Soa Bhs Ingg

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Nama :

No. Absen :
Kelas :

1. Indah's bedroom is …. room. Hello, my name is Avigael! Last holiday, my parents and I
A. in front of went to Taman Safari. We visited several attractions there,
B. between such as the Baby Zoo, Safari Journey, and Panda Palace. I
C. behind am happy because I can see lots of cute animals. I saw
D. beside baby kangaroos and orangutans. On the Safari Journey ride,
I also saw lots of big animals, like zebras and elephants. The
2. The dining room is located... the living room. last holiday was so exciting!
A. beside
B. behind 11. Where did Dinda go on holiday?
C. between A. Dufan
D. in front of B. Taman Safari
C. Solo Safari
3. The kitchen is located .... the living room. D. Pantai Losari
A. under
B. behind 12. Avigael went on holiday with…
C. across A. Her brother
D. in front of B. Her sister
C. Her parents
4. In the bedroom, I will find... D. Her friends
A. Stove
B. Microwave 13. What were the animals that she saw in the Safari
C. Pajamas Journey?
D. Coffee table A. Elephant and Zebra
B. Tiger and Lion
5. ... is part of tree that absorb water from the ground. C. Giraffe and Zebra
A. Bark D. Elephant and Panda
B. Twig
C. Roots 14. Mr. Jati .... a newspaper in the living room
D. Leaves A. Watches
B. Reads
6. Rose has beautiful red ... C. Cooks
A. Stalk D. Studies
B. Thorn
C. Leaves 15. Gael and mom watch .... in the living room.
D. Petals A. A TV
B. A Book
7. Flowers that you can found in Indonesia is... C. A Lamp
A. Cherry blossom / Sakura D. A dolls
B. Tulip
C. Lotus 16. Have-balloons-two-I
D. Lavender The correct order is?
A. Balloons I have two
Nindi : “ Where is Amanda?” B. Two I have balloons
Bagas : “She is in her bedroom.” C. I have two balloons
Nindi : “What does she do there?” D. I have balloons two
Bagas : “She plays doll there.”
8. Amanda is in the …. 18. Aileen: Good morning, Gael.
A. dining room Gael: ..., Aileen
B. living room A. Hi
C. bedroom B. Hello
D. kitchen C. Good morning
D. See you later
9. Amanda …. In her bedroom.
A. reads books 19. What is “50” in English...
B. sweeps the yard A. Eighty
C. watches television B. Seventy
D. plays doll C. Sixty
D. Fifty
10. These are example of greeting, except ...
A. I'm hungry 20. Tomorrow - see - you.
B. Good night The correct order is ...
B. Good evening A. You tomorrow see
C. Good afternoon B. See you tomorrow
D. Good morning C. See tomorrow you
D. You see tomorrow
This text is for question number 11-13

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