Where It Sees1

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where it sees families of the economic tube Sea Yangp'yong residential families which become the tie frame,

leading start --> construction and natural this overlap at once are the house. Dreams being understood which the family is new, in Yangp'yong ground all the member residence and the guest house in one house all the economic tube Sea which it makes. Scattered with the center which it will pick up and the family which lives gathered, the lot of the new family came to make. Distant America it is not gorgeous not to be to be born and rather economic tube Sea maul kind 5911 < where construction and natural this overlap the house which is more approximate, it becomes! -- Maine, from pu tie frame, leading end --> 1 weekend not yet. With the exposure concrete it was finished to only distant right to be smooth, it is a speculation house. The place grudge the house will be pressed the ground coercion above the hill and the architect minimized the height of building height and 2 layer specially. 2 was lived in the house and and the economic tube Sea (the right) the teachers of a Buddhist priest should have written a case why every morning, it knew and and. With the mind it will ask tightly every morning in the yard and it sprinkles. Became the house making this house family, the architect nine full load Sea which is proud and this house it sprouts, moral fiber feeling Jindo dog Mong. The trouble which is 3 star not yet masters and the elder brother family. The as it opens the leg with the person in the obtuse angle where the place grudge picks up above 4 hills it turned by stealth and it sat. Is like that and Yangp'yong the warmth which it gives, the wind and smell defect ppek there is a possibility of breathing in. The house owner lives and the house and, weekend is and with the deck the star for the family which gathers it is not yet connected. Protects two and the case to tie by the strength the form of letter infrastructure of the rightly big house roof. alone 50 men who become, it will put out and sul it will put out and sul the Marne beard will rise and eight pure old mothers who like the child take care of the junior high school student son and the grandchild whom it starts, the household the flesh will float and 50 troubles which pack, the child dog your it is same. It arrives to that place already and first it throws away and it is a scenery of scarcity and (see with the measuring stick of the world the cotton). These people eats the rice together and

rolls about the relationship which a sleep together and together sleeps, it is a family. When weekend it becomes and three elder brothers lead the brush and with this place where the mother is they come. These people as well it is a family. With karma there is an inevitability whose is not accidental and fate selection and group it is possible, the family. the net of the close world removes and the position place, Yangp'yong it bites and this house by thin route company there is. Quietly Oong khu lin it is a speculation building in the low-end hill. The lastborn son who operates the restaurant from Seoul will draw the scenery where the family gathers again and it will pick up and it fell. Two tetragon buildings to be being joined together, that like the Korean-style house the yard width there is a building sleep. Like the dandy house owner whom it picks up the truth it got smoothly. Southeast direction to the big house three person families which are permanently stationed live. South-west direction is small and tax of the trouble which picks up and the elder brother wild family khen tu it is a house and also guest house. It makes from inside this one frame of these people and the scenery which it puts out as well is the family. It falls sometimes and, it is inconsistent sometimes and only one place one of the daily which is joined together and, the le polyvalence which instantaneous bitter chews and it is shared and the existence, the family. During for a few ten years the now when it lives separately the place where they are families which barely only weekend the flesh it rubs, from one space luck tak distance it burns, case power of explosion cyo. The atmosphere of own home will not break weekend wild because of the family and, it thinks that 1 own making tree infrastructure at the wave crest box elder brother acceptance market and it became worse a practicality. 2 as well staircases. Will pick up space in order which moment to deepen like this and it will be visible and tus the scenery which is not visible is caught quite plentifully. The staircase which it made with 3 own making trees. These house families will intend in this infrastructure indebtedness which is coming to make round in mysterious angle to follow and gaze neither the copper wire will can encounter with each other. The internal which the staircase bites is the miscellaneous articles control warehouse of the kitchen. The ceiling infrastructure which it made with own making tree is visible with the back. The bottom all it is joined together but the ceiling is the scenery which it divides separately. The each space wished the distinction Doe route architect like this. 4 The staircase of 2 layer which is a space for only the house owner economic tube Sea. The skylight is being pierced and the sunshine defect ppek there is a possibility of inhaling. To the wall of blunt impression he 100 dollars gave from Vietnam and the company all nameless anger walked the picture. It is a harmony sound of dissonance inside. . the architect nine full load Sea was like that and it shared the building. Independent only it sleeps, the house owner economic tube Sea which

wishes a space hazard before all it hands over 2 layer of the big house, like wool penis for it lives and a big house 1 layer together bitterly in all grandmother and the grandchild it does and (startling case, to the adolescence bachelor room which is acute there is not a toilet. When being young from, with the grandmother there is a possibility which to the toilet the grandchild who lives will lead and the grandmother room it will go. The grandchild recently the protector of the grandmother, is to be an observer). The trouble where the Seoul outing is frequent became the separate house madam of small house 2 layer, khay it decorated it put the room with the scull blood bed and. Weekend the mother and elder brother wild family which it meets became the master and also caller of small house 1 layer. This two the bottom which it picks up is sticking, (the place crow to be connected) the main house Um term star which falls not yet all. Two it lets between and the waterway flows. It flows from above the hill and it descends and the center and and the place where it asks khu it digs into it flows,, it falls piping other, hill comfort it comes up with the well of the embankment lower part and and and. When the family all gathers and also the lettuce-wrapped rice eats cheap from the as deck which puts this waterway after the back, also the barbecue roasts, also the dog food gives. suk It is about night and it scatters each and it hides it holds in space of oneself and and. it will disperse and Fall in the space of one families will pick up and the recording our old it will look into it resembles and (it talks the grand house tile-roofed house or the Korean-style house to it knows, that way we live until recently like that house). The old houses were like that. In look the scenery inside the house, the sound all, the families who become known but that charge was not. Secretly < Line day Seoul > Inside seeing, also the back pair came not to hide, soundproofing one degree that which does not become but also it is a strong point, it did. It will be a house where the family lives together. to be like that and it will pick up and it will be visible and tus became like that house which is not visible. What, it is like this. It will see the kitchen from the living room and hwen it will do and thwuk it will not break and and to hide, in gaze and and and not to be it will follow it will come it crosses the living room it will see from the kitchen and also it will be visible and tus is not visible. It intends and to follow the copper wire gaze it does not encounter, head of a family privacy it rests there is a possibility of enjoying. When only the le polyvalence also mind it eats and also the interference does and also the side kick hangs and it is like that space which also being understood does. 1 scatters and the family which lives newly the certain person nest. To the center of this nest the waterway flows and (from the photograph true Yoo it is planted and to be seen it seems. To be long the waterway which is a green onion), that comfort yard the same place khu the place does between two buildings. 2 The easy ceiling altitude where the kitchen is wide it is not sweet the upper market it was not because high and substitution it attached it

emphasized the tile of big size and a wide impression. It coats with paint a kitchen acceptance funeral part with red color and it gives a time accent to the smooth and flat kitchen. The study and also bedroom for the house owner who wishes the loneliness of 3 day person minute and the independence of first person minute. The bed head board which closes with the tile is increase. Lies down to this bed and the window which in height about of the gaze is long tightly at width is a B. The warmth which the nature of Yangp'yong gives with that window, it will observation the wind and moisture and there is a possibility which it will feel. 4 families are permanently stationed the living room of the big house. Distant America it is not gorgeous and not to be to be born it is a better space. From like this house it sees the window outside and nature it moves, when hour it flows only it enjoys it is done. The ceiling infrastructure which it made with own making tree, and that Anui it drives and tu li the inside wind pattern lets and one truth it sees and. The artificial design substitution nature enjoy it is a care of the architect first. it distinguishes and it protects and the beauty is joined together it goes out with outside but. The bargainee is naked and the outside is seen hwen but from outside it is not visible all. The building opens with the person in obtuse angle and position it turns not yet and by stealth it is a virtue which sits. Only position space of the kitchen side, after degree it is similar. The affection after this head of a family privacy and is trickily be space from this house. The kitchen polyvalence it goes nearly and it distinguishes that inside flesh barely. Like the umbrella, like the frame frame to pick up and put around and it is a connection where also the roof infrastructure sleep is same. If the building west at terrain of Yangp'yong and it sticks it is too much plentifully exposed to the sun. The useless lump it is same but this guy closes the sunshine of facing west, also the tube glass window of 2 layer bathroom hides petty, week cyo. The master sees the mountain shadow and as it will can take a bath when it is being opened. it comes in the inside the house again, the bottom it is being joined together, the kitchen and the living room and the staircase all play separately in the ceiling. To the living room ceiling it becomes own making tree and it drives and tu li the inside wind pattern makes round, to the staircase between that and the position infrastructure, to the kitchen ceiling as well unit which becomes own making tree tin skis wind pattern is pleasant and it plays separately. Separately also like the family whom it divides together, like this house. Photograph shot where picks up does not receive. Every corner flesh it will float to initially and it fills and there was not the hostess whom it decorates and it wanted. Attitude it looks around to this house the grudge which steams close there not to be re-one and, south it is gorgeous it writes all and syang the field li one it is not being hung. Substitution soil smell me the material the exposure concrete and tree smell me the material distant

right own making tree is very Song very Song, the place only will be sewing on bluntly. Even even him it is refined and is trimmed the mote which makes effort is not visible. The case, it is because is Yangp'yong. From like this neighborhood and like this house from before the dining table, from the deck, from the bedroom, it sees the outside from the bathroom and when only bloodthirstiness it is done. The house U whom it will hold sul leng distance nature it moves, when hour it flows only it enjoys it is done. The construction plays with nature anyhow and in the props for it is only. 1 family, new tax khen tu Yangp'yong residential maul kind 5911 which shows the features of the house (it quoted a name from 59-11 house numbers). Peace which it hands down slowly, to the center of that scenery there is a mother. Like 2 prodigals plays well and mes the house owner economic tube Sea which knows. 3 The grandmother where the center interest of the kitchen is the center of the house. And the son it is same it does, the grandchild it is same one architect nine full load Sea. architect nine full load Sea will pick up and to make the Korean-style food they were eulogized, it was proud. The mother the lastborn son will be same and the hazard sagebrush which will be wrong khay it steamed the sagebrush rice cake. Also the house which that lastborn son makes does to come out well in the magazine, the mother from morning three or changes cloths and (first first the cloth which it puts on is the Korean clothes). That it is like that, what the deep spirit flow it is same to the case which is it knows the bedspread. Between family to like that Iss position Anh canh Oh bedspread. The family that way only the family one cyo. that le, it sees and lives in the family Iran same house and is different a person one water service which and a fate community one water service with each other there is. The case structure which is important knows appears to be being a relationship. And it appears to have having become the family where also his end broad way nine full load Sea inside this frame is caught with one scenery. It is not like that it will not be and it will stand and tightly it will fix position like this it will pick up and and and to be how in the bedspread imitation wool families and and it will come. The wild dignity house-warming party to be warm and swell up and light and when starting, the grandmother to wash Ul change Chinese cabbage, the trouble u to awake the heading in the market which it wraps and put in, the lastborn son the truth charcoal the blood wess all. Empty the position stomach the evening when it puts the hazard barbecue green onion mote before, with the elder brother elder brother water service it is the truth which arrives just. It puts in this scenery inside the camera frame. Is loose, is warmhearted the name of grudge, the family is visible. The recording like this house where the world will change little by little, like this tax khen tu the house and like this guest house to be many are the quality thing. This case it is a lot of the new family. To the center from our mother is. with the art student to

be as much as * economics, again learn with a construction nine full load Sea which it widens endeavor make the house where the different meaning body odor which lives is put in. It will pick up in him and if it wants making, when lu Sea Ji Em (02-583-7024) with it is contacted.

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