Adobe Scan 10 Jun 2024
Adobe Scan 10 Jun 2024
Adobe Scan 10 Jun 2024
1. RusH hour crowds jostle for position on the jostle push roughily
underground train platform. A slight girl, looking slght: small and
younger than her seventeen years, was nervous yet thn
excited as she felt the vibrations of the approaching
train. It was her first day at the prestigious Royal
Academy of Music in London and daunting enough dusting fnghtering
for any teenager fresh from a Scottish farm. But
this aspiring musician faced a bigger challenge than CspiruË ruusKat a
specialist. It was then discovered that her impaired: weakened
gradual nerve
was severely impaired as a result ofshould be fitted
damage. They were advised that she deaf.
with hearing aids and sent to a school for the
"Everything suddenly looked black." says Evelyn.
3. But Evelyn was not going to give up.pursue She was
determined to lead a normal life and her
interest in music. One day she noticed a girl playingit xylophone: a musical
she wanted to play
a xylophone and decided thatdiscouraged her but instrument with a
too. Most of the teachers row of wooden bars
potential. He of different lengths
percussionist Ron Forbes spotted herdifferent notes. percussionist: a
began by tuning two large drums to
"Don't listen through your ears," he would say. "try person who plays the
Evelyn, "Suddenly drum, the tabla. etc.
to sense it some other way." Says
Irealised I could feel the higher drum Irom the potentiat quality or
ability that can be
waist up and the lower one from the waist down. developed
Forbes repeated the exercise, and soon in
discovered that she could sense certain notes
different parts of her body. "I had learnt to open rest
mind and body to sounds and vibrations.1
was sheer determination and hard
4. She never looked back from that pofnt
She toured the United Kingdom with a youth
orchestra and by the time she was sixteen, she had auditioned: gave a
decided to make music her life. She auditioned for short performance so
scored one of the
the Royal Academy of Music and that the director
highest marks in the history of the academy. She could decide whether
øradually moved from orchestral work to solo she was good enough
performances. At the end of her three-year course,
she had captured nost of the top awards.
5. And for all this, Evelyn won't accept any hint of
heroic achievement. "If you work hard and know
where you are going, you'll get there." And she got
right to the top, the world's most sought-after multi
percussionist with a mastery of some thousand
instruments, and hectic international schedule. inuriguing. fascinating
function so
6. It is intriguing to watch Evelyn two-hour and curious
effortlessly without hearing. In our
"Men with
discussion she never missed a word.
"It is
bushy beards give me trouble," she laughed.
18/ Beehlve
i s h e d
Part II
The Shehnai of Bismillah Khan
Think of the shehnai and the frst thing you'l probably imagine
is a wedding or a similar occasion or function. The next would
probably be Ustad Bismillah Khan, the shehnat maestro,
playing this instrument.
produced. He played the instrument before royalty
and everyone was impressed. The instrument so
different from the pungi had to be given a new name.
As the story goes, since it was first played in the
Shah's chambers and was played by a nat (barber).
the instrument was named the 'shehnai'.
S h e d
Pungi Shehnat
5. The young boy took to music early in life. At the age of
three when his mother took him to his
uncle's house in Benaras (now Varanasi), Bismillah
was fascinated watching his uncles practise the
shehnai. Soon Bismillah started accompanying his
uncle, Ali Bux, to the Vishnu temple of Benaras where
Bux was employed to play the shehnai. Ali Bux would
play the shehnai and Bismillah would sit captivated
for hours on end. Slowly, he started getting
lessons on end: for a very
in playing the instrument and would sit practising long time without
f i s h e d
throughout the day. For years to come the temple of stopping
Balaji and Mangala Maiya and the banks of the Ganga
became the young apprentice's favourite haunts where
he could practise in solitude. The lowing waters of
the Ganga inspired him to improvise and invent raagas
that were earlier considered to be beyond the range
of the shehnai.
6. At the age of 14, Bismillah accompanied his uncle
to the Allahabad Music Conference. At the end of
his recital, Ustad Faiyaz Khan patted the young
boy's back and said, "Work hard and you shall make
it." With the opening of the All India Radio in
Lucknow in 1938 came Bismillah's big break. He
soon became an often-heard shehnai player on radio.
7. When India gained fndependence on 15 August 1947,
Bismillah Khan became the first Indian to greet the
nation with his shehnai. He poured his heart out
into Raag Kafi from the Red Fort to an audience
which included Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, who later
gave his famous Tryst with Destiny' speech.
8. Bismillah Khan has given many memorable
performances both in India and abroad. His first
trip abroad was to Afghanistan where King Zahir
Shah was so taken in by the maestro that he gifted
him priceless Persian carpets and other souvenirs.
The King of Afghanistan was not the only one to be taken in by: attracted
fascinated with Bismillah's music. Film director charmed by
Vijay Bhatt was so impressed after hearing souerúrs: things
Bismillah play at a festival that he named a film place.
gven in memory
person or of a
after the instrument called Gunj Uthi Shehnai. The event
The Sound of Music/23
film was a hit, and one of Bismillah Khan's
compositions, "Dil ka khilona hai toot gaya...." turned
out to be a nationwide chartbuster! Despite this chartbuster.record
huge success in the cellulotd world, Bismillah brealker
Khan's ventures in film music were limited to two: celluloid: old
Vijay Bhatt's Gunj Uthi Shehnai and Vikram fashioned way of
Srinivas's Kannada venture, Sanadhi Apanna. "I just referring to films
enture: project that
can't come to termns with the artificiality and often involves risk
glamour of the flm world," he says with emphasis.
9. Awards and recognition came thick and fast. e d