Chapter 1-4

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Mathematics is a field of study that deals with the properties,

relationships, and operations of numbers, quantities, shapes, and patterns. It

is viewed as of one of the important subjects and serves as a prerequisite for

most of the subjects. It involves using logical reasoning and abstract concepts

to understand and describe the structure and behavior of mathematical

objects. Mathematics encompasses various branches such as algebra,

geometry, calculus, statistics, and more. It is widely used in various fields,

including science, engineering, finance, and technology, to solve problems,

make predictions, and analyze data.

Imparting knowledge in statistics and probability holds vital importance

for students, particularly in the tenth grade, as it establishes the foundational

understanding necessary for senior high school and college. According to

Kandeel (2019), students encounter notable challenges in grasping statistical

and probability concepts, with a particular focus on topics like permutation,

combination, probability, and random variables.

Despite the widely acknowledged significance of mathematics, there

persists a notable problem of low achievement and diminished interest in the

subject among students on a global scale. While high-achievers maintained

their performance, low-achievers exhibited improvement, though not to a

significant extent. Particularly, only 16% of Filipino students reached at least

Level 2 proficiency in mathematics, a considerably lower figure compared to

the OECD average of 69%. This indicates a low proficiency level in

mathematics for Filipino students, highlighting a need to address these

educational gaps and focus on improving performance in the subject.

Enhancing the challenge of learning mathematics can be achieved

through the incorporation of gamification. Gamification, as defined by Hamari,

Koivisto, and Sarsa (2014), is “the creation of gameful experiences” or “the

process of infusing game-like elements into activities” (Werbsch, 2014). This

approach involves applying game dynamics, mechanics, elements, and

frameworks to non-game environments, transforming traditional learning into

a more dynamic and enjoyable experience. It emerges as a valuable and

innovative educational tool, particularly beneficial when students find the

content less inherently interesting (Sajincic, et al., 2019). By fostering healthy

competition, gamification motivates students to pursue ongoing improvement

and personal development, ultimately making the educational journey more

engaging and encouraging a higher level of commitment and involvement.

DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015, outlines the guidelines for Classroom

Assessment in The K To 12 Basic Education Program, aligning with the

Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (Republic Act No. 10533). Classroom

Assessment is a collaborative effort involving teachers and learners, playing a

crucial role in the teaching and learning process. Teachers employ suitable

assessments to comprehensively gauge learners' current and evolving

abilities, fostering their active involvement. Peer assessment, a formative

evaluation method, promotes mutual support in learning through activities like

games and group tasks. Furthermore, classroom assessment evaluates

learners' competency achievements.

Proba-BARES board games serve as a pedagogical approach for

classroom implementation, featuring a set of games including Proba-Blast,

Proba-Achieve, Proba-Reach, Proba-Engage, and Proba-Success. These

games are designed to facilitate the application of students' knowledge

following class discussions. The approach incorporates game elements such

as a point system, levels, rewards, and competition. The game content is

based on events and its learning competencies covered in the third grading of

Tenth Grade in Statistics and Probability.

The introduce approach in learning may give positive feedback for the

deep understanding of the learners about the lesson and develop their higher-

order problem solving tasks. Additionally, the research could benefit from

deeper exploration of gamified approaches over extended periods,

particularly in the context of Mathematics education. In incorporating

gamification as learning strategy, educators can foster a more immersive and

interactive environment, effectively transforming the traditional classroom into

a dynamic space for knowledge acquisition and skill development.

It has seen that gamification was helpful in the learning process and

contribute valuable insights into the ongoing discourse on innovative

strategies in learning and their influence on student learning outcomes in

mathematics. This research endeavors to investigate whether the

incorporation of this pedagogical approach improved the academic

performance, increased student motivation, and a more enjoyable learning


Statement of the Problem

This is study aims to investigate the effectiveness of Proba-BARES

board games in the academic performance Grade 10 students in

Mathematics lesson.

1. What is the performance level of Grade 10 students in Statistics

and Probability before the use of Proba-BARES board games along


2. What is the performance level of Grade 10 students in Statistics

and Probability after the use of Proba-BARES board games along


3. Is there a significant difference between the performance level of

Grade 10 students in Statistics and Probability in the Events before

and after the use of Proba-BARES board games?

Objective of the Study

This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of Proba-BARES

board games in the learning process of Grade 10 student in Mathematics


1. Identify the performance level of Grade 10 students in Mathematics

before the use of Proba-BARES board games along Events.

2. Identify the performance level of Grade 10 students in Mathematics

after the use of Proba-BARES board games along Events.

3. Determine the significant difference between the performance level

of Grade 10 students in Mathematics before and after the use of

Proba-BARES board games.

Significance of the Study

This study was conducted to investigate the influence of Proba-BARES

in the learning process of Grade 10 students in Mathematics lesson. It will be

significant to the following entities:

School Administrators. This study may benefit school administrators’

decision-making about integration of gamification at a broader level. This

study may be used in gathering information to develop guidelines and policies

that encourage the integration of gamification in the learning process.

Mathematics Teacher. This study may help teachers improve their

discussion regarding related lessons. It may create an interaction between

teachers and students that more engaging and may greatly impact the

learning process in the classroom. This may help them make students more

attentive to the discussion and be participative as well as collaborative.

Non-Mathematics Teachers. This study may serve as a reference

point for a similar concept in other subject areas on how to craft the same

board games into different approaches and various learning contents. This

may provide opportunities for differentiated instruction, allowing teacher to

adapt the level of challenge to meet the needs of their students.

Students. This study may help the students to enhance their

understanding about the lesson in mathematics through gamification as a way

of applying their knowledge acquired during the discussion in the classroom.

This will engage them in an active and participative environment wherein

learners can improve their critical thinking and ability to recall the lesson.

They will be the one who benefits in this study since it aims to enhance the

learning strategy used in statistics and probability.

Future Researcher. The information gathered by the researchers will

serve as a helpful resource for researchers who intend to do a relevant study.

The data collected in this paper can contribute to the present and future

researchers that are interested in the topic.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study focused on Proba-BARES games integrated in the learning

process in Mathematics lesson in Grade 10 students at CBSUA-Sipocot

Campus. The researchers integrated Proba-BARES board games under the

third topic in Statistics and Probability along Events based on Grade 10

Mathematics Curriculum Guide. The intervention is conducted within 10 hours

of lesson. The implementation of Proba-BARES board games are integrated

as an application following the 4A’s approach. The learning competencies

includes: (1) Illustrates events, union and intersection of events; (2) Illustrates

the probability of a union and intersection of events; (3) finds the probability of

union of two events; (4) Illustrates mutually exclusive events; and (5) Solves

problem involving probability. The researchers selected the students in

Laboratory High School as the target beneficiaries of the study as they to

prepare for higher level of Mathematics lesson especially in Statistics and

Probability. The collection of data was done through test questionnaire that

includes the pre-test and post-test. The pre-test used to determine the prior

knowledge of the students about the topics in Statistics and Probability and

the post-test were be used in gathering the scores of the students after the

intervention of Proba-BARES board games.

This study takes 5 learning competencies under 3 rd grading of

Mathematics 10 that focus on Events. Different topics under Statistics and

Probability will not be catered by the study. This is solely intended to the total

enumeration of Grade 10 enrolled in academic year 2023-2024 of Central

Bicol State University of Agriculture-Sipocot Campus.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored to the following theories: Self-Determination

Theory cited by Kendra Cherry, MSEd (2022), The Flow Theory of Mihaly

cited by Sarah Steimer (2021) and Constructivist Learning Theory cited by

Steeve Wheeler (2014).

Self-Determination Theory cited by Kendra Cherry, MSEd (2022),

Self-determination theory (SDT), developed by psychologists Edward Deci

and Richard Ryan, suggests that people are driven by a need to grow and

gain fulfillment. It focuses on three innate psychological needs: competence,

connection, and autonomy. Self-determination theory suggests that people

become self-determined when their needs for competence, connection, and

autonomy is fulfilled. It assumes that people are actively directed toward

growth and that autonomous motivation is important, rather than extrinsic

motivation. This theory helps explain how being self-determined impacts

motivation and suggests ways to improve self-determination skills. Student’s

motivation is important to verify if they are really engaged in the teaching

process, particularly in Mathematics lesson. In this study, they fulfilled

learning and enjoyment at the same time. Learning in an interactive

environment using Proba-BARES board games that enhanced their

knowledge in Mathematics.

Self-Determination Theory (SDT)

(Deci and Ryan, 2008, as cited by

Kendra Cherry 2022)


The Flow Theory of Mihalyi Constructivist Learning Theory

(Bruner, 1996, as cited by Steeve

(Csikszentmihalyi, 1991, as cited Wheeler, 2024)
by Sarah Steimer, 2021)

Figure 1. Theoretical Paradigm

Another theory is The Flow Theory of Mihaly cited by Sarah Steimer

(2021). Csikszentmihalyi's research on flow, involving interviews with various

creative professionals, revealed that happiness is an internal state and not

influenced by external factors. He found that individuals were most creative,

productive, and happy when in a state of flow, where the experience is

enjoyable. Participants were motivated by the quality of the experience,

especially when the activity involved risk and challenged their skills. Flow

theory is utilized in this study to integrate Proba-BARES board games in

classrooms, enhancing student engagement and motivation. This approach

motivates learners to take risks and gain knowledge through engaging

activities the same time. Learning in an interactive environment enhanced

their knowledge in Mathematics.

Constructivist Learning Theory cited by Steeve Wheeler (2014)

emphasizes that when students are given the support they need while

learning something new, they stand a better chance of using that knowledge

independently. In a very specific way, Bruner's scaffolding represents a

reduction in the many choices a child might face, so that they become

focused only on acquiring the skill or knowledge that is required. The

simplistic elegance of Bruner’s theory means that scaffolding can be applied

across all sectors, for all ages and for all topics of learning. This study used

Constructivism theory to demonstrate that gamification enhanced learning

through social activities in the classroom, allowing students to acquire skills

and experience independently and with the help of peers and teachers.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of this study discusses and illustrates

through a paradigm of input, process, and output and feedback.

Input. This consists of the following: The performance level of Grade

10 students in Statistics and Probability before the use of Proba-BARES

board games along events and the performance level of Grade 10 students in

Statistics and Probability after the use of Proba-BARES board games along


Process. The Pre-experimental Phase was conducted before the

intervention of Proba-BARES board games. It consists of approval letters,

lecture guide with the mechanics of the games, table of specifications, and

researchers made test compose of 30 items. The experimental phase will

cover pre-test and ten hours lesson proper for the intervention of Proba-

BARES board games. Lastly, the post-experimental phase which compose of

post-test, statistical treatment, and analysis and interpretation of data.

Output. The output of the study identifies the difference between the

academic performance before and after the intervention of Proba-BARES

board games and the effectiveness of Proba-BARES board games in the

academic performance of grade 10 students. Furthermore, this study showed

the results of Grade 10 students during pre-test and post-test.

A feedback diagram served as a significant part of the framework so

that when goal has been achieved, the different inputs have to reassess to

ensure continuous progress in the teaching and learning process.



i. Performance level of i. Pre-experimental i. Identify the

Grade 10 students Phase Difference
in Statistics and  Approval Letters
Between the
Probability before  Lecture Guide
the use of Proba-  Mechanics of the Academic
BARES games Games Performance
along Events.  Table of
Before and After
 Test the Intervention
ii. Performance level of Questionnaire of Proba-BARES
Grade 10 students  Pre-Test
Board Games
in Statistics and
Probability after the ii. Experimental
use of Proba- Phase ii. Effectiveness of
BARES games  10 hours Lesson Proba-BARES
along Events. Proper and
Intervention of Board Games in
Proba-BARES the Academic
board games Performance of
Grade 10
iii. Post-experimental
Phase Students
 Post-Test  B - Blast
 Statistical  A - Achieve
 R - Reach
 Analysis and
Interpretation of  E - Engage
data  S - Success


Figure 2. Conceptual Paradigm

Definition of Terms

To provide clarity and precision to the concepts discussed throughout

this study, it is essential to define key terms and terminology used within the

context of the study.

Academic Performance in Mathematics. This are the demonstrated

achievement of learners in various learning content in Mathematics based on

established standards, criteria, and assessments. It encompasses both

qualitative and quantitative aspects of learning outcomes including grades,

assessment results, participation and engagement and performance tasks.

Gamification. In this study it refers to the pedagogical approach

implemented in the learning process to improve students’ learning. It is the

process of transforming typical academic components into gaming themes.

Performance Level. This refers to the academic performance of the

respondents in mathematics. It is interpreted base on the DepEd

transmutation table using the average raw scores of the learner’s pre-test and

post-test results. The grades are interpreted as outstanding, very satisfactory,

satisfactory, fairly satisfactory, and did not meet the expectations.

Outstanding. Refers to the students whose grades is 90-100. The

performance is exceptional, demonstrating a thorough understanding of

subject matter. The student consistently exceeds expectations, showing

exceptional mastery and proficiency.

Very Satisfactory. Implies to those students’ got grades of 85-89.

The performance is highly commendable, with a strong grasp in

learning. The students consistently meet expectations and demonstrates

a high level of competence.

Satisfactory. Refers to the students got grades ranges from 80-

84. The performance meets expectations and reflects a solid

understanding of the subject matter. The students consistently

demonstrates proficiency in the required skills and knowledge.

Fairly Satisfactory. It is assigned to scores between 75 and 79.

The performance meets minimum expectations but show some areas of

improvement. The individual demonstrates a basic understanding of the

subject matter but may occasionally struggles with more complex


Did Not Meet the Expectation. Refers to student score is 75

below. The performance falls below expectations, indicating significant

gaps in understanding or skill development. The students may require

additional support or remediation to improve their performance in the

subject area.

Proba-BARES. “Proba” comes from the word probability as the topic

chosen by the researchers and “BARES” comes from the term “bare” also

means “to reveal or uncover”. Proba-BARES serves as the name of the

gamification the researchers implemented to the grade 10 students. This

game composed of different activities such as Proba-Blast, Proba-Achieve,

Proba-Reach, Proba-Engage, and Proba-Success.

Proba-Blast. A quiz bee-like game which composes of

questions consisting the first learning competency, illustrating union

and intersection of events. It has multiple rounds (Easy, Average and

Difficult rounds) with participating teams aiming to answer questions

correctly and accumulate points to win the game.

Proba-Achieve. This is a puzzle game that challenges players

to solve levels by achieving specific goal. It composes of questions

from illustrating the probability of a union and intersection of events.

Proba-Reach. A board game that aims find the probability of

union of two events. Each group compete to win reach most correct


Proba-Engage. A game focused on illustrating mutually

exclusive event using board with the active level of participation or

engagement with the other players of the group.

Proba-Success. A board game consisting of questions focused

on solving problem involving probability. The goal of the game is to

achieve success by revealing the hidden message.

Statistics and Probability. It refers to the subject used in this study as

a variable to measure the respondent’s academic performance before and

after the intervention of Proba-BARES board games. It includes events as the

focus topic in the subject.

Events. It is the topic used of the researcher in the intervention of

Proba-BARES board games. It refers as the parameters of this

study to measure the performance level of Grade 10 along this




This chapter presented the methods and procedure employed in the

conduct of this study. It tackled the choice and selection of the research

design, respondents, research instrument and statistical treatment. Research

design outlines how researchers will gather data to answer the questions. It

includes the type of study, how data will be collected, the sample size and

methods used for analysis. Data gathering procedure are the specific steps

and methods used to collect data for the study. This process is designed to

ensure that the data is accurate, reliable, and relevant to what is being

investigated. Research instrument will be used in analyzing the gathered data

and to draw conclusions.

Research Design

Pre-experimental research is the design of this study to interpret the

data from respondents using one-group pre-test and post-test design to

measure the influence of Proba-BARES board games in learning Statistics

and Probability to the Grade 10 students at CBSUA-Sipocot Campus. The

research aims to investigate the effectiveness of gamification and to gather

data about their academic performance during the experimentation. Total

enumeration sampling was used in the study since Grade 10 student’s

population is 34. The researchers used the entire population of grade 10 in

the experiment to gather data needed in the study.

Research Method

The study was conducted at Central Bicol State University of

Agriculture – Sipocot. The respondents are the total number of Grade 10

students who are currently enrolled in school year 2023-2024. This research

aims to achieve the objectives for this study. The researchers used total

enumeration sampling technique to gather data from the respondents that

participate the study. In this study, only Grade 10 students were the

respondents as they represent the target sample for the research question.

The researchers integrated Proba-BARES board games under the third topic

in Statistics and Probability along Events and was conducted within 10 hours.

The learning competencies includes: (1) Illustrates events, union and

intersection of events; (2) Illustrates the probability of a union and intersection

of events; (3) finds the probability of union of two events; (4) Illustrates

mutually exclusive events; and (5) Solves problem involving probability.

Respondents Frequency Percentage

Grade 10 students 34 100%

Once the participants have been identified, the study proceeded to the

next phase, which involves preparing and validating table of specification, test

questionnaires, and lecture guide. The questionnaires were the designed to

measure the performance level of the respondents before and after the

intervention of Proba-BARES board games. The study begins by

administering the pre-test before the intervention of the game and the lesson

proper. After the lesson with the intervention of Proba-BARES board games,

the post-test questionnaires were administered to the respondents. The final

phase of the study involves the statistical treatment, analysis, and

interpretation of the data gathered from the answered test questionnaires.

Data Gathering Procedure

This study ensured the validity of data acquire from Grade 10 students

of CBSUA-Sipocot with the approval of communication letter by the research

adviser, research instructor, the Dean of College of Education, and the

panelist including the instruments used; the table of specification, the

researcher-made test and lecture guide to conduct the study.

The pre-experimental phase which is the preparation and validation of

the table of specification, researchers made test and lecture guide. Table of

specification served as a guide in making the researcher-made questionnaire

that consist of pre-test and post-test. The lecture guide contains the topic and

the Proba-BARES board games that the researchers implemented during the

intervention of the gamification.

The researchers-made test consists of pre-test and post-test that is

composed of 30 items containing topics in statistics and probability along

events. The test will be taken for 60 minutes or an hour by the respondents.

The pre-experimental phase which is the distribution of the validated

pre-test to measure the respondents existing knowledge about events and

proceed to experimental phase which is the implementation of the Proba-

BARES board games to the Grade 10 students with the help of the Grade 10

adviser until the end of third grading period. Afterwards, the researchers gave

the post-test to evaluate the outcome of Proba-BARES board games to the

Grade 10 students of CBSUA-Sipocot.

The intervention of Proba-BARES board games was implemented in a

classroom setting attended by all Grade 10 students as the respondents of

the study. By this protocol, the study aims to collect reliable data that was

analyzed to determine the influence of integrating Proba-BARES board

games in learning Events among Grade 10 students at Central Bicol State

University of Agriculture-Sipocot.

Proba-BARES board games is a series of games that is align to each

competency of the topic cover of Events in Grade 10. The first game was the

Proba-Blast that has a level of easy, average, and difficult with a

corresponding point for each level. The second game was Proba-Achieved in

which the students are going to solve a set of puzzles containing questions

they need to answer depending on the level of difficulty. Third game was

Proba-Reach wherein the teams need to solve questions, and the goal is to

reach the highest points to win the game. Fourth is Proba-Engage, each

group of students were given the same set of questions they need to illustrate

the given probability correctly to gather points and be the winner. The last

game was Proba-Success in which the students were given a sheet of papers

containing each letter that has a corresponding word problem. A hidden

message revealed at the very last by solving the questions on each letter.

Each game is played by the same group since the beginning until the last

game to see the progress of each group in the class. The overall champion of

the game was based on the overall points of the groups from the first game of

the Proba-BARES board games.

This study is a pre-experimental design and used total enumeration

sampling in one group to administer the pre-test and post-test.

The analysis of data on the academic performance of the respondents

were based on the DepEd transmutation table DepEd Order no. 8, s, 2015

using the average raw score of the students during the pre-test and post-test

and is interpreted as outstanding, very satisfactory, satisfactory, fairly

satisfactory, and did not meet the expectation.

The data gathered was subjected to statistical treatment to analyze

and interpret the results accurately. The frequency count, percentage

technique and mean were used to determine the overall performance of the

respondents in Mathematics before and after the use of Proba-BARES board

games. The paired T-test was utilized to determine the significance of the

differences between the pre-test and post-test scores. These statistical

treatments provide a comprehensive analysis of the gathered data, allowing

for valid interpretation of the results.

Statistical Treatment

For accurateness and truthfulness of the results, various statistical

treatments were used in the analysis and interpretation of data.

Frequency count, percentage and mean were used to quantify and

find the frequency and rate of the overall performance of Grade 10 students

before and after the intervention of Proba-BARES board games. Mean was

used to get the average of all the set of data from the scores of the students

in pre-test and post-test.

Repeated measures ANOVA.

Paired t-test used to determine the significant difference between pre-

test and post-test along the academic performance of Grade 10 students in

Mathematics in the integration of Proba-BARES board games. This is done

by comparing the results of a pre-test and post-test. By analyzing the mean

scores of each participant’s pre-test and post-test results, the researchers

determined if there is a notable improvement or decline in their performance.

The paired t-test was an appropriate choice for this analysis because it allows

us to compare the same group students at two different times during pre-test

and post-test.



This chapter presented and discussed the findings, analysis and

interpretation of gathered data. These were analyzed and interpreted

according to the questions posted in the study. It composes of three parts; the

performance level of the respondents in mathematics before the utilization of

PROBA-BARES board games along Events, the performance level of the

respondents in mathematics after the utilization of PROBA-BARES board

games along events and the significant difference between the results in the

pre-test and post-test of Grade 10 students in Mathematics.

The performance level of the respondents in Mathematics before

the utilization of Proba-BARES board games along with Events

Presented in table 1 was the score of Grade 10 students in pre-test.

The data collected was the performance of the students in Mathematics

before the utilization of Proba-BARES games along with Events. This was

based on the scores during the pre-test prepared by the researchers. It was

determined through the use of total enumeration sampling technique.

Table 1. The performance level of the respondents in Mathematics

before the utilization of Proba-BARES board games along with Events
Numerical Grade Frequency Percentage Descriptive Rating
75 Below 34 100% Do not meet expectations
75-79 0 0 Fairly satisfactory
80-84 0 0 Satisfactory
85-89 0 0 Very satisfactory
90-100 0 0 Outstanding
Total 34 100%
Average weighted mean 67.41% Do not meet expectations
Numerical Grade Descriptive Rating
75 Below Do not meet expectations
75-79 Fairly satisfactory
80-84 Satisfactory
85-89 Very satisfactory
90-100 Outstanding
The table 1 shown that the result of conducted pretest did not meet

expectations with the average mean of 67.41%. It shows that 34 (100%) out

of 34 students do not meet expectations. This points out that all Grade 10

students do not have enough knowledge to answer the pre-test


The findings from Antonio and Tamban (2022) indicate that students

exhibit poor academic performance, while Aguhayon (2023) highlights

students' struggles in solving basic mathematical problems, underscoring the

necessity for an intervention to bridge their learning deficiencies and enhance

both their academic achievements and self-assurance. In line with Pentang et

al. (2020), it is important to implement interventions to tackle the growing

mathematical gaps observed among students.

The performance level of the respondents in Mathematics after

the utilization of Proba-BARES board games along with Events

Table 2 present the score of the students in post-test. Second problem

in this study dealt with the performance level of the respondents in

Mathematics after the utilization of Proba-BARES board games along with

Events. The data was based on the scores of the respondents in the

researchers made test. It was determined through the use of total

enumeration sampling technique.

Table 2 The performance level of the respondents in Mathematics

after the utilization of Proba-BARES board games along with Events
Numerical Grade Frequency Percentage Descriptive Rating
75 Below 0 0% Do not meet expectations
75-79 0 0% Fairly satisfactory
80-84 0 0% Satisfactory
85-89 5 14.71% Very satisfactory
90-100 29 85.29% Outstanding
Total 34 100%
Average weighted mean 93.26% Outstanding
Numerical Grade Descriptive Rating
75 Below Do not meet expectations
75-79 Fairly satisfactory

80-84 Satisfactory
85-89 Very satisfactory
90-100 Outstanding

Table 2 shown the performance level of the respondents in Events.

The data present the result after utilization of Proba-BARES board game as

outstanding with 93.26% average weighted mean. The data provided that 5

(14.71%) out of 34 respondents perform very satisfactorily, and 29 (85.29%)

shows outstanding performance.

The outcome suggests that the intervention program notably enhanced

students' mathematical proficiency, aligning with the studies by Azizah et al.

(2021), Azucena et al. (2022), and Pentang (2021). This initiative proved to

be successful in aiding students to enhance their mathematical skills, which

the school can sustain. Findings related to those of Chans and Castro (2021)

indicate that rewards play a pivotal role in motivating students to consistently

engage and excel in their academic endeavors.

The significant difference between the results in the pre-test and

post-test of Grade 10 students

This section discussed the significant difference in the performance

levels of the respondents between the pre-test and post-test results and

compute using paired t-test. The table include the sample size (N), pre-test

scores, post-test scores, t-value, and decision regarding the hypothesis along

with interpretation.

Table 3 presents the significant difference in the performance level of

the Grade 10 between the pre-test and post-test results. In the pre-test, the

mean score is 9.41, with a standard deviation of 3.28. However, in the post-

test, there was a notable increase in the performance, as indicated by a mean

score of 27.12 and a standard deviation of 1.49. This is further confirmed by a

t value of -31.04, signifying the magnitude of the difference.

Table 3. The significant difference between the results in the pre-test
and post-test of Grade 10 students

Variable Mean Sd Critical T-value P-value Decision

Pre-test 9.41 3.28 ±2.03 -31.04 0.00 Reject the
Post-test 27.12 1.49 null
Interpretation Significantly

In summary, the table present the pre-test and post-test scores of

Grade 10 students, with the calculated t-value surpassing the critical t-value,

leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis. This indicates a statistically

significant disparity in the performance levels of the participants between the

pre-test and post-test assessments. The implications of this discovery are

profound, suggesting that the educational intervention or teaching approach

employed during the study had a substantial positive influence on the

students' performance. This underscores the effectiveness of the intervention

and highlights the potential for enhanced learning outcomes when such

strategies are implemented in educational settings. It demonstrates that

Proba-BARES board games are efficacious in enhancing students'


Corresponding results from the research conducted by Karamert and

Vardar (2021) demonstrated that gamification features captivate students,

leading to heightened engagement in the course. Within the realm of

educational interventions, it is crucial to evaluate learning motivation. As per

the findings of Lampropoulos and Sidiropoulos (2024), a significant number of

students indicated that gamification fosters intrinsic motivation to a greater

extent than extrinsic motivation. This observation underscores the potential of

gamification as a more effective pedagogical method compared to

conventional learning approaches.



This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusion, and

recommendations that have been formed based on the data presented in the

previous chapters.


This study focused on the impact of Proba-BARES board games in

teaching Mathematics. This aimed to do the following: to describe the

performance level of the respondents before the integration of Proba-BARES

board games in teaching Probability along Events; to describe the

performance level of the respondents after the integration of Proba-BARES

board games in teaching Probability along Events; and analyze the significant

difference on the performance level of the respondents before and after the

integration of Proba-BARES board games in teaching Probability.

This study used pre-experimental research design. The pre-test and

post-test questionnaire were used to gather the data from the respondents.

Percentage technique and mean were used to analyze and interpret the data.

In addition, paired t-test were used to find the significant difference between

the pre-test and post-test results.

Problem 1

What is the performance level of Grade 10 students in Statistics and

Probability before the use of Proba-BARES board games along events?


Based on the results of the analysis and interpretation of the gathered

data, the findings shows that the result of conducted pretest did not meet

expectations with the average mean of 67.41%. It shows that 34 (100%) out

of 34 students do not meet expectations.


From the findings, it can be inferred that the respondents failed in the

pre- test and has a lack knowledge about the topic.


Based on the findings of the study, the researchers recommend the


1. For teachers, review existing strategies to ensure the effectiveness in

achieving desired outcomes. Incorporate more examples and problem-

solving strategies to help students develop a deeper understanding of

probability along events and the provision of supplementary support for

struggling students.

2. For students, make sure to read and study advance about the next

topic and be able to do well in the class.

Problem 2

What is the performance level of Grade 10 students in Statistics and

Probability after the use of Proba-BARES board games along events?


Based on the results of the analysis and interpretation of the gathered

data, it provided that 5 (14.71%) out of 34 respondents perform very

satisfactorily and 29 (85.29%) shows outstanding performance. Overall, it

shows that the result of conducted post-test resulted to an average mean of

93.26% and interpreted as outstanding.


From the findings, it can be inferred that the integration of Proba-

BARES games has great impact to the academic performance of grade 10

students. Thus, the respondents meet the outstanding level in post-test.


1. It is recommended that integrating gamification such as Proba-BARES

board games, must be integrated to have a more engaging and

effective way to support students’ learning and improve their level of


2. Students must cooperate and collaborate more in the classroom


Problem 3
Is there a significant difference between the performance level of

Grade 10 students in Statistics and Probability in the Events before and after

the use of gamification?


Based on the results of the analysis and interpretation of the gathered

data, the findings shows that there is a significant difference between the pre-

test and post-test in which the calculated t value exceeded the critical value

which results to rejection of null hypothesis.


Based on the result, there is a significant difference on level of

performance of the respondents before and after the integration of Proba-

BARES board games in teaching Probability along Events.


1. For teachers, using gamification such as Proba-BARES board games

in teaching in Statistics and Probability in supplementing strategies in

teaching mathematical concepts in Statistics and Probability for

students to be engaged in the learning process. Make use of various

games that will motivate students to learn and to improve their

performance in Statistics and Probability.

2. For the future researchers, it is recommended to conduct further

exploration of the use of gamification as a teaching strategy and for

deepening the students learning particularly in Mathematics.


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