To Contribute meaningfully to the growth and Web Development Intern success of the organization by undertaking ICT Academy May 2023 -Sep 2023 challenging assignments or projects and delivering timely results using my professional knowledge and Developed the a Service Booking Website. skills. Page Structure - The Project Web pages developed distinct sections like Header, Footer, and usage of Hero Sections for landing page CONTACT message and user call to action. Database – The Project define the 4 tables with proper entity relationship between the 7055427987 tables. Also, ensure to use these tables to show Bulandshahr ,India information on the web pages and save data from user entries via page forms. 2274 EDUCATION TECHNICAL SKILLS Bachelor of Technology in Computer Programming languages: C/C++, Java Science & Engineering Web development: HTML, CSS, Reactjs RD Engineering College Ghaziabad Database management: SQL(Basic) Jul 2020 -Present Problemsolving Database Managment System Percentage: 71 till now ,Object Oriented Programming Intermediate PROJECTS Public inter college Apr 2019 -Jun 2020 Percentage: 63 Multi-User Chat-App C h a t - a p pMar 2023 -Apr 2023 EXTRA CURRICULARS A java based multiuser chat app with a user- Amazon Web Service friendly GUI created using Swing. User can communicate in real-time through text I have a basic knowledge of AWS and i also messages,with a JDBC SQL database for data used the aws services like Database, Ec2, vpc storage and retrievel. etc. Salesforce Developer The app allows secure user authentication, private messaging and chat history retrievel, Developed a CRM of using salesforce developer. providing and interactive plateform for I get a ranger badges of salesforce developer seamless communication. and my points 65,000+ and 125+ Badges. Web Portfolio Git/github PortfolioApr 2023 -Apr 2023 Developed a portfolio website using vs code. This Portfolio website are responsive CERTIFICATION and we can see destop and mobile etc. Technology used : HTML, CSS AWS Academy Cloud Architecting AWS Academy 2023-05-05 LANGUAGES English Web Development Hindi ICT Academy 2023-10-12