Including me
The Amish people do show characteristics of a utopian society but also don't offer much
freedom outside of their religion and beliefs.
I think that the Amish are NOT a utopian society.
The Amish are a group of christians that live as if they are still in the 16th century. The Amish were
founded in 1693 in places in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Iowa and wisconsin. The Amish live isolated from
the rest of the world. They follow a code of behavior called “ordnung”, the Amish follow principles of
simplicity and humility. Within the Amish community they also speak languages like German, Dutch,
but primarily English. They also have a rich tradition of doing chores. Most of these chores are farm
work but also house work like washing dishes, cooking, cleaning etc. Shared labor brings unity and
connection among them.
According to the Amish are best known for their ways of farming, family values and
old fashioned living and expert craftsmanship, This all seems like very peaceful and utopian behavior.
But a video made by ABC News talks of an Amish rite of passage called “rumspringa” when young
men and women are allowed to do everything that is forbidden from the outside world including
smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, and the use of the internet. This shows that the Amish have
factors that show this dystopian society. Smoking and drinking and forbidden things are more like a
dystopian image. And the Amish have arguments with the government because of child labor laws.
The Amish take kids out of school at the age of 14 to prepare them for the Amish life. This could be
bad for any kids who later maybe leave the Amish or get kicked out, having to learn our ways of life as
a young adult or grown adult. In conclusion all these lead to my point that the Amish are not a
utopian society.