General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
This category recognises organisations that can demonstrate innovative, impactful and inspirational
sustainability solutions in the areas of climate action that include, but are not limited to:
Organisations must also demonstrate a clear vision and long-term plan to further deploy their solution
and scale up their impact, as well as inspiring others to follow suit by advancing sustainable and
human development.
To be eligible for this category, organisations must be a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) or a
non-profit organisation (NPO).
*0.1 Please provide a brief overview of your organisation's work. Include your organisation's mission
and key initiatives highlighting why your organization's work holds substantial value.
*0.2 What is the annual income of your organisation (including all revenue, grants etc)? (numerical
value only)
*0.3 How many employees are in your organisation, including all full-time and part time staff?
(numerical value only)
*0.4 Please provide the name, position and background experience of your leadership team
members such as CXOs, Chairman, Board of Directors.
*0.6 Please provide the areas in which your organisation is most active. (you can select multiple
0.9 Please mention if your organisation has received or was the finalist of another national or
international sustainability award.
Name of the Award Year Winner of Finalist Link to the award or media feature
*0.10 Please provide an executive summary of your solution outlining what you plan to do and how
you will do it (include market fit, enduser demographics, scale, scope and benefits).
*0.11.1 If yes, kindly elaborate on the reasons motivating your re-application. Highlight the changes in
your organisation's mission, goals, solution, as well as changes in impact scale and scope, to ensure
a comprehensive overview.
*0.12 Please provide financial information of the last three fiscal years (numerical values only).
0.13 If your organisation experienced a revenue growth or decline rate that exceeded 25% annually
over the past three fiscal years, please provide a concise explanation for the factors contributing to
this notable change in financial performance.
*0.14 Please mention the country(ies) in which you operate, stating your headquarter location.
0.15 If applicable, please elaborate any operations of your organisation in Least Development
Countries (LDCs) or Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
Innovation refers to a novel solution or a transformation of an existing solution that solves a challenge
or a need, generates value and brings significant positive impact.
The Prize does not award early stage start-ups, inventions, prototypes or solutions that have not
demonstrated any impact on the ground.
*1.1 Please select which of the following statements applies to your organisation's solution.
*1.2 Please state the unique value proposition of your solution and why it is disruptive or
*1.3 Clearly state how your unique value proposition differs from what is offered by competitors?
Elaborate on the distinctiveness of your solution in terms of technology, approach, business model
innovation, pricing, accessibility, scalability etc.
*1.5 Do you have a way of protecting your innovations from being copied by your competitors?
No, but I intend to
No, I intend for it to be easily replicated by others
Impact refers to a positive change that addresses social, economic, technological and/or
environmental challenge(s) and has proven to make the world a better place by improving the
well-being of humanity.
*2.1 Explain how your solution has positively impacted the environment?
*2.2 How many people have directly benefitted from your solution? (numerical value only; no commas
or periods allowed)
*2.3 Describe how your solution promotes climate resilience, restoration of nature and efficient use
resources, waste reduction or lowering of carbon emissions. Explain using examples.
*2.4 Provide instances where your solution has created a positive impact on climate change
challenges, showcasing measurable reductions in carbon emissions or resource usage etc.
*2.5 What is the total amount of emissions that your solution has successfully abated since its
implementation? Numerical values in tons of CO2 only
*2.6 Please elaborate how your solution has improved inclusion and equality? (e.g., gender equality,
diversity, inclusion or empowerment of disadvantaged community members etc.)
*2.7 How many jobs have been created as a result of your solution? (numerical value only)
*2.8 Has your solution created any impact beyond 'Climate Action', in the following areas? (you can
select multiple options)
None of the above
*2.8.1 Please explain how your solution has improved people's lives in other areas, selected above.
(Please include relevant metrics)
*2.8.2 Please quantify the impact in the areas, selected above. You can add more rows (up to 5).
Area Impact Description Impact Number (please also input unit of measure)
*2.9 Please provide a detailed plan (for 2 years) to leverage the Prize money including: a. Expected
growth in beneficiaries b. Scale-up of the solution (e.g., new regions/locations, service lines) c.
Improved affordability and/or reliability of solution
*2.10 Which of the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) does your solution address?
(You can choose multiple options)
SDG 1: No Poverty
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG 10: Reduced Inequality
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 14: Life Below Water
SDG 15: Life on Land
SDG 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
SDG 17: Partnerships to Achieve the Goal
Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the founding father of the UAE, was a pioneering advocate of
global sustainability and human development. Leading by example, he placed great value in the
pursuit of socio-economic development that meets the needs of both current and future generations.
Continued through the Prize, Sheikh Zayed’s legacy is a source of inspiration for the entire world.
• reflects Sheikh Zayed’s core values – tolerance, sustainability and human development that were
central to his own approach and actions;
• has inspired and influenced other organisations to advance sustainable and human development;
• has further inspired sustainable actions from the wider community by instigating behavioural
*3.1 What inspired you to develop the solution. Please provide the background and context that led to
the solution.
*3.2 What values or principles of sustainability, human development and tolerance, similar to Sheikh
Zayed's legacy, have guided your organisation in the creation of your solution?
*3.3 How has your solution inspired others in your community to advance sustainability and human
*3.4 What is your organisation's long term vision for sustainable growth and impact over the next 5-10
*3.5 How many more lives will you impact with the prize funding? (Include anticipated timelines)
*3.6 Are you collaborating with other organisations or individuals to achieve your impact? If yes,
please elaborate.
Other Information
* Impact Video
You are required to submit a video pitch, not exceeding two minutes. We strongly encourage your
video to show your solution in action. Additional elements of the video could address the following:
1. what challenge or need are you addressing;
2. what is innovative and unique about your solution;
3. explain how your solution has had a positive impact on people’s lives;
4. what is your long-term vision and how the prize money would contribute to this achievement.
5. why should you win the Prize?
Provide list of the organisations, institutions, or individuals your organisation partners with to advance
its goals and initiatives.
If featured in any media article, column, or video. Please provide the link.
Please share any organisation profiles, independent study(ies), audit(s), or assessment(s) conducted
on the sustainability and viability of your solution? If so, please provide details.
5.1 Have you been in contact with any previous Zayed Sustainability Prize winners?
5.1.1 If yes, select the previous Zayed Sustainability Prize winners you have worked with.
S4S Technologies
Abellon Clean Energy
Carbon Disclosure Project
Ceres Imaging
Electriciens Sans Frontieres
International Development Enterprises India
Liter of Light
M-Kopa Solar
Zola Electric
Practical Action
SELCO Foundation
Sunna Design
We Care Solar
Okuafo Foundation
5.2 Would you be interested in working with other winners?
5.4 Are you also looking to raise further Project Equity Investment for a future project?
5.4.1 If yes, please briefly describe this project/investment opportunity you are seeking?
5.4.2 If yes, how much money would you like to raise for this project (in US$)