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Semantics, Homework Assignment No.

Types of Meaning

Exercise 1
Look the following lexemes up in your monolingual dictionary and decide on the
types of meanings that they carry (focus on social/affective/collocational)

dog/mongrel. - social
pavement/sidewalk - social
intoxicated/drunk - social
rotten/stale- collocational
home/domicile- social, affective
girl/slut- social/affective
collaborator/accomplice- social
beautiful/handsome- collocational
intellectual/egghead- social/affective
die/decease- social

Exercise 2
a) Define the stylistic meaning of the underlined words and substitute them
with a neutral synonym from the list given below.

Discourse: often refers to a formal and structured discussion or written

communication, often involving complex or intellectual topics
Toff: A "toff" is a colloquial term used in British English to describe someone
who is elegantly dressed and appears to be of high social status, often with an
air of snobbery. It can be used humorously or satirically.
Passed: can refer to someone who has died or passed away. It's a more
genteel or formal way of expressing death.
Kicked the bucket: This is a colorful and informal idiom for dying. It's a
stylistic way to add a touch of humor
Daddy: can be a term of endearment or familiarity for one's father.
Put on steam: This is an idiomatic expression that means to make a
significant effort or work vigorously on a task, often with a sense of
determination and energy.
Better half: In a stylistic sense, "better half" is a term of endearment used to
refer to one's spouse or romantic partner, suggesting that they complete or
complement each other.
Gone off his rodder is a colloquial and informal expression used to describe
someone who has become mentally unstable or irrational.
To brass tacks - It's a stylistic way to emphasize focusing on key issues.
Took his departure: This is a more formal and stylistic way of saying
someone has left or departed from a place.
Let’s drift: In a stylistic context, "let’s drift" can mean to wander or move
aimlessly without a specific plan, often with a poetic or contemplative
connotation, suggesting a leisurely and relaxed pace.
Nailed my bag: This expression uses the word "nailed" as a slang term for
successfully or effectively taking something, often in a sneaky or skillful
Vet: In a stylistic context, "a vet" usually refers to a veterinarian, a professional
who cares for animals' health.
Semantics, Homework Assignment No. 3
Types of Meaning

Joiner: In a stylistic sense, "a joiner" typically refers to someone who brings
people together or fosters connections in a social context.

b) 1. Their discourse talk was interrupted. 2. He was dressed like a toff

gentleman. 3. She passed away died. 4. The old man kicked the bucket died.
5. Where’s daddy? father 6. Come on, let’s put on steam go on. 7. Meet my
better half wife. 8. He must have gone off his rodder go out of one’s mind. 9.
Come down to brass tacks come to the point. 10. Jack took his departure
leave 11. Well, let’s drift to go. 12 Somebody has nailed my bag steal. 13.
This is a case for a vet doctor. 14. He is a joiner. good company

A doctor, to steal, to go, to leave, to go on, please, to put out, come to the
point, to go out of one’s mind, a wife, a father, to die, to talk, a gentleman,
good company

Exercise 3
What follows is an excerpt from a formal text. Analyse it for the linguistic
elements that contribute to its formality.
Strategija razvoja banke treba da bude predmet redovnog internog preispitivanja
kako bi se ozbezbijedio kontinuitet uskladjenosti sa obimom i složenošću
poslovnih aktivnosti banke.

The provided excerpt appears to be in a formal or technical context, and several

linguistic elements contribute to its formality:

Specialized Terminology: The use of specialized terms such as "Strategija razvoja

banke" (Bank Development Strategy), "internog preispitivanja" (internal review), and
"poslovnih aktivnosti banke" (business activities of the bank) demonstrates a formal
tone and a specific, technical focus.

Complex Vocabulary: The presence of words like "kontinuitet" (continuity),

"uskladjenosti" (compliance), and "složenošću" (complexity) indicates a reliance on
complex vocabulary and terminology commonly found in formal documents.

Passive Voice: The use of passive voice, such as "treba da bude predmet" (should be
the subject), is common in formal writing as it emphasizes the action over the doer
and contributes to a sense of objectivity.

Impersonal Language: The text uses impersonal language, for instance,

"ozbezbijedio" (to ensure), which avoids specifying a particular agent or person
responsible for the action, maintaining a sense of detachment and objectivity.

Long Sentences: The sentence structure is relatively complex with several clauses
and subclauses, which is characteristic of formal writing. This complexity can make
the text more challenging and formal.No
Semantics, Homework Assignment No. 3
Types of Meaning

Contractions: The absence of contractions, such as "nije" instead of "nije" (is not), is
common in formal writing as it avoids informal or colloquial language.

Formal Grammar and Syntax: The grammatical structure and syntax used are typical
of formal writing, with proper agreement between subject and predicate and a focus
on precision.Use of "treba da": The phrase "treba da" (should) is often found in
formal texts to express necessity or obligation

Exercise 4
1) Answer the following-

c) what is the referential meaning of blond?

- a hair color, light-colored

d) what is the collocational meaning of treat in

i) treated fairly and
ii) treated with oxygen?

Treated fairly- treated with the same amount of respect

Treated with oxygen- usage of oxygen to help people

e) what is the social meaning of bimbo?

An attractive but stupid young woman

f) what is the connotative meaning of bimbo?

A negative implication, often associated with objectification and stereotypes.

Exercise 5
Analyse the semes in SL sememes and their potential TL eqiuvalents in the
a) sastančiti : sit down in meetings
b) političiti : politicking, political stunt
c) vozikati se : cruise around, joyride

To analyze the semes in the Serbian (SL) words and their potential English
(TL) equivalents, we can break down each word and identify the core
meaning or concept associated with it.
Semantics, Homework Assignment No. 3
Types of Meaning

a) "sastančiti":Seme: "sastančiti" implies an action related to sitting down

in the context of meetings or gatherings.Potential TL equivalents: "sit
down in meetings"

b) "političiti":Seme: "političiti" involves activities related to politics or

political maneuvering, often with a negative connotation.Potential TL
equivalents: "politicking," "political stunt"

c) "vozikati se":Seme: "vozikati se" suggests an action of casually

cruising around or joyriding, often without a specific purpose.Potential
TL equivalents: "cruise around," "joyride"

These potential TL equivalents capture the core meanings or concepts of

the Serbian words in the given contexts.

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