6f.sect.3.6 ADD
6f.sect.3.6 ADD
6f.sect.3.6 ADD
The system shall be totally solid state, microprocessor based and shall include but not
limited to the following:
(1) BS 5839: Part 1 & 4 : 1988 (Fire Detection and Alarm System in Building);
(2) BS 3116 : Part 4 (Control and Indicating Equipment for Automatic Fire Alarm
(5) The control system shall be operated on 24 volt DC supply and in accordance to
MS 1745 : Part 4 : 2004 or BS EN 54-4 : 1998.
(6) The control functions and indication on the Addressable Fire Alarm Panel shall
be in accordance to the MS 1745 : Part 2 : 2004 or BS EN 54-2 : 1998 and of
type approved by Jabatan Bomba Dan Penyelamat Malaysia.
The Contractor shall be required to furnish complete layout of the controls for the
addressable Fire Alarm Panel including mimic diagrams and wiring circuits for the
control systems for the approval of the S.O. before fabrication of the units.
The system shall be the addressable and intelligent type using the most advanced
microcomputer technology and is aimed to have a long life with compatible product
upgrades and expansions to include other advanced building management system.
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(1) Each sensor/detector is individual addressed and shall be given a label either as
an individual or in group using dip switch or software.
(2) The advanced fire sensors and sophisticated signal processing shall be used
leading to the minimum possible rate of unwanted alarms.
(3) All wiring and position of all devices in the system shall be traceable from the
main control panel and a record of these can be obtained from the printer.
(4) Location of where the fire first started and the latest location of the fire shall be
shown on the LCD display screen on the main control panel complete with
audible alarms.
(5) All other locations where the fire has spread to shall be scrolled on the LCD
display screen. All these locations and events shall be printed with exact date
and time of the events.
(6) The sensor shall incorporate an incoming and outgoing isolator to minimise
isolation of the system in the event of short circuit and open circuit faults.
All the components of the system shall be supplied from only one manufacturer. A
system using addressable fire alarm panel manufactured by manufacturer licensed by
the detector manufacturer is also acceptable provided the detector manufacturer submit
letter of undertaking with this tender, to provide all technical support and be responsible
for all system compatibility and performance.
The supply and installation of the Addressable Fire Alarm Panel complete with LCD
display screen, printer, keyboard, mimic diagram, rechargeable batteries, charger and
alarm bell, ELCB and surge arrestor.
The fire alarm shall be configured around advanced microcomputer based technology.
The numbers of loops and devices are as indicated in the Schedule of Design
Requirements and drawings.
The keyboard shall be used to configure, programmed and maintain the fire alarm
system. The system shall provide storage capacity and recording of the events of
incidents up to 260 events and provide a hard copy showing description, time and date
when requested to do so. It shall include the following equipments:
(3) Zone fault buzzer, fault alarm muting switches, fire alarm buzzer, fire alarm
muting switches and reset switches.
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(4) Evacuate -start sounders button, stop sounder button, system reset and cancel
fault buzzer buttons.
(5) The Fire Alarm Panel shall be connected to the nearest Jabatan Bomba Dan
Penyelamat Malaysia as indicated in the Schedule of Design Requirements. All
associated fees for this service shall be deemed to be included in the tender
price and paid by the Contractor.
(6) Constant voltage battery trickle charger, change-over contactor and all
associated voltmeter, ammeter, control switches, HRC fuses and relays.
(9) All necessary labels (clear perspex reverse engraved and screws) HRC fuses,
terminals blocks, relays, wiring etc.
(11) An approved perspex mimic panel (6mm thick) with zone illumination shall also
be provided to indicate the effected zone of the floor. The layout of the fire
services for the whole of the building shall also be indicated on the mimic panel.
The mimic diagram shall be first submitted to the S.O approval.
The Fire Alarm Panel shall be constructed from 18 s.w.g. mild steel sheets,
adequately braced. The compartments for the storage of batteries shall have
adequate vents and corrosion resistant treatment. The panel shall be properly
cleaned and phosphate sealed, followed by two coats of baked enamel of
standard white colour or other if request by the S.O.
The control and indication equipment shall be adaptable for operation either on the
mains electrical supply or storage battery exclusive for this system. The power supply
equipment shall also include battery charger, rectifier, transformer, protective circuit
fuses, ammeter, voltmeter and fault warning devices.
The batteries shall be of the heavy duty Nickel Cadmium rechargeable type. Its capacity
shall not be less than as indicated in the Schedule of Design Requirements such that
power is available to supply quiescent load resulting from the disconnection or failure of
the mains electrical supply, for a minimum period of 72 hours. The battery supply shall
be capable of supplying a maximum alarm load for a period of at least an hour.
The contractor shall submit calculations on the battery loadings to the Superintending
Officer to ensure its capacity satisfies the conditions stated above.
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The battery charger shall be capable of bringing the batteries to full charge within 8
hours operation on mains supply. It shall incorporate dual charging rate, one for quick
boosting and the other for trickle charge. Fault warning devices shall be included to
indicate any charging failure or mains failure.
Surge and transient protection at Fire Alarm Panel must be provided for AC input for all
panels - sub panels and signal line running externally. It should comply to the standard
such as ANSI/IEEE C 62.41,AS 1768:1991 and BS 6651:1992.
When a zone is activated, the alarm bell/sounders sound continuously and all other
alarm bells/sounders shall have an intermittent ringing for at least 30 seconds before all
the alarm bells/sounders starts ringing in the building concerned. All signals have to be
relayed to the Main Alarm Panels.
Essential controls are revealed on unlocking and opening the front cover of the
control panel.
On operation of this button all system alarm devices and system outputs are
switched to evacuate mode, irrespective of any pre-programmed groupings.
On operation of this button all system alarm devices and system outputs are
returned to the quiescent (quiet mode) state irrespective of their previous state.
The master alarm buzzer within the control panels remains in operation in an
intermittent state.
On operation of this button the system will check the satisfactory operation of all
system devices and return to the quiescent system state before an incident. If
there is smoke or heat remaining in the immediate vicinity of a sensor or if a
manual call point has not been reset the system will return to a fire condition.
The system cannot be reset until the stop sounders button has been operated.
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This button silences the internal fault buzzer while the visual indication of a fault
remains on the panel.
The two master alarm circuit’s resident within the panel must be operated using
the menu-driven special function keys.
The panel includes an internal clock that operates independently of any power
supply. This self-adjusting clock can be changed by using the menu-driven
special function keys.
System information can be obtained from the control panel and either displayed
on the four line liquid crystal display and printed out by the integral printer.
Other system controls can be operated using the menu-driven special function
keys. These controls can only be accessed by entering a user defined access
The warning lights on the panel are illuminated when any device on the system
is isolated. Devices, systems input or outputs and group of devices may be
isolated manually or automatically. Automatic isolation can take place on
selected days of the weeks and/or in up to eight pre-set times zones. In addition,
the optical smoke detection channel can be de-sensitized within set time periods
and/or specific days. No warning is given as the heat sensing element in the
same head will continue to function normally. This action is however recorded in
the event log.
Changes must be made to the configuration of the system and to device or zone
Individual sectors must have alert or evacuate modes and Auxiliary Relay
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1) Allocation of Addresses
If the number configuration and labels have not been previously entered
the system will automatically default to sound all alarms in the evacuate
mode in the event of a fire and will signal the location as the outstation
3) System Labeling
4) System Zoning
Any system trigger device or input can be grouped into a zone. Each
zone can be given a label of up to 32 characters. If there is a fire incident
within a zone, the zone label will appear on the liquid crystal display.
However, incidents at individual devices within the zone will be recorded
separately on the event log.
5) System Sectoring
In this system both alarm devices and trigger devices are grouped
together into sectors. If a fire incident occurs within a sector, the alarm
devices in that sector will operate. The alarm devices within other sectors
can than be linked to the original group so that they will sound alert or
evacuate in response.
Using this system a comprehensive two stage alarm pattern can be built
up throughout the site.
Sectors can be isolated in the same way as zones or devices and can
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The alert signal and evacuate signal can be configured by the user to
operate continuously, intermittently at interval of half a second, one
second or two seconds or giving a hi/low tone at the same time intervals.
The systems electronic sounders shall be operated by pulses from the
control panel and are therefore all synchronized.
7) Fire Data
9) Events Data
11) Status
(1) All AHUs of the affected FLOOR and ventilation system shall be switched off.
The AHUs on the remaining floors shall remain operational.
(2) Smoke-spill fans shall be operated through the fire alarm system. Fans can only
be stopped manually from central panel.
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Sensors and devices shall have built-in isolators or fault-isolation module shall be
provided to enable part of a fault-tolerant loop to continue operating when a break
occurs on the loop. The isolator shall have a LED that blinks to indicate normal status
and ON to indicate a break on the loop.
The bell shall have an operational requirement complying to MS 1745 : Part 3 : 2004 or
BS EN 54-3 : 2001. The bell shall be minimum 150mm (6”) in diameter with pressed
steel gong finished in red. The bell shall be the solenoid operated type rated at 24V DC.
The sound level produced shall be at least as indicated in the Schedule of Design
The electronic sounder shall be of 24 V DC type. It shall have a remote switching facility
to enable sound to be changed by an exterior switch from intermittent or warble to
continuous to signal change in state of alarm condition e.g. from Alert to Evacuate. It
shall also have a volume control to enable sound level to be altered to suit application
within a range of 65 dB (A) to 100 dB (A).
Flashing relays shall be of a type suitable for 24V DC operation and capable of providing
flashing lights at not less than 50 signaling point each.
The rate of flashing shall be even and not less than 110 ± 30 flashes per minute with an
on/off time ratio of between 4 : 1 and 2 : 1.
Each flashing light shall have a red cap of not less than 50 mm in diameter
The lamps shall continue to flash even if the call point is reset. If the call point is reset at
the moment of acknowledgement, lamps will go out, otherwise the lamps will show a
steady light.
The heat detector shall be the THERMISTOR Rate-Of Rise* and fixed temperature type
and shall comply with BS 5445 : Part 5 (Grade 1 response time). The detectors shall
have a response time of 15 sec with a temperature rise of 30 C per minute as per BS
5445 : Part 8. Detectors shall automatically reset upon cooling.
All heat detectors shall be completed with base plate suitable for ceiling mounting. They
shall be installed in such a way that each may be readily withdrawn from service for
testing or replacement without impairing the effectiveness of the remaining detectors
and installation.
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The smoke detectors shall comply with BS 5445 : Part 7 and the type shall be as per
Schedule of Design Requirements.
The smoke detector shall be complete with base plate of decorative ring suitable for
ceiling mounting.
The smoke sensor shall be able to detect a full spectrum of fires as defined in BS 5445 :
Part 9.
When duct sensors are required to be installed in air-conditioning ducting system, the
smoke sensor shall be of a type suitable for the intended application and shall comply to
BS 5445 : Part 7.
1) The wiring from the equipment terminal strips to make up for the complete
installation of the Fire Detection and Alarm System shall be done by the Contractor.
Smoke detectors for air handling unit (duct) shall be supplied and installed by the Air
Conditioning Contractor.
2) All offers of detector shall be supported by copies of the current test certificates
from SIRIM or recognised laboratory.
Manually operated call points shall comply with BS 5839 : Part 2 : 1983. Breaking the
frangible element shall cause the call point to change to and remain in, its alarm
initiating state and no further manual action shall be required. The call point casing shall
be shatter proof, corrosion resistant and finished in signal red to BS 3810.
The manual call points shall be of the break glass type with corrosion resistant metal
casing suitable for surface fixing. Each manual call point shall have the words "API -
PECAH KACA" inscribed on it.
All manual call points shall have alternative provisions to enable open or closed circuit
Manual call point shall be mounted at a height of 1.4 metres from the floor, easily
accessible, well illuminated and conspicuous positions free from obstruction.
Manual call point maybe flushed mounted where they can be seen readily. In locations
where they may be viewed from the side (eg. In corridor) they should be surface
mounted or semi-recessed in order to present a side profile area of not less than
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The interface unit shall be a self contained wall mounted unit with its own power supply
that can control up to four sectors of bells, visual alarm signals. The unit shall be
capable of linking the addressable system to existing conventional fire alarm system, a
fire fighting Carbon Dioxide system, alarm bell, hose reel system, air conditioning units,
sprinkler floor control valve, etc.
The alarm system shall be capable of withstanding local environmental conditions and
complying to current regulations.
All circuits shall be designed such that the controllers will perform their functions in an
ambient temperature up to 50°C.
The wiring above ground shall be wired and run in metallic conduit complying with BS
6004:2000. The size and type of cable shall as specified in the Schedule of Design
Requirements. All wiring shall be installed to comply with the latest edition of I.E.E. and
Electricity Supply Act 1990 and Electricity Regulations 1994 / Jabatan Bekalan Elektrik
regulations. All conduits are to be concealed or hidden from view.
Cable marker shall be provided for all the underground cable with suitable distance.
The underground cable shall be laid on a 50mm (2") thick compact sand bed and at
least 900mm below ground level c/w a layer of hard baked brick along its routes.
13.1 General
Transient Barriers shall be installed to provide lightning and transient protection for
balanced and unbalanced data lines, signal and communications circuit used in
instrumentation process control, communications and commuting applications.
They shall be series, in-line devices. Shunt or parallel devices are not acceptable.
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To ensure the maximum application flexibility and ease of testing. The Transient Barrier
shall comprise primary and secondary protection.
The Transient Barrier shall be designed for temperature and tropical field conditions over
operating temperature range 10 deg C to 50 deg C and relative humidity up to 95%.
The primary surge divertor protection shall be high speed three element gas arrestor
rated at 20kA 8/20 microsecond waveform.
The secondary divertor shall comprise at least two different types of high speed
secondary protection components, arranged as two stages of clamping separated by
discrete line impedance overcurrent protection.
The overcurrent protection shall be the self resetting solid state thermal switch type with
one device in each wire circuit.
The secondary protection clamping voltage shall be chosen to be between 1.10 times
and 1.4 times the peak operating voltage of the circuit.
The secondary protection shall have a minimum transient current rating of 5 kA on 8/20
microsecond wave shape on each protected wire.
The Barrier shall be designed to withstand both common mode and differential
(transverse) mode transients. The overall Barrier shall have three stages of clamping.
The let through voltage response when measured at the equipment terminals of the
barrier shall be stated when 6kV 1/30 microsecond pulse plus 3kA 8/20 microsecond
pulse is applied to the line terminals. The Barrier shall protect the equipment against
transients of at least this magnitude and waveshape and the Barrier itself shall not
sacrificially fall or be damaged.
The maximum let through voltage when tested shall not exceed 17V for circuit operating
voltages under 6.3V, PROVIDED THAT if these levels of let through voltages are too
high for the equipment being protected and cause damaged component through voltage
shall be lower so that these problems do not occur.
The barrier shall have a response time no greater than one microsecond.
The barrier shall have a 3dB attention frequency not less than one megahertz.
The barrier shall be able to withstand and adequate/divert many transients over a long
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13.3 Installation
The transient barriers shall be effectively earthed using high quality mechanical
connections. They shall be earthed to the earth of the equipment that they are protecting
and to no other earth.
Earth wires to leads shall be of 1.5mm minimum diameter. They shall be laid alongside
incoming cable pairs and kept remote from equipment side cables.
Since a transient barrier with primary and secondary protection is necessarily a non-
symmetrical device, great care shall be taken in installation to ensure line-side and
equipment connections are correct and not reversed.
Earth leads shall be as short and direct as possible to minimize earth wire inductance.
The PLF shall be rated for 220-240 VAC, 50Hz, single phase, 10Amps continuous at 45
degrees C ambient, 0-95 % humidity.
The series earth impedance measured at 50 Hz shall be less than 0.1 ohms.
The PLF shall be suitable for both free standing operation or wall mounting
The Peak Impulse Current (single shot) shall be greater than 12000 Amps when pulsed
with an input conditions, the energy absorption (single shot) shall exceed 300 Joules.
The PLF shall be subjected to strict type testing using ANSI/IEEE 062 41-1980 input
specifications. The testing shall include both of 6 kV 100kHz, 500 Amps Cat A ringwave
, and 6 kV 1.5/5.0 uSec +3kA 8/20u Sec dual mode category B pulses. With each type
of pulse, particular care shall be exercised to test the PLF in both Common mode and
Differential mode. The Common mode test shall involve measuring the response of the
filter when the impulse is applied to both Active and neutral wires. The Differential mode
test shall involve measuring the response of the filter when the pulse is applied to either
of the Active or Neutral wire individually.
The category A and B test pulses shall be superimposed onto the normal 220-240 VAC
Mains supply so that the pulse positions with respect to the 50Hz Mains supply can be
varied through out the cycle. Test results will not be accepted if they are superimposed
on the 50 Hz supply.
The PLF shall have an output clamping voltage of less than 490 V when the 6kV 100kHz
category A pulse is superimposed at the positive peak of a 50Hz 240 VAC Mains
sinewave. This clause shall apply to both of Common mode and Differential mode tests.
The PLF shall have an output clamping voltage of less than 600 V when the 6kV 1.5/5
uSec +3 kA 8/20uSec category B pulse is superimposed at the positive peak of a 50Hz
240 VAC Mains sinewave. This clause shall apply to both of Common mode and
Differential mode tests.
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The PLF shall be specifically designed for filtering of low frequency disturbances. The
2dB attenuation frequency shall not exceed 2kHz and shall preferably be below 2 kHz.
The attenuation at 40 kHz shall be at least 40 dB.
The PLF shall be specifically designed for lightning and surge protection powerlines.
Classical Radio Frequency filters, even if combined with clamping devices, are not
The Fireman Intercom System shall consist of a Main Fireman Intercom Panel (MFIP),
remote fireman intercom station and all necessary audio and visual elements.
All locations of remote fireman intercom stations shown in the tender drawings are
approximate. The Contractor shall check the site shown in the accompanying drawing
and shall adjust accordingly to suit site conditions. Superintending Officer’s approval
shall be obtained prior to adjustments or installations.
The Contractor shall submit complete layout and wiring diagrams, fireman intercom
system schematic diagrams, LED facial display panel drawing and system
console/cabinet layout to Superintending Officer for approval or at least two (2) weeks
prior to commencement of works.
The system shall be design to be self supervising to detect and to monitor any wire
breakage, wire shorted, unauthorized remove of remote handset, to annunciate and to
display visual signal at MFIP.
Self-contained storage batteries complete with charger shall be provided to enable the
system to be operational during main power supply and essential power supply failure.
During such condition, battery capacity provided shall be able to maintain system
operational for at least 72 hour and 3 hours remote fireman intercom stations activation
The battery charger shall be capable of charging a fully discharged battery within 24
hours by normal charge method to a fully charged condition.
The system shall operate on incoming 230 Volt AC, 50 Hz main power supply and
connected to essential power supply. The incoming main shall then be stepped down to
24 Volt DC for complete usage and operational by the MFIP and remote fireman
intercom stations.
Location for the MFIP shall be in the fire/security control centre as shown in the tender
drawing and the exact position shall be determined at site.
Console/cabinet housing for the MFIP shall also allow space to house the battery set.
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The fire alarm and detection system shall be tested according to the related standard
and shall be done in the presence of S.O or his representative.
All items to be painted shall be first cleaned and prime coated. The final colour shall be
applied in two coats. The paint shall be red colour and gloss-finish type
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