10 15314-Tsed 593785-813232
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10 15314-Tsed 593785-813232
In this study, the comparison of 21st century learner and teacher skills of physical education and sports teachers and teacher
candidates and the role of 21st century learner skills on 21st century teacher skills were examined. Research is in relational
scanning model. The sample of the study consists of 171 physical education and sports teachers working in Kayseri province
and 184 students who are physical education and sports education students of Erciyes University Faculty of Sport Sciences. The
sample consisted of 171 physical education teachers and 184 teacher candidate (total N = 355) selected by random sampling
method from the universe. In this research, 21st learner skills use scale developed by Göksün (2016) and 21st century teacher
skills use scale developed by Göksün (2016) were used as the data collection tool. T-test and multiple regression analysis were
used for data analysis. According to the findings, there was no significant differences in 21st century learner skills of teacher
and teacher candidates, but significant differences were found in 21st century teacher skills. While the 21st century teachers'
skills are predicted by innovative, cooperation and flexibility skills, the prospective teachers are predicted by cognitive skills.
Key words: 21st century learner skills, 21st century teacher skills, physical education and sports teacher and candidate.
use of adequate available tools, the use of the right the importance of developing and evaluating
language, participation in digital culture, the ability general skills and competences that help the child to
of young people to use fluent and daily basic transfer learning to other curriculum areas, future
practices, and the ability to interact of friend and learning situations and life experiences is
interest groups in virtual groups. Collaboration / emphasized (3). Sanders and Rivers (25) alleged that
teamwork and flexibility and compliance, critical the effective desing of the teaching process by a
thinking and communication are defined as skills of teacher who plays a key role in the teaching process
this sub-dimension. The ethical and social impact can increases students' motivation to learn and
dimension are the third dimension includes social improve performance, and 90% of learning can be
responsibility and social impact sub-dimensions. provided, otherwise only 37% will be provided.
The social, cultural and economic effects of these
Teacher training systems are undergoing a
concepts should be taken into consideration and it is
transformation towards the understanding of
thought that they have an impact on youth and
technopedagogical content knowledge (TPACK).
youth have effects on actions (3).
TPACK is a model that emerges from the interaction
AASL Standards: Areas within the framework of three components based on technology, pedagogy
of AASL standards; “1) research, critical thinking and content knowledge (20). In this model, it a
and information acquisition, 2) determining results, teacher's pedagogical approaches that he applies
making decisions, adapting information to new when presenting the content in the curriculum are
situations and creating new information, 3) stated as the acquisition of the curriculum by using
participation and sharing knowledge in an ethical technology effectively in these processes while
and productive manner as part of a democratic making for work (12). However, it is seen that the
society, 4) personal and aesthetic development ”(1, facilities of the school are very important for this.
10). When the standards offered by AASL are
In our country, in 2018, MoNE (Ministery of
examined, the necessity of verging individual skills
National Education) teachers' general professional
such as creating new knowledge, productive
competencies were revised with a large scale
participation and innovation emerges.
participation (21). In the update, “field knowledge
Trilling and Fadel (30): In their work, They sort and field education knowledge competencies were
21 yy. skills as. “learning and innovation skills added to the general competencies, so that a holistic
(learning to renew and learn)”, “digital literacy skills and single text was created to cover the competences
(information media and information and of each teacher in his / her own field”. The general
communication technologies literacy)” and “career competencies of the teaching profession, which are
and life skills (readiness for professional life and updated in this context, are composed of three
attention to personal development)”. Wagner (32): related and complementary competency areas,
has classify 21st century skills under seven headings namely professional knowledge, professional skills
in terms of learners. He defined these skills as and attitudes and values, and 11 competencies and
surviver skills ”. According to Wagner (32) the skills 65 indicators related to these competences below
that 21st century learners should have are “1) critical them” (21).
thinking and problem solving, 2) systems and
The special field competencies of the physical
interpersonal collaboration and leadership, 3) quick
education teachers who form the sample of the
intelligence and adaptation, 4) entrepreneurship and
research are composed of six competency fields that
taking, initiative 5) effective oral and written
are “a) planning and organizing the teaching
communication, 6) access to and analysis of
process, b) ensuring and preserving the
information, 7) curiosity and imagination.
development of physical performance c) celebrating
When the theoretical structure of 21st century national holidays in accordance with their meaning
learner skills is examined, it is seen that it consists of and importance, d) monitoring and evaluating
similar skills and competences. In addition to development performance, e) cooperation with the
defining these skills, it is important to focus on how societyand school, f) professional development” and
they should be taught. The discussions advocate that the 28 indicators below them (22). Melvin (15)
skills and competences should be taught in the emphasizes the necessity of the evaluation of that in
content of the courses as integrated into the what scales teachers use the skills identified in the
curriculum,not as separate subjects. In particular, criteria listed in the teaching activities. Only then,he
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© 2019 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Selcuk University
Certer et al. 2019
states that it can be reached to the judgement that and is in the form of a five-point likert. The scale has
there is an effective teacher. four sub-dimensions, cognitive (item number = 17, α
= .877), collaboration and flexibility (item number =
As a result, it seems possible to say that learner
6, α = .672), autonomous (item number = 6; α = .706)
skills and teacher skills are processes that affect each
innovativeness (item number = 2; α = .818) skills. In
this study, internal consistency coefficients were
When the body of literature is examined, there found to be α = .90 in cognitive sub-dimension,
are studies on 21st century learner and teacher skills collaboration and flexibility α = .66, autonomous α =
(7, 8, 9, 18, 24, 26, 29, 33, 34, 36). Göksün (10) did a .70 innovativeness α = 80 and in the total scale α =
doctoral dissertation on the 21st century on learner .92.
and teacher skills in education faculties.. However,
21st Century Teacher Skills Scale
there is no study on physical education and sports
lesson teachers and candidates who are different The scale was developed by Göksün (10).
from other courses. In this context, the comprasion Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory
of the levels of having 21st century learner and factor analysis (CFA) were conducted to the scale.
teacher skills of both the teachers and the 21st century the teacher skills scale consists of 27
prospective teachers and the revealing of the role of items and is in the form of a five-point likert. The
21st century learner skills on 21st century tecaher scale has five sub-dimensions, administrative skills
skills are the aims of the study. It is thought to (item number = 12, α = .852), technopedagogical
contribute to the body of literature. skills (item number = 8, α = .629), affirmative skills
(item number = 3; α = .419) flexible teaching skills
(item number = 2 α = .752), generative skills (item
The research is in scanning model. The universe number = 2; α = .714). In this research, it was found
of the study consists of 580 physical education that in the sub-demiensions, administrative α = . 87,
teachers working in secondary and high schools in affirmative α = .73, generative α = .81 flexible
Kayseri and 283 teacher candidates studying in teaching α = .80, technopedagogical α = .77 and in
Physical Education and Sports Education the total scale α = .92.
Department of Erciyes University Faculty of Sport
Statistical analysis
Sciences. The sample consisted of 171 physical
education teachers and 184 teacher candidate (total In the research, in the analysis of the data, in
N = 355) selected by random sampling method from addition to descriptive statistical methods,
the universe. The mean age of teachers was 36.05 ± Kolmogorow Smirnow test was used to determine
7.38 years and their professional seniorities were whether the data showed normal distribution. The
11.01 ± 6.82 years. 55.9% (n = 95) of the teachers test results indicate that the data is not normally
work in secondary school and 44.1% (n = 75) in high distributed. At this stage, kurtosis and skewness
school. The mean age of the students was 21.51 ± coefficients were examined to check whether the
2.29 years and their academic achievement averages data provided other normality assumptions. The
were 2.89 ± .39. 26.2% (n = 45) of the students study kurtosis and skewness coefficients of the data were
in the second class, 44.2% (n = 76) in the third class found to be between +1.5 and -1.5. This is
and 29.7% (n = 51) in the fourth class. interpreted as the scores obtained from the study
showed a normal distribution (28). For this reason,
Data Collection Tool
t-test, Pearson Moments Multiplication Correlation
In the research, “21st century learner skills use and multiple regression analysis tests were used for
scale and 21st century teacher skills use scale data analysis. The results were evaluated at 0.05
developed by Göksün (2016)” were used. significance level.
21st Century Learner Skills Scale
The scale was developed in Göksün (10) 's
doctoral thesis. ‘’Exploratory factor analysis (EFA)
and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were
conducted in order to conduct validity and
reliability analyzes of the data collection tool ‘’ (10).
21st century. learner skills scale consists of 31 items
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© 2019 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Selcuk University
Certer et al. 2019
In this section, findings related to the data of teacher and prospective teachers are given.
Table 1. Results t-test on 21st Century Learner Skills Scale Scores in Teachers and prospective teachers.
Scale Who N
Ss t p
Cognitive Skills Teacher Candidates 184 4.09 .58
Teachers 171 4.17 .37 -1.506 .133
Innovativeness Skills Teacher Candidates 184 3.91 .89
Teachers 171 4.06 .56 -1.954 .052
Collaboration and Flexibility Skills Teacher Candidates 184 3.75 .68
Teachers 171 3.74 .53 .274 .784
Autonomous Skills Teacher Candidates 184 3.77 .66
Teachers 171 3.69 .57 1.100 .272
Total Scale Teacher Candidates 184 3.88 .57
Teachers 171 3.92 .37 -.700 .484
When Table 1 is examined, it is observed .05), innovativeness skills (t = -1.954, p = .052; p> .05),
that teachers and teacher candidates use the highest collaboration and flexibility skills, (t = .274, p = .784;
level of cognitive skills (X teacher = 4.17; X teacher p> .05), autonomous skills (t = -1.506, p = .133; p> .05)
candidate = 4.09). The subscales of 21st century and the total scale (t = -. 700, p = .484; p> .05) no
learner skills. Cognitive skills (t = -1.506, p = .133; p> statistically significant difference was found.
Table 2. Results t-test on 21st Century Teacher Skills Scale Scores in Teachers and prospective teachers.
Scale Who N Ss t p
Administrative skills Teacher Candidates 184 4.05 .58
Teachers 171 3.89 .63 2.547* .011
Technopedagogical Skills Teacher Candidates 184 3.74 .89
Teachers 171 3.51 .56 3.487* .001
Affirmative Skills Teacher Candidates 184 4.49 .68
Teachers 171 4.38 .53 1.707 .089
Generative Skills Teacher Candidates 184 3.79 .66
Teachers 171 3.55 .57 2.036* .043
Flexible Teaching Skills Teacher Candidates 184 3.68 .96
Teachers 171 3.69 .95 -.077 .939
Total Scale Teacher Candidates 184 3.95 .57
Teachers 171 3.80 .37 2.336* .020
When Table 2 is examined, it is seen that significant differences in affirmative (t = 1.707, p =
teachers and teacher candidates use the highest level .089; p> .05) and flexible teaching skills (t = - .077, p =
Table 3. Correlation relationships between the variables related to the predictions of 21st century teaching
skills of teacher candidates in Physical Education and Sports Teachers (N=171)
Cognitive Innovativeness Collaboration and Autonomous
21st Century Teacher Skills .348** .469** .430** .174*
.000 .000 .000 .000
*p<.05, **p< .01
As seen in Table 3, significant relationships results regarding the prediction of 21st century
were found to be positively between the sub- teachers skills according to the cognitive,
dimensions of 21st century teacher skills and 21st innovativeness, collaboration and flexibility skills
century learner skills, cognitive skills (r = .348, p = variables of physical education teachers' 21st
.000), innovativeness (r = .469, p = .000), century learner skill use sub-dimensions are given in
As it can be seen in Table 4, the sub-scales of 5.044, p = .000; p <.05) and collaboration and
21 st century learner skills in the teacher study flexibility (t = 3.525, p = .000; p <.05) skills subscales
group predict 21st century teacher skills at were significant predictors subscales and other
significant level [F (4, 166) = 18.692, p <.000]. In the subscales were not significant predictors (p> .05).
regression analysis, it was determined that all the Correlation relationships between the variables
predictive variables explained 31% of the total related to the predictions of 21st century teaching
variance of 21st century teacher skills scores. When skills (Table 5) and Multiple Regression Analysis
t-test results related to the significance of regression Results are given in (Table 6).
**p< .01
were positively found between the sub-dimensions collaboration and flexibility skills (r = .420, p = .000),
of 21st century teacher skills and 21st century autonomous skills (r = .465, p = .000).
Table 6. Results of Multiple Regression Analysis of Prediction of 21st Century Teacher Skills of Teacher
Variables B Std. Error Beta t p
Constant 1.225 .220 5.577 .000
Cognitive skills .519 .075 .550 6.941* .000
İnnovativeness Skills .040 .040 .065 .998 .320
Collaboration and Flexibility .085 .064 .105 1.331 .185
Autonomous Skills .034 .060 .041 .556 .579
R=.687, R2=.472 F (4-179)=40.067, p=.000
*p< .05
As it can be seen in Table 6, in the study variance of 21st century teacher skills scores. When
group of teacher candidates, the sub-scales of 21st t-test results related to the significance of regression
century learner skills significantly predict 21st coefficients were examined, it was found that
century teacher skills [F (4, 179) = 40.067, p <.000]. In cognitive skills (t = 6.941, p = .000; p <.05) were
the regression analysis, it was determined that all significant predictors and other subscales were not
the predictive variables explained 47% of the total significant predictors (p> .05).
and they must improve them and the reason for In the prospective teacher working group,
that, it is stated that “deficiencies such as instructor, multiple regression analysis was conducted on the
physical facilities and technological infrastructure in prediction of 21st century teacher skills and it was
the institutions training teachers are effective (13, 16, determined that he predictive variables of cognitive,
19, 27). In addition, Adıgüzel and Yüksel (2) in their innovativeness, collaboration and flexibility, and
study stated that “in the process of integration of autonomous skills explain 47% of the variance of
technology into education, serious educational 21st century teacher skills and the cognitive skills of
problems arise in terms of teachers, students and the the 21st century learner skills positively predict the
educational environment. Bass (4) stated that most 21st century. teacher skills at significant level. Billing
of this problem stems from the fact that “teaching (5) stated that “cognitive skills can solve many
technologies aren’t supported with appropriate learning problems encountered in educational
pedagogical approaches. environments and can be transferred to skills such
as cooperation, self-management and self-
In accordance with the objectives of the study,
confidence. Young' (36) states that the 21st century
firstly, relationship between the 21st century. teacher
learners have a generation conflict with their
skills use and 21st century learner skills use sub-
teachers, and this situation leads to cognitive skills
dimensions of teachers and prospective teachers
were revealed. In the study, significant and positive
relationships were found at medium level between As a result, it is necessary to train individuals
the 21st century, learner skills sub-dimensions, who are innovative, able to cooperate and who have
cognitive, innovativeness, collaboration and flexibility skills. In this context, it is clear that
flexibility and autonomous skills and the 21st teachers who cannot use the technology required by
century teacher skills. This result means that ‘as the the age and cannot adapt to new developments,
21st century learner skills use of teachers and technologies and ideas will not have the chance to
prospective teachers increases, the 21st century raise individuals who will be the architects of the
teacher skills use increases’. This finding can be future.
interpreted as “good teachers are also good
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