Astral - Pool PH Minus
Astral - Pool PH Minus
Astral - Pool PH Minus
Astral pH Minus
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1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance and uses advised against.
pH regulator
FRANCE (Paris): 01 40 05 48 48
FRANCE (Tolousse): 05 61 77 74 47
FRANCE (Marseille): 04 91 75 25 25
Signal Word:
Astral pH Minus
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H statements:
H318 Causes serious eye damage.
P statements:
P101 If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand.
P102 Keep out of reach of children.
P103 Read label before use.
P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.
P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and
easy to do. Continue rinsing.
P310 Immediately call a POISON CENTER or a doctor
sodium hydrogensulphate
3.1 Substances.
Chemical Name: sodium hydrogensulphate
Index No: 016-046-00-X
CAS No: 7681-38-1
CE No: 231-665-7
Registration No: 01-2119552465-36-XXXX
3.2 Mixtures.
Not Applicable.
Take the victim into open air; keep them warm and calm. If breathing is irregular or stops, perform artificial respiration. Do not
administer anything orally. If unconscious, place them in a suitable position and seek medical assistance.
Eye contact.
Wash eyes with plenty of clean and cool water for at least 10 minutes while pulling eyelids up, and seek medical assistance.
Skin contact.
Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin vigorously with water and soap or a suitable skin cleaner. NEVER use solvents or
If accidentally ingested, seek immediate medical attention. Keep calm. NEVER induce vomiting.
4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed.
Corrosive Product, contact with eyes or skin can cause burns; ingestion or inhalation can cause internal damage, if this occurs
immediate medical assistance is required.
4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed.
In case of doubt or when symptoms of feeling unwell persist, get medical attention. Never administer anything orally to persons
who are unconscious.
The product does not present any particular risk in case of fire.
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The product does NOT contain substances with Professional Exposure Environmental Limit Values.The product does NOT contain
substances with Biological Limit Values.
8.2 Exposure controls.
Astral pH Minus
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Provide adequate ventilation, which can be achieved by using good local exhaust-ventilation and a good general exhaust system.
Concentration: 100 %
Uses: pH regulator
Breathing protection:
If the recommended technical measures are observed, no individual protection equipment is necessary.
Hand protection:
PPE: Work gloves.
Characteristics: «CE» marking, category I.
CEN standards: EN 374-1, En 374-2, EN 374-3, EN 420
Keep in a dry place, away from any sources of heat, and avoid exposure to sunlight as much as possible.
Maintenance: Do not make any changes to the gloves that may alter their resistance, or apply paints, solvents or
Gloves should be of the appropriate size and fit the user's hand well, not being too loose or too tight.
Always use with clean, dry hands.
Breakthrough time Material thickness
Material: PVC (polyvinyl chloride) > 480 0,35
(min.): (mm):
Eye protection:
PPE: Protective goggles against particle impacts.
Characteristics: «CE» marking, category II. Eye protector against dust and smoke.
CEN standards: EN 165, EN 166, EN 167, EN 168
Visibility through lenses should be ideal. Therefore, these parts should be cleaned daily. Protectors should
be disinfected periodically following the manufacturer's instructions.
Some signs of wear and tear include: yellow colouring of the lenses, superficial scratching of the lenses,
scraping etc.
Skin protection:
PPE: Protective clothing.
«CE» marking, category II. Protective clothing should not be too tight or loose in
order not to obstruct the user's movements.
CEN standards: EN 340
In order to guarantee uniform protection, follow the washing and maintenance instructions provided by
the manufacturer.
The protective clothing should offer a level of comfort in line with the level of protection provided in
Observations: terms of the hazard against which it protects, bearing in mind environmental conditions, the user's level
of activity and the expected time of use.
PPE: Work footwear.
Characteristics: «CE» marking, category II.
CEN standards: EN ISO 13287, EN 20347
This product adapts to the first user's foot shape. That is why, as well as for hygienic reasons, it should
not be used by other people.
Work footwear for professional use includes protection elements aimed at protecting users against any
injury resulting from an accident
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Liposolubility: N.A./N.A.
Hydrosolubility: 1080 g/l (20 ºC)
Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water): N.A./N.A.
Auto-ignition temperature: N.A./N.A.
Decomposition temperature: N.A./N.A.
Viscosity: N.A./N.A.
Explosive properties: N.A./N.A.
Oxidizing properties: No
10.1 Reactivity.
The product does not present hazards by their reactivity.
Toxicological information.
Acute toxicity
Type Test Kind Value
LD50 Rat 2140 mg/kg
sodium hydrogensulphate
LD50 Rat >2.4 mg/l (4 h)
CAS No: 7681-38-1 EC No: 231-665-7
a) acute toxicity;
Not conclusive data for classification.
b) skin corrosion/irritation;
Not conclusive data for classification.
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f) carcinogenicity;
Not conclusive data for classification.
g) reproductive toxicity;
Not conclusive data for classification.
h) STOT-single exposure;
Not conclusive data for classification.
i) STOT-repeated exposure;
Not conclusive data for classification.
j) aspiration hazard;
Not conclusive data for classification.
12.1 Toxicity.
Type Test Kind Value
LC50 Fish 7960 mg/l (96h)
sodium hydrogensulphate Aquatic LC50 Daphnia 1766 mg/l (48 h)
LC50 Algae 1900 mg/l (120 h)
Aquatic plants
CAS No: 7681-38-1 EC No: 231-665-7
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Transportation is not dangerous. In case of road accident causing the product’s spillage, proceed in accordance with point 6.
14.1 UN number.
Transportation is not dangerous.
14.7 Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL and the IBC Code.
Transportation is not dangerous.
15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance.
The product is not affected by the Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September
2009 on substances that deplete the ozone layer.
Classification codes:
It is advisable to carry out basic training with regard to health and safety at work in order to handle this product correctly.
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The information given in this Safety Data Sheet has been drafted in accordance with COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2015/830
of 28 May 2015 amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Registration,
Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive
1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council
Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC.
The information in this Safety Data Sheet on the Preparation is based on current knowledge and on current EC and national
laws, as far as the working conditions of the users is beyond our knowledge and control. The product must not be used for
purposes other than those that are specified without first having written instructions on how to handle. It is always the
responsibility of the user to take the appropriate measures in order to comply with the requirements established by current
legislation. The information contained in this Safety Sheet only states a description of the safety requirements for the
preparation, and it must not be considered as a guarantee of its properties.