D 2324 1S EEE 151 Lecture 02 (Ramos)

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Today’s EEE 151 Lecture Why Feedback?

• Open-loop vs. closed-loop.

• Example. Room heating


• Advantages and disadvantages of a closed-loop system.

E1 airflow room


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• Control system design overview.
gas valve furnace OUTPUT : room temperature

INPUT : gas valve position

• This is an example of an OPEN-LOOP SYSTEM.

Introduction c 2002 M.C. Ramos Introduction c 2002 M.C. Ramos
EEE 151 UP EEE Institute EEE 151 UP EEE Institute

Why Feedback? Why Feedback?

• How can we control the system?
– for different actions (at the input), determine the
effects (at the output) on the system.
• This control solution is termed inversion.

• Problem :

– we have a input to output map of the system.
– we want the output behave a specific way.
– invert the input to output relationship, i.e., determine
– what if the number of people in the room increases?
– what if somebody opens a window?

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for a given output what the necessary input is.
• Result : temperature change.
• For the room heating example, we want the output
temperatures for different valve settings. • Even though our valve is at the ”right” setting, the
We then set the valve to the corresponding temperature room temperature is not at the desired level.
we want. ⇒ The model changed.
Introduction c 2002 M.C. Ramos Introduction c 2002 M.C. Ramos
EEE 151 UP EEE Institute EEE 151 UP EEE Institute
Why Feedback? Open-loop vs. Closed-loop

• In general, inversion does not usually lead to a
satisfactory solution unless
– we have a very good representation of the plant,
• Comparison.
open-loop system

E1 E1
input valve furnace vent room output
– the plant model and its inverse are stable, and
– disturbances and initial conditions are negligible. closed-loop system

input valve room output

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• We need to find an alternative solution to inversion.
feedback path
• Solution: monitor the room temperature.
Change the gas valve position such that • We will see later that a properly designed closed-loop
– LOW TEMP ⇒ more gas. system works similar to inversion but without the
– HIGH TEMP ⇒ less gas. problems.
Introduction c 2002 M.C. Ramos Introduction c 2002 M.C. Ramos
EEE 151 UP EEE Institute EEE 151 UP EEE Institute

Open-loop vs. Closed-loop Open-loop vs. Closed-loop

• Advantages of a closed-loop system.
– output is less sensitive to DISTURBANCES
(e.g. more people in room, window opens).
– output is less sensitive to PLANT CHANGES
(e.g. aging furnace, improved insulation).
– output is more accurate with respect to desired value.
• Steam governor.
Becomes unstable if
mechanisms are too

• Disadvantages of a closed-loop system.
– controller and sensor cost money.
– system may become unstable if improperly designed
(e.g. steam governor, Mars rover).
Introduction c 2002 M.C. Ramos

51 c 2002 M.C. Ramos
EEE 151 UP EEE Institute EEE 151 UP EEE Institute
Open-loop vs. Closed-loop Control System Design Flowchart

• Mars rover - too much delay leads to ”instability.”

EE control objectives

experience, dialogue

system identification,

E1 E1
science, math

model verification simulation

51 c 2002 M.C. Ramos
control architecture


control design

control verification

root locus, Bode, Nyquist,


simulation, prototyping
c 2002 M.C. Ramos
EEE 151 UP EEE Institute EEE 151 UP EEE Institute

Control System : Objectives Control System : Modeling

• What do you want the control to achieve?
– enhance quality.
– energy reduction.
• Gaining understanding of how the process operates.
The model is usually expressed in mathematical form.

– increase yield.

• What variables need to be controlled to achieve the E1
• Finding the right model is key to proper design.
– the model must be simple enough so as not to
complicate the controller design.

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– the model must also be accurate enough to provide a
good undestanding how the process works.

• What level of performance is necessary? • Example. Diode model.

– accuracy (error < 5%). You need to determine the appropriate model for the
– speed (system needs to settle in 1 minute). circuit you are designing.
Introduction c 2002 M.C. Ramos Introduction c 2002 M.C. Ramos
EEE 151 UP EEE Institute EEE 151 UP EEE Institute
Control System Design Summary

• It is often necessary to go back one or more steps and
repeat the process.

• What is a closed-loop system?
How is it different from an open-loop system?

• What controller?

– classical, fuzzy, neural.
• Advantages and disadvantages of a closed-loop system.

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– does it take into account modeling errors?
– how does it react to disturbances and noise? • Control system design.
– cost and complexity.

• Homework. Text P{ 1.1, 1.2, 1.6, 1.8 }, DP{ 1.1, 1.2 }

Introduction c 2002 M.C. Ramos Introduction c 2002 M.C. Ramos

EEE 151 UP EEE Institute EEE 151 UP EEE Institute

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