Phast 09 0 0 Release Notes

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Manage hazards for safe and efficient operations

DATE: December 2023
Reference to part of this report which may lead to misinterpretation is not permissible.

No. Date Reason for Issue Prepared by Verified by Approved by

0 December 2023 Release version 9.0 David Alvarez Boedo Trixie Secillano Trixie Secillano

Date: December 2023

Prepared by: Digital Solutions at DNV

© DNV AS. All rights reserved

This publication or parts thereof may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including copying
or recording, without the prior written consent of DNV AS.

Table of contents
1 NEW FEATURES .............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1 CFD dispersion source and new extension licence 2
1.2 Display of 3D results 5
1.3 Visualising spray droplets and pool area in the 3D viewer 6
1.4 Batch runner 7
1.5 Custom 3D objects folder and functionality available to non-CFD licence holders 8
1.6 CFD dispersion source creation from classic scenario types 8
1.7 Export to KFX 9
1.8 Simplification of User-defined source scenarios 9
1.9 Points of interest in Phast 10
1.10 Ignition modelling in Safeti 11
1.11 Dynamic pressure in exceedance curves 14
1.12 Representative materials 15
1.13 Open CFD results folder 16
1.14 Diagnostics folder 17
1.15 Technical Documentation 17

2 BUG FIXES ..................................................................................................................................................... 18

3 KNOWN ISSUES AND WORKAROUNDS ...................................................................................................... 24

APPENDIX A: PHAST CFD EXTENSIONS COMPARISON ............................................................................................ 39

APPENDIX B: GUIDANCE ON COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (CFD) IN PHAST ............................................. 40

B.1 Stages in the CFD process 40
B.2 Essential techniques used in the 3D viewer 42

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page i

In this latest release of Phast and Safeti version 9.0, we are excited to introduce a number of enhanced features and
functionalities designed to improve the user experience and expand the capabilities of our software, specifically in
relation to lowering the barrier to entry for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling. These updates, which are
detailed in the following sections, demonstrate our commitment to providing advanced, user-friendly tools for
consequence and risk modelling in various industrial contexts.

1.1 CFD dispersion source and new extension licence

Phast Lite Phast Phast 3D Safeti Lite Safeti Safeti Explosions

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Following the release of the Phast CFD pool fire and jet fire extensions in versions 8.6 and 8.7, respectively, the new
version of Phast now allows users to perform CFD modelling for dispersion and be able to visualise the behaviour of the
dispersing cloud over time.

A new CFD dispersion source icon has been added to support this feature. Users can now insert a CFD dispersion
source scenario for any storage equipment that has a flammable* material selected.

The introduction of this new Phast CFD - dispersion licence allows three-dimensional (3D) geometry files to be used in
the CFD calculations. If Phast 9.0 is being used without the new Phast CFD – dispersion licence, CFD calculations for
dispersion can still be performed but the 3D geometry files will not be used in the calculations.

Appendix A: Phast CFD extensions comparison clarifies the modelling capability whether the new licence is present; it
also provides comparison against the other existing Phast CFD extensions for pool fire and jet fire scenarios.

In addition to this new CFD capability in Phast, we also made modelling CFD easier for our users in different aspects.
Sections 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 describe these features from specifying input data, to running the model, to viewing the results.

* We have currently limited this feature to materials with flammable or flammable and toxic characteristics.

1.1.1. Specifying required data

There are two ways to set up the discharge data, such as mass flow rate, temperature liquid fraction, and velocity, to be
used in a CFD dispersion source scenario, namely:

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 2

• Through a source scenario, by running a source scenario from most types of continuous release scenarios. A
list of scenarios from which a CFD dispersion source can be run is described in Section 1.6. Once a classic
continuous release scenario has been run, right-click the scenario and select the Create > CFD dispersion
source option. This will enable the creation of the CFD dispersion source within the same coordinates as the
storage equipment.

• Alternatively, if discharge data are available, users can manually specify the parameters within the scenario
input window using the CFD dispersion source scenario .

Users will be required to specify elevation, inclination from the horizontal, and rotation about the z-axis of the release
point. The direction of the release can be visualised within the Display grid option within the 3D viewer, as discussed
further in Section 1.2.

By default, three standardised concentrations levels are included when modelling CFD dispersion. These concentration
levels will always include the UFL, LFL and the LFL fraction depending on the material selected. To give users more
flexibility in visualising the dispersion results, up to five additional user-defined concentration levels of interest can be

Oftentimes, deciding the level of detail for the simulation mesh is useful, depending on the desired refinement of the
results. Several methods are available to users for specifying the bounding box to be used in the calculation, giving
them the option to either specify their own bounding box (User-defined option), use the default values calculated by CFD
(Simple approximation option), or let Phast calculate the bounding box based on the classic Phast unified dispersion
model (UDM) (Phast calculated option).

Users would typically observe the point at which the release has reached a steady state. The Simulation time
specification option provides the user with the choice of whether to manually specify the end time of the simulation or to
allow Phast to determine this based on the time it reaches steady state.

Finally, users can now decide how to store simulation results. Choosing Store results only for last time modelled means
the system will save the simulation data at the very end of the run. This option is ideal if users focus solely on the final
outcome of the simulation. On the other hand, selecting Store results at regular time intervals allows the system to save
data at specified periods throughout the simulation, as defined in the Time interval for storing results field. This option is
beneficial if users need to analyse how the simulation evolves over time.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 3

1.1.2. Running the CFD dispersion source scenario
We have enabled the ability to run multiple CFD scenarios, whether it is a standalone jet fire, pool fire, or a CFD
dispersion source scenario. This is discussed in detail in Section 1.4.

We believe that users can benefit from viewing the time steps as the CFD progresses, which is why we have added a
new feature for users to view the simulation status while the model is running. This is shown in the screenshot provided

Once the run is complete, a CFD dispersion source scenario (or a standalone pool fire or standalone jet fire scenario)
with CFD results will be displayed with a brown tick. This brown icon will be present whether the calculations ran to the
final specified step or time, or whether you used Stop CFD icon to stop the calculations.

To further assist our users in adapting to and fully utilising the new Phast CFD – dispersion extension, we have included
a set of example files. To open them, go to the File tab in the ribbon bar, then select Open Example…

These files are specifically designed to provide practical examples to demonstrate the capabilities and applications of
the new CFD extension in Phast.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 4

1.2 Display of 3D results
Phast Lite Phast Phast Explosions Safeti Lite Safeti Safeti Explosions
Extension Extension

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Results can be presented in the form of the 3D results viewer, Reports, Graphs, and GIS.

Within the 3D results viewer for standalone pool fire, standalone jet fire and the new CFD dispersion source scenarios,
improvements have been implemented to the user interface which includes the following:

• Display calculation grid that shows the size of the mesh grid, along with an arrow indicating the orientation of
the release. To enable this feature, go to the Consequences tab in the ribbon bar and select the Display
calculation grid check box. Note that the calculation grid can only be displayed in the 3D results viewer either
when the scenario model is running or has completed running.

• Legend improvements, including the display of ranges and geometry used in calculations, grouping and
improved visualisation.

These are demonstrated in the 3D results viewer shown below.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 5

1.3 Visualising spray droplets and pool area in the 3D viewer
Phast Lite Phast Phast Explosions Safeti Lite Safeti Safeti Explosions
Extension Extension

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Spray droplets and pool area for liquid and two-phase releases using the CFD dispersion source scenario can be
viewed in the 3D results viewer. These results are shown in the screenshot below.

Phast will only show the interaction of spray droplets and pool area with 3D geometry in the calculations if the user has
an active licence for Phast CFD – dispersion extension.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 6

Note that it is possible to set a limit to the number of individual liquid droplets that will be modelled in the CFD dispersion
calculations for liquid and two-phase releases, which will have an impact to the granularity of the results. However, a
larger value will increase the file size. This can be modified through the Maximum number of numerical droplets field
within the Dispersion tab of the CFD dispersion source input window.

1.4 Batch runner

Phast Lite Phast Phast Explosions Safeti Lite Safeti Safeti Explosions
Extension Extension

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In previous versions, only a single scenario can be run at a time. Now, we are enabling users to simultaneously run
multiple standalone jet fire, standalone pool fire and CFD dispersion source scenarios. Starting and stopping the batch
runner for CFD scenarios can be done by selecting Run CFD from the Study level, either by using the Run CFD option
within the right click option or through the Run CFD icon in Home tab of the ribbon bar.

Note that Stop button from the Home tab of the ribbon bar will stop all active calculations, whether CFD or Classic
calculations, depending on which is running.

The Number of CFD processes option allows users to specify the number of scenarios that can be run simultaneously.
Although this feature was already available in earlier versions of Phast, it becomes important in Phast 9.0 for running
multiple CFD scenarios as users will be able to tailor the number of simultaneous CFD scenarios to the system’s
capabilities and the project needs thereby speeding the process. To change the number of CFD scenarios run in
parallel, go to File > Preferences > Number of CFD processes.

Users can continue to add scenarios to the batch runner queue, and these scenarios will be run depending on the
number of processes set within the Application Preferences window.

Additionally, we have enhanced the user experience by allowing edits to scenario input windows not involved in the
current calculations. This ensures greater flexibility and efficiency, as users can continue building their study even while
CFD scenarios are running or queued.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 7

1.5 Custom 3D objects folder and functionality available to non-CFD
licence holders
Phast Lite Phast Phast Explosions Safeti Lite Safeti Safeti Explosions
Extension Extension

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In previous versions of Phast, users with only a standard licence of Phast could not create Custom 3D objects.
However, this feature has now been enabled.

It should be noted, however, that while 3D results can be displayed, the geometries will not be included in the CFD
calculations without a Phast CFD - pool fires, Phast CFD - jet fires, and/or Phast CFD - dispersion licence. If users do
not have an active CFD licence, the 3D results will be displayed as in the left screenshot. Conversely, if users do have
an active CFD licence, the 3D results will appear as shown in the right screenshot.

3D results without an active CFD licence (left) and 3D results with an active CFD licence (right)

1.6 CFD dispersion source creation from classic scenario types

Phast Lite Phast Phast Explosions Safeti Lite Safeti Safeti Explosions
Extension Extension

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In Section 1.1, it was outlined that users can create CFD dispersion source scenarios in Phast for materials with
flammable or flammable and toxic characteristics, using a range of existing scenario types. The option to create a CFD
dispersion source becomes available for the classic scenarios highlighted in the table below -

Scenario types CFD dispersion source creation Export to KFX

from classic scenario in Phast

Leak  

Time varying leak  

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 8

Scenario types CFD dispersion source creation Export to KFX
from classic scenario in Phast

Fixed duration  

User defined source (Leak)  

Location specific breach  (Pipeline point)  (Pipeline point and polyline)

Spill  

Vent from vapour space  

Short pipe scenarios (Line rupture,  

Relief valve, Disc rupture)

Time Varying scenarios (Line  

rupture, Relief valve, Disc rupture)

To generate a CFD dispersion source scenario from these scenarios highlighted in the table above, run the classic
scenario, right-click on it, go to Create, and select CFD dispersion source. However, it is worth noting that creating a
CFD dispersion source scenario from a User defined source (Leak) or Spill scenarios does not require running these
classic scenarios.

1.7 Export to KFX

Phast Lite Phast Phast Explosions Safeti Lite Safeti Safeti Explosions
Extension Extension

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We aim to simplify the transition from Phast to KFX for users who require more detailed computational fluid dynamics
analysis. Building on the Export to KFX feature introduced in Phast 8.6, which generates .json files for import into KFX,
we have expanded this feature. It now allows for the export of the CFD dispersion source and classic scenario types to
KFX. Please refer to the table in Section 1.6 for full details.

To export the .json files for Phast scenarios, select the scenario of interest. Go to the Data tab in the ribbon bar and
select KFX within the Output section, alternatively, right-click on the scenario and select Export to KFX. The log window
will display the location of the generated .json files.

1.8 Simplification of User-defined source scenarios

Phast Lite Phast Phast Explosions Safeti Lite Safeti Safeti Explosions
Extension Extension

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In previous versions of Phast and Safeti, creating a user-defined source from a leak scenario presented users with
options to select weather condition for results presentation. However, the discharge data in these user-defined source
scenarios typically remain the same, except in cases where the release is not in pure vapour form and when the
'Melham' Droplet is selected as the Droplet handling method, as the discharge results can vary per weather.

In version 9.0, the process of creating a user-defined source or a CFD dispersion source scenario from classic
scenarios has been simplified. Users can now use a 'create source' option in the right-click menu, instead of creating a
| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 9
source for each weather condition. The images below demonstrate the differences between version 8.9 (or earlier) and
version 9.0.

Options available in version 8.9 or earlier (left) and options in version 9.0 (right)
When creating a new user-defined source or CFD dispersion source, additional information can be found in the Notes
section, indicating the original scenario from which the user-defined source and CFD dispersion source were created, as
shown below.

1.9 Points of interest in Phast

Phast Lite Phast Phast Explosions Safeti Lite Safeti Safeti Explosions
Extension Extension

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Users have the option to specify risk ranking points (RRPs) in Safeti. A similar concept is implemented in Phast version
9.0 to represent locations within the map that are of interest, known as points of interest.

This feature has been added in Phast, allowing users to calculate the explosion results at various locations, including
worst-case explosion results. This feature requires an active Explosions extension licence.

To add a point of interest, go to the Map tab > Points of interest folder. Right-click, select Insert > Points of interest.
Users will then need to specify the location within the GIS Input work area. Alternatively, the geometry can be manually
specified through the Geometry tab within the Points of interest input window, if the coordinates are known.

If points of interests are defined within a workspace, users can view Worst Case Explosion results from the Effects icon
in the Home tab of the ribbon bar, after the calculation is run. This is shown in the screenshot below.
| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 10
Various worst-case explosion results are available in table format, including side-on, dynamic, duration, impulse,
stagnation, and reflected overpressure results. The type of results presented depends on the Obstruction Sets selected
in the study.

These tables can then be exported to Excel using the Export icon in the General tab of the ribbon bar.

If Detailed Diagnostics is selected in the Explosion diagnostics dialog (within the Diagnostics option of the Settings tab in
the ribbon bar), more comprehensive explosion results can be obtained, including all explosion results for the defined
points of interest. After running the model, users can view the diagnostics explosion results files by selecting the
Diagnostics folder icon in the View tab of the ribbon bar.

1.10 Ignition modelling in Safeti

Phast Lite Phast Phast Explosions Safeti Lite Safeti Safeti Explosions
Extension Extension

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1.10.1. User-interface changes to the display of ignition sources

We have made the categorisation of ignition sources more straightforward for the users, providing a cleaner and more
organised overview.

The left screenshot displays the groupings in version 8.9, while the right screenshot illustrates the groupings in version
9.0. These have been reorganised to clearly differentiate between the available ignition approaches in Safeti.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 11

Presentation of ignition approaches in Safeti version 8.9 (left) and in Safeti version 9.0 (right)

1.10.2. New ignition models based on the DSB guidance

The Guidelines for quantitative risk analysis of facilities handling hazardous substances was published by VYSUS
Group for the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB). The document provides recommendations for use by
organisations that perform risk assessments for calculation of risk contours. Within the DSB guidelines, three different
methodologies have been described:


• HYEX; and

• Outside Plant Boundary Method.


This method and its features are available if you have an active Explosions extension licence.

Modelling of Ignition Sources on Offshore oil and gas Facilities (MISOF) ignition model for use on offshore oil and gas
facilities was developed by Lloyd’s Register. It accounted for the evolution of the flammable cloud and its interaction with
ignition sources and ignition control measures in place. In 2022, a report was then published by Safetec which provided
guidelines for the modelling of ignition probability for use in quantitative risk assessments for land-based oil and gas
facilities. The recommendations were based on the MISOF ignition model.

This new ignition probability modelling approach is recommended for defining the ignition probability given exposure to
flammable fluid for the most important potential sources of ignition present on land-based oil and gas facilities.

The MISOF model has been implemented within Safeti by introducing a new option to add volume-based ignition
sources. To add a MISOF source, go to the Risk tab > Ignitions folder > MISOF sources.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 12

Users have the option to specify the ignition either by using the geometry data defined for an obstructed region or by
using custom geometry. Each source is assumed to occupy a defined volume, and users must specify the quantity of
rotating, electrical and other equipment present within in the volume. Additionally, users should detail the number of hot
surfaces, the types of hot work conducted, and the timing and reliability of the shutdown procedures for these sources.
The model also incorporates detection and isolation processes. A new Detection and Isolation categories folder has
been added to the Risk tab to assist with the MISOF method, which models the probability of delayed ignition.

Refer to Section 5.22.8 of the MPACT Risk Model Theory (Technical Documentation) for full details.

HYEX ignition model for hydrogen

Due to the high flammability range of hydrogen, the DSB guidance provided a special ignition model to be used for
hydrogen releases, based on the HyRAM model.

In Safeti 9.0, the user interface to calculate overall ignition probability using the HYEX model for hydrogen is not yet
available. However, the equations are described in Section 5.22.9 of the MPACT Risk Model Theory (Technical
Documentation), which can be used to calculate immediate and delayed ignition probabilities. These probabilities can
then be entered in the Risk tab for any modelled scenario.

To specify the immediate ignition probability, change the Probability of immediate ignition dropdown to Specify directly.
The Immediate ignition probability field will be available. To specify the delayed ignition probability, change the Specify
minimum probability of delayed ignition to Use minimum probability of delayed ignition. The Minimum probability of
delayed ignition field will be available.

DSB plant boundary method

There are a number of methods available within Safeti to model virtual sources beyond the plant boundary. A new
method is the DSB plant boundary method, which accounts for the ignition outside the plant boundary. The use of this
method eventually results in an overall delayed ignition probability of 1.0. Safeti uses an approximate area-based
analytical approach to distribute the ignition probability in the area surrounding the plant.

To select the DSB method, go to the Parameters tab > Parameter set > Flammable parameters > Flammable risk tab.
Select DSB from the Plant boundary method dropdown.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 13

To define a plant boundary for the DSB method, go to the Risk tab > Boundaries folder. Right-click, go to Insert then
select Boundary. Users are then required to draw the plant boundary within the GIS Input work area. Once a boundary
is defined and the DSB method is selected, users must select the defined boundary in the Run row grid table to be able
to run the model.

Refer to Section 5.22.10 of the MPACT Risk Model Theory (Technical Documentation) for full details.

1.11 Dynamic pressure in exceedance curves

Phast Lite Phast Phast Explosions Safeti Lite Safeti Safeti Explosions
Extension Extension

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In previous versions of Safeti, users were able to view side-on overpressure exceedance curves for risk ranking points
defined within the workspace. In Safeti 9.0, users will now also be able to view dynamic overpressure exceedance

To do this, go to the Settings tab in the ribbon bar and select Risk Preferences. Go to the Summary exceedance tab and
within the Explosion exceedance section, select Impulse, static and dynamic [Multi-Energy only] overpressure within the
Explosion exceedance specification dropdown, as shown below.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 14

Once the model has been run, users will be able to view the Summary Exceedance Curves from the Risk icon within the
Home tab in the ribbon bar. The exceedance curves for side-on overpressure, impulse and dynamic pressure will then
be displayed, as shown below.

1.12 Representative materials

Phast Lite Phast Phast Explosions Safeti Lite Safeti Safeti Explosions
Extension Extension

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To make it easier for users to model standard hydrocarbon fuels, especially those who are new to performing
consequence analysis, we have added a number of new materials (components and mixtures) to represent various
hydrocarbon fuels, namely:

• Crude Oil [based on the physical properties of n-octane]

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 15
• Diesel (LGO) [based on the physical properties of n-undecane]

• Diesel Fuel Oil (HFO) [based on the physical properties of n-tetradecane]

• Gas Oil [based on the physical properties of n-dodecane]

• Gasoline [based on the physical properties of n-octane]

• Heavy Distillates [based on the physical properties of n-tetradecane]

• Kerosene [based on the physical properties of n-nonane]

• LPG [based on the physical properties of 70 mol% propane and 30 mol% of n-butane]

• Naphtha [based on the physical properties of 33.3 mol% n-pentane, 33.3 mol% n-hexane, and 33.3 mol% n-

These materials do not need to be added to the software, as they have already been made available to the standard list
of materials. To view any of the materials listed above, go to Materials > Materials folder, right-click and select Insert >
Component for components or Insert > Mixture for mixtures, as shown below.

1.13 Open CFD results folder

Phast Lite Phast Phast Explosions Safeti Lite Safeti Safeti Explosions
Extension Extension

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To provide users with better visibility of the CFD results for standalone pool fire, standalone jet fire or CFD dispersion
source – which is also useful for technical support in investigating details of the behaviour of the CFD calculations – we
have implemented a new right-click menu option.

The Open CFD results folder option will be available if the scenario contains CFD results, with a sub-menu for each
weather condition for which CFD calculations have been performed.

A File Explorer window will open upon selecting a weather condition, directing to the folder containing files for the inputs,
results, and run messages of the CFD calculations for that specific weather.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 16

1.14 Diagnostics folder
Phast Lite Phast Phast Explosions Safeti Lite Safeti Safeti Explosions
Extension Extension

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The Diagnostics option in Phast and Safeti allows users to control the level of detail in calculations for a workspace file.
Depending on the user’s selection in the Diagnostics dialog in the Settings tab of the ribbon bar, diagnostics results
in .csv format may be generated, which can be opened in Excel.

We have now simplified accessing these diagnostic results files. To easily navigate to the diagnostics folders, go to the
View tab in the ribbon bar and select Diagnostics Folder.

1.15 Technical Documentation

Responding to widespread requests from our users, we have now removed the password protection
for all technical documentation. You can access these documents through the Technical
Documentation icon within the Help tab in the ribbon bar. Alternatively, you can access them through
the Knowledge Centre by following the provided link:

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 17

The following bugs have been fixed in this release:

326565 Pool fire flame shape incorrectly located

Description Flame shapes plotted on radiation ellipse footprint graphs for dispersion sources that produced
pool fires could erroneously place simulated flames at the release point / origin rather than at
the actual pool centre (i.e., accounting for rainout, pool spreading and any bunding effects);
hence, simulated flames appeared disconnected from their attendant radiation ellipses.

335277 Sonic velocity calculations fail

Description Following message “Negative argument to square root function [Note: The MDE message
contains 1 parameter values (X) but there are 0 place holders in the reference message
description.]. [MATH 1]” may appear in some cases where the sonic velocity (non-default
velocity capping method) has been applied by the user.

The failing cases are due to the property system failing to calculate the sonic velocity.

A non-default option is to cap the final velocity at the sonic velocity of the fluid. Sometimes this
failed for liquid releases because the software tried calculating a vapour sonic velocity for
potential capping, resulting in calculation errors. This has been addressed in version 9.0 where
this particular issue should no longer occur.

335831 Consequence data export report would only show a maximum of 3 overpressure levels for
BLEVE blasts

Description As per title.

377321, Potential Errors in graphing calculations for toxic materials


Description This was fixed in 8.9. When generating graphs following a calculation involving a toxic material
(regular results graphs or toxic footprints on the GIS plot) there was potential to be presented
with a set of error messages when attempting to create the plots:

ConseqInitialiseCtoxForGraphs: CONSEQ 6: Unhandled runtime error during graphic


ConseqInitialiseCtoxForGraphs: MATH 8: Invalid probability in probit calculation

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 18

377926, Geometry not shown for “Classic (non-CFD)” results



Description Geometry may be missing from 3D temperature or radiation results after running classic (non-
CFD) calculations and generating results in the 3D viewer.

416956 Discrepancy in Hydrogen jet flame length using Miller model

Description The bug relates to a correction to flame length of the uplifted section of horizontal H2 releases
if the calculated flame length, uplift and uplift angle are inconsistent. Before the fix, flame length
was adjusted using the estimated uplift and uplift angle. When the estimated uplift angle is very
small, this would produce an unrealistic flame length. Now the total flame is capped to the
flame length in still air. This was fixed in 8.9 and available in 9.0.

433848 Exporting to CSV from a risk effects model causes a crash

Description A bug has been fixed since Phast and Safeti 8.9 which could result in a crash when exporting a
BLEVE blast risk effect model to CSV. Note that existing BLEVE blast risk effect models that
are upgraded from previous versions may still exhibit this behaviour and should be deleted and

460167 Long pipeline model calculations may fail for breach locations very close to active isolation

Description The long pipeline model is designed to be applied to pipelines with an active length of 10m and
above. It is possible to define a pipeline configuration with isolation valves, which on closing,
may create pipeline line sections of lengths below 10m. For example, if one defined a 200m
long pipeline with a closure valve situated at 199.9m designed to close within a finite time. If
one then specified a locations specific breach at the downstream end of the pipeline (200m), on
valve closure, this would essentially create a 0.1m length pipeline. Where these scenarios
occur, the long pipeline model may fail with (root solver) convergence errors.

462313 For a user-defined source scenario, choosing a liquid release at the saturated temperature or a
fraction below it could result in the case being modelled as a vapour

Description For releases higher above ground level this could be likely, as the saturated temperature as
used by the dispersion model drops with atmospheric pressure, but this was not understood by
the data checking in the dialog.

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466187 "N= 200000000 too high for the F-N curve maximum N [MPACT 1006]"

Description The bug affects societal risk calculations for populations in specific buildings where the default
risk calculation approach is employed (i.e., risk is calculated at a [representative] point located
at the centre of the building's footprint and used to represent risk across the entire building).

The bug is likely to manifest where more than one toxic vulnerability modelling is in use in run-
row calculations and toxic effects from relevant vulnerabilities (or standalone effects: e.g.,
ERPG1 outdoor) are much larger/differ from base outdoor toxic effect (these scenarios tend to
be uncommon as risks from ERPG concentrations are not commonly used as basis for lethality

470026 "Flame Shape model calculation failed" can occur for automatic selection of jet fire method for
hydrogen releases

Description Jet fire ellipse graphs plotted for scenarios (other than user defined sources and standalone jet
fires) where the scenario is set to 'Automatic / DNV recommended' as the selection for jet fire
method and the material is pure hydrogen set to release in vapour state may result in Flame
Shape model calculation failures.

470241 Materials with numeric names do not get loaded into the property system

Description As per title.

477397 Laminar burning velocity set as "optional" instead of "mandatory" when "Flammable and Toxic
flag is set to Flammable or Both"

Description As per title.

478917 If auto-sectioning failures occurred, the relevant run row(s) would not reflect that there had
been a failure

Description As per title.

482981 Additional instances of outcome codes appearing in Safeti Explosion Details on each rerun of a

Description As per title.

482466 Geometry column within grid only shows East co-ordinate for equipment

Description As per title.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 20

483607 Copying objects on the tree caused previous versions of Phast to crash if other applications
had the clipboard locked open

Description Phast now warns users that the clipboard is locked and helps users to identify the application
causing the problem.

484443 Missing pesticide data on a warehouse that is not selected

Description Warehouses where the user has not specified pesticide(s) would cause a database error at the
start of a Safeti run. 'Failed when writing workspace data to the database. The error reported is:
'Attribute being mapped to must be an array'.

488436 Release phase "incorrectly" set to "liquid" for a “User defined source” scenario created from a
“Vent from vapour space” scenario

Description As per title.

488810 CVIEW 1018 warning when plotting graphs: “We have hit the upper limit for cross-wind grid
expansion, total number of cross-wind grid points 500 specified, cross-wind grid may not be
adequately sized and may result in truncation of footprint graphs [CVIEW 1018]

Description In version 8.9, single scenario / single weather dispersion graphs could produce incomplete or
otherwise odd looking contours. This was due to the graphing concentration grid being too
small to cover the entire cloud. This has been corrected since v8.9.

It should often also lead to smoother contours in these cases as well. This was especially the
case for material to track, where the grids could be made far too large - especially if the fraction
of material to track in the mixture was low.

489695 Changed "ScenarioType" data within .JSON file created from a Spill scenario (from
"JetRelease" to "LiquidSpill")

Description When importing the .JSON file to KFX it will ensure to be modeled as a leak spilling to the
ground without any velocity, and using the pool model without the need of running the spray

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 21

491228 PBRK valve closure logic bug: multiple timed valves with the same closure time fail to be

Description When defining two valves on either side of the breach with the same closure time, the PBRK
logic works as intended (given valve closure is treated per pipe branch). However, when
defining multiple valves on the upstream or downstream section relative to a breach each with
same closure time, PBRK will only close the very first valve it finds on the list of valves for the
relevant pipeline section and ignore the rest.

The key workaround was to avoid defining closure valves with the same closure time either
upstream or downstream of the breach. This should no longer be needed since the bug is fixed
in 9.0.

492276 Erroneous GIS plot warning issued indicating the building wake model was in use when it

Description As per title.

492790 "Fire scenario" appearing in list of available grid options it's a "Warehouse scenario"

Description As per title.

496892 Blank cells from formula on Excel file cause long pipeline input failure

Description Contents of the cell will fail if a formula was being used.

498479 Single study / Multiple effects dialogue shows “Combined selected effects” option when is not

Description The option to select “Combined selected effects” from the 'Multi-Effect' option has been
removed, since it is misleading to include it as it will just produce the same results as the
“Individual effects”.

505922 Geometry data (East & North) and elevation of discharge point are not correctly passed after
dragging to adjust the centre of rotation (right click + drag) following a SHIFT + left click or dot
key on 3D geometry.

Description As per title.

518562 Excel export/import issues with EU regional settings

Description It was noticed that some effect levels containing decimal delimiters did not export/import
correctly from Excel. This has now been resolved

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 22

520428 The 'Concentration versus distance at height' may have failed to be generated for a case due to
a grid initialization issue.

Description A previous work around was to use the Edit settings to re-initialize the grid to a lower
concentration in order to produce the chart.

520732 Better handling of user-defined release observer times

Description For scenarios where the user could specify release observer times the first element will be
disabled and set to zero seconds. There were occasions when scenarios might not produce jet
fires, when they should due to a bug in this area.

526405 The discharge reports for time-varying releases (long pipeline/time-varying discharge) may
erroneously indicate temperatures of "-273.15degC" for materials existing as two-phase in the
post-expanded state.

Description This issue may occur where the time averaging option is set to "average rates".

Note that this issue does not affect simulated results as the consequence models employ the
actual boiling point of the material in simulating any attendant effects (pool vaporisation,
dispersion etc). As such, this is a reporting issue: simulated effects in earlier versions of the
software showing this (reporting) bug should be unimpacted.

529003 Long pipeline error "SetBreachPoint_RDS not run as data incomplete"

Description Simulated source term results for long pipeline scenarios in Safeti with "Supply pipeline length
longer than drawn on GIS" specified, plus, "Length upstream of first geometry point" greater
than zero as well as finite pumped inflow, may be incorrect (albeit conservative). In some
cases, the pipeline calculations may fail to run with Safeti throwing an error
"Calculation ..._RDS not run as data incomplete".

ln these cases, releases at downstream locations along the region of interest are modelled
using conditions upstream of the region of interest. Pipeline sub-section characteristics are
incorrectly modelled based on assuming the starting section (region of interest) is at the
beginning of the pipeline and not somewhere downstream.

This bug has been fixed in Safeti 9.0.

For Safeti 8.9 studies and earlier, a workaround this issue is to draw the entire pipeline length
and define any sections upstream of the region of interest as having a zero event frequency
(using the "user defined sections" options under the "variations from default" group on the
"Long pipeline" tab).

529729 Not able to load co-ordinate system from PRJ file when the display language is Chinese.

Description This is due to incorrect translation of the file filters.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 23

There are some known issues that have not been fixed in this version, described below.

47065 Plant boundary selection in run row grid not mandatory even if it might be needed

Description In the Run Row Grid, the Plant Boundary field is never shown as mandatory even if “Use free
field modelling” is set to Free field (plant boundary) in the Flammable parameters. If a given
Run Row has only toxic Scenarios selected or if all flammable Scenarios are modelled with
100% probability of immediate ignition, then the risk calculations will run successfully for the
Run Row even if no plant boundary is selected in the Run Row Grid, since the calculations will
not involve the modelling of free field delayed ignition outcomes. However, if the Run Row has
flammable Scenarios that are modelled with an immediate ignition probability less than 100%,
the risk calculations will give an error about a plant boundary not being specified.

47066, Time-varying discharge calculations may fail for a mixture


Description The discharge calculations may fail for a time-varying Scenario if the material is a mixture,
especially if the conditions are near the critical point.

The time-varying calculations are more likely to run successfully if you simplify the mixture,
e.g., to two components that have similar properties. If the calculations still fail with the
simplified mixture, you should perform the time-varying calculations using a single pure

Non-time-varying calculations with the Leak or Short pipe scenarios may run successfully for
the mixture, especially if you have a licence for the multi-component modelling and select the
multi-component option for the Equipment item. With the initial release rate from these
calculations and with time-varying results for a simplified mixture or single component, you
could make an estimate of the time-varying behaviour and define this in a User-defined source

47089 The Normal boiling point can be edited for a mixture that is using the Phast64 property method
template, and this will give inconsistencies in the modelling

Description If you set the template for a mixture to Phast64 and click on Calculate, the Normal boiling
point will be one of the fields in the list of properties that is enabled and editable. However, if
you change the value, you will find that inconsistencies occur for Equipment items that have the
mixture selected, both in the calculations of phase and limits in the Materials tab, and in the
consequence calculations for Scenarios.

If you have edited the normal boiling point for any mixture, you should reset it to the calculated
value by editing the mixture and clicking on Calculate.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 24

47242 Upgraded standalone pool vaporization Models from v6 not included in any Model Selection

Description If you upgrade a v6.54 or v6.7 file that includes a standalone Pool Vaporization Model, the
Model will be upgraded as a Spill Scenario under an AST Equipment item, but it will be
removed from the Model Selection which means that it will not be included when you run the
calculations, no matter which Run Row is selected.

The upgrade is handled in this way because the standalone Pool Vaporization Model cannot be
used in the risk calculations, but the Spill Scenario can. The Spill Scenario will be incomplete
on upgrade because there is no event frequency specified, and it is removed from the Model
Selection so that it does not cause problems with the risk calculations.

You should decide whether you want to include the Scenario in the risk calculations. If you
decide not to include it but you do want to be able to run the consequence calculations for it,
you should create a separate Model Selection and Run Row for it, and only run the
consequences calculations for that Run Row.

49587 Consequence results are cleared for a long pipeline item when you change the failure
frequency data

Description If you run the consequence calculations for a long pipeline and then change any of the settings
for the failure frequency in the Risk tab for the item, the results of the consequence calculations
will be cleared even though the values for frequency are not relevant to the consequence

50765 The translucency used to display risk contours is the value set in the Risk Contour Styles, not
the values set for the individual risk levels in the Risk Preferences

Description The Contours tab of the Risk Preferences dialog shows the colours that will be used for the risk
contours for each level of risk and allows you to edit the colour. The inputs for setting the colour
includes an alpha field that is set by default to 100%, which corresponds with zero
translucency. If you reduce the value for alpha, the Risk Preferences dialog will display a colour
that has the appropriate level of translucency applied, but the Risk Contour Plots will not use
this level and will instead use the level that is set for Translucency in the Risk Contour Style
dialog. To open the Risk Contour Style dialog, select Risk (Initial) from the Styles gallery in the
Settings tab of the Ribbon Bar.

The settings in the Risk Contour Style dialog are applied to all contours, and the default value
for Translucency is set to zero. If you change the settings in the dialog, you must generate a
new Risk Contour Plot to see the effect of the changes.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 25

67975 Dispersion results for vertical releases

Description The dispersion calculations for vertical releases can be problematic, particularly when
determining downwind concentrations. The algorithms are based on tangents to the centreline,
and therefore vertical or near vertical clouds can run into difficulties that require special
handling. In some cases, it has become apparent that this can lead to concentration predictions
that are generally over-conservative. In most cases these problems can be solved by reducing
the release angle, so it is just off vertical, e.g., to 85 degrees from the horizontal.

90431 Issue about Material to Track is not used for risk calculations when using "Concentration and
Risk based" termination Criteria

Description When calculating risk, Safeti ignores the selection of material to track. It uses the whole mixture
concentration and assumes the concentration of interest in the model to be that of the mixture.
This is a problem for the users especially when they are using the dispersion termination
criteria of "Concentration and Risk based" to get the frequency contours of exceeding a
particular toxic concentration, and the toxic concentration comes from a dominant toxic
component which they have selected in the Material to Track.

92123 Parameter vulnerabilities not showing radiation intensities

Description The outdoor and indoor vulnerabilities on the parameter set, enabled via the workspace dialog,
do not display fireball, jet fire and pool fire radiation intensities.

92124 Parameter vulnerabilities not updating when number of radiation levels is updated

Description The outdoor and indoor vulnerabilities on the parameter set, enabled via the workspace dialog,
are not updated to reflect the number of radiation levels specified on either the jet fire, pool fire
or fireball and BLEVE blast parameters.

186394 Blank field(s) in consequence tables

Description Distance downwind to defined concentrations may show a blank field when a concentration of
interest is not reached.

However, "n/a" is presented in case of other consequence types (i.e., jet fires, pool fires,
fireballs, etc.).

"Not reached (*)" will be included instead to be consistent and ensure users understand the
context (i.e., it depends on the height of interest).

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 26

209781 Opening or saving a psux file in Phast / Safeti whilst it is being synced to the cloud or across a
network connection can create problems, especially with corrupted saves or crashes

Description We strongly recommend that you do not try to open or save Phast or Safeti psux files across a
network/detachable drive connection or any kind of cloud syncing location/ folder such as
OneDrive or Dropbox. It is best to have your file in a local location directly on the home drive
(which is usually C:) on your PC, and not on a network drive or within a folder which is being
synced with OneDrive, while you are working with the file in Phast / Safeti.

If users need to backup files to another location on the network, a detachable drive or a cloud
location then they can copy them to such a folder after they have finished working with them in
Phast / Safeti.

215145 Import of multiple Microstation 8 files

Description If you have multiple Microstation 8 CAD connections, the GIS will display the first one listed on
the Map tab only. It is not possible to display multiple Microstation 8 CAD connections on the
GIS simultaneously.

If you delete any Microstation 8 CAD connections from your study, you must close any GIS
views and re-open them before you are able to add further Microstation 8 CAD connections.

Please note that it is possible to display multiple connections of other CAD formats, including
Microstation 7, on the GIS.

240385 Option in the dialog of whether to include pool fires for flammable pool sources

Description Logic within the modelling can cause pool sources to give pool fire results. However, some
users will not want this; instead, they might want to model dispersion from the pool source
resulting in flash fire effects only.

Pool sources of flammable material will not produce pool fires unless the following warning is
seen “UDM3 1128: Mass conservation check failed. Released mass exceeds observer and
pool mass by <fraction>. Switching to equivalent pool approach.”

In those circumstances the pool fore effects can be prevented by switching the Method to
handle mass conservation failure to None. Note this can lead to underestimates in the
amount of mass and concentrations in the dispersing cloud.

It is proposed that, in a future release, users will have the option of whether to include pool fire
effects with any pool sources.

241724 Problem displaying images when inserting a georeferenced image after an interactively placed

Description Inserting a georeferenced raster image followed by a non-georeferenced image does not cause
any problems. However, inserting a non-georeferenced raster image followed by a
georeferenced image causes the GIS display to go blank and it is impossible to view them.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 27

249990 Consequence data grid uses the averaging time in the parameters rather than the averaging
time defined in the scenario

Description The consequence data grid for toxic/flammable scenarios will always use the averaging times
in the Toxic/flammable parameters irrespective of the setting chosen for the averaging time
within the scenario.

The summary report displays the consequence distances for the averaging time specified in a

251699 Default weathers from a new workspace are maintained and imported weathers are merged
when importing from excel

Description The merging in of weathers is currently set by design. After importing from excel please ensure
to delete the default weathers from the new workspace if not required.

252506 PNG images always don't scale correctly when zooming - remove image type from the filter
options when inserting

Description PNG will still be allowed but they are removed from the file filter when browsing for an image, to
minimise usage.

254979 Running a pool fire scenario using CFD calculations causes a crash when the study file is
located in a OneDrive folder

Description A crash will occur when running a pool fire scenario using CFD calculations if the study file is
located in a OneDrive folder. Please save and run the study file from the local drive.

285845 Crash when editing weather directions in Phast Explosions Extension

Description A crash may occur when editing the weather folder in Phast Explosions Extension. When the
weather folder dialog is open, a random sequence of the actions below could cause the
program to crash.

• Clear All
• Select All
• Select\Deselect individual weather directions
• Navigate to Angular offset or Number of directions
• Ensure that the study is saved before making changes in the weather folder dialog to
avoid losing data.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 28

298348 Upper limit for volume inventory may sometimes be too large

Description This applies to time varying leaks and short pipe scenarios. Following message “Specified input
mass (X) kg too large for vessel volume [TVD2 10]” may appear in some cases where the
volume inventory is too large.


1. Switch to mass inventory specification to get the correct limits applied

2. Reducing inventory

312490 Long pipeline: Discontinuity following irrelevant valve closure at upstream end

Description A valve closes at the upstream end causing a discontinuity when there is no pumped inflow.
The closure of the valve at the upstream end should not impact the flow in any way.
The workaround is to manually remove this valve.

313967 Support removed for opening of .psc files from Phast/Safeti 8.X.X

Description Workaround 1: Unzip the .psc file and extract/save the .psu file on your local hard disk.
The .psu file can be upgraded and opened in 8.X.X

Workaround 2: install/use a previous version to upgrade .psc study files.

314616 During and after CFD calculations temperature at a point is not updated in the legend when the
user SHIFT+clicks in the 3D viewer

Description SHIFT+click in the 3D viewer during and after CFD calculations have been completed does not
update the temperature at a point in the legend.

Please generate a new instance of the 3D results viewer via the 3D dropdown of the ribbon bar
or the right-click menu of your pool fire scenario to ensure this works correctly.

316319 User-defined isocontour planes in 2D graphs are not available yet

Description No contours will be shown on the Standalone Pool Fire Radiation/Temperature on a Plane
(CFD) 2D graphs when requesting to plot a user-defined contour plane.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 29

323154 Flame shapes do not show immediately on standalone 2D graphs if only a contour plot is

Description The flame shape will not be shown immediately on radiation contour graphs for standalone
equipment when requesting only radiation/temperature contours. A workaround is either to
uncheck/check the Show Flame Shape checkbox available in Graph Tools > Consequence
tab or to request extra types of results required in the Calculations tab before running
calculations (e.g., radiation/temperature at a point calculation)

327380 Relief valve and Disc rupture (short pipe scenario types) report mass in tail pipe

Description There should be no inventory in the tail pipe at the onset of relief action.


1. Right-click on the scenario to create a user-defined scenario

2. Change the end time in the user-defined to reflect the actual release inventory, using
the following formula: Release end time = Actual release inventory / Release rate
reported by Phast
3. Re-run the user-defined source

330895 Time-varying fireball radiation calculations throwing “Math 25” errors

Description For the dynamic fireball model, radiation effects are reported at the time giving maximum
radiation impact at the location/plane of interest. It appears the numeric method employed in
determining the time at which maximum radiation impact is experienced at some elevated
heights of interest is struggling to find a unique solution (hence the error).

A potential workaround is to select any of the static fireball models (e.g. Roberts/TNO hybrid).
Note that with the static fireball models, radiation transect results at a fixed effect height is
largely insensitive to release height as well.

To model the impact of observer elevation relative to different release height (or, to be more
precise, fixed fireball trajectory), users could set up the linked scenario cases in question as
standalone fireball scenarios, model radiation versus distance results at relevant heights of
interest and extract the desired distances to radiation intensities from the radiation transect

333869 GIS radiation contours not displayed for Standalone fire scenarios

Description Note that there are no radiation contours results for Standalone fire scenarios when requesting

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 30

335641 Link to KFX geometry in .json file is not valid if Phast temp directory has been deleted

Description The path to the KFX geometry is a temporary location, which gets deleted after X days,
meaning that if the .json file is imported into KFX after this period, the KFX geometry will not

Workaround: create a copy of the combined.kfx geometry from Phast temp directory and place
it in the same location as the JSON file.

Note: Phast temp directory can be found by opening .json file in notepad (or similar) and find
“GeometryFile” path (e.g., "GeometryFile":

336752 3D Dispersion (Classic) results currently do not use the material to track

Description Note that the dispersion graphs do use the material to track

336811 Default "3D calculation parameters" may not be applicable to all scenarios

Description Workaround:

1. Run the scenario with default 3D calculation parameters

2. Generate 2D dispersion graphs to see the extend/boundaries of the cloud and check:

• Sideview graph for “x” - maximum downwind direction and “z” - maximum

• Footprint graph for “y” - maximum crosswind direction

3. Adjust the 3D calculation parameters accordingly based on point 2

4. Rerun

5. Regenerate the 3D results

352553 On occasion, since version 8.4, the GIS does not open when launching Phast/Safeti

Description We continue to explore the cause of this issue, which seems to affect Chinese versions of
Windows only. In the interim, we have seen some customers have success with performing a
Windows update, a manual update to .Net 3.5 and restarting Phast/Safeti until the GIS loads

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 31

353831 CFD calculations can become suspended

Description In rare occasions, the CFD calculations can become suspended when attempting to cancel /
stop them. This causes Phast to appear to be continuously attempting to stop calculations
without them ever being stopped, rendering the program unusable. If this happens, a forced
closure of Phast via the Task Manager is required.

363045 Failing to find radiation ellipses of an elevated pool fire

Description Phast could fail to find radiation existing ellipses for standalone fire models in some cases and
has been observed in a case of elevated pool fire so far. This problem relates to the searching
method used by Phast to locate defining points of the ellipse, i.e., the downwind, upwind and
crosswind locations, and may occur for ellipses near to the flame. The searching method could
fail to locate any one of the defining locations because of searching step size or complex
scenarios, such as ellipses below elevated pool fires.


Use footprint contours. Please note that contour plots are generated using point observer, the
footprint results will be slightly more conservative compared to radiation vs distance and
radiation ellipses, which are calculated using optimized planar observer.

372533 Radiation on transect does not show results on upwind points

Description For standalone models of jet fire, pool fire or fireball, radiation predicted along a transect starts
from the release point into a specified direction. No radiation is calculated on the transect
beyond the release point in the opposite direction. In Phast/Safeti 8.7, wind can be set in any
direction for standalone fire models, starting a transect from the release point can miss critical
results on the transect in certain wind directions and this is an area for improvement.

372734 Blank input supertab after running risk results. It may happen occasionally on remote desktops.

Description Workaround 1: Disconnect the remote desktop session and reconnect.

Workaround 2:

1. Save file or Archive > Save

2. Close Safeti

3. Reopen Safeti

4. File > Open saved study file

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 32

373310 Edited properties of materials and mixtures are not used in CFD calculations in Phast

Description When running CFD calculations in Phast, KFX uses its own copy of the DIPPR database to
lookup physical properties of materials/mixtures. If users were to edit the default properties of
materials and mixtures in Phast (including Admin Materials tool), those new properties will not
be passed through to the CFD calculations. As such, in this situation, users may get results that
do not reflect the properties of their materials.

377855 Long pipeline model throws errors (e.g., GSPP 16) where closure valves are located close to

Description Source term calculations involving the long pipeline model may fail to converge for scenarios
where isolation valves are located close to modelled breaches. In these cases, the long
pipeline model fails with an error (e.g., GSPP 16).

This is a known issue that has been in existence pre Phast/Safeti 7.x and earlier versions. The
issue affects both section and location specific breaches.


For location specific breaches (Phast/Safeti), users should ensure valves are located about 5m
away from the nearest breach.

For section breaches (Safeti), users may modify the "Tolerance (distance) for section boundary
checking" parameter under "General parameters\Long pipe" tab from its default value of 0.1m
to 5m.

379616 Flame shape disappears after generating 3D temperature/radiation results when clicking on
“Zoom In” or “Zoom Out” buttons through the Ribbon > 3D tab

Description Workaround: uncheck and check "Flame shape" from 3D results selector

398957 Certain leak and catastrophic rupture releases of hydrogen fluoride (HF) report an
unreasonable final temperature and velocity drop.

Description Workaround:

• Create a copy of HF and set the property template to PhastMC (HF-PhastMC)

• Create a pressure vessel (PV) and run the discharge using the copy of HF

• Create a user-defined source (UDS)

• Copy the above PV and change the material to the default HF

• Run dispersion for UDS from the copied PV

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 33

430673 Exception on Max Footprint plot

Description Occasionally the user may experience an error or series of errors during graphing operations:

Exception when applying configuration ConseqDispersionGraphs2_CloudMaxConcVsDist

Exception when applying configuration ConseqDispersionGraphs2_ConcVsTime

Exception when applying configuration ConseqToxicGraphs2_EquivConcOnConcVsTime

Exception when applying configuration ConseqDispersionGraphs2_CloudConcAtHeight

Exception when applying configuration ConseqDispersionGraphs2_Footprint

These are extremely sporadic and difficult to reproduce. The user is advised to repeat their
operation should they experience such an error.

439584 Grid view does not match scenario inputs

Description In the Grid View it is possible for values selectable via a dropdown list and set to the default
value to be displayed incorrectly. This is most likely to happen for rows not in the initial view
range when the Grid is redrawn.

The underlying selected data will be correct and indeed if the relevant cell is selected for edit
the correct value will then be displayed. Often the incorrect value will match the value of the
first row for the same column.

To work around this issue, ensure a smaller set of rows is generated in the Grid View or select
the incorrect cell to update it.

441912 Anti-virus/Security software blocking Phast and Safeti child processes

Phast/Safeti invokes several child processes to support features including the GIS map view,
running calculations in parallel, the KFX 3D view, among others.

Description If you are experiencing any issues (e.g., crashes) with these features and suspect it may be
due to processes being blocked by local anti-virus/security software then, we recommend
adding the Phast and Safeti installation folder “C:\Program Files\DNV\Safeti_Phast_9_X_X” to
a white-list or exclusion list. If problem persists, please contact

445279 Actipro ribbon crash - returning to remote connection

Description Users may experience occasional crashes using a remote machine (when logging back in after
a period of inactivity) due to a third-party component issue. DNV are working with the vendor to
fix this issue.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 34

461606 Flame shape may be displayed as green cube in 3D results view

Description Some graphics cards may not be capable of rendering the flame shape in the 3 D results view.

462338 Custom material cannot be used to run CFD calculations

Description CFD calculations can only be run when using materials in the DIPPR database. Custom
materials, created by the user, cannot be used in CFD calculations.

484380 Switching between run rows can lead to incorrect data checking outcomes

Description Workaround: Users are advised that if they believe the data check state is incorrect, it can be
advisable to manually force the data checking state via the right-click menu.

488771 Adding a new effect level (e.g., impulse) does not display "Out of date" on contours (e.g., Multi-

Description After adding a new effect level and clearing results the contour views do not get marked as
“Out of date”.

Workaround: close the contour views after clearing results.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 35

489946, Dispersion (CFD) 3D results (including spray droplets and pool area) appear to go straight
through parts of the geometry

Description Introducing the display of the CFD calculation grid helps demonstrate that the geometry does
not match where the edges of calculation cells are located.

Workaround 1: Ensure that the thickness of obstacles (e.g. walls) is sufficient.

Workaround 2 (to allow the calculation grid to correctly place the geometry):

1. Re-input the geometry of the equipment item which might be very slightly wrong

2. Use the Shift + click technique to locate a point on the surface where the scenario
comes from

3. Re-run the scenario (e.g., Leak)

4. Create a new “CFD dispersion source”

5. Run the newly created CFD dispersion source

6. Results should then react to the geometry correctly

Workaround 3: Use the “Calculation grid snap lines” option (available within the CFD dispersion
source scenario > Dispersion tab) to help redefine the calculation grid

Workaround 4 (to resolve issues with pools appearing to go through floor/horizontal surfaces):
Use the “Display calculation grid” option to ensure the “Z lower” coordinate (available in CFD
grid parameters) coincides with the hard floor otherwise the pool may appear to go through it.

506054 No cloud width reported for one weather out of three, but visible in graphs

Description Very occasionally the reports or CDE may miss out results that show up in the dispersion
graphs. This is due to different methods of calculation, with the graphs using pre-calculated
concentration grids

517869 Crash generating classic dispersion graphs

Description Some users, working with low spec machines, may see an occasional crash when plotting
dispersion graphs for some scenarios. In this instance we'd recommend that they contact
software support.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 36

518574 Removal of 'Import from excel' from the Admin materials program

Description In the Admin materials program, the option to 'Import from excel' has been removed, due to
issues with the functionality.

It is believed to be very infrequently used feature. If you require this functionality, please
contact software support.

Note the 'Output to excel' option has been retained.

524545 Export to KFX uses a different ending time as running CFD dispersion source from Phast

Description For CFD Dispersion sources the automatic simulation end time, will vary depending on whether
the user selects to model the simulation to include geometry at the point of running the
scenario. For the 'Export to KFX' function, the automatic simulation end time will always be
calculated, based on having no geometry.

526630 During the run of a CFD Dispersion Source you may find that the run ends very early or the
dispersing cloud is much smaller than expected

Description In these situations, it is important to check the extents of the CFD calculation grid.

KFX can sometimes become unstable if the grid is defined such that the boundary overlaps
complex geometry objects.

As soon as the CFD calculation has started we recommend that you check the size of the CFD
grid by opening a 3D Dispersion view and selecting "Display calculation grid" on the
Consequences ribbon bar tab. If the grid is narrower than the 3D geometry and the dispersing
cloud is not developing as expected, then stop the calculation and edit the “CFD dispersion
source grid parameters” in the “Dispersion tab” to ensure the width of the bounding box is
greater than the width of the geometry.

528593 Visibility of contour lines issues

Description If the contour lines option is checked in the 3D view's consequences ribbon bar, then
occasionally, when switching isocontour planes, the contour lines from a previously viewed
isocontour can persist in the 3D view.

Workaround: If the contour lines cannot be made to disappear then the 3D view can be

530502 KFX currently uses Pasquill stability classes D (neutral), E (moderately stable) and F (stable).
Thus, when using the “Export to KFX…” option in Phast, the created JSON file containing a
Pasquill stability class different to those will not be used when importing the .JSON file to KFX
and instead it will be defaulted to stability class D.

Description As per title.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 37

530638 'Results wizard' misleadingly showing weathers that are not relevant for the selected run row.

Description When generating Graphs or GIS results the “Creating results selection” wizard presents
weathers that are not relevant for the run row however, after clicking on “Finish” button results
are presented properly for the relevant weathers.

533013 Typo on “sin f” and “cos f” terms in equation 39 from pdf page 15 of "JFSH Jet Fire Model
Angle f inside the correlations should be angle φ, i.e., the angle between wind vector to
projection of the release direction on horizontal plane.

N/A Retrieving results in the event of crash during parallel calcs

Description A crash during parallel calculations will cause the user’s psux to be absent of any results from
the calculations. The user may at this point assume that running calculations in the parallel
was a wasted effort. However, it may be possible to retrieve results by locating a Result.psux
file in the temporary folder used for parallel calculations.

The temporary folder is located here, depending on your version:

tag]\Parallel\[Unique tag]

This file could be beneficial particularly for large studies. If there is a crash during parallel
calculations and you wish to retrieve results, please copy the Result.psux file to a safe
location, because this file will eventually be deleted automatically from the temporary folder.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 38


Features Standard Phast Phast CFD – pool Phast CFD – jet Phast CFD –
fire extension fire extension dispersion
licence licence extension licence
General features
Insert 3D geometries and
custom 3D objects for 
Independent release and
wind directions in the 
CFD calculations
CFD batch running

CFD Pool fire features
Pool fire modelling using

3D geometries used in
   
pool fire calculations
Radiation (CFD profiles) 
Temperature (CFD

CFD Jet fire features
Jet fire modelling using

3D geometries used in jet
   
fire calculations
Radiation (CFD profiles) 
Temperature (CFD

CFD Dispersion features
Dispersion modelling of
unignited flammable 
material using CFD
3D geometries used in
   
dispersion calculations
Animation of dispersion

CFD results
Dispersion profiles 
Temperature (CFD

Display of spray droplets
and pool area for two- 
phase and liquid releases

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 39


This section provides detailed instructions on performing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculations with three-
dimensional (3D) results for various types of consequence results and scenarios in Phast. A more detailed explanation
is provided in the Help Documentation within the Phast.


All Phast users can run Phast CFD calculations without an active CFD extension licence. However, an active CFD
extension licence (Phast CFD - jet fire, pool fire, or dispersion) is required to calculate results considering the 3D

Types of scenarios

Phast supports CFD calculations for:

• Cloud dispersion and temperature results for a CFD dispersion source scenario (available from version 9.0).

• Temperature and radiation intensity results for standalone pool fire and jet fire scenarios.

B.1 Stages in the CFD process

The CFD process involves several stages:

1. Dealing with 3D geometry data and licences

2. Setting up equipment and scenario nodes

3. Specifying input data for scenarios

4. Reviewing settings for parallel processing

5. Running CFD calculations

6. Viewing 3D CFD results while calculations are running

7. Viewing 3D CFD results after calculations have finished

8. Viewing reports and graphs of CFD results after calculations have finished

Each stage is described in detail below.

B.1.1 Dealing with 3D geometry data and licences

Users can import data from various file formats such as .kfx, .dgn (version 7), .rvm, .obj, .mcr, .cge, .cgeo, and .stl.
The .kfx format is the format used in the application for the 3D results and visualisations. When you select a file in a
format other than .kfx, the program will first convert the geometry data to the .kfx format, creating a .kfx file, and will use
this .kfx file instead of the original non-kfx file you selected. If users have Navisworks file, with the .nwd format, we highly
recommend that third-party OBJ converters be used to convert the file to a .obj format.

Custom 3D objects can be created and defined as cuboid or cylindrical objects in the 3D visualisations and the CFD
calculations, in addition to objects imported from 3D geometry files. The 3D Input View should be used to view the
shape data for the different files under the 3D geometry files folder.

Obtaining a Phast CFD extension licence

Users must obtain the appropriate CFD geometry licences to model the interactions of releases with 3D geometry

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 40

To request a licence, users can go to the Help tab in the ribbon bar, select Licence and then choose Request a licence.
A Request licence dialog will appear. Select the product(s) for which you require a licence and then click Send request.
This will email the request directly to the Software Support team.

Alternatively, if you already have an active Phast license, you can directly purchase the CFD extensions that suit your
needs by visiting our Veracity Marketplace:

B.1.2 Setting up equipment and scenario nodes

When setting up for CFD calculations, it is important to understand the types of equipment and scenarios that are
applicable. This involves recognising the relevance of specific equipment items and scenarios in relation to CFD
calculations. There are three types of scenarios relevant to the CFD calculations:

It is important than users utilise the 3D Input View to accurately specify the location of equipment items. This allows
users to position equipment to ensure that the setup closely mirrors the real-world scenario being modelled.

B.1.3 Reviewing and specifying scenario input data

For each scenario, it is important to review and adjust the default values of CFD-specific fields. These adjustments
ensure that the CFD calculations accurately represent the scenario being analysed.

Defining the wind direction and the orientation of the release are also essential to reflect how the wind and release
direction would affect the dispersion or fire in an actual event.

B.1.4 Reviewing settings for parallel processing

The use of computational resources is very important in CFD calculations. By adjusting settings in the Application
Preferences dialog in Preferences, users can set the maximum number of CFD processes and optimise the running of
| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 41
multiple CFD processes in parallel. This adjustment is useful for managing the computational load and ensuring timely
completion of calculations, especially when dealing with multiple scenarios or complex CFD models.

B.1.5 Running CFD calculations

Running CFD calculations involves a several steps.

Users must select the appropriate scenarios, weather conditions, and 3D geometries to ensure that the calculations are
relevant and accurate. Each of these selections plays a critical role in how the CFD model behaves and what results it
Once ready, click on the Run CFD button in the Home tab of the ribbon bar. Alternatively, right click on the scenario you
would like to run.

B.1.6 Viewing 3D CFD results while calculations are running

Within Phast, we have given users the ability to access and interact with 3D results while the calculations are still
running. This dynamic interaction allows users to get immediate insights into how changes in scenarios or inputs affect
the results, for a more interactive and responsive user experience.

For a CFD dispersion source scenario, the Dispersion and Temperature options will be enabled. For a Pool fire or Jet
fire scenario, only the Temperature option will be enabled during the calculations.

B.1.7 Viewing 3D CFD results after calculations have finished

Once the CFD calculations are complete, it is important to review the stored 3D results. These results, recorded for
various time-steps and under different weather conditions, provide a comprehensive understanding of the scenario.
Analysing these results can help users understand the behaviour of the modelled phenomenon over time and under
varying conditions.

For a CFD dispersion source scenario, the Dispersion and Temperature options will be enabled. For a Pool fire or Jet
fire scenario, the Temperature and Radiation options will be enabled. The radiation intensity results are only available
after the CFD calculations are complete, unlike the temperature results which can be viewed dynamically during the run
of the calculations.

B.1.8 Viewing reports and graphs of CFD results after calculations have finished
Accessing detailed reports and graphs is often a useful step in the post-calculation phase. These results offer additional
information related to the CFD results. This information can be used to interpret the results and making informed
decisions based on the CFD study.

In the Reports for a standalone jet fire or pool fire scenario with CFD results, the set of standalones reports includes a
jet fire (CFD) or pool fire (CFD) report. This gives temperature and radiation results for the point, line or plane of interest
specified in the dialog for the scenario, reporting the values at the last time-step modelled in the CFD calculations. In the
Reports for a CFD dispersion source scenario, the set of reports contains a Dispersion (CFD) report that gives
information about the simulation end time and the size of the bounding box.

If users view the Graphs for a standalone jet fire or pool fire scenario with CFD results, the set of jet fire or early pool fire
graphs will include radiation (CFD) and temperature (CFD) graphs with results for the line or plane of interest specified
in the dialog for the scenario. The Graphs for a CFD dispersion source scenario will contain a Dispersion (CFD) group
and a Temperature (CFD) group. Both groups contain tabs with graphs for footprint, side view and cross-section results
that show iso-contour results on the relevant plane. The Dispersion (CFD) group also includes a tab with a graph of the
volume of the cloud within different ranges of flammable concentration as a function of time.

B.2 Essential techniques used in the 3D viewer

The table below provides the list of shortcuts and options available in the 3D viewer.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 42

Action / Operation Technique / Details
Setting the location of the Hold Shift and click with the mouse at the desired location.
centre of rotation

Rotating the view Hold down the Left mouse button and drag.

Zooming in and out Roll the scroll button away to zoom in, towards to zoom out.

Panning around the view Hold down the Right mouse button and drag.

Moving, rotating, and scaling Use Move, Rotate, and Scale options in the 3D Ribbon bar's Transform section.

Inserting an equipment item Use Shift + right-click (Right mouse button), then select the equipment item to insert
at the centre of rotation at that location.

Setting centre of rotation to a Use Pinpoint location in 3D input view in the right-click menu for a scenario.
scenario location

Performing animation This is suitable for recording the animation for jet fire and pool fire CFD scenarios.
To turn on animation recording, click in the View and type an upper-case M (i.e. Shift
+ m). When the animation is turned on, a *.jpg file will be created approximately every
second capturing the image displayed in the View at that time. These files are
created under the folder set as the Temporary files folder in the Application
Preferences dialog and have index numbers in their names that show the sequence.

To run the animation recording off, click in the View and type a lower-case m. You
can combine the *.jpg files into an animation using a third party tool.

Keyboard shortcuts
• Dot (“full stop”) key: Sets the centre of rotation to the last clicked location.

• “g” key: Moves the centre of rotation to the “centre of gravity” for objects in
the view, i.e. the location with the average of the coordinates for all of the

• “b” key: Moves the centre of rotation to the “centre of the bounding box” for
all objects.

• “x" key: Sets orientation to look due west. Clicking again will rotate the View
to look in the opposite direction on the same plane.

• “y” key: Sets orientation to look due north. Clicking again will rotate the View
to look in the opposite direction on the same plane.

• “z” key: Sets orientation to look down. Clicking again will rotate the View to
look in the opposite direction on the same plane.

• “o” key: It shows the geometry lines. The shapes for objects defined under
the 3D geometry files folder will include lines along each vertex of the
shape, in addition to the solid, shaded shapes inside the lines.

• “>” key: Zooms in by about 20%.

| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 43

Action / Operation Technique / Details

• “<” key: Zooms out by about 20%.

• 1 to 9 keys: Each number key is a pre-defined zoom level.

• “+” key: It shows the axis. Coloured lines showing the three axes will be
displayed, passing through the location that is currently set as the centre of
rotation of the view, and with a yellow sphere at the point where they meet.
Details of the coordinate values for the centre of rotation and for the eye will
be displayed at the bottom left of the Display Area.

• “q” key: It turns on the orthographic view. The shapes are displayed without
any use of perspective, i.e. without any vanishing point.

• “p” key: It turns on the orthographic view.

Ribbon bar options
• Fit All: Use the option in the 3D tab of the ribbon bar. This sets the centre
and zoom level to show all objects.

• X/Y/Z-Plane: Sets orientation looking west/north/down.

• Show Axis: Toggles display of the three axes.

• Show Geometry Outlines: Toggles shape outlines.

• Zoom In/Out: Adjusts zoom level.

• Orthographic View: Toggles between orthographic and perspective


| RELEASE NOTES | Phast/Safeti version 9.0 | Page 44

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We are the independent expert in risk management and quality assurance. Driven by our purpose, to safeguard life,
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