B.A. H English Film Studies Se BWRZPZP

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[This question paper contains one page] Roll No.

Unique Paper Code: 12033915
Name of the Course: English CBCS-SEC (Under LOCF)
Name of the Paper: SEC-Film Studies
Semester: III
Maximum Marks: 75
Time Limit: 3+1 hours (one hour reserved for downloading of
paper, scanning and uploading of answer sheets)

Instructions for Candidates

Attempt any THREE questions
All questions carry equal marks (25 x 3 = 75)
Answers to be written in 500-800 words each


1. What according to Andrew Dix are the key elements of mise en scene?

2. Write a critical note on genre in Hollywood cinema and film theory.

3. With close reference to the prescribed text of Ranjani Mazumdar, critically examine the
significance of the emergence of the “vamp” and the “nightclub” in Hindi cinema.

4. Write a critical review of any one film of your choice.

5. Indian cinema is strikingly different from Hollywood films. Do you agree? Discuss these
differences with examples of any films of your choice.

6. Examine any two films of your choice to illustrate how films show conflicts of
gender/sexuality/class/caste. You can study any pone or more of these themes in your answer.

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