Format For Request Letter - AD Banker Appointment

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Annexure – Format for Request letter

(On the letter head of Company and to be signed by Authorized Signatory(ies) as per Bank records)


RBL Bank Limited



Dear Sir,

Sub.: Appointment of Designated AD Bank for availing External Commercial Borrowing (ECB)

Automatic/Approval route (strike off any one) Our Account No …………….. With your

With reference to above, we wish to appoint RBL Bank Limited as Designated AD Bank for
availing ECB for (CCY & Amount)………………… under Automatic/Approval route
from………………..(Name & country of the Lender).

This is to confirm the following points for application of ECB:

1. We are engaged in the business of …………………………………………………………………… and our

National Industry Code as per 2008 Industry classification list is ……………………………..
Further, regulation pertaining to ‘Eligible borrower’, ‘Recognized lender’, ‘Minimum
Average Maturity of loan’ and ‘End use of loan proceeds’ etc. in respect of the said ECB
arranged by us is in strict compliance to Notification No. FEMA 3R/2018-RB dated
December 17, 2018, as amended from time to time; and Master Direction - External
Commercial Borrowings, Trade Credits and Structured Obligations (Updated as on 08th
August 2019)

2. We are eligible to receive Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) basis our activity as per extant
FDI policy announced by Govt. of India from time to time.

3. We confirm that, all terms and conditions are to be complied as per extant FEMA
guidelines till the settlement of ECB & further, adherence to all regulatory reporting
including filing of monthly ECB-2 returns as prescribed will be strictly complied.

4. We confirm that, in case of any changes in terms and conditions of the said ECB,
including but not limited to, any change in lender, draw-down or repayment schedule,
all in cost, average maturity period, amount, name of the borrower company or end-use
of ECB proceeds, we will immediately submit revised Form-ECB along with supporting
documents for due intimation to RBI. Further, we are aware that in case of any lapse in
informing us about the said changes may lead to contravention of FEMA guidelines and
invite appropriate action under the extant FEMA regulations.
5. We hereby declare that the said drawdown, repayment & interest under ECB does not
involve, and is not designed for the purpose of any contravention or evasion of the
provisions of the aforesaid Act or of any rule, regulation, notification, direction or order
made there under. We also hereby agree and undertake to give such
information/documents as will reasonably satisfy you about this transaction in terms of
the above declaration.

6. We, confirm and undertake that the proceeds of the External commercial Borrowings
(ECB) will be used for ………………………[Insert the end use]and which will be in
accordance with the extant ECB Policy and applicable law from time to time.

7. We confirm that lender is resident of FATF or IOSCO compliant country.

8. We are aware about the guidelines issued by RBI for payment of late submission fees for
delay in submission of Form ECB and ECB-2 returns.

9. We would like to confirm that our company is not under investigation / adjudication /
appeal by the law enforcing agencies for violation of any of the provisions of the
Regulations under FEMA pending. [If yes, details needs to be provided separately.]

We further declare that the undersigned has the authority to give this declaration and
undertaking on behalf of the company.

Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,

Authorized Signatory

 Name:
 Designation:
 Email ID:
 Cell No:

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