Types of Meaning
Exercise 1
Look the following lexemes up in your monolingual dictionary and decide on the
types of meanings that they carry (focus on social/affective/collocational)
dog/mongrel. - social
pavement/sidewalk - social
intoxicated/drunk - social
rotten/stale- collocational
home/domicile- social, affective
girl/slut- social/affective
collaborator/accomplice- social
beautiful/handsome- collocational
intellectual/egghead- social/affective
die/decease- social
Exercise 2
a) Define the stylistic meaning of the underlined words and substitute them
with a neutral synonym from the list given below.
Joiner: In a stylistic sense, "a joiner" typically refers to someone who brings
people together or fosters connections in a social context.
A doctor, to steal, to go, to leave, to go on, please, to put out, come to the
point, to go out of one’s mind, a wife, a father, to die, to talk, a gentleman,
good company
Exercise 3
What follows is an excerpt from a formal text. Analyse it for the linguistic
elements that contribute to its formality.
Strategija razvoja banke treba da bude predmet redovnog internog preispitivanja
kako bi se ozbezbijedio kontinuitet uskladjenosti sa obimom i složenošću
poslovnih aktivnosti banke.
Passive Voice: The use of passive voice, such as "treba da bude predmet" (should be
the subject), is common in formal writing as it emphasizes the action over the doer
and contributes to a sense of objectivity.
Long Sentences: The sentence structure is relatively complex with several clauses
and subclauses, which is characteristic of formal writing. This complexity can make
the text more challenging and formal.No
Semantics, Homework Assignment No. 3
Types of Meaning
Contractions: The absence of contractions, such as "nije" instead of "nije" (is not), is
common in formal writing as it avoids informal or colloquial language.
Formal Grammar and Syntax: The grammatical structure and syntax used are typical
of formal writing, with proper agreement between subject and predicate and a focus
on precision.Use of "treba da": The phrase "treba da" (should) is often found in
formal texts to express necessity or obligation
Exercise 4
1) Answer the following-
Exercise 5
Analyse the semes in SL sememes and their potential TL eqiuvalents in the
a) sastančiti : sit down in meetings
b) političiti : politicking, political stunt
c) vozikati se : cruise around, joyride
To analyze the semes in the Serbian (SL) words and their potential English
(TL) equivalents, we can break down each word and identify the core
meaning or concept associated with it.
Semantics, Homework Assignment No. 3
Types of Meaning