionists of that time. Six authentic books Sahai Sitta were written. They are
the most reliable books on the traditions:
Sahih Bokhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Daud, Jam-e-Tirmizi, Sunan-i-Nisai and Sunan

These were the books of Sunni concept. The authentic books of Figh Jafariya were also
i f

a tPe u l

narrated in this period as

Al Kafi by Abu Jaffar Mohammad

Al lstibsar byAbu Jaffar Mohammad bin A Hagsan
Tehzeeb-ul -Ahkam by Abu Jaffar Mahammad bin Al Hassan.
Manlah-ya-Zahoor ul-Figh by AbudaffarMohammad Ali.
25 Ch-2: History and irnportance of ahadiths
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1. SAHIH BOKHARI (d 256 A.H/870 A.D)
It is considered by the Muslims as an
authority second to the Holy Quran. Imam
Bokhari devoted a quarter of his life to compile the Sahih
Bokhari. He sifted al
traditions known to him, tested their genuiness. He chose 7275 out of 6 the
ahadis/references and arranged them according to their subject matter under
separate headings. He divíded the whole work into more than a hundred books which
he sub-divided into 3450 headinas which serves as a key to
the contents of various

2. SAHIH MUSLIM Imam Muslim ( d 261 A.H /875 A.D) compiled the
second widely
recognízed collection. He examíned about a million ahadith /references from which
he chose only about 4000 traditíons. He developed a three fold
classification of
ahadith /references.

Narrations with no difference

Narrations with good memory
Narrations on the authority with reliability.
His work was not as comprehensive as of Imam Bokhari. He strictly observed
principles of sciernce of hadith which Imam Bokhari did not observe.
3 SUNAN ABU DAUD (d 261 A.H/ 875 A.D)
Imam Abu Daud examined 5 lac ahadith/references and selected four thousand eight
hundred for his book. It took him twenty years to complete the work. It is the
encyclopaedic knowledge of traditions. His book has generally been accepted as the
most important work on Sunnah. He also relied on those traditions which were the aftiens'

subiect of criticism. He collected the reliable traditions quoting the sources. O S 7 O

4 JAM-1-TIRMIZI (d 279 A.HI 892 A.D)

It is a unique work of Jam-i-Timizi. The work contains a bulk of traditions legaly.
politically and historically. The book contains ahadiths on law. Day ôf Judgement.
Heaven, Hell, Faith in the Holy Quran, Prayers, Reward and Punisiment, good and
badmanners. The book has fewer traditions. He also hadgven headings.
n w r t t a

5 SUNAN-e-NISAI (d 303 A.H/915 A.D)

Imam Nisai compiled the legal traditions which he considered to be fairly reliable, He
also produced a synopsis of the Sunan caedAI:Mujtaba or Sunan A-Sughra. He is
known for strictness in assessing and sèlecing Ahadiths which were important.
26 Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes Read and Write Publications

traditions and record the

Nisai's main object was only to establish the text of
differences between their various versions.

6 SUNAN-IBN-E-MAJAH (d 273 A.H/886 A.D)

Ibn-e-Majah compiled the last of 6h collection of ahadith/references. He wrote
ahadith / references in 32 books and divided them into 1500 chapters.

1399 were unique to him, 428 are graded Sahih while weak traditions in the book are
not many and it is one of the best in arrangement of chapters and sub-chapters.

It is a Shia hadith collection compiled by Muhammad Yaqub. It is divided into three
collections "The Sufficient in the Science of Religion!" By Muhammad bin Yaqub al
Kulini. It has 15,176 Ahadith. It has three sections:

Usul-al-Kafi, it is related to history, morals, ethics, prayers, worship and

Furul-al-Kafi, it is about with practical and legal issues.
Raudat-al-Kafi which includes Ahadith transmitted from Imams.


"He has no legal expet present" by Muhammad Babuya. It has 9,044 Ahadith
"The Revision of Judgements on Al-lstibsar."
"The Perspective" by Muhammad Al Tusi. It has 13,590 traditions P u b l i e a t s

o O S 7 0

O B 2 1 - N 0 0

It was compiled by Abu Jaffar Muhammad bin Al Hassan who died in

It has 5,511 traditions.

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27 Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths
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The writers of the six authentic books applied a very
strict criterion in selecting the
traditions for their books, They did not accept any traditions that
reached them unless
they were fully satisfied that it had actually come from the
Holy Prophet(s). They
checked the chain of narrators as well as the text.
The hadith consists of two parts, the chain of
narrators (sanad) and the text (Matn).
The list of narrators of the sayings or actions of the Holy
Prophet(s) is called Sanad
Muhammad lbn AIMuthana reported from Abdul Wahab from Ayub from Abu Qilabah
from Malik that the Holy Prophet(s) said.

"Pray as you have seen me praying". This is also called Isnad.

Bukhari > Humaidi bin Ibrahim > Algama bin Wagas > Umar bin
Khattab > Allah's
Messenger. Prophet(s) said, "Actions are judged by Intentions."
Yahya narrated from Malik ’ who narrated from Nafae ’ who narrated from
Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas that Prophet(s) said,

"He, who misses the Asr prayer is as if he has lost his family
and property".

One important element in determining the authenticity was the reliability of

narrators who were named in Isnad.

Specialized biographical studies called Asma-ur-Rajal (Science of Men) were

produced to determine how trustworthy each narrator was in using the infomation,
how authentic each hadith was.

Matn is the text of hadith. What the Holy Prophet(s) said, did or ap
the text of hadith, the traditionists would ask questions.
O 9 2 1 -


Is the reported tradition logically consistent, or is it

Does it linguistically reflect the words of Muhammad(s) his vocabulary?
Is the vocabulary consistent with classical Arabic
Does the vocabulary include the terms used scholars but never by
Muhammad(s) himself?
Does the reported tradition agree with the
ls it the kínd of matter or th We can reasonably believe
Muhammad(s) to have stated?
IslarmlyatOlevel Paper-2 Notes 28 Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths
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About narrators, it can be questioned:

Are the narrators reliable reporters?

Have they met, in given time and space?
ls their any record of their meeting or collaborating or having any common
Are the narrators of sound morals and not motivated by politics, local
traditions,ideology, money or financial concerns of sects.
The narrators actually met each-other and the chain linked back to the Holy
The Rules applied were.

The narators were píous, honest people, had good memory, or had written down
what they had heard.
It should not have been in conflict with Quranic traditions that are more reliable.
It should not have been against the historical facts.
The traditions which levied accusations to the family of the Holy Prophet(s) were also
The narrators were of an age that which they could understand the full importance of
what they have heard.

All these points are checked and verified to announce a Hadith as authentic.

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Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths

Diferent kinds of Ahadiths, came into existence according to the reliability, degree and
ranks. Thus they are divided into two classes.

These are the sayings of the Divine Inspiration, sent from Allah but are not the
The words of Allah repeated by Prophet Muhammad (s) but which did not form a part of the
Holy Quran belong to the category of Hadith-e-Qudsi. Unlike the Holy Quran,
does not need to be recited, nor forms a part of the precise wordings of Allah, of which Allah
has taken the responsibility to protect till the Day of Judgement.

Example: Allah Says,

(1) "Pride is My cloak and Greatness My robe and He who competes with Me in
respect of either of them Ishall cast him into hell or fire".
(2) "Fasting is for Me, and I shall compensate it".
The words and the sayings of the Holy Prophets(s) are Hadith-e-Nabwi. It is a confirmed
fact, as ascertained by the Holy Quran, that Prophet Muhammad(s) did not say anything
from his own imagination. Instead, inspiration was revealed to him to utter the words, which
are known to be attributed to him as hadith. Hence, the entire spectrum of hadith
belongs to his category are known as Hadith-e-Nabwi for instance, Prophet Muhammad(s)
said, "All actions are judged by intentions".
Also he said, "Pray as you have seen me praying'".

It is an authentic hadith. If all the narrators in the Sanad fulfll the conditions needed for the
tradition so it is classified as an accurate saying or action of the Holy Prophet(s) andnamed
'Saheeh'. This means we can be certain that the Prophet(s) actually said or di
reported in the tradition.e.g.
Whoever is kind, Allah will be kind to him; therefore, be kind to P
He, who is in Heaven will show mercy on you".

Hadith-e-Hassan: It is an approved hadith. It is like Sahih at is narrators

found defecthve in
some of its narrators have been comparison with the
narrators f Sahih traditons. ripe
Hadith-e-Daeef. It is a weak hadith. If any of the in the Sanad was known to have
had any of the following faults.
IslamiyatO level Paper-2 Notes 30 Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths
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a liar.
If anyone of the narrators was known to have been
If anyone was known to have had bad memory.
to be
If anyone was known to have not met the one he Wwas supposed
narrating from.
e.g. Whoever mistreats a dhimmi will be Alah's opponent"
but original is, Whoever kills adhimmi for no lawful reason willnot smel
the fragrance of Paradise".

Maudoo Hadith
It is a fabricated form, sometimes the tradition was fabricated, sayings and practices
attributed to the Holy Prophet(s) which he had not said or did and could not be used to prove
any point of law. e.g.
Fabricated: "Thinking for an hour is better than worshipping for 60 years."
Original: "Standing for an hour in the ranks of battles is better than standing in prayers for
60 years."

Mutawatir Hadith
It is a tradition reported bya large number of people in different times whose agreement on
lie becomes inconceivable making it authentic. e.g.
Whoever invents a lie and attributes it to me intentionally, let him prepare his seat in

Ahad Hadith
It is single or isolated hadith. It is the one whose chain of narrators are broken or are the
traditions that are less widely accepted. It is therefore less authentic. If its narrators were
truthful and honest, it was accepted otherwise, it was rejected. e.g.
We are last but will be the foremost on the Day of Resurrection".

Ahad is divided into three sub divisions as:

a, Mashur Hadith
It is a wellknown hadith. It is a tradition which though unknan pgblically by a
great majority of the people does not possess the characteristic of
universality. It is narrated by three narrators of

b. Azeez Hadith
It is astrong tradition, narrated by two ages.

C. Ghareeb Hadith
resting on the evidence of a
single narrator at any particular time.
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 31
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Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths


Musnad Collection:
The successors and their students preserved the hadith in
the category of Musnad (The
plural is Musanid). It means the collection of hadith in which all the
traditions narrated by a
certain companion are organized under his name. AMusand
collection may contain the
traditions of one, few or many companions. In a Musnad collection,
traditions are grouped
around the primary source, no matter whether they are authentic or not and
throw light on one topic or various issues e.g.
whether they

Abu Bakr (RA) appears under his name in a Masnad collection. The
traditionalists adopted
different methods for compiling their works. The names of the companions were
the basis of their tribes, close relation with the Holy Prophet(s), had preferred on
accepted Islam earlier,
participated in the battle of Badr, had migrated for Allah and His Holy Prophet(s) or helped
the emigrants.
In Masanid, women companions are mostly listed after the men, but
some had made
alphabetical orders of the Masnads.
The most famous of four well known Masnads is the Masnad of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal,
("the founder of a School of Law"). lbn-e-Hanbal's Masnad contains more than 30,000
ahadiths / references. The Tayalisi is the first Masnad with 2767 ahadiths /references from
600 authorities.
-Some famous Masanids are:
Musnad of Abu Awana
Musnad of Yala
Musnad of Ahmad bin Hanbal
Musnad -i- Humaidi
Musnad -j- Shafie
Musnad -i-Tayalisi
Musannaf Collection
Musannaf is a collection classified by subject. It contains traditions grouped together by
chapters and sub chapters e.g. We find chapters on faith and purification, Dowledge,
prayers, fasting. pilgrimage and Mariage. The most respected collection of all is the sahih of
Imam Bokhari (dated 256 A.H, 870 A.D). It has 7397 Ahadith/references uader subject
headings (Abwab)- Equally important and famous is Musannaf Collection ot Mautah Imam
Malik bin Anas, the first collection ever written down.
Reasons for Collection and Compilation of the Ahadith
Prophet(s) is the final authority, he was no longer-alive eSOlve questions and
Some political leaders used to fabricate Ahadith to enhance and justify their own
Some heretics, under the guise of Scholarship., falsely attributed sayings to the
Prophet(s) with the sole intention of undermining Islam.
32 Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths
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converts of slam needed guidance as

The new generation of Muslims and the new
Companions were also leaving the world.
such topics where they did not
Some overzealous teachers used to make Ahadith on
were not the sayings of the
find any, it was to give them atrue example but they

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R e a d
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33 Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths
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Q. How is Hadith used in legal law or legal
thinking? (10)
Hadith or Sunnah (word or practise) are regarded as the
second source of lslamic Shariah. It
is a Major and Primary source.
Legal experts hold that Hadith is the most significant source of
Shariah. Quran and Hadith
complement each other. The authenticity of Hadith, what Prophet(s) said, did or
staying silent neither comes from the verses: approved by
"Nor does he speak out of some whim, it is only a
down to him".
revelation that is being sent
Prophet(s) Hadith can be divided into three parts:
"Quol (saying words)", "Fiel (Actions, practise)' and "Taqreer (Silent on
something, a
tacit approval)".
There are examples showing what Prophet(s)said to follow:
Hazrat Ayesha (RA) reported, the Holy Prophet(s) saying:
"Make the marriage publically known, solemnize it in the Mosque and play
This shows that Marriage must be conducted publically as everyone must
know. In Islam
Nikah is conducted in a Mosque. Prophet(s) had announced the Walima at every
Anas said: "that Allah's Messenger set free Hazrat Safiyah and married her
making her
freedom, her dower. He held awedding feast (Walima) for her which was a dish made of
dates, mixed with clarified butter and dried curd, kneaded and mixed together,
flour was added.

About divorce lbn-e-Umar reported Allah's Messenger as saying:

"If any woman asks her husband for divorce without some strong reason, the
doors of Paradise will be forbidden to her". P u b l i e c i t i o n s

O B 2 1 - N O 0 S 7 0

Prophet(s) again said:

"The lawful thing, which Allah hates the most is divorce".

About wine drinking, Prophet(s) said,

"Allah has cursed wine, its drinker, its server, its
O uyer, its presse,
thhe one for whom it is pressed, the one whe convà one to whom
it is conveyed". &

Abu Salamah on his father's authority said, that quoted Abu Hurairah's
authority about theft. Allah's Messenger said,
"Right hand uptil the wrist to be cut".
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He expounded on it,
if he steals
"If he steals, cut off his hand, if he steals again, cut off his foot,
again cut off his other hand and then his other
Ibn-e-Umar told that Allah's Messenger prohibited eating of the animal which feeds on filth
drinks its own milk, Prophet(s) said:
"7have indeed told you to follow the Holy Quran, what you find in it as lawful.
take it as lawful and what you find in it forbidden haram, take it as forbidden.
But truly what the Messenger of Allah has forbidden is Iike what Allah has

Jabir reported that Allah's Messenger as saying.

"Do not sell gold for gold, silver for silver, wheat for wheat, barley for barley or
dates for dates, salt for salt, except equal for equal, kind for kind, payment
being made on the spot, as you wish".

Allah's Messenger cursed the one who accepted usury, the one who paid it the one who
recorded it and the two witnesses to it, saying that they were all alike. Allah Commands:
"Obey Allah and obey the Prophet(s)".

So we as Muslims should follow the Hadith and Sunnah of the Prophet(s) to be true and
pious and to achieve Heaven in the life after Death.

i o n s

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R e a d
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35 Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths
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Q. How is Quran and Hadith employed or
used together in legal law?
"The Sunnah is often used with Quran as a
Primary source of Islamic Law".
Describe how they are used together? (10)
The Holy Quran is the first source of Islamic Law
making, while the Hadith is the Second
Source of Shariah. These two sources are
inter-related with one another. Their authority is
inconvertible and unquestionable. Allah Says:
"It is no less than an inspiration sent
down to him".
These two sources never contradict each other, they
The Quran is the first and foremost source of compliment eath other.
Shariah as it contains the direct words of Allah
and Allah is the Most High and Supreme being. The
teachings laid down in Quran hold the
addifice of religion, Allah says:
"This is the Book, in it is true guidance without doubt
for those who fear

Allah says:
"Thus judge between them by what Allah has revealed".

The reason why Quran is perfect as a source of Primary law

making is because it is free
from corruption and hence, the Ahadith are the second source and
contain the words,
sayings and actions of Prophet(s) since, Allah could not directly reveal the Quran
himself, an
entity was needed for the task who was the Prophet(s). Further, the
Ahadith are used in
defining the role of Prophet(s) as model for the society and his actions intended for man's
guidance Allah says: P u b l o a i t i o n s

"Alah, a beautiful pattern of conduct". OS70

Although, the Quran is fundamental in nature, yet it lays down or

commandments but does not explain them.

Allah says: "Establish prayers and pay charity".

The Muslims neededto have a know howof performing duty of Zakat. Hence,
the Ahadith which are second to Quran are used for

The Prophet(s) said,

Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 36 Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths
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"No Zakat is due on property mounting upto five Uqiya, no zakat is due on
wealth lesser than five wasq".
It can be said, that the Prophet(s) expounded on the principle of establishing Zakat which
was laid down by Allah. Moreover, the two primary sources are used for this purpose in
social matters.
The Quran says.
"O you who believel Drinking and Gambling, sacrificing and throwing stones
are abomination of satanic handiwork, shun from them so that you may

The Quran did not prescribe the punishment for the wine consumer, while the Prophet(s)
expounded on the idea of drinking beingcondemned and prescribed 40 lashes. In addition
Quran says,
"For a thief male or female, cut the hand as punishment prescribed by Allah".

The Prophet(s) said:

"Right hand uptil the wrist".

He also said,
"If he steals, cut off his hand,
If he steals again, cut off his foot,
If he steals cut off his hand and
If he steals again, cut off his other foot."

The Quran also lays down a policy regarding inheritance.

"Allah directs you concerning your children, for amale, a portion equal to that
of two females".
o n s

The Prophet(s) howver exempts some individuals.

"A Muslim may not inherit from a non-Muslim, nor a 0321-10


Besides, the twO primary sources are used in economic matters as wel Allathsays,
u u r t e . o r g

"Trading is allowed but usury is forbidden".

Prophet(s) said,
"The bartering of gold for silver except from, hand and in equal amount
is usury. The bartering of dates for datesexc
from hand to hand and in

equal amount is usury".

IslamiyatO level Paper-2 Notes 37
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Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths

The two sources were used in law making by the rightly

guided Caliphs as well, who at first
reviewed it from the Quran and then from the Hadith.

To conclude, the Quran and Hadith are

dependent on each other with the latter not only
explaining Quran but also interpreting words as the Prophet(s) had
Muslims must establish the two sources in law making. knowledge of Quran.

Allah says, "He, who obeys the Messenger,

obeys Alah".

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Q. How the main teachings of the Hadiths, you have studied about a Muslim with
the Community important or used.? (10)

The teachings of the Quran and Hadith provide guidance to an individual and the whole
Muslim Community in the everyday life matters.
The Prophet(s) commanded the Muslims not to harm their neighbours with words or deeds.
He said,
"Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak good or keep
silent, and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his
nejghbour, and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be gernerous to
his guest".

Muslims must look after the needs of their guests and neighbours, they must share food and
be generous to them.

The circle then widens to cover the entire community Islam established brotherhood
amongst the Muslims - AllMuslims are brother of one another, they must help one another
in time of need. The Prophet(s) said,
"The believers are like a single man; if his eye is affected he is affected and if
his head is affected he is all affected".

Prophet(s) again said,

"None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for

He exhorted people to help others both morally and financially and give
conid person
does not have anything to give then his good acts will he
P u b 2

like peeting
other persons with a smiling face, speak kindly to them, guiding them path,
removing a harmful object.

Abu Hurairah said, he heard from the Messenger of Allah,

"Every person's every joint must perform a charity everýday the sun comes up,
to act justly between two people is a charityto a man with his mount,
ifting him onto it or hoisting up his belongings it is a charity; good word
is acharity; every step you take to prayergis acharity, and removing a harmful
thing fronm the road is acharity".
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Every Muslim must commend, what is right and good (amr bil maruf) and forbid what is bad
and evil (al nahyan--munkar). He must spread good virtues and righteousness and
discourage evil and remove it from society.

The Prophet (PBUH) said,

"Whosesoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand, and if
he is not able to do so then with his tongue and if he is not able to do so then
with his heart and that is the weakest of faith".

The Prophet(s)encouraged the Muslims to look after the needs of the poor, the widows and
the less fortunate members of the society and promised great reward for their endeavours.
He said,
"One who manages the affairs of the widow and the poor man is like the one
who exerts himself in the way of Allah, or the one who stands for prayer in the
night or fasts in the day".

The Prophet(s) encouraged the Muslims to be kind to the orphans and not take undue
advantage of them because of their helplessness. "I and the man who brings up an
orphan wil be in Paradise like hinm; And he pointed with his two fingers, the index
finger and the middle finger".

There are several Ahadiths to follow. Therefore, we must follow Prophet(s) teachings in our

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Q. How is Hadith used as a Source of Guidance? (10)
Hadith is the saying of the Prophet(s) and Sunnah is the practise.
The influence of Holy Prophet(s) Sunnah is so great that Muslims have taken what he said.
did and approved as guidance, second in importance to the Holy Quran. Both Shia and
Sunni would agree on this, though the Shias rely on the sayings and examples of lmams
also which have been recorded with the same care as the Holy Propher(s) Sunnah.

Prophet(s) Hadith can be divided into three parts:

Quol- Sayings (words)
Fiel Actions (Practise)
Taqreer- (To be silent on something) showing a tacit approval.

The base of entry to Paradise isasound belief in Allah and the Last Prophet(s). The Holy
Prophet(s) said on the question of Abu Ubaidah bin Samit who said:
7heard Allah's Messenger saying, " anyone testified there is no good but
Allah and that Muhammad(s) is Allah's Messenger, Allah will keep him away
from going to Hell".

Holy Prophet(s) hadguided in the day-to-day events of life of the Muslims about the acts of

He said,
"When one of you says prayers, he holds confidential information with his
S a l R c a t i o n s

He further explains the method,

"Pray as you have seen me praying"
He also forces on,
until he
"When a person is drowsing in his prayers, let him to
knows what he recites". Write

About fasting he said,

"Seek Laila-tul-Qadr in the last ten days of Ramzan
He feels that these days are of great worship and from Allah for our sins.
For Pilgrimage the method described by a compajon that he saw when the Messenger
of Allah made circuits on the Last Pilgrimage. On reaching, he started with three circuits at
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes
41 Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths
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fast pace and made four circuits walking,

then he said two rakaat of prayers and ran
between Safa and Marwa.
We can learn about the morals in daily
living. Hazrat Abdullah bin Basr said that when
Allah's Messenger came to any person's door, he did not face it squarely but face the right
or left corner and said, "Peace be upon you, Peace be upon you".
He stressed on moral behaviour,
"Modesty produces nothing but good". Many traditions
tell us about the manners, asking
permission to enter the house, laughing, guarding the
tongue, abuse, promise, jokes, joining ties of
enjoying what is reputable. relationship, mercy towards people and

Ahadith help us to learn how to follow the laws.

About Marriage it is said,
"Make this marriage publically known, solemnize it in the
tambourines in honour of it". Mosque and play
For divorce, he said,
"If a wWoman asks for the divorce without
any valid reason, the doors of
Paradise will be forbidden to her".

Prophet(s) explained about the thief "Right hand, uptil the wrist be cut".
Abu Salmah quoted Abu Hurairah's authority to
the effect that Allah's Messenger said
regarding a thief,
If he steals, cut off his hand, if he steals
again, cut off his foot, if he steals
again, cut off his other hand and then again his other foot".

Prophet(s) said,
"|have indeed told you to follow the Quran what you
find in it as lawful, take it
as lawful and what you find in it forbidden, take it as
forbidden. But Mchat
the Messenger of Allah has forbidden is what Allah has forbidden"

So we as Muslims should follow the Sunnah and Hadith of the

be true and
pious and to achieve Heaven in the life after death. u u y


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When the matter is not explained by the Holy Quran and Hadith then ljma (consensus of
opinion) is made.

Once Hazrat Ali (RA) asked the Holy Prophet(s) what should we do if we do not find
guidance in Quran &Hadith. Holy Prophet(s) said

"Gather together the righteous from among my community and decide the matter by
their council and do not decide it by any man's opinion". (Sunan Abu Daud)

On one occasion the Holy Prophet(s) said,

"My community shall never agree upon misguidance there, if you see divergences,
you must follow the greater or larger group".

He also said
Verily Allah has protected my community from agreeing upon error".
During the decision for Taraweeh prayer it was observed that the Holy Prophet(s) prayed the
Taraweeh Namaz but did not lead his companions in the prayer, He told them to perfom
Taraweeh at home but in the period of Hazrat Umar, ljma was made, that it must be
performed in a congregation behind Imam in the mosque with Isha Prayers. All the
companions agreed to it.

The compilation of the Holy Quran was not done in the life-time of the Holy Prophet(s) in the
form of a book, but in the period of Hazrat Abu Bakr, when many Huffaz-i-Quran were
martyred and there was a great fear of loosing a large part of the Holy Quran, ljma was done
for agreement that Holy Quran was to be in a compiled book form. Zaid bin Sabith was
therefore chosen for the task and it was compiled in a proper arranged form.

During Hazrat Usman's (RA)rule, the Azan for Jumma prayer were two, o farprèparation,
the other for the performance. It was decided by ljma that Medina expanded and the
voice was drowned out by noise, therefore ljma was made to have Azaans.
Describe the relation of Hadith with Qiyas (Anålogy).
Holy Prophet(s) greatly stressed on the justification on rèason andlogic which is analogy.
Hazrat Muaz bin Jabl told that when Allah's Messenggrs)ent him to Yemen, he asked him
how he would judge when the occasion arose, ahg he that he would judge according
to Allah's book. He asked what if you could not find gùidance in Allah's Book and he replied,
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 43 Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths
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he would act in accordance with Allah's Messenger's

Sunnah. He again asked what he
Would do if he could still find no guidance in ahadith, and he replied,
"then I shall take a
decision according to my opinion according to the teachings of Islam".
According to the jurists, the true and acceptable analogy is that which is based upon real
and clear cause and is compatible with the objectives of the Shariah and
that such analogy
can never be in conflict with the texts because the genuine narratives are
always in harmony
with true reasoning. A good example is derived from Holy Prophet's life as
once awoman
came to the Holy Prophet(s). She said that her mother wished to perform the
she died. Now could she perform her pilgrimage. The Holy Prophet(s)
pilgrimage but
answered, "Yes, do
perform the pilgrimage for her. If your mother had passed away with debts on her, would you
not have settled them?"

Holy Prophet(s) said

"Every intoxicant is khamr so every intoxicant is unlawful," Those who inject marijuana,
cOcaine, or similar drugs which produce khamr so khamr is forbidden.
He also said,
Whoever intoxicates in large amounts is forbidden in small amounts too."
During the Ottoman Muslim Empire when cigarettes and tobacco were used, the
was made that they were disliked as they make the breath unpleasant. The ruling was
on a hadith.

Holy Prophet(s) said, "whoever eats any of this offensive plant garlic or onion
not enter the mosque." People said if it is forbidden.

He then answered.
"| cannot forbid what AIlah had made lawful but it is a plant,
whose odour I dislike"
entering the mosque by eating raw garlic and onion is forbidden.

As for changing aspects of human life, the Holy Quran and Sunnah provides bastc
which may be applied by analogy whenever the need arises. Thus Islamiqlaw is sutable for
mankind and will furnish with guidance and direction until the end of time Bó using the
principle of analogy, the basic laws of lslam can be applied at any time and in any place.
New rulings can be formed for any new circumstances based mlaritieswith th
basic laws of the Holy Quran and Sunnah.

The messenger(s) told, Ibn-e-Masud(RA) "Give your ulingsaccording to the provisions

of the Book and the Sunnah If such are avallable If do not find such provisions,
have your opinion and interpretations".
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 44 Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths
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Q. Explain the significance of hadith in the thoughts and actions of lslam.

A. There is a great importance of hadith in the thoughts and actions of a human-being
who is the believer of lslam. We can move near to Paradise by following the thoughts
about the
and actions of Holy Prophet(s). Different Ahadiths can help us know
thoughts and actions in which we can follow Holy Prophet's teachings.

"Much silence (refraining from useless and harmful talk) and a good mental
outlook (good attitudes), there are no two things better than these",

"There are muslims who meet and shake hands but they both forgive each
other before parting". "The best of men of Allah is he, who begins with a

Holy Prophet(s) said,

" If Allah declared a thing unlawful, he also declared the taking of its price
In another occasion, he said,
Verily, Allah and His messenger declared unlawful, the selling of alcoholic
liquor, the eating of carrion and swine, the making of idols."

The messenger of Allah said,

"Your blood and your property are sacred and inviolable for all of you".

Holy Prophet(s) said

"Verily, truthfulness leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to
Paradise, and ifa person continues to speak the truth and remains in quest of
the truth, he is enrolled with Allah as veracious. And falsehood leads to
sinfulness and sinfulness leads to hell fire. A man who continuously and
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remains in quest of falsehood is recorded with Allah as a great liar.

During his farewell Pilgrimage in Sermon at Arafat, he said,

"Your lives, your honour and your property are as sacred as the
sacredness of this day, this month and this city." e

If anyone defends his "honour in the world, Allah wi

his face from the
fire on the Day of Resurrection".

"God does not bless a community in the weak cannot take from the
strong what is rightfully theirs without fear of reprisal.
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The Holy Prophet(s)said

"God is pure and loves purity".

Holy Prophet(s) said

"The best utterance to me is that of the truth. The trader who is truthful and
trustworthy will be raised on 'Doomsday' along with the Prophets".
"AMuslim is he, from whose tongue and hands, other Muslims are safe".
Believers are like the parts of a building to one another - each part supporting the

"Give gifts to one another for gifts take away malice." (Sahih Bukhari)
The Messenger of Allah used to accept gifts so give gifts in retum.
For the rights of neighbours, he said,
"He is not a believer who eats his full while his neighbour remains hungry by
his side. "

"No father can give his child anything better than good manners. Be careful of
your duty and be fair andjust to your children".

"The seeking of knowledge is a must for every Muslim man and woman". The
best of you is the one who learnt the Quran and then taught it".

"One should avoid suspicion for the grave lie in speech, as that which is based
on suspicion. And do not be inquisitive aboutone another, also one should not
spy upon one another, and one should not feel envy with the other, nor
practise malice, a version and hostility against one another and be fellow --
u t i a t i o n

brothers and servants of Alah".

"None should spend the night witha married woman, but he that
he is married to her or that he is her Mahram".

"He who believes in Allah and the Last Day should th¡ggùr hià guest".
"The most perfect of the believers is the best oyou ieharacter, and the best
S o r e a d n

of youare those who are best for their wives,

We as Muslims can implement the AhadHh Sunnah of the Prophet(s) to mould

one's life accordingly. His character is the Holý Quran and a model for us to follow.
Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths
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have studied about the
Outline the main teachings of the Hadith you
responsibilities of individual Muslims.
responsibilities that an
A. The Holy Prophet has given teachings about a number of
individual Muslim must follow. The Holy Quran Says'

"Verily, in the Prophet of Allah, you have a good example (to follow)"
in Ahadith
There are two types of responsibilities for an individual Muslim mentioned
of the Prophet (SAW)
Duties towards God (Haqooq Allah)
i) Duties towards people (Haqooq l lbaad)
The first and foremost duty of an individual is towards God as the Holy Prophet
(SAW) said.
"Religion is sincerity" and when his companions inquired, "Sincerity to whom",
he explained by saying, "To Allah, His Book, His Messengers".

This means that an individual should believe Allah as the only Lord without
associating any partners with Him He should formulate his life according to the
teachings of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (SAW). He should
offer five daily prayers and fulfil all other obligatory acts of worship with full devotion.
The teaching of the Holy Prophet (SAW) also teaches the individuals how to deal
with others as the following Hadith says. a t i o r =

"Allah does not show mercy to the one who does not show mercy other

This means that a person should act mercifully towards allfellow aings He should
attend to the needs of the old, take care for the sick, feed the indigent, forgive the
mistakes of others and comfort the distress; only then an individua canexpect mercy
from God on the Day of Judgement.

The Ahadith of the Holy Prophet (SAW) also believers to abstain from
hurting and harming others. A person should hót in useless talks due to
which a person commit sins such as back others or telling lies. The
Holy Prophet (SAW) said,
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 47 Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths
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"Atrue Muslim is the one from whose hand and tongue, all
Muslims are safe."
As member of the human society, it is the duty of an individual to take care of the
people around him especially the poor, the needy and the orphans. The Holy Prophet
(SAW) said,
"The one who looks after awidow or a poor person is like a Mujahid (warrior)
whofights for Allah's cause, or like him who performs prayers all the night and
fasts all day."

It is also the responsibility of an individual to earn lawfully by one's Own hard work.
The Holy Prophet (SAW) said,
""Noone eats better food that which he eats out of the work of his hand".

This Hadith discourages an individual to depend on others for the fulfilment of one's
needs, as byplacing one's economic burden on someone else's shoulders, not only
does a person waste his own capabilities but also becomes a burden on the

The Ahadith of the Holy Prophet (SAW) also teaches the individual, how to live in this
world as the Hadith states,

"The world isa believer's prison and the unbeliever's paradise. "
This means that an individual should live in this world like a traveller, considering it a
temporary abode, and resist its forces of attraction in favour of the eternal bliss of
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History andImportance of Hadith

Q1 (a) Outline the main teachings of the Hadith you have studied about the
importance of Muslim Communal life. [10]
(b) Explain the main differences between Masnad and Musannaf Hadith. [4]
(2009 MaylJune/P2)
Q2 (a) Describe the methods employed by the compilers of the major books of
Hadith to ensure the Hadith they collected were authentic. (10]
(b) Why is it important for Muslims to have collections of authentic books? [4]
(2009 October /November/P2)
Q3 (a) How did the compilers of Hadith (Muhaddithum) judge between acceptable
and unacceptable Hadiths? (10]
(b) How are Quran and Hadith employed in working out lslamic Law? [4]
(2010 May/June/P2)
Q4 (a) How have the Hadith of the Prophet(s) been used as a source of guidance by
Muslims? [10]
(b) Truly, My Mercy overcomes My wrath'. This is a Hadith Qudsi. What is
special about Hadith Qudsi. What is special about Hadiths of this kind? [4]
(2010 October /November/P2)
Q5 (a) What part do Hadiths play in legal thinking? [10]
(b) What is the importance of Consensus (ljma) in lslam? [4]
(2011 Mlay / June/P2)
Q6 (a) Outline the main teachings of Hadith you have studies, from the passages set
for special study about the responsibilities of individual Muslims. [10]
(b) Explain by giving an example how a Hadith has been used together with the
Quran in workingout an Islamic Law. [4]
(2011 October / November/P22)
Q7 (a) What are the different types of Hadith? How is each Hadith classified into the
different types? [10]
(b) Giving one example, explain how the Sunnah is important in a Muslim's life
today. [4]
(2012 May / June/P2)
Q8 (a) Why do Muslims need to know about the Prophet(s) Hadith and what benefit
do they hope to get by following his Sunnah? A [10]
(b) Briefly discuss why the need arose during the early Islamic period to compile
the Hadith of the Prophet(s) 4]
Q9 (a) (2013. MayJùne/P2)
Describe how the Hadiths are used in establishing law in lslä [10]
(b) 'My Community will never agree upon an error. ln youropinion why is this
Hadith important for the practice of consensus (ljma)? [4)
Q10 (a) Write an account of the parts that make up a Hadithand deacribe the checks
made by the collectors of the Hadiths to accuracy of their
collections. [10]
(b) Why was it important to check the accuracycof Hadiths? [4]
(2015 May /June/P21)
(a) Give an account of how the Prophet Hadiths have been a source of
guidance to Muslims in putting their fath into practice. [10]
(b) Why do the Prophet's Hadiths link belief, and action so closely? [4]
(2015 May /June/P22)
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 49
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Ch-2: History and importance of ahadiths

Q12 (a) Describe how the Prophet's Hadiths can be used together with the Qur'an to
help Muslims understand and practise their faith. [10]
(b) How could your community be improved by applying the Prophet's Hadiths
more fully?
Q13 (a) (2015 October
Outline the roles of the following in formulating lslamic law: / November/P21)
() The Prophet's Hadiths
(i) Consensus (ijma') [10]
(b) Some Muslim scholars have questioned the use of analogy (qiyas) in Islamic
law. Why do you think they have done so? [4]
Q14 (a) (2015 October / November/P22)
What is the role of Hadiths as a source of quidance in the lives of Muslims?
(b) How are Muslims obeying God when they obey the Prophet? [10]
Q15 (a) (2016 May /June/P21)
Write a detailed account of the parts of a Hadith and say how these parts help
in determining the different categories of Hadiths, namely; sahih; hasan; da'if
and mawdu'.
(b) Why do you think the Prophet practised and encouraged the use of ijma'? [10]
Q16 (2016 May /June/P22)
(a) Describe the relationship of Hadiths with the Qur'an, giving examples of how
Hadiths are used in understanding God's words.
(b) 'By using the principle of analogy (giyas) the basic laws of Islam can[10] be
applied at any time and in any case.' Do you agree? [4]
(2016 October / November/P21)
Q17 (a) Giving references from the set Hadiths you have studied, outline the
Prophet's teachings about care in the community. [10]
(b) How can the teachings of the Prophet concerning care in the
applied today? community be
(2016 October / November/P22)

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52 Ch-3: Articles of faith
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These are the fundamental beliefs of lslam

1 Oneness of Allah (Tauhid)

the Supreme Being to be
Muslims believe in the Oneness of Allah. Allah is
means Self existence of Allah
worshipped. A Muslim believes in Tauhid-i-Rabubiya it
the Universe.
that He is the Sustainer and Cherisher of

Tauhid-iUlluhiya means that Allah is Worthy of being worshipped.

Unique in His
Tauhid-al-Asma-was-siffat means the Attributes of Allah as He is
Attributes. It is inthe Holy Quran,

"He begets not, nor is He begotten".

Sustainer, Nourisher, Provider,
He has no partners, He is the Master, Controller,
Beneficent and Gracious. He is Al-Rehman and Al-Rahim.
by them".
"And the most Beautiful names belong to Allah, so call on Him
determination. Allah is
Allah is incomparable in knowledge, sight, hearing and power
Tauhid. It means to ascribe
Unigue in His characteristics. Shirk is the opposite of
(share) partners to Allah. It is in the Holy Quran
Him. Although
"Alah does not believe the ascribing of Divinely to ought beside
He forgives any lesser sin unto whom so ever. He
when he has faith in Allah. A Muslim
A Muslim has great confidence and self respect
modesty in him. He becomes
knows his faith; the belief inculcates humbleness and
leads to bravery. A
broad minded because he believes in the Allah Belief n Allah
close to Allah..He is
Muslim needs not fear any other than Allah. He feels himself
satisfied. The Dòctrine
always hopeful of Allah's blessings. He is contented and
promotes piety and temperance in the man.
He isthe Originator of the Heavens and Earth".

2 Angels
who run the natural
Malaika are the Messengers of Allah. They are made of
order of the world in accordance with the wishes
"But truly pious is he, who believes in, the last day, the angels,
revelations and the Prophets".
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Ch-3: Articles of faith
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Angels have not been given a free will. They do not

cannot be seen unless appear in human form. They are require food or rest. 1hey
to man.
near to Allah but not superior
They are the obedient servants of Allah and are
free from sins.
different forms with different powers, They have no gender. TheyThey are created in
have different work to do as angel Jibrael is the have wings. They
arch angel. He used to bring
messages to the previous prophets and the Holy Prophet (SAW). He took him to
Mairaj. He brought revelations to the prophets and the Holy
Quran to the Holy
Prophet for 23 years.
Angel lzrael is the Mulk ul Maut, the angelof death.

Angel lsrafil is the angel who will blow the trumpet on the Day of
Judgement to make
everyone alive.

Angel Mikail is the angel who provides sustenance to the human

beings. He is
responsible for rain and weather conditions.

Kiram ul Katibeen are the angels on the shoulders of everyone who write down the
bad and the good deeds. Munkir and Nakir are the angels of graves.

Malik is the angel of Hell and Rizwan is the angel of Heaven.

There are angels who carry the throne of Allah. Some shape faces of humans inside
the mother's womb.

The angels celebrate the praise of Allah and ask forgiveness for the dwellers on the
"They celebrate His praises night and day".
3 Revealed Books
A Muslim has great belief in Revealed books.The books and Were
revealed to specific prophetsin different periods. There are of books
revealed by Allah.
1. Qutab: the large books
2 Sahuf: the small books

Ten Sahufs were given to Prophet Adam, 50 to 30 to Prophet ldris and

10 to Prophet lbrahim.
one major coneent ore (one Allah). The books revealed
ne books had
Ch-3: Articles of faith
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Taurat Quran.
revealed to Hazrat Musa. It is said in the Holy
It is the old Testament, it was
and light".
"We revealed Taurat in it is true guidance

which was revealed to Hazrat Isa.
It is the New Testament, Gospel or Bible

"And we bestowed Injil upon Isa".

It is the Psalms which was revealed to Prophet

"and we bestowed Zabur to Daud".

a message to the
It is the fourth and the last book revealed to the Holy Prophet. It is
whole universe.

All revealed books had

The books except the Holy Quran were only for specification.
prayer, belief
the basic principles relating to the Unity of Allah. His perfect attributes,
punishment. For the
in prophets, day of judgement and the concept of reward and
deeds in the life hereafter. However, as the needs of the people differed in
periods, the details of Shariat Laws given in these books also varied.
revelations, however, declared many such details null and void. About the
Quran, it is said,

It is we ourselves who have bestowed from on high, step by step this

reminder and behold! It is we who shall truly guard it."

of time but thHolran

The Previous books had been distorted with the passage
is in its original form as its responsibility of security is with Allah. It i the oniversal
Book, a comprehensive one dealing with all aspects of life. It hàs àiving language
classical Arabic. The old scriptures had gone through considerale changes. As
several portions had been lost or deleted while extraneoGs mater was added by
Holy Booke
many people. The Holy Quran only retains its unity, and rae
witness to the truthfulness of former prophets. The NOoksreformed the wrong
beliefs of Prophet(s) concerning Allah's essenceHis had preached the
laws of education and training of mankind heydeveloped true equality, unity and
universal brotherhood. They taught patièide,hope, courage and interaction with
others. The prophets and the revelations brought peace and salvation in the society.
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4 Belief in Prophets
Prophets are the Messengers of Allah chosen by Him from among the human beings
to impart messages to the nations. They were 124,000 in
number. They are pious
and are rightly guided men who received instructions from Allah
through angels. It is
said in Holy Quran,

"And Indeed, within every community we (have) raised up a

It is also said,

We make no distinction between any of these

All prophets are Nabi several have been given the honour of
beinga Rasul. Rasuls
are those on whom Sahaif or Books were revealed. Allah chose and sent
prophets to
mankind for their guidance. Therefore, a prophet only communicated that had been
transmitted to him by Alah.All prophets were protected from doing sins and the
influence of the Satan. They had perfect and flawless character. They were men and
they lived a simple and normal life. They married and had families. No
woman, angel
or jinn was a Prophet.

It is said in Holy Quran,

"This is the grace of Allah, He grants it to whomsoever He pleases. And

is the owner of immense grace".

The Prophets had best morals, habits and finest characters. Allah had sent 1
24.000 Prophets to different nations but Holy Prophet(s) was for the whole universe.
He brought the universal message of lslam. The message brought by all

was based on Oneness of Allah, equality and justice. - N O O S 7 0

Some of the Prophets mentioned in the Holy Quran are

Adam, ldris, Hud, Nuh, lsmail, Salih, Lut, Ishaq, lbrahim, YaqbYousuf, Shuaib,
Zikariya, Ayyub, Dawood, Al-Yasa, Sulaiman, Isa, Yunus, Hangn, Musa, Ilyas, Yahya,
Dhulkifi and Muhammad(s).

Prophets were sent to inform and educate the hungan" beings. They were sent with
messages in the language of the people to understand and follow. They used to
practice what they preached. It issaid in the oly
"And we send the Messengers only as of glad tidings and as warners".
Ch-3: Articles of faith
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Prophets were given different miracles e.g.

Hazrat lsa could cure the blind and lepers. Make the dead alive.
Hazrat Suleman could talk to birds, animals. He had control on

About Prophet(s) Quran says,

"Verily in the Messenger of Allah you have the best example".

5 Belief in the Day of Judgement

comes after.
It is belief in life after death. The word Youm-i-Akhira refers to that which
prelude to his
It is the opposite of the word 'Duniya'. Man's existence in this world is a
life after death. His worldly life is transitory while his existence after death is ever
lasting. The world will come to an end one day, the dead will rise from their resting
place for Final destination. The time of Qiyamah is preordained by Allah, it is
unknown to man. lslam therefore, explains four stages of human life. The first is the
existence in the womb of the mother when child is formed. The second stage begins
with the birth, then he grows as a child, then into young one, then an adult and finally
reach an old age. The third stage starts with our death. The fourth and final stage of
our existence is eternal. It will begin with the end of the world. Angel Israfil will blow
the trumpet. Everything will be destroyed. Everyone will die. Everyone will be made
alive at the blow of the second trumpet and the final Judgement will take place. Itis
said in the Holy Quran.

"Behold, the truly virtuous will be in bliss, whereas, behold, the wicked will
indeed be in a blazing fire".

It is again said, "When the deafening blast is sounded that day, man shall flee
from his brother, his mother and his father".

Belief in the Hereafter is a vital component of a Mulsim's faith. He shuns eyil to be a

part of Heaven in the life after death. On the Resurrection day, those wb are a in
Alam-i-Burzukh will be presented in front of Allah and the virtuousv wilkteceive the
book of their good deeds in their right hand and the sinners in,bheir leff hand and the
unbelievers by the back. Surah Al-Qariah explains it as,

"The Day of Clamour, what is clamour? t is when o6ne will fly like moths
and mountains will blow like carded wool. Then, whose scales are heavy
shall be in a state of bliss and he, whose
scales light, shall have a deep pit
for his dwelling".
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When the day of Judgement is finished, a bridge will be stretched over the
pit of Hell. It is called the 'Siraat', it will lead to top of the
Paradise which will be on the other
side. Everyone has to cross it. The Holy Prophet(s) will be
praying to Allah".
"O Allah! Do save these sinners".

The belief that will go on even after death helps a believer in

spendinga whole some
moral and social life on earth. The fear of this day helps to mould
life, character and
conduct. He cultivates humility as he knows that pride will deprive him of Allah's
Grace. He is obedient to Allah and negates to make his home in the
Paradise. He is
away from committing shirk.

Those whose scales of good deeds are lighter than the bad deeds will be a
part of
Hell. The Hell has intense heat and fire. The fire there was burnt for a
thousand years
to make it red, then again a thousand year to make it white
and again it was burnt to
make it black hottest fire. There is a valley of Grief in the Hell which itself asks
seventy times a day.
The Holy Quran says,

"Will have his home in abottomless pit. And what will explain to thee. What this
is? It is a fire blazing fiercely".

There will be layers of fire from abOve and below. The inhabitants of hell will wear the
garments of fire. They will eat thorny bushes, the tree of zurqoom and will drink hot
boiling water and pus.
The hell is so deep that a body will take 70 years to reach the bottom, It has seven
Hell Jahannum
Flaming Fire Zat ul Lahab
Crushing Disaster Hutamah
Burning Fire Sayeer
Scorching Fire Saccar
Fire Jaheem
Abyss of Fire Haviya
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 58 Ch-3: Articles of faith
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It is said,
"By no means! He will be sure to be thrown into that which breaks into pjeces.
And what will explain to thee. That which breaks to pieces. It is the fire of wrath
of Allah kindled a blaze".

Paradise_ (Heaven)
It has 8 stages, Adn, Khuld, Nayeem, Mawa, Dar-us-Salam, Dar-ul-Qarar, Mugamah.
Firdous (the highest heaven). The Paradise the heaven which everyone wishes

"There are 100 doors in Paradise, the distance of every two doors is 100
"Paradise is a beautiful place for the virtuous and pious ones with fountains of
silver and gold.
rains of
Its Earth is of musk.. Its dust is of camphor. Plants of Saffron and
perfume. There are rivers of honey, milk and water"

The Holy Quran says that Paradise is a garden of Bliss and an abode of peace.
There will be couches and thrones of Jewels and Rubies and beautiful boys and
will be present.

The Holy Prophet said,

whosoever enters the Paradise shall be in joy and not in want. Neither his
clothes will get old nor youth will end".

between God and
Predestination is the religious concept which involves the relation
Allah when nothing
His Creation. It is the belief that destinies have been decided by
human beings hay only
was created. Every thing has been decided by Allah before,
choice to choose between
one thing under their control and that is the free will

and wrong.

Allah has predestined the fate of every soul. As Allah

says in Quran,
Islam; Those
"Those whom Allah wills to guide, he opens thei brêasts>to closed and
whom He wills to leave straying. He makes thus does Allah lays
constricted, as if they had to climb up to the,
abomination on those who refuse to believe
Muslims believe that what man does is will' of Allah, if it was not the will of
wished or desired as Holy
Allah, man would never have been able to do what he
Quran says,
IslamiyatO level Paper-2 Notes 59 Ch-3: Articles of faith
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"Not a leaf falls and He knows it....".

Muslims also believe thata man has been given a free will by which he
performs his
actions i.e. he can be on the right path, it is on his desires.
If a man had no free wilI, he would not be able to do
what Allah instructs - They
would just act like angels, having no free will. Man is expected to use his
free will
legitimately and for productive purposes, when he misuses his free will, he becomes
a victim of Allah's
Holy Quran says
"Verily all things have We created in proportion and measure".
The goal of Islam is to induce man to given up his ungodly ways so that he
may lead
atotally God oriented life. In this world, when a person sets
out on a journey, he finds
two paths, one leading to Allah and the other to different destinations. One who
adheres to the straight path leading towards Allah will without doubt reach Allah. On
the other hand one who turns off at every by - lane will be lost on
the way. His path
will not lead him towards Allah. He becomes self dependent to his
desires attaching
importance to immediate interests, he falls prey to hatred, anger, jealousy, egoism
etc or he has simply run off to any direction he finds open before him,
without giving
his destination much thought.
A Muslim believes in Predestination, everything is ordained by Allah. He
the fate of a person when he is in the womb of his mother. Everything that takes
place in past, present or will be done in future has been determined by Allah. Allah
makes all His plans and creations in a proportion. He goes by laws and
measures. Allah has created us with free will and ability to choose, the ability must
work within us to select right or wrong.
The Prophet said,
"The creation of each one of you is gathered together in his mother's womb for
forty days in the form of seed, then he is a clot of blood for aperiod, the angel
is then send to blow the breath of life into him, he is commanded to
four matters, his means of Iivelihood, life span, actions and or
Whatever one finds in this world is there because of the will Allah does not
will it, no none can have anything, no matter how hard he tried it. This is an
undeniable truth proved by Quran and Hadith. The free KSa man with the
falecility to thanks Allah and move on towarde the
When he adopts a path
directed to a certain destination, he considers it necessary to keep to that path
R e a s

without turning to left or right. Nothing can hindes from progress towards
IslamlyatO level Paper-2 Notes 60 Ch-3: Articles of faith
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Articles of Faith
Q1 (a) Write about Muslim beliefs in Prophets. [10]
(b) Explain how this belief influences the daily living of a Muslim [4)
(2009 MaylJune/P2)
Q2 (a) What are Muslim beliefs about angels? [10]
(b) Why is the belief in Resurrection important to Muslims in their daily living? 14]
(2009 May June/P2)
Q3 (a) Give a descriptive account of the Muslim belief in revealed books? (10]
(b) Discuss the importance of Jibrail in comparison to other angels. [4]
(2011October /November/P22)
Q4 (a) What does the statement There is no ability or power except Allah' tell you
about Muslim belief in Allah's predestination and Divine Decree. [10]
(b) To what extent does this belief affect the daily living of Muslims? [4]
Q5 (a) Give a fullaccount of the Muslim belief in Prophets. [10]
(b) Briefly explain why Alah revealed different books from time to time. (4)
(2011 October / November/P22)
Q6 (a) What do Muslims believe about the Day of Resurrection and Judgment? [10]
(b) How does this belief affect the daily living of Muslims? [4]
(2015 May/June/P22)
Q7 (a) Belief in prophets and the revealed books is essential to Islam. Write an
account of these two articles of faith. [10]
(b) The Qur'an describes itself as a confirmation of earlier revelations. Does the
Qur'an differ in any significant way from earlier revealed boo ks? [4]
(2015 October / November/P21)
Q8 (a) Muslims believe that God alone is Lord, that He alone should be worshipped
and that His names and attributes are unique to Him. Outline Muslim beliefs
in the oneness of God. [10]
(b) Why has God repeatedly warned Muslims against committing shirk? [4]
(2016 May/June/P21)
Belief in all the prophets is one of the articles of faith in Islam. Write about this
Q9 (a) [10]
Muslim belief in detail.
(b) How is the message brought by these prophets important for Muslims today?
(2016 October /
u J r U U N S r e a d tOt e9e2r1a:

R e a
& d
W r i t e
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 61 Ch-4: Jihad
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62 Ch-4: Jihad
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Jihad in its range of meaning, physical, mental and spiritual

necessarily mean war.
The literal meaning of Jihad is "an effort or a striving". Jihad does not
Jihad is an
The Arabic word for war is 'harb' and the word for fighting is 'Qital'. Technically,
The effort may come in
effort to practice religion in the face of oppression and persecution.
dictator. Military effort is
the form of fighting the evil in our own mind or standing up to a
the sword as one would
included as an option but as a last resort, not to spread Islam by
have believed to be.

to struggle, to exert
Jihad is amajor principle of lslam. The word Jihad means to strive,
context with the struggle in
one's energy, to persevere'. The Qur'an uses the term Jihad' in
expects of us. Striving
the way of Allah, thus doing all that comprises good conduct as Allah
and doing one's best to achieve aworthy objective is essential for human
is free of all needs from
"And whoever strives hard does so for his own soul; for Allah
allcreation (Al-Ankabut, 29:6)
tendencies so that one is
Jihad means purifying oneself of one's shortcomings and base
directed by Allah, to
guided towards Allah. Outwardly, it is to stand up for what is right as
circumstances demand,
improve social conditions, to help the weak and needy, and should
last aspect of
be willing to put one's life at risk to uphold the truth. Unfortunately, it is only the
context, leading to
Jihad that has become synonymous with the word in current
misunderstanding of the concept.
which is restricted and limited
In terms of physical combat, the Qur'an uses the word Qital'
and exhausted and
by particular conditions, i.e. when all other options have been explored
the very existence of lslam and Muslims is threatened,
being weak, are
"Any why should you not fight in the cause of Allah and of those who,
ill-treated (and oppressed) men, women and children, whose cry is:
Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us,
one who will help! (A-Nisa, 4:75)

Kinds of Jihad
to achievé Leading lsiamic
Jihad is a large institution which and has sublime aims
scholars have tested the following catagories of Jihad:
Jihad bin Nafs (struggle against yourself)
Jihad bin Im (struggle to spread knowledge)
Jihad bin Amal (struggle for
promotionha vaues)
for and removal of poverty)
a on Maal (struggle
Jihad bin-Saif (struggle against violence and oppression)
Muslims use the term Jihad to describe the following three kinds of struggle
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 63 Ch-4: Jihad
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(Spiritual) Jihad bil-nafs: (Jihad with one self) is the struggle to resist temptation to evil,
and to overcome one's weaknesses and failings. This type of Jihad is regarded as the
greater Jihad, al-jihad al-akbar. As often quoted, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) told
warriors returning to Madina after a battle that they had returned from the Lesser jihad (of
warfare) to the greater jihad of struggle against one's own heart, i.e. desires that lead to

(Physical) Jihad bil-lisan: (Jihad of the tongue) is speaking and upholding the truth,
speaking out against what is wrong and immoral, and spreading the word of Allah and the
teachings of lslam,

(Phycial) Jihad bil-yad: (Jihad by the hand) refers to choosing to do what is right and to
combat injustice and what is wrong and immoral, and spreading the word of Allah and the
teachings of Islam.

(Physical) Jihad bis-saif: (Jihad by the sword) referring to qital fi sabililah (armed fighting
in the way of Allah). is the most common usage - a term that has been exploited and
misused as 'holy war' and regarded as terrorism.

In order to better understand the Qur'anic principles in this context, there are several
significant precedents to consider. The early Muslims living in Makka as a minority were not
allowed to respond to Makkan oppression by taking military action until specific pemission
was divinly given. They endured oppression for many years and, despite their impatient
urgings, the Holy Prophet (SAW) would not allow them to respond with violence. At one
point, he allowed a group of his most oppressed followers to migrate and seek sanctuary
with al-Najashi, the Christian king of Abyssinia.
According to the Qur'an, if the enemy ceased hostilities and sought peace, Muslims were to
seek peace as well.
"If your enemy inclines towards peace, then you should seek peace and trust in Allah.
Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower. (Anfal 8:61).
Moreover, the Qur'an instructs Muslims not to haughtily turn away unbelivers seek to
make peace with them, and reminds Muslims that:
"f Allah would have willed, He would have given the unbelievers power over you
(Muslims]. Therefore, if they[the unbelievers] withdraw from youaûd refuse to fight
you, and instead, send you guarantees of peace, know thatAlah has not given you a
licence [to fight them]" (Al-Nisa 4.90)
However, where the faith and its followers were threatend with oppression and violence,
the Muslims were instructed to fight in slf-defenqe Self defence must be limited to fighting
groups of people who have invaded and robbed Muslims of their rights or land, for example,
Ch-4: Jihad
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warfare all round the

in Palestine. In lslamic law, self-defence is not an excuse for open
undertaken to gratify one's
globe without any restraints or limitations. Nor should Jihad be
conquer territories and rule
whims, to extract vengeance, to obtain wealth and riches, or to
Alah, as is evident in
them. On the contrary, it should be undertaken only for the cause of
several places in the Qur'an and often explained by the Prophet to his
the three forms: with hands, with
To eradicate evil from society, we must do Jihad in one of
tongue or in heart. This classification comes from a Tradition.
According to Abu Saeed Khudri (RA), Allah's Messenger (SAW)) said:
change it with his hand, but if
"If any of you sees something objectionable he should
cannot he should do it in his
he cannot he should do it with his tongue, and if he
heart, that being the weakest form of faith". (Sahih Muslim)
The aim of Jihad is to seek the pleasure of Allah (SWT), This must not be forgotten
this purpose is the basis of all Islamic endeavours.

Physical Jihad
lslam is not in favour of wars. One meaning of the word Islam is "peace". The greeting
by all Muslims when they meet each other is As-salamu-alaikum (May peace be upon you).
problem, or that it
No true Muslim can possibly regard war as a good thing or solution to any
land or
could possibly be right to inflict suffering on others in order to take power, food,
anything else, by force. When this is done, it is rightly regarded as tyranny.
Although lslam is in totally favour of peace, security and calm, it cannot allow in wrong doing,
regarded as
and this is where military or physical Jihad is sometimes the only answer. It is
weak and irrefutable cowardice to ignore tyranny, or to fail to try to root it out.

"If Allah did not check certain people by using others, surely many monasteries,
churches, synagogues and mosques - in which Allah's name is
mentioned- would all have been pulled down. Verily, Allah helps anyone who helps i o n s

Him Surely, Allah is Strong, Mighty". (A-Qur'an, 22:40)

This Jihad is meant only for the defence of the rights of the Muslims and theprotection of
humanity against aggression. This is why the Holy Qur'an declares that ihad s a noble
deed in the sight of Allah (SWT):
in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do not traHarmk
limits. Indeed
Allah does not love transgressors." (A-Quran, 2
"And fight them until persecution is no more and Jihdjs fogAllah. But if they desist,
then there should be no aggression except against the oppressors". (A-Quran,
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 65 Ch-4: Jihad
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"Fight the pagans all together as they fight you all together. But know that Alah is
with those who restrain themselves".
(Al-Quran, 9:36)
"Permission to fight is granted to those against whom (unjust) war is made, because
they were oppressed. And Allah is doubtlessly All Powerful to help them (the
" (AI-Quran, 22:39)
However, one thing must be remembered: physical Jihad is permissible as a means of selt
defence and is under taken under well-defined limits. When undertaken, it must be pushed
with rigour, but only to restore peace and freedom. In any case strict limits must not be
transgressed: women, children, old men should not be molested, nor trees and crops cut
down, nor peace withheld when the enemy comes to terms.

Mental Jihad
Making use of mental abilities for guiding others to the straight path is also a form of Jihad.
In metal Jihad, one works for the promotion of human, moral, ethical, social and cultural
values with one's pen or tongue. Teaching or learning the Qur'an by heart or engaging in
other religious studies should also be undertaken for spreading the light of Islam. The
concept of mental Jihad is very wide: the Holy Prophet (SAW) declared the best Jihad, the
utterance of a true word before a tyrant ruler.
(Musnad AbuDawood)
The ideal Muslim society is happy, untroubled by conflicts or doubts, sure of itself, strong,
united and prosperous because it invites to all that is good, enjoins the right and forbids the
"Let there arise out of you aband of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what
is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain facility".
(A-Qur' 184)
To illustrate the Prophetic concept of Mental, Jihad, some traditions are quoted;
3 2 1 - M O 8

"Seek knowledge even if you have to go to China".

(Shuab al-lman)
Once the Messenger of Allah (SWT) came upon two groups of his Mosque and

"They are both engaged in what is good, but one, better than the other.
These ones are praying and supplicating Allah if He wills, may respond to
their prayers but, if He wills, may refuse themThase ones are learning knowledge
and teaching the ignorants, so they are superior. AndIwas sent only as a teacher".
66 Ch-4: Jihad
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He then sat down among them.

Spiritual Jihad
The word Jihad actually means "striving", and in the spiritual sense, it is the constant battle
against sins in all its aspects. AMuslim's daily striving is to become pure in spirit and to
resist evil.
The importance of Mental Jihad in lslam is typically illustrated by citing words that the
Holy Prophet (SAW) uttered on one occasion when he had returned to Madinah form
abattle with the enemies of the new religion. He said,
We have returned from the lesser Jihad to the greater Jihad."
The Companions said:,
"O Messenger of Allah (SWT), what Jihad could be greater than struggling
against the unbelievers with the sword?" He replied, "Struggle against the
enemy in your own breast."

People who undertake mental or internal Jihad, try to make a great effort to live
according to Allah (SWT)'s wishes. For most people, living according to Allah
(sWT)'s way is quite astruggle. Allah (SWT) sets up high standards for spiritual
excellence, and the believers have to fight with their own selfish desires to live up to
them. The five pillars of lslam form an exercise of Jihad in this sense, since a Muslim
gets closer to Allah (SWT) by performing them. Other ways in which a Muslim
engages in the spiritual Jihad include:
Overcoming things such as anger, greed, hatred, pride or malice.
Forgiving someone who has hurt them
Cleaning the floor of the mosque
Giving up smoking
Working for social justice

Conditions for Jihad

The war which is for the welfare of humanity can be considered Jihad
lslam is against random violence and senseless killing. According to the Quran, If
you kill a life, it is as if you have killed all lives. Of course the life in question is of an
innocent person."
According to lslam aPhysical Jihad may only be initiated. following reasons:
The Qur'an is clear that self-defence is always the cause:

"Fight in the cause of Allah those you, but do not transgress

limits". (AI-Qur'an, 2:190)
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The elimination of an evil force which is oppressing people. This is

based on
the concept of collective security.
Protecting the freedom of Muslims to practise their faith.
Putting right a wrong
Punishing an enemy who breaks an oath as the Holy Qur'an says:

"And if they break their pledges after their treaty (has been made with you)
(openly) revile your religion, than fight the leaders of unbelief who, surely, have
no (regard for their own) pledges, so that they might desist (from
(AI-Quran, 9:12)

Islamic scholars agree that Jihad should not be undertaken to gratify one's whims nor
to obtain wealth and riches. It must also not be undertaken to
conguer territories and
rule them or to acquire fame or to appease the emotions of communal support,
partisanship and animosity. On the contrary, it should be undertaken only and only
for the cause of Allah (SWT) as is evident from the following Tradition.

Abu Musa Ashari (AR) narrates that once aperson came to the Prophet (SAW) and
said that some people fight for the spoils of war, some for fame and some to show off
their valour; he then asked the Prophet (SAW):
Which one of themfights in the way of Allah?"
the Prophet (SAW) replied:
"Only that person fights in the way of Allah who sets foot in the battlefield to
raise high the Name of Allah." (Sahih Bukhari)
We Muslims must dearly understand the nature of Jihad we must show
that lslam is a religion of peace not violence.

Rules of Jihad
Jihad does not mean every single batle fought by any Middle-Eastern soldiera who
may be anything from a Marxist to a member of a private bodyguard and not a
martyr for Allah (SWT). Many battles have nothing to do with lslam and the sacred
concept of Jihad. Amilitary Jihad is undertaken with very strict ules order to be

" It must be fought to bring about good - something that A (SWT) will approve
Every other way of solving the problem must be before resorting to war, as
Poisoning wells is forbidden. The analogy would be chemical or
biological warfare.
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 68 Ch-4: Jihad
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Property must not be damaged.

Wounded enemy soldiers must be treated in exactly the same way as one's own
Women, children, or old people should not be killedor hurt.
Enemies must be treated with justice.
The war must stop as soon as the enemy asks for peace.
Innocent people should not be killed.
It must be launched by the amir, or the leader of the ummah
In defence of the cause of Allah (SWT), not for conquest.
It must be made to restore peace and freedom of worship.
It should be fought until the enemy lays down arms
Churches, synagogues, monasteries and mosques should not be demolished.
Those killed must not be mutilated.
Ambassadors should not be murdered.
Do not cut the fruit bearing trees
Do not destroy the crop fields.
Do not attack first, fight for self - defence.
Do not kill the milk and meat giving animals.

Significance of Jihad in the Qur'an and Ahadis

Our duties as Muslims are to carry out Allah (SWT)'s commands and to urge others
to do the same. This duty has been given to us by Allah (SWT) in His own words in
the Qur'an.

Jihad and Qur'an

"Those who believe, emigrate and struggle in Allah's way with their wealth and
their persons have the highest ranks with Allah. They are the ones wha shall
triumph!" (AI-Qur'aO
n, S
"Those who strive hard for Our sake, We will certainlyP
ub them
l i along Our O321

ways. Surely,Allah is with the righteous".

(A-Quran, 29:69)
"O believers shall lguide you to a bargain which will s¡ve you from a painful
punishment? Believe in Allah and His Messenger hard in Allah's
way with your property and your persons. R e a
ha d
will better for you, if you
only knew".
(A-Qur'an, 61:10-11)
IslamiyatO level Paper-2 Notes 69
Ch-4: Jihad
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Jihad and Ahadis

The virtues of Jihad are found in the Hadith
literature as well. Some of them are
quoted below:
Sahl bin Saad reported God's Messenger as
"Being stationed on the frontier in God's path for a day is better than
the world and what is in it."
(Agreed upon)
Anas reported God's Messenger as saying,
"A morning or an evening spent in an expedition in God's path is
than the world and what it contains."
(Agreed upon)
Salman al-Farsi said that he heard God's
Messenger say,
"Being stationed for aday and a night on the frontier in God's path is
better than fasting a month and spending its nights in prayer. If one
he will be rewarded for the deeds he was
doing, he will be given his
provisions, and will be safe from him who tests him.
(Sahih Muslim)
Abu Abs reported God's Messenger as
"No manwhose feet become dusty in God path will be
touched by hell."
(Sahih Bukhari)

P u b l i e a t i o n s

u u I N I A r s a d u u t tOe u
B o
2 r
1 - N O O S Z O

W r n t e


R e a d
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 70 Ch-4:Jihad
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Q1 (a) Write a description of the Muslim teachings about Jihad [10]

(b) Why is Greater Jihad considered the most important? (4]
(2013 October / November/P22)
Q2 (a) Describe the meaning of the term jihad and say how Muslims can practise
jihad in their everyday lives. (10]
(b) Why do you think jihad of the self (jihad bil-nafs) is greater than armed jihad
(jihad bis-saif )? [4]
(2015 October / November/P22)
Q3 (a) Write an account of the difference in meaning between:
() jihad of the self,
(i) jihad of the tongue, and
(ii) jihad of the sword. [10]
(b) in your opinion, what is the importance of following the rules of jihad in
modern times? [4]
(2016 October / November/P21)

P u b l i e a i n s

O 3 2 1 - N 0 O S 7 0

W i t t e

u u s e a d r u t t e . o r g


R e a d
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 71 Ch-5: Rightly guided caliphs
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Revision Notes
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Ch-5: Rightly guided caliphs
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Prophet(s) death.
Caliphate started with election after Holy vicegerent. The word is used in the
representative, deputy, or
The word 'Khalifa' means that He had
reference to the first prophet, Adam, when Allah tells the angels
Qur'an with the first
His khalifa, i.e. vicegerent on earth. The Khulafa-al-Rashidun were
created him to be Messenger of Allah after his demise in 632.
Caliphs who succeeded the
four Rightly Guided Hazrat Ali. Their
were Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Uthman and
The four caliphs accord with the teachings of the
has been accepted as being in
thirty year rule in Madina the model for Muslim
and the Prophet's sunnah, and their caliphates are seen as
(632-634 AD)
Hazrat Abu Bakr al Siddig (11-13 AH) keeping
leadership arose on the death of the Holy Prophet in Madina. In
The question of community was not hereditary but elective,
the leadership of a tribe or
with Arab tradition, immediately
meeting for consultation (Shura) was
based on merit and seniority. Hence, a
there were different group to propose their
called at the Sagifah-e-Bani Saidah. However, of lslam and opened
had welcomed the Prophet
candidates for this position. The Ansar, who elected
Makka, hoped that the successor would be
their homes and hearts to the Muslims of ancestral
the Muhajirun - as the Prophet's
from amongst them, while. the Quraysh -
community,wanted one of their men to be appointed, as
thus accepted by the majority as the
The Prophet's close companion, Hazrat Abu Bakr was Hazrat Abu Bak
took oath at the hands of
first Caliph of the Ummah as Hazrat Umar (RA)
of the Messenger of Allah'. Afte
(RA) He took the title Khalifa-tul-Rasul-Allah; Successor
which reflected his humility.
assuming this office, he gave another memorable speech

you. If Ido well, helpPme,an

"Ihave been given authority over you and lam not the best of
Allah and His
if Ido wrong, set me right. Obey me as long as I obey
disobey Allah and His messenger, you owe me no

He then called the Muslims to prayer.

Hazrat Abu Bakr's short caliphate of a little over twO yearswas marked by two main
that begantheafter
to ensure
of thetheHoly
of the umma by puting
and the gcongdgwH
Was the uprisingswith the
to continue
expedition to Syria planned by Prophet.

There had been some unrest amongthe tribes even dåsing the lifetime of the Holy Prophet
but after his death some of them were in open revolt.They went against the pledge of loyalty
Islamiyat Olevel Paper-2 Notes 73 Ch-5: Rightly guided caliphs
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to the Prophet refused to pay Zakat, and did not

accept the authority of the caliphate,
besides taking oaths of allegiance to figures who came
This revolt against lslam is known as the forward claiming to be prophets.
Ridda or Apostasy movement and was a major
threat to Madina itself, and to the survival of the faith and
unity of Muslims. These apostasy
movements cropped up all around the Arabian Peninsula: in
the north, in Yamama and Hajr to the east, in Daumat-al-Jandal and Tabuk to
-- to the south, Bahrain and Oman on
Hadhramaut and Yemen - Najran and San'a --
the east coast, and Butah and Buzakha in
Arabia, besides Dhu Qissa in close proximity to Central
Madina. Dealing with this was a major
challenge for Hazrat Abu Bakr. He called a meeting of his Shura
their advice. Many of them dissuaded the Caliph (advisory council) to seek
from confrontation as it would further
weaken the community, but Hazrat Abu Bakr was
determined and firm in his decision to take
prompt action against the rebels, lest the movement
should gain strength. Troops were
gathered in Madina and sent to the opposing tribes under
selected commanders, with clear

Problemns faced by Hazrat Abu Bakr(RA)

The False prophets
Aswad Ansi was the leader of the 'Ans tribe in Yemen. His
dark complexion earned him the
title al-Aswad ie. the black man, and he
was also known as the veiled prophet as he
cOvered his face to create a mystery about himself. In the
later years of the Prophet's life, al
Aswad claimed to have received divine guidance and
inspiration, and he used tricks to
convince the people of his miracles. After collecting a large
opposition to Islam and invaded Najran and most of Yemen. An army, he rose in open
and led by Firuz al Dhalaymi, a Persian expedition was organized
Muslim, who succeeded in killing al-Aswad.
However, learning of the Prophet's demise, al-Aswad's followers
under a man called Qais ibn 'Abd Yaghus, they were regrouped and revolted
defeated by Firuz and subsequently
surrendered along with their leader.

Tulayha bin Khuwalid was a wealthy leader of the Bani Asad and Ghatafan trihesin
Arabia, and was a renowned warrior who initially opposed the Muslims. In 630. + in north
to Islam, but shortly afterwards he rebelled and proclaimed himself
as a Many tribes
accepted his 'prophethood' and combined to raise a strong force against lslara: Khalid ibn al
Walid was sent to quell this revolt and at the Battle of Buzakha in ^eptember 632,
was defeated. Many tribes supporting him surrendered, but Syria. Later,
o p e d to
Wnen Syria was conquered by the Muslims be tgalam once again, and
subsequently fought alongside the Muslims in the Jalula, Qadissiyah, and
Ch-5: Rightly guided caliphs
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 74
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Taghlib and first enjoyed their

Sajaha bint-e-Harith was an Arab Christian from the tribe of
of the Banu
protection; following a split within the Banu Tamim, she had the protection
the death of Hazrat Muhammad
Hanifa. Sajah had a following as a sooth-sayer, and after
as a prophetess. She
(SAW) when many of her tribe rejected Islam, she declared herself
defeat by Khalid ibn
collected a force of 4000 to march on Madina, but learning of Tulayha's
Musailmah, another self
al-Walid, Sajaha dropped her plans. She then sought the help of Subsequently,
proclaimed prophet, and reached an agreement with him to face Khalid.
Meanwhile, Khalid ibn al-Walid
Sajaha married Musailmah and accepted his prophethood.
was killed in the Battle of
crushed Sajaha's forces and then moved against Musailmah who
Yamamah. After Musailmah's death, Sajaha became a Muslim.
Hanifa, in
Musailmah ibn Habib al-Hanafi, belonged to the large and influential tribe, Banu
called aLiar Musailmah
the Yamamah region the east of the Arabina Peninsula. He was
people and declared
was also wealthy and powerful and used his influence to misguide
verses of the
himself a prophet during Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) lifetime. He parodied the
share in Hazrat
Qur'an and also converted verses of his own, claiming to have a
Muhammad's prophethood. He even wrote to the Holy Prophet declaring himself a
'messenger of Allah' and that he had been given a share with him in prophethood. Of
cOurse, his claims were firmly and clearly rebutted by Hazrat Muhammad(SAW) who
addressed him as an 'arch-liar. Musailmah also abolished the injunctions of the Qur'an
making the forbidden permissible and the obligatory dispensable, and succeeded in gaining
a large following among his people. After the death of the Holy Prophet (SAW) Musailmah
challenged Hazrat AbuBakr caliphate.

was in
In December 632AD, was the significant event that decided Musailimah's fate. He
command of an army of 40000 Bedouin, some of whom did not believe in his claims but
joined the force only to support their tribe. Hazrat Abu Bakr had sent lkrimah and
Ibn Hasanah and then sent bigger force under the command of Khalid ibn al Walid to
Yamama. The Muslims numbering 13000 fought a long drawn out battle
strong resistance Eyentallk M.
causalities as Musailimah's forces put up a

killed by Wahsi al-Harb- who had killed Hazrat Hamza in the battle efUhudt before is
conversion to Islam. Musailimah's army scattered and many were killed as they fled. Many
prominent Muslims and huffaz - those who had memorized the Qurán also lost their
in this battle.

Hazrat Abu Bakr(RA) was also instrumental in preservingthe Quran i written form. Afte
'an in
the hard-won victory in the Battle of Yamamah in whiçh many of those who memorized
Bakr to have the Qur'a
Qur'aan lost their lives, Hazrat Umar(RA) requestegHazät Abu
compiled, lest it may be lost, forgotten, or corruptedsHazrat Abu Bakr(RA) put Zayd ib
Thabit, one of the scribes of the Holy Book, in-charge of this task along with a group,
IslamiyatO level Paper-2 Notes
75 Ch-5: Rightly guíded caliphs
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collect the texts of all the verses from the living huffaz and
These were then compared, authenticated, and companions of the Prophet.
to Hazrat Abu Bakr, This compiled into a single volume and presented
authorised copv was aiven by Hazrat Abu Bakr to Hazrat Umar
who on his deathbed gave it to his daughter,
Hazrat Hafsa the Holy Prophet's widow, for
After the Muslim's success at the Battle of
Yamamah, the
collapsed and the Muslims' power was consolidated under the opposition lslam in Arabia
Abu Bakr now turned his attention to the authority of the Caliph. Hazrat
issues pertaining to the Byzantine and Persían
Hazrat Muhammad(SAW) in the later years of his life had
sent goodwill delegations to the
Persian and Byzantine empires, inviting them to Islam. The
had scoffed at the message and turned away
proud Persian emperor Chosroe
the Muslim
governor in Syria had the Muslim messengers killed (CE626).emissary.
But the Byzantine
630, sent a volunteer force, and under the
The Holy Prophet(SAW) in
command of Zayd ibn Haritha but these men were
no match for the well-equipped and trained
of Mu'ta. Zayd ibn Haritha was also killed in
Byzantine forces and suffered defeat at the battle
this battle along with Jafar Tayyar and
ibn Rawaha. 'Abdullah

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) in 632, had

organized another force under the command of
Usama ibn Zayd ibn Haritha, but the expedition was
postponed on account of the
Prophet's(SAW) ill health. Hazrat Abu Bakr(RA) took it upon himself to
at Mu'ta. He sent four groups to syria led by Abu respond to the events
Ubayda ibn al-Jarrah, Amr ibn al-A's. Yazid
ibn Abu Sufyan, and Shurahbil ibn
al-Hasanah, respectively. These armies fought
successfully, but when the emperor Heraclius came to know, he
by his brother Theodorus, When Hazrat Abu Bakr dispatchedalarge army led
learnt of this, he sent Khalid ibn al-VWalid.
a fierce warrior. as
commander-in-Chief of the Syrian forces. Khalid who was leading a
campaian in Irag, took 9000 of his best men and reached Syria in 18 days - a
swift march in
those times. The confrontation, the Battle of Ajnadayn, was a
decisive one wherethe
organization and war tactics of the Muslims helped them to rout the much larger and better
equipped Byzantine army, and to conquer Palestine and then Syria by laying siege to
Damascus. The role of Khalid ibn al-Walid and his military strategies were significant in
achieving these victories which opened the way to the establishment ofiAslam in Iraq and

After the victory over the Byzantines, Hazrat Abu Bakr(RA) focus on the Persian
on Empire
which was vast, strong, and wealthy. The emperor Chosroes ll had rejected the Muslim
representatives sent by Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) by ridiculing them and going as far 2s
suggesting that the invitation to lslam was insubordination by its 'colony' which merited
Dunishment Hazrat Abu Bakr(RA) started with the invasion of Irag which was part of the
Ch-5: Rightly guided caliphs
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had an underlying fear of the Persians' military

Persian Empire. The problem was that Arabs
Hazrat Abu Bakr raiseda volunteer force and
might. Toovercome this and to assure victory,
command; he was supported by reinforcenent
placed the indomitable Khalid ibn al-Walid in
northern Arabia. Hazrat Abu Bakr's judicious
led by other powerful tribal chiefs from
ensured success. In 633 Khalid entered the
selection of commanders for the Muslim forces
four decisive victories from March to May
Persian Empire at the head of 18000 men and won
capital Hira. Khalid's troops laid siege
633 and finally besieged and captured the provincial
633. After further success in the south,
to al-Anbar in June 633 and conquered it in July
Muslim control. Returning from a
almost all of Iraq- the Euphrates region - was under
armies gathering against
successful battle at Daumat-ul-Jandal, Khalid learnt of the Persian
armies gathering against the
the Muslims. Again, his military strategy paid off the Persian coordinated attacks and
in three
Muslims. His military strategy paid off as he crushed them
the Muslims defeated the
finally, in the Battle of Firaz, aborder city, in December 633,
to conclusively end
combined forces of the Persians, Byzantines, and Christian Arabs
the Muslims as it
Persian authority in Irag. Securing these territories was advantageous for
also made the trade routes to the north, east, and west through Irag and Syria


After the demise of Holy Prophet (SAW), the ruler of Bahrain revolted against Islam
and created anarchy to help Musailmah.
With the help of Persia, he prepared an army against the Muslims.
Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) crushed his efforts and the rebellion in the country was
completely dashed to the ground.


After the demise of the Holy Prophet (SAW) the people of Oman apostatized from
The Muslim forces, sent by Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA), defeated the rebYls and were
& o 2 1 - 1 8

Following apostasy in other parts of Arabia, the people of Mahrah apostatized
from lslam after the death of Holy Prophet (SAW).
Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) sent Hazrat Ikramah (RA) to defeattherebellion.
Those who accepted the callto lslam were given amna_ty muslims.
When Aswad Ansiclaimed prophethood in Memenin large number of people became
his followers. He became so powerful that he çhàllenged the Governor.
Islamiyat Olevel Paper-2 Notes
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Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) sent an army to Yemen

and his followers. Those who laid which completely crushed Aswad Ansi
down the arms and accepted Islam were
amnesty. granted
Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)ordered the Muslim army to
who had apostatized Islam in 633 attack the rebellious tribe to Kindi
In the battle, the apostates were
killed and the few who survived
The Persians aided the people of
Bahrain to rise in
Hazrat AbuBakr (RA) sent the army under the rebellion against Muslims.
to the Persian border to deal command of Khalid bin Waleed (RA)
with Persian threat in 633 A.D.
Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) asked Hurmuz, the
Islam, to pay Jizyah or he should prepare for the war. Persian commander, to accept
He accepted the third option of war.
He set out to Uballa, a main port of Irag, to
meet the Muslim army at Kazima.
The Persian soldiers were linked with chains to
encourage them to fight with unity
and prevent anyone from fleeing.
The Persian army retreated because of ferocious attack by
Their chains became death trap for them.
This battle is also called the Battle of Chains.
Muslims Won before sunset.

After crossing the river Tigris, the Persian army camped at Mazar
where theymet the
fleeing army of Hurmuz which had been badly defeated at Kazima.
Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) met the joint troops of Persia. OS70

After a severe fight the Persians were defeated.

The habitants of Mazar themselves submited to the Muslims and: P u l l i

to pay

The defeat at Mazar infuriated the Persian emperor ROSsent armies to fight the
Muslims. After crossing the river Euphrates, they campèd Walaja.
Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) reached Walaja and powered the Persian army.
Muslims killed a large number of Persian soldigrs.
The thid consecutive victory established the superiority over the Persians.
Ch-5: Rightly guided caliphs
lslamiyat O
level Paper-2 Notes 78
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forces with Christian-Arabs against the
After the third defeat, the Persians joined
They gathered at Ulleis 10 miles from Walaja.
Hazrat Khalid bin VWaleed (RA) attacked these joint forces.
were killed in this battle.
Agreat number of Persians and Christians

advanced towards Hira.
After the conquest of Ulleis the Muslim army
fled to Madain.
The terrified Persian Governor left the city and
Hira and the whole of Central Irag
Facing no resistance, the Muslims conquered
came under the rule of the Muslims.


anda deep ditch.
The city of Anbar, was protected by surrounding walls
weak camels of the army and
Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA)slaughtered the old and
dumped their carcasses into the ditch.
army easily crossed the ditch and
The pile of carcasses rose so high that Muslim
attacked the fort at Anbar.
that the governor offered to
The position of the Persians. became so insecure
evacuate Anbar, and
Muslims allowed the Persian soldiers and their families to
oCcupied the city thereafter.

The town of Enat-ul-Tamar was fortifiedand surrounded by date palms.
siege to the town
The Muslims under the command of Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed laid
surrendered to the
which broke down the resistance of the Persians who eventually
This victory brought the entire region from Uballa to Anbar under the Musliule.
In March 634 A.D., Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) organized Musm Ynto four corps
each consisting of7,000 men.
Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (RA), Hazrat Yazeed bin Abu§utyan,(RÄ), Hazrat Shurahbil bin
Hasnah (RA)and Hazrat Amar bin Aas (RA) werethe coimanders.
On the directions of Hazrat Abu Bakr Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) marched
armies at
With 9,000 men to jointhe Kfront
On the way, some skirmishers took place in which Muslims were victorious.
IslamiyatO level Paper-2 Notes 79
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Ch-5: Rightly guided caliphs

Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) and Hazrat Abu
Ubaidah met at Basra, where a
detachment was already fighting under Shurahbil's command.
The Muslim armies met the Byzantines and on
invitation Romanus, the Byzantine commander became a Khalid bin Waleed (RA)s
The Byzantines lost heart at this and Muslim.
withdrew to the city and shut the gates.
Romanus guided the Muslim army through an
The Byzantines were killed in large number underground passage.
and the remaining surrendered.
It was the first and the most
important victory of the Muslims in Syria.
The Byzantine emperor Heraclius ordered to
collect a large army against the Muslims
at Ajnadein, situated in the west of
Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) ordered Muslims to
assemble at Ajnadein.
When the fight started, the Muslims fought bravely.
When their commander was killed, the
Byzantine army retreated.
A large number of them were killed while
On 21st August 634, the Muslims laid siege to Damascus.
On 23rd, the news of demise of Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
reached them.
Thus the campaign was left incomplete.


Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) provided the foundation for a democratic welfare state.
Whenever there arose a contesting issue, he used to discuss it with
companions of Prophet (SAW).
Because of this reason, he did not let those great companions out of Madinah


Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) divided the state into different provinçes.
He appointed an Aamil in each of the province.
In the central government, some people were geor performing special like
collecting revenue.
He used to ask every new appointee to fear Allah, trý to es
to establish peace, be the well
wisher to people, try to avoid sins and laziness.
Bait-ul-Maal was set up as State Treasury.
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 80 Ch-5: Rightly guided caliphs
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Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) not only offered himself for accountability but also remained
firm in the case of his officers.


Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) was very merciful and kind but used to punish criminals
according to the way of Shariah.
He appointed Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (RA) for the duty of guarding and
promulgating the punishments for some crimes.
The punishment of drinking wine was decided to be 440 lashes and burning was the
punishment for robbery.

He built a Bait-ul-Maal (Treasury) to collect the revenue but no heap of wealth was
stored there.

After his death, Hazrat Umar (RA) found only one Dirham there.
Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) used to distribute the annual savings of the revenue equally
among all citizens.
Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) fought against those who refused to pay Zakat.

He trained the lslamic army on the ethical grounds and told them that these fight
should be for Allah (SWT) and the dignity of lslam.
He reserved one part of the state income for expenditure on war.
Following the Holy Prophet (SAW), the part of the booty which was fixed for Allah
and His Messenger (SAW) was alsO spent on war.
He constructed military cantonments and administered them himself.
He used to take necessary actions if happened to notice any racial differences in.

Any new custom or rite which was not Islamic but considered Islamic was
forbidden by Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA).
When he heard about a woman who was performing Majj ig Complete silence, he
personally met her and told her that this nonsense
R e a d
custom of the period of
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Ch-5: Rightly guided caliphs

Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) adopted the policy of patronage of the faith of
towards the
Tofacilitate the Muslims in the cases of
of decree. jurisprudence, he established a department
He used to counsel the Muslim troops. He
advised the commanders to first offer the
enemy commanders the glorious message of Islam.
Following are some examples of his love for Prophet's family:
He sent Usama bin Zaid (RA) as
commander of the Syrian Expedition inspite of
opposition from many companions, because the Holy Prophet (SAW) had himself
made Usama the commander of this
He considered fulfilling the promises and the
debts of the Holy Prophet (SAW) as an
He paid full attention towards the respect,
comfort and welfare of the Mothers of the
believers (RA).
Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) ensured the safety of
non-Muslims and allowed them to
perform their religious obligations.
He asked the Muslims of Hira not to
demolish the temples of non-Muslims and there
should be no restrictions
on their worship.
While collecting the Jizyah, his advice was of to be soft tempered.
Poor. weaker or disabled were exempted and their
expenses were borne by the Bait

Hazrat Abu Bakr's death in 13 AH 634AD brought his brief but
efficient caliphate to an end.
He is remembered for his devotion to Allah and his faith, for his loyalty to
(SAW) and his emulation of the Prophet's example in the simplicity of his life. Holy Prophet
In early August 634, Hazrat Abu Bakr fell ill and never
recovered. His illness prolonged,
and when his conditions Worsened, he realized that his end was neàr
and that he should
nominate his suCcessor so that the Muslinm community did nÍt fall into confusion and
controversy. After discussion with his close companions, he appointed Hazrat Umar (RA) as
his successor and dictated his decision to Hazrat Uthman ibn Affan
Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) died in the last week of August 634, his funeral prayer
was led by
Hazrat Umar (RA), He was buried the same night byyng side of the Holy Prophet's grave in
Hazrat Aisha's house near Masjid al-Nabavi.
Ch-5: Rightly guided caliph.
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Second Caliph
Hazrat Umar lbn al-Khattab (13 -23AH/ 634-644) - which
Umar (RA) was intelligent, had strong will power and a sense of justice
title Al-Faroog, one who distinguishes between right and wrong --- and
earned him the
and under-privileged people. Hazrat Abu Bakr was full aware of
Compassion for the poor the
Umar's ability to succeed him and his decision was significant strengthening
quoted about Hazrat Umar. He said,
Islamic state. Hazrat Abu Bakr(RA)has
there because of my softness; when the weight of the caliphate is on his
His strictness was to whom lappointed
will be asked by Allah as
shoulders, he will no longer remain strict. If I
appointed the best among your men'.
my successor, I willsay that Ihave
Hazrat Abu
Umar(RA) assumed office as the second Caliph on the same day when
Hazrat the
predecessor died. Besides the title of 'Successor to the Successor of
Bakr (RA), the Faithful'.
"Amir ul Muminin, 'Commander of the
Messenger of Allah', he also took the title of contribution and
his first address to the Muslims as Caliph, Hazrat 'Umar(RA) praised the
In them
Islam as the faith in Arabia, and assured
success of Hazrat Abu Bakr in consolidating of
his own efforts in doing his best in accordance with the laws of Allah and the example
strengthen the state and ummah.
the Holy Prophet and Hazrat Abu Bakr to

the right path, follow me. If Ideviate from the

In this task, Iseek your assistance. If Ifollow
right path, correct me so that we are not led

Islam begun by the Prophet Muhammad

Hazrat Umar (RA) continued the expansion of
armies gained victory in Syria,
(SAW) and Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) and, under his rule, Muslim
brought these vast areas under lslamic
Irag, Persia and Egypt. A series of decisive battles against
in Palestine in 15 AH/ 636 AD
rule. The Muslim armies were victorious at Yarmuk
the Byzantnes, opening up Syria at al-Qadisiya in 17 AH/638 ADagainst the Sassanians,
the Sassanians, opening up
opening up Iraq, at Nihawand in 21AH/ 642 AD also against
2 i t i o n

remarkable for the fact that he not only extended
The caliphate of Hazrat Umar is considered
established an infrastructure that would
the boundaries of the Islamic Empire, but he also
to govern the
hold these dominions together. He undertook many administrative reforms
administrative posts,
newly added territories, set up ministers and departments, creatéd
and ordered a
established garrison towns, marked provinces for effectiye governänce,
census of all the Muslim territories.
R e a
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How He Expanded the lslamic

Irag and Syria, the southern strongholds of the
had been brought under the rule of the
Persian and Byzantine empires respectively,
Muslims when Hazrat Umar became the Caliph. He
had to reinforce these territories
against their previous rulers, hence
launched in Irag and Syria, then into Persia, and later campaigns were
towards Egypt.
Some of the major battles (634-638 AD) that led to
these victories were those at Marwa (The
Bridge), Buwayb, and al-Qadissiya that secured Irag and led
to the conquest of Madain;
Syria was won with the capture of DamascuS and
at Yarmuk which eventually
victories at Fihl, Hims, and the main battle
secured Jerusalem for the Muslims and ended the
supremacy in this region. Byzantine

Military expeditions and expansion of the Islamic Empire

638-639 AD when Arabia and its western provinces were hit temporarily halted between
by plague and famine. Dealing
with this took precedence above all. The
campaigns resumed in 639 AD at Nihawand,
followed by the conquest of Persia in 642 AD. When Hazrat
Umar died in 644 AD, the
Islamic Empire stretched from North Africa in the west, to
the Makran region in the east, and
from Anatolia in the north to the entire
Arabian Peninsula south of Madina.

The Campaigns of lrag:

The Battle of Marwa (The Bridge) took place in late
634AD and was led by Abu Ubaydah
Thagifi, a tribal leader, accompanied by Muthanna Shaybani. The
strong, were under the command of Rustam and they gathered on Persian forces, 4000
the eastern bank of River
Euphrates. The Muslims built a bridge and they gathered on the eastern
bank of River
Euphrates. The Muslims built a bridge of boats across the river; hence this event
came to be
known as the Battle of the Bridge. However, they were
overrun when they crossed to the
other side to fight the Persians who charged with their elephant
cavalry. The Muslims were
trapped when the bridge collapsed. Abu Ubaydah was killed along with his
insmen and
many others, but Muthanna saved the remaining Muslim forces by holding the

ne Battle of Buwayb followed the next year, in 635AD. The memo

was fresth in Muslim minds, but Hazrat Umar consoled and motivated them into mobilizing a
new force comprising Christian Arabs as well. Muthanna Shaybani, though seriously
Wounded, was placed in command and he effectively encouraged and
E u A i m e n . The
batue took place at Buwayb on the western bank of the The Persian army of
12000 was led by Mehran Hamadani who was killed in batle by a young man of the Taghlib
tribe, His death left his troops demoralized and scatterad andthe Arabs, blocking access to
the bridge, eliminated the retreating army. Southero,Iraqwas now under Muslim Control.
Their Victory over the Persians ended the fear and awe the Arabs had felt towards them.
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The Battle of al-Qadissiya in 636AD was the turning point in the Iraq campaign. The
Persians, planning to avenge their defeat at Buwayb, began to put together a huge army
against the Arabs. When this news reached Hazrat Umar, he mobilized his forces by
appealing to the people and met with an enthusiastic response as tribes from far and near
sent their men. The importance of this campaign can be gauged from the fact that Hazrat
Umar decided to lead it himself. A historian writes that Hazrat Umar was accompanied by 70
of those companions who had participated in Badr, 300 who had sworn allegiance to the
Prophet (SAW) at the Treaty of al-Hudaybiya and about 700 of the sons of the notable
companions and tribal leaders.

The well-known commanders Khalid ibn al-Walid and Abu Ubaydah were occupied on the
Syrian front, so Hazrat Umar gave the command to Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqas a veteran from
Badr. The Muslim army of 30000, on Harzat Umar orders, camped at al-Qadissiya, a small
town near Kufa. The Persian army of 60000 men also included an elephant troop and a large
cavalry battalion. Adelegation of fourteen Muslim elders was sent by Sa'ad to the Persian
emperor Yazdgird, inviting them to accept Islam or else to pay jizya or to arbitrate for the
battle. Instead, the arrogant emperor spoke contemptuously of the Arabs' backwardness,
poverty, and lack of refinement as compared to the Persians. The Muslim delegation was
patient and courteous, but to no effect: the stand-off continued for three months with
skirmishes against border settlements in which the Muslims were successful. Meanwhile,
there were defections from the Persian side. Eventually, Rustam, the Persian commander
had the channel blocked overnight and his troops crossed over to attack the Muslim army. A
contingent of 6000 from Syria had reinforced the Muslim forces. Sa'ad ibn Abi Waggas
employed successful strategies, making best use of the archers to overcome the elephant
corps and using his forces tactically to break the Persians. On the third and final day of this
battle, Rustam was caught and killed while trying to swim to safety, and the Persians were
routed. Sa'ad chased them to Babal where they had sought refuge, and then after a two
month campaign to cross the River Tigris, the Muslims captured Yazdgrid's capital, Mada in.
The emperor and his family and nobles had fled, leaving the city, its streets, gardens, and
palaces deserted. It is said that two third of the Persian army were killed and the Muslims
lost a fifth of their men in this battle.

The royal treasurers were collected and sent to Madina along with onefifthof
fi the war booty,
while the rest was distributed among the troops. Eventually, peaçà w¡s declared and the
remaining population came to hear and agree to the terms of jzyà. The conquest of lraq had
been achieved.
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Campaign of Syria
The fall of Damascus 635AD, Abu
Ubavda and Khalid ibn al-Walid were occupied on the
Syrian front during the Iraqcampaign. Khalid
acity known for its wealth and organized the siege and capture of Damascus,
culture. The Syrians were
Byzantine emperor, Heraclius, or else that the severity of hoping for reinforcements from the
the Syrian winter would break the
Muslim resolve. However, that did not happen;
across the moat and using rope ladders, scaled the instead, the Muslims led by Khalid swam
walls. When the Syrians panicked and
they opened the gates to escape, the
remaining Muslim forces rushed in and occupied the
The Battle of Fihl resulted in the
addition of the province of Jordan to the Islamic
The site was on the western side of Lake Empire.
Tiberias where the water channels separated the
Muslims from the Christians, who were waiting for
hoping the Muslims would back down. Abu Ubaydareinforcements and offered negotiations,
The Christians tried to impress the sent Muadh ibn Jabal as his emissary.
austere Muslims with their pomp and
to lure them to the riches of Persia, but ceremony, and also
Muadh was to be deflected. He offered the
an invitation to Islam or else to Christians
become dhimmis by paying jizya, or else to settle the
through war. matter

These measures being fruitless, the Romans attacked the

saw through this tactic and gradually retreated, drawing the
Muslims in small groups. Khalid
enemy forces further in; he then
Surrounded them and launched a furious attack. The Romans
those who survived scattered and fled. Thus Jordan was suffered heavy casualties and
secured and Hazrat Umar sent
specific instructions on how to deal with the conquered people and their land.

The next successful, though brief campaign by the Muslims was at

Hims, and then their
Sights were set on Jerusalem.

The Battle of Yarmuk: when the reports on fall of Damascus, and defeat at Fihl
and Hims
were given to Heraclius along with the reasons behind Muslims' success, he was
to recover Palestine - the Holy Land-for Christian rule. He issued orders to mobilizetoons
from all corners of his empire. Learning of this, Khalid ibn al-Wahid began to group his forces
along the River Yarmuk, a tributary of River Jordan, south of the Seà of Galiee Harat
Umar was in contact with the commanders and he sent them messages of advice and
encouragement. Meanwhile, the Romans sought to drive out the:Muslims trom Syria through
negotiations and sent their representatives to discuss and convinc them or buy them over.
Khalid responded with reason and declined the Romans' off¹r. He elaborated on the DOsitive
changes that Islam had brought about in the Arabs andinvited the Romans to accept Islam
or else to get protection by payment of jizya. was met with a refusal. be
returned to prepare his army for the inevitable conflict.
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The war strategies of the Muslim commanders paid off successfully and the Romans
suffered heavy losses and defeat. The Muslims also had to bear the loss of 3000 lives
besides those who were grievously wounded. The Battle of Yarmuk, however, proved to
have lasting consequences and permanently altered the history of the Southern
Mediterranean region. Hazrat Umar fell into prayer of gratitude before Allah, when he
Syria and
received news of success at Yarmuk. Heraclius, on the other hand, withdrew from
moved his capital to Constantinople.

Though the Muslims had been successful in securing almost all of Syria, the city of
Jerusalem, besieged by 'Amr ibn al-A's since the Yarmuk conflict, had withstood surrender.
But the arrival of Abu Ubayda made them realize the futility of their position; they agreed to
surrender but only to the Caliph himself, in person. Hence, Hazrat Umar decided to go
Jerusalem where he not only visited Masjid al Aqsa but also the Christian churches and
other historical sites.

In later times, Muslims looked back on the agreements that Hazrat Umar made with the non
Muslims of Jerusalem and other captured cities, and used them as the basis of their own
relations with the Christians, Jews and others who lived under their rule.

The Persian Campaigns:

The Battle of Nihawand (638 - 639 AD). After the Muslims success at Khuzistan, the
Persian emperor gauged the ambitions of the Arabs and prepared for battle by mobilizing
troops from all over the Persian provinces. As the news reached Madina, Hazrat Umar
consulted his advisors, and finally took the Hazrat Ali advice on the strategy to be followed.
When the Muslim forces reached Nihawand, they were outnumbered three to one by the
Persians who had also blocked the way to their camp by strewing thornwOod and spikes.
The Muslims used the tactics of Khalid ibn al-Walid at Fihl, by pretending to withdraw and
drawing the enemy into their midst. The Persians advanced, killing and wounding many in
them and
the front ranks, but when they were deeper in the Melee, the Muslims closed in on
attacked ferociously. The retreating Persians were blocked by the same obstaesthey hhad
strewn in the path of Muslims, and by the end of the day, 30000 Persians had been killed.

The victory at Nihawand was decisive as on hearing of this, Hazrat Umar ordered the
invasion of the Persian provinces in 642AD, and by the next year (stahan, Khurasan, Rayy.
Farsand even the outlying region of Sindh had been conquered

How he controlled Egypt?

Initialy, Hazrat Umar was not in favour of annexing Egypt, which was an economically
profitable province of the Roman Empire and posédno threat to the Muslims. However,
persuaded by Amr ibn al-A's who realized the strategic importance of this region. Hazrat
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Umar put him in charge of an expedition of

4000 men. The long drawn out defence and
siege of Caesarea and its surrender two
years after Jerusalem may have
Caliph to review his decision. convinced the

'Amr ibn al-A's approached the massive and

but could make no headway. well-defended fort at the base of the Nile delta
briliant commanders, ZubayrReinforcements requested for arrived from Madina, led by four
ibn al-Awwam, 'Ubada ibn
Maslama ibn Mukhallad. 'Amr handed over the al-Samit, Migdad ibn Umar,
after a seven-months long siege, by operations Zubayr who captured the fort
scaling the walls and opening the gates for the
army to enter. This fort later became the Muslim
garrison town of Fustat.
Conquest of Alexandria, 635AD took
place when the
surrendered to 'Amr made his way to Alexandria as thegovernor of Fustat who had
Alexandria was a well-established port city, over a Roman governor of Egypt.
thousand years old, with a large
population, many public buildings, a famous library, and the
defended city, not easy to conquer, and despite attacks andhistoric lighthouse. It was a well
a long siege, the Muslims had
little success. Hazrat Umar (RA) wrote a
his displeasure at the pace of events. The
strongly worded letter to 'Amr ibn al-A's expressing
latter then read out the Caliph's letter to his
and exhorted them into action. Led by Ubada ibn troops
Maslama ibn Mukhallad, the troops stormed and capturedal-Samit, Zubayr ibn Awwam and
Hazrat Umar's Administration:
He was the best and a great
administrator. Harzat Umar is
administrative measures he put into place. Among these was the remembered for the
arranged to have drawn up, for all those who were entitled to register, the diwan, he
the expansion of Islam. This wise move
state pensions for their part in
meant that Muslim soldiers would not seek income
by settling in the lands they conquered, but
remain together in garrison towns and continue
to be available for further service to
lslam. Among the army towns that came into
in the time of Hazrat Umar (RA) are Basra and Kufa in existence
southern Irag, and Fustat in
near present-day Cairo. Egypt.
Other measures associated with Hazrat Umar are the foundation of the otfice of
the Muslim calendar, regulations concerning observance of prayer, fasting gadi (judge),
and pilgrimage.
and many others. In this stern simplicity, he was also a gifted admini_trator, who set the
basis of many of the institutions of later lslam. He was a compatent juris well
versed in fiqh
and hada keen sense of justice.

His stable and systematic government established peace prosperity in the new state. He
Was known for his rigid discipline but this was combiFed with a sense of responsibility for
those under his care. His sympathies were not confined to Muslims alone: he showed
Ch-5: Rightly guided caliphs
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the Caliph saw an aged Christian

kindness and charity to the non-Muslims as well, Once,
from jizya and grarnted him a subsistence
who was begging; Hazrat Umar exempted him
were caled dhimmis (protected
allowance from the Public Treasury. Those who paid jizya
old age pensions were granted to all
non-Muslim subject); they enjoyed freedom of religion;
the elderly people, including non-muslims.

vital importance by seeking the council of his

Hazrat Muhammad used to decide matters of
introduced the same democratic system of
companions. Hazrat Umar also adopted and which
setting up twO Such councils. One of these was the General Assembly
announcement and whereby only matters of special
was convened by making a general the
other was the Special Council meant for
national importance were discussed. The
conduct of daily business.

for more effective government of the

Hazrat Umars reforms included creation of provinces instructions on
of capable officials with strict
growing lslamic territories and the appointment
eliminate corruption.
good governance, they were paid good salaries to
built and muezzins and imams were
During his caliphate, hundreds of mosques were
improvement and extensions were
employed by the state to lead the prayers. Besides this,
in Madina.
made to Masjid-al-Haram in Makkah and Masjid-al-Nabavi

Umar appointed qualified teachers who

To spread the teachings of the Holy Qur'an, Hazrat
compulsory for all the Bedouin tribes to
were paid out of the State Treasury. He made it
directed to learn Holy Qur'an in their
acquire knowledge of the Holy Qur'an; soldiers were
had a number of soldiers who
leisure hours. As a result of this, every division of the army
instituting the Islamic calendar from
knew the Holy Qur'an by heart. He is also credited with
Madina, from the first of Muharram of that
the year of migration of the Prophet from Makka to
calculate the population.
He constructed inns for travellers, had a census to
the verse of the Holy
Hazrat Umar established a society which was based on

is most God-fearing".
"The most honourable among you is the one who
HazratUmar'sàdministration, We
Muslim government today has an excellent example in
can follow it in our daily lives.
Rulers now a days can follow him as a model

Death of Hazrat Umar (RA)

of his Conversion to Islam, which we hav
Hazrat Umar's quick temper is shown in the
he roughly pushe
read ealier, when in his urgency to get at the sheet ontaining the sura,
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Ch-5: Rightly guided caliphs

his relatives aside. This temperament stayed in him

learnt to respect him or encountered his wrath. Therethroughout
his life, and Muslims soon
is a story that when he met
commanders in Palestine and saw they were dressed in silk, he Muslim
and even attacked them. This expressed great annoyance
characteristic may also have caused his death, because he
was assassinated by Abu Lu'lu', a salve, when he
rejected all his appeals to be relieved from
paying a tax which he cleared was quite enough
644 AD, when he was about 60 years old according to his wages Thís was in 23 AH/
(may be alittle younger or older). As he had
Hazrat Umar was also buried in Madina, next to the willed,
Abu Bakr(RA) after getting permission from Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Hazrat
Hazrat Ayesha (RA). He was a great warrior and
a great Administrator.

R e o d
W i P
t eu e t i o n s
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Third Caliph
Harzat 'Uthman ibn Affan (23 - 35AH) (644-656)AD
When Hazrat 'Umar (RA) Was on death bed, he appointed a panel of six elders from shura,
to be chosen as the next caliph. The six were Hazrat 'Uthman ibn Affan, Hazrat Ali ibn Abu
Talib, Zubaya ibn Awwam, Talha ibn Ubayd Allah, Sa'ad ibn Abi Waggas, and Abdur
Rahman ibn Awf. The consensus was on Hazrat Uthman to be the third Caliph.

Hazrat Uthman (RA) succeeded to the caliphate in 23 AH/644 AD. He adopted a shorter title
"Khalifat Allah". Hazrat Uthman continued many of Hazrat Umar's policies, including the
expansion of Islamic rule. Persia, Armenia, North Africa and parts of the eastern
Mediterranean were all brought under the growing empire during his twelve years of

Hazrat Uthman placed close relatives as governors over many of the new provinces. His
nephew, Muawiya ibn Abu Sufyan, had already been appointed governor of Syria by Hazrat
Umar but then he was granted control over more territory. Other relatives of the Caliph were
appointed governors of Basra and Kufa in southern lraq, and of Egypt and he also made his
relatives his close advisors. His reason for doing this may well have been to ensure loyalty
towards himself and to secure the unity of the empire. But to many Muslims, this action
appeared to be unfairly favouring his own family, the Ummyyads.

During the course of Hazrat Uthman's (RA) caliphate, criticism on his actions grew steadily
stronger and alienated him from his people. When he decided to allocate his governors, the
wealth collected in the campaigns, rather than divide it between the fighting men
themselves, there was a strong disapproval, though he may well have been trying to place
funds for state purposes with the officials best able to administer them. In particular, the
granting of a fifth of the war booty to an individual, his cousin Marwan ibn Hakam. and
favouring him above others brought Hazrat Uthman under open criticism. Marwan continued
to be a controversial and negative influence throughout Hazrat Uthman's caliphate<Me was
charged to help his relatives with the money from Bait ul Maal which w wrongThe
Caliphate came under sharp criticism on circulating the official versionof,the
the Qur'an
prepared by Zayd ibn Thabit, he burnt the older copies of the Quran colected from the
different parts of the empire, although his intention may have bee to énsure that only the
correct version should be read. He was also thought by some Muslifhs,obe surrounded by
people who gave bad advice and took advantage of his age ang Weakriess.
After Hazrat Uthman's policies,and his ability to rule, pròblemgerupted after the six years of
his caliphate. At first there was an uprising in Iraq, thenin ufa, and then in Egypt. Finally, in
35AH/ 656 AD troops from all three provinces advaDcd'on Madina to take their complaints
directly to the Caliph. The force from Egypt arrived first and angrily besieged Hazrat Uthman
IslamiyatO level Paper-2 Notes 91
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Ch-5: Rightly guided caliphs

in his house, but when he

agreed to their demands they were pacified. They began
journey home, but hearing he had tricked them, they turned back their
and began a second siege.
The Egyptian force turned back to Madina
because as they were making their way home to
Egypt, satisfied with what they had been told, they
were overtaken by a messenger of
Abdullah bin Saba Yemenite riding at speed. He was
the governor of Egypt, ordering him to put the
carrying a letter from Hazrat Uthman to
leaders of the
returned home. They read this letter and realized they had force death when they
been betrayed. They furiously
turned around, seeking vengeance for this
When they found Hazrat Uthman and confronted him,
he denied that he had sent it,
protesting that someone else had forged it. VWho this may have been is
but the outcome for the Caliph unknown for sure,
himself was grave. It was a great forgery.
This siege lasted for 50 days, during which some
leading Muslims tried to help Hazrat
Uthman but were prevented, and eventually some of the
Bakr's son Muhammad or rebels entered the house and
Egyptian force, led by Hazrat Abu
murdered the Caliph. It is said that
they came upon him while he was reading Qur'an and
that his blood was shed on its pages,
and also that his wife Na'ilawas injured, while trying to
protect him. The Caliph's body was
buried by his family in secrecy.

Hazrat "Uthman's nephew Mu'awiya had sent troops from Syria to

arrived too late to save his life. But the governor did not rest until he
support him, though they
had hunted down all the
assassins of his uncle that he could find, and he demanded that all those
responsible for this
atrocity should be dealt with as they deserved. Hazrat Uthman's murder was to have
Consequences throughout the community of Islam.


Hazrat Usman (RA) followed the policies first two Caliphs in the first half ofhis
P u l b l k e r o

reign but changed his policy in later years to solve the

created by mischief-makers.
0 3 2

1 N O

He conquered Africa, Trablis, Barga and Marakish complgtYly.
J u y u r e a o t e

He conquered the adjacent countries of Persia

He made advancements in naval warfare and
R e a d ?

Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 92 Ch-5: Rightly guided caliphs
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He continued the system of Khilafat providing the same splendour to the
Islamic state, but in later years, Marwan bin Hakam created many problems
byexploiting the simplicity of Hazrat Usman (RA).
He combined some provinces which had harmony of culture.
Jordan and Palestine were united into one province named Syria.

For better administration he took the power of the police head from the
provincial governors and established a new department.


He kept watch over the governors and other administrators.
He was very strict in accountability.


He not only increased the income of Bait-ul-Maal but also spent money upon
the masses generally.
During the month of Ramzan, the people were given money and free food


He built new buildings in the provinces and districts.

He built bridges, roads, highways, mosques, police posts and inns.
He also built cantonments in the newly-conguered areas.
He extended the Mosque of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and dug
He used to send scholars of lslam to different tribes, citis and
He himself used to preach lslam to the prisoners of war?
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Ch-5: Rightly guided caliphs


He consolidated and established military
He continued the series of
department on firm grounds.
Romans instigated the people of Alexandria to revolt against the
assisted them with their navy. Muslims and
Hazrat Amr bin Aas (RA)defeated them.

Hazrat Usman (RA) sent Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair to
defeat Jarjeer who
together with the army of Hazrat Abdullah bin Sa'ad (RA)
conquered Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria.

Hazrat Ameer Muawiya (RA) advanced to Cyprus and conquered it.


Hazrat Ameer Muawiya (RA), the Governor of Syria, established
navel forces
with the permission of the Khalifa and defeated the Romans.


Hazrat Usman (RA) sent Hazrat Waleed bin Uqbah (RA) to crush the
revolt in
Armenia and Azarbaijan.
94 Ch-5: Rightly guided caliphs
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Fourth Caliph
Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib (35 40 AH) (656-661)AD
that he was the just successor to the
Hazrat 'Ali and his supporters had always claimed
Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) However, during the caliphates of
claim hard, and now in the turmoil
Umar and Hazrat Uthman he had not pushed this
of the community. But
following Hazrat Uthman's murder, he was accepted as the leader
them Mu'awaiya, kinsman of the
there were several opponents to his right to rule, among
slain caliph.

Problems faced by Hazrat Ali(RA)

Hazrat 'Ali's controversial election as the last of the Khulafa-al-Rashidun
by rebels from the provinces and the Ansar, divided the umma into three

The supporters of Hazrat Ali (RA) having the right of the Banu Hashim;
The Umayyads, who claimed leadership of the Arabs and opposed Banu
The Quraysh who hoped to return to the Caliphates of Hazrat Abu Bakr and
Hazrat Umar

This struggle placed Islam in a conflict that outlived Hazrat Ali's Caliphate. Many of the
Quraysh left Madina and moved back to Makka which became their power base. Some of
those who had sWorn allegiance to Hazrat Ali reneged on their oath. The Umayyad,
particularly Mu'awiya ibn Abu Suyan, called for avenging the violent death of Hazrat Uthman.
On the other hand, the rebels who had attacked Hazrat Uthman also demanded reversal of
his policies which, they held, were in contradiction to Islamic principles.

Hazrat 'Ali very quickly took some of the measures demanded by Hazrat Uthman's
adversaries. He replaced the governors who had been appointed by his predecessor with
men, who supported him, and he distributed the wealth that Hazrat Umar and Hazrat
Uthman has ordered to be kept aside. But his lack of action or slow response against Hazrat
Uthman murderers provoked strong reactions, especially from Mu'awiya,
of siding with them.

The Battle of the Camel (Jamal) (656 AD)

Hazrat Ali was forced to confront other critics. Hazrat Aisha, theProphet's widow, who was
in Makkah, openly denounced him, and was joined by the two conmpanions, Talha and
Zubair. They demanded that Hazrat Uthman's murderers should be brought to justice, and
that there should be reforms in the community. Makkah waa in open revolt against Hazrat All
when he appointed a governor for the city, the Makkans refused to swear allegiance to a
Supporter of Hazrat Ali. Instead, the Umayyads held the latter responsible for Hazrat
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes
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Uthman's death. With a fewhundred fighting men,they set out for in

more supporters, and Hazrat Ali was forced to Irag the hope of finding
pursue them. The two sides met near Basra
and attempted to settle their
differences peacefully. But extremist supporters among them
provoked a fight, and this grew into a battle around the camel which
litter. The Battle of the Camel took place in carried Hazrat Aisha's
35AH/ 656 AD. Talha and Zubair were killed after
a defeat; Hazrat Aisha was
brought back to Madina, with the escort due to a
Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Hazrat Ali appointed a new wife of the
governor for Basra and moved his
headquarters to Kufa, where his support was powerful.
The Battle of Siffin (657 AD)
Hazrat Alis differences with Mu'awiya came to an
end when Mu'awiya insisted that
Uthman had been killed unjustly and so his Hazrat
against the Caliph and the two forces met at Siffin in should be punished. He moved
37 AH/ 657 AD. The fighting
indecisive for many days; then when Mu'awiya side seemed to be proved
order his soldiers to fix Qur'ans to their losing, he was advised to
lances, indicating that the outcome should be
decided not by warfare, but by consulting Allah's Word.
and arrangements were made for an Hazrat Ali was persuaded to accept,
arbitrator from each side to decide the rights and
Wrongs of the case. Abu Musa al-Ash'ari
represented Hazrat Ali and
represented Mu'awiya. It was decided that if they agreed that Hazrat Amr ibn al-A's
against the teachings of the divine law, then his killing Uthman had acted
would be just and his assassins would
go unpunished: but if he had acted in
accordance with the law, then his killers would be seen
as criminals and Mu'awiya would be right to
demand their punishment.
Some people on Hazrat Ali's side violently
disagreed with this decision to accept the
arbitration. They thought that the Quran clearly gave
treat rebels (in Surat al-Hujurat 49.9) and so it wasinstructions about the proper way to
wrong even to
Mu'awiya had any claim against the ruler of the community. Their cry wasacknowledge that
as 'No decision
except Allah's'. Angry at Hazrat Ali's move, about 3000 or 4000 of these men
themselves from him and rode to al-Nahrawan. They became known as the
Kharijites (seceders ie. from the vertb kharaja, to depart or separate".). In 37 AHKhawarii
658 AD.
Hazrat Ali was forced to move against these rebels when they made attacks
lose to Kufa.
and he killed many of them. But more of his forces deserted him, and he
was left weaker
than before.

When the two arbitrators of Siffin first declared their decision in þrivate, they both
seemed to
have agreed that Hazrat Uthman had been killed dunjustly., And they also said that Hazrat Ali
and Mu'awiva should both step down, and a new caliph be elected. But when
announced this in public they differed. Abu Musa al -Ash'ari stood by what he had said. but
Ch-5:Rightly guided caliphs
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declared that while Hazrat Ali should step
Amr ibn al-A's changed his version and
Muslims condemned this as a trick and the
Mu'awiya should be confirmed as caliph. Many
arbitration failed.

Administration of Hazrat Ali (RA)

He led the Muslims in the following ways:


C He continued the administration adopted by Hazrat Umar (RA).


He appointed Hazrat Ka'ab bin Malik (RA) to watch over the
the behaviour of the
He used to investigate every district of Irag and check

in this
He increased the revenue on large scale and also included forests


His atitude towards the masses was very kind and sympathetic.
He took great care of the poor and the needy.
He treated the non-Muslim inhabitants very kindly.

He was the most experienced warrior.
He built a castle in Iran, military posts on the borders of Syria and a bridge
over the Euphrates for war purposes.

This public declaration did not decide the matter and Hazrat 'Aliwas still regarded' as cali
by his supporters, though his cause grew weaker elsewhere. In theseaincreasing difficulties.
he was suddenly attacked in 40AH/ 661 AD, by Abd al-Rahman ibn, Muljam, a Kharijite who
wanted revenge for the killings at al-Nahrawan, and he died two days latèr.

Hazrat Ali was buried in secret, though in later years his tom was identified some miles
from Kufa, in present-day southern Iraq, and a memorial ergcted over it. The town of Najaf
grew up around this spot which is holy to Shia Muslims.
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Ch-5: Rightly guided caliphs

With the death of Hazrat Ali the era of the

companions of the Holy Prophet, they were Khulafa-alRashidun came to an end. As close
not only well
instructions, but were witness to putting his Words into action. aware of his advice and
The Khulfa-al-Rashidun were thus the
best choice for the consolidation of the new
state and the spread of its influence Islamic
beyond Arabia.
Q. With atleast four examples describe the relation of
with other states.
four rightly guided caliphs

The Rightly Guided Caliphs and those who

succeeded them
policies of the Prophet toward non-Muslims and dealing with continued implement the
other states. They worked on
the policy of friendship justice and equality. They
made every effort to establish peace. The
Caliph Abu Bakr renewed the treaty with the Christian tribe of
Najran that was made by the

The Caliphs protected the Muslims state form

external threats and sometimes had to under
take some military operations to safeguard the
borders. They always offered the enemy
three alternatives; either to accept lslam, or pay jizya or
fight. They kept the battles as
humane as possible and Muslim army was instructed to follow a certain code of
while fighting.

"Do not kill wonen and children, do not cut fruit

bearing trees, do not burn trees."
During the Caliphate of Abu Bakr, Khalid bin Waleed sent a letter to the
population of al-Hira in Trag assuring them that none of their rights would be undermined by
the Muslims. When Khalid bin Waleed entered
Damascus, he made a treaty with the
inhabitants and offered them protection of their lives, property and churches. Their city wall
would not be demolished; and Muslim would not be entered in their houses. Khalid bin
Waleed protected the farmers against the Persians tax collectors and their.
cultivators and owners of the lands were respected by the Muslim.

The policy of tolerance and justice proved to be successful everywhere In Syria, for
example, many Christians who had been involved in bitter theglogica disputes with
B authorities and were mingof Muslims as an
end to tyranny. The Coptic Christians of Egypt not
enthusiastically assisted them. The Caliphs made treaies
the Arabs. but
other states, when the
Muslims entered in Jerusalem; Umar (R.A) himself came to sln a treaty with Patriarch of
loieglem which granted the Gnisiao P
Je property, honour and freedom to
practice their religion. Safety of the churches was Od in return the non
under Muslim state were called Zimmies. The Zimmies had to pay Jizya in return for military
98 Ch-5: Rightly guided caliphs
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services and protection. Once during the time of Umar, the Muslims had to retreat from the
north Syrian town before the Byzantine army, they returned the jizya to the inhabitants as
they could not longer offer security of life and property.
The Caliphs were extremely lenient in their dealings with other tribes, when the
tribe of Najran violated their covenant made with the Muslims and Caliph Umar exiled them
from Hijaz, he ordered that their land be measured and they must be compensated
accordingly and gives land for cultivation in Irag & Syria wherever they went and they were
to be exempted, from paying jizya for two year.

The Caliphs worked for the welfare of the conquered states. They never imposed extra
burden on them or levied unfair taxes. It is reported that Umar bin Al-Khatiab was worried
about the tax that the Muslims had imposed after the conquest of lraq, he said "what have
you done? Do you think that you have imposed more taxation on the land that you
can bear?"" They replied "We imposed what it can bear because of its high yield." "No!"
Umar added "If Allah should keep me alive, I will let the widows

Once Hazrat Umar (RA) was in a church, he heard the Azan, it was the time for the prayers.
He went outside in the open landand prayed there. When he was asked about it he said that
he did not want the coming nations to do what is wrong as there is honour of the worship
places of other religions.
(Leadership Qualities)
Q. Write about how the four rightly guided Caliphs are role models for the leaders
today? (10)

There were four major Caliphs after the death of the Holy Prophet(s). The first Caliph elected
was Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) who addressed the people, "O People! l have been selected a:
your Trustee, although I am no better than anyone of you. Ifl am right, obeý me lf
am misguided, set me right. The weakest amnong you isthe powerful in myeyes, ùntil
do not get him his due. The most poweful among you is the weakestin my eyes, un
I do not make him pay due right to others. Iasked you to obey me aa long as I ob
Allah and His Messengers. If l disobey Allah and His Messenger,youare free disob1
me". This shows that the Caliph was just, lenient and honest inhis job ynike the conditio
of today's political leaders. Also the nomination of the HazratsUmar (RA) was done in
democratic way by Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA). On the death bed, Hazrat Umar (RA) announc
a panel of some men and Hazrat Usman (RA) was chosen beçause of the majority decisio
This shows every man whether poor, rich, black,
restrictio rS his/her say. During the reign
Hazrat Umar (RA) he imposed certain officers like they will not keep th
door keepers so the public can have an easy access or wear silk clothes or jewellery. The
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 99 Ch-6: Rightly guided caliphs
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were not allowed to eat rich food as fine wheat and rice or ride an Arabian or Turkish horse.
But today, important leaders roam around with a protocol and security. Their
houses are
surrounded with barracksS and cameras so public access to talk to them or criticize is
extremely difficult. The leaders today have forgotten the principles of lslam.
They enjoy the pleasures brought by wealth. They think that they are kings to
everything. In the period of Hazrat Abu bakr (RA), a Majlis-e-Shura, an Advisory Council
came into being to make and implement the laws with
consensus and they should not
contradict the Quran and Sunnah. Now-a-days the laws are amended by the
rulers as the
Government interferes in Judiciary. They get favours by britbing the officials and the Judges.
The voice of poor and innocent is suppressed, the influential and
wealthy are free after
In the times of Caliphs, every one had the freedom of
Speech and even passing of criticism
on Caliphs. For example, during Hazrat Umar's rule, a
woman asked him, how come a tall
man like him could make a shirt from a piece of cloth from the
booty of war from Bait-ul-Maal
while the cloth was not too long enough for others to make a shirt
out of it. Umar's son stood
up and said, "l gave him my piece of cloth to make his dress".
Leaders today usurp the rights of people as we pay taxes to get out
civil facilities and
services but we never get them. We are deprived of our rights. The
are deteriorating but on the other hand the rulers are
conditions of the people
becoming rich by the accumulation of
wealth in accounts. Caliphs like Hazrat Umar (RA) used to be
available at all times for the
people. He used to disguise himself and patrol the streets at night to see if
hungry. He once found a Bedouin in distress because his wife was in anyone slept
labour pains and her
mid wife was not available.
Hazrat Umar (RA) brought his own wife to deliver the baby. This
shows how helpful they
were towards the people. They had simple lifestyles. Judiciary was
was above law. Everyone was answerable. Today, the laws of
independent and no one
punishment are practised on
poor and the wealthy are freed.
Leaders today must learn honesty, be answerable to the law and people. Do not get
lead a simple life. Help the needy. Provide rights to the people and try to be just to.
Another quality of Caliphs as leaders which our leaders today can learn isreatnent of osvenyane.
Caliphs with the non-muslims. Once Hazrat Umar (RA) saw an old jew begging when he
came to know that he had no one at home to work for and feed the famihe
Swas given the
stipend from Bait-ul-Maal and he was stopped from paying Jizya tax
Once Hazrat Umar (RA) signed a treaty with the people of Jerusalemmforpeace. He was at
hat time standing in a church, whern he heard the Azan, he wenttout in an open land and
performed the prayers. He did not want to disturb the othèr rel wanted to respect
their worship places.
yo0serving such examples, we as anation c¡n, our conditions and being
Caliphs, Our nation can prosper. It can be great stäte itsthe rulers would think themselveslike,as
servants of the people.
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 100 Ch-5: Rightly guided caliphs
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Q1 (a) Trace the expansion of the Islamic Empire under the rule of Caliph Umar [10j
(b) What does the way he died tell us about his character? [4]
(2009 May / June/P2)
Q2 (a) Describe the main events of the Caliphate of 'Ali [10]
(b) Explain why Talha and Zubair opposed Ali [4]
(2009 May /June/P2)
Q3 (a) Describe AbuBakr's activities against the false prophets and apostate tribes
(b) Whyis Abu Bakr called the 'Saviour of Islam'? [4
(2009 October / November/P2)
Q4 (a) What major events took place during the caliphate of Uthman,? [10]
(b) Explain why Uthman encountered the difficulties in the later years of his
Caliphate and was assassinated? [4]
(2010 May lJune/P2)
Q5 (a) What were the main events of the Caliphate of 'Al? [10]
(b) Why do you think Muawiya refused to accept 'Ali as Caliph? [4]
(2010 October /November/P2)
Q6 (a) Write adetailed account of the administrative measures put in place by
Hazrat Umar during his Caliphate. [10]
(b) Umar's Caliphate is regarded as the Golden period of early Islamic history
Discuss. (4]
(2011 May /June/P2)
Q7 (a) Briefly describe the main events of the Caliphate of any two rightly guided
Caliphs given below:
Abu Bakr
Uthman [10]
(b) In your opinion what was the most important task that faced Abu Bakr on
becoming Caliph? [4]
(2011October /November/P22) (2012 May / June/P2)
Q8 (a) Write about how the four of the Rightly guided Caliphs are role models for
leaders today. (10]
(b) How does Hazrat Umar's conduct at the surrender of Jerusalem set an
example for Muslims? (4]
[2012 October /November/P22)
Q9 (a) Give an account of the following two battles fought during the rule of Umar:
Battle of Qadisiya
Battle of Yarmuk [10]
(b) Was 'Umar better as a military leader or as an administrator? (4)
(2013 October! November/P22)
Q10 (a) What were the consequences of Uthman's murder? [10]
(b) lbn Muljam's murder of Aliwas unjustified'. Discuss giving reasons for your
answer. [41
K2013 dctober /November/P22)
Q11 (a) Write about any two major events that took place during the caliphate of Abu
Bakr. [(10]
(b) In your opinion which of the two events you have written about in Part (a) was
the more significant and why? [4]
(2015 May / June/P21)
IslamiyatO level Paper-2 Notes
Read and Write Publications Ch-5: Rightly guided caliphs

Q12 (a) "Umar's caliphate is regarded as a

account of how 'Umar ruled during hisgolden era in Islamic history.' Write an
ten year caliphate.
(b) What do you think was 'Umar's greatest [10]
why you think so. achievement during his rule? Explain
Q13 (a) Al>'s policy of changing the governors appointed by (2015 May / June/P22)
problems for him. Uthman led to a lot of
(() his reasons for making these
(ii) the effects of his policy. changes;
(b) "Ali was a strong caliph." Give reasons to agree or [10]
statement. disagree with this
Q14 (a) (2015 October / November/P21)
Outline the charges levelled against 'Uthman by his opponents, and
the main events of the revolt against him. describe
(b) What do you think was the most harmful [10]
outcome of Uthman's
Q15 (a) (2015 October /November/P22)
The conquest of Persia was one of 'Umar's great achievements. Write an
account of any two battles fought with the Persians during his caliphate. [10]
(b) Say which in your opinion was the most significant of the battles fought under
'Umar against the Persians and why.
Q16 (a) (2016
Write a detailed account of the battle of Yamama, and of the May / June21)
compilation of
the Qur'an during the caliphate of Abu Bakr. [10]
(b) The Prophet called Abu Bakr 'al-Siddiq (Testifier of the Truth). How did Abu
Bakr live up to his title during his caliphate? [4]
(2016 May / June/P22)
Q17 (a) Write an account of the events that resulted from the opposition of Talha and
Zubayr to 'Ali.
Explain why you think Mu'awiya refused to step down from the governorship
of Syria at 'Alis request. [4]
(2016 May / June/P22)
Q18 (a) Give an account of:
() the election of the caliph 'Uthman,and
(i) the compilation of the Qur'an that took place during his caliphate. [10]
(b) Three of the four Rightly Guided Caliphs were martyred for the decisions they
m de Can Muslim leaders today lean
your answer. allyuutg for
(2016 Octoberkl
Q19 (a) Write in detail about the policy followed by Uthman as caliph in expanding
and maintaining the state.
How justified were the criticisms against 'Uthman for [10]
copies of the
Qur'an? Give reasons for your answer. (4]
R e& a d /November/P22)
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 103 Ch-6: Pillars of islam
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It is the belief in Oneness of Allah and
Prophethood of the Holy Prophet(s). It is called
Tauheed and Risalat.
Shahada is:

"Ibear witness that there is no god except Allah and l

bear witness that Muhammad(s)
is the Messenger of Allah".

There is no god but Allah is the first part of Shahadah. It deals with the
unity of Allah. We
witness with our heart that Allah is the Lord, the Master and the Creator of all
things the
heaven, the earth and everything therein. We pray to Allah, we seek His help at the time of
"You do we worship and Your aid we seek".

We worship Him, offer sacrifice to Him. We believe in

Tauheed-i-Rabubiya, Tauhid-i
Ulluhiyah and Tauheed Asma-was-Siffat. We accept that all the names and attributes which
Allah has named Himself only belong to Him.
It is said in Surah Al lkhlas,

"Say, "He is Allah, the One, Allah is He on whom all depend. He begets not, nor He is
begotten. And none is like Him".

The second part of Shahadah testifies that Hazrat Muhammad(s) is the last
Messenger of
Allah and none has the right to be followed after Allah but the Prophet (SA).
Allah says,

Muhammad is not the father of any of your men but (he is) the Apostleof Alah
A and

the Seal of the Prophets".

There will be no Prophet after him. He brought the Universal Message ofTslam as the Holy
u u r t t e . o r g

Quran for the whole universe. He is the Universal Prophet.

Allah says,

"Say, (0 Muhammad) If you love Allah follow me, Alah love you and forgive you
your sins for Allah is oft. Forgiving, Most Mercifulj
IslamiyatO level Paper-2 Notes
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A person who believes in Shahadah is never

nearer to him than the juglar vein. Allah is hopeless desperate. He knows that Allah is
the Master of the world. His Merciful, Benevolent and Kind to His people. He is
favours on humans are unlimited.
The belief in Shahadah creates
worship for Allah and His rules, so a believer
to fulfil all His commands. He can tries his utmost
attain the high status of piety. This belief
person bold and fearless. It removes all also make a
worries and anxiety from his mind. A believer is
satisfied and contented with his share. Allah is the
Sustainer Cherisher and Lord.
"Surely, Allah is the Bestower of
Sustenance, the Lord of Power, the strong".
The Shahadah makes a believer dutiful
and God
honestly as he knows that to succeed in his life fearing
in his everyday life. He leads his life
and in the
commands of Allah. A believer becomes humble. A is not Here-after he must carry out the
a victim of pride. On the
hand, a believer serves Allah and puts His other
he looks after the poor in the commands into practice, while on the other hand,
society and works for the welfare of every one.
Shahadah is 'Shirk' it is ascribing partners to Allah. This is not Opposite of
no partners. Allah does not forgive acceptable in Islam. Allah has
associating partners to Allah.
The Holy Prophet(s) said,
f any one testifies that there is no god but Allah and that
Messenger, Allah will keep him away from going to Hell". Muhammad(s) is AIlah's

This is the second pillar of Islam. It was the first act of
the time of Mairai in the 10th year of
worship made obligatory by Allah at
Prophethood. Salaat is the first act that a person will be
held accOuntable for. A Muslim has to offer prayers five
times a day at the appointed times.
The Holy Prophet(s) said,
"The head of matter is lslam, its pillar is prayer, and the top of its
way of Allah"
hump is Jihadin the

Prayer is the direct link with Allah. The Holy Quran commands the
performances of praver
more then it commands any other activity. The Holy Prophet(s)called Salaat the Centre
pole of the religion.
During prayer, a worshipper leaves the worldly acts. It is the ascension comparable
to Mairaj of the Holy Prophet(s). It is said in the Holy Quran.
"Guard the prayers strictly, especially the middle (Asr) prayers". Literally, the word
Salaat has the meanings as prayer, supplication, petition, blessing, honour, remain
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 106 Ch-6: Pillars of islam
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attached. Salaat is aset of movement and recitations performed in a prescribed


"Verily, Prayer is enjoined on the believers at stated times".

Holy Prophet(s) said,
"Tell me, if there were ariver at the door of one of you in which he washed five times
a day would any of his filthiness remain? When he received the reply that none of it
would remain, he said "That is like the five times of prayer by which Allah washes
away sins".

There are great benefits of prayers. It is the purification from one's sins. Prayers strengthens
belief in the existence and goodness of Allah. It helps muslims suppress evils and indecent
inclinations and raises good qualities in a man. It teaches humbleness tothe worshipper. It
fills the heart with the fear of Allah. It brings a sense of peace and tranquillity. Prayer draws
the mind away from personal worries, calms down passions and helps the worshipper
master the basic instincts. It is a guide to the most upright way of life. It is a proof of true
equality, solid unity and universal brotherhood. It is the demonstration of obedience to the
creator. It is the source of patience courage, hope and confidence.
The Holy Prophet(s) said,

"Prayer is the coolness of my eyes".

Method of Prayers
The regular form of prayer begins with niyya (conscious intention), which is
standing;with the hands on either side Niyya is performed or said with the words:
lintend to offer

Two rakats Fard Fajr

& W rPi tue b l i e a t o n s

O 3 2 - N O O S 7 0

Three rakats Wajib Zuhr

Four rakats Sunna Asr

Nafl Maghrib
Isha h e a d n U u r i t e . o r 9

Prayer for Allah (SVWT) only facing Qibla

Takbir Tahrima
"Allah (SWT) is the Greatest".
Thhen raise the hands above the ears, palms open forward (and
women raise their hands up the shoulders) and say,. Akhar (Alah is the greatest).
This opens the prayer.
IslamiyatO level Paper-2 Notes 107 Ch-6: Pillars of islam
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With the feet only slightly apart, stand upright facing the direction of Kaaba at
Makkah. This
standing in prayer is called Qiyam.
Now place the right hand upon the left just below the navel (women
place their hands on
their breasts).

Now recite the following opening prayer
"Glory to You, O Allah, and praise be to You! And blessed is Your Name and
is Your greatness! There is no other god but You!"
And directly thereafter, recite: "Iseek Allah's protection from
Satan, the accursed"
Any now recite: "ln the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Kind".

After this, recite the glorious Sura al-Fatiha, the opening chapter of the
silent response Ameen is added:
Qur'an, to which the

"All praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds. The Most Merciful, the Most Kind.
The Master of the Day of Judgement. You alone do we worship, and
from You alone
do we seek help. Show us the straight path. The path of those whom You
favoured. Not (the path) of those who have been condemned (by You), nor of those
whowent astray."
Surah Ikhlas (Recitation from the Holy Qur'an)
(1)Say: He is Allah(SWT), the One and Only. (2) Allah(SWT), the Eternal, Absolute. (3)
He does not beget nor is the He begotten. (4) And there is none like unto Him".
(AI-Qur'an 112:1-4)
In the first two rakaat of the prayer, after the Fatiha has been recited, it is up by
another ayats not less than three.
"Allah is the Greatest".
Then saying Allahu Akbar, bowfor ruku.
Bow at the waist with the back straight and place hands upon knees, separating the
fingers a little and say silently three times or any odd
"Glory be to my Lord, the great."
Take care of keeping your back level line with your back.
Islamiyat O level Paper-2 Notes 108 Ch-6: Pillars of islam
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After reciting this formula, rise now to a standing position with hands placed on both sides,
and say:
Állah listens to him who praises Him"
And then say
"O Our Lord! All praises are due to You alone."
"Allah is the Greatest."
Say Allahu Akbar
Next comes the humblest of all positions, sajda. Prostrate yourself upon the ground, with
palms, forehead, nose, knees, toes, and feet on the ground. And in this state say three
"Glory be to my Lord, the Most High."
"Allah is the Greatest. "
Recite Allahu Akbar

Saying Allahu Akbar, raise your head and body, sit on your heels, knees on the ground, and
hands placed on the thighs.
Second Sajda
Then make the second prostration exactly as the first one. This completes one cycle (rakat).
Then stand up, pronouncing Allahu Akbar and repeat the cycle again with two exceptions:
Sanaand Taawwuz
Then recite Tahiyyah and Tashhud, which are said while sitting upon the ground. Your left
foot bent under you, sit upon your right foot and place your hands upon your kneesS
At the end of the second and fourth rakat of allprayers, and the third rakat of the sunsêvwitr
prayer, before rising from the sitting position (Qa'adah), or before ending the prayer utter the
first Tahiyyah:
"Salutations, prayers and good works are all for Allah. Peace oR youoProphet, and
Allah's Mercy and His blessings. Peace be on us andsonf) oan's righteous
servants." a d
d n w r

Then recite Tashhud (affirmation of faith)
"| testify that there is no god but Allah
and estiythat Muhammad (SAW) is His
servant and His Messenger."
In Tashhud, raise the index finger of the right hand
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Darud on the Prophet (s)

If you are in the last
required rakaat of your prayer, then proceed to end it
the following greetings (salat) on as follows. Send
the Prophet:
"0 Allah, exalt
Muhammad (SAW) and the followers of
exalted Ibrahim (AS) and the
followers Muhammad (SAW) as you
of Ibrahim. Verily, You are
magnified." praised and
"O Allah, bless
Muhammad (SAW) and the family or followers of
You blessed lbrahim (AS) and the
family or followers of lbrahimMuhammad (SAW) as
worthy of praise and of glory." (AS). Truly, You are
Tahiyya, Tashhad and Durud are caled
Dua Qaidah
After this, recite this prayer of
Omy Lord, make me supplication (dua):
and my children steadfast in
Our Lord, forgive me and my prayer. Our Lord, accept the prayer.
be established". parents and the believers on the Day that reckoning will
Finally, still sitting, turn to the right, saying:
"Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah".
Then turn to the left, repeating
these words.
It is customary to sit
quietly for a moment after the prayer has
Then facing the Qibla perform 'dua' ended.
Witr Prayer: It is performed with Isha
Rakaat. The three witr are offered afterprayers.
It is Sunnah -
Muakkadah. These are three
the post farz Sunnah. The first
like two rakaat of farz prayer. In two rakaat are said
the third rakaat of witr after
other Surah is recited, hands are Tasmia, Surah ALFatihah and
raised, Takbir is said, hands are folded and
recited. Dua-e-Qunut is
"Oh Allah! We beseech Your
help and ask your pardon, and
and we love vou in the best believe in you, and trust in you
manner and we thank you and we are not
we cast off and forsake him who ungrateful to you and
disobeys you. O Allah! You do we worship and
pray and make obedience and youdo we flee and we are quick and we
and we fear your chastisement, for surely your
hone f
chastisement overtakes the egen believer."

The Prayer or Supplication (Dua)

Dua is the supplication in lslam, the term is used to call out
prayer, Muslims are encouraged to call upon Allah for n, apart from the daily
strength of a need or removal of a suffering. It is in the
forgiveness guidance, fulfilment and
Allah says,
Say when My servants question you concernin m surely I am very near. I
answer the prayer of the supplicant when he calls Me".
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During the times of deep trial, despair and sadness, Muslims should seek comfort and
guidance from Allah. The Holy Prophet said
"Dua is the very essence of worship,"
The Holy Prophet once said
"Your Lord is Magnificent and Generous and is ashamed to turn away empty hands of
a servant when he raises them to Him".
Some blessed timings for the supplications to be answered more likely by Allah.
Between the call to prayer and lqama
On Friday
After prayers
At night specially before the time of dawn prayer.
On the day of Arafat
At the time of breaking fast
In the month of Ramazan
Where one is sure of being answered
When one's heart is attentive.
During the pilgrimage
While performing Jihad

The people whose supplication are specially accepted by Allah.

A Muslims dua for an absentee.
wronged person
A just imam
A fasting man
A traveller
A pilgrim until he comes home
P u b l i e a i t i o n s

A patient until he recovers O 3 2 1 - N O O S 7 0

The one who is in grief and sorrow

Parents for their children
Someone engaged in Jihad
The one who makes application when times are way

Rules for Dua

To praise Allah and send salutations on the Holy (SAW).
To eat only that food which is legally permitted!
Toperform ablution. e

To pray feeling convinced that the prayerwill be answered.

Not to be distracted during prayer.
To cry during the prayer.
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To pray with humlity and fear.

To face the Qibla.
To implore Allah
To confess one'searnestly.
Todraw the palms over the face and
down after the
Not to lead to any sinful act, or glve supplication.
rise to enmity between Muslims or
Muslim's rights. harm

Eid Prayers
Itconsists of two rakaats, its validity is as of
required before Eid prayer. It is observed in theFriday
Prayer. No call to prayer or lqama are
manner with six
In the first rakaat, after the
sana, imam pronounces takbir three additional takbiraat.
the ears and drops them each
time to the sides. Then
times raising his hands to
after the third and imam recites hands are placed below the navel
Surah Al Fatiha followed by a
next rakaat, after recitation of Surah passage from the Quran. In
three takbirs before bending down in Al-Fatiha and Quranic passage, the
imam calls out
ruku. The rest of the prayer is
way. After Eid prayers the imam ascends the
pulpit and
completed in a usual
observed a brief pause between them. delivers sermon in two parts. He
Eid prayer promotes healthy social
relations as Muslims bury their long held
embrace their Muslim brothers with open grudges and
Muslims purify themselves by means of bath andheartedness soon after completion of the prayer.
they perform sacrifice after the prayer. ablution. On the occasion of Eid ul Azha
We should eat something as Holy
Sadgat-ul-Fitr should be paid earlierProphet(s) used to eat before the Eid-ul-Fitr
than the Eid Namaz. It is prayer. The
Allah. performed for
blessings of

Importance of Eid prayer

Eid is a Special day for Muslims which
was prescribed in 1 A.H. There is no adhaan for Eid
prayer. Muslims purify themselves by means of
ablution or bath and put soent before
heading for the Eid congregation which is usually organized on a
mass level. TWo rakaat for
special Eid prayer are performed under the leadership of the Imam, On
Azha (which falls on the 10th of Zilhaj). Muslims also the ocçasion Eid
perform the sacrifica of the animal
which is aMuslim ritual. Eid-u-Fitr and Eld-ul-Adha prayers are
Muslims. Suhnat-e-Muakadah for all

Mosques occupy religious slgnifcance in Islam and ara held. n high esteem by
Over the world. They are a religious place of worship whare Muslims devote Muslims toall
the worship of Allah Almighty and undergo spirituat and moral development.
Muslims gather
n mosques five times a day to perform the mandatory religious obligation of salat.
Ch 6: Pillars f islart
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people from different s0cial

Mosques serve the purpose of a uniting ground where
backgrounds are knitted closely into brotherhood and equality. They provide a
develop an
opportunity to Muslims to get to know their Muslim brethren better,
each other at a
understanding of their grievances, and form social ties. When people meet
Muslim brotherhood is
place of purity five times a day for a common noble purpose,
of different social
promoted. A strong sense of equality is also established when people
stature stand together in the form of an organized congregation. It shows that
Who only
matter what caste or creed they belong to, is all equal in the sight of Allah Almighty
holds exalted in status those who excel in faith. Therefore, mosques make it possible for
Muslim community to achieve greater solidarity and unification.

Muslims are required to abstain from obscene worldly gossips within the premises of
mosques and encouraged to spread the teaching of Islam. Therefore, mosques also
as an educational Centre where Muslims are enlightened with the true teachings of their
religion and how they may implement them in their practical life. Friday sermons are an ideal
example of how valuable religious teachings are imparted to give spiritual life to the dead
souls of the Muslim community.

The first
The history of mosques can be traced back to the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad.
mosque of Islam was constructed by the Prophet of Allah at Quba, when he was on his way
to Medina. The second mosque of Islam was constructed in Medina soon after the migration
of the Prophet. It occupies an eminent position in Islam. In this mosque, Prophet Muhammad
also constructed two rooms for his own abode, while a place of suffah was also
shelter for poor
The great mosque in Medina, which is nowknown as Majid-e-Nabvi, became
Allah, but any activity
The purpose of the mosque is not only confined to the worship of
which is God pleasing can be done in it. Thus, in the Islamic state of Medina,
became a religious centre where the entire system of
authority of the state rested.
Foreign, delegations were also received in the mosque.
according to lslamic teachings.
This way, mosques play a positive role to reform the society

the mosques for an individual

The importance of performing the prayer in congregation in
performs the prayer in
cannot be declined. Prophet Muhammad(s) said that when a person having a sin
in rank, for it and
congregation, he does take a step without being raised
ta have said:
obliterated till he reaches the mosque. He is also reported
twenty-seven times superior in
"The reward of a Salat (prayer) in congregation is along." [Bukhari]
degrees than that of a Salat (prayer) offered by a person
of their religious beliefs and how they
The Muslims are enlightened with the true teachings
may implement them in their practical life.
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Mosques play a positive role in reforming the society according to Islamic

prayer pertormed in mosques in a congregation has 27 times more teachings. The
"A man's prayer in his house is
equivalent to a single observance of prayer, his
prayer in a mosque in which the Friday prayer is
observed is equivalent to five
hundred, his prayer in the Agsa mosque is equivalent to fifty
my mosque is equivalent to fifty thousand and his thousand, his prayer in
prayer in the sacred Mosque
(Haram) is equivalent to a hundred thousand"
Things forbidden in a mosque are: spitting, boasting, digging a
of Islamic sciences, sitting in the well, preventing of the study
mosque in a state of impurity in a mosque. Urination is not
allowed inside the mosque.
The things Makruh (disliked); disputing,
shouting or speaking loud, saying offensive words
and planting a tree.

The Holy Prophet(s) said.

"The parts of the land dearer to Allah are its
What is the significance of
Facing towards the Qiblah, turns theactions performed in prayer?
attention and concentration towards Allah giving total
and complete devotion to Him as a Sole Commander.
Rising up in prayer counteracts our personal desires
caused by 'nafs' and focus our mind
and heart towards the prayer. The Quran says

"Prayer restrains the believers from committing

indecent, shameful and unjust

The recitation works over our hearts and souls. It

softens the heart and purifies the Soul. It
gives satisfaction, peace and contentment.
Prostrating before Allah (Sajdah) is to submit ourselves completely to his süperiortaand
authority. The prostration can cause ego to die. lf a person can not get rid of his ego, he
never be connected with Allah to get the final satisfaction. It is basically can
thÁ climax of
Tashhad is a direct link and connection with Allah. It is to be witness for Oneness of Allah
while communicating and conversing. Durood or Salah is to Holy Prophet as the
Last messenger of Allah.
If true anddedicated worship is achieved by Muslims due to his devotion, he will be the
successful in the thereafter.
Finally, the supplication is to ask Allah for our shows that we are raising our
hands in His presence.
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Friday Prayers
Jumma also known as Friday Prayer is a congregational prayer that Muslims hold at the time
of mid-day prayer. Allah has named one of the surahs of the Holy Quran by the name,
Jumma. It replaces the Zuhr prayers performed on the other day of the week. It is mentioned
in the Holy Quran;

"Oh you who have believed! Where the call to prayer is sound on the day of
congregation (Friday), hooter to the remembrance of Allah and leave all worldly
commerce, this is for your own good, if you but knew it and when the prayer is ended,
disperse freely on earth and seek to obtain. Allah's bounty and love Allah much so
that you might attain to a happy state!"

On ariving at the mosque the worshippers offer four cycles of Sunnat Rakaat. Salat ul
Jumma is started by a sermon delivered in two parts by a speaker. Between the two parts
the preacher sits a while for the sermon. Friday Prayer is technical replacement of two
ra'akat of the Zuhr prayer, and is followed by a communal prayer.
However in the course of the sermon no talk is allowed. The.preacher delivers a short
sermon on atopic of interest to the community. Within that sermon, he will remind the
believers about their duty to Allah. After the collective prayer,four plus two ra'akat of sunnat
are performed individually. Friday prayer is an obligation for men, women have an option for
performing it but it is not obligatory. Anyone who misses the Friday prayers cannot perform
as Qaza or delayed prayer. If any one who is unable to join the congregation for Jumma
prayer is required to pray a regular Zuhr prayer.

The Holy prophet (s) said,

"Prayer in a congregation on Friday is a duty on those who believe in Allah and the
Last day except for an invalid, a traveller, a woman, a boy and an insane person or a

On Friday peace and tranquility can prevail. Friday sermons morally cleanse the sQuls'and
W r iPt eU o p

bring about serenity, humility and obedience and inculcate patience, trails which are required
to lead the life of an ideal human being. Therefore, every instruction of ofslam carries
asignificant meaning aiming to guide humanity to perfection.

Main features of Friday Prayer

Friday prayer replaces Zuhr prayer on that day.
There is no qaza for them, and therefore, if missed, be recompensed.
Muslims specially prepare themselves to attendghe gregation. They take a bath and
wear clean clothes.
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Friday prayer is always performed in a congregation and cannot be offered on

It is strictly
recommended for the Muslims to reach the Mosque on time. They should
hurry as sOon they hear the first adhaan.
Soon after arrival in the Mosque, first the
tahaqgat-ul-masjid prayers are performed
seconded by the four pre-farz sunnat.
For Friday prayer, two adhaan are called out. The first adhaan
serves the purpose of
notifying the people to assemble in the Mosque while the second adhaan is
just before the khutba (Friday sermon) delivered
After the second adhaan, the sermon is delivered by the
Imam. It is divided into two
parts: The first part deals with the recitation and explanation of
Quranic passages, while
the second part of the sermon addresses the general welfare of the
Muslim community.
No conversation or indulgence in other activities is allowed during
the duration the
sermon is being delivered.
After the sermon, igamat is called and the people arrange
themselves in rows. Two
rakat prayers are offered by the congregation under the leadership of the Imam.
Four sunnat, two sunnat and then two nafal are offered individually by the
It is said by the Holy Prophet(s)

"Whoever takes abath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his
(hair) oil perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds (for the Juma
prayer) and does not separate two persons sitting together (in the mosque), then
prays as much as (Allah has) written for him and then remains silent while the Imam is
delivering the Khutba, his sins in-between the present and the last Friday will be
Islam is a religion of purity and sanctity, of meaning, logic, and understanding and therefore
these simple ritualistic actions carry a vast meaning behind them. They incucate the
principles of obedience, duty-consciousness, respect for religion; of putctuali"and
e P 9

discipline, encourage cleanliness and purity, and respect for the Creator laytng strong
emphasis to attend the Friday &Eid congregation, Islam promotes and unification
of the society.

Azaan - Callfor Prayers

Azaan was made compulsory after migration to Medina. Muezzin-e-lslam was
Hazrat Bilal (RA)
Where the time for prayer commences, the muezzin ir mosque gives a call for prayer
in a loud, clear and audible voice.
"Allah is Great"
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"I bear witness that there is no god except Allah"

" bear witness that Muhammad is the apostle of Allah"
"Come to prayer"
"Come to success"
"Allah is Great"
"There is no God except Allah."
leave everything
It tells the people that time for prayers has commenced and they should
else and offer their prayer. It is calling the men to the mosque for prayer.
It marks the ending time of the preceding prayer which will be rendered invalid (qaza). If
performed after azaan of the next prayer. It acts as the reminder to Muslims five times a
day that they have to discharge this obligatory duty towards Allah so that they do not
forget it in Holy Prophet said
"An invocation between the call to prayer and establishment for it is never

Congregational Prayer:
It is highly recommended to pray in a congregation. The prophet(s) said.
"The merit of a congregational prayer surpasses that of individual prayer by twentyy
seven degrees",

For communal prayer to take place two adults must be present, one of whom is the Imam of
the other." The Imam must be a male of good reputation and educated.

The Holy Prophet (s) said,

"The one of you who is most versed in Allah's book should act as an Imam for the
people, but if they are equally versed in reciting it, then the one who ha_ most
knowledge regarding the Sunnah, if they are equal regarding the Sunnah, then the
earliest of them to emigrate, if they emigrated at the some time, then the aldest of
them. No man must lead another in prayers where the latter has authorit oro set in
hís place of honour in his house, without his permission."

The women are allowed to join the congregation but their praye in thir house is better. In
case the women form a congregation, then the female who leads
front but willstand in the middle i.e. in case they are in In case, the number is
even then more ladies will be on the right side.
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In acongregation where men, children and women are present - men will
the Imam. Children will stand behind the be in front after
men and women will fill up the last rows.
should be no gaps in the rows as the Holy There
Prophet(s) said,
"The Imam is to be followed, so do not
differ from him, bow, when he bows, and say
Tahmeed if he says, Tasleem and if he prostrates,
sitting, pray sitting altogether and straightening ofprostrate after him and if he prays
the rows is amongst those things
which make your prayer a correct and perfect
If anyone joins the congregation after the
the Imam in the stage in which the prayer has begun and advanced, he must folow
the Imam has closed the prayer with Imam is at that time and will complete his prayers after
Tasleem. He, who gets the last rakaat, gets
prayers, anybody who overtakes the prostration shall count the the whole
he shallhave to pray from the number of the rakaats and
following rakaat.
Condition of Prayers:
A person should make on Intention
(niyyah) of the prayers. It is a state of the heart. One
does not have to say it in words. Holy Prophets said,

"Actions are judge by the intentions." Prayers must be

offered at the stated time.
Allah says, "Prayers indeed have been enjoined on
believers at fixed times." Each
prayer has its own particular time at which it must be performed.

Fajr is commenced after the break of the dawn and ends just
before sunrise.
Zuhr is commenced when sun begins to ascend and aman's
shadow is the same as his
height and ends when the shadow of a man becomes double his heiaht.

Asr prayer starts when the shadow of a man becomes double his
height and ends iust
before the sunset.
Maghrib starts just after the sunset and ends with the disappearance of onthe
ISha starts with the disappearance of the redness on the horizon and and

Itis prohibited to pray when the sun is in Meridian or is rising or setting. Another condition
s d t t e . r g

for prayer is cleanliness.

Prayer is performed ina clean area, probably a mosque oftât Holy Prophet (s) said,

"Every place on earth is a mosque with the exception of a graveyard, bath and
worshipplaces of other religions." Ablution (Wùzu)ds' necessary before prayers
"Purification is a key, to prayer."'cleanliness is half faith'.
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A pure mind and a pure body is the watch ward of lslam.

Ablution is allowed with water of rain, well, melting snow, spring or a pond.

Method of Ablution
Dua -’ begin with the will of Allah, and all praises are due to Allah."

Use water to wash both hands uptil the wrists there times. Use miswak for leaning the teeth
and gargle thrice.
Take water uptil the nostrils thrice with the right hand and clean the nose with the left hand.
Then wash your face thrice, wash from the hairy part of the forehead to below the chin and
from one earlobe to the other.
Then wash the right hand including the elbows thrice. Then wash the left hand including the
elbows thrice.

Perform Massah, pass the three fingers from forehead to the upper part of the nape. Make
Massah of the nape with back of middle, ring and little finger.
Finally wash both feet including the ankles thrice.

If at any time water is not available then Tayammum (dry ablution) can be performed. The
prayer teaches us regularity and punctuality.
Sattar is also described for the prayers. Men should be covered form navel to knees. For
women, all the body should be properly covered except her face and hands. Allah says,

"O children of Adam! Take your adornment (by wearing proper clothing) for every

One must face the Masjid-ul-Haram in Makkah as Qibla during each P u b l i e says,
"Direct your face to the Masjid-turn your face to it."
Qada (The Delayed prayers)
If one misses the prayer due to forget
fullness or sleep, the Qada can be performed. Holy Prophet(s)said
"There is no negligence while one is asleep but forget fullgess occurs when one is
awake. if one of you forgets the prayer or sleeps through its time, thern he should
perform the Salah when he recalls it." Missingof aSalah intentionally is a sin. The
nissed Salah has to be offered at the earliest possiblg time. if several prayers of a day are
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missed, the Qada of these should be offered in the

then so on. Qada is only to the prescribed order-vis-the Qada of Fajr and
offered of Farz.
Qasr (Shortened prayer)
The Qasr or shortened prayer is
Allays says, "When you travelperformed when one is travelling.
through the earth there is no blame on you if
shorten your prayers." you
The Zuhr, Asr and Isha are
shortened to two rakaat and the Sunnah are
may shorten his salah as long as
he is on a journey. dropped. Atraveller
Hazrat Abbas said "The Prophet (s)
and he prayed only two rakat". If we
stayed during some of his journey, for
nineteen days
the complete Salah. However, if we stayed
in a place for nineteen days,
we would not pray
stay longer then, we would
perform the whole Salah".
Salat-ul-Jammah (combined prayers)
In case of bad weather, Salah in
the mosque may be
bladder and for one who cannot purify himself or combined. Sickness like having a bad
family, the prayers can be combined. herself, for the fear of life, property and

Jama-i-Taqdeem (advance combination) is when Salah of Asr is performed with Zuhr in

advance or Isha is prayed in advance with
Jama-i-Takheer (delayed combination) is performed when Zuhr is delayed and
Asr or Maghrib is delayed and prayed with lsha. prayed with

Private Prayer (Dua)

Can be offered at any time and in any
posture. It does not necessitate a person to perform
ablution. A person is not under the compulsion to offer
private prayers. Even if he does not
do so he will not be questioned about it on the Day of
Judgement like the way be wll before
Salaat. The content of dua is determined by the person. No
intention has to
be made
Commencing dua. There is no Salam to mark the conclusion of a dua but the betore
P u t s l i o i


Regular Salaat Prayer

It is performed during the prescribed timings in a prescribed manner. Performance of
ablution is amust., without which prayer may not be acceptedpertormance of Salaat five
times a day is mandatory on every adult Muslim. The firstything Which a Muslim would be
questioned about on the Day of judgement is Salaat The content of salat has been
determined by Allah and communicated to mankind
king throug the prophet(s). An intention has
to be made before starting salat. Salam has to be pertomed to mark the conclusion of the
120 Ch-6: Pillars of islam
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Third Pillar of Islam

Q. Describe the method of fasting in the month of Ramazan
According to the Shariah, Saum means abstinence from food, drink and marital
relations with the niyat or intention of work from dawn tillsunset.
Before fasting. Taraweeh is Sunnah and is performed with Isha prayers. It is
desirable to take Sehri that can be eaten tilldawn. The intention for the fast should
then be made for which the following words may be used:
"I intend to keep tomorrow's fast of Ramazan".
Now the person is subject to all restrictions and prohibitions uptill the setting of the
sun. Eating, drinking, smoking, taking of medicine by mouth and marital relations are
forbidden during fast. Swallowing something which is not used as food or drink, or as
amedicine, injecting liquid medicine, voluntary vomiting, smoking, the entering of
water in the throat, while gargling. There are things for which only a qaza fasts is
If a person breaks a fast intentionally then he must offer a kaffara which is fasting for
sixty continuous days, or he could feed sixty poor people twice a day: or he may give
cash equal to Sadagah-e-Fitr for sixty persons or feed one person twice a day for
sixty days.

The fast lasts from dawn to dusk, the breaking of the fast is called lftar. It is
recommended to break the fast immediately after the sunset. The supplication is,
"0 Allah! Ihave observed the fast for your sake and I believe in you, and I put
my trust in you and broken it with the provision you have bestowed me with "
The Muslims sit for Itikaf in the last Ashara from 21s Ramazan and celebrate Eid with
all on the 1st of Shawwal. Shab-i- Qadr is also observed in the last ten days when
angels come down and the Holy Quran was revealed on that night.

It teaches a Muslim to have patience and not to give up.
Makes everyone equal, because hunger is the same for everone.
It teaches us to control our human instincts.
Inculcates a sense of fraternity and solidarity among Muslims.?
It atones for personal faults and misdeeds and help_ èarn aplace in paradise.
It strengthens our faith, we direct our attention prayer, forgiveness, self
sacrifice and good behaviour.
It reminds us that love for Allah is the most thing, far more important
than food.
Fastingcultivates a sound and vigilant conscience among Muslims.
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It makes one smart

and upright.
Toxins are cleared. Digestive system
Ramazan is a month of giving charity and sharingbetter.
meals to break the fast
Fasting teaches Muslims to have patience.
depriviation but they endure it in silence. In inculcates aMuslims fast they feel the pain of
sense of fraternity and solidarity, as
Muslims can feel and experience that what their
It teaches us in control our needy and hungry brothers and sisters feel.
passion and needs and clear our minds and
remembrance of Allah. It strengthens our faith as it provides time for thoughts for serious
sincerely, we train our habits towards prayer, worshipping the creator
forgiveness self-sacrifice and good
It teaches us, seeking the
blessings by submitting in-front of Allah. Fasting gives behaviour.
optimistic outlook on life, giving themhope because a Muslim who fasts is hoping to Muslims an
Allah and seek His grace. It helps instils the please
concept of unity between Muslims as no matter
where in the world a Muslim may be living.

Abstenance from food and drink does a lot of good to a

person's health as it gives rest to the
stomach, the whole system is cleaned off undesirable matter and
the body gets rid of fat,
cholesterol and other toxic matters.

Fasting brings a man closer to Allah and remove all

barriers between him and his Lord, The
Holy Prophet said

"When the month of Ramazan starts, the gates of

Heaven are opened and the gates of
Hell are closed and devils are chained."

The Holy Prophet said

"During Ramazan, the provision of Heavens are increased".
A Muslim gives up evil ways, violence, greed, lust, anger and evil
thoughts:f nat Alah
(SWT) has no need of their giving up food and drink. It would be meaningless. The
Prophet(SAW) said:
"Many a one who fasts gets nothing from his fasting but thirst, and many a one who
prays during the night gets nothing form his night Ryt wakefulness. "
(Sunan Darimi)
When the sun sets, Muslims,following the Sunna of the.ProhetSrl the fast with dates or
water before praying the sunset prayl allol w o a l i aln heal, egaraing
breaking the fast with dates, the Prophet said:
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dates, for they provide

Wneh one of you breaks his fast. he should do so with
with water, for it is
Diessing. But if one cannot get any, he should break his fast
purifying." (Sunan Tirmizi)
It is recommended to break the fast immediate after the sunset. Allah's messenger said:
"The people will continue to prosper as long as they hasten the breaking of the fast."
(Agreed upon)
For breaking the fast the following supplication is recommended:
"O Alah, I have observed the fast for Your sake andI have believed in You and Ihave
put my reliance on You and Ibreak my fast with Your sustenance." (Sunan Abu

Those who are exempted from fasting

Every Muslim over the age of puberty who is save and healthy enough must fast. Any
person who would undergo real suffering if made to fast is excused from doing it. Ifaperson
does not observe the fast without any genuine cause, then he has committedagreat sin and
must try to make up for it right away. The following persons are considered exempt from
1. People whose condition would be made worse by fasting but are not chronically
ill are excused, and so are travellers. They should try to make up for the fasts
they have missed as soon as it becomes practicable to do so. Allah(SWT) says in
the Qur'an:

"But he that is ill or on a journey (should fast instead for the same) number
of other days."
(A-Qur'an, 2:185)

2. The permanently sick and the elderly who are too weak to fast extended
periods of times are exempted from fasting. They should donate the cost of two
meals to the poor, for each fast-day they have missed, if they an àford it. This is
called fidya. The Qur'an say:

Awoman on her monthly course or who recently gave birth must not observe the
fast and make up the days later on. But she should performed the ritual prayers
missed during that time. Imam Muslims has transmitted a tradition on this subject
"When Iasked Ayesha, why one wha has been mensturating must make up
for her fast but not for her prayers, she replied this happened to us, and we
IslamiyatO level Paper-2 Notes
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were ordered to make up for the

fast, but were not ordered to
the prayer." make up for
3. lf a person breaks his fast intentionally
act. The blessed Prophet before its time, he has committed a sinful
taught that we must fast for sixty days at
deed one person two meals for sixty stretch
feed sixty people two meals or or
penalty seems harsh but it fits the crime. days. The
we temporarily let our animals Breaking the fast for no reason means
urges get the better of us.
What makes a fast void?
Things which render the fast void. So when
several things between sunrise and sunset, Muslims fast, they must abstain from
which are:
Food or drink of any sort
Sexual activity
Deliberate mouthful vomiting
Bleeding in child bed
It can be easy for some Muslims to
forget they are fasting, especially during the fast
days before the routine is established, and to eat
or drink something by accident.
Should someone who is fasting accidently eat or
drink something then this
forgetfulness does not break the fast and it remains valid.
Voluntary fasts
While fasting in the month of Ramazan is considered
obligatory, Islam also
prescribes certain days for non-obligatory, voluntary fasting, such as:
Each Monday and Thursday of a week
The 13h, 14th and 15h of each lunar month.
Six days after Eid in the month of Shawwal (the month following the
U u U I N r

e a
w r
t t
3 .
t k
a O o O S :

The day of Arafat (9th of Zul-Hajah in the lslamic calendar)
The 9th and the 10h of Muharram.
W i i t e


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Fourth Pillar of lslam

Zakat (Alms Giving)
The meaning of Zakat is to purify'. The word is derived from 'zaka' which means to
increase or to bless. It is an act of worship and pillar of Islam.
The Quran says
"If you lend unto Alah a good loan. He will double it for you and will forgive
you; for Allah is Responsive clerment."
Allah has formulated an economic system for mankind. If its codes are observed.
economic justice can be ensured otherwise society is likely be plagued by numerous
The Quran says,
"Take Sadaqah (charity) from their property in order to purify and sanctify
The Holy Prophet(s) said,
"Save yourself from Hell-fire, even by giving half date - fruit in charity."
He also said,
"The best charity is that which is practiced by a wealthy
person, and start
giving to your dependents."
Zakat is a state institution - It is the responsibility of a state to
calculate collect and
spend it in accordance with the instruction of Quran.

Benefits /Importance
Zakat keeps money in circulation. It provides the best
system and solution to the
economy of a society. It ensures a steady flow of wealth from the rich to the poor and
helps in bettering their economic lot. Quran say:
"Allah has blighted usury and made alms giving fruitful".
It also discourage hoarding of wealth. The giver of
zakat is forced to invest his money
in profitable ventures which results in greater
investment. It provides collective
benefits to the poor and rich. It is the backbone ofa Muslim nation's
It fosters goodwill, brother-hood and equality. The needs of the poor financial, system.
aresatisfied and
they are thankful to the rich. A believer gives charity for the love of¢Allah. 1sfor
egual distribution of wealth in the society and prevents
few hands, the rich does not get richer which the poor accumulafionov
wealth in a
doé notrget poorer and it
establishes just and right balance between the two
is to help the
poor. It helps and supports Islam and Jihad. It purifes from love for money
and wealth for zakat purifies the money itself. &
Holy Prophet (s) said,
"Take alms of their wealth wherewith yoynay Çleanse them and cause them to
grow in purity".
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Zakat is payable 2.5% on wealth
which remains in possession of a
period of one year without believer for a
A person who comes interruption and whose value has reached a certain level.
under such a category is a
on buildings, shops or total Sahib-e-Nisab. Zakat is not taken
capital but on the savings
generated from them. of the income that may
For Gold
Seven and a half tolas.
For Silver
52 ½ tolas
Currency &Commercial goods
Equivalent either to the price of gold
or silver as specified 2.5%
Owners of mine have to pay one fifth of the produce of mine. It is
called "Khums".
Usher, a land tax is levied at the rate of one -
tenth of agricultural produce of land
benefitting rain or natural spring and one twentieth of the
artificially irrigated lands. produce of land of

On all articles of trade

exceeding 200 dirhams.
For every forty sheep or goats 1goat
from 121 to 200
2 goats
increase one by hundred

On thirty to forty cattle 1 calf of one year.

On every five camels 1goat or
from 10 to 14 camels
3 goats
from 25 to 35 camels one female camel
Qadagat ul Fitr is obligatory after the completion of the month ofD
What does Quran say about Zakat "To Whom It Can Be Given"
"Woe to the praying ones who are in a show of
thelerayers and with acts ot
Those who get Allah's blessings spend to help poor and nèedy who have no means
of subsistence for the persons who lack basic neces_itiès of life. For the assistance
of those who are newly converted to Islam, for the salaries of officials appointed to
collect Zakat, for the expenses on thèSliberàtion of slaves and persons held
Ch-6: Pillars of islam
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prisoners, for clearance the debts of the poor. To be spend on Jihad and for the help
of travellers. It is given to near relatives, neighbours, widows, orphans and poor.
It is unlawful to give Zakat to the descendants of the Holy Prophet(s) to parents,
children and wife or husband. It cannot be given to non-muslims.

Sadqat ul Fitr
It is the duty which is wajib on every Muslim male or female minor or adult as long as he has
the means to do so. The head of the household may pay the required amount for the other
members. The Prophet(s) had stressed to pay Fitra before going to the Eid prayer. It is to
provide those who fasted with a means of making up for mistakes during the month of
Ramazan. It provides the poor with a means with which they can celebrate the festival of
Eid-ul-Fitr with the rest of Muslims.

It is the amount of 1.63 kilos of wheat for a person.

lbn-e-Abbas reported that Holy Prophet(s) made Sadqat ul Fitr compulsory so that those
who fasted may purify of their idle deeds and shameful talk (during Ramazan) so that the
poor may be fed. Whoever gives it before Salah will have it accepted as Zakat while he who
gives it after the Salah has given Sadaqah.

Difference between Zakat, Sadqat and Charity

Zakat is compulsory on Shaib-i-Nisab at 2.5% rate. It is paid during the month of Ramazan.
It is not given to Non-Muslims. It is paid under the Nisab.

Sadga is given as cash or kind to pay for property and safety of man's life at any time and
there is no specific amount. It is given to Muslims. It is also for helping the poor believers. It
must be told to the giver, that it is Sadqa.

Charity can be in any kind, it could be cash or food type. It can be given at
atytimee of the
day, month or year. It is to help the poor and needy to proviae a b a l a y
helps to increase or to grow according to lslam. It can be given to and Non

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Fifth Pillar of lsalm

It is the fifth and final pillar of Islam.
Literally, it means "to set out with a definite purpose.
It is performed during 8h to 13th
It is a comprehensive mode of
During the Haj,one practices discipline and receives
training in self-control.
Important rites during Hajj are as follows:
A Haji must put on Ihram before arriving at a
fixed point outside Makkah called
There are five diferent stations described ina tradition.
The puttingon of lIhram at Jerusalem is highly meritorious.
Literally Ihram means "consecration". An Ihram is a pilgrim's dress.
Men have to put on two simple pieces of white cloth.
Women wear plain, loose, full-length dresses and a head veil.
When Muslims pass the Migat, they offer two rak'ats of prayer. Hence they enter
state of Ihram.
The object of lIhram is purity, equality, single-mindedness and self sacrifice.
This is the main, ritual recitation of the Haj.
It is recited from the moment of putting on Ihram until the end of the day of Arafat.
Dua of Talbiya " respond to your call O Allah! Irespond to Your call, andl am
obedient to Your orders, You have no partner, Irespond to Your call. All the praises
and blessings are for you, all the Sovereignty is for You, and You have no
with You," P u l i

On the first of day Hajj, allpilgrims are required to encircehaa2n sevenmesn an
anti-clockwise direction.
At the end of this itual, they should go to the Station Ybrahim (AS) to pray two
Rak'ats of prayer.
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Running or walkingbriskly seven times between two hills of Safa and Marwa is called
It is performed in commemoration of the search of lsmail (AS)'s mother for water.
As a part of this ritual, pilgrims drink water from Zam-Zam Well.
Pilgrims goes to Mina, perform Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, lsha of 8th and Fajr of gth
They proceed to the Valley of Mina 10 kms away.
They spend the night in prayer.
gth Zil Haj: The most important ritual of Haj.
Pilgrims are ordered to stand on the Mount of Mercy or its vicinity for a particular
period of time.
Pilgrims must stay there from noon to dusk.
This is known as Wuquf-i-Arafat
It has been interpreted symbolically as a forehand experience of the Day
Judgement. They perform Zuhr and Asr together as combined prayers -Listen to the
Then move to Muzdalifa perform Maghrib and Isha together.
It is an area between Arafat and Mina.
They spend the whole night in meditation.
Here pebbles are gathered for stoning of the Devil in the morning.
10th Zil Hajj: It is the ritual of throwing pebbles at the stone
pillars symbolizing Satan.
There are three pillars known as Jamara (Ugba, Wusta and Sughra)
Pebbles are hurled at each one. Pilgrim goes to Mina. In morning, 7
pebbles are
stoned on Jamarat ul Ugba and Talbiyah is stopped. a t i o n s


10th Zil Hajj: After this, animals are slaughtered.

It is a three-day festival to commemorate lbrahim's willingness to u
o3 his2son's
1 life.
Then Male pilgrims shave their heads or shorten their hair.
Women cut off a lock of their hair. This is Hulg. W r t t e
u u r t t e . o r g

Then the state of lhram is finished.

Pilgrims make a final tawaf called Tawaf az-Ziyaras
It is obligatory. It can be performed on 10h, R
The night of the 10h is spent back at Mina.,
It is performed like Tawaf-i-Qudoom.
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On 11th and the 12" and
13th, pilgrims stay at Mina and each day throw
on each Jamarat. seven stones
While doing this, pilgrims
rededicate and supplicate themselves to Allah.
Tawaaf-i-Widda Akhira is performed before leaving Makkah.
Upon leaving Makkah, Muslims usually
It in not perform Tawaf-al-Widda
obligatory, but it is recommended to Muslims.
Most pilgrims also visit Madinah and
"Whoever comes to Makkah and do not visitMosque of the Prophet.
Prophet(s) said,
my grave in Medina is a Miser".
A person is reminded of his
journey to Allah after his death and the
During Haj, Muslims turn to Allah with Hereafter.
His forgiveness. complete sincerity and call on Him hoping for
During Haj, Muslims witness the excellent
example of equality, submissiveness and
human brotherhood.
Muslims invalidate all the artificial boundaries
established by regional, national and
racial superiority.
It also
stimulates an economic development which is beneficial to the
The one who goes for Haij earns the pleasure of his
Islamic world.
Lord, and comes back with all
his sins forgiven.
One prayer in Masjid-al-haram is equal to a hundred thousand
prayers elsewhere.
Hajj provides opportunity for Muslims to become acquainted with many
social and
political problems.
Forming one's intention exclusively for Haj while starting the journey and
G % - O O S 7 O )

wearing lIhram only with this aim

This kind of Hajj is called Ifrad and its observer is named Mufrid.
Hajj combining Umra together and making one's intention for
Ihram is also worn for both of Hajjand Umra.
This is called Qiran, and one who performs it s,termed as Mugrin. Has
greatest merit.
Toput on Ihram only for Umra when Hajj ís not intended.
On 8h of Zul-Haja, a new lhram for Haj is pút on from Masjid al_ Haram.
This form of Hajj is named as Tamattu and its doer Mutamatte.
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Decorating one's self with jewellery or valuables.
Looking into a mirror.
Removing hair from the body
Uprooting trees and shrubs in the vicinity of the Haram
Wearing shoes that cover the raised bone of feet, and socks; (this is particularly not
allowed for men)
Covering the head; (particularly forbidden for men)
Killing or even dislodging and throwing away lice if they happen to find their way on
one's body or the sheets covering it.
Use of gloves or socks.
Wearing of any kind of sewn clothes.
Using any perfume or powder.
Women do not cOver their faces.
Hunting or aiding and abetting it
Sexual intercourse or its preliminaries
Cropping or shaving of hair or cutting of nails.
Covering of head or face in any way whatsoever
Marital relations
Bathing with perfumed soap

What is the importance of the following rites of Haj?

It is an expression of one's intention to perform Haji or Umrah. In the state of Ihram
Muslims have to refrain from certain acts which include indecent and immoral
practices which often make up a regular feature of many people's daily life. Strict
observance of such a moral code helps to train believers for leading an ideal life of
true Muslims. Muslims in the state of Ihram exhibit equality, uniformity, and
brotherhood. OOS/0

It is performed with true devotion to Allah. It infuses a deep sense of
man and inclines him to his Creator. Allah Almighty
comrjands aMuslim to
in a

circumambulate the Holy Kabah just as the revolution of éarth around the sun to
show how it is dependent on it to sustain life.
Prophet Ibrahim left his son Ismail and his wife, Hajra by command of Allah in the
batren valley of Earan, lsmail was asmau t time who was thirsty and Hajra
ran seven times between the Safa and Marwah f water.
While doing S0
she left her son on the ground, and a sprlng Qwater zamzam gushed out when he
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rubbed his ankles against the land. This ritual make us show respect to the motherly
love of Hajra for her son. With regards to Sayi, the Quran says
"Indeed Safa and Murwah are among the emblems to Allah. It is therefore no
sin for him who performs Haj or Umrah to the House of Allah to run between
the two hills and Allah knows and appreciates him who does any good with a
willing heart".
According to the tradition of the Holy Prophet, there is no other day than the Yaum-e
Arafat, on which Allah sets free more of His servants form fire than on any other day.
It is on this day that Allah listens to the supplications of all the pilgrims.
The wife
Prophet delivered his last sermon on the plain of Arafat. Prophet Adam and his Holy
Hawwa reunited on this very plain after years of wondering. It is on this plain that
Allah will conduct the Day of Judgement so the stay in this plain holds immense
significance for Muslims.
The night which the Muslims spend in Muzdalifah is a blessed one which if spent in
worship and remembrance of Allah can enable a pilgrim to undergo great spiritual
development. During the stay the pilgrims collect stones for Rami.
The satan tried to mislead Prophet lbrahim when he was going to sacrifice his son in
obedience to the command of Allah Almighty. Every-time the Satan appeared when
Prophet lbrahim was about to carry out the sacrifice, he was stoned. Since Rami is
connected with the incident, this action expresses our hatred for the devil and there
are emotions of anger which strengthens the pilgrims determination not to follow the
devil in anyway but just obey the command of Allah which guides us to the right

Sacrifice (Eid ul Adha)

The ritual is deeply connected with Prophet Ibrahim's determination to obey the
command of Allah which even convinced him to sacrifice his own son. nfuse a
deep spirit of sacrifice for Allah in the hearts of Muslims. It is an ideal expression of
gratitude for the advantages provided by Allah. The distribution of the sactiticed meat
feeds the poor and needy and therefore gains Allah's pleasure and promotes

Tawaf-e-Ziarat (Return to Mina)

Without Tawaf-e-Ziarat, Haj is rendered invalid as an obligatory rite. Then the
pilgrims return to Mina. They perform Ramio 12th, 13th of Zil Haj and then
depart from Mina for Tawaf-e-Wida.
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Shaving the head and hair cut.

The women can cut a
After the sacrife, apilgrim has to cut his hair or shave his head.
lock of their hair. After this they can come out of the state of Ihram.

It stands near the Holy Ka'abah. It actually refers to the two stones on which lbrahim
stood to construct the Holy Ka'abah. Allah was so pleased with his act, that He
engraved his foot prints on the stones so that his work may be remembered by all
generations to come.

Hajre -Al-Aswad
It is located at the eastern corner of the Holy Ka'abah and is enclosed in a silver
frame for protection against hazards. The Holy Prophet had said in a tradition that
when the Black stone was sent down from the heavens it was even whiter than milk
but the sins of the people blackened it.

The original foundation of Ka'abah was laid by the angels who were the first ones to
construct it. It was later rebuilt by Hazrat Adam for the second time, to whom the
angels pointed out the exact location for rebuilding of the sacred house. The third
time it was reconstructed by Prophet Ibrahim from the location which is now known
as Muqam-e-lbrahim. The need to build it again arose during the age of ignorance
when it was destroyed by flood. The task was completed by the Quraish.

Difference between Hajj and Umrah:

Haj is performed on fixed dates in Zil Haj. Umrah can be performed at any time of
the year except Hajj days.
Talbiah stops in Umrah at first Tawaf but for Haj, it ends at Ramion 10th Zil Hai.
Sacrifice is compulsory after Haj but not after Umrah.
Wuquf-i-Arafat, Wuquf-i-Muzdalifah and Rami are compulsory in Haj. are not
obligatory for Umrah.
Haj is obligatory on Sahib-i-Maal Muslim but Umrah is not
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Umrah can be performed at anytime of the year except for the days of
A pilgrim takes a bath and wears the lIhram with the
Niyyat of Umrah, by praying two
Nafal Rakat, and saying: "Here am I, Allah for Umrah". He then starts
"Here am IAllah, Here am |! Here am I! There is not partner with you,
here am I
surely praised and blessings are with you, and all sovereignty. There is no partner
with you.

Men should say the Talbiya aloud, whilst the women should say it quietly. The
pilgrims should ask Allah for His pleasure, heaven and mercy from hell-fire.

Apilgrim must enter the Haram for the Tawaf, starting from the Blackstone in an anti
clockwise direction, seven times. He will stop reciting Talbiya, with the first Tawaf,
and recites the third Kalma. Upon reaching the Yemini gate, the pilgrim recites: "Our
Lord! "Grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter, and save us from the
fire of hell".

Each time the pilgrimn passes Hajr-e-Aswad, he must raise his right hand, towards it,
if it cannot be touched due to the crowd, he would say Bismillah Allah u Akbar. This
is called Estalam. During the Tawaf, it is necessary for the male pilgrim to do two
things. A-idhteba, which means to place the middle of Ridah (white sheet on
shoulder) under his right arm,and the ends of it, over his left shoulder.

A-Raml, it means to speed up the pace, with small steps, during the first three
circuits and normal pace on the last four circuits. Now the pilgrim, reaches the
Magam-e-lbrahim, and recites Ayat 125 of Surah Baqarah. Then he will oifer wo
Rakat of Nafal prayers, he will recite Surah Kafiroon, after Sura Fatihatiin thÁ first
Rakat, and Surah-e-Ikhlas in the second Rakat. Then he will drink water,
after which Estalam of Blackstone is done again.

After this, he willmove towards Safaand Marwa with tha Niyyat oY Sai, and perform
seven rounds between Safa and Marwa. He will continue the zikr of Allah on
completion of Sai, men should shave or trim their h¡ir, whìle the women should clip
their hair, the length of a finger tip. Then they. ake abath, and change the Ihram.
This completes the Umrah.
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Kinds of Tawaf
Tawaf Qudoom's performed on entering Masjid-ul-Haram; seven times
circumambulation is perfornmed, Three rounds with fast pace and four with slow pace.
Then Estalam is performed. Then two Rakat at Maqam-e-Ibrahim.

Tawaf-e-Zyara or Tawaf-e-Ifadah
It is an obligatory all of Haj. It is performed on the same manner as Tawaf-e
Qudoom. Haj is invalid without Tawaf-e-Zyara.

It is an obligatory Tawaf for those who perform Umrah. Talbiya is stopped and third
Kalma is recited for Tawaf-e-Umrah.

This Tawaf can be performed many times for reward from Allah. During Umrah or
Haj, because the pilgrim stays there for some days.

This is also known as Tawaf-e-Akhira. It is wajib, means compulsory.


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Pillars of Islam
Q1 (a) Describe the particular
Why do Muslims regardfeatures
of Congregational Prayers on Friday's.
(b) these prayers as [10]
important? [4]
Q2 (a) (2009 October /November/P2)
Describe the main events of the Annual Pilgrimage
(b) Explain the significance of the Prophet Abrahim (Haij) [10]
in the observance of the
Pilgrimage. [4]
Q3 (a) What are the conditions of prayer (Salat) that (2009 October /November/P2)
must be fulfilled before
performing them?
(b) Explain the importance of Mosques in Muslim Communities. [10]
Q4 (a) (2010 Mayl
What are the daily observance of Ramadan Fast? June/P2) (2012 May/ June/P2)
(b) Explain why the Ramadan fast is important to Muslims? [10]
Q5 (a) What beliefs and practices are involved in: (2010 October/November/P2)
Stoning the Jamaraat
Performing Sayi
Assembling at Arafat
(b) Explain the main differences between Hajj and Umrah. [10]
Q6 (a) Give descriptions of the way in which fasting and alms (2011 MaylJune/P2)
among the Muslims.
giving are carried out
(b) Show how these two pillars keep the lslamic Community [10]
(2011 October /November/P22) (2012 May/ June/P2) [4]
Q7 (a) There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the
Describe the Muslim beliefs summarized by the Messenger ofof Allah'.
(Shahadah) declaration faith
(b) Explain how the declaration of faith (Shahadah) is acted upon [10]
remaining four pillars of lslam. through the
(2012 October /November/P22) (2013 May/June/P2)
(a) What is the purpose of prayers in congregation?
(b) Explain why Muslims believe that personal prayer (dua) is important. [10]
Q9 (2012 October
Why is associating partners with Allah (Shirk) regarded as sin?
Q10 (a) (2013
How do the pillars of Salat and fasting bring Muslims closer to Nlayl June/P2)
other people? bothGod and
(b) Briefly reflect upon the importance of any one of the remalning three Pillars[10]in
the life of Muslims.
Q11 (a) (2013 May l June/P2)
Describe how and why Muslims celebrate Eid uli and Eid ul Azha. [10]
(b) Howdo the two Eids bring the Muslim Community toether? [4)
Q12 (a)
2013 October / November/P22)
Outline the practice of alms giving (zakat) in lslaA. [10]
(b) What do you think benefits from the and why, the giveror
the receiver? Nahat
(2013 October /November/P22)
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Read and Write Publications

ablution (wudu) and the

Q13 (a) Give an account of the conditions reguired for (10]
method of performing it. [4]
(b) view?
Why is ablution (wudu) given so much importance in your(2015 May/June/P21)
Q14 (a) What acts do pilgrims (hajis) perform on the 10th of Dhu al-Hija and how
does the rest of the Muslim community (umma) celebrate this day? [10]
(b) What in your opinion are Muslims reminding themselves of when they
celebrate Eid al-Adha? [4]
(2015 May/June/P21)
Q15 (a) Wite about the practice of fasting in Ramadan and the moral benefits that a
Muslim gains from fasting in this month. [10]
(b) How do you think observing the Pillar of giving alms (zakat )benefits the
giver? [4]
(2015 May/June/P22)
Q16 (a) Write an account of the benefits that result from the payment of charity
(zakat), andstate to whom it should and should not be paid. [10]
(b) In your opinion, what is the greatest benefit for the giver of zakat? Give
reasons to support your answer. [4]
(2015 October / Novamber/P21)
Q17 (a) Describe the particular features of congregational prayers, both daily and on
Fridays (Jum'a prayers). [10]
(b) In your opinion why are congregational prayers considered to be beneficial to
Muslims? [4]
(2015 October / November/P22)
Q18 (a) (i) Outline the main teachings in the Qur'an and Prophetic Hadiths about
prayer (salat) as the foundation of Islam.
(ii) Describe how Muslims prepare themselves for prayer. [10]
(b) Why should meeting for congregational prayers be more advantageous than
performing prayer alone? [4]
(2016 May/June/P21)
Q19 (a) 'And complete the hajj or umra in the service of God' (al-Bagara 2:196). What
observances does a pilgrim complete in the performance of umra and how is
umra different to haji? [(10]
(b) Explain how the outward actions performed during umra improve a pilgrim's
inner spirituality. [4]
(2016 May/June/P22)
Q20 (a) What are the benefits to individuals and the community of fasting irn
of Ramadan?
(b) Are ld al-Fitr and ld al-Adha more than just celebrations? Giye reasons for
your answer.
(2016 October/
Q21 (a) Describe the particular features of Friday congregationlprayers (Jum'a) and
the main features of the Friday sermon.
(b) Explain how this event upholds the unity of the Muslim comimunity. [4]
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