RA Construction For Sub Base Road Base Works
RA Construction For Sub Base Road Base Works
RA Construction For Sub Base Road Base Works
Location: PJ028 Reviewed by: Mohammad Naim Alsalhi – Road & Utility Signature: Company: UCC INFRA JV
Construction Manager
Approved by : Reda Al Jabri – Project Manager Signature:
Operation: LP-UIV-EL- MST-0007 Construction for Sub-base & Road base Works Rev: 00 Date: 24/12/2020
For method of rating risks, see detail at the end of this document
Note: This Risk Assessment is provided as a guidance document for the control of the all related risks of the activity aforementioned above
Risk Rating
Risk Rating
Activity with the activity Severity Person
Mobilization of Workers/Foremen/ 3 4 12 All workers, drivers and visitors to undergo site HSE 1 4 4
Manpower Engineers/Supervisors/HSE Induction/orientation prior access to site.
Officer/CM Daily toolbox talk/STARRT briefing before works starts
Unfamiliar site conditions & All workers and visitors must wear required mandatory PPE inside
rules, Untrained workers the site. Site
PPE Non-Compliance, Workers must be adequately supervised Managers,
Emergency Response Engineers.
All personnel mandatory to wear the standard and basic PPE at all
Unawareness, TBT Non Supervisors,
times on the required zone areas as per QCS/Section-11/Part
Conformance, PTW Non- HSE Officers Personal Protective Equipment
Conformance, Lack of Job specific PPE for doing specific task.
Supervision, Insufficient During Safety induction, awareness of all personnel in proper
Welfare Facilities, Poor emergency response will be provided.
Communication Provide permanent vehicle at site for emergency purpose.
Daily toolbox/Safe Start shall be conducted by site supervisor to
his workforce and discuss all the hazards involve and apply
loading and Unskilled operator/ 4 3 12 All plant / Equipment’s should be operated only by the competent 1 3 3
unloading of sub Uneven/non compacted and certified Operators.
base material surfaces/ Untrained Safe distance shall be maintained between the Men & plant
vehicle operatives/ movements.
Overloading/Over head Driver to ensure that the cargo compartment shutter is properly
obstruction/No standard closed after each loading & offloading operation.
distance/in between tipper Ensure that the ground of offloading area is properly levelled.
truck/No/absence of banks All site personnel are familiar with accident/Incident reporting
Man/Dust inhalation procedures and emergency telephone number is known
Competent Banks man shall be assigned on site with each plant /
Equipment, Site
Plant & equipment to have all round operator visibility. Reversing
alarm and beacon lights must be operational.
Unauthorized access strictly prohibited. Supervisors,
The signalmen/ banks men always visible to the operatives/ Operators,
drivers. HSE Officers
Segregation of plant & operatives with barriers & signage,
operatives briefed not to walk / stand around rear of machinery
or items of plant.
All people involved in the task must be trained and competent.
Close supervision shall be done throughout the activities
Maintenance of equipment shall be done in safe designated area.
Appropriate safety signage’s will be displayed at prominent
locations so that staff/ subcontractors & visitors will be aware of
associated risk released from the ongoing work.
Use of Tripper Low Tire Pressure/uneven 4 3 12 Ensure the load is evenly distributed. The load does not exceed 1 3 3
Trucks ground/uneven load/wet the carrying capacity of the vehicle or axel loadings. Tyres and
materials/soft ground/slop low-level equipment have not been damaged when going off
road. Mud and stones are not deposited on the public highway.
There are no stones, bricks, etc. trapped between tyres that could
become a hazard to other road users or pedestrians.
Wet loads are adequately drained before transporting.
Ensure that 15 meters tipping exclusion zones maintained
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) including a hard hat, gloves,
safety boots and a high visibility vest or jacket and if appropriate
eye and ear protection are available and worn at all times when
outside the cab Engineer/CM
Tyre pressures are checked regularly by operators. /HSE
The driving technique is adjusted to suit the vehicle and load Officers/Plant
centre of gravity as excessive speed effects stability and
Ensure the area around the point of discharge is clear of Equipment
personnel and obstructions. All personnel are well clear of a
swinging tailboard
Overhead cables and other obstructions are well clear of your
vehicle at all times and do not put you or others at risk . A check
is always made for overhead obstructions before tipping.
Site rules are known, understood and observed by operatives.
The manufacturers operating instructions and safety rules are
known, understood and implemented
An exclusion zone is maintained around the vehicle during the
tipping process. Only one truck will be tipped at a time unless
they are at least 15metres apart and each has their own
Banksman to direct the operation.
When empty, then Banksman instructs driver to lower the trailer
Road area where Over speeding, uncontrolled 3 4 12 All plant / Equipment’s should be operated only by the competent 1 4 4
sub base to be drivers, Reversing, narrow and certified Operators.
layed. access and egress, Safe distance shall be maintained between the Men & plant
overloading vehicle with sub movements.
base material /collision/ hit Competent Banks man/Flagman shall be assigned on site with
with vehicle, property damage
Transportation Tipper Trucks, Flying (wind- 2 4 8 Hauling access route must levelled and maintained. Loading area 1 4 4
of materials blown) grit, stones, sand and shall be maintained periodically for uneven ground conditions.
dust, Entanglement, Noise Haul roads shall be maintained periodically. Site
Provide area lighting at haulage routes at 100 meters intervals Managers,
and at bends and junctions. Engineers.
Drivers and other newcomers shall complete site safety Induction Supervisors,
Surveyor, HSE
and should be clearly briefed to follow the site rules, speed limits
and road signs. Operators
Use appropriate capacity vehicle as per the load to be
transported and the base course mix shall be fully covered
Ensure vehicle condition is good/proper maintenance.
Reversing Horn /Alarm must be in place and in working order.
Compaction noise/vibration, Fumes, 3 3 9 Employee to be issued with steel toe cap safety boots, all injuries 1 3 3
Works Heatstroke/ Incompetent to be reported.
employee working with Safe working condition of the compactor will be ensured including
compacting equipment/ safety guard covers for rotating parts, free of oil leaks etc.
Compacting equipment Preventive / predictive maintenance of all equipment shall be
defective/ No exclusion zone
Risk Categorization
The measure both Probability and the consequences (severity) of a specified untoward event caused by an identified hazard. Level of risk shall be
determined by Probability and Severity using the risk matrix shown below.