Lec.1,2 ES Introduction
Lec.1,2 ES Introduction
Lec.1,2 ES Introduction
1. Computer architectures
2. Microprocessor
3. Circuits and electronics basics
4. Minimal knowledge of C-Programming language
Assessments Weight
Assessment Type Percentage
Quiz W9 10%
Midterm W6 20%
Project or assignments W12 10 %
Final Exam W14 60%
Total 100%
• For the course project, embedded system will recieved in teams of five students.
• Projects will consist of a proposal, final report, and short presentation.
• You are encouraged to come up with your own topic for the project, but will be
provided with a list of possible ideas.
• Projects can consist of original research, and/or hardware or software
development related to embedded systems.
• Additional details on the course projects will be provided in a separate
Lecture #1
Introduction to Embedded Systems
To understand what is an Embedded System and then define it
Look at embedded systems from a historical point of view
Classify embedded systems
Look at certain applications & purposes of embedded systems
Characteristic of ES
A system is also an arrangement in which all its units assemble and work
together according to the plan or program.
• Definition:
➢ ES: an electronic systems containing tightly coupled hardware and software components.
➢ ES: computerized systems that have an embedded computer built within ,without being the
final product a real computer.
➢ ES: is a specific system which is a combination of hardware and software, used to perform a
set of objectives within mechanical and electrical/electronic systems.
● The first recognized embedded system is the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) developed by
Charles Stark at the MIT lab.
● AGC was designed on 4K words of ROM & 256 words of RAM.
● The clock frequency of first microchip used in AGC was 1.024 MHz.
● The first mass produced embedded system : Autonetics D-17 in the year 1961, it was used as
the guidance computer for the Minuteman-I missile.
● In the year 1971 Intel introduced the world's first microprocessor chip intel 4004, was designed for
use in business calculators.
● An embedded system is designed to do a specific job only.
● Example: a washing machine can only wash clothes; an air conditioner can
control the temperature in the room in which it is placed.
● The hardware & mechanical components will consist all the physically
visible things that are used for input, output, etc.
● An embedded system will always have a chip (either microprocessor or
microcontroller) that has the code or software which drives the system.
Embedded processor market
Contents It is combination of generic hardware and a general- It is combination of special purpose hardware and
purpose OS for executing a variety of applications embedded OS for executing specific set of applications
Operating System It contains general purpose operating system It may or may not contain operating system.
Performance is a key factor on the selection of the Application specific requirements (like performance, power
Key factor
system. requirement, memory usage) are key deciding factors.
Response Time Response Time are not Critical Critical for some applications
Characteristics of Embedded Systems
Following are some of the characteristics of an embedded system that
make it different from a general-purpose computer:
4. Distributed
Certain embedded systems are part of a larger system and thus form components of a
distributed system.
These components are independent of each other but have to work together for the
larger system to function properly.
Ex. A car has many embedded systems controlled to its dashboard. Each one is an
independent embedded system yet the entire car can be said to function properly only
if all the systems work together.
Characteristics of Embedded Systems
5. Small size and weight
An embedded system that is compact in size and has light weight will be
desirable or more popular than one that is bulky and heavy.
Ex. The cell phones that have the maximum features are popular but also their size
and weight is an important characteristic.
6. Power concerns
It is desirable that the power utilization and heat dissipation of any embedded
system be low. embedded systems also require less power to perform
If more heat is dissipated, then additional units like cooling fans need to be added
to the circuit.
If more power is required, then a battery of higher power or more batteries need
to be accommodated in the embedded system.
10. Safety-critical
Must not endanger human life and the environment
Easily Customizable
Low power consumption
Low cost
Enhanced performance
High speed
❖ Examples: Data Acquisition Systems etc.
3. Third generation(3G):
➔ Little complex in hardware & firmware requirement.
2. Classification ➔ Built around medium performance & low cost 16 or 32 bit µp/µc.
based On ➔ Usually contain operating systems.
Examples: Industrial machines.
➔ Highly complex hardware & firmware.
➔ Built around 32 or 64 bit µp/µc or PLDs or Multicore Processors.
➔ It requires complex hardware and software.
➔ These system may contain multiple processors/controllers
➔ Response is time-critical.
➔ Examples: Mission critical applications.
based On
• Little hardware and software complexity.
• Programming language assembly or “C” is used for
developing these system.
• Programming tools: Editor, Assembler, Cross
Assembler, and compiler
• Small memory
• E.g. automatic tea /coffee vending machine ,
electronic toys
2. Classification
• Faster than small scale, better speed.
• Must have an OS
based On
• Programming are language C, C++, JAVA, and
Visual C++.
• Programming tools: RTOS, Source code
Complexity Engineering Tool, Simulator, Debugger and
Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
2. Classification
• This type need ASIPs, programming logic arrays
(PLAs), scalable processor or configurable
based On • Memory requirement, power consumption is high.
• Perform complex function
Complexity • Constrained by
processing speed
their hardware units.
• E.g. mobile system, air conditioner, washing
Embedded systems are classified into four
categories based on their performance and
functional requirements:
3. Classification 1. Standalone embedded systems
based On 2. Real time embedded systems
Performance 3. Networked embedded systems
4. Mobile embedded systems
1. Stand alone Embedded systems:
● A stand-alone embedded system works by itself. It does
not require any host system like a computer.
● It takes either digital or analog inputs from its input
based on
● A real time embedded system is defined as, a system
which gives a required output in a particular time in
Performance addition to functional correctness, also satisfies the
time constraints.
● There are two types of Real time systems.
(i) Soft real time system
(ii)Hard real time system.
Classification 2. Real-time embedded system
based On (i) Soft real time system
performance ● In these types of embedded systems
time/deadline is not so strictly followed. If
deadline of the task is passed (means the
system didn‘t give result in the defined time)
still result or output is accepted.
● Ex: A Microwave Oven, washing machine, TV
remote etc.
Classification 2. Real-time embedded system
based On (ii)Hard Real-Time system:
● In these types of embedded systems time/deadline of task is strictly
performance followed. Task must be completed in between time frame (defined
time interval) otherwise result/output may not be accepted.
● A Real time system in which the violation of time constraints
will cause critical failure and loss of life or property damage,
or catastrophe is known as a Hard Real time system.
● Examples: Deadline in a rocket control embedded system,
Traffic control system, Delayed alarm during a Gas leakage,
Car airbag control system, Medical usage in health sector:
delayed response in pacemakers, and Failure in RADAR
3. Networked embedded systems:
based on
● The networked embedded system is the fastest growing area in
embedded systems applications. The embedded web server is such
Performance a system where all embedded devices are connected to a web server
and can be accessed and controlled by any web browser.
● Ex: A home security system is an example of a LAN networked
embedded system where all sensors (e.g. motion detectors, light
sensors, or smoke sensors) are wired and running on the TCP/IP
4. Mobile Embedded systems:
3. Classification
• Mobile embedded systems are used in portable
embedded devices.
• The basic limitation of these devices is the limitation of
based on memory and other resources.
o Data Collection/Storage/Representation
o Data Communication
o Data (Signal) Processing
o Monitoring
o Control
o Application Specific User Interface
Purpose of Embedded Systems…
1. Data Collection/Storage/Representation
▪ The collected data may be stored directly in the system or may be transmitted to
some other systems, or it may be processed by the system, or it may be deleted
instantly after giving a meaningful representation.
▪ E.g. digital camera
Purpose of Embedded Systems…
2. Data Communication:-
• Sensors are connected to the input port for capturing the changes in environmental variable or
measuring variable.
• Air conditioner contains a room temperature sensing element (sensor) which may be a thermistor
and a handheld unit for setting up (feeding) the desired temperature
• The actuators connected to the output port are controlled according to the changes in input variable
to put an impact on the controlling variable to bring the controlled variable to the specified range
• The air compressor unit acts as the actuator. The compressor is controlled according to the current
room temperature and the desired temperature set by the end user.