RA Construction For Sub Base Road Base Works

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Completed by: Mohammad Quamar Hassnain – HSE Manager Signature:

Reviewed by: Fares Al Aloush – Construction Manager Signature:

Location: PJ028 Reviewed by: Mohammad Naim Alsalhi – Road & Utility Signature: Company: UCC INFRA JV
Construction Manager
Approved by : Reda Al Jabri – Project Manager Signature:

Operation: LP-UIV-EL- MST-0007 Construction for Sub-base & Road base Works Rev: 00 Date: 24/12/2020
For method of rating risks, see detail at the end of this document
Note: This Risk Assessment is provided as a guidance document for the control of the all related risks of the activity aforementioned above

Initial Ratings Controlled

Existing Control Measures Required Ratings
Hazard/Risk associated Responsible

Risk Rating

Risk Rating

Activity with the activity Severity Person

Mobilization of Workers/Foremen/ 3 4 12  All workers, drivers and visitors to undergo site HSE 1 4 4
Manpower Engineers/Supervisors/HSE Induction/orientation prior access to site.
Officer/CM  Daily toolbox talk/STARRT briefing before works starts
Unfamiliar site conditions &  All workers and visitors must wear required mandatory PPE inside
rules, Untrained workers the site. Site
PPE Non-Compliance,  Workers must be adequately supervised Managers,
Emergency Response Engineers.
 All personnel mandatory to wear the standard and basic PPE at all
Unawareness, TBT Non Supervisors,
times on the required zone areas as per QCS/Section-11/Part
Conformance, PTW Non- HSE Officers Personal Protective Equipment
Conformance, Lack of  Job specific PPE for doing specific task.
Supervision, Insufficient  During Safety induction, awareness of all personnel in proper
Welfare Facilities, Poor emergency response will be provided.
Communication  Provide permanent vehicle at site for emergency purpose.
 Daily toolbox/Safe Start shall be conducted by site supervisor to
his workforce and discuss all the hazards involve and apply

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mitigating controls to avoid any incident / accident.
 Compliance of PTW System is must. Excavation activity will not
commence unless compliance of Permit to Excavate is fulfilled.
 Supervision should always be at the work front to monitor the
safe execution of ongoing activities.
 Provide adequate welfare facilities for the entire workforce prior
to execution of the job, close to the work location as per
 Proper communication between supervisory, foreman and
workforce shall be established.
 Regular coordination with the construction & HSE team members
should be maintained at all times.

 Only competent / authorized personnel to execute the job.

 Workforce shall undergo Project Safety induction and required
training prior to mobilization on site as per QCS/Section-11/Part
Site Planning & Managers
Unauthorized/ Incompetent 1.1.5 Induction Training
Preparation - (CM),
Personnel  Safe Start to be conducted by supervisor prior to start of job in
Surveying & 3 5 15 1 5 5 Engineers.
setting up Works which briefing of Risk Assessment will be.
 JV to ensure that detailed reviews of available as built plans for
identified buried services are available and referred to. Surveyor, HSE
 JV to survey each site to identify the services with a CAT scanner Officers
and pipe finder, plus record and mark the locations of all services.
Screening & Unauthorized personnel, lack 4 4 16  Reporting of incidents/ near misses. 1 4 4
mixing of sub of control, Plant and  Use water as a means of suppression on roadways or in work
base materials equipment movement, poor areas, applying a water spray allows remixing of the subbase Site
operator visibility, poor material and helping in dump down of dust at source. Managers
maintenance of equipment /  Have trucks and equipment keep speeds down if dusty conditions (CM),
vehicle collision and accident are present onsite. Engineers.
between equipment and Supervisors,
 Stay out of areas where dust levels are high as well as avoiding
property damage, Operators,
being downwind from these areas.
environmental impact due to HSE Officers
spillage of oil etc. and  Prior to starting, operator shall walk completely around the
malfunctioning of equipment, and ensure no one is under it, on it or close to it.
equipment/dust/uneven Operator shall sound horn before startup.
ground /Noise  Operators are not allowed to lift, move or swing loads over

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No exclusion zone & anyone.
signage’s/No guards on  Exercise extreme caution should be exercised while backing up.
rotating parts/Obstructed Parking, operation shall be planned so that the backup maneuvers
access & egress/No are limited to a minimum.
supervision  Overhead clearances shall be checked prior to startup in the
vicinity of overhead power lines.
 Ground personnel must wear the appropriate dust mask and
safety goggles.
 Water trucks shall be used for dust control along haul roads.
 All equipment must be inspected monthly basis from PMV Plant
 Daily equipment pre-check shall be done by the competent
operator prior to start & operate the equipment
 Adequate supervision shall be done by the competent site
 Only competent operators shall be allowed to operate on rusher
plant equipment
 No crusher shall be allowed to operate within 100 meters vicinity
of any temporary or permanent human occupancy
 Screening equipment shall be inspected to ensure the
result of screened materials is based on the size of the
 Permits issued by the MoE shall be renewed if the crusher or
stockpile is expected to be continued after the date of expiry of
the current permit.
 Whenever any operations are in progress continuous water
sprinkling is required in a crusher including the access roads
to the crusher area to prevent huge amount of dust
accumulation that could pose poor visibility in the working area.
 Warning signs communicating the potential hazards
associated with the isolated materials shall be installed near
the stockpiles
Rotating mechanism of the equipment shall be protected or

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 Adequate illumination shall be installed around crusher
area especially during night works
 work shall be suspended in a weather conditions like rain, foggy,
 sandstorm, extreme heat wave, extreme humidity level &
 wind speed of 25 knots(46kph)
Ensure PPE shall be worn such as cloth gloves, eye
protection, safety shoe, hard hat, high visibility vest, coverall, ear
plugs/ear muffs when noise exceeding 80dB & dust mask

loading and Unskilled operator/ 4 3 12  All plant / Equipment’s should be operated only by the competent 1 3 3
unloading of sub Uneven/non compacted and certified Operators.
base material surfaces/ Untrained  Safe distance shall be maintained between the Men & plant
vehicle operatives/ movements.
Overloading/Over head  Driver to ensure that the cargo compartment shutter is properly
obstruction/No standard closed after each loading & offloading operation.
distance/in between tipper  Ensure that the ground of offloading area is properly levelled.
truck/No/absence of banks  All site personnel are familiar with accident/Incident reporting
Man/Dust inhalation procedures and emergency telephone number is known
 Competent Banks man shall be assigned on site with each plant /
Equipment, Site
 Plant & equipment to have all round operator visibility. Reversing
alarm and beacon lights must be operational.
 Unauthorized access strictly prohibited. Supervisors,
 The signalmen/ banks men always visible to the operatives/ Operators,
drivers. HSE Officers
 Segregation of plant & operatives with barriers & signage,
operatives briefed not to walk / stand around rear of machinery
or items of plant.
 All people involved in the task must be trained and competent.
 Close supervision shall be done throughout the activities
 Maintenance of equipment shall be done in safe designated area.
 Appropriate safety signage’s will be displayed at prominent
locations so that staff/ subcontractors & visitors will be aware of
associated risk released from the ongoing work.

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 Periodic inspection and maintenance of equipment and vehicle.
 No loading unloading activities under overhead power cable.
 Ensure unloading area is clear of the people and equipment.

Use of Tripper Low Tire Pressure/uneven 4 3 12  Ensure the load is evenly distributed. The load does not exceed 1 3 3
Trucks ground/uneven load/wet the carrying capacity of the vehicle or axel loadings. Tyres and
materials/soft ground/slop low-level equipment have not been damaged when going off
road. Mud and stones are not deposited on the public highway.
There are no stones, bricks, etc. trapped between tyres that could
become a hazard to other road users or pedestrians.
 Wet loads are adequately drained before transporting.
 Ensure that 15 meters tipping exclusion zones maintained
 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) including a hard hat, gloves,
safety boots and a high visibility vest or jacket and if appropriate
eye and ear protection are available and worn at all times when
outside the cab Engineer/CM
 Tyre pressures are checked regularly by operators. /HSE
 The driving technique is adjusted to suit the vehicle and load Officers/Plant
centre of gravity as excessive speed effects stability and
 Ensure the area around the point of discharge is clear of Equipment
personnel and obstructions. All personnel are well clear of a
swinging tailboard
 Overhead cables and other obstructions are well clear of your
vehicle at all times and do not put you or others at risk . A check
is always made for overhead obstructions before tipping.
 Site rules are known, understood and observed by operatives.
The manufacturers operating instructions and safety rules are
known, understood and implemented
 An exclusion zone is maintained around the vehicle during the
tipping process. Only one truck will be tipped at a time unless
they are at least 15metres apart and each has their own
Banksman to direct the operation.
 When empty, then Banksman instructs driver to lower the trailer

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fully until it is locked in position and then to leave tipping area by
designated route.
 At all times the driver must be able to clearly see the banksman
assigned to his location and when he cannot see to not proceed
with the next action until instructed to do so.
 No tipping will take place during high winds or sand storms.
 Tipping to take place on even compacted ground at least 2 metres
away from any excavation.
 Drivers are not aloe to have curtains or cardboard or any other
type of window cover as this greatly reduces the safe sighting of a
 No one is allowed to stand/seat in Exclusion Zone for whatsoever
reason during tripping.
 Don’t discharge the load if the vehicle is leaning sideways or on
unstable ground
 Do not continue to discharge if the vehicle begins to lean
sideways whilst tipping. Discharge the load from an articulated
vehicle if the tractor unit is not in line with the trailer. Drive with
the body raised (other than the 10% to check/clear tailgate)
 Don’t Allow personnel to stand adjacent to a tipping body
 Ensure that not to drive onto soft ground or close to excavations
 Ensure that no one go under an un-propped body or tailboard,
don’t Allow other persons to go under an un-propped body or
 Don’t Use violent movements to release a ‘sticky’ load
 Avoid overloading of vehicle, load limit need to be mentioned on
tripper truck so that it can be easily verified or safe loading
capacity need to be written on inspection sticker for verification
on wedges bridge.
 All ramps to have adequate edge protection on both sides and are
to be demarcated, flickering light should be fixed on edge to make
alert in night work time.
 Top of Stockpiles area must be protected with soil berms and

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trucks need to be controlled by banksman/flagman and only one
tripper truck will be allowed to go on top of stockpile to dump
material under supervision of flagman while other tripper trucks
will wait at ground level for its turn.
 Banksman need to stay away/clear where tripper truck operator
direct eye contact will take place during offloading of materials.

 Trained spotters shall be deployed at dump areas to control traffic

and dumping
 Truck drivers should be alert for other machines, personnel,
obstructions and overhead utility lines as they approach the
dumping area.
 Truck drivers should follow the directions of the spotter
 Prior to starting, operator shall walk completely around the
equipment, and ensure no one is under it, on it or close to it.
Operator shall sound horn before startup. Managers
 Operators are not allowed to lift, move or swing loads over (CM),
Dumping & Collision/hit by anyone. Engineers.
Spreading Sub- vehicle/tripping of tripper 4 4 16  Exercise extreme caution should be exercised while backing up. 1 4 4 Supervisors,
base Material truck trunk Parking, operation shall be planned so that the backup maneuvers Operators,
are limited to a minimum. HSE Officers
 Overhead clearances shall be checked prior to startup in the
vicinity of overhead power lines. Truck drivers shall make sure
that no personnel are close to the machine before the dump body
is raised.
 Steering movements shall not be made if the dump body is raised
with a stuck load. This could cause the machine to tip over.
 Before pulling away from the unloading area, the dump body shall
be fully lowered.

Road area where Over speeding, uncontrolled 3 4 12  All plant / Equipment’s should be operated only by the competent 1 4 4
sub base to be drivers, Reversing, narrow and certified Operators.
layed. access and egress,  Safe distance shall be maintained between the Men & plant
overloading vehicle with sub movements.
base material /collision/ hit  Competent Banks man/Flagman shall be assigned on site with
with vehicle, property damage

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each plant / Equipment,
 Plant & equipment to have all round operator visibility.
 Reversing alarm and beacon lights must be operational.
 Unauthorized access strictly prohibited.
 The signalmen/ banks men always visible to the operatives/
drivers. Site
 Appoint trained and competent vehicle signal man.
 Segregation of plant & operatives with barriers & signage,
operatives briefed not to walk / stand around rear of machinery Supervisors,
or items of plant Operators,
 All work to be planned in advance and experienced person to be HSE Officers
 Adequate supervision of site location by qualified site foreman.
 No vehicle to reverse without banks man.
 No unauthorized persons in reversing zone.
 No horse play with machine / equipments.
 All vehicle must be equipped with flashing amber beacon.
 All plant /equipment to be equipped with functional reverse
 Ensure to turn off the engine when equipment not in use & hand
brake shall be engage

Transportation Tipper Trucks, Flying (wind- 2 4 8  Hauling access route must levelled and maintained. Loading area 1 4 4
of materials blown) grit, stones, sand and shall be maintained periodically for uneven ground conditions.
dust, Entanglement, Noise  Haul roads shall be maintained periodically. Site
 Provide area lighting at haulage routes at 100 meters intervals Managers,
and at bends and junctions. Engineers.
 Drivers and other newcomers shall complete site safety Induction Supervisors,
Surveyor, HSE
and should be clearly briefed to follow the site rules, speed limits
and road signs. Operators
 Use appropriate capacity vehicle as per the load to be
transported and the base course mix shall be fully covered
 Ensure vehicle condition is good/proper maintenance.
 Reversing Horn /Alarm must be in place and in working order.

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 Materials to be fully covered during transport.
 All drivers shall have valid driving license.
 Drive observing all traffic rules, speed limits, road signs.
 Proper parking and surveillance to drivers.
 Toolbox talk shall be given by the supervisors before the start of
any work
 Approved PPE as per project requirement.

 Work zone shall be established using approved TTM plan

 Ensure all worker working behind the concrete barriers with
 Ensure continuous water supply to avoid live road crossing. Site
 In case working out the concrete barriers ensure lane closure Managers
Temporary Inappropriate placing/setting
using TMA with close supervision. (CM),
Traffic out of TTM/
Management Entry/Exit point without the  All entry/Exit point shall have mesh type gates to control the
3 5 15 1 5 5 Supervisors,
(access in/out of banksman/Unauthorized plants entry/exit and to avoid the unauthorized vehicles entry.
HSE Officers
work zone) vehicles entry  “Construction Traffic only” or “Access” sign shall be installed.
 one meter width of pedestrian access shall be maintained all the
 No construction materials shall be dumped/stacked on the
vehicular access and pedestrian access.
 All the gates shall open inwards, away from the live traffic
Sub base laying Construction plant/ 4 3 12  Area shall be barricade with adequate signage’s posted in visible 1 4 4
next to the live equipment collision with location to prevent unauthorized personnel from accessing
diversion/traffic road vehicles/workers being /crossing onto working area Site
road struck by the construction  Ensure concrete barriers with mesh fence of 2m height on the Managers
plant carriageway phase of the trench (CM),
 Ensure plastic interlocked barriers with appropriate signs on rest Engineers.
of the phases of the trench
 Engineer shall maintain 1.5m buffer zone from the live traffic road
HSE Officers
wherever possible.
 Pre-task briefing, supervisor’s checklist and plan inspection
checklist to completed daily prior to the activity.
 Valid Qatari license, competency certificate and fitness certificate

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should be made available.
 Ensure trained and competent banks man available throughout
the job.
 plant/equipment’s cabin should be free of obstruction for 360-
degree view.
 Plant/equipment's extended arm should not extend the exclusion
work zone.
 Ensure none of the construction worker exit to the live traffic
 Ensure proper supervision is in place and all trained operatives
deployed for work.
 Workers need to advise by supervisor during safe start related to
hazard associated with assign task and its control measures.
 Flagman/banksman need to deploy with the plant and equipment
to monitor the movement.
 Workers to make a safe distance with traffic and work in work
zone area, inside the barraication.
 Crossing of road to be avoided and if it is unavoidable then watch
both side of road for coming vehicle before crossing of road. Care
must be taken while crossing road.
Diesel Fire/explosion/Spillage/ 4 4 16  Provision of appropriate gloves during handling 2 4 8
Fueling/Mainten Overfills/spills, and leaks  Toolbox Talk/Daily Job Safety Analysis to be done prior to
ance commencing work & record to be maintained.
 Engineering control assessed by COSHH to be implemented
 Proper PPE indefinite by COSHH to be used
 Only authorized and trained people to work with hazardous
 Minimize the no of personal working in the area
 All environmental damage substance to be placed in a compound
 Hazardous substance to be use and handled as per MSDS
 MSDS to be conveyed to work force through training /Tool Box
 Spill kits to be provided.
 Drip tray to be used to avoid contamination of ground
 Don’t store more fuel than the minimum amount needed. Site Manager,
 Use approved containers, away from heat sources and in well- Engineers,
ventilated areas. Supervisor,

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 Don’t allow smoking near fuel trucks, as vapors may ignite Plant
 ensuring the engine is turned off when fueling, checking for any Incharge,
kinks in the fuel hose and maintaining contact with the tank while Logistic
fueling to prevent static electricity. Supervisor,
 When filling portable approved containers with fuel, ensure all Mechanic,
sources of ignition are off. Place the container on the ground and HSE Officers
fill it slowly. Avoid breathing in the vapors, and refrain from
overfilling containers. Leave a little extra space for expansion.
 fuel transfer hose and nozzle must be in the upright position. The
nozzle shall be kept clear of the ground when returned to the reel
or storage position.
 Welding and/or burning operations within 20 metres must be
stopped while fuelling is in progress.
 All spills or suspected spills of petroleum products, on land or into
the water, regardless of size, will be reported immediately to the
Supervisor. The Supervisor will report the spill immediately to the
Emergency Number of Site, or his delegate, who shall ensure that
action has taken immediately after notification and cleanup of the
area by help of spill kit.
 Fire extinguishers shall be located near the fuel storage areas and
be of a suitable type and size to permit the evacuation of workers
during a fire.
 Any worker who may be required to use a fire extinguisher shall
be trained in its use.
 Waste oils, lubricants, greasy and oily rags, or other materials
subject to spontaneous combustion will be retained in a labelled
container used for that purpose exclusively and will be properly
disposed of at frequent intervals.
 Regular preventative maintenance, in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations, should be planned and carried
out at predetermined intervals. Such intervals will usually be
based on time (hours of use) or distance (Kilometers).
 All repairs, modification, maintenance or servicing must be
carried out by a competent person.
 Maintenance and service records must be kept for all workplace
Equipment Operatives on foot at blind 4 5 20  Only trained and certified operators shall be allowed to operate 2 5 10
operation/worki spot to operator/driver the Moving Equipment’s.

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 Operator/mechanics shall use 3-point contact while ascending or
descending equipment.
 Extreme caution should be exercised while backing up. Parking,
operation shall be planned so that the backup maneuvers are
limited to a minimum.
 Extreme caution shall be exercised while working along the edge
of high banks and steep slopes. The machine shall never be
operated close to the edge of an overhang.
 Equipment that produces high level of noise and vibration will be
replaced/ repaired immediately.
 Defective equipment shall be tagged and taken out of service Site
Unauthorised operation of until it gets fixed by site mechanics. Safety devices such as backup Managers,
plants and machine/People
alarms should be given priority. Engineers.
working at blind spot of the
 Backup alarms shall be checked prior to beginning of the shift and Supervisors,
equipment/Collision with
ng near moving no machines shall be allowed to work with malfunctioning backup Surveyor, HSE
equipment’s alarms. Officers,
plants/Misuse of plant/
 All employees working nearby the equipment must wear safety Operators
Operative run over by plants/
vehicle, Noise, Dust vest and work by maintain safe distance.
 Curtains should not be used in windows of equipment’s to
increase the blind spots or distract the vision.
 No use of headphone to destruct the concentration.
 Workers operating the plant and equipment and working in the
vicinity must have ear plugs or ear defenders
 Supervisor must ensure the Operation is stopped during Poor
 Flashing warning lights to be used on moving plant during night
and low visibility working.
 Reverse alarm to be used on all plant.
 Proper safe exit route shall be for the trucks, equipment.

Compaction noise/vibration, Fumes, 3 3 9  Employee to be issued with steel toe cap safety boots, all injuries 1 3 3
Works Heatstroke/ Incompetent to be reported.
employee working with  Safe working condition of the compactor will be ensured including
compacting equipment/ safety guard covers for rotating parts, free of oil leaks etc.
Compacting equipment  Preventive / predictive maintenance of all equipment shall be
defective/ No exclusion zone

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& signage’s/No supervision conducted by PMV Section to keep the equipment in safe and
Inhalation of dust/ Poor proper working condition.
visibility/Obstructed by  Rotate compaction tasks to minimize worker exposure to
hanging materials equipment vibration as per QCS/Section-11/Part Vibration
 Task to be supervised by a competent supervisor.
 Employee to make use of approved hearing protection, supervisor
to ensure that the correct P.P.E is provided and used.
 Daily excavation inspections to be done by the appointed
responsible person. Engineers.
 Minimise the use of petrol and diesel driven machines in the Supervisors,
excavations, if used, complete inspected and well maintained Surveyor, HSE
equipment to be provided which is fit for the purpose. Officers
 Only trained and competent employees to work with any
compacting equipment.
 Employees to make use of hand protection, hand gloves need to
be provided and supervisor of task need to makes sure that its
 All compacting equipment to be inspected before used,
supervisor to ensure that the equipment is in a safe working
condition. Findings to be recorded on a register. Defective
equipment to be removed from site. Equipment/Tools to be
visually checked by competent person prior to use and must be
color coded.
 Rotation of job to be implemented for those workers using
compaction equipment and regular breaks to be provided.
 Welfare arrangements near to the working area.
 Only start equipment engine whilst in the operators’ seat.
 Park on level ground. Provide signals for jobs involving multiple
numbers of machines
 Fueling of vehicles/equipment should be avoided in site.
 Conduct daily equipment inspections and park properly the
equipment, don’t leave unattended equipment.
 Area shall be barricade with adequate signage’s posted in visible
location to prevent form unauthorized from accessing

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or crossing in the working area
 Competent plant equipment operator shall only be allowed to
operate the equipment
 Operator training and awareness on Whole Body Vibration,
reduce of time exposure of vibration and job rotation shall be
 No materials shall be hanging on windows or windshield of the
equipment that could pose obstructed visibility
 Banks man shall be always in visible location & with continuous
communication with the equipment operator
 Separate routes for vehicles/plants and pedestrians
 Work shall be suspended in weather condition like heavy rain,
foggy, heavy
 sandstorm, extreme heat wave, extreme humidity level & wind
speed of 25 knots(46kph)

Night Works 2 5 10  Safe Start briefing to be conducted prior to start task. 1 5 5

 Signage with illuminating stickers shall be placed at any diversion Site
and haul roads Managers
 Workmen shall have proper PPE while in Site. (CM),
Collision due to lack of  Obtain Night Work Permit and comply to its requirement Engineers.
illumination/Slip, Trip, Falls  Provide area lighting at haulage routes at 100 meters intervals Supervisors,
and at bends and junctions. Surveyor, HSE
 To provide task lightings at material unloading/embankment Officers
construction/pick-up and drop-off points.
 To provide lightings at rest areas, toilets.
 Competent banksmen to be located at unloading and reversing
areas and must be equipped with luminated batons.
 Ensure buddy system during the night to prevent from working
 Works should be supervised by competent person.
 Adequate lighting shall be provided during night time operations
and survey activities shall be limited to minimum during
 Advance planning of site set up during the day regarding the:

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 Designated access for personnel and vehicle/equipment.
 Lighting location
 Equipment location and position must be carried out in
preparation for the night work.
 Signalmen with signal torch, battens will be posted at required
locations on junctions, curves etc. off roads to provide signals to
the vehicles / drivers.
 All persons working on the site will wear reflective vests for easy
vision to each other.
 Reducing the number of people working in the same area
especially in closed places (unventilated area), maintain safe
distance i.e. 1.5 meters.
 Wearing gloves and mask.
 Daily Safe Start briefing in which Covid-19 prevention subject also
included to educate workforce to take precautions as directed by Site
Qatar Government. Managers,
 Provide and educate for practicing excellent personnel hygiene Engineers.
Individual Risk factors 4 5 20 habits. 3 5 15 Supervisors,
 Discard the used mask in waste bins. Surveyor, HSE
 Wash hands before eating and avoid touching mouth/nose. Officers/All
 Don’t shake hands. employees
 Cover face during coughing.
 Providing training, education, alert, posters and PPE for
Coronavirus Prevention Tips - Disease outbreak in line with the
local legislations, state and federal laws and international
standards e.g. (MoPH, MOI, MOL, HMC), WHO and OSHA.
Working in Heat Stress 3 5 5  Follow Latest Ministerial Resolution for working during hot and 2 5 10
Adverse climate Sand storm, Rain & Fog humid condition, mid-day break in summer
Lone working  Rescheduling work wherever possible so the hot tasks are
performed during the cooler part of the day
 Train site staff and supervisors about the hazard leading to heat
stress and ways to prevent them. TBT to all employees on
different heat related illnesses and accompanying symptoms for
each type and case and method of prevention and treatments.
 Work will be suspended during rain, sand storm, foggy weather
or in extreme heat by considering the site condition and visibility
and workers will be directed to safe area i.e. rest area till the

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weather get settled.
 Provide adequate cool drinking water and instruct employees to
drink adequate quantity of water to compensate losses of water Site
by sweating Managers
 Provide Electrolyte replacement drinks to operatives (CM),
 Wearing light clothing that still provides adequate protection Engineers.
 Enough water and shelters be provided/ saline soluble always Supervisors,
available Surveyor, HSE
 Rotation of work force / shift working Officers
 Always monitor the allowed temperature in working on outside
 Always ensure the “buddy system” to avoid working alone.
 Ensure welfare facilities are available, rest shelters, rest breaks
provided, easy access to cool water, and toilets available in work
 Establish a schedule for work and rest periods during hot days.
 Train workers to recognize signs and symptoms of heat stress
 Workers should be advised to drink water periodically.
 Implement Summer Management Plan.

Risk Categorization
The measure both Probability and the consequences (severity) of a specified untoward event caused by an identified hazard. Level of risk shall be
determined by Probability and Severity using the risk matrix shown below.

Document Number: LP-UIV-EL- RA-0007 24/12/2020

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