Learning Studies Answer Book
Learning Studies Answer Book
Learning Studies Answer Book
September 2022
Version 1.0
These Learning Studies support the TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Practitioner certification
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1. Answers .............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Unit 1 Question 1 ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Unit 1 Question 2 ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Unit 1 Question 3 ..................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Unit 1 Question 4 ..................................................................................................................... 7
1.5 Unit 2 Question 1 ..................................................................................................................... 8
1.6 Unit 2 Question 2 ..................................................................................................................... 9
1.7 Unit 3 Question 1 ................................................................................................................... 10
1.8 Unit 3 Question 2 ................................................................................................................... 11
1.9 Unit 4 Question 1 ................................................................................................................... 12
1.10 Unit 4 Question 2 ................................................................................................................... 14
1.11 Unit 4 Question 3 ................................................................................................................... 16
1.12 Unit 5 Question 1 ................................................................................................................... 18
1.13 Unit 5 Question 2 ................................................................................................................... 19
1.14 Unit 5 Question 3 ................................................................................................................... 20
1.15 Unit 6 Question 1 ................................................................................................................... 21
1.16 Unit 6 Question 2 ................................................................................................................... 22
1.17 Unit 7 Question 1 ................................................................................................................... 23
1.18 Unit 8 Question 1 ................................................................................................................... 24
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1.2 Unit 1 Question 2
Topic Context for Enterprise Architecture/ Target compliance
Scenario Review target against compliance checklist
Question U1Q2
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Analysis
Subjects Target compliance, Target checklist, EA team capability
Rationale G184 §3.1, 15.2.1
Most Correct B This is the best answer. It draws on the target architecture
checklist asking questions about the stakeholders, and also
taking a broader view of the entire portfolio (constraints from
the superior architecture). A list of gaps will make clear what
must change and the implications of change.
Second Best C This is the second-best answer. This looks at the issues and
identifies gaps both in the EA capability and the proposed
target. It does not however look to stakeholders nor consider
explicitly the superior architecture.
Third Best D This is the third best answer. This has an architected approach
but goes straight to a change of engagement with no analysis
of the current problems.
Distracter A This is the wrong answer. It assumes the issue can be
addressed by an extension of a current application platform.
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1.3 Unit 1 Question 3
Topic Context for Enterprise Architecture/ multiple states, risk
Scenario Multiple states, candidate architectures, risk reduction
Question U1Q3
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Analysis
Subjects Multiple states, candidate architectures, risk reduction
Rationale G184 §5.4, 13
Most Correct D This is the best answer. Portfolio architecture is focused on
identifying the work (projects), their synergies, and
dependency to achieve outcomes. In a period of
transformation stakeholders will be looking to reduce risk
(uncertainty) of achieving an objective. Exploring multiple
potential paths allows the stakeholders to understand how to
minimize uncertainty.
Second Best C This is the second-best answer. The firm is adding direct-to-
customer, digital product, digital service, and hybrid products
to a business designed to support physical goods sold through
retail. It is explicitly experimenting to gain experience in
different business models. Yet, this change focused on a
short-term answer when a long-term answer was requested. It
also does not reduced uncertainty of reaching all the
stakeholders’ objectives.
Third Best B This is the third best answer. Customer engagement
efficiency will partially address the concern. During a period
of transformation there is a significant possibility that prior
motivations will not be appropriate to guide the future. By
focusing on what will change to fit the current roadmap this
under-serves the stakeholders. It also does not reduced
uncertainty of reaching all the stakeholders’ objectives.
Distracter A This is the wrong answer. It has ignored the request from the
stakeholder, and the role as an architect working to support
Portfolio. While it has protected the ongoing roadmap, it has
not helped a stakeholder understand the most effective
change, nor reduced uncertainty of reaching all the
stakeholders’ objectives.
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1.4 Unit 1 Question 4
Topic Context for Enterprise Architecture/ Digital Enterprise
Question U1Q4
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Analysis
Subjects Digital Enterprise
Rationale G217
Most Correct C This is the best answer. The EA Team to date has been
focused on addressing IT-centric portfolio change. This is an
enduring enterprise view, and the stakeholders they work with
will have a broad planning view. The experiments in digital
products do not follow that approach. The briefing material
drawn from the DPBoK standard is used to explain this to
your team and those they interact with. An enterprise
architecture will be comprised of models, views, and other
useful things. You have ensured there are views representing
stakeholder concerns across the organizational spectrum, to
ensure architecture work addresses the set of stakeholder
Second Best A This is the second-best answer. Researching the TOGAF
Library for relevant material is a positive step. An
architecture is developed to help stakeholders effectively
change their organization. By focusing on one model
(business capability) and building a briefing that is
independent of concerns your stakeholders have a limited
ability to select and implement the most effective change.
Ensuring your briefing addresses stakeholder concerns, such
as protecting existing customer relationships, would help the
stakeholders understand how to capture available upside and
minimize downside from the transformation.
You self-selected ‘digital-first’ as an objective. Good
architecture ensures stakeholders select objectives.
Third Best B This is the third best answer. Searching the TOGAF Library
and circulating a reading list is not addressing the question
that was asked in a specific enough manner. You failed to
answer the question that was asked. Exploring the differences
between the existing capability model and a future capability
model might help answer the question. You have gone too
Distracter D This is the wrong answer. Your team is designed to support
change across a multi-division multinational firm. They are
adding the role of supporting the digital transformation. Your
explanation of agile development may be needed but will not
help people understand how to put the multinational, multi-
divisional IT-portfolio, and the experiments together.
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1.5 Unit 2 Question 1
Topic Stakeholder Management
Scenario How to identify stakeholders, their concerns, views, and the
communication involved.
Question U2Q1
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Analysis
Subjects Identify stakeholders and ensure they are involved.
Rationale G186 3.1.1, appendix B
Most Correct B This is the best answer. This answer uses subject matter
experts to expand the skillset beyond that of just the architect,
it looks to the superior architecture as a constraint including
its stakeholders, uses standard techniques that guide you to
important stakeholder decisions, re-using prior work, and
recognizes there is a need to change how you communicate.
Second Best D This is the second-best answer. This answer includes subject
matter experts, but not for specific areas as identified in the
prior research in the TOGAF library. While the DBRM is
referenced, you aligned stakeholders based on those you
know and the potentially narrow view of the SMEs. You did
not include stakeholders from the new digital strategy.
Third Best A This is the third best answer. This recognized additional
guidance was needed, and correctly sought out domain
subject matter experts. However, adding them as stakeholders
is likely to fail, There was no consideration for the Digital
Transformation strategy.
Distracter C This is the wrong answer. This has simply added new
concerns to the existing stakeholders. The engagement of an
SME to analyze roles is unlikely to help. The viewpoint
library update appears more focused on communicating in
digital terms than updating concerns, identifying, and
engaging stakeholders.
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1.6 Unit 2 Question 2
Topic Stakeholder Management
Scenario Managing conflicting stakeholder preferences
Question U2Q2
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Analysis
Subjects Understanding and managing conflicting stakeholder
preferences. Trade-off, facilitating Trade-off decisions
Rationale {S2} §10.2 G186 §6.1.2, 6.2, 15.2
Most Correct C This is the best answer. One of the most valuable activities
architects perform is facilitating trade-off amongst the
different stakeholders. Whenever there is conflict the work to
consistently resolve the conflict strengthens the architecture.
Stakeholders who engage in trade-off understand the reasons
for the decision and support the architecture in governance.
Second Best A This is the second-best answer. This answer omits the
emphasis on facilitation amongst different stakeholders. It
omits handling conflicts within a single stakeholder’s
preferences. Using the product owners to act as Stakeholder
agents for the customer and business partner is unlikely to
provide the best results.
Third Best B This is the third best answer. This has the architect taking
decisions rather than facilitating amongst the stakeholders. It
omits the analysis of the situation and facilitation required to
achieve trade-off. The reference to the white paper may help.
The method for selecting priorities for resolving conflict is
Distracter D This is the wrong answer. Pushing for an answer is unlikely
to obtain a full understanding of the stakeholder preferences
and the situation. Also constraining the approach to use the
existing CRM architecture and existing stakeholders is
incorrect, as its resolving based on importance of the
Stakeholder Map.
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1.7 Unit 3 Question 1
Topic Phase A, the Starting Point
Scenario Applying Phase A
Question U3Q1
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Analysis
Subjects Set-up for an architecture project in Phase A
Rationale {S1} §3.3 G186 §5.2.1
Most Correct D This is the best answer. This answer follows the set-up
essentials of Phase A which are to define the scope of the
architecture project, being clear where it fits in the EA
landscape and the business cycle; identify stakeholders,
concerns, and requirements, and assess the capability of the
EA team.
Second Best B This is the second-best answer. The set-up essentials for
Phase A are basically correct, except here you have assumed
a scope, and a business planning event without reference to
your stakeholders’ question and concerns.
Third Best C This is the third best answer. you have picked a narrow scope
for the project with a focus on the consumer product
managers. While it is likely the consumer product owners are
stakeholders it is not clear they are key stakeholders for the
decision about the future of customer engagement. It is
possible that the key stakeholders will provide constraints
about the company’s customer engagement to the consumer
product owner.
Distracter A This is the wrong answer. This does not answer the question.
It misses key setup essentials for Phase A and focuses on a
extending the current platform with the only the current
stakeholders involved.
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1.8 Unit 3 Question 2
Topic Phase A, the Starting Point
Scenario Applying Phase A
Question U3Q2
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Analysis
Subjects Set-up for an architecture project in Phase A
Rationale {S1} §3.2 G186 §5.2.1
Most Correct B This is the best answer. This answer follows the set-up
essentials of Phase A. Firstly, close on a problem, who in
your organization can decide on an answer and what they
want. Then look for potential answers that are worth
exploring in detail. Ensure you have agreement to proceed.
Second Best C This is the second-best answer. This is an approach that will
work to develop an action plan. One of the valued outcomes
of Phase A is understanding there is a path forward that is
acceptable to the stakeholders. In this case there was no
request for permission to proceed.
Third Best D This is the third best answer. you have picked a narrow scope
with a focus on the consumer product managers. There is an
assumption that the question is dependent upon the CRM
system. Two valued outcomes of Phase A are to understand
the real problem and understanding when there is not a good
path forward, which this would not be.
Distracter A This is the wrong answer. It ignores an architected approach
based on the rigor of understanding the question stakeholders
need answered, the motivations, concerns, requirements, the
superior architecture and how well options fit.
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1.9 Unit 4 Question 1
Topic Architecture Development. Phase B
Scenario Digital Transformation determining the Target Business
Question U4Q1
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Analysis
Subjects Architecture Development, what do we need to know for
developing a target Business Architecture?
Rationale A business architecture explicitly looks at deficiency in
organization, process, capability to meet expectations. In this
case we are failing to meet time-to-market. The business
architecture can use different techniques (capability, value
stream, etc. …) to model current and target. However, that is
simply remembering the method not applying.
Most Correct D This is the best answer. A business architecture is comprised
of one or more model kinds for the purpose of simplifying
and understanding the real world. Application of these models
requires changes to the organizational design, processes,
business location, etc. To improve time-to-market, cost, and
customer experience the stakeholders need to understand
exactly what changes are required.
The answer given is grounded in the real elements of the
business, which are the things that must be changed to
improve, rather than the model kinds. Changes to
organization, design, location all require changes to
Information Systems Architecture and Technology
Architecture. When the architect can move from abstract
models to changes in the business, an architect is enabling
effective change.
Second Best B This is the second-best answer. All the right information is
being gathered and analysed. However, applying gaps from
different model kinds require change translation to things in
the physical world. That change will drive change
requirements into every other enterprise architecture domain.
For example, a value stream helps you understand how value
is produced. Every change will be to an organization, the
people, the process. These changes may be dependent upon or
require changes to information systems and technology.
Third Best A This is the third best answer. You have modeled the current
state, but do not analyze the state so as to understand where it
is failing. This makes the improvements in the target
While stakeholders can explain what they are dissatisfied
with, it is the job of the architect to use their understanding of
the architecture to determine what set of things in the
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enterprise create the dissatisfaction, and how to change the
enterprise to eliminate or reduce the dissatisfaction. The
models should be used as a method to find the root cause and
explore different approaches to remediate the deficiency.
Distracter C This is the wrong answer. No application of the business
architecture is possible from this answer. All that has been
provided is the mechanics of documenting a business
architecture. There is no explanation of how the stakeholders
will develop an understanding that will lead to effective
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1.10 Unit 4 Question 2
Topic Architecture Development. Phase C Information Systems
Scenario Digital Transformation determining the Target Information
Systems Architecture
Question U4Q2
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Analysis
Subjects Architecture Development, what do we need to know to drive
down sustained costs using Phase C Information Systems
Rationale Applying the Information Systems Architecture concepts
Most Correct C This is the best answer. All changes carry a benefit/value,
and cost. Stakeholders accept a target architecture not on a
theoretic concept of a data model, or a functionality
decomposition diagram, but on cost of change and expected
outcome. You perform architecture analysis to get to these
answers. This knowledge is used in Phase E to develop a
roadmap of work package and dependency, and in Phase F to
develop an implementation plan.
It is known that the problems in the value stream and
information flow create a shortfall in expectations. In this
case the short fall is a poor customer experience. To Apply
Phase C, you need to discover where in the current
application architecture and data architecture information
systems contribute to the deficiency. Correcting the
deficiency will require change in the applications, or
platforms. To determine whether the change is acceptable the
stakeholders will need to assess the direct and sustainment
cost of the change.
Second Best A This is the second-best answer. You have determined
stakeholder priorities for business capability, value stream,
and information flow, but not for customer experience. In this
answer you stopped at developing the architecture
components and did not proceed to analyze actual change.
Without this information you do not have the information
necessary for Phase E to develop a roadmap of work package
and dependency, and in Phase F to develop an
implementation plan.
Third Best D This is the third best answer. There is no analysis of
information flows which are known to have caused the
deficiencies in customer experience. This answer focuses on
logical components and has not considered an actual target
architecture for change. Without this information you do not
have the information necessary for Phase E to develop a
roadmap of work package and dependency, and in Phase F to
develop an implementation plan. Further, the assumption has
been made that the work will be focused on changes to the in-
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house platform and enhancements to the third-party platform.
You have also asked stakeholders for priorities related to
application architecture implementation details.
Distracter B This is the wrong answer. The business architecture
identified value chain and information flow deficiencies that
created a poor customer experience, which in turn led to high
sustained costs. This answer jumps to modeling and then
optimizing the application and data architecture for time-to-
market as well as cost. There is no linkage to the value stream
and information flows deficiencies from the business
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1.11 Unit 4 Question 3
Topic Architecture Development. Phase D Technology Architecture
Scenario Digital Transformation determining the Target Technology
Question U4Q3
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Analysis
Subjects Architecture Development, what do we need to know to drive
down sustained costs in Phase D
Rationale Applying the Information Systems Architecture concepts
Most Correct A This is the best answer. The primary question is sustained
cost to the infrastructure (technology architecture), and you
are facing changes to the application and data architecture.
The technology architecture must support the application and
data architecture. Changes to the application and data
architecture are only relevant if they drive change into the
technology architecture.
To answer the questions about sustained cost you need to be
able to separate the reasons for changes that create change in
the technology architecture. You also need to know what
drives sustained cost in your technology architecture,
With that information you can answer the question about
sustained cost of the infrastructure (technology architecture)
to help your stakeholders assess the entire change.
Second Best C This is the second-best answer. The primary question is
about sustained cost to the infrastructure (technology
architecture), while you are facing changes to the application
and data architecture.
The technology architecture must support the application and
data architecture. Changes to the application and data
architecture are only relevant if they drive change into the
technology architecture.
After gathering the right information about which changes
require change in the technology architecture the answer
switches to assessing stakeholder priority. While that is
important you have been asked a narrower question about
sustained cost.
Third Best D This is the third best answer. The question is about sustained
cost to the infrastructure (technology architecture). While you
gathered the changed in application and data, they were not
translated into necessary changes in the technology
As well, after gathering information about changes to the
application and data architecture you switched from
addressing the primary question of cost to assessing
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stakeholder priority. While that is important you have been
asked a narrower question about sustained cost.
Distracter B This is the wrong answer. The question is about sustained
cost to the infrastructure (technology architecture). Instead of
working on the technology architecture changes required by
changes to the application and data architecture this answer
looks at the complete platform as if no prior work had been
prepared. Instead of building the complete target architecture
from business, application, data, and technology it is an effort
to build a separate architecture. The final deliverable, as
roadmap, might be useful, but doesn’t support the question
you were asked.
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1.12 Unit 5 Question 1
Topic Implementing the Architecture
Scenario Digital Transformation laying out the roadmap
Question U5Q1
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Analysis
Subjects Roadmap development
Rationale Roadmap planning, Phase E
Most Correct B This is the best answer. Deciding on a path to change always
involves complex trade-off between competing concerns,
effort, risk, and objectives. All architecture trade-off is done
in the context of an existing superior architecture. Approaches
to change (evolutionary, revolutionary, and greenfield) are
one of the most important constraints put on more detailed
architecture development and implementation. Selecting the
approach with stakeholders ensures the stakeholders
understand the trade-off they are making.
Almost all architecture development uses transition states that
allow incremental value capture. Developing an Architecture
Roadmap requires balancing potential value, potential work,
uncertainty, and superior architecture.
Second Best D This is the second-best answer. You are doing everything
except addressing the stakeholders’ concerns. The views
created are not stakeholder concerns, but EA Team concerns.
While they may be aligned to stakeholder concerns you have
a risk of not helping your stakeholders perform trade-off.
Whether a change is evolutionary, revolutionary, or
greenfield has significant implications, and should be decided
in conjunction with the stakeholders. It is one of the most
important constraints a Portfolio-level architecture can place
on future change.
Third Best C This is the third best answer. While it aligns with the current
digital strategy, it provides no future path beyond the initial
Architecture to support Portfolio should be helping your
stakeholders select a forward path. By continuing the path of
experiments the stakeholders do not have guidance on
whether there is a better path. This answer avoids any
consideration of changing the experimental approach and
presupposed a priority of continuing digital product
Distracter A This is the wrong answer. This approach proposes one
potential solution, that does not seem to align with the digital
strategy. It also does not engage fully with the stakeholders.
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1.13 Unit 5 Question 2
Topic Implementing the Architecture
Scenario Digital Transformation / Implementation Governance
Question U5Q2
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Analysis
Subjects Implementation Governance
Rationale Implementation Governance, Phase G
Most Correct D This is the best answer. You have a standard architecture
description that is re-usable by other architects and developed
an architecture contract – describing what will be delivered
by an implementation team and when. You have built
flexibility into the implementation by focusing on
conformance to the outcome rather than the how. You
ensured that these architecture requirements will be reviewed
through your governance process.
Second Best B This is the second-best answer. You have not maintained the
level of contact with the implementation team that is needed
to support interpretation of the architecture, nor built
flexibility into the how the architecture is realized. While
governance reporting will happen, it is probable that many of
the dates will not line-up and supportable issues will be
reactively addressed.
Third Best A This is the third best answer. Your architecture contract is
weakened by not working with the implementation teams to
re-draft the architecture and failing to define how
conformance will be assessed in each implementation team’s
terms. The scheduling is driven by an Architecture Roadmap
timeline. While the stakeholders agreed to the Architecture
Roadmap, the TOGAF Standard brings the implementation
plan in Phase F to address implementation project specific
timing. You have avoided supporting the implementation
team and focused on reporting success or failure.
Distracter C This is the wrong answer. The reason for the architecture
contract, and Phase G is to provide effective support to ensure
the architecture is implemented. You are requiring the
implementation teams to notice the new architecture, interpret
it, and prioritize it. In step three you have shifted the
architecture governance function from supporting to policing.
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1.14 Unit 5 Question 3
Topic Implementing the Architecture
Scenario Digital Transformation / Migration Planning
Question U5Q3
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Analysis
Subjects Migration Planning, impact on the organization and
coordination, balancing opportunity, and viability
Most Correct C This is the best answer. This answer includes reference to
the relevant superior architecture that is designed to provide
enterprise agility (the ability to react to the unexpected). It
includes a simple change model (greenfield, revolutionary,
evolutionary) that classifies the type of change different
components will face. It considers the organizational impact.
It also recognizes that you need to consider how this is
presented and that providing a visualization to help decision-
makers is the best approach to help them see the multiple
variables and options.
Second Best B This is the second-best answer. You do note that given the
situation, an evolutionary approach is not appropriate which
is good advice. You skipped referring to the relevant superior
architecture that was intended to provide enterprise agility
(the ability to react to the unexpected). You also did not
consider about visually documenting the situation.
Third Best A This is the third best answer. You skipped referring to the
superior architecture which anticipates some of these issues.
You have given your views on the risk/ opportunity and
eliminated presenting one of the options to the stakeholders.
Outside of the CRM aspects, you are likely under-informed
about how the platform supported the product.
Distracter D This is the wrong answer. You have leapt to a conclusion on
the way forward. You skipped referring to the superior
architecture that anticipated some of the issues. You focused
the conversation on possible upsides, with no consideration of
impact or capacity in the organization.
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1.15 Unit 6 Question 1
Topic Architecture Change Management
Scenario Digital Transformation / Architecture Change Management
Question U6Q1
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Analysis
Subjects Architecture Change Management, triggers for change
Most Correct B This is the best answer. Your role is architecture to support
Portfolio. It is reasonable to assume the executives are your
key stakeholders. They are facing transformative change in
products and go-to-market. You are looking for guidance on
changes in priority, preference, and value measures.
Second Best D This is the second-best answer. There are large changes in
your core area. Your role is architecture to support Portfolio
and yet this would spend a lot of time working inside Solution
Delivery (support for digital products). You are framing one
path for change by only asking your stakeholders when they
want to make the change.
Third Best A This is the third best answer. This has no consultation with
the stakeholders, so is taking decisions on their behalf. Also
for a person with responsibility to support Portfolio this is too
much time working inside Solution Delivery.
Distracter C This is the wrong answer. Your role is to provide architecture
to support for Portfolio which includes physical products as
well as digital products, and implementation governance of
one project is working on Solution Delivery.
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1.16 Unit 6 Question 2
Topic Architecture Change Management
Scenario Digital Transformation / Architecture Change Management
Question U6Q2
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Analysis
Subjects Architecture Change Management, activities for managing
effective change
Most Correct A This is the best answer. Your role is architecture to support
Portfolio, so it is correct to hand off work related to the
implementation. It is reasonable to assume the executives are
your key stakeholders. They are facing transformative change
in products and go-to-market. Guiding effective change
means developing a target architecture with your stakeholders
so that they can select the best path forward and bring
together the resources to create that change.
Second Best D This is the second-best answer. There are large changes in
your core area. Your role is architecture to support Portfolio.
Your key stakeholders are the firm’s executives, and your
core deliverable is used to manage change across the global
enterprise. Despite this you intend to focus your time on
Phase G Implementation Governance at the level of Solution
While you have recognized the artifacts that implementation
of the CRM roadmap requires, you have dropped the
information that best supports a roadmap (Gap, Work
Package, & Dependency)
Third Best C This is the third best answer. Your stakeholders are the
firm’s executives making company-wide change plans.
Despite this you are going to focus on engaging directly
within an implementation project. Worse, when you guide
chat & email into the existing CRM, you are taking your
stakeholders decision making rights in the target architecture.
Distracter B This is the wrong answer. Your role is to provide architecture
to support for Portfolio. You are focusing entirely on Phase G
(Implementation Governance) at the level of Solution
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1.17 Unit 7 Question 1
Topic Architecture Requirements Management
Scenario Digital Transformation / Architecture Requirements
Question U7Q1
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Analysis
Subjects Architecture Requirements Management, handling a change
in requirements?
Most Correct D This is the best answer. The architecture is owned by your
stakeholders. They own the decision over what questions you
address, the concerns, priorities, and preferences.
Second Best B This is the second-best answer. The architecture is owned by
your stakeholders. They own the decision over what questions
you address, the concerns, priorities, and preferences. A good
Architecture Board would send you to your stakeholders.
Third Best A This is the third best answer. You assess the impact of
extending the enterprise CRM to include a sustained global
CRM capability for the former experimental product. You
report the impact assessment to your Architecture Board.
Distracter C This is the wrong answer. You have had a change event in the
middle of your architecture work and did not attempt to
determine whether your stakeholders would prefer your work
to address a changed scope or changed direction for customer
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1.18 Unit 8 Question 1
Topic Supporting the ADM
Scenario Digital Transformation / Supporting the ADM
Question U8Q1
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Analysis
Subjects Supporting the ADM, determining an approach for a change
Most Correct B This is the best answer. The EA Team works to support
Portfolio-level and is valued for its contribution. Supporting
Portfolio means you routinely help determine which ideas
will be worked on (identifying projects) and clarifying
success criteria (terms of reference). By continuing at a
portfolio-level you will be able to re-use existing and current
work in the EA Repository, and most of your current
approach. Nothing in the case or question suggested a change
in level of analysis. Rather the stakeholders are asking for a
broader scope. You note applicable industry resources from
the TOGAF Library that could provide guidance.
Second Best D This is the second-best answer. You only implicitly answered
the question of how you will change your approach, by
explaining you will develop a target. You identified an
information-centric example that was very IT-centric in the
issues. This implies no change to approach, because the
question you are answering is an IT-centric portfolio
question: what is the foundational design of the IT-systems?
The answer is silent on level of detail and role of the EA
Repository. The answer is silent on the question of where you
would look for guidance to improve your knowledge about
Digital Transformation.
Third Best C This is the third best answer. The stakeholders are asking for
a broader scope, and your EA Team leader is asking how you
will address a broader scope.
Instead of addressing this question you outlined a more
detailed architecture development project. To address more
detail, you are looking to change what is inside the EA
repository. Also, you have selected a focus of information
interoperability and information security. This selection
ignores customer experience.
Distracter A This is the wrong answer. Your Team works with senior
leaders to support Portfolio decisions.
The answer is a change of level to Solution Delivery. Your
approach assumes that the stakeholders have selected one
potential information systems architecture. While re-working
the EA Repository would be required, neither your
stakeholders nor your boss has asked for a change in level of
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The change in scope was breadth not depth. The answer does
not address how development process or customer
engagement would be addressed.
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