NSTP Reviewer

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TRANSCRIBED BY: Lianne Claire A. Conde | APS 1

1st SEMESTER A.Y. 2024-2025 | PROF: DR. MELANIO LEAL, Ph.D.

environment, entrepreneurship, safety,

1ST QUARTER COURSE OUTLINE recreation, and moral of the citizenry and other
social welfare services.
● MODULE 1: Introduction to NSTP

● Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)

○ Nature: Military Training
CHAPTER 1: ○ Objective: Training of Reservist defense
● Literacy Training Service (LTS)
○ Nature: Community Service
INTRODUCTION TO NSTP ○ Objective: Training of para-teachers of
● Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)
○ Objective: Training of community volunteers of
● A program/course designed to enhance civic
the aspect of:
consciousness and defense preparedness among the
1. Health
Filipino youth by developing the ethic of service and
2. Environment
3. Education
● Based on R.A 9163 or the National Service Training
4. Entrepreneurship
Program Law.
5. Recreation
6. Public Safety

1. State Mandated Course

2. Citizenship Building Course
3. Non-Academic Course
4. Value Information Course NSTP ROTC
5. Community Service Course
Three programs of instruction One program of instruction
● Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) 3. LTS
○ The Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) is
designed to provide military training to Coverage of the Law Coverage of the Law
tertiary-level students in order to motivate, 1. Both male and 1. Male students only
train, organize, and mobilize them for national female ● Optional
defense preparedness. 2. Enrolled in for female
● LITERACY TRAINING SEVICE (LTS) tertiary/college and 2. Enrolled in College
○ The Literacy Training Service (LTS) is designed 2-year vocational
to train students to teach literacy and /technical courses.
numeracy skills to school children,
out-of-school youth, and other segments of Program Duration Program duration
society in need of their services. ● 2 semesters - 3 ● 4 semesters - 1.5
● Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) non-academic units non-academic
○ The Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) per semester units per semester.
refers to activities that contribute to the
general welfare and the betterment of life for
the members of the community through the
enhancement of its facilities, especially those
developed to improve health, education, 1. All students, both male and female, enrolled in any

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TRANSCRIBED BY: Lianne Claire A. Conde | APS 1
1st SEMESTER A.Y. 2024-2025 | PROF: DR. MELANIO LEAL, Ph.D.

baccalaureate degree or two-year technical vocational be tapped by the State for Literacy and Civic Welfare
or non-degree courses in public and private schools Activities
must complete one NSTP component of their choice for ● Graduates of the ROTC component shall be part of the
two semesters as a graduation requirement AFP Armed Force, subject to DND requirements.
2. All higher and technical-vocational institutions, public
and private, must offer at least one NSTP component. WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISING THE NSTP?
3. State Universities and colleges (SUCs) must offer ROTC
and at least one other NSTP component, namely LTS ● School Authorities shall exercise academic and
and CWTS. administrative supervision over the design, formulation,
4. The Philippine Military Academy (PMA), Philippine adoption, and implementation of the different NSTP
Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA), Philippine National components in their respective schools
Police Academy (PNPA) and other SUCs of similar ● In the case of ROTC, the school authorities and DND
nature are not covered by NSTP Law. shall exercise joint supervision over its implementation.
5. Private higher educational institutions (HEIs) and
technical-vocational institutions with at least 350
student cadets may offer ROTC and establish and
● All higher (colleges and universities) and Technical
maintain a Department of Military Science and Tactics,
Vocational Educational Institutions shall be offering at
which is still subject to the existing rules and regulations
least one (1) of the NSTP Components, While State
of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)
Universities and Colleges (SUCs) will offer the ROTC
component and at least one other NSTP component
(LTS or CWTS).
● All incoming freshmen students, male and female,
enrolled in any baccalaureate degree program or in at Note:
least two (2) year technical-vocational or associate San Beda University offers the exclusive CWTS component in line
courses in private and public schools are required to with our vision statement of training Bedan Servant Leaders,
complete one (1) NSTP component of their choice as a However, if a student sincerely desires to become a soldier, he
requisite for graduation. may be allowed to cross-enroll to another institution offering
● Each of the NSTP components shall be undertaken for
an academic period of two (2) semesters and credited 1. Foreigners/Aliens
for 3 units per semester with 54 to 90 hours of training 2. Dult Elected SK Officers
per semester. 3. Students enrolled in military and police training
WHAT IF THE NSTP PROGRAM COMPONENT CHOSEN BY A ● I.e. Philippine Military Academy PMA, Philippine
Philippine National Police Academy PNPA
● Schools that do not meet the required number of 4. Second course who have either complied with or were
students in order to conduct a program component or exempted from the old ROTC requirement prior to 2001.
do not offer the component chosen by their students
shall allow them to cross-enroll to other schools WHAT LEAD AGENCIES WILL OVERSEE AND MONITOR THE
irrespective of whether that school is under CHED or IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NSTP OR RA 9163
TESDA and for ROTC, whether they managed by different
AFP branches of service. ● CHED Regional Offices, TESDA Provincial and District
● These students, however, shall be subjected to the Offices, and the DND-AFP, through the major Service
existing rules and regulations of their original school Reserve commands and their ROTC unites, shall oversee
and the accepting school. and monitor the implementation of NSTP components in
the learning institutions. Their primary role is to check if
WHO WILL BECOME OF NSTP GRADUATES? the program being implemented in schools is in
consonance with the provisions of Republic Act 9163.
● Graduates of the non-ROTC components shall belong
to the National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC) and could SAN BEDA UNIVERSITY AND THE IMPLEMENTATION OF NSTP

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TRANSCRIBED BY: Lianne Claire A. Conde | APS 1
1st SEMESTER A.Y. 2024-2025 | PROF: DR. MELANIO LEAL, Ph.D.

● As an educational institution of higher learning, San A. THE SOCIO-POLITICAL (Legal) Basis

Beda University is implementing the NSTP-CWTS
program through the National Service Training Program The socio-political or legal basis of the implementation of NSTP is
Department under the College of Arts and Sciences. based on the following:
1. 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines
IN IMPLEMENTING THE PROGRAM, SBU NSTP HAS THE a. Article II Section 4 of the 1987 Constitution
● The prime duty of the government is
● Mission to serve and protect the people. The
○ San Beda University endeavors to implement government may call upon the
the National Service Training Program people to defend the state, and in the
state-mandated course through a unique fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be
multi-disciplinary approach geared towards a required, under conditions provided
holistic program that will bridge the gap by law, to render personal military or
between the grassroots and marginalized civil service”
sectors, the academe, and the corporate b. Article II - Section 13, Declaration of State
world. Principles and Policies.
● Vision ● The state recognizes the vital role of
○ NSTP San Beda envisions students who have the youth in nation-building and will
developed social consciousness and promote their physical, moral,
commitment to social change and spiritual, and intellectual well-being. It
nation-building through involvement in shall inculcate in the youth patriotism
relevant advocacies and social issues by the and nationalism and encourage their
use of their acquired skills and knowledge in involvement in public and civic affairs.
leadership and community development and 2. Republic Act 9163 - Also known as the National Service
imbued with the values of patriotism and Training Program Act of 2001
Benedictine spirituality of Ora et Labora. ● History of Republic Act 9163
○ Passage of the Law: started on July
○ Passed by the Senate and the House
● The Legal Basis of Congress: December 19, 2001
○ Constitution ○ Approved by the President: January
○ RA 9163 23, 2002
● The Institutional or Bedan Basis ○ Effectivity: Start of School Year
○ Vision - Mission 2002-2003
○ Thrust of SBU What is the Amnesty Provision of RA 9163
- Students who have completed all academic subjects
for the completion of a college degree but have not yet
complied with ROTC as of March 2001 may apply for
amnesty with their schools and be declared and get
their Diploma.


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TRANSCRIBED BY: Lianne Claire A. Conde | APS 1
1st SEMESTER A.Y. 2024-2025 | PROF: DR. MELANIO LEAL, Ph.D.

society would be the standards or principles for which

● Thrust of San Beda University an act is judged to be what is right or wrong, correct or
○ San Beda University aims to provide incorrect. From the premise that a human person has to
high-quality, student-centered, constructive, have strength or valor in every endeavor.
and transformative learning experiences that ● The given set of values is inherently within each Filipino.
will nurture servant-leaders who embody This part of the NSTP module aims to awaken these
integrity and compassion, are responsible values amongst youth and, hopefully, later on, inspire
stewards of creation, and are committed them to practice it in their everyday lives. These values,
advocates of peace. if carried out with one’s heart, can serve as a vehicle
- SBU Five Year SMART Plan 2018-2023 and reinforcement towards our goal of realizing social
change and national progress of the entire Philippines.


● A good Filipino citizen is one who plays an active and

intelligent role as a member of the community. He is
one who fulfills his duties and obligations to the
government and society. He possesses the traits of
respectfulness, courtesy and consideration for parents
and elders and for others. He observes punctuality,
KEY PHRASES OF MISSION/VISION STATEMENT promptness, and good moral conduct.

1. In the service of country and God. HOW CAN YOU BECOME A GOOD CITIZEN
2. Pursuit of academic excellence
● You can become a good citizen by living in accordance
3. Formation of Filipino Christian Values.
with the good citizenship values derived form the
BENEDICTINE CORE VALUES Preamble of 1987 Constitution:
● The Preamble
1. Lave of Christ and neighbor
2. Prayer
3. Stability
4. Conversation
5. Obedience
6. Discipline
7. Humility
9. Hospitality
10. Community ● Citizenship
“Ora et Labora” - Prayer, work, and study ○ A legal political concept which determines who
are accorded rights and privileges by the
CHAPTER 2: ○ It can be attained or renounced by legal
● Nationality
○ A social and ethnic concept which denotes
belongingness to a certain race/ethnic group.
○ Usually determined by lineage/bloodlines or
belongingness to a nation or tribe.
GOOD CITIZENSHIP VALUE ○ It is attained by birth and is permanent.

● The word Value come from the latin word “valere” which
Once a person becomes a citizen of the country, he/she has the
means to be strong and vigorous. Values in a society
right to work, votes, reside, and take an active part in the
give meaning and direction to every individual’s life and
country’s national events. Every person is a citizen of the country
influence his human behavior. Collectively, the values
where he/she is born, but to become a citizen of some other

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TRANSCRIBED BY: Lianne Claire A. Conde | APS 1
1st SEMESTER A.Y. 2024-2025 | PROF: DR. MELANIO LEAL, Ph.D.

country, one needs to apply for it. Another difference is that a been a total of six (6) Philippine Constitution. Below is the
person can be only a national of one country while he can hold evolution of the constitution:
citizenship of various countries. For examples, Juan Cruze is a
national of Philippines but a citizen of USA and Philippines 1. Malolos Constitution (1898 – 1901)
● First Philippine Constitution; First republican
2. Philippine Organic Act of 1902 & Philippine Autonomy
1. It is the duty of every Filipino to respect, honor, and give Act of 1916 (1902 – 1935)
accord to his Filipino heritage, patrimony, values and ● The Phil. Organic Act of 1902 provided a
tradition. Philippine Assembly composed of Filipino
2. It is the duty of every Filipino to contribute to the citizen while the Phil. Autonomy Act of 1916
development, welfare, and nation-building of its included the first pledge of Philippine
country. Independence.
3. It is the duty of every Filipino to engage in gainful work 3. Commonwealth and Third Republic/1935 Constitution
to assure himself and his family a life worthy of human (1935 – 1943 & 1945 – 1972)
dignity. ● The United States Congress in 1934 passed the
4. Loyalty to the federal republic and national Philippine Independence Act that paved way
consciousness, aspirations, and ideals shall be asked to the creation of a constitution for the
from every Filipino citizen. Philippines. Through the 1934 Constitutional
5. Every Filipino citizen is asked to uphold this constitution, Convention, a draft of the Constitution for the
obey the laws of the land, pay taxes and duties, and to Philippines was produced. It was ratified
cooperate with the duly constituted authorities in the through a national plebiscite on May 14, 1935. In
attainment and preservation of a just and orderly November 15, 1935 with the inauguration of the
society. Commonwealth of the Philippines, the
6. Every Filipino citizen must give due honor to the constitution was fully implemented and
Philippines flag, National Anthem, Philippine President, enforced. Part of its provision states that the
and other national symbols and emblems. said constitution will remain in effect once
7. It is the duty of every Filipino citizen to defend the independence was declared on July 4, 1946. In
national territory from aggressive invaders, protect the 1940, the National Assembly of the Philippines
sovereignty of its people, and preserve the continuity od amended the constitution from having a
a just, humane society and government. unicameral assembly to a bicameral congress
8. It is the duty of every Filipino to report to the proper and changing the term limit of the president
authorities all plots of terrorism, plans of rebellion, and from six (6) years with no re- election to four
other acts that will compromise the union and (4) years with a possibility of re-election for a
sovereignty of the Federal republic. second term. In 1945, the constitution was
9. It is the obligation of every Filipino, to report corrupt, again observed with the liberation of the
dishonest, or fraudulent government officials to the country.
proper forums, courts and agencies. A Filipino shall not 4. Japanese-Sponsored Republic/Second Republic/1943
tempt or bribe government officials, steal from the Constitution (1943 – 1945) –
coffers of the government, or escape or abandon his ● The Japanese-sponsored government nullified
lawful responsibilities. the constitution during the World War II. The
10. It is the responsibility of every Filipino to elect officials of government created a Preparatory Committee
governemnt as a means of demonstrating his personal on Philippine Independence to replace the
ideals and aspirations for the motherland. Omission or constitution. The new constitution was used by
abstention from this responsibility may indicate a the administration under President Jose P.
person’s renunciation of his right of suffrage. No fine or Laurel.
inappropriate or excessive penalty shall be asked from 5. Martial Law Constitution/1973 Constitution (1973 –
him as reparation for his choice not to vote. People, who 1986)
lost their social right of suffrage, may reclaim such right ● During the regime of President Ferdinand
in accordance of law. Marcos, a Constitutional Convention was
An article on the duties and obligations of Filipinos was present in formed to amend the 1935 Constitution.
the 1972 Constitution but absent in the 1987 Constitution. Through the Presidential Decree No. 86, s. 1972
Since June 12, 1898, Proclamation of Independence, There have – creation of a citizen assembly to ratify a

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TRANSCRIBED BY: Lianne Claire A. Conde | APS 1
1st SEMESTER A.Y. 2024-2025 | PROF: DR. MELANIO LEAL, Ph.D.

drafted constitution by means of a Viva Voce 4. Peace

in place of secret ballots, President Marcos 5. Justice
announced the ratification and its effectivity
on January 17, 1973. Although there were ● Pagkamaka-Bayan
several opposition to its ratification, the 1973 ○ Sense of nationhood,
Constitution was deemed valid and was ○ Patriotism or love of country
enforced. ○ Appreciation for history and culture
6. Freedom Constitution/1987 Constitution (1987 – 1. Unity
Present) 2. Equality
● After Martial Law and the democracy was 3. Respect for Law and Government
restored, President Corazon Aquino issued the 4. Patriotism
suspension of several provision in the 1973 5. Promotion of the Common Good
Constitution and promulgated a transitory
constitution through Proclamation No. 3. The ● Pagkamaka-Kalikasan
Constitutional Commission was created by ○ Sense of stewardship or the need to take care
Proclamation No. 9, s. 1986 and was tasked to of or preserve the environment
write a new charter to replace the previous ○ Recognition of the environment as God’s gift
Constitution. The National Plebiscite for the ○ Recognition nature and men as intertwined
new Constitution was held on February 2, 1987. and interrelated
Then, on February 11, 1987, by virtue of 1. Concern for the environment
Proclamation No. 58, the new constitution was

VALUES FORMATION 1. Faith in the Almighty God

● “Isa akong Katoliko at buong pusong
● Pagkamaka-Diyos tinatanggap ang kamatayan para sa
○ Acceptance of the existence and reliance upon Panginoon, kung ako man ay may sanlibong
faith in a divine being or a God buhay, lahat ng iyon ay iaalay ko sa Kanya.”
○ Spiritual or inner values contributing to positive -San Lorenzo Ruiz
attitude or emotional stability, strength, and ● We are asked to put God in the center of your
well being of the Filipino lives and embrace the values and bible
1. Faith in God teachings. We should communicate with Him
2. Respect for Life by means of prayers. You should look at Him as
3. Order your ultimate source, one with infinite powers,
4. Work to help you in your work, to enable you to meet
5. Concern for the Family & Future Generations your needs and to get you out of trouble and
crisis. With this experience, you become fully
aware of the things you can accomplish when
● Pagkamaka-Tao you live a life of faith.
○ Recognition of the human dignity and rights of ● It is ironic, however, that in a country where
other people regardless of diversity of gender, citizens are innately “maka-diyos”, many acts
culture, beliefs, race etc. violating the laws of God are committed each
○ Acceptance of diversity of culture, day. How then can it be that you ask for God’s
socio-economic conditions and other forms of help and guidance then go against His wishes?
difference ● Faith Alone
○ Feeling of empathy, consideration, toleration ○ A devout widow who was known to be
acceptance for others a living saint was crossing a bridge
○ Striving for just and humane conditions for with her child when an accident
others especially those who are deprived, happened. Her son fell off the bridge
abused or marginalized and plunged into the deep water
1. Love below. At this, some men got ready to
2. Freedom jump into the water to save the child.
3. Truth However, the widow forbade them.

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TRANSCRIBED BY: Lianne Claire A. Conde | APS 1
1st SEMESTER A.Y. 2024-2025 | PROF: DR. MELANIO LEAL, Ph.D.

● “Do not move,” she told the men, “my faith ● You should understand that the value of Order
alone can save the child.” After she had said is important in your quest to improve
this, the widow knelt on the bridge and prayed yourselves as citizens. You should learn to
with great faith. In a short while, the child strive hard in arranging your lives in a certain
drowned and died. The widow wept. way that will allow you to be more productive.
● This story teaches us that Faith alone, without 4. Work
work, is useless. ● “Give fish to a man and he will have food for a
● You have to remember that as a citizen and day, teach him how to fish and he shall have
future leaders of this country, you have to put food to eat throughout his lifetime” -Chinese
your faith into action, live a life that that is proverb
based on good values; and serve as an ● Work is a gift and it has become part of your
inspiration to others who struggle with their nature and destiny. God has given you talents
own faith in Almighty God. to use as investments in your work and in
2. Respect for Life return you are expected to settle for nothing
● "Life is raw material. We are artisans. We can less than excellent results.
sculpt our existence into something beautiful, ● Hard work, quality work and honest work are
or debase it into ugliness. It's in our hands." - what makes a citizen a good, productive and
Cathy Better self-reliant member of the society.
● Your life and humanity is a gift from God. You ● It is also important that you have the right
are created from His image and likeness. This values and attitude towards your work and
makes you a person of worth and dignity. In dealings. You should always remember that no
turn, you should uphold and recognize others’ matter how much work you do, what counts in
dignity as persons and grow to appreciate the end is not the volume of work but the
their worth by keeping an open mind and amount of love you put into your work. Learn to
charitable attitude so you may be able to work with love, integrity, and honesty to
appreciate others’ giftedness and special achieve excellent results.
roles. 5. Concern for the Family and Future Generations
● Your body is God’s temple, it is sacred and by ● Respetuhin natin ang ating ina ,ilaw siya ng
all means, you should be responsible for it tahanan Bigyang galang ang ama, At ang
because any form of violence against it defies payo ang susudan At sa
the sanctity of life. Natural human rights magkakapatid,Kailang ay magmahalan Dapat
protect you from anything that endangers your lng ay pag usapan ang hindi nauuwaan --
life and well being. You should also be Francis Magalona
responsible for upholding the rights of others. ● “Mga Kababayan ko”
You shall not be an advocate of violence or ● This value emphasizes that your family is a gift
any means that may harm the life and dignity from God and that utmost attention must be
of others. focused on the family as sanctuary of life and
● Life is precious. It is your duty to respect, a core unit of society.
protect, nurture and preserve the human life ● You draw inspiration and strength from your
from the moment of its conception. Family and in return you are expected to do
3. Order your responsibilities as a member of the family
● "He who has no taste for order, will be often to keep it intact and strong against the forces
wrong in his judgment, and seldom that tend to destroy its values and sense of
considerate or conscientious in his actions." unity.
-Johann Kaspar Lavater ● A family is worth more than any worldly gain.
● The value of Order is doing “first things first.” It Be vigilant and possess the resolve to always
is simply doing the right thing at the right time value your family as your most precious gift
and the right place without hesitation. next to your life. Be strengthened by love,
● Order entails the discipline of mind, emotion understanding and mutual respect for all
and action. We need these so that we can live members of your family.
a peaceful, successful and productive life.
Otherwise, it will trigger situations of panic, PAGKAMAKA-TAO
unrest, confusion, havoc and anarchy.

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TRANSCRIBED BY: Lianne Claire A. Conde | APS 1
1st SEMESTER A.Y. 2024-2025 | PROF: DR. MELANIO LEAL, Ph.D.

1. Love deep consciousness of your faith in God,

● "Ang tenga kapag pinagdikit korteng concern for your fellowmen, loyalty to your
puso...Extension ng puso ang tenga, kaya country and respect for your environment.
kapag marunong kang makinig, marunong ● You should be a person of peace, a builder of
kang magmahal.." -- Bob Ong harmony among your fellowmen. You should
● Love means so much to us simply because strive hard to foster the value of peace in your
love is the answer to our many questions personal endeavors, abhor all means of
during these trying times. It is by love that you violence and arrange your affairs in order.
care, respect, accept, forgive and trust. 4. Truth
● But why is it that our nation has never moved ● “A man who seeks truth and loves it must be
forward if we all have LOVE within us? Maybe reckoned precious to any human society”
not all of us ever learned how to live in love -Frederick the Great
which holds us back to love others. This is what ● The value of truth is living and loving
the Almighty God wants you to learn: learn to passionately with honesty and sincerity.
love. ● Truth is important in our society because it is a
● Love entails sacrifice, responsibility and condition for freedom. It entails transparency,
service. Love binds us together as a nation. honesty, integrity, sincerity, courage and
Love is the key to our national progress. Let it humility. The truth also demands sacrifices and
love be in the beginning, the middle and the efforts but it is a worthy cause that highlights
end of our history as a nation. your own capacity as a person to do well and
2. Freedom live with integrity.
● “Freedom consists not in doing what we like, ● You are a person of integrity; let truth
but in having the right to do what we ought” strengthen your character by honesty and
-Pope John Paul II responsibility. Honesty should be applied in all
● You value Freedom by giving due recognition your roles in life because the truth will set you
and respect to your individuality as persons free and it should always prevail.
with human rights and duties. Freedom is ● “There is no truth and no good in lies”
never without the virtue of responsibility. 5. Justice
● Freedom is the power to act or not to act. God ● “Treat others the way you want to have them
gave our lives, and with that comes the treat you.” -Matthew 7:12
freedom to choose what you want to make ● You value Justice by means of promoting
with it. The freedom our nation is enjoying now ethical practices that enhance the essence of
is a fruit of love, hardship and sacrifices of our social justice. It also means the promotion of a
ancestors. EDSA I and II are examples of events healthy and humane working condition, fair
in our history as a nation that showed how we and legal labor practices, correct use of power,
protected our freedom from tyrant leaders and moving purposefully away from graft,
anarchy. corruption and other evils.
● You should practice freedom with a clear ● Justice is important in our life because it
understanding of its limits, with a sense of ensures us that our society fosters an
discipline and chastity which will lead you to atmosphere that respects human dignity,
love your fellowmen, understand their plight, security, and one that allows every person an
and do what is good and right while avoiding equal opportunity to pursue posterity,
what is wrong and evil. development and happiness.
3. Peace
● “Peace means serenity of mind, simplicity of PAGKAMAKABAYAN
heart and tranquility of soul” - St. Augustine
● You value Peace by doing well for others and 1. Unity
for your country, living and working together in ● “If a kingdom is divided against itself, that
harmony and avoiding violence as a way of kingdom cannot stand, and if a house is
settling disputes. divided against itself, that house will not be
● Peace begins with you. Peace is a God-given able to stand” -Mark 3:24-25
gift that you must nurture by prayer. This can ● When you say UNITY is a good citizenship value,
be attained and sustained when you develop a you mean that all of us. Filipino citizens are

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TRANSCRIBED BY: Lianne Claire A. Conde | APS 1
1st SEMESTER A.Y. 2024-2025 | PROF: DR. MELANIO LEAL, Ph.D.

expected to be one as a people. 4. Patriotism

● It also means that YOU: ● “Pilipino Muna. Tangkilikin ang sariling atin.” --
○ want your country to be united Claro M. Recto
always. ● Patriotism means that you should be a vigilant
○ are able to think of others as you citizen, looking out for the welfare of your
would of yourselves. country. It calls for you to be committed to
○ are willing to lend a helping hand to serve the interest of the nation no matter who
others. is seated at the helm of the government
○ want and are willing to work for what ● Patriotism is every person’s sense of duty and
is the best for your countrymen. responsibility: to contribute to the development
● You should put aside division, and agree to of our country, protect our integrity, and uphold
work as one – this is not easy to do, but it is the rights and dignity of our people.
something you must do. It is a heroic task. But ● Being proud of our personal and national
remember, YOU, are called to be a HERO. This is identity and being responsible voters are some
a time for heroes. of the concrete examples of how we nurture
2. Equality the value of patriotism.
● There will never be real equality so long as one 5. Promotion of the Common Good
feels inferior or superior to another” -Mahatma ● “Tumulong ka sa ikabubuti ng iyong
Gandhi kakapwaan at paunlarin mo ang iyong
● This value means treating one another with katarungang pangmadla. Di ka nabubuhay ng
equality, utmost dignity and respect regardless para sa iyo lamang ni para sa iyong mga
of religion, cultural orientation, sex, social anak. Ikaw ay bahagi ng lipunang
status, race, etc. pinagkakautangan mo ng mga tiyak na
● All men are created equal and have every right sagutin.” -- Manuel L. Quezon
to be treated fairly in the interest of love and ● The term “common good” refers to “the sum
justice. As good citizens, you should therefore total of goods and social conditions which
refrain from making irrational judgments of allow people, either as groups or as individuals,
people; act conscientiously and decisively to to reach their fulfillment more fully and more
protect each person’s right to equality. This is easily.”
essential in establishing a community of ● The common good consist of three essential
happy, loving, caring and peaceful people. elements:
3. Respect for Law and Government ○ Respect for the person as such- his
● “The very idea of the power and right of the fundamental and inalienable human
people to establish government presupposes rights
the duty of every individual to obey the ○ The social well-being and
established government” -George Washington development of the group itself
● You should be a law-abiding citizen regardless ○ Peace for the stability and security of
of who sits at the helm of the government. a just order.
● Laws and government are meant to serve our ● The basic value of promotion of the “common
own interests as citizens and not of the interest good” clearly brings together other basic
of the few, especially those who are in values and illustrates how the basic values are
positions of power and authority. related and reinforce each other, e.g.: faith in
● You should seek ways to know the law more so Almighty God, unity, patriotism, work, love,
that you may be able to follow them with more peace and equality.
understanding. You should not allow your ● To promote “common good” is an obligation of
values to be compromised by illegal acts and every member of society. It is to share what
practices. Strive to take a critical stand in you have to the other members of society who
making a decision to follow laws and need your help most so that their human
appreciate the work of government. dignity will be upheld. In doing this, you should
● You should perform your patriotic duty of be sincere and willing to be counted in the
maintaining a sense of respect for your duly work of promoting the common good since the
constituted right and authority to promote government needs all citizens to join in this
peace and order for the sake of your country. mission.

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Content is based and credited to ______
TRANSCRIBED BY: Lianne Claire A. Conde | APS 1
1st SEMESTER A.Y. 2024-2025 | PROF: DR. MELANIO LEAL, Ph.D.

PAGKAMAKA-KALIKASAN role as nation-builders, must develop leadership

potentials to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in
1. Concern for the environment meeting their goals and develop the spirit and ethics of
● “Kabataan, kalikasan para sa kinabukasan, service for the good of others.
iwasan ang pagkakamaling ating naranasan,
Oras nang magtubos, daigdig natin 'wag THE LEADER
sayangin, 'wag hayaang maubos” -- Francis
Magalona ● Leader is;
● “Kabataan para sa kinabukasan” ○ Someone who acts as a guide
● This value means launching an efficient and ○ A directing head
sustainable “clean and green” program ○ Someone who leads a body of troops
nationwide. ● Leadership is;
● God made us stewards of His creation. You are ○ The position of a leader
aware that your existence and that of the ○ The quality displayed by a Leader
generations after you are threatened by the ○ The act of Leading
destruction of the environment. In this
alarming situation, you should develop a sense LEADERSHIP
of urgency in the way you treat your
environment: Respect the integrity of creation ● The ability to inspire confidence and support among the
by means of using all environment resources people who are needed to achieve organizational goals.
properly and prudently. Leadership involves having a vision of what the
● You should treat Mother Nature as your own organization can become. Leadership requires eliciting
mother and masterpiece, giving it great care cooperation and teamwork from a large network of
and appreciating its wonders and beauty. The people and keeping the key people in that network
acts could be as simple as throwing that motivated, using every manner of persuasion.
candy wrapper on the garbage can instead ● Any behavior that influences the actions and attitudes
littering on the streets, avoiding the use of of others to achieve certain results. Leadership in itself is
plastics, etc. neither good nor bad. Societal values determine
● Nature is God’s grace to you that’s why you whether the leadership of an individual is positive or
should take care of it so that you will have negative, based on the goals and results being pursued
clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, clean and on the means used to influence others. There are
ocean to launch adventures and above all, a many examples of “good” (e.g., moral, noble, virtuous)
life that’s healthy and a future worthy to be and “bad” (e.g., corrupt, immoral) people who have
shared with the next generation. been extremely effective leaders.
● These are the values embedded in the
Preamble of 1987 Philippine Constitution. This
module clearly explained the meaning of the
1. Qualified
values and responsibilities we have to do to be
● Some people become leaders because they
good citizens of the Philippines.
achieve the necessary certification or
credentials for a position. They may otherwise
meet established criteria or prerequisites that
CHAPTER 3: persons in authority over them associate with
the leadership position.
● Examples: lifeguard, teacher
● Some people become leaders primarily
through faithful and enthusiastic participation
LEADERSHIP and competent performance over time. These
leaders may be considered to have “paid their
● Leadership is one of the highest skills that an individual dues.”
youth can attain in order to become successful in ● Examples: Olympic flag bearer, captain of high
different areas of life especially in civic service and school football team
public affairs. It is in this premise that the youth, in their 3. Captured:

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Content is based and credited to ______
TRANSCRIBED BY: Lianne Claire A. Conde | APS 1
1st SEMESTER A.Y. 2024-2025 | PROF: DR. MELANIO LEAL, Ph.D.

● Some people become leaders by campaigning

for a position, being “political,” or otherwise
manoeuvring themselves into a position.
Leaders in this category may also take
possession or seize the position through
positive or negative means.
● Examples: school principals, city mayor,
4. Identified:
● Some people become leaders because they
possess personal or professional qualities that
are recognized as beneficial and undeniable
and areappropriate for meeting the team’s
needs at a particular time.
● Examples: project manager of a business,
military general
5. Defaulted:
Some people become leaders simply because

other team members are unwilling or unable
to accept the position or responsibility.
● Example: someone in a small discussion group
needs to lead the discussion
The categories also overlap, resulting in many ways that
someone can attain a leadership position. Leaders can perform
at high levels and make valuable contributions to their teams,
regardless of how they were selected or designated as leaders.

Page 11 of 12
Content is based and credited to ______
TRANSCRIBED BY: Lianne Claire A. Conde | APS 1
1st SEMESTER A.Y. 2024-2025 | PROF: DR. MELANIO LEAL, Ph.D.

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