04 Grade5 Testing - And.evaluation
04 Grade5 Testing - And.evaluation
04 Grade5 Testing - And.evaluation
Unit tests 3
1 go 2 don’t 3 have 4 don’t 5 play 6 visit
Starter Test 7 don’t 8 watch
1a 2c 3d 4b Unit 3 test
2 1
1 There are two lions. 2 There is one snake. 1 tie 2 cake 3 present 4 balloon
3 There are three monkeys. 4 There are four
3 4Eii["ȅ5|""|ȅ6xȅ,
1 black 2 curly 3 short 4 grey
4 1 likes 2 doesn’t like 3 doesn’t like 4 likes
1 Can you fly? No, I can’t. 2 Can he ride a bike?
Yes, he can. 3 Can they play tennis? No, they
1 do 2 he 3 likes 4 does 5 doesn’t
can’t. 4 Can she ride a horse? Yes, she can.
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