Confirmation ORD535959

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ORD535959 Order Confirmation

Printed: 3/15/2023 11:30:03 AM DO NOT PAY THIS ORDER, an invoice will follow. Please review this order for
Page: 1 accuracy and contact Orenco Systems, Inc. with any questions or discrepancies.

Order ORD535959 814 AIRWAY AVENUE

Customer ID Ordered By Payment Terms Requested Ship Date Shipping Method SUTHERLIN, OREGON

PHXXORIG01 Jorge Barraza Wait/Wire Transfer 3/27/2023 OAK HARBOR 97479

Bill To: Ship To:
(800) 348-9843
PH Originarios Pearl Island PH Originarios Pearl Island
Pobladores 2 S.A. Isla Management Corp FBS16103 TELEPHONE:

Attn: Wilfredo Perez Ramos 1345 NW 98th Ct, Unit 2 (541) 459-4449

Calle 50, y77, San Fransisco Doral Florida 33172

Edificio Banistmo, Piso 2 USA
(541) 459-2884
Panama 0801

Phone: (507) 669-7302 Ext. 0000 Ship Phone: (786) 360-2816 Ext. 0000
Fax: ( ) - Ext. Ship Fax: ( ) - Ext.
Salesperson ID User ID Date Purchase Order No. Project Master No.
Bill H. ext. 423 jedwards 3/15/2023 MARCH 14, 2023 IPA Pearl P7 PC 420785

Qty B/O Item Number Description Unit Price U/M Price

Shp 1.0000 --- ** Equipment for Lora 2 ** 0.000 . $0.00
** Equipment for Lora 2 **
Lid 8.0000 FLD24G-SEWER Fiberglass Lid, DuraFiber, 24" W/ EPDM Gasket; 4 b 125.750 each $1,006.00
Shp 8.0000 GRI24 24" Grade Ring Insert 51.540 each $412.32
SB 1.0000 SBEX1-4 PVC Splice Box w/ 1 - 4 Cord Grips Available 137.240 each $137.24
PVU 1.0000 PVU68-2425-NB Universal Biotube Pump Vault , 24" cartridge 691.130 each $691.13
PVU 2.0000 PVU-EXT Handle Extension for PVU Cartridge 5.200 each $10.40
Flo 1.0000 MFPBN-31V Float Assembly; 31" stem, Pump Vault 200.750 each $200.75
Pic 1.0000 G125L 1.25" Grommet, Loose 6.020 each $6.02
H&V 1.0000 HV125BCASPRX Hose & Valve Assembly, 1.25" Pressure w/B,C,AS,X 235.380 each $235.38
H&V 1.0000 HVEXT125-18 1.25" x 18" Hose and Valve Extension 14.700 each $14.70
Pum 1.0000 PF200511 Effluent Pump; 1/2Hp, 20 gpm, 115V, 60Hz, 10' Lead 1,055.800 each $1,055.80
Pan 1.0000 S1ROETM Simplex Panel, 115V w/RO, ETM 526.610 each $526.61
Shp 1.0000 --- ** Service connection equipment ** 0.000 . $0.00
** Service connection equipment **
Pic 1.0000 VB1217 Valve Box, 12" x 17" Rectangular 73.310 each $73.31
H&V 1.0000 SC125 Service Connection, 1.25" 90.170 each $90.17
Shp 1.0000 --- ** Adhesive for tank assembly and riser attachment 0.000 . $0.00
** Adhesive for tank assembly and riser attachment **
GAs 2.0000 MA8120-CASE 12/Case Methacrylate Adhesive & Activator, 1:1 Rat 575.080 each $1,150.16
GAs 7.0000 MA8120 Methacrylate Adhesive & Activator, 1:1 Ratio(300ml 50.310 each $352.17
1.0000 ADH200 Adhesive, Riser Adapter, ADH200, 10.1 fl oz. 22.400 each $22.40
For securing the grommets to the access riser

Continued on next page...

ORD535959 Order Confirmation
Printed: 3/15/2023 11:30:03 AM DO NOT PAY THIS ORDER, an invoice will follow. Please review this order for
Page: 2 accuracy and contact Orenco Systems, Inc. with any questions or discrepancies.

Order ORD535959 814 AIRWAY AVENUE

Customer ID Ordered By Payment Terms Requested Ship Date Shipping Method SUTHERLIN, OREGON

PHXXORIG01 Jorge Barraza Wait/Wire Transfer 3/27/2023 OAK HARBOR 97479

Bill To: Ship To:
(800) 348-9843
PH Originarios Pearl Island PH Originarios Pearl Island
Pobladores 2 S.A. Isla Management Corp FBS16103 TELEPHONE:

Attn: Wilfredo Perez Ramos 1345 NW 98th Ct, Unit 2 (541) 459-4449

Calle 50, y77, San Fransisco Doral Florida 33172

Edificio Banistmo, Piso 2 USA
(541) 459-2884
Panama 0801

Phone: (507) 669-7302 Ext. 0000 Ship Phone: (786) 360-2816 Ext. 0000
Fax: ( ) - Ext. Ship Fax: ( ) - Ext.
Salesperson ID User ID Date Purchase Order No. Project Master No.
Bill H. ext. 423 jedwards 3/15/2023 MARCH 14, 2023 IPA Pearl P7 PC 420785

Qty B/O Item Number Description Unit Price U/M Price

Pic 1.0000 MA-BATT GUN-600ML Battery-Operated Dispensing Gun for 600mL 1:1 Cart 421.440 each $421.44

Comments Subtotal $6,406.00

Payment received via wire 3/14/23 $6406.00 le Freight quote via Oak Harbor freight, estimated 6 Misc $0.00
days transit. Tax $0.00
S&H $415.00

Unless explicitly superseded by a separate written contract,

Total $6,821.00
this sale is subject to the attached Terms and Conditions.
Orenco Systems® Terms and Conditions
1. Offer and Acceptance justifying the surcharge.
This document (the “Terms and Conditions”) contains all of the terms and
conditions of purchasing merchandise offered for sale by Orenco Systems,
4. Delivery
Inc. (“Orenco”). Unless a separate written agreement has been previously Orenco agrees to deliver all merchandise ordered by Purchaser for shipping
executed by duly authorized representatives of both Orenco and Purchaser by the ship date specified on the Order Confirmation, unless Orenco
that explicitly supersedes these Terms and Conditions (a “Prior Written notifies Purchaser prior to the ship date, and as soon as reasonably possible,
Agreement”), Orenco’s offer of sale is expressly limited to, and expressly of any delays that were not reasonably foreseeable earlier.
made conditional on, the exclusive use of the terms and conditions herein. In the event Purchaser requests expedited delivery of merchandise, and
Absent such a Prior Written Agreement, Purchaser’s order of merchandise Orenco agrees to the request, Purchaser shall pay an Expedite Fee to
constitutes an acceptance of Orenco’s offer to sell under these Terms and Orenco in an amount agreed upon between the parties, relative to the price
Conditions, regardless of Purchaser’s order form or other documentation of the merchandise and the difficulty in meeting the expedited delivery
associated with the order that stipulates different or additional terms or schedule, but not less than $50.00.
conditions. Orenco deems any such different or additional terms as Merchandise will be delivered FOB Shipping Point (Origin), and
material alterations to these Terms and Conditions, and hereby objects to Purchaser will assume the risk of loss for the merchandise, when
and rejects them. Purchaser, a carrier arranged by Purchaser, or a carrier Orenco arranged on
Upon receipt of an order for merchandise from Purchaser, Orenco will behalf of Purchaser takes possession and/or control of the merchandise to
verify the accuracy of the order before releasing it for manufacturing. After load it for shipping or to transport it from Orenco’s facilities, whichever is
the order is released for manufacturing, Orenco will send Purchaser an
Order Confirmation, which reiterates these Terms and Conditions. 5. Shipping
Once Orenco releases an order for manufacturing, Purchaser shall pay a Purchaser is responsible for shipping its merchandise from Orenco’s
Change Fee to Orenco if Purchaser changes or cancels the order, or any facilities. Purchaser may transport the merchandise itself, arrange for
part thereof, prior to delivery. Orenco, in good faith, will determine the fee transportation of the merchandise with carriers of its choosing, or have
in an amount approximating the costs it actually expends on the changed Orenco arrange transportation of the merchandise on its behalf. If
or cancelled order, not to exceed the full price of the merchandise. Purchaser fails to clearly identify which Party it chooses to make the
arrangements on an order, Orenco will arrange the transportation of the
2. Custom Products merchandise associated with the order by selecting the method, carrier, and
Merchandise not listed in Orenco’s catalogs or standard price lists, or that routing of the shipment directly or through a broker on behalf of the
must be custom built to the specifications of Purchaser or its technical Purchaser.
representative, will be considered “Custom Products” within this
Purchaser will be responsible for all costs associated with transporting the
document. Custom Products do not include standard merchandise that
requires minor modifications, such as being cut to a specified length. merchandise from Orenco’s facilities, including all freight and insurance
Unless a Prior Written Agreement controls, if Purchaser orders a Custom costs, as follows:
Product, and Orenco agrees to manufacture and/or sell it: (a) these Terms (a) Will-Call; Collect. If Purchaser arranges transportation with a third-
and Conditions will exclusively govern the purchase; (b) Purchaser will party carrier, Purchaser will arrange to pay the third party for the service
defend Orenco at its cost and expense, and will indemnify and hold Orenco directly. Purchaser shall pay a Storage Fee to Orenco if Purchaser or a
harmless from and against any United States or foreign patent infringement carrier it arranges fails to take delivery of the merchandise on or within
suit related to the Custom Product brought upon Orenco by third parties; 5 business days of the ship date. Orenco, in good faith, will determine
and (c) Purchaser will defend Orenco at its cost and expense, indemnify the fee in an amount relative to the price and physical size of the
and hold Orenco harmless, and assume all responsibility for ensuring: (i) merchandise, the length of time between the ship date and when
the components it provides Orenco for use in the Custom Product meet Purchaser or its carrier takes delivery, and the risk for damages.
Purchaser and/or its technical representative's functional requirements (b) Prepaid and Add. If Purchaser has Orenco arrange transportation of
and/or specifications; (ii) the compatibility of the Custom Product for its the merchandise on its behalf, Orenco will pay the third party for the
intended use; and (iii) the adequacy of the engineering, design or service directly or through a broker. Purchaser agrees to pay Orenco for
specifications furnished by Purchaser and/or its technical representative to both Shipping and Handling, as itemized on a quotation, Order
Orenco. Confirmation, or invoice, as follows: (i) “Shipping” consists of
Prior to releasing an order for a Custom Product for manufacturing, Orenco reimbursement of all actual freight and insurance costs paid by Orenco,
will submit its drawings, schematics, and/or other documentation of the including all accessorial charges from the carrier for items such as
critical elements of the Custom Product to Purchaser or its technical residential or construction site deliveries, unloading delays, or use of lift
representative for review, to ensure that it will be manufactured to meet its gates, as well as any other fees, duties, tariffs, or taxes that may be
functional requirements and/or specifications. Orenco will only release the applied on the merchandise by third parties after they are delivered,
order for the Custom Product for manufacturing once it has received including storage fees and import, export, and transportation fees,
confirmation that Purchaser or its technical representative has reviewed duties, tariffs, and taxes. (ii) “Handling” consists of a fee for arranging
and approved any such submittal documents. transportation in an amount equal to 5% of the Shipping costs paid by
3. Manufacturing Cost Surcharge In instances where Orenco arranges for the transportation of merchandise
Orenco reserves the right to assess a Manufacturing Cost Surcharge at any on Purchaser’s behalf, Orenco will promptly notify Purchaser of any
time after accepting and confirming an order, but prior to shipping, to information it receives from its broker or a carrier indicating a delay in the
reflect any unanticipated increase in Orenco’s manufacturing cost during scheduled arrival of the transport at the agreed-upon destination, and
the period between order confirmation and shipping, including, but not Purchaser agrees to ensure that the equipment necessary to unload the
limited to, increases in materials, labor, energy, or freight costs. Orenco merchandise is present at the carrier’s destination at the time of the
warrants that it will avoid such increased manufacturing costs to the extent scheduled arrival. Unless Orenco fails to notify Purchaser of a delay in the
reasonably possible. Orenco will provide the Purchaser with notice of any scheduled delivery of the merchandise for shipping or withholds
such Manufacturing Cost Surcharge as early as reasonably possible prior information it receives regarding a delayed arrival at the destination,
to shipping, and in no case less than 30 days before the surcharge attaches Purchaser will hold Orenco harmless from and against any and all charges,
to the order. Orenco will provide Purchaser with a statement explaining the costs, and other consequential damages caused by a delay in the arrival of
basis and need for the Manufacturing Cost Surcharge and presenting facts
Rev. 7 08/01/22
© Orenco Systems®, Inc.
the merchandise at the agreed-upon destination at the scheduled time. abuse, misuse, accident, negligence, or catastrophic event beyond the
control of Orenco, nor the loss of structural integrity or improper electrical
6. Taxes or mechanical operation that results from a failure to follow any
Purchaser will be responsible for the payment of all federal, state, installation, operation, or maintenance instructions provided by Orenco,
provincial, county, local, or government taxes, including but not limited to, constitute a defect in the merchandise. If a separate written warranty
sales tax, use tax, value-added tax, goods and services tax, or other excise instrument exists between Orenco or another manufacturer and Purchaser,
tax that may be applied on the merchandise (“Taxes”), and will indemnify the terms and conditions of said instrument control.
and hold Orenco harmless from those Taxes. Orenco will be responsible
Exclusive Remedy. The exclusive remedy under this Limited Warranty
for any tax based solely upon its net income. Purchaser may supply Orenco
will be the obligation of Orenco to repair or exchange, at its discretion, any
with a valid Resale Certificate or other form certifying an exemption from
defective merchandise. Defects in materials or workmanship will be
the payment of Taxes from the taxing authority having proper jurisdiction
determined in good faith upon inspection by Orenco. When practicable,
over the sale.
Purchaser should return merchandise for inspection. Labor is not covered
7. Payment Terms under this Limited Warranty.
Purchaser agrees to promptly pay Orenco for merchandise, and any In the event Orenco determines that merchandise is defective in materials
Change Fees, Expedite Fees, Storage Fees, Taxes, Shipping, Handling, or or workmanship and covered by this Limited Warranty, Orenco will credit
other costs associated with the merchandise, in accordance with the terms or reimburse Purchaser for all reasonable transportation charges incurred
below: in returning the merchandise, if applicable, and will be responsible for all
(a) Prepayment. Purchaser may pay Orenco prior to delivery for charges to transport repaired or exchanged merchandise to Purchaser. The
merchandise, Change Fees, Expedite Fees, Taxes, estimated Shipping warranty period for such repaired or exchanged merchandise will continue
and Handling, and other costs associated with the order. However, to toll from the delivery date of the original purchase. In the event Orenco
Purchaser must prepay in the following circumstances: (i) If Purchaser determines that merchandise is not defective in materials or workmanship,
does not have a credit account with Orenco, Purchaser must pay 100% or is not covered by this Limited Warranty, Orenco will charge Purchaser
of the full price of the merchandise, plus Change Fees, Expedite Fees, for all inspection costs incurred by Orenco, including reasonable travel
estimated Shipping and Handling, and other associated costs, before costs, testing fees, and all reasonable transportation charges required to
Orenco will release an order for manufacturing. (ii) If Purchaser does return the merchandise to the purchaser, as applicable.
not have available credit remaining on its account with Orenco, it must IN EXCHANGE FOR THIS WARRANTY COVERAGE, PURCHASER
pay all amounts in excess of its available credit, up to 100% of the full AGREES THAT ORENCO WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS,
price of the merchandise, Change Fees, Expedite Fees, Taxes, estimated INJURY, OR DAMAGES TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY RESULTING
Shipping and Handling, and other associated costs, before Orenco will FROM FAILURE OF, OR ANY DEFECT IN, THE MERCHANDISE. NOR
release an order for manufacturing.
(b) On Account. If Purchaser has been approved for a discretionary credit KIND. IN NO EVENT MAY THE LIABILITY OF ORENCO UNDER THIS
account with Orenco, has available credit on its account, and has not LIMITED WARRANTY EXCEED THE INVOICED PRICE OF THE
prepaid in full, Orenco will invoice Purchaser for amounts owed for MERCHANDISE.
delivered merchandise, Change Fees, Expedite Fees, Storage Fees, Disclaimer. EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED IN THIS LIMITED WARRANTY,
Taxes, Shipping, Handling, and other associated costs. Unless ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS, AND
otherwise agreed upon by the Parties in writing for a particular order, WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED
Purchaser must pay each invoice in full within 30 days from the date of WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS
the invoice (“Net 30”). If Purchaser fails to pay an invoice in full within
the term of the invoice: (i) the delinquent amount will bear a finance FROM A COURSE OF DEALINGS, LAW, USAGE, OR TRADE
charge of 1.5% per month, accruing daily from the day after it is due; PRACTICE, MAY ONLY BE CLAIMED DURING THE WARRANTY
(ii) Purchaser must pay all of Orenco’s reasonable collection expenses PERIOD, AND THEREAFTER ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY
incurred in collecting delinquent invoices or finance charges; (iii) DISCLAIMED AND EXCLUDED TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY
Purchaser must pay all of Orenco’s investigation and litigation costs LAW.
incurred before, during, or after trial or appeal, including reasonable
attorneys’ fees, if Orenco must institute a suit, action, or proceeding to 10. Waiver
collect delinquent invoices, finance charges, or collection costs; and (iv) The failure of either Party on any occasion to exercise any right granted
Orenco may refuse to honor any subsequent order from Purchaser until hereunder will not operate as a waiver of the right as to subsequent
all delinquent invoices, finance charges, and collection costs are paid in occasions and will not act to modify these Terms and Conditions.
full. 11. Force Majeure
8. Return of Merchandise Orenco will not be deemed to have defaulted or failed to perform
Purchaser may not return merchandise without the prior approval of under these Terms and Conditions if its inability to perform or
Orenco. Merchandise approved for return must be securely packed to reach default has been caused by an event or events beyond its reasonable
Orenco without damage. Except when covered by a Limited Warranty, control and without its fault or negligence, including, without
merchandise accepted for return is subject to a Restocking Fee and all limitation, acts of God, government, or public enemy; pandemic or
transportation charges. Orenco, in good faith, will determine the amount other governmentally recognized public health crisis; vandalism,
that will be credited or refunded to Purchaser for the returned merchandise fire, flood, labor disputes, civil riots or commotions; or embargoes
by subtracting the Restocking Fee and any transportation charges paid by or the inability to procure necessary raw materials, supplies or
Orenco from the purchase price of the merchandise. equipment or to procure them at commercially reasonable prices.
Orenco must give Purchaser prompt written notice, with full details,
9. Limited Warranty following the occurrence relied upon. Dates by which performance
Subject to the exclusions, limitations, and conditions contained herein, obligations are scheduled will be extended for a period of time equal
Orenco warrants to Purchaser and subsequent owners, for a period of one to the time lost because of the event.
year after delivery, that all merchandise will be free from defects in
materials and workmanship that cause the merchandise to lose structural 12. Governing Law
integrity, or to electrically or mechanically operate improperly. Neither The laws of the State of Oregon will govern these Terms and Conditions,
merchandise consumed in the regular course of use, damage caused by together with all rights, obligations, and disputes arising out of or related
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© Orenco Systems®, Inc.
thereto. The Parties hereby expressly disclaim any and all rights,
obligations, or procedural or jurisdictional requirements granted or
imposed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the
International Sale of Goods (“CISG”). Any dispute or legal action arising
out of or relating to these Terms and Conditions must be brought in and
decided by State Courts of Oregon. In any such dispute or action, Purchaser
consents to the jurisdiction and venue of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Douglas County.

Rev. 7 08/01/22
© Orenco Systems®, Inc.

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