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A Life Time of Tears 2

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Written by SABZ AKA

Sabrina Makwenje
Contacts 0772110988
Chapter 1


Ndakabuda ndine hasha chaidzo. Beaven tried to call me but I didn't pick it.
Saka was Rudo acting up or ndovaivepo for real. Every word she said seemed
so real especially nyaya yepant.

Umm yaa my sister was warning me these days hanzi munhu ane mwana kuside
be careful cause anogona kuramba achidzokera ikoko. These warnings came
after I told her of the pant incident. And I guess it was true. Beaven sooo

Ndakabata phone kuphonera Mbuya Furusa ndange ndichida kubatsirwa

kubuditsa Rudo na Mai vake mumba mangu.

Ndakavabata vakati vatori mutown ne friend yavo. I told her nyaya yese
yemadzvinyu kunobata ku Inyanga uko zveZizi and all.

Mbuya " Nhaiiwe mwana waTete wakakwana here unochengeta nyaya inotyisa
kudaro. Atete varikuzviziva here izvi??"

Apa vaibvira Mhamha

Me " Inga ndataura wani kuti zvakangoitika faster faster"

Mbuya " Faster faster iwe Simbiso ka musi waunomuka waveurwa choya
usingazive kuti ndiani aita ndopauchandiudza. Saka uri kuti hure iri riri mumba
kutaura kuno?"

"Ehe Rudo, mai vake na Mbuya Rushy" ndakadaro

Mbuya " Rega tisvikeko. Iwe wabudirei imomo uchaisirwa zvinhu mubedroom
imomo kana munhu kupamwa imomo"

Me " Ndanga ndatsamwa Gogo"

Vakazoti vaitanga kusvika voita sevaenzi ini ndozotevera.

Mbuya Furusa

Beaven atanga kuhura kwake kasi mai vake havana kumudonhedzera mukaka
pachiweti here ari mudiki. Hameno kuti Simbie aishingirirei pavanhu avo nhai.

Ndakarova mota ndakananga kumba kwaSimbiso nhasi vainozviona ikoko mbiti


Takasvika tikapinda mulounge. Beaven akavhunduka kutiona kana idzo

chembere mbiri.

Me "Makadiniko muzukuru makadini Mbuya"

Ndakavakwazisa ndichingogara pasi. Handina kuda kubatiwa maoko navo.
Baba vangu vaigara vachiti usabatwe batwe maoko netwuchembere twausinga

Beaven " Aaah Gogo tinofara isu makadini "

Me " Ndinofara hangu"

Hezvo ko mbuya iyi kuzochenama nhai. Chete haisi mhosva yavo ndinonzi
Theresa Furusa kana takambosanga muhupenyu haundimhorese futi kkk. Aka
Tereza ���

Takati garei pachibva pabuda Rudo akabata tray ine tea achibva kuKitchen.
Takasanganidza maziso tikaziva kuti haa takamboonana hedu. Akabva asvika
patable kugadzika tray patable yakanaka kudaro asina kuisa mat here. Yaaa
mukati mangu makakwata. Ndaisada kuita drama muridzi asipo. Ndakaudza
friend yangu kuti ibate Simbie akasike apinda hake.

Haana kutimhoresa asi akabva apesvaira kudzokera kuKitchen kuya. Vamwe

vakadzi kuda kuzviidza sekunge vane j*nde shem uyu ndiye wandanga ndichida
kupedza mazitak* ayo neshamboko chaiyo.

Simbiso pfacha.

Simbie " Aaah hesi Gogo muri pano?"

Me " aaah ndiripo ini ndanga ndichitoti hauchagara pano"

Simbie " ko sei Gogo.... makadini henyu mother sorry henyu Gogo kusviko
nditaudza" apa aimhoresa friend yangu

Me "Unotogara pano??"

Taizivana hedu

Simbie " Ko Gogo asi chii nhai?"

Me " Aaah Ko hauna kutaura wani kuti vave pabarika??"

Akabva apinda ane plate mumaoko. Ndakataura ndichinongedza.

Simbie " Yohwe iwe Beaven munhu achiri kutsvagei pano uyu. Imi amai
kasikai kubuda na Mai venyu ava muno muri kunditsvaga nhai"

Akadaro Simbie achipopota.

Rudo " Ndikwanire wanzwa Beaven murume wangu ane mwana ndiye

Ndakati chance given topinda hedu vana Tereza tozvipedza isu.

"Stupid yemunhu wati kudini" ndakadaro

" mazvinzwa nxaa" akapindura

Chembere dzange dzakagara zvadzo kuita kunge varikuona African movie

yekuti vanenge vachiita sekuti vanohwisisa zviri kutaura nyamba mapicture
chete chete.

Beaven " Rudo unopenga here iwewe?"

Rudo " Beaven usaite senge tisingazivane nekuti waona chimukadzi chako iwe
uchinakirwa neni"

" Fokofu mhani iwe wakarerwa nepai zvinhu zvaungade kungotaura izvozvo..
kasikai kubuda panze" ndakadaro ndanga ndakudedera

" Hehede ndikwanirwei mazvinzwa pano pamba pa Tinashe ndiye mwana wa

Beaven saka handibve pano" akasheedzera.

Kujaidzwa uko ndakasimuka kunomuti zenya akadeedzera

"Ndourairwa mwana kani ndewepi ko uyu asina kukwana" vakadaro Mai

vaRudo vachibata
Ndakavavhizhura uko ndikatanga kumbobata bata Rudo. Ndaida
kumbovadzemura pamuromo ipapa pasingagone kutaura shem. Kunditi
kusakwana inini vanhu ava vakajaidzwa.

Ndakamurova Rudo akatanga achidzosera asi ndakamuudza kuti ndonzi Theresa



Hiwe kusvika kwakaita mukadzi anonzi Theresa ndakatonyumwa chete nhasi

pano paizvarwa mwana asina bvudzi. Apa Rudo wacho nyawi hameno kuti
aitemba inini here. But as for me zvaTheresa ndakatoti handizvigone mukadzi
ane ngoromera zvake uyu. Last time ndakapedzisira ndazvigarira jend* kuri
kurohwa naye chete.

Mhamha " Beaven wakagara ipapo hausi kuona zviri kuitika pano"

Yanga iri wrestle mania live zvayo mumba mangu Furusa achirova Rudo.
Mhamha na Mai Rudo vaizama kupindira asi vakadzi two Theresa ne Shamwari
yacho ��.

I vowed kuti apa handibate. Nekuti kungo mover kwangu I knew the ball will
change it's court and ndini ndaitsvagwa paye.

Amai pavakaona kuti handina kuvadaira vakabva vanoti kuna Simbiso. I

remembered my wife was pregnant. Kwakusimuka kunobata Mai vangu.

Me " Chiiko amai aita seiko Simbiso"

Mhamha " Beaven wakuda kusimudza musoro nekuti ndiSimbiso"

Me " Mukadzi wangu"

Mhamha " Dhodhi mhani, hure muroyi, ngonwa hululu "

Vakathrower mashoko vachizama kuda kurova Simbie

"Imi mbuya ndotadza kukunyarai nhaika tikwanirei" yanga yanhongwa na

Furusa uko ari busy kuzvuzvurudzana na Rudo kubuditsa mumba.

" Amai mamumhu mukuru mhani zvinozoita here kuti muonekwe muchinetsana
nevaroora nyaya dzemahure" ndakaerekana ndataura.

"Nhasi ndoda kumusiya abva pano uyu vanhu vekupi vasina kana hunhu nxaa"

Ndakatoona kuti Mhamha vacho havadzoreka. I took my wife by the hand naye
kubedroom kwedu uku Mhamha vachitevera.

Takapinda kwakuvavharira kunze.

Tichingopinda phone yakarira it was Mrs Clark our neighbour. Ndakaisa paloud

Me " Hello"

Mrs " Beaven what the hell is going on at your house. The noise is unbearable"
Varungu havadi noise kani.

Me " Am sorry ma'am there has just been some mis understanding I will solve it

Mrs "You better do so before I call the police"

Me " No not to worry ma'am I will sort everything out"

Iish I knew this would happen. Noise yacho was just too much ukawona
mukuriro emayard edu so. Zvakaoma.

" Beaven am tired of all this shaa handidi kunyepa I love you but sort your
family please. Look izvozvi maneighbours are complaining it's all because you
are not being man enough to sort your problems." akaerekana ataura.

Unonyara at times cause ma abusive words aitaurwa na Mai vangu aityisa


Me " Sorry babie I am sorry"

"Iish Sorry everyday here do something please!!"

Ndakabva ndabuda zvangu kuenda kuno sorter issue iyi ndasvika Furusa
yavharira vanhu panze apa vanhu vacho vachipopota. I knew handaiva kwanisa
cause zvekuti maneighbours azodini vangu veku Mhondoro zvaisava mu

I found courage kutaura naTheresa

Me " Gogo neighbour's are complaining of the noise. Ndanga ndichikumbira

mumbotora Simbie moenda kana kuVillage for a while ndimbotsvage zvekuita
nevanhu ava munodzoka "

Mbuya " Beaven wakaoma ndikuudze hako shamwari unoziva so munhu unoda
kuva murume kwete mubhurugwa chete but a man who can stand firm and say
No to nonsense. Izvi zvino hazvipedzwe nesu nor kunaka kwaSimbiso.
Zvinopedzwa newe. Arikupi zvake muzukuru wangu ndiende naye. But kutaura
chokwadi mwana akashinga zvake ini puuuu ndaisaita zvese izvi"

Vakazobuda havo na Simbiso. But akasiya a locker bedroom I think she thought
ndaigona kuzorovera Rudo imomo hameno. Ndakakwanisa kudzikamisa vana
Mhamha. But Rudo ndiye aingopopota hanzi ndarohwa wakatarisa. Ndakatoona
kuti ndaitoda kupinda naye office cause anga asiri kunyarara. I took her by the
hand. Naye muguest room.

Me " Rudo chiiko zvandiri kutaura hausi kuzvinzwa ndati maneighbours

arikunetsa noise"

Rudo " Beaven uneshuwa kuti ndingarohwe wakatarisa chokwadi...."

Akachema kani. I had no choice than to comfort her. Apa ndaida kuzova softer
kuti vabve pamba pangu futi. Vaienda kwake Rudo.

" Chinyarara kani Mai Tinashe"

" Usandibate zvako Beaven ndazviona nhasi kuti haundide Mai vakazvara
mwana wako only son here only mwana here aaah Beaven wandirwadzisa"

I was pained I held her in my arms. The heat between us got hotter. I felt my
anaconda harden and anaconda dzimwe nguva ine nyemwe chairo yakanyatsoti
twiii kuita kunge ichabvarura bhurugwa.

Akazviona Rudo akabva aiiti dzvii haiwa unokanganwa nhamo dzese

takakwi**na tooo bad mumba imomo. Ndakanyatsonzwa parere moyo chaipo.
Apa aideedzera kuda kuitirwa kubedroom mangu chaimo. But zvasaita izvozvo.

Ndakazo softer vese na Mai vacho na Mhamha vakabvuma ndikavasiya

pakombie vakaenda.


Mapudzi anowira kusina hari zveshuwa. Jayden aive murume kani. Unotoshaya
kuti Hazel angaapindwa nemweya upi. Manje achayeuka bako anaiwa isu hedu
vana Alice toita macorrections.

Am Alice in wonderland kkk yes Alice Moyo am 32 years and a friend to

Hazel was a friend kkk. I have on child. Well I was married before not that I
hadn't been married. Ndakatoroorwawo ndikaita imba. But my marriage failed
ndakarambwa nenyaya yekusava mukadzi kwaye idzo nyaya dzekufurirwa idzi
and bad friends in short it's more to do with disrespect and not valuing my
marriage. I was a party animal and hubby couldn't take it. I had a son by then
but pandakadzingwa my son akasara ikoko achibva arwara akafa. I was hurt
torn apart. But I managed to get on my feet and pick up the pieces and start

As a sorry my then husband bought me a boutique fully stocked and that

became my business. Uyu wo mwana wandinaye ndiwe muNigerian who
tricked me achiti anoda kundiroora but akabva aita disappear chaiyo. So am
here alone with my daughter.

I joined Hazel and friends ndatorambwa well I didn't disclose my past to my

friendz ndakazomuitiswa zvangu izvo vaiziva zvavo. The past wasn't relevant
anyway since I hadn't anything to carry from my past.

Now Jayden yess iyeye ko tingaregedze here kusanoteya mariva iniwo

zvekuroorwa ndozvandanga ndakuda kwete zvekunyeperwa nevarume
muHarare. Plus man are not easy to find these days. Vazhinji vari married and
no man in his thinking senses anoramba mukadzi wake it's either uri kuitiswa
part time chaiyo or anokuita small house. Looking at Jayden he was free and my
perfect match. You would ask of the friendship with Hazie... ummm well that
can wait love matters more friends are easy to find.

End of Chapter 1.
Chapter 2


Mbuya Furusa "Takudzokera kudzokera kumba kwako Simbie but

unyatsofungisisa handidi kuku imposera zvekuita asi nyatsa kufunga is this
marriage worth it"

Friend " Chokwadi kuzongoti haungaudzw munhu asi for the time yandanga
pamba pako yoo zverudzi urwu kana"

They were right. But I loved my husband I wanted to fight for what was
rightfully mine.

Takaenda vakandisiya. Zveshuwa they had all left including MIL. But Beaven
aivapo zvake.

We didn't speak much that evening sevanhu vanga vaneta ne makakatanwa.

The week progressed I had already told my girls about what had happened they
demanded a girls day out and we pegged for Saturday. And you know I just
couldn't hide my news to them. I told them I was pregnant but they had to keep
it a secret.

My mum requested I pass by one day after work. She had a long report from
Mbuya Furusa and ndakapinda busy.

Mum " You do not keep quiet on such issue usafa unoda kuti ndozive sei kuti
wauraiwa nei iwewe."

Me " Mhamha I am sorry I was going to tell you"

Mum " I am disappointed this has gone to the extremes. They have drawn the
last straw. I wasn't going to say this but I think you should leave"


" Mhamha noo I love my husband"

"You can not sacrifice your life for love. Run when you have the chance to"

I couldn't believe my mum would sat that guess she was pissed.

Me " Am pregnant Mhamha"

Mum " Am so what??? Unoda kuuraiwa nenhumbu iyoyo ka?"

Me " Aiwa but this was what was hindering a successful marriage na Beaven.
Tane mwana things will change wait and see"

Yes that's what I believed ko hanty Rudo ane mwana anodiwa wani.

Mum "Well what can I say if you think so let's see I just pray God protects you
my love. You have through a lot in your life"

I hoped so too. Takazotaura dzimwe and decided to leave before getting into
another court na Daddy.

I had finished my business by end of week and had already booked the flight for
Sunday. Apparently Sam had a flat in Cape town and that is where we were
going to be based. I was grateful for all his assistance kunditsvagira basa
nekundipa pekugara. Unozodei kusatenda huroyi. I had spoken to Hazel that
week she wasn't going to be back until after a month. I had left the papers at my
office lest I fail to come back and meet her she could just sign. I actually
contacted her ndichida kuti atumire consent yekuti ndifambe ne mwana.

Haana kumboita nharo. But ndakatyiswa kwazvo nekuramba kutaura na Maka.

Hanzi I will hurt her. Vamwe vakadzi hutsinye iii handisati ndakambozviona
hangu. Anyway it was now time for me and Maka to open a new page. I just
prayed to God to make me a mother and a father to Maka.

Saturday mid morning I went out just to refresh. Ndakangoti let me go ku

Village. My mind these days yanga isingadarikwe ne ndangariro ya Simbie. But
there was no way that I could have her. She belonged to someone.

My phone rang it was Alice.

Me " Hey"

Alice " Hi Jay how are you and sweet Maka"

Me " Good thanks dear and you guys?"

Alice " We are great. Umm was wondering if I can take Maka out tomorrow?"
I hadn't told her I was relocating zvangu. But I guess that was the perfect time to
do so.

Me " Sorry to disappoint you on this one but we are relocating am moving to
S.A. and we are leaving tomorrow"

Alice " Whattt??? You are not serious Jay"

I had to explain to her in brief zvangu.

Alice " aaah so can I at least host a farewell dinner tonight?"

Me " Sorry again iiish my mum was on that... ok but since you insist maybe we
can have a light lunch am by the village how about that"

Alice " Xoo will be there in a jippy. Should I come alone"

Me " Yes madam"

Haa yaa I just had to play gentleman there. Ndakabva ndanogara hangu mu
Mugg and Bean. She texted and I told her to come ku Mugg and Bean.
Ndati garei ndakabva ndaona Simbiso and her friends vachipinda. My heart
skipped a beat. Iish she was looking lovely and I think i noticed a baby bump.
Vanga vakapfeka matee shirt e black and white shirts. There was something
unique with these ladies. Ma t-shirt avo anga akanyorwa nechekumagaro kuti
Simbie waBeavy, Mona waDezie, Ratie waShaddy. Vana vaida kufara hako
kufront kwaiva nemapic avo ne maspouses. Vakagara havo ka distance haana
kundiona zvake.

Manje kuona Simbiso ndoregedza kutaura naye maya. Of course I had made
restrictions but I can't let a golden opportunity pass by like that. Besides who
said rules can't be broken.

I stood up and went to were they were.

She was busy talking as I stood from behind. I was now certain she was
pregnant cause she was talking about not liking a certain food cause of the bun
in the oven and also craving for cuppacino. Her friend Mona saw me but I
shushed her�.

Ndakabva ndamuvhara maziso....

My eyes were closed ummm. I smelt the deo and there is only one person I
knew who used that deo and that was Jayden. Kuti ndiye here....

I kept my grip haana kuita nharo zvake.

Simbie " I know this person"

Mona " Who is it kana uchimuziva"

Ratie "kkkk ndi Beaven"

Simbie " Maya kana haasi Beaven. The last time someone did this to me I got
into big trouble"

They all laughed handina kuziva kuti why???

Mona "Just guess"

Simbie " Ndotya"

Mona " Mukwasha just kiss her"

Simbie " Iwee unoda kundirovesa kaa."

Ndakabva ndaregedza.

Me " Ndeipi"
Simbie " I knew it zvangu Jay"

She smiled. Stood up and we hugged. Damn Simbie why uchisaro soo. Ummm
that hug sent shivers in my body .

I greeted the the ladies. I was offered a place to sit and I did. My eyes glued to
this beautiful girl.

Pakamboita ka silence. Our eyes were doing the talking. Iish hameno shuwa
how I felt around Simbiso.

Mona " Ratie I remembered something hun I forgot the baby store. Inogona
kuvharwa can we go"

Akadaro achisimuka. I knew the drill.

Ratie "oh yeah excuse us. Simbie look after the parcel"

Vakabva vaenda. Thank you Mona I said to myself.

She had her hands on the table . I held her hand. She didn't resist.

Me " I miss you"

She smiled. That smile kani kani...

Simbie " I miss you too."

Magetsi aive pakati pedu so ka ummm too much I swear if this was a private
room zvaiitika zvega pasina audza mumwe.

Me " Really am glad to know shaa how have you been?"

Simbie " The usual and you??"

Me " Coping. How's the bun in the oven?"

Simbie " kkkkk who told you "

Me " I have eyes hey"

Simbie " it's not even showing"

Me " I know but when you are used to someone's body and when changes are
made you notice."

Simbie " just like I sensed your deo"

Me " More like it babie, can I get your cuppacino"

Simbie " Kkk yes sir"

I ordered the cuppacino but my hand still held her hand.

Me "And Beaven how is he??"

She sighed.

Simbie " ari bhoo you and Hazel??

Me " You know what I can call you and explain that later. Maybe i should just
let you know this am relocating tomorrow"

Simbie " Relocating kurevei??"

Me " Am moving to S.A. with Maka I got a new job. I know it doesn't make
sense not until you hear the whole story behind"

_Simbie thinking_
I felt a pain in my heart as if I wasn't going to see him again. Well that was
exactly the case. At least mu Harare munodhumana manje S.A. aah.
Simbie " Come on why your firm and all why??"

I knew she was pained cause I felt it. I also felt bad telling her like now. I took
my other hand and cupped her hand into my hands.

Me " I promise I will explain"

Our eyes spelt love. I loved her I couldn't hide it. But it was being silly hey. She
is married Jayden!!!! I told myself.

"Jay "

Takavhunduka tese. It was Alice standing there. Flip abvepi uyu nhai. Simbie
quickly withdrew her hand I think She thought it was Hazel since they hadn't
met face to face.

Me " Aaah eh hmmm hi...oh can you look for a table i will join you shortly"

Ndakatoona kuti it didn't go well na Alice but aizviita sei hapana and hapana.

She walked away.

Simbie " Shaa wakuzondirovesa manje we got carried away hey"

Me " Kkkkk that's Alice well Hazels friend"

Simbie " Oh ok. But her eye iiish and won't she tell Hazel"

Me " Don't sorry about her you mean more than her presence"

She blushed.☺

Simbie " chienda shaa I don't want trouble..."

Me " Unblock me we need to talk we can go back to the agreement after I tell
you my story"

Simbie " Ok fine"

I kissed her hand and left. Zvese zvaiva mumaziso a Alice. I was just being
gentleman enough not to disappoint Alice otherwise ndaitosva ndato
muignower ndaita zvaSimbie.

I sat down panzvimbo yandainyatsa kuyeva zvangu Simbiso.

Me "Sorry to keep you waiting"

Alice " it's ok how are you anyway?"

Me " Am good thanks"

I was watching Simbie anga achitindipawo ziso. I felt her eyes saying what's
going on. And I was trying to let my eyes talk to her kuti it's nothing.

_Alice thinking_
Who is that lady there??? Umm she has got all of Jaydens attention won't I lose
him to her who is she and what business does she have with Jayden. I thought.

Alice " Tell me more where will you be staying in S.A.??"

Me " Cape town"

Alice " that's nice it's a beautiful place so I heard"

Me " You haven't been there??"

Alice " Aiwa I wish to though"

Me " well you can pay us a visit then "

Alice " that would be great"

We ordered our food but my eyes were just glued on Simbiso and friends and
they seemed to be enjoying talking about ME!!!.


God help me. I don't know the fire that burns up in me each time we meet na
Jayden. There is a powerful connection like.

Mona " tadzoka hello"

Ndakavhunduka I was far in thoughts.

Ratie "Oooh Ooh is that the wifey nhaka nhasi tinodirwa cuppacino"

Mona " Kkkkk usadaro so "

Me " It's not funny. It's his wife's friend something like that "

Ratie " oh really what's he doing with his wife's friend"

Me " Hey it's non of our business girlfriend."

Mona " on a serious note I think you two guys have chemistry"

� " Sshhh Mona if Beaven hears this it won't be good at all"

Ratie " Beaven hey let's not spoil our day last weekend's events are just bad
hey. I would rather talk about this cool dude"

Mona " wow wow wow is this Ratie I know."

Ratie " why not the guy is hot babe I think he is even worse in his pants�.. and I
wish dai ariye murume wako Simbie"

Mona " hehede huyai muone meshura... ini ndanga ndisipo zvangu"

Me " yaa makaona i reserve my comments hangu"�

Mona " kunge kusada apa pese patiri kutaura muri kungopanana maziso"

Ndakanyara it was true. Well I felt we had a lot of catching up to do. Besides
being someone who adored me he was a friend too.
Ratie " I have an idea"

�� we were puzzled.

Mona " Tell us tinzwe "

Ratie " on second thoughts never mind"

Me " Just like that here??"

Mona "munombotaurirei musati mave ready nhai?"

Me " Kkkk zvakaoma chokwadi"

We eventually changed the subject and talked of other things our future
prospects careers personalities you name it except men and families. I hadn't
shifted my eyes from Jayden well I had started to feel jealous of the lady who
seemed to be having a great time with Jayden.

We checked the time it was almost time for the movie. Yes we were having our
girls weekend like before. Well tanga tane time zvese due to family
commitments you know it ain't that easy when you are a married woman. A
whole lot of commitments and you have kids to look after. But today the girls
had left their kids kwana Mhamha vavo and we were doing what we were used
to. After the movie we were going to have Dinner together.
Ndaitodawo a refresher from my life so much happened last week and I felt it
was a whole lot to even cater for a year's events��♀

Mona " Lets go girls"

Ratie " Sano fambai I will go to the car and put these things in. Then I will join

Takabva taenda na Mona. We bought popcorn and some juice. Ratie akauya
tikapinda. We were going to watch blBlack panther.

Ratie " Nhasi ndini ndoda kugara pakati"

Me " wait thought I said that first"

Ratie " things change lovey I just feel I should be close to both of you"

Mona " That's not fair you had your own choice of the seat"

Me " Leave it Mona it's fine"

Ratie akagara pakati. The movie started and we put on our 3D glasses. 10 mins
into the movie. Someone came to sit next to me. That deo again. Before I could
say anything.

" Ndeipi" he whispered

I mean seriously it was him. I checked kuda kuona kuti ane that lady here but no
he was alone.

"Aenda uyo kkk" akadaro

"Is this a coincidence or ??" I asked

" lets just say Fate sweetheart " he whispered back.

Ko aingove mawhispers zvavo cause you would disturb vari kuona movie.

The giggles these two girls were sounding I just guessed they had set this up.
Well anyway I wanted this more. Hameno kasecurity kandainzwa ndina Jayden.
Seems he understood me more than Beaven.

The movie progressed yainakidza. Jayden held my hand ndakangomuregedza

hangu actually ndaitodawo. Yaa Beaven akauya pakadai hameno shuwa.

Munhu haataurwe akabva aphoner.

Me " Hie ndiri mumovie honey"

Him " Cool call me when you are done"

Me "Sharp"

Jayden started figiting and playing with my figures. Dai tine time I really
wanted us to talk.

Movie yakapera. Takabuda tichiseka hedu it was an interesting movie. Mona

ndiye aingoti she wants to go kuWakanda �.

���� we were all in laughter.

Tichingopfuura paSt Elmos dhuma dhuma na Beaven, Shaddy na Desmond.

Apa tina Jayden�...... oh no!!!!!

End of chapter 2....

Chapter 3


Ndakapindwa nechando munongonzwa. Not that we were in a compromising

position but just because I was guilty of love. Yes I had feelings for Jayden that
I couldn't deny but my heart was with Beaven. #Confused��♀

We just froze ka laughter kaya kakangodzima kega. I had to compose myself or

paitoita zvimwe.

Jayden " Hie Mr Rushy we meet again"

Akadaro achitandavadza ruoko. Mona na Ratie vakatarisana in amazement kuti

is this guy crazy or what.

Beaven looked at me

_Beaven thinking_
Jayden again!!! After all i had thought I missed judged him and apologised.
Now he is with Simbiso and she is laughing her lungs out. So these girls had
had a girls day out na Jayden wacho here???

"What's your problem Mr lawyer do you have a problem with my wife" akadaro
Beaven in a harsh voice

I sensed trouble

Jayden "What do you mean??"

" Don't given give me an attitude when you are fucking around with my wife
"Beaven cool down man let's talk this amicably" akadaro Shaddy achibata
Beaven anga akutiratidza kuti anogona kutotanga dhudhu.

Jayden "Beaven what's it with you. Is she the only lady am with izvozvi?"

Takangoona chatova chibhakera kuface kwaJayden.

"Don't fucken play games with me. It's Simbiso you are after"

It was the truth but chokwadi hachingotaurike.

Me " Beaven!!" Ndakadaro ndichienda pakati pavo.

"Simbiso ibva pano please." Akadaro Jay

Jayden akabva akanda chibhakera kuface kwaBeaven.

"Face it mhani you are a loser you can't even protect your wife basa
rekukwidzisa mukadzi bp"

��♀ Amana Jayden.

Ratie " Simbiso stay away shaa unokuvara"

Des akanobata Jayden. Pakarwiwa kani matshirt aya kubvaruka. Zvekuti

Shaddy na Desmond vakatozvitadzawo. Pakatodeedzwa security. I had to call
Sam kuti auye cause panga paitwa basa. Moyo wangu wairwadzirwa the two
men I loved.

Sam haana kumbotora time akasvika tichiripo achibva atotorana na Jayden

vachienda. Shaddy akaenda na Beaven vanga vauya ne 1 car. Isuwo tanga tine
1 car ya Mona so takaenda na Desmond. Apa Mona aiita kukwata.

Desmond " Imi vanhu ndo outing yenyu here iyi"

Ratie "You know what tangosangana naye tichitobuda mumovie"

Mhamha Ratie can lie wooo kkkk but she had to cause na Beaven maone angu

Desmond " Askana mabhaiza apa weduwe... Beaven ummm ndakutokutyira


Mona " Waida kuti tiite sei should we have ignored munhu ati mhoresa?? and
its not like we were hiding anything"

_Desmond thinking_
It was a tough scenario shuwa ne harsha dzanga dzina Beaven soo ka umm
paifiwa chete apa. Poor Simbie her problems never end.

I sat hangu. We went straight kumba kwana Mona ku Malborough. Takawana

Beaven na Shaddy vaveko. I wanted to go home ini. I knew hangu these guys
were trying to help out.

Beaven was fuming kani uku Shaddy aizama kumuita calm down.

I was also worried na Jayden hope haana kukuvara.

Beaven akauya pandaive kwakunditora by the hand.

" We need to talk" akadaro

"Can't it wait" akadaro Desmond

Shaddy " You can go mu one of the spares. Let them talk but Beaven am
begging you don't do anything stupid"

Takaenda muspare. I sat pabed.

Akafamba room yese akabata musoro akabata musana.

" Why Simbiso why??" Akadaro Beaven

Hoo zvarwadza kundiona ndina Jayden but iye ndakamubata red handed in bed
fucking Rudo wani i thought....

Me " we met him tichitobuda mumovie"

Beaven " Don't fucken give me that crap uri kutokwirisa zvako"

I knew it would go there

Me "Beaven I am telling you the truth"

Akatora glass ranga riri padressing table kwakuri potsera kwandiri.

Ndakatsvenga rikanotema madziro.
"What do you take me for. You are married, pregnant asi uchihura. Muri
kutozivana...." akadaro apa aidedera sei

I started to cry.

" Beaven I have told you the truth kana usingade kunzwa chokwadi I can't force
you ka" ndakadaro.

Ndakabva ndabuda. Ratie na Mona vakanditora we went kubedroom kwaMona

and locked the door.

Mona " Chinyarara Simbiso we are here for you girlfriend....Iish tanga tapisira
kani yoo vabva nekupiko"

Ratie " I feel guilty it's all my fault I just wanted Simbiso to have a little fun
now look it has made her cry"

Me " No shaa it's ok I had fun whilst it lasted it happen"

Mupfungwa mangu manga mazara Jayden I hoped he was well.

Mona " Sorry but don't you think you should find out how Jayden is??"

Ratie " Shuwa shaa ini I want to apologise to him it was my idea now look what
it has caused"

Mona " Call him Simbiso you can use my phone cause I guess the next thing is
Beaven achatoenda kueconet kunotora call history"
That was a brilliant idea.

I took my phone and took Jays number and used Mona's phone to call him. He
answered at 3 rings

Jay " Hello"

Me " Jayden am sorry"

Jay " Simbiso iish it's ok are you ok. Did he touch you??"

Simbiso "No he didn't hauna kukuvara here Jay"

Ndakabva ndasimuka kuenda muensuite.

Jay " No am fine just a few cuts but I will be fine sweetness"

Me " thank God. But I wanna make sure. Am feeling bad if only Ratie didn't get
you into this sei zvisina kudai"

Jay " Ratie was right her plan made me feel happy today despite what happened.
Simbiso you mean so much to me..... come see me before I leave tomorrow

I wanted to make sure he is ok so I agreed to meeting him.

Me " Ok where cause iish ndakutya"

Jay "How about you come to my place am leaving ne yemaskati"

My heart skipped a beat. Was I doing something wrong. But come on Jay is just
a friend well aaah

" your silence kills me if you are not comfortable maybe kwa Sam"

Aah uko no kana.

Me " it's not like that shaa ko Hazel hatinetsane here"

Jay " Don't worry she ain't here I still owe you my story I think it's the right time
to tell you"

Me " And Maka??"

Jay " Atorwa na Mhamha we were supposed to have dinner tonight but
nezvandiri I can't go there. If you feel you can't don't I understand you more"

I really wanted to ini. And better tomorrow was Sunday. Ndaingoti am going to
church hangu.

Me " Am coming you can send me the address on this phone it's Monas"

Jay " Ok sweets kkk asi phone yatorwa"

Me " kkk yaa sort of"

We said our goodbyes. I went back to the girls.

Mona "iish manga makuitei futi you and Jayden ka"

We laughed. I didn't tell them my plan for tomorrow it was just something for
me and him only. Takazorara hedu imomo hameno kuti varume wacho
vakabuda hanzy kunopedza stress.

Jayden ��⚖

Beaven anoda kuonererwa inini I had pledged kana amuramba Simbiso wacho
ndomutora zvangu. Apa mbolis yaindinetsa sei kumira zvayo mumovie imomo.
Hayaimbotadza I was obsessed naSimbiso ini.

Sam " this is bad shaa hazvidi status yako izvi"

Me " I tried my best but Beaven wacho umm"

Sam " Yaa maone tell me what happened"

Ndakamutsanangurira and he laughed.

Sam " I will reserve my comments but hey watch your moves. If that girl
wanted you aisiyana nechi demonic marriage but it seems she loves Beaven

He was right hake but Simbiso is just blind to see that we are meant to be.

Me " My heart beats for her"

Sam "it's written all over your faces that you are inlove. But when one party is
denying there is not much you can do. I suggest that you either find a way to rub
this feeling before you get hurt"

_Sam thinking_
I guess probably he will move on since he is going to S.A.. cause hey pane

Ndaangoita freshen up kwana Sam. I didn't wanna go to my parents mubvunzo

yaiwanda. So called Mum vapike Maka na Aunty vake vovadzosa mangwana.

After speaking to Simbiso I was expecting a very good farewell from her. Not
that I had set her up by coming to my place but I just enjoyed being around her.

The following morning I was alone. I had agreed na mum kuti vaifanirwa
kusvika na 1pm so that we leave for the airport. Pamba pangu paisara imwe
cousin yangu but she would arrive by weekend.

Simbiso called I gave her directions 10am anga atosvika. Akavhurirwa gate she
drop up the driveway to my house.

"Ndeipi" ndakamudaro achiburuka

Umm she looked stunning but more formal.

Simbiso " Am great let's see" she came closer to see my scared face.

We went inside

" what's with the formal dressing??"

Her " I was going to church bla bla bla"

We both laughed.

Me " welcome to my home"

_Simbiso thinking_
I looked around and it was a beautiful place indeed. Maportraits ese aivemo
were of Maka and Jayden only.

Her " Thank you nice place hey"

Me " pleasure thanks"

We sat down. I got some juice. I asked her what happened last night and she
explained until the part she lied she was going to church.

I eventually told her my story. Everything that happened.

Simbiso "This is bad hey am so sorry Jayden why didn't you tell me"

Me " You had your problems shaa so just thought it would load you"
Her " Don't be silly shaa you helped me alot I wanted to be someone you can
lean on shaa"

Me "kkkk don't worry yourself much my love... how about we prepare

something to eat am hungry"

Her " cool hey"

We stood up kuenda kuKitchen. I switched on the radio. She seemed worried

about me and Makaa mubvunzo wacho ngaiwande kani.

We laughed and talked as we were cooking. I was very hungry semunhu akarara
asina kudya.

Ndakambonotarisa hangu kuti luggage yedu yese zvanga zva in oder here ko
ndaive father mother in one ka.

Pandadzoka ndakambomuyeva hangu ndakamira padoor she hadnt noticed me.

I imagined how at times we used to play na hazel achibika then we would end
up kissing and making love mukitchen imomo those were the days. I imagined
her atove mukadzi wangu umm she was just a perfect fit how I longed having
her. Kufunga kudaro kwakadenha zvimwe mandiri. Aaah ini ndini ndadini i
thought to myself.... Beaven wacho is failing kuchengeta mukadzi problems
after problems pachigagairwa chakadai. Pakatanga kurira Slowly ya Meddy.
She began singing along.

Me " You can sing hey"


Her "Hey "

Me " Am a good dancer you know care to dance"

Her " Handigone ini"

Me " I will teach you how to"

Her " if you insist"

I had speakers mukitchen and I could control the sound ne remote.

Ndakatangidza Slowly yacho and increased the volume kwakuisa pa repeat.

I started to dance hangu freely iye akandiyeva hake ndakaona munhu akuita
join. Ndakazomu offer my hand and she gave we hers I pulled her close to me...
in no time she was in my arms.

Kungogumwa naSimbiso magetsi ese kubaka chaiko ndakaita weak.

_Simbiso thinking_
In his arms hey this felt so magical. Jay Jay Jay. I was on fire.

We danced along.

"Do you feel what am feeling babie" I whispered into her ears.

I had weakened her. She just nodded.

I stopped kwakuita kuti titarisane.

" I have feelings for you babie feelings I can't hide anymore..."
Her" I know but am married Jayden"

Me "I know but tiri 2 pano shaa tell me kuti am lying you feel the same way

Akatarisa kuside.

Me " Ok fine. Give me one last kiss and I swear i will not bother you again"

" I love you Jayden " akaerekana ataura.

She faced me tikabva tato kissana. Kiss yacho yaive ye nzara kani mixed with
love emotions everything. We were in a world of our own. I started touching
her. She clinged to me so tightly umm this girl ka.

I went for her neck slowly I kissed her she moaned. Izvi zvanga zvakuda

" Daddy Daddy" flip it was Maka

Takavhunduka but it was too late. Mhamha vanga vatopinda na Maka.

Munoziva so unonyara chaiko kushaya pekupinda.

Simbiso akangotendeuka kutarisa kumacupboards. I knew how she felt.

Me " Maka babie what is it. Mum maswera sei"

Mum " Ndaswera hangu.... Maka come along sweetheart"

Vakadaro kuna Maka apa vatondipa ziso rekuti intro ka.

Me " I will be with you shortly"

They closed the door behind them Kkk sevanhu vaiziva kuti vagurisa session.

"Go and take my keys am leaving" akadaro apa achikwata sei.

" Chill kani she won't bite you"

Her " No Jayden it's not proper already she has seen us kissing hazviite am
going now "

Me " Ok unoenda but at least greet her chete"

Aka kaka nharo hanzi on what basis hazviite. But zvaisatoita kuti iye aende
asina kuonekwa na Mhamha ehe zvatoita sekuti ihure rangu or something.
Ndakapinda busy neku nyengerera plus kuda kumuonesa. Akazobvuma hake.
Nguva yese iyi ndaitodya hangu sadza and umm can bika shem.

Takapinda mulounge she went and greeted mhamha achida kuvapa hand shake.
Mhamha wacho ndoimwe type manje. Vakabva vatosumuka kumupa hug

"Vasikana murisey"

" Mhoroi mhamha"

Akabva aenda kunogara pasi.

Me " Mum uyu anonzi Simbiso ishamwari yangu. Simbie this is my mum"

Simbiso " Makadini henyu Mhamha ndafara nekukuzivai"

Mhamha " Kana neniwo mwanangu ndafara"

Maka "inini ndinonzi Makanakaishe Hannah Masiyiwa"

Tese takaseka �����

Simbiso " nice to meet you Hannah. Ini am Aunty Simbiso"

Akasvetuka kubva kuna Gogo vake kuenda kuna Simbiso. Ndakatoona kuti
Mhamha vangabvunze zvakawanda so I decided ndimuwonekere.

"Mhamha Simbiso ane zvaari kumhanyira plus isu togona kuzosara neflight

Mhamha " Aaah thought tiri kuenda tese kuairport kaini"

Maka " Please aunty go with us it will be fun. Vana Tete will be there my
cousins and Sekuru futi"

"Makanaka hadzisi nyaya dzako tinyarire apa" vakadaro mhamha vachimurova


Me " Haa no ane zvinhu zvakatomumirira hanty"

Simbiso " Chokwadi ndaida kuenda asi pane hurongwa hwandimirira kumba.
Regai ndiende Mhamha "

Mhamha " Ok mwanangu surname zviya "

Me " Nyathi"

Ndakatoona kuti Simbiso ashamisika kkk. I know my mother kamumhanyisiro

aka ndoziva how calculative she is vanenge vakunotsvaga profile yake.

Takabuda panze kuenda kumota.

Me " Wafa here??"

Simbie " Handina but the impression she got"

Me " Zvazvavo izvo"

We laughed

Me "Do i get a chance to finish where we lefft the dance"

Her " Jayde..."

Me " I know your married all i want is a yes or no"

Her " I will see" akabva afamba kuenda. I held ger hand. But she didnt look at
" I love you Simbiso and remember when you need me am always there" i let
go oc her hand and she left.

Kungodzokera mumba it was queston after question. I didnt manage to answer


Ichi ndochakandipedza power �

"Wanda uchida kuuya naye rinhi zvaunenge wakazadza mwana wevaridzi

urikufungeiko"...... *#Dead*��♂

End of chapter 3

Simbiso ��

Asi chii nhai??? Weduwe I was embarrassed nekuonekwa na Mai vaJayden. It

was not proper at all considering Jayden anga achangobva kurambana na Hazie
zvinoita sekuti am after him. Plus am married kaini zvekuvapa mahopes ekuti I
could be her muroora zvaisaita.

Izvo chete here ko vakasangana neni ndina Beaven vakasatoti hesi makoti. Plus
it's a small world munoziva munosangana pasingaite Ummm apa ndanga
ndabika beans chaidzo shem.

I went home ndichingodemba zvedi. But I was also happy zvangu kuti I had
poured my heart out to Jayden it gave me some relief. Ndakasvika kumba and
Beaven wasn't there.

Aunty " Maswera sei Manga muchitsvagwa nafather"

Ndakabva ndayeuka phone yangu it was on silence kudai wanikwe 32 missed

calls Beaven and kuzotarisa app shem kuwana mamessage hobho.

Hanzi "where are you"

" I went to your church but you were not there hanzi hauna kumbopinda church"

"Simbiso why aren't you picking my calls"

Ooh finished��♀ I was dead. Ndakabva ndakasika kufunga Mbuya furusa yes
I called her.
Me " Hesi Gogo"

Mbuya " Hesi kani Mai Rushy??"

Me " Beaven ambonditsvaga here??"

Mbuya " Aiwa why??"

Me " Better.... Gogo just say I was with you please I will explain. Kubva kuseni
up to now"

Mbuya " Iwe waitei ikoko unofa nekurohwa nemurume wako ane
magongoromera ekupisirwa madzvinyu ka uyu"

Me " I will explain please just tell him ndauya kuzoseredza bp yangu "

Mbuya " You better ok will do sweetie"

Me " Best Gogo ever thank you"

_Mbuya Thinking_
I just hope kune rugare ikoko. Mukati haachafunge kuita zvema boyfriends
here. Umm but haisi mhosva yake iyo mbudzi yemurume ndoinomutuma. But
kungotanga wasiyana naye kuri bhoo cause when people judge vanoti mukadzi
ihure asi chakonzeresa vanoita senge vasinga chizive

Better weduwe at least Gogo vabvuma. Kana munhu unemhosva hama

inongorova iiish.
Ndakaphonera Beaven achibva adaira

Him " Wanga uri kupi?"

Me "Daddy maswera sei?"

Him " Dont play games with me ndati wanga urikupi?"

Me " Iish kwa Mbuya Furusa "

Him " But you said you were going kuchurch. Ndaenda nekuchurch kwako but
wanga usipo and you never attended"

Me " I wanted to vent so I went kwaMbuya I knew if I told you you would

Akabva acutter phone. Ndakatarisa mamwe ma message pa app almost

everyone I knew anga achindibvunza kuti "ko uripi uri kutsvagwa nemurume

Haa amana Beaven ka.

Mona akabva aphoner.

Mona " Madam muripi imi??"

Me " Shaa long story but am home now "

Mona " Usataure hako paphone shaa anogona aisa macamera imomo kkkk"

Me " Aah ndiri pamaone"

Mona " Heard from Des kuti he thinks waenda kuna Jayden to comfort him after
yesterday that is why you lied you were going kuchurch. Tenda mwari he didn't
follow you cause I know you did go hanty"

Me " I had to shaa"

Mona " It was too early shaa waizviita kana Monday"

Me " long story huya pa app"

I told her about Jay leaving pa app. She just hoped that Beaven will buy the
Mbuya Furusa issue or else ndaibikwa nhasi.

I cooked that day kwakumbonorara hangu. I guess my bp yanga yato shooter

zvayo hayaimbotadza kana pfungwa dzacho.

Ndakazomuka kuma 9pm Beaven wasn't home yet. Ndakamboyedza his phone
but it was off.

Ndakabatidza TV ndichidya zvangu ndichiona zeeworld

Phone makabva mapinda message an audio S.A. number

� Hi Aunty Simbiso we arrived safely. When are you coming to pick me so we

can go and play. Love Maka.

Kaaudio ako amana hey. And Jayden was just taking this thing too far seriously.
Why is he doing this to the poor kid. He must have told her alot about me now
the girl is getting attached to me��♀

ndakabata phone kudaro pakabva papinda message

� Hey sweetie

Aah Jayden akomana.

� hi hope you travelled well. Please don't confuse Maka ndapota hangu.

� what do you mean confuse.

� Don't feed her with information about me.

� I didn't do such

� did you listen to the audio

� yes I did and it's her own thinking she has been constantly talking about you
so to make her feel better I told her to do an audio. And I think she is waiting
for your response.

� No Jayden look uyu mwana she will get the wrong impression and we end up
hurting her.

� exactly but as much as it's my fault it's also your fault.

� what do you mean

� She caught us kissing hanty munhu ka uyu and she knows that Mum and Dad
kiss. It's bound to knock sense into her head that you could be her new mom

� Jayden am married there is no way am going to be her mom.

� you better explain that to Maka cause as it is her question is when is aunty
Simbiso coming to join us cause she is my new mummy I have been constantly
telling her no. But she says why then were you kissing her??

Ooh finish ��♀ this thing has just gone out of hand I can't handle this.

� find something to say.

� Ok fine help me then

Akabva aphoner. I picked the phone. It was Maka

Maka " Hello Aunty Simbiso"

Me " Hey sweetheart how are you doing??"

Maka "I am fine.... When are you coming here?"

Like please this is too much

Me " Sweetheart listen auntie is very busy here but if I get time i will come"

Maka " Ok auntie am happy now to talk to you. Good night "

Me " Nyt sweetie. Angels on your pillow"

Jayden " Hanty you see what I mean"

Me " You better fix this mess"

Jayden " Kkkkkk me alone I can't. Anyway aren't you thinking of where we

Kungodaro magetsi akamhanya muviri wese. Aiwa Jayden kana

Me " Actually I was going to sleep now"

Jayden " Fine is Beaven ok now"

Me " Yes.... nyt Jayden"

Jayden " Nyt sweetness"

Ndichingopedza haataurwe Beaven. Heard him driving up the drive way.

Kutaura shuwa didn't even know what was going to happen so I washed my
hand and cuddled pacouch kunyepera kurara.

He came in.

I felt him enter the lounge. My body was all tense. Ndakanzwa ndakusimudzwa.
He carried me to my bed. He left me on the bed. Ndakavhura kaziso
ndilkamuona achibuda after a while he came back.

Beaven " Babie wake up"

Ndakanyepera kuita kunge am sleeping.

" Come on babie" akadaro achindizunguza.

Me " Aah Honey you are back"

There he was kneeling down.

Him "Am sorry babie I over reacted "

My plan had worked yessss.

Me " Beaven please all this is hurting me"

Beaven " I know my love am sorry I got so angry in seeing you with that guy."

Me " Ok fine but zvawakaita zvinobhowa you see how it hurts paunenge una

Him "Hey wabva wadaro here babie am sorry kani"

Ndakazomuregerera zvangu. That night we made love like never before kunge
vanhu vagarisa chaiko.

*2 months later*
My baby bump was now showing actually ranga ratoti kurei. Kubasa I was
going zvangu. Beaven and I were getting along well. Although problem ye low
sex drive had started again. But as for me I wasn't really bothered cause the last
thing I wanted was sex. Ndainzwa kutosvotwa.

We would have sex maybe once a week and it wasn't that quality sex pamwe
pacho yaingopinda yorariramo pamwe inonyatsokwira yotundira kunze.

Kuchurch I was going zvangu and continued to pray for God's grace. I had been
kuMhondoro once I had planned on building a 5 bedroomed house. Kungoti
Beaven ange asiri kunyatsoda hake saka ndakaiita project yangu. I had avoided
kuenda enda ikoko nenyaya yenhumbu so first time pandakaenda I had
contracted a builder so aipota achondipa update. Tete Rudaviro would go
maweekends and sometimes Beaven ndamutuma that is. Vaitora mapics.

Beaven was coming home late everyday but you wouldn't know where he was
he would say ndanga ndiri busy hustling ��♀

Then Jayden kept nagging. To be honest I wanted my marriage to work.

Although I felt for him I had to let him go so basically I decided kumu blocker.
He would try calling me kubasa but at times ndaimu cutter but ndakapedzisira
ndaudza my Secretary to handle him.

I loved him that I couldn't deny but I was married. It hurt me every time I
decided to reject his calls. But time heals and hoped I would.


Beaven ndewekutopakisa kuti uitirwe cause anenge anoda chimukadzi chake

ngonwa nxaa. Ndakatsvaga zvimwe and zvakati shandei hazvo.
Ndaida kuroorwa naBeaven ini kutova Mai Rushy chaivo and ndaida kuti
Simbiso anyatsokusvotwa ehe ndiye akavhiringidza Beaven wangu nxaa.

Rimwe zuva Beaven akauya kumba kwangu. Anga akupota achiuya everyday
asi zvaisaita kuti arare

Takashedegurana too bad. Apa Tinashe aivemo akasvinura ko ndaidini

ndaimuisa pai.

Me " Daddy izvi hazviite shaa ndakudawo maid anotamba na Tinashe plus
ndodawo a bigger house yangu ndega isiri mulocation"

Beaven " Kkkkk hayas and unototi ndine Mari hanty. Maid ita hako but imba
haa hazviite"

Me " Neyi nekuti Tinashe your only child ogara muimba yekulodger baba vacho
varipo vane mabusiness. Kana mota chaiyo haatoizive"

Beaven " Rudo ndine mukadzi kaini"

Me " Fokofu Beaven unoda kundiita dhongi rako raunokwira richikuitira vana."

Beaven " adaro ndiani ndokuda wani Rudo wangu"

Ndakabva ndamuka kwakunopa Tinashe chikafu. Akambozama kutaura neni asi

I ignored.

Beaven " Nhaiiwe ko sei pano ndisingadye asi ndouya everyday wani"

Me " Nxaa "

Ndakadya sadza rangu akatarisa kwakurasa maleft over nekusuka. Ndakabva
ndanopinda mumagumbeze

Beaven " Iwe Rudo handisati ndapedza newe kaini"

Ndakaramba ndakanyarara. Akabva afugura magumbeze

Me " Iwe Beaven enda kumukadzi wako ngonwa waunodisisa kudarika mwana
wako enda ikoko mhani"

Haana kuzogara akabva abuda.

Manje inini handiitwe iyoyo ndichanyatsotora $500 yaakandipa last week nayo
kwaSekuru arikuda kuzama kuita sei.

Jayden ��⚖

I don't know where I missed it. The sudden change naSimbiso. All was well
until she met Mhamha she changed. Kusvika pakundi cutira phone neiko
kublocker hey.

Apa mafirst days kubasa nyowani damn that girl ka. Ini hameno nhetemwa
ndedzei chandofanirwa kuita kumuti when she is a joyous mood kungovharira
nekushedegura haavhaire zvaari kuita.

Beaven is a lucky bastard getting all the gold but misusing it.

I tried getting Sam to talk to Simbiso but he refused

Sam " Jay gara ikoko umusiye she will come around if she is yours"

Me " I just want to communicate chete nothing more. Just knowing what she is
going through."

Sam " try to give her space meanwhile move on shaa she is married and
according to you she has spelt it out clearly meaning anoda Beaven it won't

Ndozvacho zvandanga ndisiri kuda kunzwa nxaa.

Ukuwo Alice had been on my ass for the past 2 months. She isn't a bad person
hake. Not that beautiful although she tries covering ne make up. But I wanted

One day ndatobva kubasa iri Friday got a call SA number.

Me " Hello"

Caller " Hey Jayden am at Cape Town International airport please come and
pick me "

��� what the fuck ari kuendepi....

*Not edited*

End of chapter 4
Chapter 5


I just said ok. Ko ndaiitii Alice akomana arikuuya kuzoitei un announced


I went ku Airport ndikamuwana ariko.

Alice " Hi "

Me " Welcome how was your flight?"

Alice " Super padhuze apa just 2 hrs 30mins"

Me " yaaa you are used to ma 18hr flights enyu ekuChina ka"

She laughed.

She was alone zvake. We talked dzepolitics yekuZim zvedu. She had left
mwana hanzi came for business umm hameno. I had thought kuti achati
ndiendese kuHotel but she just kept quiet iniwo didn't want to initiate kuti
handei kumba kwangu.

Me " You are booked in which hotel??"

Alice " Handina kubooker ini thought maybe I could stay with you guys if you
don't mind"


Me " No not a problem ndatya kukuendesa kumba kwangu usina kuzvitaura"

Alice " Aah sorry just thought since you said I could visit last time "

Maihwe kuzvisunga nemashoko angu ��♂��♂

Me " No problem"

I bought a take away since tanga tadya kare. My house had 3 bedrooms so she
slept in one of the rooms whilst Maka and Aunty vake slept in the other room.
At times Maka would sleep in my room zvake.

The following morning was a weekend ndakanyatso kurara zvangu ko

ndaimhanyirei apa pfungwa dzangu dzaiva kuna Simbiso chete. Ndakazoyeuka
kuti I had her friend Mona' s number zviya that day raakaphoner achiti hauna
kukuvara here ��♂ kutokanganwa nhai. Ndakabva ndatoenda online kupinzira
message Mona.

� Hi Mona

Akabva atoenda online

� Hi sorry my bad ndiani lost macontacts

� Am Jayden Simbiso's friend.

� ooh Mr Jay how are you. Kurisei kuSA

� kuribhoo shaa how are you

� good thanks

� Can I call you need a favour

� no am in a bad position you can app it.

� cool. Shaa I am longing to speak to Simbiso shaa how is she???

Ndokumbirawo kana zvichiita shaa I need to talk to her

� ummm�

� please kani shaa just this one favor

� I don't want to disappoint my friend shaa hanty iye ati she doesn't wanna talk
to you. Try other means

� iiish Mona shaa you are my only hope Mona please

� Hey let me think about it first dear but am not promising ndibate mangwana

� thanks in advance love you are the best.�

I hoped it would work I was bleeding inside for her. Ndoita sei nhai mwari.

Maka burgged into my room.

" Good morning Daddy" she yelled.

I realised I hadn't locked the door

" Good morning my princess how was your night" ndakamudaro

Maka " It was good. Auntie Ally is here"

Me " Really " ndakanyepera kusaziva hangu.

She ran out and came pulling Alice hand.

Maka " Here she is "

We laughed ��

Alice " Morning Jay"

Me " Morning dear hope you had a peaceful night"

Alice " I sure did"

Apa Maka anga agara achitarisa inini apa akati kuna Alice otizve kwandiri.
Kids aifungei nhai kunge kucherechedza hameno.

Me " What's wrong Maka??"

Maka " I was just wondering why didn't you tell Auntie Simbiso to come with
Auntie Alice cause the last time Auntie Simbiso said she can't come cause she
will get lost"

Ooh finished��♂
Alice gave me a look imwe iya yekuti feel guilty I have caught you. Iniwo I
returned the stare am like I don't fucken owe you any explanation.

Me " Well baby inga Aunty Simbiso said she was busy wani."

Maka " Oh no no well yes that was the other time but the last time I spoke to her
she said she doesn't know how to get here"

Yaa kids kids kids haakanganwe here? its been almost 2 months since she last
spoke to Simbie and it's almost on a daily basis she talks about Simbiso. She
actually has a doll she named Simbiso. And she calls me sekuru va Simbiso...

Me " Lets put it this way we will look for Auntie Simbiso when she is not busy
hey and she can come you can direct her. Now chienda unogeza today I will
take you for ice cream"

Maka " Yeeeh"

Akabuda achimhanya zvake. Alice stood there.

Alice " Let me go and finish off and take my bath"

Me " Xoo"
Ndakatomukawo and took my bath as well. Ndakadya breakfast courtesy of
Alice. It was good. We then went out the 4 of us.

Well we ended up sight seeing actually I became a tour guide waAlice that day.
Alice tried her best to get closer to Maka but Maka wacho aingoramba aina
Aunty vake.

Alice wasn't a bad person hake. We enjoyed. She was on the social side. We
laughed and joked . Woow the day was fantastic. I then treated us all with a
dinner at the waterfront we had Fish and Chips.

We took Maid and Maka back kumba and then I decided to give her one of the
best nights in Capetown. We went for a movie. It was a romantic thing zvayo.

Ndakaona munhu achingishiringinya hake akagara.

Me " Are you ok dear" I whispered.

" Am cold " she responded.

I just took off my jacket and gave her.

I really didn't want to put thoughts in my mind but her actions just showed me
alot. Alice was in love with me. But that being the case kwandiri I was not
ready for a relationship I mean not with her.

After the Movie takaenda kumba.

Alice " Iish thank you for the day well spent you really know how to host a
visitor. I think mangwana heard there is a place where I can get some masai
sandles for my shop I will be going there then I have a flight for tomorrow

Me " Oh ok that's fine. Do you have the name of the place I can take you there
on my way to church tomorrow then pick you later on"

Alice " Don't worry you can go kuchurch I can get a taxi"

Me " Ok if you say so"

We reached home.

" Good nyt Jay" she said as we were parting ways her room was just close to my

Me " Goodnight Alice "

I went inside and guess what I found Maka was in my bed. Anga akaisa
chiidhori chake nechepakati hugging it. Umm Maka soo ka. Looking at Maka
made me wonder the future of this girl. It's not like I was going to stay single
the rest of my life. I was going to marry but i wanted someone who could take
care and love Maka she needed the motherly love. Simbiso was but the only
Each time I knelt down praying I would pray for Simbiso's good health nerugare
and I could feel that she is my soulmate but hameno shuwa. I slept hoping
tomorrow I would talk to her.

Alice ��♀

I really wondered what was it with that Simbiso girl. Pamuromo paMaka panga
pakungogara paina Simbiso's name.

I was in Capetown and had fun with Jayden. I tried getting close na Maka but
umm aingotsvedza it's either kuna Aunty vake or to her dad. Maybe next time I
should bring her someone to play with.

We had the most wonderful time tave 2 na Jayden. But Jayden wacho kana
kumbondionawo zvake. He is a nice person very accommodative but haasi
kuonawo here effort yangu.

I was surprised he is going kuchurch now. I just thought it must have been the
depression yaHazel anyway I will get what I want ndonzi Alice nothing fails
for me. Let me give him time.


"Mona what's your problem I told you kare kuti No"

I didn't want to talk to him. The thought of getting close to Jay again made me
confused. I had managed to ignore him for 2 good months and to me it was an
Mona " Simbiso hutsinye ihwohwo shaa. Look he just wants you to talk
kungonzwa urisey"

Me "Monalisa shamwari just tell him am ok doing well healthy and blessed full

Mona " Ok Simbiso fine. Ko ndikaphoner then you just hear what he has to say"

Me " hehede watova gweta rake hanty... Am going home when you have
something meaningful to say uchanditsvaga."

Ndakapinda mumota ndakananga kumba. I had gone kuchurch. Mona had called
akati she really wanted to see me. Ko ndazivei hangu kuti inyaya yaJayden.

Ma sweet memories na Jayden started to flashback especially the last day I was
in his arms. I felt love. Oh nhai mwari this obsession is too much for me to
handle. How do I get over him��♀......

Beaven ��

Haa Rudo ndakamusiya akaita kutsamwa. Kubva day racho raakatsamwa.

Ndaiti ndikaenda kumba kwake after work that week ndaingosvika munhu aka
mudhura chaiko. Ndaingotamba hangu na Tinashe. Ndakasvika pakusvotwa
cause kana poto yanga yakasungwa.

One day ndakasvika munhu akapfeka ka dress zvake. Aiiti akakotama so

ndaibva ndaona tingilez yese ne gambi racho rese� apa mbolis yakabva
yatomira kuita danda chairo. Anga asina kupfeka bhurugwa. Musi uyu
ndakatadza kuzvidzora Tinashe anga arara hake. Ndakanomubata

"Siyana neni nxaa" akabvisa maoko angu.

Me " Nhai iwe saka unoda kusvika kupi wakatsamwa.."

Rudo " Uri kunetseka neyi iwe hanty wakati you are married here saka enda
kumukadzi wako"

Me " Rudo kani babie am sorry "

Rudo " Urrri hehede sorry ndodya sorry here inini. Shamwari enda kumukadzi
wako unokwira ikoko"

Akanyatso kufamba zvake. I followed.

Me " Rudo usadaro iwewe inga ndati sorry wani horaiti taura chaunoda ndiite

_Rudo thinking_
Hoo nhai kutaura chandinoda nhai manje ndoda kuti anyatsondipa pachena
zvandiri kuda.

Akabva auya pedyo neni kwakutanga kundibata mbolis yacho akachidzvanya

J**de racho. Ndakaita kushinyira nekubatwa chete.

Ndakabva ndatobatsira nekukasika kukatanura hembe ipapo kani. Yoo hamemo

zvandaitonzwa apa kumira kwacho kuti twii.
Takanoti pabed. Haa kudya na mambo chokwadi. Apa aiti akatambisa
chiono.... zvimachuma zvaive muwaist zvichiita kutaima taima nekurira haa
ndokuti mukadzi zve.

Hazvina kutora time ndanga ndatoti pfee zvangu kupinda " Ooooh shit!!"
Ndakadeedzera ndanyatsokunyudza zvangu muchiita kupisa nekunaka yohwee

Ndakachirohwera chikapa nemwana wekwaMazipetele iish maone chaiwo.

Ndakazoti ndapa peak ari pamusoro pangu munhu kwakubvisa mbolis yacho.

"Wati nditaure zvandiri kuda unondiitira kaiwe"

Haaa akomana ndochii ichocho nhai shit mhani.

"Iwe taura mhani kuitawo here ikoko"

Akasekerera kwakukwira futi on top of me. Akati chovhei aripo zvasvika

papeak kwakudeedzera

" Babie ndoda imba"

" Ndo ndo ndokupa kani"

"Shuwa here Beaven"

Haa zvanga zvakunaka zvakuda kuuya

"Ndokutengera kani nezvese zvaunoda"

" Thank you"

Akabva ati sunge ini ndokubva ndatoona kuti pano ndatosvika ndokubva
ndanyatsouya nakaaaaa mhaniiiii......

End of Chapter 5

[24/05, 21:14] Yvonne MUKU: �� _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ ����

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*��


Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 7

Alice was on me for the past 4 months kuita kundisona chaiko. What she didn't
realise was I wasn't interested. Look I needed time to put myself together first.
But dai ari Simbiso � I wouldn't have hesitated uyu ndairoora kusara ndabroker
without kumbofunga. I was in love with her that's what I can say. It started as an
attraction but it was obvious that I wasn't only attracted to but I loved her.

Simbiso loves me icho ndochokwadi but I understood her more. Ladies they
don't jump ship easily asi kana ari hure hake maybe. But I knew my loyal girl
this was just going to take her long to accept that Beaven is a sinking ship.
Kutaura chokwadi I was prepared to try my luck and wait. Alice uyo
ndaitodawo kumuignower but pachi gentlemen hangu.

I had been sending hangu Ma gifts and flowers to Simbiso every week I knew
she got them but aisa acknowledger hake.

Rimwe zuva got a call from Sam.

Sam "My man"

Me " Ndeipi"

Sam " Good and you man"

Me " Hapana shaa nzara chete"

Sam " Kkkk inga tora kaAlice"

Me "Same formulae yaHazel baba mbeu imwe chete"

Sam " Kkkkkk usadaroso"

Me " Dai Simbie angobvuma hake"

Sam "kkkk mukadzi wemunhu shaa iwe ndotonenyaya 2 newe"

Me " Taura neni tinzwe"

Sam "Chekutanga iwe Mhamha vanetsa kuno she called me hanzi taura
neshamwari yako ndiwe best buddie... hanzi asazadze nyika nevana please...
hanzi roora kana zvirikunetsa she said she met you une mukadzi ane nhumbu
saka varikuda kuziva kuti how far"

Yaa my mother Hannah yaa pakaipa shuwa kkk. She had been troubling me all
along nenyaya yaSimbiso and I told her kuti she is just a friend. Saka vakuenda
kuna Sam manje

Me " Kkkk ukavatedzera unopengeswa ndepaye pandakakuudza kuti she found

us kissing. Unoziva vanhu vakuru vanocherechedza kutoona kuti Simbie is
pregnant now the kidding she saw adds up kuti am responsible kkk"

Sam " Yaa pakaipa hameno try to tell her something cause she's worried... the
other thing Maka what are you doing to her. Usaite kuti mwana azopinde heart
break ka nenyaya yaSimbiso"
Me " Man I swear i have never told her anything other than introducing her to
Simbiso but neniwo am surprised nezvaanoita shuwa"

Sam "there is a connection for sure but we just have to bury whatever feelings
we have for that lady cause she belongs to someone else"

Mashoko iwayo ekuti *bury* ne ekuti *Belongs to someone* aindi mara.

#Truthfactory but chokwadi chinorwadza. Takazotaura dzimwe nekubvunzana
our prayerlife. He was happy kuti I was still connected to God.

That Friday my mum visited from Zimbabwe. Vakati she will be coming to
spend a week nesu hanzi Maka anopota achida motherly love. It was schools
holiday but I wasn't planning to go back to Zimbabwe that holiday since ndanga
ndakadzvanwa nechikoro plus basa umm S.A. crime reigns unogara uchi filer
mapaper daily.

That afternoon ndopaka responder Simbiso app yangu. Iish I was happy kani
and hearing her voice note to Maka made me more happy. That voice iish it was
something else kani. I loved this girl. We didn't really agree but takasiira pekuti
she would think about it. Umm if only I have just one more day naye ka aaah
anomuramba Beaven and this time handimboite zvekunyengerera
kunomupfekedza Jacob mudumbu straight. Aiwa kufunga hangu. If only dreams
could come true.

From work I went straight to the airport I wanted to surprise Maka naGogo vake
vanga vauya. I waited for Mhamha and she arrived. Tikapinda mumota
takananga kumba.

Me " Eeh Mhamha makadini"

Mum " And good mwanangu iii kufara kukuona zvangu"

Me " How's dad saka vakaramba kuuya"

Mum " You know your dad also busy busy"

We laughed zveshuwa chiramba kusakara mudhara wangu kani.

Me " You can say that again"

Mum " Where is Maka??"

Me " At home I really want to surprise her"

Mum " Aah thought anonditambirawo kaini"

Me " Aah don't worry you will love her face when she sees you"

Pakamboita silence.

Mum " ko tell me what are you planning you are rather quiet ufunge hako you
know kuva a divorced person doesn't mean you must be careless nehupenyu ka"

Oh oh nyaya iya damn Mhamha akomana.

Me "Sure I don't intend to mum"

Mum " look here I think you should just formalize your things"


Me " Mum we will talk about that. Ndozvamafambira here you are here to see
us ka. Tozodzitaura idzo"

Mum " Ok fine"

Ndakangoti let me drive around town letting her appreciate Capetown at night.
She enjoyed the veiw.

Ndakasvika kumba tichibva tapinda. Seems Maka and Aunty Mai Jayne were
kubedroom the noise. I called Maka
She came running.

"Daddy daddy aaah oh my God Gogo " akakajambira Gogo vake she was so

" Maka " I heard a voice that was familiar

���� mumashure ma Maka came Ashy running followed by Alice apa

akabveka ka bumshort��♂��♂

Surprised Ko vabvepi ��
Rudo ��♀

Zvangu zvanga zvaita izvo zvaSimbiso zvekuda kuvhaira hee ndiri mukadzi
wekwa Rushy hehede tikazodini paye. Manje mirai muone ndaida kunyatsa
kumuratidza kuti vanonzi Mai Rushy ndiani I am the original chaiyo. And
Beaven ndoita zvandinoda naye ari mumaoko angu aya.

Mumwe musi ndakashanyirwa na Mai Rumbie.

Maiguru " Aaah mainini hamuchiona ndokuti imba zve. Anosimudza marombe

��� takaseka chikwee

Me "unozodei haiwa kano pfidza gore rino oti kushaya mwana oti murume
takatora tonzi ananiko isu vana Rudo ka wemaziRudo"

Maiguru " kkkk makapenga mainini mune yese. Haaa zvamakazoita izvi haa
number one chete kungoti muri kusharer henyu"

Me " Maiguru sharing ipi apa it's going to be a thing of the past mirai muone
henyu. Ndoda kumuwachisa washen chaiyo"

��� hehede uriiii

Maiguru " Masalad emuHarare kuvhaira. Izvozvi anoda kushaina kuzviita

munhu ane mari yese. Hona ka imba yatomira paMhondoro apa"
Rudo " Arikuti achadiwa na Mhamha ka"

Maiguru " Zvipiko ari kutosiya ativakira isu ana Mai Rumbie nevana vedu ko
tisu tinobara zve kwete ngonwa kkkkk"

Me " Taurai wenyu acharutsa damn it"

Maiguru " Ko mainini chiitai mumwe Tinashe akura kauyu "

Zvino maiguru ndingavaudze dzese here. Kuti vanomaziva here madhiri acho
aya. Umm Rudo wakufarisa ndakazozvidaro

Me " Ndichaita hangu"

Maiguru " Itai kani Beaven anokutengerai ndenge uya kkkk."

Me " Iii ndakuda kubvisirwa mari ini. Ndinyatsoita makoti chaiye ende ndikaita
makoti munondiziva here imi ndochinja zvinhu paye"

_Maiguru Thinking_
�� hezvo nxaa ati kudini uyu kuchinja zvinhu kutishora kaisu tagara tiripo.
Kasakamu aka.

Maiguru " Aiwa bvisirwai Mainini"

Takazoswera takungotaura dzimwewo nyaya. Kumanheru kwacho Beaven
haana kuuya akangophoner hanzi ndisangane naye ku makombe hanzi aida
kunditoresa passport.

Ndakasangana naye kuseni tikatora ye 1day hanzi ndoda kuenda newe kuchina
next week. Ndakafara kani unozodei heee mukubva mukutengerwa imba
mwedzi yapfuura izvozvi China hela hela. Vaye vanozviti madam boss
havasvike. Tisu ana Madam boss zve.

Passport yakabuda ikaenda kuVisa kwacho. Takazosiya mwana na Sisi vangu

tichienda hedu kuChina apa kuri kuperekedza Daddy ka kubasa.

Beaven ��

I had to go with Rudo ko ndaisatokwanisa kuita week rese ndisingashedegure

aaah for the why.

Mashoko amhamha ekuti ndiroore Rudo aingove mupfungwa dzangu zvangu

zvekuti ndaiona sezvine sense hazvo. Cause supposing ndikafa Simbiso
anozopa dangwe rangu pfuma here ipapo aaah ndopainetsa zve. Ndaida kufunga
semurume mukuru. Mundege muya Rudo akabva aitanga nyaya

Rudo " Aah ini Beaven ndakuitira zvinhu hobho stereki asi iri kuramba

Me " Haa asi chii nhai babie it's a process ndiri kugadzirisa."
Rudo " ndozvaunongotaura hako izvozvo but tarisa izvozvi hautogone neni asi
kundiitirawo zvidhafu kuti ndifarewo "

Ndakatoona munhu akuyeredza musodzi kkkk yaaa vakadzi vakomana. Ndatora

tissue kwakumupukuta.

Me " Asi chii nhai Mai T vangu hona vanhu vanoti ndakuita sei muno

Rudo " Aah Beaven haundide iwewe you love Simbiso more than me asi
chatakasiyana chii tese tine mhe** wani"

Me " Iwe Rudo kwana mhani mundege muno nhaika. Ndazvinzwa unoda kuti
nditokubvisira mari mundege muno here"

_Beaven thinking_
Haiwa kusadzidza kufa ungataure zve pamh*** muno mundege munhu wepi
nxaa. apa waitoona zvaitwa zvacho imomo haa ibasa ma air hostesss aiwonerera

_Rudo thinking_
Right anofanirwa kutondiroora chete nxaa.

Lets see what happens next

End of chapter 7
luv u all�
*Remember chapters on weekends only guys untill Mid June*
[24/05, 21:14] Yvonne MUKU: Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group:

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*��


Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 6


Yaa munhu unogona kuita yese yese all for the love of pakati chete. Handidi
kunyepa i had made a commitment.

After a month ndange ndawana a property kuMabelreign. Kuti ndiite direct

withdrawal from the business cashflow yaidzika zvekuti kana Simbiso aizvibata
kuti pane yatambika. Kuti ndimuudze futi zvaisaita futi yainetsa nyaya yacho. I
decided kuti the reserve account was the best option. Zvaari kumbonetsekana ne
nhumbu yake ndange ndakamuti ambozorore zve Rushy Holdings for now
munoti kuda here but just to distruct her for a while.

I had to work hard kuti ndidzosere mari iyoyo ku Reserve account within the
next 5 months.

I bought the property yacho ku Mabelreign it was a 3 bedroomed house walled

and gated. Ndakangoisa paper work in my name zvinova zvakanetsa na Rudo.
Rudo " Iwe Beaven wanditengera imba ipi ipapa zita racho riri pamapaper
nderako wani"

Aah aipenga chete hapana pandaiisa muzita ma Rudo Mazipetele munhu

wandisina kumboroora kana.

Me " ko hanty ndini baba here"

Rudo " Kana zvakadaro Beaven gara hako ufunge. Imba iyoyo kana iri yangu
ndoda kuti mapaper acho ave muzita rangu or ra Tinashe wangu uyu"

Now she was talking Tinashe was a better option.

Nyaya yakanetsa zvayo iyoyo. So i decided kungoita comply and bow down to
some of the demands. I changed it to Tinashe Rushy.

We bought furniture for the house. Apa Rudo anga ana maid futi and akabva ati
ndimupe allowance everyweek ye $200 hanzi upkeep yemwana. Rudo
aiwirirana na Maiguru Mai Rumbie zvekuti saka vakabva varonga party yavo
yekupemberera imba nyowani. I sponsored everything zve party iyoyo. Kuhama
dzangu kwakauya ivo vana Baba na Mai Rumbie, Mai Blessing, Mai Farie,
Amai, Raviro vazukuru ne masisters and amai vake Rudo ne mafriends. Vaye
vano supporter Simbiso havana kukokwa cause ndaitomboramba ndichiti
handidi kuSimbie azive.

Kumusha ndaienda hangu just because Simbiso aivaka imba yake. We had
agreed kuti nhumbu haifanirwe kuzikanwa nevanhu vakawanda saka iye
ndakangomuti agare kumba zvake. Rimwe zuva ndaenda kuMhondoro mhamha
vakati vaida kugara neni pasi
Mhamha " Zvakaitwa kani wakatengera mwana wako nemukadzi pekugara"

Me " Aah munotendeiko mhamha"

Mhamha " Ndozvinoitwa ka, asi inzwa unzwe mwanangu wakuchida kuroora
Rudo ka"

Kungodaro ndakaita sekunge ndabatwa nemusoro hameno.

Me " Hazviite izvo mhamha"

Mhamha " Kutadza nei. Munhu waune mwana naye. Hameno chaunoramba
uchinyengerera pachimukadzi chako ichocho"

Me " Mhamha hazviite kuroora Rudo"

Mhamha " Iwe Beaven kwana handiti unoda kutambisa mwana wevanhu
kusvika rinhi. Aiwa pafunge anga agare achinzi hure raBeaven iwe une mwana
naye. Ndiye atori mukadzi wako uyu"

She was talking sense but ummm ko Simbiso ndaizoita sei. She was my wife
and moreover she was also carrying my children. Food for thought regai

*4 months later*

My big tummy was almost exploding hey. The baby was a big baby so says my
Dad kkk he was my Gynae this time. Dad had opted to monitor me by himself
not saying that aimbovapo aisagona. But last times events scared everyone to
death even me ndaingotya kuti history would repeat itself. Handina
kumbotsvaga hangu zvekuti sex I wanted it to be a surprise.

For the past 6months hapana kana hama yaBeaven yandakaona only Tete
Rudaviro vandaigara navo. Tete Raviro vakasoenda kuMozambique hanzi
kubasa here. I had prayed to God to keep me in isolation till I deliver and for
sure he is a faithful God.

Jayden well what can I say other than I had managed him so well although
every Monday I would find flowers on my desk together with a gift followed by
a letter from Jayden. He had engaged a local florist to deliver flowers but the
gifts seemed to have come from S.A.. in one of the gifts maiva ne a drawing
from Maka and it said reply please. Jayden hameno hake zvaakuita mwana izvi
anomukanganisa. When Maka discovers and not going to be her mummy she
will have a heart break for sure I felt really bad not being able to respond to

" I think you should rest now Simbie" it was Sam

" Kkkk what will you do here"

Him " that's a better problem than having you gone for good....kkk Clara can
take over for a while .....aah this is nice whose Maka?"

Akadaro aona drawing yaMaka.

"Jaydens daughter" I said

� "oh really that's nice of her" Sam akaratidza kushamisika.

Me " I met her once but for the past 6 months ingori take take neni."

Sam " Clara has been filling me in in detail of what's going on. Umm I have
tried talking to him and he seemed to understand but didn't know about this. I
think if your marriage is what you want then stay in it. After all God hates
divorce so build your marriage"

I had been telling Pastor Clara as my counselor and personal person what had
been going on. We had prayed together about this. And we were praying for a
safe delivery.

" Thank you Sam.... But advise him what he is doing to Maka isn't nice at all.
The poor baby is getting attached to me and when she finds out i can't be whom
she wants me to be then she will break"

I lifted the drawing from Maka it had an image she called Aunty Simbiso her
Dad and herself. Well and a few animals.

"Will try and talk to him but am seriously you can go home and rest"

" kkkk ok boss " ndakadaro

End of week I cleared my work and was now on leave.

Handina kusungirwa this time but ndaizoenda kumba after birth kwemazuva
ndichibatsirwa na Mhamha.

Ndanga ndane about 3 months ndisiri kumbotsika kuRushy holdings. Pressure

yanga yakawanda kubasa so I couldn't manage the 2 kuti JPZ ne Rushy. Infact
Beaven was the one who insisted that I reduce the pressure for now.
Ndakangoita 3 days ndapa leave Beaven achibva aita trip to China he had a
client yanga ichida a personalized mould yakatosiyana completely from the
local and available moulds. So he had kunoiitisa kuChina.

Beaven " I don't think there is need for you to go kuoffice. I need you to rest
hanty ka"

Me "Are you sure the staff will be able to handle basa in your absence."

Beaven " they should"

He even refused kuti ndimuendese ku Airport cause aiiti rest ndoperekedzwa na


*2 days later*

I was in a prayer session with Pastor Clara when my phone rang. I had forgot
kuisa pasilent mode. I answered.
" Ma'am Rushy kwaita dambudziko kuno kufactory"

Me "What is it Tracy??"

Tracy " an accident one of the guys adyiwa ruoko ne machine"

"OMG" I called out....

Pastor Clara vakatobvunza kuti chii?? I told her tichibva tatobuda kuenda.
Tanga tiri kumba kwangu saka vakati she will drive me. Ndakasvika mukomana
wacho atakurwa ne ambulance but ve OHS neve Nssa and police vanga
vatoveko. Pastor Clara helped me alot ndainyatsonzwa kuti zvinebasa izvi
nehu heavily hwandaive.

Panga pakuda authorizations emari so I went ku Accounts and did them.

Hameno chakangoti imbotora zvinhu uiite audit trail wagarisa. Sure it had been
long zvangu. Was hoping to catch up pandenge ndapa leave hangu ndiri kumba
so that handibhoikane. I asked Tracy to send the information zvimwe
ndikatakura masoft copies.

We went neku hospital tichiona the guy but I left the Operations Manager to
keep an eye and update me on anything needed.

Pastor Clara dropped me kumba. I was so bored hangu I started playing with
my phone ndopandakaona message ku WhatsApp.
� I know you have moved on and don't wanna talk to me. But seriously
Simbiso you can't just shut me out like that. I know I can't have you and I have
always respected that but we can be friends as on the real word. Please shaa not
being able to talk to you is killing me. And shaa the girl adores you. You can be
friends with her.

Ndakatoziva kuti ndi Jayden hakuna mumwe. Handina kupindura. Pane kunonzi
kuzvitsvagira muyedzo ndochaizvo izvo.

For the sake of Maka I decided to just respond.

I put in an audio

Hey sweet heart I hope you are well. Auntie Simbiso is very busy and am going
to be having a baby soon. I love you and take care of your daddy.

Haaa ko pakamboita time here he responded.

� will give her am.at work. Iiish when is the baby coming. And my response.

Ndakangoti regai ndimupindure ko ndobvei hangu

� Any time he/she will be here. Your response I don't have one.

� Simbiso don't do this shaa....

I felt him in me. Damn uyu munhu chii nhai kungotaura naye nyama dzangu

�Jayden to be honest with you as much as I want to talk to you but I know the
way we feel for each other zvinokanganisa our lives especially me am married. I
prefer we maintain the distance.
� We already are apart shaa. We can be pen pals I won't bother you in anyway.

Haaayas this guy doesn't give up.

� let me think about it.

� thanks please do.

Ndakabva nda deleter kwakukanda phone uko.

Ndakazogaya kuti let me start on the audit zvangu since I had nothing to do.
When I had done a quarter i noticed some huge withdrawals. And the
withdrawals were from the Reserve account ��.

I dialed number ya Tracy

Me " Hello Tracy?"

Tracy " Ma'am "

Me " What happened to the Reserve account I thought there are policies to it?"

Tracy "Am sorry Ma'am sir ndovakati he needed to make a withdrawal

ndakatombovati there are policies emuReserve account and I also had to
communicate with you. He refused and took 60k."

Me " You are not serious yaishandei"

Tracy" I think he purchased a property cause ndakazonzi ndiendese madeeds to
our company lawyer"

Property� something I don't know about. Plus certain withdrawals need

consultation with cashflows as well as knowing the financial position of the

Umm I need to know why???

End of chapter 6
[24/05, 21:14] Yvonne MUKU: Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group:

�� _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ ����

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*


Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 8
Simbiso ��

Kubva zvakaenda Beaven he hadn't called me and kana kuti ndizive kuti
akasvika zvakanaka here ndange ndisingatozive. Kuzoti kumuudza zvekubasa
ndaisakwanisa cause panga pasina communication. Beaven aisambodaro zvake.
Apa ini mupfungwa dzangu maingonetsekana nenyaya yekuti property
yakatengwa yanga iri yei ndisingazive ummm�

The following day was a Sunday. Takageza mushe mushe na Tete Rudaviro na
Babamunini Solo vanga vauya kuzotiona. We had our breakfast and went

On our way I opened my app ndichida kuona kuti maybe panogona pane
message from Beaven. But instead i saw ma message a Jayden...

Haaa this guy doesn't give up. Paiva ne audio I just decided not to play it cause
manga mune vanhu. So I just read the text

� Morning have a blessed Sunday go to church.

That was all. I just smiled hangu.

After service we went out for a treat. We decided to watch a movie pavillage
hedu. Ndaiwirirana zvekuti na babamunini Solo na Tete Rudaviro we would
talk joke and play. When we got home kuma 4pm. Babamunini vakabva
vaoneka vakudzokera kwaMutare. Takasara tiri 3. Me , Tete and Maid.
We talked about careers na Tete she had dreams. Ndaivasimbisa hangu kuti
vakashinga zvaiita.

Ndakazonzwa hope and went to my room after saying our good night's. Ndakati
let me listen to the audio ya Jayden

� hello Auntie Simbie I am angry. Gogo vauya kuno but you didn't come with
her why??? Ashy and her Mom are here but I wanted you to come.

I heard Jayden saying background "hey zvana Ashy zvapinda papi"

Ndakaseka zvangu. She was a sweet girl but aitoratidza she is not happy. What
should I do nhai ndongoita friend ya Maka here and tell her kuti hapana iripo
and we just be friends. Or ndomu ignower. I guess Pastor Clara will help.
Hameno kapain kandakangonzwa so. But ndakangoti maybe kuneta mamuscles
semunhu aswera achijabula.

I started to pray zvangu. For the past 2 weeks we had set a prayer yekuti i pray
for a safe delivery ndisarwadziwe stereki cause Pastor Clara had said it's
possible kuudza mwari zvaunoda. We were also praying for our marriages in
general. Ndapedza kuti amen Ndakabva ndabatwa nehope.

I woke up kuma 2am. Pain yandainzwa was unbearable to be honest pasi

peguvhu nechekumusana uko. I stood up umm ndairwadziwa. Ndakaenda
kuroom kwa Tete Rudaviro and entered. Ndakavamutsa.

Tete " Maiguru are you ok"

Me " Ndarwadziwa weduwe"

Tete " Umm isn't it the baby coming. Umm rega ndimutse Auntie ini

She went out and called Aunty. Pandakati regai ndisimuke ndiende kutoilet.
Ndakatonzwa wet kumhanya nemakumbo like gushing out. Tete Ruda vakabva

Aunty " Aaah shupa kaiyi. Tete tsvagai number dza Gogo Kambarami kuputika
kweshupa mwana akutouya"

And zveshuwa I was in pain. Akavaphonera achibva anzi aphonere Mars futi.

Ndakarwadziwa kani yoo iii kuyuwira chaiko. Nhumbu inorwadza ndatenda

zvangu. Ndaiita kunonokerwa chaiko. Ndakasimuka ndikagara ndikarara
hapana chaindiitira ini.

Vakasvikarana vana Mhamha neMars. Ndakabva ndapinda muMars naDaddy.

Vana Mhamha vakatevera nemota. Umm zvanga zvakaoma kani.

Daddy " i want you to breathe in and out we will be at Avenues soon"

Ambulance yakarorwa kani kusvika kuAvenues. Haaa ndaitonzwa kunge pane

chakuda kubuda kunge dhodho apa kurwadza aaah ndatenda hangu. Paramedic
aivemo akapinda busy nekundi pepa izvi zvaitoda Beaven.
Tichipinda pa gate reAvenues ndakatanga kunzwa urge yekuda kuPusher kani.

Me " Daddy aaah eeeh"

Dad " Shingirira Simbiso"

Haa ndanga ndisisagone stretcher ye ambulance ichingoti pasi ndichibva

ndango gomera mwana puuu.

I heard the cries of my baby ndichitura befu......

*Jayden* ��⚖

Zvinhu zvekudai hazvidi kudai so. Haa anga abvepi Alice nhai apa she was
wearing a bum short. Mhamha vanotii nhai. Naiye akanyara ndakaona munhu
achizvitarisa kwakutanga kudzokera nemanhede.

Mum " Hello hunny bunch my sweet girl"

Vakadaro after the moment of silence vachitaura havo na Maka. I knew

Mhamha vaiita kuignower Alice acting as if nothing happened so that she can
feel at home. But ziso randakapihwa na Hannah Masiiwa raisaita zvachose kani.

We sat mulounge vachitaura havo na Mai Jayne ne muzukuru vavo. Alice

akazouya achinja hembe. She sat and greeted mhamha ivo mhamha vacho
vakangodairawo imwe iya iya. I know how my mum shows displeasure. I had to
do an introduction but ndoti ndiani nhai ummm I knew ndikati ishamwari ya
Hazel havaitombode kutaura naye futi.

Me " Mum this is Alice and Ashy her daughter and Alice this is my mum"

Vakaita ka insinuation kamwe so

Alice "Ndafara kukuzivai Mhamha"

Mhamha " Nesuwo"

Pakamboita silence vachitaura na Maka.

" Gogo Ashy munomuziva here she is Auntie Alice's daughter. Shamwari
yamhamha vangu "

Oh no��♂��♂ haaaa zvausingade zvizikanwe ndozvinotozobuda.

Makanakaishe sooo ka. Akabva atotaura. Ziso randakapihwa na Mhamha said

" Mai Jayne ndiratidze room yangu muzukuru" Mhamha called out
vachitosimuka na Maka vavo.

Munhu mweya zveshuwa Alice akasensor akabva abata Ashy anga akutevera.
Takatarisana na Alice kutaura chokwadi the eyes were just doing the talking
Pakangoitawo silence. I didn't know if I should ask Alice kuti why did she have
to come asina kundiudza or what??? Ndaitya futi kumurwadzisa besides she
hadn't told me her feelings. I was just assuming kuti anenge ari kundida ko kana
asiri kundida arikungoda kuti mwana asa feeler bad. Iiish I was in a dilemma.

Mai Jayne "Sekuru muri kudiwa"

I knew it. Ndakasimuka and went kuroom kwana Maka. Ndichingopinda

vakabva vabuditsa Maka vakati enda unotamba and she closed the door.

"Wakurwara here Jayden. What is this??? Shamwari ya Hazel ndoyawakubika

mapoto nayo kuno kuCapetown. Handina kukudzidzisa kuti birds of the same
feathers flock together chauri kuita apa chii. Izvozvi wakazadza musikana uya
wandakakuona uinaye ukasiya apa wakubatana nehure kuno. I didn't bring you
up this way" she was fuming kani...

Me " Mhamha am sorry but give me a chance to explain it's not what you think"

"What I think kuti ndiri kuita zvekufunga here inini handisi kuita izvozvo kana I
have seen what my eyes have seen ndiudze ka kuti ndaona nhema our munhu
unaye mumba mako"

I sat down kubata musoro��♂

Me " Mhamha l am not in any relationship na Alice that's the truth and I do not
intend to be in one"
"Usada kundiita mwana mudiki Jayden wanzwa this am not tolerating and
handigare mumba mako nehure rako wanzwa. Uyu idi handidi kumuona kumba
kwangu. You know am not a difficult person and I tolerate zvese but uyu being
friend ya Mai Maka nooo handidi it's the same rotten apple"

Iiish this was not good at all. Mhamha vangu had never been difficult before
munhu anongo accepter munhu sezvaari but Mai Maka vakavarwadza and
anything to do na Mai Maka umm vaisatoda zvachose. Ndakaona vabata
mabags havo.

" Iiish Mhamha hamudaro. Am your Jayden hamuchandizive here don't you
believe me anymore. Handitozivewo kuti auuya sei. She had been her before
akangouya so this time again she never communicated. Handimude Mhamha
but munhu ari kungonditevera hake. I am in love with Simbì..." handina
kuzopedzà haaa Maihwe ko ndeipi yandakutaura iyi.

She looked at me.

" I don't understand you anymore. You say haumude tell her ka kuti handikude.
Now wakutaura munhu wawakasiya nenhumbu uko. By now she must have
given birth aripi musikana iyeye.... mwana wako ari musango kutaura kuno
Jayden. Aiwa aiwa handizvigone" vakadaro vachifamba kuenda kudoor.

Me " Mhamha kani.... look I need to tell you about me and that girl Simbiso but
not like now. I will tell you tomorrow. But for tonight don't leave I will sort out
my mess na Alice ndokumbirawo"

Ndakaona munhu amira zvake. Vakabva vagara pabed.

"Ok for tonight only mangwana ndoda kuti undiudze nezve musikana wako ari
kungonzi Simbiso uyu.. .. you must be careful nevakadzi vakaita seshamwari ya
Mai Maka iye kwake kushaiwa murume here kuzoda kuenda pabviwa
nasahwira. Ummm Mviro mviro dzemhanza mapfeka" vakadaro havo Mhamha
if only she knew that there wasn't much to tell panyaya yaSimbiso zvayo.

Ndakazovasiya and went back ku lounge. She refused to eat I knew very well
kuti vanga vakadumbirwa. Alice akabva ati akunorara ndikati regai nditevere
muroom maairara.

I sat pa chair iye pabed.

Me " Ndeipi"

Alice " Am good shaa. Iiish am sorry nekukufooter I just wanted to surprise

Vakadzi so kungwarisa.

Me " Its ok it's just that my mum.."

� " ssssh I understand I know she must have freaked out on you knowing am
Hazel's friend haaa she must be angry"

Better unotoziva zvako I said to myself.

Me " Yaa. You know she's not a difficult person but Hazel akavabhohwa to the
Alice " Yaa I understand zvinotobhohwa but she will get over it. Anyway I
think I should leave tomorrow had planned a 5 day stay so I will get myself in a

I felt bad she was sounding very enerst. You know kana uri munhu asingade
kurwadzisa vanhu ndozvinoitika.

Me "Are you sure you can manage am sorry shaa you know how it's like with

Alice " Don't worry Jay we will be fine"

Me " Fine thanks for understanding... good nyt love"

I stood up kuti ndibude. Ndakutosvika padoor....

" Jay " ndakanzwa kubatwa ruoko

Ndichingotendeuka kuwana munhu akapfeka kalingerie apa morning gown

yasiiwa pabed I was shocked �......

She just hungrily placed her lips on mine and started kissing me. Apa
akazvikochekera pandiri. Munoziva kana uine nzara zvinenge zvawirira zvega
ungasiye. I was helpless......
Beaven ��

Kkkkk ������ I couldn't control my laughter. This was joke of the century
hahaha. Aiwa ndabvuma zvangu kumwe kusadzidza kufa. Rudo was just
backward. Ndakaitirwa drama pa escalator na Rudo. Zvekuti maChina ese anga
aripo laughed vachiona mukadzi mukuru achizhamba. Lord have mercy.
Ndakaita kunge ndichabuda hura nekuseka.

Rudo " Beaven uchiri kuseka inini here??"

Me " Wabhaiza shamwari hahaha"

Rudo "pfutseke wako Beaven kuti pane chatakasiyana here iwe uri
wekuMhondoro wani nxaa"

Me" KuMhondoro kunozivei ndikwanire."

Akatozoswera akatsamwa. Manje akazonditambira nyowani pabreakfast

ndopandakazoti swera hako muroom ndingatopinda busy. Munhu kutoitisa
nharo vanobika mazai aitirwa zai risiri weldone paya kwatobvutira anobika
paye kwakutanga kubika ndiye zai racho. Pedzezvo pakudya kutoita hwekuisa
zai beans pakati pechingwa kwakuita chekumhedura achindonyerwa kuzotsenga
achiridza mukanwa nikisi.�� zvimwe hazvidi mukadzi waDirector.

Handina kumbofonera Simbiso reason yacho ndanga ndisina zvangu. But

ndakazoti regai ndiphonere Tracy ndimbonzwe how is work. Tracy was the
Accounts Manager kubasa but she was the closet and trusted person pa
company pedu. I was shocked to hear that kune akakuvara and that Simbiso
akaita audit and find out kuti I bought a house��♂ yooh ndaipabuda here I had
to think of a way to get out of this.
That day handina kumboswera mushe ndaiita kugaya kuti ndichatiii.

Rudo " Kuzenge kurwara???"

Me " Haa stress shaa. Simbie found out kuti I bought a house"

Rudo " Saka stress iri papi ipapa?"

Me " Kwana hanty , hanty imba yacho ndoyandakakutengera"

Rudo " Saka.... Beaven wakatengera mwana wako Tinashe imba chanetsa chii"

Me " Haa iwe unondikuvadzisa Simbiso haazvizive"

Rudo " Hameno chaunoramba uchimuvadzira chii kuti haazive here kuti
Tinashe ndiye nevanji, dangwe rako Beaven"

Women are crazy she thinks it's so easy nhai.

Me " She knows but ndakashandisa Mari asingazive"

Rudo " Hehede meshura akagotchwa pano kkk. Indava uchitongwa nemukadzi
wawakabvisira Mari iwe kkk seka hako Rudo wekwa Masipetele"

Akadaro achipfinyamisa kumeso. Akaita kundifara kani

Me " Iwe unobva waseka kudaro"

Rudo " kutadza nei iwe wakandiseka day riya pachimukwidza chako chiya
unochitiii es es essi chakadero"

��♂ escalator maihwe zvangu.

Me " Ndibikire Tea iyo ndidzimire stress zvangu cause kutaura newe

Akasimuka akanobika I had showed her the other day. Akauya nayo. When I
had just placed the cup pamuromo ndakutora sip. Ndakangonzwa cup kubvutwa
ichibva yandidhonhera. Tea yese pamakumbo angu

Me " Yohweeeer" ndakandatsva ndakabva ndatosvipa yandanga ndanwa.....

" Unopenga here iwe chii ichi heeeee" she stood there like a zombie as I asked
Mupfungwa mangu makangoti munhu azviitisa. I quickly took off my short
cause ndanga ndatsva apa ndaitonzwa kuti ma asset atsva aya.....

_Rudo thinking_
Jeso kutokanganwa kuti ndakanzi naSekuru Beaven haafanirwe kudya chabikwa
nemaoko angu....

Haaa akaramba akati tununu kana chaakataura. Maihwe ndakamuzvambaradza

kani cause she couldn't give me am answer kana sorry zvayo. Anofanirwa
azviitira dara izvi nxaa.

End of chapter 8

*This was Sundays chapter was so busy so I couldn't give you.*

*Luv u all toonana weekend*�

[27/05, 07:04] Yvonne MUKU: Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group:


*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*
Chapter 10


"Congratulations Simbiso you have been blessed with a Baby boy" vakadaro
daddy as he was busy cutting the umbilical cord mwana achichema aripa chest

I was the happiest person in the world. Mwana akatorwa akaitwa all the
necessary tests and they bought him back after I had recovered. I looked at him
and saw Beaven he looked like Beaven I was so happy.

Ndakamboyamwisa then bvandakumbira kuti vamutore cause I felt I needed to


Daddy " the sisters will look after him you rest you are stressed but you will be

I slept peacefully.

I woke up in the morning. When I woke up my mind was with Beaven aivepiko
nhai asinga phone whom do I share this joy with. Ndakakumbira mwana
ndikanzi ndaizopihwa Doctor kana vauya vandi clearer. I was assisted kunogeza
then around 8am Dad vakauya.

Dad " Morning sweetheart"

Me " Morning Dad the Doc"

Vakaseka. He looked at the observations and said it was ok to get the baby.
Mum vakabvumirwa kupinda and she assisted to bath the baby na nurse. After
bathing the baby was crying and I began to breastfeed him.

Mum "Am so happy God has done it my daughter. Aizivaishe zveshuwa"

Me " Am happy too."

Ndakazoenda kutoilet when I came back I found Mhamha vari paphone.

Mum " Hold on she is here"

I took the phone

Me " Honey we have a Baby"

Ndakangoerekana ndataura I was so happy.

Voice " Congratulations Simbiso am happy for you"

Aah it was Jayden. Apa I had thought it was Beaven.

Me " Sorry Jay. Thank you"

Jay "Send pics tiratidze fan yako kuno "

Me " Kkkk how is Princess Maka"

Jay " she is great na Gogo varikuno so I think she is enjoying"

Me " She must be hey"

Jay " Mum told me you delivered last night"

Aah Mhamha vanga vato discloser info yese iyi kuna Jay. Vanomuziva here

Me " Yaa I did. A baby boy"

Jay " I think Beaven is happy"

Me " Haapo uyu shaa"

Jay "Iish sorry hako wish I could be there beside you"

Me " watanga ka kkk"

Jay " Ndingaite sei hangu ini. Munhu asingagone kubata mukadzi mushe"
Me "Teach him"

Jay " I wouldn't waste my energy i would rather show you how real men treat
women like you"

I laughed zvangu. Zvaisaita kutaura zvakawanda cause Mhamha vaivepo.

Me " let me attend to my baby will chat later"

Jay " Ok don't forget the pics. Love you gal"

I didn't respond...

Ndichingoisa phone pasi.

Mum " Ndiani wawanga uchiraura naye iyeye"

Me " A friend"

Mum " I know Shaddy, Des, Charlie ummm uyu Jayden ndeupi "
Iiish maMai emazuvano ka ��♀

Me " A work mate"

Mum " Ummm you should have just looked at the way you were glowing when
talking to him"

It was kinda true apo handipikise cause hameno zvinotoitika mandiri when
talking to Jayden. I felt butterflies.

Me " Aah Mhamha"

Before she could answer Mbuya Furusa vakabva vaphoner. She was happy
kani. Ndichingopedza kutaura nawo I decided to just switch of the phone cause
ndaitonzwa ne maphone calls.

*3 days later*

I was now out of hospital and my mum vakati tiende kumba kwavo since
Beaven wasn't around. According to me he was to return today evening well
taizizviona adzoka

Ma visitors angu were so many hey friends family churchmates ndaitoswera

ndiri busy kani kana rest zvayo. Regai kuhospital kupihwe visiting hours aaah
cause patient haingapore.

Tete Rudaviro vakatotama kumba kuuya kuzogara neni. Ndanga ndavarambidza

kutaura kune hama dzavo ndichiitira kuti Beaven azotaure ega. The only people
I told were Tete vekuNorton na Sekuru vake Beaven. Of which
vaitonetsekana nekunyara kuti why Beaven asina kumbo communicator. Ndivo
futi vakati nyararai Beaven aizotaura nehama dzake kana auya.

That day around kuma 6pm my phone rang it was Jayden . Ndakadaira

Me "hello"

Maka " Hello Aunty Simbiso congratulations on the arrival of your baby boy"

Me " Awwee sweet thank you my best friend."

Maka " My daddy said I can come and see the baby with Gogo"

Me " That will be lovely"

Maka " But please aunty you must bring him here so we go to the beach "

I laughed zvangu.

Me " Sure baby girl. Greet your granny and daddy ok"

Maka "ok auntie bye"

I could hear a female voice yaimu instructor guess it was Jayden mum...

Beaven ��
Haaa my assets airwadza amana I couldn't do anything much than to heal. I
spent the rest of the remaining days ndanga ndakungogara muroom mbolis
ndakaita yekuyanika panze kuti irohwe ne mhepo cause yaiita kurwadza ende
futi yaingoita erection yega apa ini kushedegura kwacho ndaive ndisinei nako.
Musambofunge henyu kuti pane aitaura neumwe ipapo kana good morning
zvayo. Zvekuti we were conformed to the room just because it was a foreign
land dai taive kwedu mumwe ne mumwe akaita aziva kwake aziva kwake.

Tichingosvika muZimbabwe after the airport check out process Rudo akabva
atora Taxi kwakundisiya. Apa ndaikamhinha sei. Mumusoro mangu manga
makazara kuti ndichanotii kuna Simbiso paachaona kuti ndatadza kufamba
achada kuziva kuti why ipapo ndopachanetsa. Aaah ndongomuudza ndakatsva
asi manje chironda ichi why chisiri kupora it was as if it was getting worse by
the day panzvimbo yekuti zviite nani.

I switched on my phone ndichingosvika pa gate. The guard opened the gate.

Guard "Welcome back Sir"

Me " Thank you."

I was in a cab so I asked the guard kuphonera mumba kuti vavhure door. Maid

Maid " Makadini Father"

Me " Am good. Tora zvese izvi"

Ko zvanga zvakawanda here. I didn't even shop cause of my condition. I went

inside the house it seemed quiet. I guess pamwe vanga varara umm better kana
arara. The bedroom door was locked but I had keys I opened but there was no
one inside. I went to check in Ruda's room she wasn't there.

Me "Aunty aunty!!!" I called the maid

She came running

" Father"

" Ko vanhu varipi??" I asked.

"KwaGogo Kambarami" she replied

Me " Vese here??"

Aunty " Ehe Tete Ruda varikuda zvemwana"

Me " Mwana mwana upi??"

Aunty " Asi hamusi kuziva here. Mhamha vane mwana"

�� " What???"
Hameno zvakaitika pandiri soo as I was amazed kunge pane ka feeling
kekutekenyedza. That's when I realised kuti I had made a mistake by going to
China now my wife apona ndisipo.

" Mune shuwa here aunty rinhi??"

Aunty " Sunday manheru ehe vane baby boy"

" Yesssssss" I screamed in excitement

" Mwari wakanaka father" akadaro

Me " Chokwadi regai ndiphone."

I got my phone wanikwe hobho ma message from Tete vangu, Sekuru vachiti

� unotinyadzisirei nhai Beaven kubva watadza kuphoner.

� Sekuru: mukadzi wako abetserwa chiiko chaunoita iwe

Those were some of the messages. Neniwo felt bad kani kunyara chaiko
ndainosvika seiko nhai mwari.

I called Simbiso
Me " My love"

Simbiso "Hiii Beaven ndane mwana kani a Baby boy"

Me " Am so happy babie am coming over"

Simbie " Can't wait"

Zvekuti sinhi iri kurwadza ndakambokanganwa. I just got my keys and drove

Pandakasvika I had to call her. Everyone was asleep so akauya akandivhurira


Achingovhura she fell into my arms and I hugged her. She was happy to see me
as I was happy to see her too. Ndakakamhina tichipinda and she noticed.

Simbie " Beaven are you ok"

Me " Don't worry babe get me to my son first tozotaura"

Takapinda muroom make and there he was my son my baby. I took him and
placed him pachest pangu. Misodzi yakangotanga kuyerera yega I was guilty a
bad father how could I neglect my own child.

Simbiso aiona hake all the drama. Takazogara pasi akambozama bvunza hake
but I had no choice than to tell her.

Me " Ndakatsva ne Tea shaa"

"Oh my God Beaven how zvakafamba Seiko iish tone wakaenda kuchipatara
here?" That was Simbiso for you caring not zvaRudo.

Me " yaa I did go dont worry my love i will be fine."

Simbiso doesn't take no for an answer especially when it comes to matters of

health. Akatondivhurisa.

" iiii Mwari wangu" akavhunduka

She looked at me in amazement.

Her "hwaita husiku dai ndatomutsa daddy shaa you need tratment"

Haaa apo manje painetsa pekuonekwa maassets natezvara.

Me " Kkkk even if he was awake your dad maya "

Akaseka hake.. .

Takazorara hedu cuddling ko sex yaisatoita even dai kondaz asina kutsva.

The following day dzaingova nyadzi kukwazisana ne vabereki apa

urikukamhina apa une mhosva. But havana kuratidza kunetsekana nazvo seems
I was worrying too much.

I named my Son Beaven Jnr. I gave Simbiso honours of naming him again.

Simbiso " Anonzi Aizivaishe"

It was a nice name. We reserved the third name for mhamha vangu.
Ndakazogaya kuti ndiende ikoko kunovazivisa kuti kwane mwana.

Ndakakumbira Shaddy kuti andiperekedze since ndainzwa pain.

Shaddy "Shaa kutsva here uku kana kuti hameno yawakatambwa nemahure"

Shaddy hapana pandaimbomuudza zvaRudo kuChina besides being my now

bestfriend remember I met him achitozivana na Simbiso. Chakatanga ndochaka

Me "watanga mahure apiko shaa iTea iyi"

We laughed.

We passed through the doctors. Ndopaunoona kuti nyaya ye language inoitisa

usarapwe mushe. Ndakasotwa zvekumberi ndikabuda yaiswa bandage sarei
pewet hanzi 4 days ndakadaro then ndozoita 4 days bed rest ndakasasika kuti

Takabva ikoko takananga kuMhondoro. Surprise surprise kusvika ikoko Rudo

ari tii akagara na mhamha pasi pemu avo.

We greeted everyone. Rudo akangonditarisa neziso rimwe riya raive neruvengo

mariri. Aaah hanya nani ndanga ndisina kuvinga kumunyengerera ini.

Ndakatuma muzukuru kunodeedza daddy vainzi vanga vaenda kugarden.

Havana kutora time. Ndakabva ndavakumbira vari two tipinde mumba
ndopakatanga nyaya

Mhamha "imbori nyaya yei isingataurike Mai Tinashe vari pano"

Daddy "Amai kani mwana otadza kutaura nyaya ne vabereki vake"

Mhamha " ndaramba here ndati ataure mukadzi wake aripo"

Daddy " kwanai imi iwe Beaven kana vasiri kuda huya undiudze ini"
Vakafamba vachipinda mumba Daddy. Ndakatevera tikazoona shasha yatevera
apa yakaisa muromo mumhino.

Me " hapana zvizhinji ndauya kuzokuzivisai kuti kwane mwana kumba"

Vakaratidza kushamisika

Mhamha " Mwana upi Tinashe here uri kutiiko"

Daddy " Tsanangudza Beaven hatisi kunzwisisa"

Me " Ndati Simbiso ane mwana mukomana"

Amai vangu vakaita kusvetuka kunge munhu arumwa nemhamhasi. Daddy


Daddy " Hatidi zvemajokosi Beaven. Nhumbu yatisina kumboona"

Me "Munomuonerepi mukadzi wangu ivo mhamha vasingade kuona rutsoka

rwake pano"

Kutarisa mai vangu so ziya ranga rakuerera. Apa face yakuita kunge kitsi
tadirwa mvura.
Daddy "Aah saka makorokoto zve mwari vaiziva havo"

Mhamha "Beaven!!!! Handidi kunyeperwa wanzwa gomwa yakazozvara rinhi"

Daddy " Shut up unopenga fani panzvimbo yekufara kuti mwari atinzwa
wakutaura zvisina maturo. Kana wakamudya chibereko zvino wanyara ka uyo
mwana waBeaven"

Mhamha vakatanga kuchema hanzi ndapumwa huroyi... .

End of chapter 10

Luv u all guys�

[27/05, 07:06] Yvonne MUKU: �� _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ ���

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*


Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 9

I was in control over him. He stood there as i kissed him. My body was just too
hungry i just wanted it to happen. Ndakaerekana ndakandwa pabed.

Jayden " Whats the meaning of this??"

Unoita kupusa but if i wanted something i had to be bold.

" Am sorry Jay" ndakadaro

Him " You better be " akabva ada kufamba achienda kudoor.

" I love you Jay.... Yes am inlove with you" i called out i just couldnt let this
chance slip. I thought it was the perfect time.

He froze and there was atmost silence.

Akafamba akabuda door. I was hurt. Does that mean he doesnt love me.
Ndakatanga kuzvitarisa kwakugaya kuti i shouldnt have kissed him. Oh no
maybe i put him off. Ndamhanya. Anyway zvidiki izvo i will have to work out
how to get him back. I thought.

His mum i thought saka ndanga ndiri kutobva apa cause of her nhai.��
Anyway regai tingo respecter for now ko zvinonzi rinonyenga rinohwarara
rinozosimudza musoro rawana. Thats exactly what i intend to do. Nxaa
vanofunga vanga controller zviri mubhurugwa ra Jayden here. Ndikamukiya
chaizvo chaizvo haaterere amai futi. Handinetswe ne mumwe mukadzi anoda
kucontroller munhu asinga mukw**e.

Jayden was a vacant post that needed to be filled and very soon a man of his
calibre would want to settledown and I was the petfect candidate. After all i had
rescued him from the lions mouth it was just pay back time full stop.....

Flip i felt dirty. Ndakaita kunogeza mukanwa chaiko. I felt used i felt as if i had
betrayed my love for Simbiso. Ndakanyara mwari musi iwoyo kana kunamata i
failed. I locked my door for the first time kutya kupindirwa ummm.

Husiku hwese ndaingoita kufunga ndichitaura naSimbiso ndichida

kumukumbira ruregerero was I possessed nhai weduwe. Why am I feeling
indebted to a married woman nhai mwari.

The following day was Sunday. Maka akauya muroom mangu she cried achiti
aida kutaura na Aunty Simbie. So I just let her. Akaisa voice note hanzi why
musina kuuya na Gogo ndakazonzwa yakutaurwa yana Ashy na Mhamha vake
ummm. Ndakatozotora phone ndikangotyper Good morning please go

I found my mum already in the lounge prepared to go kuchurch apa vanga

vatodya kare. Alice was gone hanzi angomuka kuseni seni nekuenda well
hameno I didn't want yesterdays events to spoil my day.

We had a lovely day kuchurch. After church ndakati regai ndiratidze Mhamha
Capetown so we went kubeach. Maka na Mai Jayne were playing isu takagara

Mhamha " Wakaramba hako kuti nditore mwana ndigare naye she needs
motherly love"

Me " Kkk asi am failing here?"

Mhamha "Its not that good when you bring different woman in the house you
confuse her and get her to hold onto the wrong concepts"

Me " But Mum??"

Mhamha " Hakuna Buts Baba Maka. Mwana wako ari kungotaura zvemunhu
anonzi Simbiso. Kutodeedza chidhori zita regirlfriend yako. Apa wounza futi
mumwe iii aiwa baba Maka uri kuzviwanza pamwana"

She was right but ini handisi ndakakoka Alice kaini.

Me " I understand mum but I want my daughter close to me. Ok I don't think it
will happen again am sorry "

Mhamha " Tell me what you wanted to tell me about you and Simbiso"

I gathered courage I embraced for kutukwa hangu. I told her from day one to

" Ndozvacho Mhamha but am madly in love with her"

Vakatura befu...

" What a good woman she is. I pity her situation though but she is being a real
woman. As much as you may love her that's you Jay and unonamata iwe you
know God hates divorce. If she feels she wants to be with her husband let her be
ndiye mukadzi kwaye unotoda kumukanganisa iwewe"
��� thought ndichaudzwa nhasi....

Me " I know but Mhamha if I search inside her she loves me"

Mhamha " Respect what God has put together my son. She is not meant for you.
Asi kana ari wako wadini kungomirira mwari waita kuda kwavo. If you are
destined to be you will be. So meaning nhumbu haisi yako hanty ka"

Nemashoko aMhamha I was tempted to say ndeyangu kuti zvityise. But hana
yangu yakarova.

Me " yaa it's not mine. I never slept with her"

Mhamha " Better that way..... there are sins of the flesh ndanga ndakutoda
kubvunza kuti kamudiro aka hamuna here kuita connection inobva mukurara
mese. But sezvo wati no then it's all good."

Talking na Mhamha made me at ease but vaitaura havo semunhu asiri

musituation. I just think ini ndakutombonamata nezvavo ini cause the attraction
I have na Simbiso is beyond words.

It's funny you know when we got home. Mum was made to carry baby Simbiso
on her back and Maka and Gogo were so happy playing and Mum would freely
call Simbiso's name....

Beaven ��
Rudo akarara atonhorerwa but I was in pain. I just hoped handina kukuvara
ndaimuuraya chete. Ndakanyatso kugaya kuti ndozvazvinoita ukaita chinhu
muchihwande ndikaloser panotapira pacho ndinodini Simbiso ndinomuudza sei
nhai. That night ndakarara I dreamt a very strange dream. I was asleep muhope
dzacho kwakuona vanhu two vechikadzi but I couldn't see ndianani. The other
one aida kundibaya an injection but mumwe akatora bible achibva aisa
pagumbo racho uyu aida kubaya akazama kubvisa bible but zvairamba.
Akazoridza tsamwa. Ndichibva ndamuka. Ironically ndichingomuka kudaro
Rudo akaridza tsamwa but she was asleep ���

Handina kunzwisisa hope idzi umm. I went kutoilet kunorasa mvura. Hezvo
ndakaona mablisters pambolis. Inga zvandatokuvara nhai mwari. At least
pakupasser urine zvangazvisiri kurwadza mukati asi kumuromo we mbolis
kwairwadza iyo nyaya yekuzoda kusiya iri zuda dai yanga irisiri zuda
yangokuvara kunze.

Kutaura chokwadi hameno kamwe kafear kandaive nako ini. Ndakatadza kurara
pabed pacho nekutya ndakabva ndarara pasi.

Kuseni takanonoka kumuka mumwe nemumwe aiva nemarwadzo ake angu

ekutsva ne tea uyo ake ekuzvambaradzwa size. She didnt talk to me
akangogeza nekubuda kuenda kubreakfast. Nxaa Rudo ibenzi shuwa kana
kundibvunza kuti hauna kukuvara here. Apa ndakafunga mukadzi wangu Simbi
dai aripo ndaibatwa bhoo kwete joki iri nxaa.

Ndakagezawo kwakubuda aingova besanwa I called my Chinese friend uyo aiti

hoster. I told him ndaida kuenda kunoona a Doctor... I felt I had to get
treatment. Dambudziko kwaDoctor kuya. Chinese friend aiziva chirungu hake
but Doctor anga asingakete. Ndakatanga kupinda ndega hanzi na Chinese friend
you need privacy. Ndachisangana naDoctor vaye yaingove sign language
ndange ndakutya kurapwa zvisirizvo paye ndopandakazoti regai ndideedze

Friend " What is problem?"

Me " I got burn by tea"

Friend " Kkkk tea drinking "

Me " Yes tea here" ndichipa sign kwaari yekudirwa ne tea

Friend " Hot"

Me " Yes "

Vakatanga kuseka vari two kuita kulachuka kkk. Zvakaoma shuwa.

Ndakazongopihwa mushonga wekuzora zvangu.

We were left with 2 days dzekudzokera kumba but it seemed as forever cause
musi iwoyo takaswera tisingataure. Ndakazoedza kuphonera Simbie but her
phone was off......

End of Chapter 9
[27/05, 20:06] Yvonne MUKU: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*


Edited by Belz
*Season 2*

Chapter 11


Daddy vakati vakutogadzirira kuti tibva tangoenda ku Harare kwacho. Apa mhamha vaingopopota.

Mhamha " Haasi mwana wako Beaven hazviite"

Daddy " Nekuti iwe usada kutiitira zvimwe wanzwa kunyarara unei mukadzi mukuru"

Me "Mhamha ndakuudzai wani kuti nhumbu takangoinyarara hedu we didn't want maproblems"

Mhamha " Maproblems eyi saka muri kuti kuno kwaRushy vanhu vanoroya ka zvamakanyarara.
Unoti hama dzake dzaisaziva here iwe"
Daddy " imi maitwa seiko hee chiiko nemi. Munoda nhumbu yake Simbiso asi Simbiso wacho
musinga mude tibvireiko uko. Hee haundipe muzukuru ibva pano mashoko ako iwe ikozvino mwana
avepo wakutsvaga twakawanda fokofu mhani"

Mhamha " Nemiwo makadyiswa naye Simbiso "

Vakatanga kupopotedzana takazomira mira daddy vakuda kurova mhamha apa Rudo anga avemo.

Daddy " Beaven ukavatedzera vanhu kadzi unorasika njere ndikuudze hande unondiratidza
muzukuru wangu"

Vakadaro daddy vachibuda mumba I followed Rudo achibva andidhonza ruoko.

Rudo " Ichokwadi here Beaven"

Me " Wakuda kutaura neni manje ndisiye uko"

Rudo " Asi Beaven ungandidaro here inini kundirova kudai"

Apa aiita kuratidza maronda kuti mhamha vazvione ka.

Me " Rudo handina mashoko newe wanzwa imbondisiya uri kundinzwa here"

Mhamha "Uri murume rudzii iwe Beaven unoda kuita ruoko rwebveni kunge baba vako"

Yaaa vanhu kadzi soo. Mbuya iyi ichine simba rekuwawata apa yambopotsa yarohwa na mudhara.

Ndakarwisana naRudo anga oramba akandibata ruoko rwangu.

Me " Iwe mhani uri kuita seiko ndisiye"

Rudo " Kukusiirei Beaven ngatitaure"

Me "hapana chekutaura"
Rudo " Manje ndoda kuona kuti unoenda kupi"

Me " Unoziva so ndiri kunyara mhamha vari apa ndokukwapaidza"

Ndakasimudza ruoko achibva andiregedza ndomabudiro andakaita.


Beaven ndakange ndamutsamwira kundirova inini aida kuonererwa zvisingaite manje ndaida
kumudzungaidza benzi remunhu.

Ndakavhunduka 🙆🏽♀ maihwee Simbiso kuita mwana mwana mukomana futi. Nhumbu yacho
yakaitwa nguvai nhai. Ndakavanzwa vachitaura ko Beaven angade kuudza vabereki vake news vari
vega why?? Zvino ndakanomira hangu muzasi me window ndichiterera nyaya yacho.

Vakabuda vakaenda ndikasara ndina mhamha vake.

Me " Ndozvacho mazviona ka kuti ndozvaari kuita Beaven"

Mai Beaven " uri kutonetsekana neizvozvo usingataure zvemwana azvarwa uyo"
Me "iiiii mhamha azozvara seiko Simbiso uya....."

Mai Beaven "Aaah takanyangirwa isu nhumbu yacho kana kumboiona. Manje patoipa ummm"

Ichokwadi ichocho cause kana ini kwangu Beaven anga akutoratidza kuti zvakuenda nepamwe
takazorangana kuti tinotsvaga zvekuita asi manje kwanga kune full moon saka taitofanirwa kumira
kuti upere.

Ndakagaya hangu ndega ndikati ndakuudza Simbiso wacho kuti Beaven akanditengera imba izvo
ndoziva kuti zvinodzimura chimufaro chavainacho nemwana mutsva kkk.


Father in law ndovakauya kuzoona mwana. Ndakatoziva hangu kuti mum in love havaimbouya yaaa
ishock yakabata munhu chete. Manje chavaida kuziva kuti ari mandiri mukuru kupfuura ari kunyika.
Mwari anga azviratidza.

That very weekend when he turned 1 week after advise from Pastor Clara we held a christening and
child dedication ceremony. The ceremony yakaitwa kuchurch and it was only us and our immediate
family who attended. Well kwana Beaven vaingove atezvara na Tete Ruda vaivepo chete. Then
kwangu my parents na Shungu. Pazita takazongoti anzi Beaven Jnr Aizivaishe Rushi
*1 month later.*

Junior was growing well and it was now a month since he was born. Mwana wangu anga akafanana
na Beaven zvekuti.

The past month saw a lot of visitors coming to see mwana including Gogo vangu Gogo Furusa amai
vakabereka mhamha vanga vakatobva kumusha vachiti vanoda kumborera mwana.

Zvino mwana aiiswa salt mumasocks hanzi anosangana nezvakaipa but kwandiri I didn't believe that.
Chete kungoti people have their beliefs ivo vaizviti mukristu havo so hapanawo akamboita zvekuda
kusungirira mabutton ne zvitambo pamwana.

Still not a word from Mai Beaven. Anyway it was for the better.

Ukuwo Mbolis yaBeaven yanga yati porei zvayo but the skin was delicate. I was still kwana mhamha
and the following weekend I was having a baby welcome party yakarongwa ne mabesties then after
the party I was going home with my baby na Gogo Furusa as well as Mbuya Furusa vanga vati anoita
a week neni kumba. Gogo muchembere had not indicates kuti vanoenda rinhi.

Thursday afternoon ndakatorara hangu hope dzekurara wakasvinura ka. Door rakavhurwa. I woke
up. It was Gogo .
Gogo " Wakarara hako ka manje waita muenzi ndamboda kuti aiwa asi ati abva kure.... chifuga
awane kupinda"

Umm who was that I thought. Apa a male figure.

Ndakaita sekuudzwa na Gogo. Vakabva vamutora.

" Surprise!!!!"

Ndakavhunduka it was Jayden....

Ndakasimuka pandaive ndichinoti mumaoko aJayden with excitement He swirled me around.

I only realised kuti I was wearing ka dress top ndatoiswa pasi.

Him "Makorokoto shaa"

He had a bunch of helium balloon he was holding he let them go achibva atozara ceiling. As if that
wasn't enough.

" Where's the baby" akadeedzera Maka achipinda na Gogo vake. Holding a big big Teddy bear and a
plastic bag. Ndakanyara shem ndakangobvuta kachari kandanga ndakafuga ndichizvivhara.

Jays mum " Aha Makorokoto shuwa"

I showed them pekugara but Maka anga atove pabed.

Munoziva so Jayden should have told me kuti he is coming especially na mum vake. Ndakashaya
zvekuita weduwe there was just silence. Amai ava vakandiona ndichi kissana nemwana wavo nhasi
wondiona ndine nhumbu yemumwe murume shuwa. Jayden arikuzviitirei shuwa nhai🤦🏽♀

Jayden " You guys have met. Simbiso uchiri kuziva hanty"

Ndichati no zvaisashanda.
Me " aaah yes I do.. makadini henyu mhamha"

Jays mum "Ndinofara mwanangu makadini nehuzvere. Inga zvaakura mwana isu tigere kumuona"

Me " Arikuyamwa munhu wacho iish"

Jays mum " Iboys iri. Rinodhonza"

Vakadaira vakabata zvavo Junior. Vaiita kumucherechedza uku Jayden achibata macheeks ababy
Maka achitamba nemaoko.

Takati garei Maka achizama kuratidza Junior his big teddy.

Jays Mum "Isu takuonai askana here is our gift. Muchengetedze mwana askana"

Me "iii inga maita basa chokwadi. Mwari aropafadze pazvatapudzwa asi hamungabude musina
kudya ka"

Jay " Next time Simbie don't worry she is rushing somewhere"
Jays mum " True my dear regai ndiende... Maka handei"

Me " Na Maka futi??"

Iish ndakaerekana ndataura. 🤦🏽♀

Maka " I don't want to go I want to play with the baby"

Jay "what did we agree Makanaka"

She started to cry.

Me " it's ok you can leave her here will get Shungu to bring her kana aneta"
Jay " Uchizvinetserei nhai. Makaaa"

Me " No Jay serious she can stay "

Vakatarisana Mai nemwana apa Maka wacho anga atoti kwati kwati neni.

Vakatozoenda vega Mai vaJay. Ndakavaperekedza although vaiti ndazvinetserei. Iye Jay kuzoda
kuendesa Maka aida kusara iye achiitei kkkk ndakaseka hangu.

Takasara takatarisana hedu. Uku Maka busy na Junior hake. Ndakatoona kuti he wanted us to talk
but aishaya kuti odini na Maka.

Me "Shungu!!!" Ndakadeedzera

Akadaira achibva auya. Kasmile kandakapihwa na Shungu achipinda yaaa ndakabva ndatofunga the
day tiri papool tina Sandra. Mucool dude wavo.

They greeted each other na Jay.

Me " Tora ka Junior na Maka uyu umbonotamba nawo for a while"

Shungu " ok Sisto"

Akatorana nawo vachibva vabuda. Ndakabva ndatoona kuti if I remain ndakapfeka mupfekero uyu
pakazopinda munhu haanzwisise kunyangwe ndanga ndazvifukidza nechari.

I stood up ndakuenda kubathroom.

He held my hand.

I stopped and we looked into each other's eyes. Ka magical feeling kaye kakadzoka instantly
ummm... ndakabvisa ruoko rwake and went kunochinja.

I took a dress mucloset mangu and closed the bathroom door. God what was this. What am I doing
nhai iish 🤦🏽♀ I thought. 🤔I couldnt continue like that. I loved my husband and I really wanted
my marriage to work. Beaven is happy with his son and God is doing things. No I had to tell Jayden
we should stop this and go back to our original agreement. Izvi hazviite hakusi kuhura kabisira here

I went back and found him seated achinyora pa ka board kaMaka. I went and sat pabed.

" Hey " takataurirana

We laughed

Him "Taura hako"

Me " No taura"

He placed his hand on mine. Ndakarubvisa kwakusimuka kuenda pawindow ndakamupira gotsi. I
had to be bold I had to tell him

"Jay this is not right... we can't do this. I don't deny I feel for you but am married to Beaven and I
love him.... I have nothing to offer to what we share it will only cause heartbreaks" I was emotional
now.... He kept quiet I knew I had hurt him.
Jay " What do you want" he said as he came close to me.

I could feel him breathing on my neck. Ka feeling kaya kani kutonzwa kuzasi uko kushinya ne kutota.

"Tell me what you want" apa anga atonyatsakundigumha apa I could feel his thingy yakandigumha

Me "Let's go back to our agreement"

_Jay thinking_

I knew that we were getting there. I was hurt to be honest I wanted her to be mine. How long will I
wait Lord. The wait is killing me dai angobvuma hake I will take her away zvedu ne mwana wake. I
need to let her know.

Me "I want you to come with me."

Ndakavhunduka that wasn't possible. Kuenda naye kupi I was married

Me "you know I can't "

Jay "we are in love Simbiso you don't love Beaven you know it. Ndokuchengeta nemwana wako"

There was a lot of things to consider it wasn't a matter of just jumping Ship because of an affection.
Besides it was only the family problems my Beaven loved me.

Me " No Jayden"

Jay " ok tell me you don't love me in my eyes and I will leave"

Akabva anditendeutsa kumutarisa. He lifted my chin. Apa misodzi tese ipapo yaierera.

"Tell me" he whispered.

Ndakatadza kutaura ini kutoita chinhu chakavhara pahuro.

We stared... there was a magnet between us. All of a sudden our mouths touched we began to kiss.
There was an exchange of emotions... hunger zvese ipapo. He held me so tightly fearing I would
escape. I took my hands and held his head. Rumwe ruoko rwake rwakafamba nepa chest pangu
achibva andidzvanya mazamu. Pane kamwe feeling kanoitika so. Ma nerve ari muzamu anotumira
kamwe kafeeling kuzasi uko.

Slowly we moved from the window to the bed. I had lost myself.. .

_Let's see what happens next...._

*Simbiso Simbiso Simbiso* how many times did I call you

End of chapter 11.

*Ok guys let's meet next weekend. I communicated I have exams from the 4th of June to the 11th.*

[03/06, 18:27] Yvonne MUKU: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*


Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 12 🔞
Simbiso 🤱🏽

I lost myself.... his touch his everything we explored all the avenues of love through our kissing. I
don't wanna lie that very moment I wanted him inside me.

I moaned as he moaned in excitement. It was as if we missed something we once shared and had
known it's essence.

He unzipped my dress and it fell swiftly on the floor. Akabva atangawo kubvisa hembe dzake anga
akapfeka shirt ne Jean. Hey his hairy chest chete here sent shivers down my body. Takaenda pabed
he was kissing me and breathing firè. Ndaingonzwa hana dzedu dzichiroverana too bad.

"Can we" he whispered in my eyes

Handina kuda kupindura I just held his dick that alone showed him I was more than ready to have
him. He moaned it out. Oh yes his moaning was just the thing I needed right now. I felt whole.
Semunhu anga ari pastarving I had missed that moan of expressing sexual pleasure and excitement.

He came down on me and pulled my pant away. He quickly came on top of me.
" Shitt do you want us to use protection babie but handina hangu to be honest"

Kunyangwe ndikati ndoda iye asina ndaidii. I just nodded a no.

My phone began to ring.........

I wanted to ignore but my sixth sense told me to answer. Iye akatoona kuti am distructed.

"Can't you ignore"

"Let me just check who it is"

😳 Shungu

We looked at the phone. Asi mwana kuchema or pamwe Maka akunetsa.... He told me to answer.
Ndakangoisa paloud. Iye akabva atanga kundi kisser muhuro.

"Shushu" I answered

" Simbiso.... Babamukuru Bevy is here shaa vachangobva kuparker mota and he is coming in"

Ndakakachidzwa kutadza kupindura..... ndopaunopepuka ipapo. Jayden akazvinzwa

" Fuck" he hissed.

Hamuna chamakaona pakasimukwa ipapo. Zemo rese ranga razara mumusoro rinopera kusara
wakufunga semunhu.

"Jay what do we do" ndakadaro ndichihooter

"Am thinking babie" akadaro ndopaunoona kuti munopusa.

Knock padoor.

Ndakaita weak.....

" Simbiso open the door" it was Beaven knocking..... how do I explain this.

He kept knocking. Takatarisana this was the end of me. Hupenyu hwangu ndewekuchema chete
🙆🏽♀🙆🏽♀😭😭😭 now ndinotorambwa and handina chekupikisa ipapo caught red handed
how do I explain this.

I wanted to answer but Jayden akandivhara muromo he pulled me kuenda kucloset.

We heard Shungu's voice.

" Babamukuru she is bathing"

Phew at least that would hold him back a bit.

"Simbiso don't panic hanty akakudzinga am here for you" akadaro Jayden in a low voice

Me " Not that way Jayden hazviite zvinotanisher both our images and reputations"

" You are right.. ok ndakupinda muno there is enough ventilation. Then you find ways dzekuti aende
then I can escape"

That was a better idea. He got in. I had no choice cause that was the best available option.
Ndavakubuda he grabbed me and kissed me.

Damn this guy arikutoda zveku kisser isu tiri pamaone here.
I went into.the shower. I looked at my app.

📩 ndipei address ndinosiya mwana uyu shaa ndosiya Junior na Gogo. I hope mawana zvekuita
kana kumuisa mucloset cause babamukuru vakamira padoor vari pa app.

📤 🙆🏽♀ ok fine let me tell Jay to text the add. Shaa thanks.....

I finished bathing and told Jay to text Shungu address ne directions to his house or kwaaifanirwa
kunosiya mwana.

Ndakasprayer deo yangu cause mumba manga makavharira ne deo ya Jay. I looked around for any
sign of anything chingandibatise. I opened the door.

Beaven " Hey ko wakirei door uchigeza have been standing here for a while"

To be honest ndaitya too bad.

Me " aah am am sorry"

I went kunogara lotioning my body apa ndanga ndakasunga towel.

Beaven "Akomana kubva wandisungira towel apa zemo randinaro shaa"

Handina kuda kupindura zvakawanda cause Jay aizvimzwa.

Me " Sorry"

He pulled me up and madr me come closer kwaari. I couldn't face him eye to eye I shyed away.

Beaven "look at me honey umm maziso all aya iiish"

Nhaka Beaven anga apora hére nhai weduwe apa arikuda kundishedegura imo muna Jay.
I looked at him. He began to kiss me zvenzara nzara. I couldn't respond one ndaitya secondly my
mind was just busy.

He stopped.

"What's wrong babie, you seem not to be yourself.... thought you were the one always talking about
sex" he said.

I cleared my thought which was dry nekupererwa. Umm aldultry is a sin that can kill you softly. I felt

Me " Wapora here honey don't wanna force you"

Beaven " Don't worry about me love I will try but kana zvaramba I know what to do to you at least
umbo enjoyer"

Me " Well well aah I am fine can wait.... 6 weeks hadzisati dzakwana hadzo"
Yaa zvakaoma ndakutaura zve 6 weeks now but ndapotsa ndavhurisa mwana nzveve naJayden....
where was 6 weeks apa🤦🏽♀

Beaven " Ungatedzere maths dzemubook here sweetie....come on"

Me " Look ko tadii kungoita wabhoo cause neniwo am not feeling well zvangu"

Beaven " Ok but just wanted to try and see kuti am I ready for you."

Me " I think panopera 6 months you would have fully healed honey"

Pese apa taitaura takanamana....

" Here i bought this for you it's as sweet as you my love" akadaro achindisvitsa chocolate.
Aweee how sweet of him. Ndakabva ndadzoswa down memory lane zvangu kutofunga mazuva edu
ekare. Beaven would always bring me a chocolate achibva kubasa. Umm so God was at work. Mwari
maita henyu ndakadaro nechemumoyo.

Me "Thank you honey"

I kissed him.

Beaven " I like to see you like this but dai vachipfeka unopindwa nechando or maybe I can get your
clothes for you."

😳😳😳😳 awee hazvaiita cause Jay was in the closet.

Me " No honey let me do it myself. Haumbodzione umo"

Akabva agara pabed. I went to the closet. Ndichingopinda Jay was standing in there. My towel
dropped. Kusara ndiri pedzi. Ndakada kuti ndiri nhonge Jay achibva auya pedyo...

"Iish babie" he whispered

🤫" sssh unotibatisa"

I quickly took my clothes and came out of the


Beaven " Hey whose car is outside ndambofunga ndivana mudhara vane latest but vese havapo"

Me " Car which car??"

Beaven "There is a black toyota Lexus parked outside in your parents yard. Hauzive here"

Oh shit it was Jays car I forgot🤦🏽♀ but I can't say ndeyana mhamha what if they come back and
ask the same question in his presence ndozotii. Think Simbie think

"Oh that one my work associate asiya ipapo apparently haisi kumuka nhai a fault or something"
ndakaerekana ndanyepa

Haana zvakawanda zvaakazotaura hake. Takati garei I got on pa app. Shungu anga ati she managed
to take Maka kumba kwaGogo vake.

I was so uneasy hangu who wouldn't be wakahwandisa boyfriend mucloset umm not boyfriend he
wasn't my boyfriend aah hameno. But the bottom line was that I was just guilty. I hoped Beaven
wouldn't spend the night well mazuva ese aya anga asiri kumborara hake ainorara kumba but
aipfuura achindiona na baby.

Beaven " Simbisoooo!!!"

He called me kwakuvhunduka...

"Yess" I replied

Beaven " You are really not yourself today are you sure haudi kuona Doctor"
Me " I will be fine hun"

Gogo vakazouya nemwana. Takagara ana mhamha vakauya. I had lost hope kuti anoende ini. Haa
apa Jayden aitomurara mucloset imomo nenzara.

Ndakazofunga kuti kana taenda kuDining table for Supper Shungu aizonopa Jayden food. Hapana
mabudiro aaiita mumba cause all exits were kumberi kwemba.

We had our supper and Shungu helped as planned. Even Mum asked why I was low but ndakangoti
am not feeling well. But Gogo had this talking eye cause I think she noticed that Jayden haana
kubuda and it was evident by his car. Of course my parents asked me kuti imota yani and I just told
them what I had told Beaven.

I was happy when Beaven said he was going. Ndakaita kufara kani cause ndanga ndakutoshaya
zvekuita ini. But still it didn't change the fact that I was stuck na Jayden the whole night iish God help
me to control myself 🤦🏽♀

Beaven akaenda. I said my goodnights I went straight to my room and locked the door.
Me " Chibuda hako"

He came out.....

" Iiish maone shaa kasi haasi kurara pano here?" Akadaro

Me " Yaa "

Jay " Great!"

Me "Great kudini kwacho "

Akabva aseka.

Shungu had placed extra blankets in my room.

Me "I am so sleepy so you can sleep on the floor"

He pulled my hand.

"Just one night love"

Ende futi Jayden aida kuti zvinziiko nhai mwari.

Me " It's not my intention kuti urare muno hanty"

Jay "you know you love me but you just deny the fact"

Me " I would rather we leave the subject. We are in enough trouble as it is"

Ndakapinda mumagumbeze nemwana wangu. Ndakamusiya agara pa one sitter raive muroom
mangu akafuga gumbeze.
Kutaura chokwadi part of me still wanted to try this relationship but the greater part told me kuti i
was married.


Mwedzi uya wakazonaka zvavo saka ndakatanga kufambira nyaya dzangu. Beaven anga asiri
kumbotsika kumba kwangu chaaingoita kutumira Mari ne eco cash so ndaitomutaudza zvangu
zvekuti kana mwana anga asiri kubvunza.

Anyway hazvina basa neni hangu cause this time ndaida kumbomugadzirisa size chaiyo kwete
mbinjana. Ndaida kuroorwa hangu na Beaven ndochinhu chikuru. Uyu Simbie ndaisada afe ndaida
arambe ari vahosi anyatsondiona ndichidiwa naBeaven ko hanty ndiye akanditorera murume wangu
zvino shiri inenge yabvuta zvayo rekeni ungandidii hapana.

Aifanirwa kusuffer kusvika pakundiombera chaiko. Mumusha maRushy ndaida kuchinja zvinhu.
Vanhu vaitofanirwa kundifeeler nemari dzangu kuti mukadzi waBeaven asvika. Ivo ana Mai Beaven
vachadzikama zvavo. Kujaidzwa uko kuda kudya Mari yemwana wavo vega nxaa.

Ndakaenda kuChakari first sezvo kwaiva naSekuru vekumbondipa Mbolis yekuisa muhari.
Ndakasviko shurwa naSekuru vaye hanzi hautereri zvandinotaura. Hanzi wakabikira Beaven. Asi
ndakavaudza kuti haana kuzonwa. Vakati ndaisatofanirwa kubika chete. Haaa maone chaiwo.
Vakazogadzira Mbolis iya ichiwedzerwa kusungiwa ndakavaudza zvandaishuwira vakati nditaure
zvese muhari macho.
Pandakataura zvaSimbiso ndopavakati ndinyore zvandaida kuti aiite ndokubva vaisa mubottle. This
time Beaven aibvumirwa kudya asi ndaifanirwa kusanganisa weti yangu muchikafu chaanodya.

Ndakazoenda kumwe kwacho ndikapihwa zvimwe zvekuti ndimupe adye.

Ndakafara chaizvo at least zvangu zvanga zvaita ndaida kuchiranga mapenzi and nyaya yekuti ndane
imba ndoyandaida kuzoshandisa watch me....

*Mbuya Rushy* 🦎🦎👵🏿🦉🦇🐾

Kubva Beaven zvaakabva achiti kwaiva ne mwana wake hazvina kundiitira mushe. Simbiso kuzvara
zvekare aah zvaisatoita zvachose. Kuti ndichaziva kuti ndepapi pacho pandiri kunyatsa kurasika
handichatozivewo ini. Ukuwo Mai Rudo zuva ne zuva vanga vari pamba pangu nenyaya iyoyo.

Mai Rudo " Askana hanty munoona kuti mandiregerera shuwa. Ini wangu mwana ndiye otambiswa
chihure here"

Me " Yohwe nhai amukurungai ndini ndaita sei. Handina kutombofunga kuti zvingadaro"
Mai Rudo " Hamuna kulocker apa. Aiwa imi muri nani wenyu mwana akabudirira ka hapana
chamunobva saka muri kuita basa half half chionai acharoorwa here Rudo wangu"

Me " Askana mukadaro hamusi kuvaka. Rudo mwana wanguwo. Hanty Rudo ava nemba here
munochemei "

Mai Rudo " Imba!!! imba iri muzita ma Tinashe ndoyamunoti imba. Iwe mai Beaven ziva hako kuti
handisi kufara kana uri kutadza tipe hoyo kuno"

Aaah mbuya iyi inotopenga chete handiite kumupa chii. Vanhu hava vimbike navo unoti vamuti ita
ndokufuratidza mwana kwandiri wozoona makutambura aiwa....

Me " Hapana chandinotadza ini. Ndoda kutokaita chimukuyu changu kamwana ko."

Mai Rudo " Ibvai matova iko kapoto kake Simbiso ikako kana kutoti mai ne mwana chimukuyu kkkk"

Me " Mwana wako ndiye arikuti anoda kuwachisa Simbiso saka uko tagara hatibati. Asi papoto
unorevesa kkkkk"

Musi uyu takaronga tikarongonora changa chasara kuendako.

_Mai Rudo thinking_

Nxaa Mai Beaven vari selfish chokwadi munhu ungatendere Simbiso kuti aiite mimba kusvika
pakuzvara uchiita kunge munhu aputirwa kudaro aiwa kana kusagona basa here kana mawune
chaiwo kuzviitisa nekuti iye agare zvake. Pressure zero. Ini ndini ndine mwana arikungotambiswa
kuita bhora rechikweshe. Manje haaite. Ndiri kuvapa last chance ndinobvuta rekeni kana zvashata

End of chapter 12

Not edited. Thank you for the comments ndiri kumaona

[09/06, 18:57] Yvonne MUKU: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*


*Season 2*

Chapter 13

Jayden 👨🏽⚖
It's true unopusa chaiko when caught in the wrong place. Ndopaya paunoona rino zimurume riri
kuhura nemukadzi wemunhu rikabatwa kunyangwe the ladies hubby Kari katuku sei, zirume
rinosvava chaiko. That's how I felt. With all my status I felt belittled well it was my fault zvangu. In
life there is a time you do things but never actually consider the implications of the fire you will be
playing with.

I loved her that's all that mattered to me. I was willing to cross the deepest ocean for Simbiso.
Ummm mwana aindiitira iyeye. I have almost succeeded in taking her to a further level of this
attraction. Sure pandaizviita I never looked at the fact that tinogona kubatwa. I just wanted what I
thought was rightly mine. Yes of course I have set aside my Godly principles and had let my emotions
take total control of me.

At one point you get back to your senses and being in that closet for a good 4 hrs saw me
ndakuchitaura na Mwari ndikumbira kuti zvisaende nepamwe. I was ready to take her even if
akadzingwa or kurambwa but one word rakataurwa naSimbiso rakandibata *Reputation* . Am a
lawyer and I know the consequences when someone wants to take legal action against you. I
couldn't afford to stand in that box where I am always the one interrogating those who commit
crimes. But either way if worse comes to worse I was guilty of a crime called love.

The pain I felt when I was hearing Beaven wanting to make love to Simbiso was unbearable. I guess
because It was going to be a free movie to me. Cause it was obvious that it's his territory aiita

I thought we would continue from where we l had left but I was wrong. Hameno zvinoitika pavakadzi
so kungovhundutsirwa munhu atochinja. I slept half of the night pa couch. But when she woke up to
feed her baby ndakabva ndamuka.
Simbie "Awake???"

Ndakabva ndatoti chance given.

Me " Yaaa can't sleep. Number 1 kusatojaira kurara kunze, number 2 scared that your husband
might come thirdly handina kujaira the couch"

She laughed.

Simbie " kkkkk wotojaira nhasi chaiye waitofanirwa warara muhospital, mujeri or kumortuary. Kkkk"

Me " Seka nhamo serugare hako what I know is either way you would have been besides me. A
crime committed due to love"

Simbie "come and sleep here but.."

Ndakabva ndamucutter
" But on condition that I behave"

🤣🤣🤣🤣 " Exactly"

The night was long surely maida ndirare ndichitamba golf here apa third leg yakangomira semamwe
makumbo husiku hwese. Ndakazongo shandisa matricks kwakungoita sendine mararo nekugrabber
munhu I felt better.

Kuseni after everyone was gone. I had now the freedom to leave. Of course ndakatombodzokera mu
closet cause mhamha vake vakatombouya. Anyway yaingova respect kubatwa na ambhuya was a
better problem.

Me " Ndakuenda babie I am flying back today so need to sort out some things" I said to her

In I felt I shouldn't go. And I could see it in her eyes too..... she wanted me to stay.

Simbie "cool safe travel say goodbye to Maka"

I kept my stare on her. Our eyes did the talking. We stood for a long time searching each other's
hearts. We both wanted each other but mumwe wangu had reservations.

I moved closer to her.

"No shaa" she said

" Why are we killing ourselves my love. Am in love with you Simbie and you know you want me
inside of you" I said

" Enough Jayden enough

... I am married for crying out loud. I want my marriage to work please" akadaro netwuhasha

Ndakamuregerera hangu hasha dzekusashedegurwa idzo apa uchida but pasina.

Ndakangomudaira pachi gentlemen although ndaisa revesa hangu..... #ego

" ok if that's what you want am cool with it but dai wango....."

Simbie " Noo now leave and let it be the last time we speak Jayden am sorry I want to save my

The words pained me last time here amana. Dai munhu aiziva hake kuti she is killing me aisadaro.
Apa dai Beaven wacho ari munhu musvinu better but he is a cheat, a liar an excuse of a man. Chete
vakadzi ndozvavari kutoshingiria ne pasingade kushingirirwa all for the names sake *MRS*. If she
only knew I was offering her heaven on earth and I could love her more than that rascal.

We looked in each other's eyes hers were watery. She didn't mean her words I knew. Zvega hazvo
we drew closer and our lips met. We started to kiss.

Chandinoziva is no one can rub true love. Having said that she was hungry for me and i saw that by
the way she kissed me. Miromo yakadyanana too bad. I wasn't sure to continue to the next level or
just to stop. I didn't want to rush her at all. Hameno ikoko zvese zvekuti am now repeating it again
ndange ndisisina basa nazvo. I just wanted to release myself from this pressure and take what
belonged to me. And it was good timing cause without protection ndaitorovera bhora mberi and
have a basis of claiming her😃.

I let her take control whilst I played along. And she was so aggressive. Just when it was getting
Takanzwa a cough. "Aaah Simbiso" Don't wanna lie takavhunduka.....

It was Gogo. Damn I thought vabva nekupi nhai. Simbiso akabva atotarisa kuside. I had no choice
than to leave. Ndaitozorohwa ipapa....


"Nhai iwe Simbiso chii chauri kuita ichi" were the words from Gogo.

the truth was I was caught. Nhai mwari what was happening to me nhai???. Ndakaramba
ndakanyarara zvangu.

" Unoshura here iwe. Chiberekerwo handisati ndakamboona shura rakadai ndiani iyeye"

Iiii Gogo akomana ndaitotya zvangu nekupopota kwavanga vachiita.

" Shungu!! Shungu!!"

Vakadeedzera ndanga ndagara pabed zvino. Shungu came achimhanya.

Shungu " Gogo mandideedza"

Gogo " Murume abva pano anonzi ani"

Shungu akanditarisa kwakutarisa pasi.

Shungu " Handizive Gogo"

Gogo " Chamuri kuhwandisa chii ipapa hausi musikana Simbiso uri mukadzi wemunhu ndochipfambi
ichochi kana usisade zvemurume siya wanzwa kwete kuti svibisira zita"

Me " Am sorry Gogo ndinokumbirawo kutsanangura zvangu"

Gogo "tsanangudzo ndoyandiri kutoda izvozvi nekuti amai vako ndoda kuvaudza"
Shungu "aha Gogo mukadaro tinochemera ani"

Vakagara pa couch and I explained everything about Jayden to her. The way I felt and how I so much
wanted to let him go.

"Uneshuwa here nezvauri kutaura iwe. Kurara mese muno zuro" vakadaro

Yaa I knew she was clever and had picked the pieces.

Me " Chokwadi Gogo hapana chakaitika ndopika na Aiziva uyu"

Ndakapihwa lecture kani. Hanzi zvawakaita it's bad. Heee uri kutamba nemoto. Zvakawanda.
Mukadzi wemunhu ari dignified zvakangowanda wanda. But what Gogo didn't know was that I had
told myself that Jay must pack his bags and leave the space he occupied in my heart.

Gogo " Beaven murume ndozvavari asi hatitsive kaisu. Mukadzi anoshingirira kuti imba imire.
Kuroorwa kunonetsa Simbiso ukabva pana Beaven unotogona kushaya anoroora. Iye Jayden
anokuda uri pamurume kungorambana chete haachadi. Wakambozvifungawio here.?"
Me " Hongu"

Ndakangodaira zvangu but ndimiwo Jayden haasi ikoko he is a gentleman.

Ndakaudzwa kusvika ndisisade kkkk. Her advise was so powerful that it knocked sense into my head.

*2 weeks later*

Baby welcome party yanga yakaitwa. And now tanga tave kumba kwangu. Ndakaenda naGogo
Furusa, Gogo Tereza and Shungu kkkk. Hayas munhu kutevera Aiziva kkkk Shungu anga ada mwana.

Kumba I had my nursery which was just adjacent to my bedroom. Ko imba tanga takavaka zve.
Beaven aiva nemanyemwe zve nekuda kwe mwana. Everyday ndaingo spoilwa plus nekuona vana
Gogo he was trying to maintain peace.

Day randakaenda ku six weeks ndakabaiwa Depo and waited about 4 days to resume my sex life na
Beaven. Of which musi watakarara tese was sooo different kunge the first day we made love chete
this time it was more magical and less painful. Hameno Beaven ndiye wandaitonzwira tsitsi ne nyaya
ye mbolis yake yanga yava ye pink. Ko hanty yakasvatuka here ne tea so yanga yane macolours.

Days passed ukuwo I had deliberatly cut my communication with Jayden. I had blocked his numbers
and deleted his contacts. I wanted to change my line but nyaya yekubasa zvaisaita. From the day he
left he would send ma message with different numbers ndichingo blocker and i guess he had given
up maybe🤷🏽♀

Pakapera another 2 weeks tadzoka. Apa Jnr anga avane 2 months. Vana Gogo na Shungu vanga
vachiripo zvavo. Gogo Tereza ndovaipota vachienda kubasa. Sekuru vanga vakaenda ku States
nebasa for 2 months. I was still on maternity leave. One day I got a call from Pastor Clara it was
around 4 am ndatomuka ndichinamata. We were doing morning glory sessions every other day nana
Gogo but that day wasn't day remorning glory.

Me " Hello"

Pastor Clara " Are you awake"

Me " Yes prayer session"

Pastor Clara " Good. I wanted to alert you my day to stay fully armed there is a spirit hovering on top
of you and the holy spirit revealed this to me. Just keep your armour"
Me " Thank you Pastor"

Ummm ndakanamata musi iwoyu. kunyanya protection yemwana wangu, my husband and my

2 days later I got a message came pawhats app pangu.

📩 hapana chinoshamisira kuita mwana apa. Isu tinawo vana and wangu ndiye first born ndiye

😳😳 hezvo i thought to myself.

i was sitting na mbuya Furusa kwakutovaratidza. I knew it was Rudo.

" Mupindure shamwari anopenga fani" vakadaro Mbuya Tereza

📤 muite mushe amai. Beaven is mine. Kwauri it was just a mistake wotogamuchira kushandiswa

📩 rubbish nxaa haudi kunyarwa handiti mira ndichikutonhodza


Pakabva papinda ma pic


Emu ndege, ekune imwe nzvimbo but it was abroad needzimba.

Mudenge manga muna Rudo and Beaven vachitorana maselfie. The mamwe vachi kissana. Neemba.

I was shocked zvaireva kuti Rudo na Beaven pane kwavakaenda ne ndege. I recalled oh oh The China

Ndakasvitsa phone kuna Gogo Tereza and began to cry. Ivo vakaratidza Gogo Furusa.
Gogo T " uri kuchemei nhai Simbiso.... Inzwa nyaya yacho woshinga semukadzi"

pakabva papinda message

📩 🤣🤣🤣🤣 muchiripo here mainini kkkkk kana kuti mafa ne shock. Ehe kuChina kwatakaenda
na daddy Bee imi muchitatarika nemimba isu tichi servicer engine nekudya nyika rutivi. Iyo imba iyo
ndoyamaitsvaga kuti mari yakaenda kupi kubusiness. Imba yangu mummy kusabhabha.
Ndozvinoitirwa maiguru muchiona kudai....

Ndakangokandira Gogo Tereza phone nekuridza mhere.

*Thank you for you comments anondipa simba*

*I never intended to sell this book. BUT Due to behaviour yevamwe venyu I am forced to do So. So
from _Chapter 15_ this book is on sale. For $2 until the book ends. Those in SA and across the
boarders inbox me and I will gladly assist. Book rinenge rakuuya kuinbox kwako every other day.
Being no disturbances this book should be done by 30th of June 2018*

End of Chapter 13.

[10/06, 20:41] Yvonne MUKU: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*


Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 14


I was the happiest man ever to have a baby boy with my wife. Umm mwari akatendeka. We had
longed for this gift all our life's. Ini zvekwa Rudo ndange ndisisade I wanted to concentrate on my
family. Aiziva had given me hope and revived my marriage.

Aingophoner Rudo but I wouldn't answer ndaizongomusendera message neku tumira mari

All along my machine yairwadza nekuda kwemaronda but maronda akatyisa doctor vangu
vakatonditi hauna kunyika machine muacid here.
Simbiso akazouya kumba after 6 weeks and ndopandakazo shedegura hangu. Ko neniwo ndanga
ndatove pa6weeks zve. Our love making was so sweet.

One day ndakaphonerwa na Rudo I ignored her. Akabcva aiisa message.

📩 iwe ukaramba uchindi ignower ndinomuudza Simbiso nezve imba.

What!!!! Uyu munhu aitopenga chete angade zvekuudza Simbiso nezveimba ndokufarisa manje. I
decided to call her

Me " Wakufarisa hanty"

Rudo" kkkkkk kuvhunduka here ikoko. Manje ndiri kuda kumuudza chete. Cause Beaven haunga
ndishandise wondisiya chii chiri kukutadzisa kuuya kuno"

Me "Usaite senge usingazive ka. Haudike Rudo ungasiye wandipisa ne tea"

Rudo " Aah hii eeh. Kuti ndakaita ndichida here. Unongoda kunongedza zvevamwe ko zvako
zvawakandirova wani. Saka draw draw 6 na 9"
Me "patsvene but chokwadi ndechekuti move on wanzwa ka. Handichade"

Rudo " hehede seka zvako Rudo wekwa Mazipepepe mwana wa Bobby so you think unogona
kundiita yaunoda pawadiraka"

Me " kune chisingapere here chisingapere chinotoshura chete. I love my family and they need my

Rudo " Wati kudini Beaven. Ko Tinashe heee???

Me "Kudini kwacho??"

Rudo "Asi hauchamude here inga mwana wako wani"

Me " ko ndaramba here. I love my son very much. And ndichamuchengeta just like Junior"
Rudo " Nxaaaaa kana uchimufananidza nechi mwana chako they deserve the same treatment kuva
na baba mumba."

Me " Chaunoda kuziva kuti Junior mwana wemumba uyu Tinashe ndewemusango"

Rudo " Iiii inga wakaoma kuita mwana wangu wemusango nhasi haaa Beaven unorwadzisa iwe"

Me "chokwadi chagara chinorwadza. Rega ndimboshanda ndabusy"

Ndakabva ndacutter phone. I was happy kuti nhasi ndange ndakwanisa kumuudza chokwadi Rudo.

_Rudo thinking_

Musatanyoko wake Beaven nxaa. Akuda kundi mhura nhasi asi akandidhambisa neshedegu.
Hapanawo zve murume paye. Mirai muone henyu ndoda kumugadzira size akajaidzwa nechiMai
chake nxaa. Regai ndiphonere Simbiso ndimuudze zvangu. Ndikaitanga hondo achauya
achindinanzva hake.

Ndakaita 3 hrs ndapedza kutaura na Rudo. Ndichibva ndaona phone ya Mbuya Furusa ichipinda
ndakarohwa nehana kuti pamwe kune chaitika ikoko.
Me " Maswera sei Gogo?"

Mbuya "Taswera. Baba Junior tange tichikumbirawo muti kasikei kudzoka nhasi"

Me " kwakanaka here Gogo"

Mbuya " Ehe pane zvandinoda kutaura nemi"

Me " Ok Gogo. Aah ndange ndichimboedza number yamai junior but havasi kupicker. Ndokwanisa
kutaura naye here"

Mbuya " Vakarara"

Me "ok"
Voice raGogo raingoita kakuratidza kuneta neta zvaro aah hameno maybe vane flue.

I knocked off earlier than usual. Ndakasvika kumba vanhu vakagara mulounge vakasuwa for a
moment I thought mwana wangu aita sei. But ndakazozvinyaradza ndaona mainini Shungu
vachipinda mulounge vakabereka mwana

Me " Maswera sei vana Gogo"

Vanhu vakangodairira pasi. Ndange ndakatarisira kumhoreswa na Simbie like usual but haana kana.
Ndakatombogaya kuti asi mai vangu vanga vauya kani....

Me " Mai Juju waswera sei "

Akangosimudza musoro achibva atarisa pasi.😳😳 Her face and eyes were swollen. What was going
on nhai ange aitwa sei futi.

"Gogo vaita sei mai jnr" ndakadaro

Gogo vakuru na mainini Shungu vakasimuka. Tikasara tiri 3.

Mbuya Furusa "izvo ndozvakonzeresa vakandipa phone ya Simbiso iri pa app"

I read the message and saw the pictures. 🙆🏽♂ nhai mwari ko Rudo anondiitireiko. Ndakadikitira
apa Furusa yakaita kunditarisa zvekuti face yangu yaitoti guilty as charged. Besides hapana mabudiro
zvaiva pachena izvi. Ndakabata musoro.

"Beaven unoeshuwa here iwewe... kundinyepera apa uchivaraidzana hako naRudo wakandiroorei
kana uchiziva hako kuti na Rudo hamugone kusiyana why" akachema Simbiso.

Mbuya Furusa " regai ndimbobude iwe Simbiso ukaramba uchidai unozvikuvadza mahara wanzwa "

She stood up vakanditarisa vachibva vabuda.

I stood up kuenda paiva naSimbiso ndakada kumubata.

" don't you even dare don't I said just don't how can you do this to me. Taking money behind my
back and buying a house imba here nhai Beaven out of everything. And uri kurara neni oko uchirara
naRudo kuda kundizadza aids ka heee" she screamed apa asimuka
I stood up ndichida kuti ndimudzikamisa

" Babiee"

Handina kutopedza it was a wrong move. Mbama yandakarohwa so handina kana musi 1
wandinorangarira wandakarohwa mbama yakarwadza kudai yakauya nepanzeve kusvika paziso.
Nzeve yakarira maungira chaiwo.

I deserved it I thought.🤔

Akabva abuda akanozvikiyira mubedroom. I tried to reason naye but akangoramba akanyarara

Iiiish apa ndanga ndaporonga.... ndakati zano nderipi let me call Rudo wacho cause nyaya yake
ndeyeiko inga I did what she said wani. Imba anayo ko arikudei. I tried her number aidaira achi
cutter. Nxaa dai aiziva hasha dzangu aisatombodaro zvake. I don't even know how to start to explain
this to Simbiso iye otoita zvema funnies ari iye akonzeresa futi.

I decided kumuendera pa app.

📤 une shuwa nezvawaita here. Why nhai Rudo..

It ticked blue but she didn't respond.

📤 usaite zvekutamba neni uri kuzvinzwa here if you still want me to support you and Tinashe you
better start giving me answers.

📩 nxaaa

Ndomhinduro yandakapihwa nxaaa ndakatoona kuti ndiite zve phone zvaitonetsa. But kuti ndibude
husiku huno zvaisaita futi so I just chilled mangwana ndaida kuno kaona kanjapisi ako.

Kuseni I woke up zvangu. I went kubedroom ndikawana door ravhurwa I entered but manga musina
kana munhu. Nyadzi zvadzinoita ndakatoita zvekunyangira kuenda kubedroom in my own house kuri
kunyara ana mbuya Furusa.
I bathed and dressed up. But moyo wangu waida kutaura naSimbiso ndisati ndabuda zvanga zvaitwa
na Rudo I didn't know how to explain myself. Yemba ndogona kubuda but iyo ye china was a time
bomb. Ndakaita lucky ndikaona Maid mupassage.

" Wamboona mai jnr here?"

Maid " Mamuka sei. Ehe vari kustudy varikunamata"

Me " ok"

Ndakatoti let me go there yaaa zvangu zvaigona kufamba hanty ari kunamata mwari anotii
nekuregerera vanhu. I went ku study. I opened the door. Paakandiona she stoped praying.

Simbiso " Excuse me"

Akadaro zvekuda kundiratidza kuti hausi kuona kuti am praying .

Me " Babie we need to talk"

Simbiso " There is nothing to talk about Beaven"

Me" am sorry my love. I take the blame I hurt you my love ndiregererewo pliz mudiwa"

Simbiso " Get out Beaven!!"

Me "no babie I can correct this please"

Akabva andisundira uko nekubuda. Yaaa face yake yanga yakashatirwa zveshuwa she was hurt.😡
Manje ndaida kutonopedza shungu pana Rudo ko kutyei ndiye honzeri futi.

I got into my car hutu kwa Rudo nhasi ndaida kumuratidza kuti she should mess with me kuda
kukura musoro nxaa....

Right ndokunonzi kugona munhu nxaa stupid. Beaven aitoda kuonererwa hee family heee wemumba
wemusango bastard. Hasha dzandakanzwa dai aive padhuze ndaida kumupisa nemafuta rubbish
kuda kuzama kundiita chidhori chake chekuti paadira onakirwa neni asi achindiverenga sehure
manje. Munhu soo ka.

Zvino vedu wekudada kuda kuzviita madam. Nhasi airara achidziirwa kkkk. Dai ndiriko ndaida kuona
hangu movie yemahara vachirovana kkkk dai mumwe akaita hasha akamonya chimwana mutsipa

Beaven akazozama kuphoner ndikatoziva zvangu kuti chachaya. Handina kudaira ndaingo cutter
ndakazoona message akuda kundityisa haiwawo nxaa.

Husiku ihwohwo ndakagaya zvangu kuti dai pasina mwana uyu dai Beaven arikuno sooo. Zvino
mwana iyeye ndiye anga atora nzvimbo yaTinashe me yangu takuitwa mapenzi manje. Ummm aiwa
ndatofanirwa kuona zvekuita nemwana iyeye 🦎🦉🦇

Jayden 👨🏽⚖

Simbiso had blocked me. I tried kuzama kuchinja maline but iiish she was just determined to let this
thing go. Yaaa just like that. Haaa nyaya yekurelocator yanga yandiparira tooo bad. Dai ndiri kuZim
aitozotaura neni there ndamutevera kwese. But kuno manje distance yacho. Ukuwo you know Maka
how she is Simbiso anga amupinda and now the baby ndanga ndakungonzi tichaenda rinhi kunoona
Junior yaaaa zvakaoma hazvo.
I was a man and you know how it is uchimbomutswa mafeelings na Simbiso. Ndange ndakunzwa kuti
I needed to relief myself. But zvekupinda murelationship I wasn't ready for anyone kunze kwa
Simbiso chete. Ndakatoona kuti ndizviyamure I must keep myself busy with God pamwe ndaikunda.

On the other hand Alice hadn't stopped nagging me. Haaa uyo ndowaive muyedzo chaiiwo I needed
to fight her andisiye zvangu. One day she called me ndichitobuda muoffice kuenda kumba

Me " Hie Mai Ashy"

Her " Am gud how are you??"

Me " Am gud and you?"

Her " Bhoo ende hauite Jay shuwa you can come kuZim kana kumbondiudzawo even pese patanga
tichitaura heard kuti wanga utori kuno 2 weeks ago"

Me " Sorry I just came ndichisiya my mum and came back didn't have time"

Her " hooo nhai but when I come there I always visit wani usadaro so I know you don't like me"
Me " Ummm who said that. It's just that I didn't have time"

Her " So if you did waindiona here??"

😳 what!!!!

Me "I would have visited everyone"

Her " Hooo ok. I hope Maka is well"

Me "Aribhoo zvake.... look can I call you later ndamboita busy"

Her " ok Love you"

😳😳😳 ende futi was that love as in the affectionate word or what. Anyway ndanga
ndakutusvotwa zvangu nenyaya dzake so I just lied kuti I was busy...

*Last free chapter*

*Thank you for your comments I appreciate*

_If you want to continue from Chapter 15. And get to know what happened to *Simbiso and Beavens
marriage* Also *Mbuya Rushy, Rudo na Mai Rudo vakazodini paye* then *Jayden and Alice did
anything materialise*

_Here are the details_

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*The book will continue Tuesday and will come every other day hoping by 30th of June rinenge

Thank you for the support😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

End of Chapter 14

[21/06, 15:35] Lyniemore sweety: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 18

Jayden 👨🏽⚖

Kuseni ndakanyatsa kunonoka hangu kumuka deliberately zvangu. In fact kuda kufinhura munhu
chaiko. Ndakanyatsomuka kuma 9am and ndichibva ndaenda pa app. I saw messages from Mandy,
mhamha amongst others.

I opened ya mhamha first

📩 look who I met

Apa panga pane pic yaMum, Mandy and Simbiso. I was shocked ko vanga vaonana kupi. Apa Mandy
was sleeping pabed like muhospital.
I decided kumbonoona paMandy pacho

📩 was under observation and met one of your friends.

Panga paiswa pic yakangofanana ne yakaiswa na mhamha. Ndichiri kutoverenga hangu pakabva
papinda another picture

📩 mum saved this babies life yesterday

Panga pane pic ya Simbiso her baby na Mum. I was surprised. Ndakabva ndaita zvekuphonera
Mandy and she explained to me.

Mandy " That's what happened shaa"

Me " Hey how I wish I was there to comfort Simbiso"

Mandy " Umm Jayden..."

Me " Chiiko iwe"

Mandy " She is married"

Me " Am so what... shaa I didn't wanna say this but I love Simbiso"

Mandy " You are not serious Jayden that woman is married and how can you be In love with a
married woman hazvibude"

Me " I know. Iye anondida but haatodiwo zvekusiya hubby wake and to be honest akandi blocker I
can't even speak to her but I am happy now that you know you can help me"

Mandy" help to do what??"

Me " Talk to her"

Mandy " over my dead body. I will do no such rubbish. Ukwane hanty"
Me " Mira kani nhai Mandy just talking to her andi unblocke"

Mandy " Jayden Masiyiwa Nooo ways"

Akabva a cutter phone. Yaaa maone chaiwo anyway she is my sister she will come around.
Ndakadhibha nhai should have done this long back.

I tried mum's phone but it was unreachable.

I decided to wake up zvangu and face the she devil. I got into my joggers and went to the lounge.

I saw Alice and Maka seated vachiratidzana zvidhori

" Aaah hey Mai Ashy you are here?" Kunyepedzera ka kunge ndisingazive.

Alice " Yes oh you came late couldn't wait up. How are you?"
Me " Am good thank you how is Ashy"

Alice " Ari boe sends her greetings"

Me " Sweet"

Pakamboita ka silence

Alice " But she is looking good and more modern. Look you can call her aunty Alice. This one is old"

Alice aitaura na Maka achireva chidhori it looks like Alice anga atengera Maka a new doll.

Maka " Nooo nooo I like Aunt Simbiso I will never

replace her. This one I can call her Hazel my mum's name "
Iiish I thought 🤔uyu awachiswa ndakamboda kuseka zvangu. Maka akomana.

Alice " Suit yourself but that's not fair ko ini zita rangu richapinda papi"

Maka " If I get another doll then I will call her Aunt Alice. Are you happy don't cry"

Me " But Maka why can't you just call her Aunt Alice she is the one who bought the doll after all"

Maka " Noo dad I want her to be call Hazel please please or I won't have her"

Damn this girl can play politics kkk.

Alice " Its cool sweet heart will get you another doll"

Maka didn't like Alice at all. Well hameno whether she liked or didn't it really didn't affect me.
We had our breakfast. Courtesy of Alice. Alice was all eyes on me during breakfast zvekuti ndakato
chokwa nekuramba wakatariswa.

After breakfast Maka came up with a stant. She cried hanzi let's go to the beach. I really didn't want
to go but when Maka insists there is no way you can run away.

We prepared the 4 of us. On our way Maka started.

Maka " Aunt Alice do you know I have a baby brother"

😳😳😳 I was equally shocked and so was Alice. I chocked on my juice.

Alice " baby brother woow did you speak to your mum?"

Maka " Noo aunty Aunt Simbie has a baby boy and Aunt Shungu told me that Aiyi can be my baby

What the fuck sssh Maka is just growing more than her age. Ndakapererwa apa Alice was now in
Me " He is your friend not brother"

Maka " Noo daddy Aunt Shungu told me so that time when you were with Aunt Simbie in her room
and me and my brother were with Auntie Shungu"

Ooh finished🤷🏽♂ yambotanga sei nyaya iyi. Hayas kids.

Mai Jayne " Makanaka look at that there"

She was trying to distruct Maka from the conversation and it worked. Manga matove ne tension
mumota and I knew kuti Alice anga anyatsoudzwa now that she knows she can bug off.


Kamwana kanonzi Maka is too clever like her mother. Nxaa kanotondibhohwa angade kuti chidhori
chandamupa odeedza zita ramai vake. Icho chaanoti Simbiso ndochaakatakura ku beach.

I was shocked does it mean this Simbiso has a child for Jayden and is married. But it can be true they
seem to be having something going on iye na Simbiso wacho. Ummm 🤔 this was going to be
interesting. Ndakasvotwa hangu kaMaka kunge ane kamuti kuda kundisvotesa kwacho aiwa bodo.
Ashy wangu haana dzungu rakadaro.

At the Beach kamwana aka kuramba kutamba neni anzi na Daddy vake sara na Auntie Alice.
Kutochema chaiko haiwa kakajaidzwa kunge amai nxaaa.

Ndakazotumwa na Jayden kunomutengera milkshake ndikati chance given. Pane murume aitengesa
mushonga wekuti anaconda imire inzwe kuda. Saka I had carried the muti with me. Ndaida kuisira
Jayden ndiripo so aitondiisa chete whether he likes it or not ko kana yamira aipedzera kunani unless
he has a girlfriend locally but I doubt. Well I was prepared to try my luck on this one.

I spiked the milk shake with the mushonga and very soon I would be good to go.


We had a good time at the beach. Alice started on a moody note but akazenge akufara.
Ndakamboda kubuda kuenda hangu kumba kunorara. The beach wasn't my favourite place at all.
You know seeing those semi naked women apa une huturu it was just not ideal. Apawo Alice aingo
poser poser ari half naked kumberi kwangu. Maka cried when I tried leaving which made me stay.

I had a milkshake and then I slept. Pandakamuka iiish erection yandaive nayo so. Ndakafunga kuti
maybe it's wee wee so I went ku toilet. But hapana chakachinja ndainzwa kuda mukadzi ummm.
We went back home apa ndakangosimudza erection iya and zemo racho was just too much.
Ndakasviko pinda mubedroom. Kutaura chokwadi I was dying ne madoo chaiwo. Ndakafunga zano
maybe if I prayed zvinoita nani so I prayed. Haaa hakuna zvakadaro unonyepa iwe ehe I prayed
zvangu but I had a strong urge to just fu*k.....

Time passed ndichingonzwa kuda. Mai Jayne na Maka wakanorara tikasara tiri two na Alice.

Pakamboita silence chaiyo a good 30mins then achibva atanga Alice.

Alice " How long are you going to remain Single Jayden you need some fun"

Shit akakwana here munhu uyu what was she implying vamwe vakadzi so. I had kuzvishingisa or else
I would fall.

Me " Until I find the right person"

She stood up anga akamonera Zambia. Zambia rakawira pasi apa akapfeka ka bum short. Haaa it
even made my life worse. What do I do nhai 🙆🏽♂🤷🏽♂

She came close to me and sat down.

Alice " Is there a defination of the word right I just think you are too blind to see mannah that is
brought before you"

She placed her hand on my thigh kwakupuruzira. Haibo the erection became even harder.....

"Don't do this Alice please" ndakadaro ndichibvisa her hand.

Akasvetuka kuuya pamakumbo angu akagara akanditarisa.

"Why are you refusing me Jay, am I not good enough. I had been with you through your worst
moments wani" akadaro achiyemerera.

Makambozviitwa here imi iiish this was just too much. Apa ataura achimover mover on top of my

"Am not ready Alice" ndakadaro with no action. I didn't have the power to remove her.
Akangotanga kundibata on places that were controversial. I couldn't resist the temptation... ndanga
ndakuvara we started kissing. I kissed her hungryingly.

Akabvisa top yangu bvaatanga kundibata pachest as if she knew how sensitive my chest was. I lifted
her and went with her kuspare bedroom kwaairara. She undid my jeans as I took of her top.

We went into the blankets and one thing turned to the other and we had sex...

We did it over and over again I just couldn't ejaculate it took me a whole hour of having sex na Alice
to finally release......


Beaven gave his life to Christ I was very happy this was the best thing ever. After all the demons had
gone I knew he was a new creation a brand new man. Thank you Lord.

I served a meal for my guests and they left.

That night I had a dream the dream was just too real to believe. Jayden was on my dream. The
events were strange he was in hospital achirwara I went to see him. At one moment He started to
blame me for not picking his calls and blocking him then at the other moment He started to cry
asking me for forgiveness. I woke up confused what was the dream about. Could he be sick.
Ndakanetsekana apa time was kuma 4am I couldn't sleep ndichingofunga.

Maybe I was exaggerating maybe it's because I was with his mum and his sister. Aaah hameno but I
had lost my sleep as I was in thought. Ndakazofunga kuti maybe I should just unblock him. But umm
hazviite I wanted to save my marriage and God had started to work on my marriage I had to be
serious. But ko kana achirwara futi. Aaah ini hangu ini what do I do????

As I was in thought phone ya Beaven yakarira. I answered it. It was Sekuru Rushy kumusha I just
hoped everything was ok.

Me " Hello baba "

Baba " Mwanasikana Mai Junior urisey "

Me " Ndinofara baba kwadini ikoko"

Kuback ground I could hear someone wailing in pain

Baba " aaah kuno hakuna kumira mushe muroora Amai venyu varwara kuno. Hatina kumborara
Me " Aaah baba ko madii kuphoner kare. Regai ndimutse baba Aiziva tiuye ikoko"

Baba " Ok mwanasikana"

Ndakabva ndamutsa Beaven. Idzo hope dzake munhu kutadza kunzwa vanhu vari kutaura shuwa.

I told him message from daddy akabva atophoner. After the phone call akati akunovatora kuti vauye
tiende nawo kuchipatara. I also insisted to go. Akamboda kuramba but ummm ndakazofunga what
Pastor Clara had said about him going kumusha vakati ndokwaai hakirana ne mademon ikoko. So I
had to protect my man. I persuaded him akabvuma.

We prepared and I made formulae for Aiziva and left him with Mum na Gogo. Naivo vakatoti it's a
wise move to go but ndakazoseka zvangu Gogo vakundiisa salt yemagodo muhomwe hanzi kudzinga
varoyi🤦🏽♀. Old people akomana. However we prayed tiri 3 and then we left.

Nzira yese Beaven talked about what happened last night he had so many questions on what
happened to him. Handina hangu kumuudza who exactly manifestored through him since vanga vari
amai vake. But I told him exactly what happened.

Takasvika kuMhondoro pasina kana nguva. Kungovhura mota you could hear Mhamha wailing and
Hama dzedu dzeikoko dzanga dzakaungana it was now around 6.30am. Vakatitambira vakatsangura
how it happened and since then she has been talking, crying and wailing. Takabva taenda mulounge
mavanga vakaunganirwa.

"Ndarohwa kani, ndarumwa kani, ndarohwa kani ndarumwa kani yuwii mwana waBeaveñ....Bevy
woyee Bevy kani. Ndarohwa kani ndarumwa kani"

Ndo aive mashoko aingotaurwa naMhamha. Iii zvakaoma. Ko mwana wangu apinda papi apa nhai

I think she was going mad shuwa cause vangozvikwenya from head to toe. Vamwe vaiti chivanhu
vamwe vachiti siyai vaendeswe kuchipatara. Yaaa ndomaone. Yakazovatakura hedu vese na Baba
tikapfuura tichitora Tete Mai Blessing na Blessing wacho.

Vana baba Rumbie vanga vaudzwa kare so ndakanzi na Beaven vaphonere tisangane kuAvenues.

Me " Hello Baamukuru makasimba here"

Baba Rumbie " Uri kudeyi"

Hezvoo ko ndadini zvangu baba ava vanoshura shuwa

Me " Hanzi takuenda kuAvenues na baba Aiziva"

Baba Rumbie " Nxaaa"

Phone yangu yaive paloud zvekuti vanhu vese vakatozvinzwa but ndakangonyarara hangu. Beaven
just looked at me atopererwa zvake.

Takananga kuAvenues where she was attended to. But doctors vakatoti vaidakuita matests she do
they sedated her and admitted her. Vaita vakaramba vachidai taifanirwa kuzozoenda navo ku
psychiatric unit.

Vana Babamukuru na Maiguru vakauya tichitopedza kuva admitter. We all went outside after

Baba Rumbie " Beaven ndauya ne taxi iri kuda kubhadharwa"

Baba " Iwe Baba Rumbie dzidzawo kuti Baba Aiziva"

Baba Rumbie " Ndingatoti baba Tinashe cause ndiye mwana watoziva"

Beaven" Mai Junior ndibhadharirewo muface weTaxi babie"

Me " ok"

Ndakaenda pane Taxi yacho ndikabhadhara I knew kuti Beaven anga achida kumbotsiurana na Baba
Rumbie. Maiguru kana kumbotaura neni not even hesi zvayo vanga vangozemberana naTete mai
Blessing I think vaitondireva chete.

Tanga tine Hilux D4D twin cab ine open truck kumashure. So pakupinda mumota vanhu vakapinda
pavaive vakagara. Baba Rumbie vakabva vagara paseat pangu. Maiguru , Blessing, baba na Tete
vakagara paback seat which meant ini ndanga ndisina pekugara apa Beaven anga aenda ku toilet.
Akasvika ndakamira panze.

Beaven " ko uchirikuiteiko panze Mai Junior let's go shaa wanna watch a match tonight Chelsea ne
Man u"

Ndakabva ndatozama kukwira kumashure.

Akabva andibata

" Aah uri kuita seiko ungakugare kumashure here sweetie what's this" akadaro Beaven.

Me " Rega ndigare Beaven"

Beaven " Ko kumberi kwaita sei hatidi munhu ane muyedzo ka"

Me " Kwazara kani hande hazvina basa"

Akaenda kufront achibva atoona vanhu vakagara. I remained standing.

Beaven " aaah nhai mukoma mungabva matadza kuita honor ladies here mai junior vagare kumberi"

Baba Rumbie " haushure here iwewe inini mukoma wako kugara kumashure akoshei iyeye akoshei"

Baba " Hauna kushorwa mwanangu uri munhu wemurume unogona kugara seri dai pasina kuti
tachembera ndainogara hangu"

Tete Mai blessing "Baba munosaidira zvisina maturo imi hamuzive here kuti Baba Rumbie ndobaba
vedu pano. Munhu kadzi muroora pamusoro pazvo angakoshe kudarika baba samusha aiwa
musatirasire tsika dzedu. Iwe Baba Rumbie usatombobve"
Yakabva yatanga bvonga mupopoto ne kutukana ipapo kunongedza kwaitwa paAvenues paya

Beaven " it's fine hazvina basa Mai Junior can drive ndogara kumashure inini"

Akabva atokwira kumashure.

Me " Beaven please shaa just drive for the sake of peace kani. Hazvina kana basa "

Beaven " No babie what will the world say. Ok then chienda ne cab kana zvakadaro"

Ndakazongobvuma zvangu kwakuenda ne Cab hangu.

_Such is life when you are married in such a family_🤦🏽♀

_Tongaiwo ndizvo here nekuti uri muroora wogara kumashure pakadai_

*End* *of* *Chapter* *18*

*Thank you* *nekuchengetedza* *machapters* *luv u* *all💋*

[21/06, 15:35] Lyniemore sweety: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭

Story by Sabz aka Shamiso 💋

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 15


Handidi kunyepa i was just hurt. When i say hurt i mean it. How could Beaven have the guts to buy a
house for Rudo. Imba here akomana. Aiwa zvimwe ndezvimwe but this was just not what i expected
of him. To add fuel to the fire voenda zvavo kuholiday kuChina and God knows kuti was it Tea
yakamupisa or akanorumwa ikoko. My heart bleed 💔 i was broken torn apart. Handina kurara musi
iwoyu. I needed someone to talk to. But ndakazongozvidzora hangu kuphonera ana Monalisa
ndimbotange ndambotaura na mwari.

The following morning ndakanopa Gogo mwana kwakupinda muprayer room mangu. Ndakachema
kuna mwari.... Nhai mwari chiiko ichi will i ever be happy in my life and when. Zvichapera rinhi izvi
nhai mwari. 😭😭😭 i cried and cried. Inga wani tange tichifara mushe nemwana wedu
munyowani now this ko ndini ndadiii mwari kani.
Nhamo yekushungurudzwa na Mai vaBeaven was just a better problem kwandiri pane kunzwaiwo na
Beaven aiwa this was just tooo much. I cant live like this oooh nooo.

Akauya Beaven but i just couldnt give him a chance yekutaura neni. I was too broken for his damn
explanation. I left.

Ndakatombodzokera kunorara cause i was having a headache handaimbotadze ini. Ndakatozomuka

pave paye ndatomutswa na Shungu achiti hanzi na Gogo muchembere chimuka. I bathed kwakuenda
kunogara nana Gogo panze. Gogo Theresa vanga vasina kuenda kubasa kwavo musi uyu.
Ndakavamutsa ndikabva ndatora mwana kwakuyamwisa.

Mbuya T " Hanziiko na Beaven"

Me " Hapana ambuya kungo kumbira ruregerero kusingaperi"

Mbuya T " Murume wako oooh i surrender ini"🙌🏽

Me " Haaa ini Gogo marriage yacho aaah"

Mbuya T "Haungambotadze ukati mai inoroya woti benzi remwana iwe"

Gogo Furusa " Aaah Mai Muku musatsigire zvisina kunaka Ndizvo zvavari varume izvozvi. Zvinotoda
mukadzi anonamata eeeh ndiri kufara nezvauri kuita Simbie kunamata. Woshinga kumira semukadzi.
Izvi zvekuchema ingochema zvishoma asi wotomira"

Mbuya T " Mhai mune chamunoziva here mwana uyu kutomubata inyasha. Ini nemaziso angu
ndakaona zvakawanda paMhondoro paye. Akashinga Simbiso uyu wee"

Gogo Furusa "Ndinozviziva hakuna nhamo isingaperi and hakuna problem isingaperi. Kwacho
kwaunoda kuenda ikoko kune zvakwo ikoko. Unotoona kuti iyi nhamo itori nani"

Gogo akomana zvakufushunurwa weduwe.

Mbuya T " Asi kune kunoda kuendwa kani"

Gogo Furusa " Achakuudza iyeye... Asi chandoda kuti uzive ndechekuti unofanirwa kumira
semukadzi pano pamba. Zvaakatengera marwei imba chiti horaiti hande ndoda kunoona imba yacho
iyoyo. Ikwo kubasa kwaunongoramba uchienda ikoko usingla nguva nezve murume wako ndozviri
kumutuma kuparadza pfuma. Ko iwe wadii kupota uriwe unodealer na marwei iyeye nekuchengeta
mwana wacho uriwe usavapr mukana wekuwirirana na Bevy"

Me " Gogo zvese ndakazama kuita but Beaven anongoramba achidzokera ikoko. Iyo nyaya
yekushanda ummm Gogo ndiri kungoita wani zvekubasa zvachona."

Gogo Furusa "kana uchiita zvino mari yakabuda nekupi"

Mbuya T " Haaa mhai aiwa kuti asiye basa nehunhubu hune murume aiwa kana. Beaven hamunyatsa
kumuziva amai"

Gogo Furusa " Mai Muku iwe vaka mwana "

_Mbuya Theresa thinking._

Ndakabva ndatoti wangu muromo nyarara pakadai apa ava ndivamwene zve pakaita chinomuwira
Simbiso zvinongonzi Theresa uya 🙌🏽. Asi kutosiyana nezva Beaven ndokunotoshanda apa nekuti
nhamo yacho haiperi.

Takazenge angove malectures na Gogo. Vakazopinda mumba naJnr tikasara takagara na mbuya T na
Mbuya T " tauraka nyaya yako"

Me " Kkkkk Gogo vanopenga ava"

Mbuya T " Ndiudzeiwo"

Takaseka naShungu. Tichibva tatanga kuvarondedzera hedu.

Mbuya T " Aaaah iwee Jayden ndeupi uyu haasi workmate yako yekumbouya newe kufarm mazuva

Me " Ndiye zvake"

Mbuya T 🤞🏽" idi munodanana imi mazuva aya ndakatombozvitaura na Kule vako"
Me " Haaaa Gogo ndiye anondida ini handimude"

Mbuya T " uchinyepera ani zvino haaana kuroora here?"

Shungu " Divorced"

Mbuya T " Torwa hako usiye demoni remurume rinonzi Beaven. Ndakatonyara amai ndaida
kumukwapaidza stupid anga tore 60k kunotengera njapisi imba kukushoora ikoko kuzoti China haaa
handina kunzwa mushe ini "

Vakarovanisa maoko. And for sure akaponeswa naGogo otherwise airohwa mazhaba chaiwo.

That day takaswera tokasvika pakurara and Beaven haana kudzoka.


Ndakasvika kumba kwaRudo apa panga pakati zii zvapo. Ndakaridza hooter no one answered so I
tried the gate it was opened. I got in. Ndakatambirwa na Maid.
Me " Mai Tinashe varimo here umo"

Maid " Yaaa varimo regai ndivasheedze"

After a few minutes she came back

Maid " Father hanzi huyai"

Nxaaa ndange ndisiri kuda kuenda kumabedroom. Ndakaramba ndakagara zvangu. Ndakatoona hour
richitopera ndakagara ndikazoti regai ndiende.

Ndakavhura door wanikwe munhu akazvambara pabed akavhura makumbo apa haana kupfeka
ndatomboda kudyirira cause Rudo ainaka zvake apa number 11 kukura iko kukora kwacho mazi 11
chaiwo. Unombomira kushokekana apa uchiita kunge uchabuda marute

Rudo " Hesi Beaven"

Ndakavhunduka kani ndange ndatove in a world of my own ini.

Me " Iwe ndikwanire mhani chiiko chawaita"


Rudo " Ummm zvakaoma shuwa I just did zvandaikwanisa kuita ko rine manyanga ragara hariputirike

Me " Une shuwa iwewe. Unoziva sooo brain dzako dzinoita kunge dze grade zero chaidzo.... handina
mashoko newe wanzwa asi kubva nhasi ibva waziva kuti inini newe hapachisina"

Rudo " Hehede Beaven Rushy unofunga ungandishandise wondisiya ndakadaro indava uchirota soo"

Apa anga auya amira number kwangu akabata belt repa trousers.
Me " Unopenga here Rudo. Chinoshamisira pakushandiswa chiiko kuti ndiwe watangwa nazvo here"

Rudo " Ndiri kutonzwa kukuda ini" akadaro achindibata mbolis yanga yakazhongonyoka mubrief
imomo yakamira chibanana style.

" Ndisiye mhani" ndakadaro ndichizama kumubvisa ruoko

Rudo " usade kuzvishingisa ka iwe watosimba kare kkkk vaBeaven" akandidzvanya j*ndile

Ndakaita weak indava achida kutamba nezvisinga tambwi nazvo sooo.

Akaita kupurudzisa pamberi petrousers ndikatonzwa kuti yaaa uyu munhu ndomupedzera chete.

I took her mumaoko angu kwakumunama nayo kiss. Ndichibva ndamabata mazi**ko iwayo.
Ndakanomuti pabed ipapo kwakuto mushedegurira. Haaa Rudo soo naaaka
Hameno takabiwa nehope sei but takadzirara from 9am kusvika kuma 3pm. Ndakamuka ndabikirwa
chikafu naRudo.

I ate food iya kwakugara zvangu ndichiisa TV ko maive mumba zvamo kutyei. Haaana kunditendera
kudzokera kumba hanzi handisati ndapedza newe. Iniwo kumba kwacho ndaimhanyirei Simbiso
wacho akatsamwa.

*2 days later.*


The whole weekend kufuura Beaven asipo ini ndanga ndatove me stress. His phone was not
reachable I wasn't sure kuti ndo reporter here or not. Mbuya Theresa vakabva vati vakuenda kumba
kwavo. Kwanzi handizogone kuzvi controller apa paina amwene wavo. Takambova nyengetedza na
Shungu but vakaramba hanzi daka ravo naBeaven rakakurisa.

Kuma 7pm Sunday yacho ndatopedza vangu kubika ndakagara mulounge na Gogo.

Me " Ndatone stress ini"

Gogo Furusa " ndiwe waka mupushira kure. Ungabva watadza kutaurirana wakasarudza kutsamwa
chiona manje
Varume havadi izvozvo"

Aaah asi Gogo chii nhai vaida ndiitei.

Me " Saka ndaifanirwa kusekerera here kuti anditadzira"

Gogo Furusa " Kwete asi unoda kunzwisisa side rake"

Shungu " Aiwa Gogo zvanyanya izvi munhu ndiye akunyengerera iye ariye atadzirwa here"

Gogo " ati kunyengerera ndiani munhu unotsamwa wozvidzora"

Aiwa Gogo kana hapana advise apa. Vakatanga kuti udza kukosha kwemarriage. Uku Shungu
aitodeedzera kuti haabate kuroorwa nemu African aitoda zvemurungu hanzi hazvina stress asi aiva
nepoint chaiyo. I wish I was her zvangu.

Takazonzwa mota kupinda kugate tikaziva kuti shasha yauya. He entered the room. Ndakangoramba
ndakatarisa pasi. Akagara pasi.
Beaven "Gogo maswera sei"

Gogo " Ndaswera zvangu kana maswerawo"

Beaven " Ndaswera mushe"

Shungu " Babamukuru zvirisey"

Beaven " Bhoo ninez"

Pakamboita silence. Aah aitofanirwa kundimhoresa cause iye ndiye anezvitadzo kwete ini.

Gogo " Mai Junior ko hamukwazise baba here?."

Haaa Gogo akomana.

Me " Zvirisey"

Ndakataurira pasi.

Beaven " Mushe"

Ndakabva ndasimuka kuenda kubedroom aiwa ndanga ndisingazvigone ini.


Gogo " Muzukuru ndati timbotaure tese urikundinzwa"

Me " Taurai henyu Gogo ndakaterera"

Gogo " Chiri kunetsa chii pamuzukuru wangu Simbiso uyu ndiudze ndigadzirise. Ndoda paanotadza"

Kutaura chokwadi panga pasina chaanotadza zvake. The only problem I had was that she just
couldn't give me a child but zvakapera izvo.

Me " hapana"

Gogo " Hiya hapana nhaika saka unoda kumuona achichema ka. Kunyarara handi kupusa kashamwari
ukandiona ndasimuka ini munhu mukuru kuzogarira mukororo wangu pano handisi kutamba kaini.
Kana usingamude Simbiso ndiudze ndiende naye pane kumushungurudza uri kundizwa here"

Aah chembere yakapopota ndakatoshaya kuti ndodini. Ndaiti ndiFurusa chete zvino zvinenge

Me " Ndapanzwa Gogo"

" Eeeh kupazwa kupazwa kudini iti ndichanogadzirisa kwete kupazwa todye kupazwa here isu. Uri
kutadza nekutinyara kwese pano" vakadeedzera Gogo
Me " Ndine hurombo mbuya ndinogadzirisa chokwadi ndiregerereiwo"

Vakabva vabuda. Hey vanga vatsamwa dai vanhu vaiziva havo kuti ndanga ndinaye Rudo haaa
vaindiuraya chokwadi.

Ndakabva ndaenda kubedroom kwangu. Ndakasvikowana Simbiso achipacker mabags ake. 😳😳


Me " Nhai Babie chiiko shaa wobva wadaro here. Kutadza kuri muvanhu sweetheart"

Simbiso " Beaven zvako ndazvitadza izvozvi wane 2 nights usipo how do you think I feel heee"

Me "Babie zvimwe zvinhu zvinoda tigare titaurirana kwete zvauri kuita izvi."

Simbiso " Ndagara oooh taura nyaya yako nyepa tinzwe"

Beaven " Sweetie look nyaya yekuChina am sorry ndakafarisa neniwo ndiri kushaya kuti what led me
to do that. Then yemba iyo the house ndeya Tinashe the least I could do for him was to buy him a
Me " Wataurirana nani Beaven which means handina kukosha kaini and even though why did you
hide it"

Yaaa unopererwa kushaya pekubata murume mukuru.

Me "That's why am sorry Simbiso ndiregererewo mudiwa"

I knelt down kuombera chaiko. Akabva atanga kuchema zvake. I comforted her.

" Beaven why uchida kundirwadzisa when I love you so much why why"

Iish ndakarwadziwa nemashoko ake kani I was guilty but I couldn't control myself Rudo had become
a muyedzo chaiwo....

*Not edited*

End of Chapter 15

Thank you for the overwhelming support. Chengetedzai book.

[21/06, 15:35] Lyniemore sweety: 💐💔_*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 17



Ini ndanga ndatopererwa ini ndakagaya zvakawanda kani. Ko chii futi chakuitika pamwana wangu.
Ndakademba kupererwa. Uku Beaven anga apusa zvino ungazoti ndovaya vekungwara ngwara.
Mwana anokosha weduwe. Pane time dzinotadza kushanda mari uinayo wakaibata but money can't
buy life.

Ndakabuda kuenda kutoilet. I asked the nurse kwaive me Toilet and she directed me.

Ndakapinda mutoilet macho ndichingobuda kuti ndiende pa ma wash basin dhuma dhuma na Mai
vaJayden. I was shocked.
Me " Mhamha"

Her " Simbiso" vakafara as she hugged me.

Her " ko what brings you her my child"

I told what was going on ipapo. Apa misodzi yangu yatojenga.

Her " Aaah no munoenda kuchurch here if the doctor doesn't know it could be spiritual so pange
pakudawo vanhu vamwari"

Kutaura chokwadi I hadn't thought of calling even Pastor Clara not even kuenda pagrp redu nana
Yvonne not even my mother chaiwo. Munoziva so kudzimaidzwa kana Gogo takanga tinawo
tichingonetsekana kudaro but no one had thought of praying.

Me " Yes I do go. Munoziva mhamha you are God sent I hadn't even thought about it"
Her " It happens if you don't mind I can see him. Ukuwo uchiphonera your pastor"

Me " Ok mum. Ko imi what brings you here?"

I had only focused on my problems and forgot my manners.

Her " I have my daughter Mandy she is not feeling well actually aita bleeding iye ane nhumbu"

Me " Aah shem but how is she?"

Her " She is fine ambonzi bed rest. My pastor is almost here... Let's go kumwana dear"

I then called vana mhamha and Pastor Clara apa ironically Pastor Clara was also seeing someone

We got out straight kuna Beaven kwaiva nemwana.

Patakasvika panga patove ne heck heck. Manurses and doctors vaunganira mwana. Mumwe ne
mumwe ari busy pamwana wangu.

"What's going on" ndakadaro ndichizvimanikidzira kupinda ipapo

Nurse " Wait ma'am the doctor is trying his best to resuscitate our baby."

🙆🏽♀🙆🏽♀🙆🏽♀ "Mwariii" I called out

Mai Jay " No no Simbiso usadaro"

Beaven " Babie calm down kani"

Ndanga ndabatwa zvino. Hamuna chamunoziva imi ukarwarirwa ne mwana unopererwa. Ipapa
resuscitation meant kuti he was dead or almost.

Mai Jay " Nurse nditenderei ndimboona mwana am an Elder kuchurch"

Vakabvumidzwa vachibva vaenda pabed. Apa madoctors anga atoita give up. Vangitarisa. Chi life
machine chavanga vaisa was almost zeroing meaning we were looking him.

" Do some thing pliz mwana wangu kani" I called out apa Beaven was holding me kundirambidza
kuenda apa iye achichema.

We stood there apa Beaven yangove misodzi chaiyo.😭 Ini hatichataure. Mhamha va Jay lifted
lifeless Junior and prayed.

_"Father your word says kana Paine arwara pakati penyu ngadeedze vakuru vechurch vaise maoko
pamusoro pake. Ndizvozvo baba makanditenda kuva mukuru pabasa renyu zvino I lay my hands on
Junior uyu baba. Isaiah 53 anoti Nemavanga enyu Jesu takaporeswa idzo shamhu dzenyu
dzikativigira rugare. Rinodarozve shoko renyu kuti Hakuchina kupomerwa mhosva kune avo
vakamutenda vakagamuchira Jesu samambo namuponesi wavo. Every foul spirit I command you in
the name of Jesus to leave this body in Jesus name. Satani mano mano ako tinoaziva uyu haasi wako
uyu. Tinokuraira kuti buda ne zita raJesu.... Moto wamwari moto wamwari. OUT in the name of
Jesus. Fire in the name of Jesus christ. Kubva ikozvino Junior in the mighty name of Jesus I command
you to wake up. Wake up in the name of Jesus Christ. Sharebakasada mutiwera shikalabo sakahai in
the name of Jesus we speak healing by his blood. In Jesus mighty name"_

Kungodaro Junior akabva akosora maDoctors were amazed. Apa vana mhamha vanga vasvika vese
na Pastor Clara. They then joined in to pray for Junior. Handisati ndakamboona mwana mudiki achi
manifestor ini. But Junior manifested akarutsa zvekuti......

Mabelreign 🦎🦎🦎🦎

"Mai ndatsva kani. Yohwe kani mhai kani"

Rudo akangomuka mambakuedza achingokwenya achiti aitsva. Mai vaRudo vaivepo kumba
kwaRudo ikoko. Vakatovhunduka vachinzwa mwana wavo achideedzera.

Mai Rudo " Chiiko nhai Mai Tinashe"

Vakadeedzera vachimhanya kuenda kubedroom kwa Rudo.

Rudo " Ndatsva kani ndidirei mvura yohwee zvangu mwana waBeaven arikudei muno .
Handichazviite zvakare amai hweee"

_Mai Rudo thinking_

Maihwe zvimushonga zviye manje ndobata nepapi anoisa paiko zvinhu zvake Rudo. Regai ndiedze
Vakamhanya mai Rudo kuenda kuzvimikwende zvavo. Uku maid aingove akatarisa zvake drama
richiitika zvaro. Vakadzoka nezvaiita sezvifodya.

" Batidza chitofo chako musikana"

Vakatora pan vakakanga zvinhu zvavo. Vakanosanganisa nevaseline vachibva vazora Rudo aiita
kuyuwira akavata pasi......

_*Back ku 24 hr*_


Mu24hr manga makuita kunge muchurch zvino dzangove ndimi after ndimi. I was happy now at least
my son was alive.

The ladies then left the doctor to attend to Junior . We were together na Beaven. Apa all of a
sudden my boy was smiling achirezva zvake as if nothing had happened.

Doctor " I have done all tests the boy is well. Guess you can take him home. Just give him
paracetamol if his temperature changes"
Beaven " Thank you Doctor"

Doctor " Just wait for the nurse a bit"

Takasara takagara na Beaven.

" Who's that lady shaa ndoda kuvatenda amai vaye.... ummm if it wasn't for her ka" akadaro Beaven

Zvino zvaitaurika here kuti ndi mai vaJayden nhai iiish

Me " Aaah vanonzi Mai Masiyiwa"

Beaven " Aaah hooo ummm I have to thank her"

Takazosiya nyaya yacho nurse vanga vapinda. We finished all procedures kwakuenda kunana
mhamha vanga vari pawaiting area.
Ndakapa mainroductions zvangu Mai Jay ndakangovati Mai Masiyiwa.

Mai Jay " Aaah am happy the little one is going home please do take care of him"

Beaven " Am so grateful ma'am"

Mai Jay " Munotendei it's the Lord's doing and it's marvelous in our sight"

Mhamha vakatora mwana vachibva vabuda vese na Jay takasara tina Pastor Clara na Mai Jay.

Ndakabva nahugger mai vaJayden. Mupfungwa mangu makadzoka Jayden.

Me " Thank you mhamha you don't know how grateful I am"

*Apa misodzi*😭😭😭😭

Mai Jay " Tenda mwari achiri kukuda chienda kune mwana murume wako anganetsekane"
Me " Aah ndange ndichida kungodongorera mwana wenyu wamati ari kurwara"

Vakamboda kuramba but I insisted tichibva tapinda kuno vaona. Hey Jay pachezvake they looked

Mai Jay "Mandy this is Simbiso Jays friend and Simbiso this is Mandy Jays sister"

Me " Nice to meet you how are you feeling?"

Mandy " My pleasure am better thanks"

Handina kuzogara zvangu. Ndakabva ndatorwa pic tina mai vake, the sister and myself.

Pastor Clara escorted me.

Pastor " Hey we thank God for that panga paipa"

Me "you can say that again. Amai ava vanyatsa kundigonera don't know how to thank her"

Pastor " By the way that Jaydens mum how do you know each other"

Me " kkkkk wanted to ask the same"

Ndakavaudza how I met her and she said she was her Pastor kuchurch. It's a small world after all.

We laughed.

Pastor " I think if your hubby allows us we need to do a deliverance service kumba even today
manheru or maybe Friday night"

Me " Ok I will talk to him and let you know"

We parted. Takananga kumba tese naMhamha.

Patakasvika kumba we were tired and sleepy so we went to bed

mhamha na Gogo ndovaive na Junior. Musi uyu Beaven haana kuenda kubasa.

When we woke up. Takagara hedu mumablackets. Apa dzanga dzakuma 2pm.

Beaven "Shaa hana yangu ichiri kungorova what was that happening kumwana paanga

Me " That's manifestation kubuda mademon"

Beaven " Ummm but how come Aiziva nehudiki hwake anga bude nademon"

Me " Ndatotyawo but don't you think we can call that lady ambouye ne team yavo imbonamate
pano pamwe pane zvakatumirwa pano"

Beaven " You are right iiish cause panenge panoda cleansing chaiyo"
Yaaa zvangu zvanga zvaita better weduwe.

Me " So can I call her she can come tonight ne team yavo"

Beaven " Great"

I was happy. Ndakanobikira Beaven chikafu. Then ndichibva ndaronga na Pastor Clara. Mhamha also
insisted to stay for the prayer and deliverance service.

_Later on that night....._

Pastor Clara brought along about 15 people men and women that night. Among them was Mai Jay
zvaisaita vasare since Beaven aitotenda ivo. I welcomed them then we started the prayer service
Beaven anga arimo zvake.
Takaparidzwa then we went into deliverance. Pakanamatirwa Beaven he manifested mademon
chaiyo aiita kuda kurova vanhu. Ummm team yakaoma iyoyi vakamudeliver. Akarutsa and
akabudirwa voices spoke through him.

_Hanzi anoda kuvhaira zvino tichamugadzirisa hedu_

_Hanzi murume waRudo_

_Hanzi toda kuuraya Simbiso_

Zvakawanda kani.

_*Meanwhile in Mhondoro*_ 🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎

" Yohwee ndarohwa kani mai kani ndarumwa kani apa kani hiiiii"

Sekuru Rushy "marohwa neiko aChihera kupi ko"

Vakanetseka Sekuru Rushy vaburuka pabed pavo kuti vatarise Mbuya Rushy vaingochema. Vanga
vachangotanga kubatwa nehope pavakamutswa neruzha urwu.

" Ndarumwa kani, ndarohwa kani, ndarumwa kani, ndarohwa kani.... maihwee usandirove mwana
waBeaven kani.... iwe Beaveni yohwe kani ndarumwa kani ndarohwa kani" vakadzenga nemba yese
Mbuya Rushy vachichema

Sekuru Rushy vakashaya zvekuita nemudzimai wavo. Vakazodedzera muzukuru wavo anodeedza
hama dzavo. Hama dzakauya dzikaungana mumba imomo vakaedza zvese asi mbuya Rushy havana

End of Chapter 17

Luv u all.💋💋💋💋

[21/06, 15:35] Lyniemore sweety: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_😭😭😭😭

Story by Sabz aka Shamiso 💋

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 16
*Remember events of this story is a mixed bag of life experiences from 3 ladies*

*Not edited*


Zvimwe zvinhu zvinoitwa naBeaven soo it leaves a lot to be desired. Hameno maybe I needed to vent
or to go somewhere I could be alone for sometime. Time to rethink my life. As for now my life was
just a big mistake and a mess at the same time.

Hapana zvisvinu zvaakataura rather than apologies after apologies ndozvaari Beaven. Takazorara

The following morning I woke up very early. Ndaida anyatsa kundiudza nezve imba yacho like what
Gogo had said.

Beaven " Iriko kuMabelreign."

Me " Hooo saka ndokuna Tinashe na Mai vake"

Beaven " I thought i apologized shaa"

Me " That's my money yakatenga imba Beaven I need to know about it. Chiri kukunetsa kudaira chii"

Beaven " ndizvozvo"

Me " Take me there today ndoda kunokuona"

Beaven " Shaa is it necessary munongokonzeresa unnecessary noise besides I don't want to see

Me " Imba tiri kunoona irregardless yekuti you are in good books or not naRudo."

_Beaven thinking_

Yaaa at times Simbiso anoomesa musoro zvekuti unotoshaya kuti wodini. Aaah rega ndimuendesa
but I just hope Rudo doesn't perform.

He agreed and said aizonditora maskati. My heart was heavy kani.i didn't know how to react
anymore. Ok pane imba does that mean tave pabarika here isu ummm. Beaven akaenda kubasa and
I awaited kuzotorwa.
Ndakati regai ndimboenda hangu pa app ndikawana message from Yvonne. Oh that lady weku AMG
whom I met conference yekucapetown Gore riya.

📩 Hi Dear it's been long

📤 hey sure long time indeed.

📩 can I call you dear

📤 cool.

My phone rang and I answered. Akandiudza about this group of women who were prayer warriors
and they sometimes met or they use whatsapp platform to encourage one another. The grp was for
prayer and grooming and anything to do with marriage and marital issues I decided to join. Anga
auyawo at the right time zvake. I really needed this.
Ndakapinzwa mugrp kwakuzvi introducer and was told kuisa voice note ye my problem. Advise was
thrown kani. Vaiti unofanirwa kumira and claim what is your zvakangowanda kani. But ndakawana
simba zvangu. I really wanted my marriage to work ndaimuda Beaven and wasn't prepared to lose
him. Chokwadi it's the devil asingade kuona kufara kwangu.

Kuma 12noon Pastor Clara visited. Ndakatozvishaya kuti vangouya she usually calls and futi vanga
vauirei basa kuoffice kwangu vanga vasiirei nhai.

Me " Hello welcome "

Pst Clara " Hey dear how are you"

Me " Ndiri nani can we sit outside"

Pst Clara " cool zvese zvinoita"

We went kunogara kuka mini park kandakango improviser zvangu pamba pangu.

I shared with her my latest experience na Beaven. I told her how much I wanted my marriage to
Me " but am hurt"

Pst Clara " All is well my sister God is in control zvichaita. Continue to pray to God he is not asleep
but akariko mwari wedu. You need to put on the right weapons chete. About the house my advise is
know about it and then accept kuti it's done. Talk to him that you have accepted..... be a fool to him.
That way anoramba achikunyara onyara kuita zvaanoita but if you stand and be hard he will
continue to do things that will break you. Never cease to pray. Prayer is our weapon"

I was revived kani. God help me.

Me " Thank you"

Takazotaura hedu dzimwe dzekubasa and all. Vachibva vanamata ndokuenda. After she had just left
Beaven akasvika hanzi let's go. Ndakasiira Gogo mwana ne bottle kwakupinda mumota nekuenda.

We reached the house. Yaaa it was a nice house zvayo. Ndakatoshamisika kuona patona Gardner
who opened the gate for us. Kuzoti maid. We stood mulounge. Tinashe akauya kachimhanya kuna
Daddy wacho. Yaa it showed the baby knew his father. Saka Beaven aigara ipapo.

Time time Rudo akabva abuda. She was shocked to see me.
" Ari kutsvagei pano uyu" she said in a strong demanding voice.

Beaven "Dzikama wanzwa"

Me " Ndauya kuzoona imba yangu"

Akaombera maoko

" Imba yipi yauri kuti yako nxaa imba ndeyangu ino buda uende hamba uko" akadaro zvake

Beaven " Chiiko newe haunzwe wakaita sei"

Me " Don't worry Beaven I have seen what I wanted to see let's go"
"Buda uende uko stupid yemunhu waiti handitengerwe imba manje iyi Beaven anditengera
wakasvinura sedemba. Manje chatosara ndiye Beaven wacho mira uone zvako"

Ndakazvidzora chokwadi. I wanted to shout back but they say ignore a fool to avoid noise. I was hurt
nemashoko ake but I decided to ignore.

Beaven " Rudo ndakuti nyarara kare inga wani what kind of a person are you"

Rudo " Iwe Beaven udza munhu wako kuti asada kundijairira nxaa"

Beaven " Wakundibhohwa manje indava usina respect"

Rudo " Respect yekurespecter ani kuti ndiye mwari here ageza bhazi here"

Ndakazongonzwa yatove mbama pana Rudo. I was glad she deserved it foolish person.
Akatanga kupopota avekuda kuedza kundirova apa Beaven achi vhara nekumurwisa

"Hure stupid uchazviona benzi remunhu unoda kudada neyi murume ndini ndino servicer apa"
aidedzera hake Rudo apa inini wacho ndange ndatomira zvangu. Simba chairo ndange ndisina
hameno it was as if mumba imomo maindipedza simba.

Vakarumana naBeaven ikoko ndakazoona munhu akunyatsa kurohwa size chaiyo. Ndakanogara
mumota Beaven achibva auuya tikaenda.

He was angry you could see but nechemumoyo ndakangoti mazvokuda mavanga aya. Hapana
akataura neumwe kusvika tisvike kumba...

2 weeks later

"Ko waiita seiko Jnr" akadaro Beaven ambotora mwana achisvusvurudza he had been crying since 12
midnight and dzanga dzatove kuma 1.30am.

Me " Ini handichazive Beaven rega ndimbomutse Gogo"

Beaven " Yaa enda pamwe semunhu mukuru vangazive "

Ndakabuda ndichinodeedza Gogo vakamuka tikanosangana kulounge na Beaven ne mwana. Gogo
vakamutarisa tarisa but it seemed Junior was fine to her.

We decided kuenda ku24hr naye. Takasvika and we were attended to.

Beaven " Doctor what could be the problem"

Doctor " Am not even sure everything seems ok but mwana ari kuchema"

Ndakaona Beaven zvino achibata musoro paye. Murume mukuru unopererwa chaiko. Takagara hedu
vachida kuona kuti angarare here nekumubaya kwavanga vamuita. Vanga vakutyira mabayo ko iye
anga achachema zvinoenda kure here yanga yangove kazwi. Moyo wangu wakarwadza ko
ndakaiteiko nhai mwari......

Jayden 👨🏽⚖

Ndaibva zvangu kubasa ndichinzwa music zvangu ya Jah prayzah. I had bought a new car a Toyota
Hilux and was enjoying my ride. Apa pfungwa dziri pachido chemoyo wangu Simbiso. Out ofvsight
does not mean out of mind ka. Even though she was avoiding me but my heart belonged to her.
My phone rang... I answered it. I hadn't checked who it was cause it was blue toothed to my ride.

" Hello" I said

" Makadini zvenyu baba Maka" the voice answered

I thought i had recognised the voice as my former mother in law but vanga vawanepi my contacts.

Me "Tiripo ndiri kutaura nani"

Voice " Ndini Gogo vaMaka "

I was right. Ko vaidei amai ava the last time I saw her we had a heated argument wani.

Me " Aaah mhamha makadini"

Hazels Mum" Ndiripo zvangu akadii Makanakaishe

Me " Anofara hake. Vakadini vamwe"

Hazels Mum" Vanofara zvavo"

Pakamboita karunyararo apa memories of Hazel flooded back. The good times we shared. Ndaimuda
hangu mwana uya.

Hazels Mum " Ndaphonawo aah hameno munganditenderewo here kumbotora Maka holiday
chisuwo mwanangu"

Haya I never expected that from her the way she shun me paya as if vanga vasina kana basa naye
Maka wacho.

Me " Aah mhamha regai ndigoona kuti ndozvifambisa sei ndinokuzivisai"

Hazels Mum "Ok mwanangu please ndasuwa Maka chokwadi"

Me " Ok mhamha bye"

"Bye" she said kubva ndacutter phone.

I had to consult vana mhamha first as for me I wasn't comfortable of having Maka go there ummm
not at all.

Ndakasvika kumba like any other day. My life was more centered on that little girl I could value
anything more. If am not doing my job then am playing with Maka.

Days passed my mind still on my lady kani. I had called Sam akafa nekundiseka with all the escapades
I had encountered with Simbie recently. I begged him to ask Simbiso just to be my chat friend. Of
course i wanted more than that but for now I wouldn't mind just chatting hangu naye zvaindibvisa

Ndakazophonera mhamha about Maka visiting her maternal grandmom place. Vakapopota zvekuti
but she then said tozoona Maka wacho ave holiday.

I was seated in my office one day. My phone rang it was Aunty vaMaka I wondered what it was I
hoped she hadn't burnt down the whole house. Kkkkk.

Me " Hello "

Aunty " Sekuru Mai Ashy vauya" akazevezera

🙆🏽♂🙆🏽♂🙆🏽♂ chinyekewo burning the house could have been a better problem. Haaa
aideiko Alice....
Me " Zvakaoma thanks"

I think woo muzukuru wangu anga akutofinhikana naye Alice. Handina kutozoswera mushe that day.
Kutotarisira horror chaiyo. I wondered which language she will understand nhai.

Ndakanonoka kuenda kumba that day and it was a Friday zvayo. Actually did it deliberately nekuda
kwaAlice. Zvivindi zvake ndezvei zvekuramba achidzoka kuno. Kumwe kwacho kuda kutsvagana
chaiko. Well semunhu asinganwe doro kwekutsndarira ndokwaitonetsa so was on office up until
ndatonetawo ne office environment I decided to just go home. I had eaten a take away so ndanga

Pandakasvika it was around 10pm. Aunty was still awake akagara mukitchen chaimo kunge munhu
akarindira chikafu kudaro.

Me " Ndeipi Mai Jane " I whispered.

Aunty " Mushe vapinda kuroom mavo endai mubedroom ndokuvigirai food"

Me " Don't worry thanks"

Ndakatoita kunyahwaira ndichienda kubedroom.

This weekend I had to make him sleep with me. Semunhu ane nzara haanetse kuseducer but maybe
haana nzara hake I thought.

I had to make effort either way. This was my chance to settle down. I loved Jayden and I had made
effort to get him. I couldn't afford to waste all the effort for nothing. But having done a little
research on that Simbiso lady I don't think he had a chance since she was married. I had a better
chance I was single and so was he.

I wanted to surprise Jay. I flew to capetown. When I got to his place maid wake akanditambira but
there was something I didn't like about this lady. Either she wants Jay or something cause
kamutarisiro kacho.. . He didn't turn up maybe he was having a Friday night out with some lady. I
was hurt. Ndakamboedza his phone but yaitove unreachable zvayo aaah hameno. Ndakazonorara

End of Chapter 16

Luv u all. Let's continue kuchengetedza Book redu tichinakirwa pachedu💋

[22/06, 21:10] Lyniemore sweety: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso* 💋

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 19

Hamadzangu dzinoita zvinhu zvinoshoresa mufunge izvozvi we were all going to my place apa kuna
Ambhuya na Gogo. I just hoped haaite manyemwe avo anenge edhongi iri pachigayo. Zvimwe zvacho
ndanga ndakutonyara Simbiso ini.

Amai takavasiya it was a private ward zvayo but Doctor had advised to go and come back manheru.

I had to let my wife go ne Cab which wasn't fair to me at all. But ungavadini vana vaChihera hakirosi
yacho yakanyanya.

Tiri muroad Maiguru vakatanga.

Maiguru "Ko Mai Tinashe varisei nehurwere"

The mention of Rudo's name shocked me let alone kunzi arikurwara.

Me " Hameno"
Maiguru " Hameno vari kurwara muri kuzviziva henyu ka"

Mai Blessing " Kurwara nei"

Maiguru " Hameno zvakangotangawo nezuro ndaitoda kutoenda kunovaona nhasi "

Mai Blessing " Saka tiudze ka Beaven kuti arisei"

Me " mubvunzei hamuna number dzake here?"

Mai Blessing " Tobvunza iwe murume wake zve"

Me " Musade kundinzwa nhaika"

Havana kuzoenderera mberi. So she wasn't feeling well nhai. Well hameno Rudo can take care of
herself kana achida mari ndaizotumira zvangu but I wasn't going there.
Takasvika kumba Simbiso anga atosvika. She had started preparing food. Ndozvandaidira Simbiso
she had a heart of Gold can tolerate anything mhani.

Vanhu vakapinda mumba muina Ambhuya na Gogo. Vakakwazisana zvavo. Mwana anga
akangobatwa na Gogo. Akazotorwa na Daddy asi vamwe vese havana kana kumukumbira kumubata
iii zvakaoma shuwa.

Vana mhamha vaingotaudzana na mudhara wangu. Mudhara aiva civalized as compared kune rimwe
team rese iri chavaivengera mukadzi wangu ndaitochishayawo ini. The quicker they release how
good she is it will benefit them. Ehe kare ndaiti maybe inyaya yekushaiwa mwana zvino mwana
avepo asi vanhu act all stupid.

After about 2hrs. Baba Rumbie vakandideedza panze na Mai Blessing.

Mai Blessing " nhai Beaven uri kureva kuti uri kugara na ambhuya na mai vaAmbhuya here pano"

Me " Umm ndozvamunga ndideedzere here izvozvo asi chii nhai nemi vanhu"

Baba Rumbie " Pindura mubvunzo tati tapedza here"

Me " ko zvakaipeiko hanty ndi ambhuya"

Mai Blessing " Chirungu chamunoda kubatira padenga vana Beaven apa mari iri kungopera
uchichengeta hama dzemukadzi iwe hama dzako usinga chengete"

Me " Mai Blessing mune pamuromo hanty. Ini zvevanhu vanoda kundi controller handidi. Munoita
sekuti munondida chaizvo apa ndimi vavengi vangu imi.."

Mai Blessing " Wavengwa nani kukupa advise kuvenga nhai. Hauna meso nekuona dai waiona
ungadai wakatora Rudo wakasiyana ne benzi raugere naro"

Me " Ok imi pane akakusarudzirai murume here kana imi baba Rumbie ini ndini wamunoda
kusarudzira mukadzi manje. Izvozvi ndane mwana inini hapana pakati penyu atiwo makorokoto
Beaven basa kungoswero taura nonsense kuti ndive zvandiri pano ndiye Simbiso wamunovenga."

Baba Rumbie " Toita makorokoto mwana wekwa Rushy kwete mwana wechikwambo"

Ndanga ndashatirwa manje vanhu vangati Aiziva mwana wangu mwana wechikwambo shuwa.
Fokofu mhani.
Me " Munoziva so hubackward hwenyu so ndohunokutadzisai kubudirira. Kusara chaiko handisati
ndakamboona people like you munonyadzisa.. Aiziva ropa rangu ndowamuri kuda kuramba who are
you ini baba vake I have acknowledged kuti mwana wangu. Chamuno muvengera chiiko imimi....
manje pana Aiziva mairasa don't you ever ask for my assistance kana matadza kugamuchira mwana
wangu. Ndapedza nemi nxaa"

Ndanga ndatsamwa manje. I walked away. These people so...


" Fuck!!! What have I done" I called out this was not happening how could I.

Ndakakwakanuka kubva pabed.

" Chii nhai babie " akadaro Alice.

Me " babie kudini what have I done this is wrong"

Alice " We just made love Jayden and I don't see anything wrong with that"

Me " Made love this is not love making this is just sex, I told you am not ready for this wani"

Alice " Babie I didn't force you you were the one all over me"

"Nxaa" ndakadaro ndichitora my clothes kuenda kuroom kwangu.

Ndakasvikozvikanda pabed and cried yes I did cry. I felt bad. I felt dirty. This was not what I wanted I
didn't want to have sex with Alice nooo. I couldn't believe myself what had I just done. Ndakaita
kuchema chaiko kana afirwa aiva nani.


Ndezvake izvo Jayden kuda kuita kunge mwana mudiki chinoshamisira paSex chiiko. Manje zvangu
zvanga zvaita I want to see how he escapes from me. Besides ange aisa yakadero saka nhumbu
inotogona kubata apa. Hehede ndapinda ini Alice Mai Ashy ndenge ndakunzi Mrs Alice Masiyiwa ko
unozodei ndini zvangu mumba pfeeeeee. Ndakazorara zvangu uri mufaro wega wega.
The following morning ndakangonzwa door kuvhurwa I looked up ndikaona Jayden akamira he
closed the door behind him. Mumaoko ake anga akabata glass remvura.

Me " Morning hun"

He looked at me his eyes were red and swollen.

" Here drink this" akadaro achindisvitsa mapills ne mvura

I looked at the pills anga akanzi morning after.

" What!!! What are these for?"

" don't you dare play dumb with me you know exactly what they are for" akadaro akashatirwa

I threw the pills pabed kwakugadzika glass paside table.

Me " Am not drinking this"

Jay "And why not"

Me " because you can't force me to"

Akabata musoro kwakukava bhutsu yangu yaive pasi.

Jay " What's you mission bitch"

Me " Who are you calling a bitch am not a bitch and you don't have the right to"

Jay " Iwe munhu uri kuti ndiri kutamba ka."

Akabva atora mapills aya ne mvura kwakundibata zvine hurough mukati achindimanikidza kunwa
akakwanisa kumaisa mumukanwa mangu after a rough fight ndichibva ndamasvipa ko they say you
can take a donkey to the river but you can't force it to drink water.
Ndakangonzwa mbama chaiyo.

" What's the meaning of this hee usadzoke pano uchiti une nhumbu yangu uri kunzwa now tora
twunhu twako ubude muno chopaz" akadaro Jayden fuming.

Ndakamboramba ndakagara ndikazoona munhu akuita kundonyera zvinhu mubag mangu. Akapedza
kutora zvese achibva andibata ruoko akaenda neni panze kwakukanda bag rangu achibva apinda
mumba nekuvhara door.....

Jayden aida kuonererwa nei manje dai ndikangobata nhumbu yacho ndoda kuona kuti anondiramba

_1 month later_


Mwedzi wakapera and mhamha vakange vasati vanyatsakupora what happened was this. Madoctors
akambozama kuva treater but zvakanetsa kwavari vaiiti she must be mentally disturbed so panguva
yacho vaiiti the best psychiatric hospital was Ingutsheni ku bulawayo. But takazodecider
kumbovaendesa paDandaro. MaPastors edu vaiuya kuzovawaona vaitoti it's spiritual and she
needed deliverance but noise yavaiita vakangoona mufundisi 🙌🏽. Pamba pangu paigara pakazara
me hama dzaiuya kuzoona mhamha. Zvekutoti Gogo havana kuzodzokera panguva yavaifanira hanzi
zvirinani ndirindire chikomba chavo Aiziva.
Rimwe zuva mai vaRudo vakauya kuzoona mhamha vaine mumwe murume wechikuru kuda ndo
baba vaRudo here or pamwe hama ikoko kubva day iroro mhamha vakabva vatanga kupora.

Kupora kwavakaita vakatanga kundirambidza kuvaona out of all the people kutondipumha huroyi so
handina kuzoendawo kuDandaro. She was then discharged vakaunzwa kumba.

Beaven anga akuenda neni kuchurch every Sunday and by the day his Christian faith was growing. I
thanked God.

Rudo taingonzwawo mukutaura kuti she wasn't feeling well zvaingonzi arikurwara. Beaven anga
akambondikumbira kuti he wanted to assist mukubatsira kurapisa Rudo just for the sake of Tinashe.
Ndakambobatikana but ndaidawo kuti Beaven asawone kunge kunamata kwakashata I had to
portray Christian values for him to continue to love Christ so I accepted. But hamenowo when he
tried to assist mai vaRudo vakaramba kuendesa Rudo kuchipatara instead vakaenda naye kumusha.

About Jay. Well I can't talk zvevamwe vese and leave Jay. From day riya randakamurota 90% of my
dreams were about Jayden. Zvakandinetsawo ini kuti why had I been dreaming of him. But I just
remained composed the gap between us was widening and that is what I wanted so I had learnt to
live with him in my dreams. His Sister once called and we chatted a bit mafriendly but I had told her I
was very busy nehurwere that was when she wanted us to have lunch. Yes kuva busy ndaive but I
could have gone but nenyaya yekuti she was Jaydens sister zvaingozofanana nekudzosa the gap
between us......
My prayer life wasn't that bad at all. Ndaitogara ndichitonamata who wouldn't when you have a
wicked mother in law like mine my knees became my weapon to fight the devil.

I had started to go to work although my boss aitoti just come in woita a few things and go back
home. One day Sam called me into his office. I went.

*Sam* " Simbiso how are you??"

Me " Am good Sir"

Well taive kubasa ka saka Sir taitomushandisa.

Sam " on a social note shaa i have something troubling me I didnt want you to know but you may
only be the one to make the situation better parizvino"

🤔 I wondered.what it was socially hummmm.

Me " Maybe i can assist like you said"

Sam " Don't quote me wrong please"

Me "Go ahead Sir"

Sam " Its Jayden shaa"

Kungonzwa kuti Jayden my heart skipped a beat.

" What... what about him is he ok?" Ndakangoerekana ndataura.

Sam "something happened to him and he had been in depression for sometime now..... I feel he
may lose it if he continues like this."

I was shocked as much as I had set aside my feelings for him. They recuddled back. I was in pain.
What had happened to Jayden.
Me " That serious whats going on"

Sam "He went through a rough patch and he seems to be blaming himself he hasn't been himself

Me " Ooh "

My question actually was ko what was really the point in telling me if am not the cause of his
problem. But hey maybe he just wanted me to know.

Sam " I know I maybe asking to much like now that your marriage is stable but please can you talk to

😳😳😳 talk to Jay that's a no no does he know that if I talk to him zvese zvinomuka mandiri and I
have worked so hard to reach where I am. Ndakati regai ndimuudze chokwadi

Me " But Sir... Jay and I....umm look I think I should not talk to him"

Sam " I know neither do I want you to talk but I think you could knock sense it him. Please Simbie
just this and zvapera"

I hated kurambira Sam. He had done a lot for me. 🤦🏽♀

Me "Hmmmmmm ok fine I will do it".

Sam " Thank you hey. You have his number so you can start by saying hie"

Yaaa ndomaone manje 🙌🏽

End of chapter 19

Luv u all💋

[10/07, 06:53] Lyniemore sweety: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso* 💋


Edited by Belz
*Season 2*

Chapter 20

Simbiso 🤱🏽

Ko ndazazombo shanda here ini my mind iri pana Jayden. Aaah nhai Sam akandibvirawo nekupi
when I thought I had manage to erase Jay from my life now this. And for sure kuti ndirambe
zvaisabuda zvachose cause he had stood by me in my most difficult moments that I will forever
cherish. Now in life there is a time when you need to return a favour and that was what I was
expected to do. But what kept bothering me was what's wrong. Ummm kuti anetsana na Hazel here
nenyaya yemwana or something like that aaah hameno.

I reserved calling him during working hours so I decided I would find a place to park my car after
hours then I call him.

After work I went through kuVillage mu food lovers I wanted to pick a few vegetables . Well I had
done full day kubasa hangu not that I was busy but just occupied with the Jayden issue.

Ndiri mufood lovers someone greeted me.

Her " Hi Simbiso right"

The face looked so familiar but I couldn't recall.

Me " oh hi my manners I am lost"

Her " Mandy......Jaydens sister"

🤦🏽♀oh damn how could I forget I thought. But I had seen her once.

Me " Am soo sorry mufunge you look different from the last time I met guess hospital is not a
favourable place"

We laughed 🤣🤣🤣 and then hugged.

Ndakangoitawo zvivhare maone what I meant was she looked prettier that when she was in hospital.

Mandie "You look fantastic too ndapotsa ndatokushaiwa but dai pasina mapic ako andakatumirwa
na Jay ndoatondibatsira....How is our little boy?"

😳Pic avakatumirwa🤷🏽♀ for the why now.

Me " He is doing great growing how is the bun in the oven"

Mandie " Tiring hey but almost ready to be served kkkk"

Me " At least hey"

Pakabva pasvika this man

Man " Honey I got these for the kids...."

I recognised him....

Me " Dan is this Dan"

Dan " oh yes Simbiso woow"

We greeted 🤝🏼

Mandie " You guys know each other??"

Ndichapindura here maziso boi boi zvino.🙄

Dan " Oh yes I know her. It's Simbiso from this company inonziii zviya"

Akanditsonya ziso

Me " Just Plastics Zimbabwe hey"

Dan " Oh yes. You have changed"

We laughed 🤣🤣

Mandy" Oh you work kubasa kwaSam dear small world hey"

Yaa she was bound to know Sam hanty aive bestie wa Jay here.

Me " Yaaa I am the group Finance Director"

Dan was shocked. Ehe ngashokekane kkk.

Mandy " That's great hey. But askana makarambawo lunch neni here weduwe"

Me "Let me see how busy my schedule is we can do this weekend"

Mandie " Will be happy hey ndi unblokewo pliz"

🙈🙈 ndakanyara I had blocked her kutaura chokwadi

We laughed ndichibva ndaenda....

I guess I had booked myself for that lunch papi pacho pandicharamba ipapa.

Haa Dan itsotsi asi zvasataurika kuti tozivanirana kupi.

Dan is an ex boyfriend to Ratie. Well Ratie I think anga ane ruoko rwekudana with men not boys I
think you get the sense. Cause obvious we all know Shaddy is a divorcee. So before Shaddy there
was Dan. Well Dan was single to us. But he was married we didn't know. So Dan and Ratie dated
then Ratie found outhe was married achitoda kuitwa second wife mufunge that's when she called it
quits. So I guess Mandy had been the wife🙆🏽♀. Well it was long ago when we were still at Unie
first year or so.

I finished my shopping then walked to the car. Ndakatosvika pamota I then heard my name being
called out. For a moment I thought it was Mandy again. But pandakacheuka it was another lady.

I stopped as she came towards me.

Lady " Hesi Simbiso am Alice"

Akadaro achitandavadza ruoko. The face wasn't new I had met this face before but where I couldn't

Me " Oh nice to meet you"

Alice " My pleasure"

Pakamboita silence I didn't know where to start ko ndaitangei zvangu iye ndiye aitofanirwa kutaura
chaandimisira zve.

Alice " I just thought I should say hi I saw you kubasa kwenyu ku ku ku.."

Me " Just Plastics Zimbabwe"

Alice " Yaa ndiko I had come ndichida kutenga anyway must be going now bye"

🙄 weird but true. Just like that well anyway kune vanombopengawo whatever.

I got into my car. Then I decided I should just call from here since I was in a more secure place after

The phone rang and rang there was no answer.

I tried again then he answered.

Jay " Hello private number"

For a moment I got numb oh boy the feeling I had was teenage series where you feel butterflies🦋
when hearing your crushies voice.🤦🏽♀

Jay " Hello is there anyone there"

Me " Hì Jayden"

Jay " What!!! Is this you girl am I dreaming"

Me " Kkkkk not really it's me Simbiso"

Jay " This is a miracle you"

Me " Yes me. How are you??"

He kept quiet... But I could hear him breathe at the other end.

Me " Hello... shaa talk to me what's up"

Jay " Its a long story shaa"

Me " Am all ears infact ndato juicer"

Jay " Its not something I can say over the phone. Zvinoda face to face"

Ekaka ehe chaa chii futi nhai🙆🏽♀. Where do we see how and why I mean no ways the last time
we met we got stuck like glue.
Me " Oh but at least if you are comfortable you can share"

Jay " Am in pain shaa... wait when I get home I can call you"

Home?? ini ndiri pai aiwa ndange ndakutoenda ini.

Me " Use texts when am home shaa. Ok talk to you later"

Jay " Cool stay blessed"

Butterflies butterflies🦋🦋🦋🦋. Talking to Jayden 🤦🏽♀🤦🏽♀🤦🏽♀ well ndo mimwe

yemuyedzo iyi I think I just had to help him only then close the chapter again before I do something I
will regret. God help me wooo🙏🏽.

Ndakasvika kumba Beaven wasn't there. Mumba manga mune the usual people Gogo , maid , Jnr,
Mother in love, Mwana wehanzvadzi yaMum in love ainzi Sekai
Well mainini sekai vanga vakatouya kuzondibatsira pana mhamha. Since vanga vasiri kuda nezvangu
my maid anga aku complainer and there was nothing she was able to do alone. Of course Tete Ruda
was there but anga akuenda kuchikoro besides ndiye adiiwo aisazvikwanisa mwana mudiki.
Panzvimbo pekuti vanasikana vavo vauye kuzorindira amai hapana akauya. Tete vekuChiredzi vaitoti
nzimbe dzavo zvikazodini. Mai Blessing hanzi ngavaende kwaRudo cause Simbiso akambondidzinga.
Tete Raviro iiish kutogara sadaka havo muone room kuwestlea achipihwa mari yefood na Beaven.
Kuzoti Maiguru Mai Rumbie handichatozivewo ini. What they didn't know is vavanga vachiitira
hutsinye ndi mbuya Rushy kwete ini.. But people are too primitive to think😅 . I just put everything
to the Lord in prayer.

Ivo mhamha vacho vaitonetsanawo na Sekai wacho the main problem was Sekai neni taiwirirana
hedu. Infact takatozotanga kuwirirana mukugarisana she openly told me kuti zvaitaurwa nezvangu
handizvo zvaakazoona🤷🏽♀

Well vana mhamha vaigara mulounge sometimes. Gogo dzimwe nguva vaipindamo but panenge
pasina zvapo nyaya. Gogo vanenge vaina Junior zvavo.

Ndakasvika vanhu vakagara mulounge. Ndakapinda ndikakwazisa vese. Vakadaira but mhamha kept

Sekai " aaah Tete hamunzwe here kuti maswedzwa"

Mhamha " Nani wacho"

Sekai " Na Mai Junior zve"

Mhamha " Nxaaa"

Sekai "Yuwii nhai mbuya Junior zvamunotodziya musoro honai murume aenda na Gogo Furusa imi
mukadzi mukuru tende kudai kuita sechana chidiki kurai mhani Tete"

Mhamha " Ndibvire apa Sekai handidi zvekunzwarwo"

Sekai "Zvino mukatodaro ini ndinodzokera kumba mangwana munosara musina anochengeta
aChihera kkkk"

Havana kuzopindura nokuti vakuziva havo kuti ndiye ega Sekai angavachengete zve.

Ndakatanga hangu kudya sadza. Phone yamhamha ichibva yarira. Hanty munongozivawo kuti kana
munhu achida kukusvotesa anoita sei. Vakaisa paloud speaker.
Mhamha " Hello muroora wangu chaiye chaiye Mai Tinashe"

Rudo " Mhoroi kani mhamha ndakusuwai kana kumbondifungawo"

Ndakabva ndatosimuka zvangu ko ndingagarire kusvoteswa haiwa kana bodo.

Beaven anga asiri reachable so I decided kuita wait up apa ndichitaura na Jay. Opened my app and
unblocked him . Ndichiti regai ndi type message ichibva yapinda.

📩 hey there

📤 am good zvirisey

📩 zvakadhakwa.
📤 how's Maka

📩 you broke her heart 💔 she misses you like crazy

_i felt bad ummm Maka akomana. I can imagine that sweet little face all sad ummm_

📤 Dont start to make me feel guilty you and me know it was for the good of us all.

📩 For your good Simbiso this has left me and Maka wounded.

📤 My hands are tied.

📩 Allow me to untie them.

_Jayden nepa whatsapp pese here he was seductive iiish_

📤 No back to the purpose of me contacting you. What's the problem

📩 I am wounded

📤 just tell me what happened

📩 babie I need us to meet

📤 Jay shaa that's impossible and you know it.

📩 let's make it possible

📤 fine kana usingade kutaura gara wakadaro I don't think you need my help from the look of

📩 I do Simbiso but something's hazvitaurike please understand me shaa. Kana wada hako kundisiya
ndakadai it's ok but just know kuti you have left me to die and if anything happens to me.....

📤 stop it!!! Don't try to make me feel guilty.

📩 am telling you the truth. Anyway let me stop talking to you. I may pull through alone

📤 Jay it's not like that shaa. But you know why I can't see you

📩 cool shaa that's why I said conditions matter more to you than trying to help a friend

📤 haaa it's not like that

📩 Simbiso if you don't want it's fine like I said conditions matter more to you. Anyway you better
entertain your hubby. Good night

Akabva abva online. Yoo ko abva atsamwa here weduwe. I had to return the favour though but it
seemed I was being inconsiderate. Umm why Jay aida kundiomesera soo.

Ndakazoenda pa grp redu re best friends and began chatting kunana Mona and Ratie towanzo taura
hedu manheru since everyone will be busy maskati.

Ratie anga asanopinda kare.

📤 Taswera madzimai.....oh guess who I saw today. Anogona ndomuendesa ku lunch

📩 Ratie : Jayden🙊🙈 ngaiuye hayo lunch pano

💌 Mona :was about to say the same wooo.

📤 Makajaidzwa stereki. I met Dan.

💌 which Dan ????

📤 🤣🤣🤣 Dan wa Ratie

📩 you ain't serious. Where???

📤 paVillage and guess what

💌 abvunza Ratie here🙈

📤 kkkkk remember I told you about meeting Jays sister?

📩 yaaa what has that got to do na Dan

📤 Dan is married to Jays sister

💌 🙆🏽♀ chinekewooo kkkkk wonders seem to never end.

📩 woow it's a small world. Achiri that handsome here🙈

💌 Ndomuudza chete Shaddy🤞🏽

📩 aiwa hatidi vane godo. Bevy makambo muudzawo nezva *JaySim* here weduwe. Nekuti
zvazvaRatie nazvo kuna Shaddy

📤 pwaati kwaaa let's let sleeping dogs lay cause if I tell you zvandaona pana Dan someone gonna
die wooo.
📩 never it's all in the past handinei naye ini. Remember am the one who called it quits and refused
his begging for forgiveness I was young and tender by then. Plus kuiswa pabarika 🙅🏽♀

💌 🙇🏽♀ Following hangu ndiri kuterrace ndiri ziii semunhu mukuru

📤 Madam Mona don't act smart wooo

💌 kkkkkkk guys we need to meet weduwe tanyanya

📩 tega tichatenderwa here last time takazoonekwa na Jayden zve hino I don't think vanobvuma

💌 haiwa Ratie tibvire apo zvinoita chete ko Jay tisu takamukoka here. This time tongotambira
village ikoko zvekare pfeee na Dan

📤 wakuda kufarisa manje lol

Takazopedza hedu takungowanzirana. Beaven akazouya tikabva tarara hedu.....

*Not edited*

End of chapter 20

Handei naro. luv you all💋

[10/07, 06:53] Lyniemore sweety: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso* 💋

*Season 2*

Chapter 21

Kungosvika kumba kutoruma chitaka period woro woro 😬 ndakaita kufizuka chaiko.😡 haaa
nemadzingirwo andanga ndaitwa na Jay handifunge akada kundiona futi. Zvino ndoiwanepi mumwe
mukana naye nhai weduwe. Aah ndakagara pasi kuona kuti ko zvandaita period cycle isati yakwana
wani. Ndanga ndatimira ma ovulation days. Manje I won't give up easily. I thought to myself. Haa
ndaitoita plan chete iwo mwedzi uno nhumbu itobate zvayo otherwise ndaitopinda busy.

Mazuva akadarika zvavo ndikawana wekumbo sasana naye mukati taishaya here isu maya kushaya
kuda kuya. Kuti urarame muHarare unombodawo pleasure ka kubvisa stress saka once in a while
taimbofarawo zvedu but of course taijombora zve otherwise pleasure could give us an early
retirement from earth.

Apa ndakawana muface wandairenter shop yangu kwaari a.k.a Landlord wangu wekuShop he was a
Nigerian guy ainzi Alex and anga akaroora kwake ikoko kuNijembi but aigara achindinetsa nekundida
so I sacrificed myself just for Jayden. Muface akafara hake iyeye achitoona kuti ndini ndaive in
control ne relationship. Ndaitoona hangu kuti aida zvekuita slowly but haa hakuna iyoyo I was not
there to last. A woman on a mission they say.

After a month ndaitova hangu pa Village ndine mu Nigerian wangu tamboenda hedu ku Movie. Iye
anga apinda achida kusano tenga ma tickets in advance....ini i was still in the car.

Ndopandakaona musikana uya anetsa kumba kwaJay anonzi Simbiso achidarika. For a moment i was
jealous the lady looked flawless apa akabatana zvake boot iyi yakaumbiwa zvese ne hip umm asiri
mudhafu but the body any woman would want Coca cola bottle shape. Ndakatombozvitarisa
ndikatoona kuti haaa handaikwikwidza but ndainetsekanerei munhu ane murume wake ka uyu.
Ummm but ndaida kumbomubvunza hukama hwake na Jay ini.
Pandakamushedza akacheuka ndakabva ndaziva kuti ndiye zveshuwa ndakafambisa kuenda paari.
Ummm makamboita tongue tied here imi haaa ndozvandakaita yooo kutadza kana kubvunza kana
one question ndakungokakama. Ndakatoparadzana naye pasina kana changa chaitika.

That night handina kuita kuti Alex aite sleep over actually I was feeling a bit dizzy after the movie.
Iye akatofarawo ndofunga kumbozorodzwa kkk. I decided to do a pregnancy test since I had a
number of kits with me. Ko ndoranga rangove basa two days totoweta nekutester paye. I tested and
behold there were two lines I screamed " Yessss finally "

My little sister na Ashy vakatomnhanya kuda kuziva kuti ndanga ndaita sei kkkk. Now that its done I
planned to get it confirmed by the doctor then ndotextira ba mwanaaaa. This was just good hey. Mrs
Masiyiwa mukadzi waLawyer apa ndaiva pamirror ndichi poser zvangu.

Kuseni I passed through my shop. But now there was a problem how do i get the doctor to confirm
that am approximately 6 weeks pregnant cause i dont think i was even three weeks old🤦🏽♀.

Ndakagaya then in my mind came Esther yaaa ndiye chaiye aigona kundibatsira she had many
connections plus pama lovers ake hapaishaiwa doctor hazvigone. Ndakamubata and she asssisted
zvaitova easy mufunge. I got the confirmation that I wanted ndichibva ndatotora pic and sent it to Ba

📤 *This letter serves to certify that Alice Mutsvagwa is approxiematly 6 weeks pregnant.*
📤 I am sorry Jayden I didnt want to inconvience you as you had already indicated kuti you dont
care for me and it was a mistake. Yes of course i didnt wanna take the morning after pills in front of
you cause I felt used. But this is what has happened I am pregnant.

Ko kunyora ndokwedu kunyora kunge munhu anga asina kuzvitarisira asi uchiziva hako kuti waronga
dende. Yakaenda but ine tick one. Ndakatombogaya kuti I was blocked. Ndaingoti after maminutes
ndotarisa zve app ndakazoona yaticker twice but isina kuita blue.

Ndakati varairwei ndopandakazonzwa phone kurira it was ba mwanaa.

Me " Hello"

Ndakadairira ndakadzikamira.

Jay " If you know whats good for you you better terminate that pregnancy uri kundinzwa here"
Me " But Jay unoenda kuchurch wani... God doesnt like abortion"

Jay " Shut up hure runhu what do you take me for. Do you think am stupid. You better terminate
that thing or if you decide what so ever to keep it wona zvekuita wega am not involved wanzwa. And
handidi kuti mwana iyeye atumidzirwe my surname"

Akabva a cutter before I could answer I tried calling back but aisadaira.

Kkkkkk🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ndakaseka nhamo serugare. We will see about that Ba mwanaaa. I



Just when I thought I was happy that Simbiso had called me the previous day. Pfee bad news
ndichibuda mu court session it was Alice hanzi ndane nhumbu. Ndakaita kunge ndichapwanya
phone. Fuck that bitch mhani. Iyo ndoyaitobvisa chete under no circumstances am i going to accept
her nyangwe akadii. It was a planned thing nxaaa.
My boss had congratulated me cause I had done very well in the morning case. Hapana pandaitadza
I was happy to have talked to Simbiso. Then my afternoon case was a pathetic disaster and I lost a
very easy and simple case.

Boss " Jayden whats this!!! one minute you are the Jay I know the next you are completly different
man. Its now a whole month we haven't been winning any case I had to chip in as defense in one of
your cases this is pathetic!!!!"

Akapopota zvake. He had every right to. Yaaa ndanga ndabika beans zveshuwa. My sleeping with
Alice was affecting me big time. I felt sekuti I had betrayed Simbiso in so many ways and had
wronged God in so many ways. I also wondered kuti ko kana ndikaita HIV positive all this drained

Me "Am sorry Sir but can I be excused for some days I have issues I need to solve"

Boss " ok you have issues but we employed you for your expertise and you are letting us down. How
then does the big boss alude you for the effort. This can only be done after next month cause we
have very importamt matters to deal with. And i urge you to pull up your socks before this costs you
your job"

I was pissed. Hai ndanga ndanetawo nekushandira vanhu ini. I better start looking for something to
do but it was impossible i needed to work 5 years to be certified. 🤦🏽♂. Well we were trying to
strike a deal ne the big bosses because of my expertise they had offered me shares but about 10% I
was still trying to think about it.
Later Mandy called me achindiudza kuti she met Simbie and they will be meeting for Lunch
weekend. Akandisvotesa on how beautiful and structured Simbie is kkkk. Ko kuzomuti ndisotere
akaramba zvake hanzi munhu shandira ndima yako wega kkkk.

Amana kuti ndiudze Simbie over the phone zvaisatoita zvachose I had to tell her face to face. Even
though zvinhu zvaisataurika hameno kana iyo face to face yacho ndaikwanisa here weduwe. This
may as well widen the gap between us. Aah but why she needs to understand wo I am a man. As for
Alice wacho zvenhumbu izvo atokanganwe hake. I was not in any position kumutambira hameno
ikoko aitochengeta ega mwana wacho.

*Rudo* 🦎🦎🦎

Kubva zvandakagara kumusha Beaven kana phone zvayo and anga atondiblocker. Akambophonerwa
na Mhamha achinzi ndarwara akati aida ndiende kuchipatara akatumira mari ndozvega. But
Mhamha vakati hazvidi chipatara izvo. Kumba ndakasiya kuna Maid.

Mhamha " Iwe Rudo mishonga yako iyo yepaChakari ukati haina ku.... ku... kunonzi kuizviya ku
ekisipaya here"

Me " Kkkk seka zvako mwana mazipepepe mishonga yana sekuru ino expirer here mhamha"
Mhamha " Zvino kana isina simba todini. Iwe hameno chaunorambira kuuraya Simbiso nhamo yako
inobva yatopera kwete kuswero zvitenderedza kudaro"

Rudo " Aiwa kana anofanhirwa kundiona ndichibudirira uya ndichimutorera Beaven wangu "

Mhamha " Nyanyi nyanye wangu nxaaa. Muri vadiki na amwene wako vaye mira upore ndoda
kukuendesa kumwe kwekuti uchanditenda iwe"

Iwo muviri wangu wanga waita zvironda zvekurohwa ne mwana waBeaven wandanga ndatumira
chiro chekuti afe haaa murombo haarovi chinenguwo zvakadzokera mwene wazvo. I had fallen sick
zvekutadza kufamba but i was recovering but maronda iwayo anenge manyukira airamba kupora.
Hanzi na Sekuru kune mukadzi akabata munamato zvinhu zvikaenda nepamwe.

Target yangu yanga iri yekuti ndiroorwe na Beaven zvangu zvaibva zvatoita. And Simbiso ndaida kuti

Beaven 🤵🏽
Iiish_ vanhu havatendi munoziva so. Zvimwe zvinhu hazvidi kani. My mother was just something else
munongonzwa. You can try and try but moyo wavo vakaoma and now I think it's because of her way
wardness zvakonzera kuti mhuri yedu isabatane. Pavana vese Rudaviro and Me tisu taiita kunge tiri

Kumba kwanga kwakubhohwa kuenda when am around mhamha vaida attention yangu
wondigukuchira kunge nhiyo apa dai zvaiva zvitsvene better. Kuudzwa huroyi hwaSimbiso pamwe
chete ne kunzi dai wakatora hako Rudo pamwe vasiri kurwara. Primitive thinking inonetsa munhu
kuita ganda rakanaka atova muroyi if she only knew what she misses pana Simbiso.

I would stay zvangu kubasa ndichimboronga basa rangu zvangu ndozvaibvisa stress. I had blocked
Rudo ainetsa nenyaya yekuti sei usiri kuuya. Ndaisada zvangu zvaRudo but kakumufunga
kaimbodzoka mandiri.

Mumwe musi ndakagara zvangu kubasa kwaitova ne night shift zvako. Ndakatanga kugaya life
yangu. Unoziva at times you need to sit down semurume uchiplanner hupenyu so. Hongu I may
want to rub Rudo out of the picture but ndine mwana naye kaini besides that pane munyama
unogona kuzonditevera cause Rudo munhu wekuziva kauyu dai ndisina kumupa mwana ndaingoti
hameno uye dai ari munhu wekure ndaisakendenga. Manje ndoita Seiko. Kuti Tinashe atambure futi
hazviite ini baba vake ndiripo. Ndotora Tinashe ndogara naye.🤔 But futi mwana kuti akure in a
broken family hazviite futi ndenge ndamurwadzisa apa he is my first born my first fruit irregardless
of what.

Zvese izvi zvaindishungurudza kutaura chokwadi. Ummm regai tizoona.

I got home Simbiso was still awake. Hatina kutaura dzakawanda takabva tarara.
The following morning Simbie akafuma kuenda kubasa. Ini I was just tired zvangu so ndaizoenda
hangu time time.

Mainini Sekai vakauya hanzi timbotaure. She expressed her displeasure nenyaya yekwa Rudo na
Amai vachiwirirana zvekusvika pakusvotesawo Simbie.

Sekai " Zvimwe hazvidi kana Beaven ndakabaikana shuwa humhu hwa Tte wandikona ini.... Apa kana
kunyara hama dzake makoti weduwee "

Me " Zvino poitwa seiko mainini ndatoneta nazvo ndane makore manganiko na Mai Junior
ndakatotadza kuzivawo paanokanganisa ini"

Sekai " Zvimwe ita vakuru vagare matare azvo weduwe mwana uya ndomunzwira tsitsi. Asi pamwe
zvawakunamata zvinoita"

Me " Hameno Chihera pamwe zvinoita regai tigoona"

Hatina kuzotaura stereki cause i had also to go to work.

Charles called me achiti there was a men's outing yaaironga yema old friends edu. So he wanted me
to attend. So ndakaiswa mugroup. Haaa it had a lot of people zvavo cause pahushamwari hwedu
tega we were asked to bring dzimwe 2 friends pamunhu. I suggested to bring along Des na Shaddy.
We made contributions and the venue was Montclair kuInyanga. Yaaa Takudzwa was part of this
group and iye anga aroora hake but we never attended the wedding.

End of Chapter 21.

Was looking forward to be done by 30th but it may not be practical.

Luv u all💋

[10/07, 06:54] Lyniemore sweety: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso* 💋


Edited by Belz

*Season 2*
Chapter 23


Ndakadedera munongonzwa I couldn't believe it. Vanhu vanga vatoita accident here. After talking
na Beaven ndakambopererwa chaiko. Kuti ndotangira papi. Beaven aive kuInyanga apa ini ndini
ndiripo. Ndakabuda kuenda kuroom kwaGogo. I woke her up

Me " Gogo vana Babamukuru venoise ava varikunzi vaita accident mufunge ndaphonerwa"

Gogo " Yohwee zvaari mashura chaiwo zvaitika nguvai, kupi vainani?"

Me " Ndangonzi pa skyline pedyo ne tollgate saka ndakutobuda kuti ndiendeko"

Gogo " Unoenda wega here Mai Junior"

Me " Na Tete Ruda asi ndakutombotsvaga driver kubasa"

Gogo " Ende futi ka hapana akuvara here?"

Me " Handina kunge ndaziva hangu kasi ndangonzi kasikai"

Handina kuzotaura zvakawanda takapinda mumota na Tete Ruda takananga kuskyline.

Ndakaphonera mukomana wekubasa akati akuuya tisangane ikoko. Taka textira Sekuru vaBeaven
kuti ndozvanga zvaitika. I wasn't sure kuti maiva nevanhu vanga mumota macho.

Haaa takasvika pa skyline hamuna chamakaona imi. Kana kuzoziva kuti mota yanga iri Fortuner here
or what. Takasvika ndichibva ndabvunza bvunza zvikanzi patakurwa murume, mukadzi ne vana 3
vanga vari mu Fortuner. Vakomana vekubasa vakasvika ndikatora one wacho kuti tiende
kuParirenyatwa. Mumwe akasara nemota aizofanirwa kuona kuti road angels yatora wreckage here.

Munoziva so after seeing the wreckage hamubvunzani hamutaure chokwadi cause unongoti mabuda
munhu here imomo.
Ndakasvika kuParirenyatwa vanga vasati vambo attendwa vanga vari mu resusitation.
Ndakasvopihwa list rezvinhu zvaidiwa kuti vaatendwe. Ini ndakamhanya nezvimwe ukuwo Tete Ruda
nezvimwe. Aiva critical ndi Ethan na Maiguru. Rumbi na Mufaro vanga ari nani. Babamukuru vanga
vatyoka ruoko.

I called Beaven akati ti transfer Maiguru na Ethan kuenda kuAvenues sezvo vaiva serious iye aiti
anga atove ku headlands he had managed kuhicker.

Chemusi uyu ndakachiona I had to sign for consent kuti Ethan apinde mutheatre patakasvika
kuAvenues. Maiguru vakabva vatanga ku attendwa.

Takamira after a while then pachibva pasvika Sekuru hanzvadzi yaMbuya Rushy na Ambuya.
Ndakangovatsanangurira zvaivepo zvacho. I also told them that baba Rumbie , Rumbie na Mufaro
vaive kuParirenyatwa. Takamira a few minutes kwabva kwabuda Doctor kubva kuoperating room.

Me " How is he Doctor??" I asked.

Doc " Am very sorry madam we lost the little boy"

" Whatttt!!!" I called out nhai mwari ko chiiko futi weduwe.

Beaven akabva asvika. Ndakamhanya kunomu hugger apa ndichichema.

" Beaven kani Ethan kani Ethan wedu kani!!!"

Sekuru " Chinyarara muzukuru inguva yamwari vaita kuda kwavo muzukuru"

Beaven akatangawo kuchema ukuwo Tete Ruda vachichemawo. Yaa aiva maone.

Takazoenda panze tikanoungana ipapo takuronga. Driver wekubasa akatumwa kuMhondoro kuti
aende na Ambuya mukadzi waSekuru Mhofu kunozivisa vanhu kuti ndozvaive kuno. Beaven na
Sekuru vakaenda kuParirenyatwa kunozivisa Baba Rumbie. Mai Rumbie taitomira kuti vabude
muHDU mavanga vaiswa kuti vaziviswe.
Ndakasara na Tete Ruda pa Avenues tichipedzisa ku Admitwa kwa Maiguru. Then nekuzoenda
kumba kunogadzirira hanty anga atove mariro here aya.

We finished zvepa Avenues. Tikananga ku Parirenyatwa of which Rumbie na Mufaro vanga a

dischargwa hatina kuzonoona baba Rumbie but communicated na Beaven cause anga achiti achada
kuzoenda nekuNyaradzo kuti varonge kuti body itorwe ku Avenues.

Ndakasvika kumba ndichibva ndaudza Gogo zvanga zvaitika naivo vakatonetsekana.

Gogo " Iiii nhai baba ava asi vaishura kufa kwemwana wavo here noise yakaitika pano nezuro
ndakazviona kuti maninji chete aya iiiii nhai jehovah"

Me " Mufunge henyu Gogo zvakaoma saka pano takutogadzirira mariro pano"

Gogo " Aiwa gadzirai askana hanty ndomusha wevanhu here uno amai. Asi una deedza Shungu
tibatsirane pamwana zvekusangana sangana ne vanhu venyu ava vanobata bata hazviite ba. Deno
baba vacho vachotaura havo kuti pamwe tonzi tiende kwaMai vako zvikavanane"

Me " Ndichaona Gogo zvinoda iye ataura Beaven wacho asi pari zvino regai ndidane Shungu
nekuphonera dzimwe hama"
Ndakabva ndabva ipapo ndikatanga kubatsirana na Aunty, Mukoma na Tete Ruda kuronga zvinhu.
Takatora ma poto tikanoisa ku gazebo kwakuphonera Sis Mandie vanga vati vane catering company
saka ndaida kuhirer midziyo. Handina kuda kuhirer the catering company as yet cause you never
know zvinozotaura vanhu uye zvinodiwa mumusha me vanhu.

Mandie " Aaah am very sorry shaa. Hey thats bad. Send the add on google maps ndisvike ndichi
deliver the utensils acho. Dont you need the service?"

Me "Aaah pa Services will advise munongozivawo kuendera vanhu kumberi mumusha mevanhu
hakuite if there is a need will inform you thank you. Will send the add. Payment can I ecocash"

Mandie " aah askana mozoita henyu later imboonai zvekufambisa basa will be there in 2 hrs"

Me " Thanks Sisi"

Ndakazongogara pasi ndakuphonera hama dzangu zvese ne shamwari. Beaven confirmed kuti vana
Mhamha vanga vaziviswa saka ndakazobatawo vamwe vehukama ndichivaudza.
_2 hrs later_

Sisi Mandie vakasvika apa vaina mhamha nhai. We hugged tiri three as they consoled me.

Mandie " Nematambudziko asikana"

Me " Aonekwa"

Mhamha " Nenhamo mwanangu..."

Me " Dzaonekwa mhamha"

Takaburutsa zvinhi ndichibva ndava inviter mumba mangu.

Mandie " You have a lovely home my dear neat and big. Yaaa you are looking forward to a big family
hanty kkkk"
We all laughed🤣

Me " Thank you Sisi.... Takavaka ne excitement chete"

Mandie " Ndingaidewo mozouya kumba kwangu"

Me " Ok"

Mhamha vanga vakambouya that night ye prayer ne deliverance.

I offered them something to eat but vakaramba zvavo hanzi hatina kuvinga kudya. Mhamha
vakazotandara na Gogo isu tichisano rongedza zvimwe zvima onaments zvataiona kuti zvinogona

Vakuda kuenda phone ya Sisi Mandie yakarira. It was Jay from the way they were talking. Vakabva
vamuudza kuti varikumba kwangu kune nhamo. He insisted kutaura neni. Ndakatoshamisika cause
we were not talking of late nenyaya yekunditsamwira. Ndakatambidzwa phone.
Me "Hello"

Jay " Hey ko nenhamo dzandiri kunzwa am so sorry hey iish"

Me " Dzaonekwa shaa its terrible"

Jay " May you find comfort in the lord sweetie"

Sweetie manje Jay so asadaro hake those butterflies🦋🦋 anobva atotanga nhai

Me " Thanks how are you doing and my girl Maka"

Jay " We are ok. She was talking about you in the morning dai usiri patight wambotaurawo naye"

Me " Will call her soon tell her i said hie. And you how is the stress"
Jay " You really wanna know"

Me " Yes "

Jay " Imboita zve funeral lovie we shall talk. Anyway chindipirawo Mandy phone"

Me "ok "

Ndakavatambidza phone yacho. Even though I felt like I still wanted to talk to him. Ini ndange
ndatove ne kahabit kasiriko ini. Zvaipera seiko zvemunhu anonzi Jay nhai....🤔

Sisi Mandy na Mhamha vakazoenda. Vanhu vakabva vatotanga kusvika kumba. Kwakatanga kusvika
vazukuru vekwa Rushy vana vehanzvadzi dzaMudhara ndovandakabva ndatobatirira kutoratidza
mapoto. Ava vanhu vanga vasina kana problem neni zvachose we related well zvedu kungoti
kufambirana ne mabasa ndozvaitinetsa asi vaingovawo vanhu zvavo. Dzimwewo hama dzaisvika
maone maone tichingochema pamwe chete kuma 3pm I went to bath after feeding Junior ndaida
kubuda kuenda kuHospital. Of course since kwanga kuri kuHDU kwaisabvumirwa mavisitors. But
moral support counted.
Ndichingopedza kugadzirira ndakanzwa mota kupinda ndinzwe kuchema ndakabuda kuenda ku
lounge ndiri mupassage ndinzwe

"Simbiso aripi iwe Simbiso nhasi wandigura kunorira.... ndakazvitaura kuti injuzu iyi maiiti
ndinonyepa Ethan woyee iwe Ethan sa Rushy kani"

Rimwe inzwi raiti

"Tete musadaro imi mamunhu mukuru chiiko chamunoita"

"Simbiso buda pano"

"Mbuya Rushy munozviitirei izvozvo kurai mhani mukadzi mukuru"

Ndakamira ko vainditsvagirei mhamha?? Ko ini ndini ndaitasei???

Ndichiri kufunga kudaro Beaven akabva asvika.

"Huya pano babie"

He took me by the hand kuenda neni mubedroom.

He closed the door.

Me " Chii nhai honey"

Beaven " Shaa I don't know how to say this but my mother is crazy I think vakutopenga chete"
Takanzwa knock pa door Beaven achibva aenda it was Shaddy na Desmond vakabva vapinda.

We greeted....

Shaddy " Wanga vataura naye here Bev"

Me " Kutiiko what's going on??"

Beaven " Not yet "

Shaddy " Simbiso we have a big problem"

Me " Yeiko nhai tell me chii chiri kuitika"

Zvanga zvakubhohwa manje vanhu ngavangotaure nyaya yavo mhani

Shaddy " Pane nyaya shaa although it shouldn't affect you much cause we all know that she is
somehow crazy"

Me " Shaddy shaa chii nhai??"

" Mbuya Rushy thinks because it's your car they were in you caused it"

"Whattt!!!! You are joking me havana kusiya vandirova pano kundirovera makey efortuner here?" I
was devasted ishuwa here ichi

Des " Calm down love we all know kuti it's not possible also everyone knows this"

Ndanga ndakuchema ndiri mumaoko aDes he was comforting me.

Takagara imomo vachizama kundinyaradza. This wasn't fair ndakavatadzirei amai ava nhai.

Takazobuda hedu ndatozvishingisa kuti ndinobata maoko vanhu vanga vabva kumusha. Ndakapinda
mulounge ndikatanga kubata maoko apa ndichichema. Hama dzangu dzanga dzichangosvikawo
ndovandaka nyanyochema nawo. Munhu wese wandaibata maoko ainditarisa nerimwe ziso so ivo
hama dzekwaRushy. It seems people were discussing about me ndasati ndavepo.

Pandakasvika pana mbuya Rushy vakabva vandisvipira kumesokuti puuuu

Vanhu vakati " aaah" kushamisika ne kukanuka

"Chihera chirudzii imi" vakasimuka Sekuru vachindisimudza kuti vandipukute

"Mhamha mune shuwa here imimi mukuita hunhu hwakadai why aita sei Simbiso" akadaro Beaven

"Beaven inga tataura wani kuti ngatimbomirai kudaro " vakadaro Ambuya
Ndakangofamba ndichibva pavaiva. Ndakasangana na Babamukuru vakandiridzira tsamwa....

Ndakabva ndabuda ndinana Mona vanga vasvikawo kuenda panze.

Beaven akasara mumba. Ndakazoona Shungu achisvika kubva mumba

Shungu " Mai Aiziva hanzi nana Sekuru Furusa tipei imba timbonoonana"

Me " Ok vakagara kupi"

Shungu " Kumota uku"

Ndakatarisa ndikaona hama dzangu zhinji dzaungana pamota ya mbuya Theresa.

Me " Hande kuguest wing yekuseri"

We all went ku guest room. Ndanga ndingori na Mona achizama kundi comforter. Takagara vanhu
vakauya. Panga pana Sekuru na Mbuya Furusa. Then vanaTete vangu 3, vana vehanzvadzi
dzamhamha, mainini mukadzi wabamunini ne vamwe vazukuru vekwedu kwa Kambarami.
Ndakatoona kuti idare chairo.

Sekuru "Zvaitika mumba umo nikisi handina kuzvifarira ini"

Mbuya Theresa "chokwadi neniwo ndatozvishayawo ini kuti munhu anga svipire muroora kumeso"

Tete " Sekuru mwana wedu apa ndiye ari kutonzi akaurayisa mwana uyu izvo vataura wani"

Sekuru " Ini ndine pfungwa yekuti isu timbosuduruke pano chokwadi tiende nekuti kana zvakadai
hapana patingagare. Vanhu vekwa Rushy ummm ndavatadza ini... Tiri madzitezvara asi tobatwa
nekuseri kweruoko kuratidza kuti havana kana respect nesu shuwa kusvipira Simbi kuface tiripo.

Vanhu wese vakangoti ummm vachizunguza musoro kutaridza kubatikana chaizvo....

Mbuya Furusa " Maiti ndotamba ka kana ndichiti vanhu imbiti dzavanhu cheberekerwo handisati
ndakamboona vanhu vakadai "

Tete " Zvino varipo ava Mai Aiziva muri kuinzwa nyaya yataurwa na Sekuru isu pano hatichagare
tanga tati tiuyewo kuzochema ne vamwe zvino kana zvakadai iiii"

Me " Ehoyi Tete ndiri kuzvinzwa" misodzi yangu yakabva yatanga kuerera 😭

Sekuru vadiki " Shuwa ini ndabatikana hama dzangu mwana waTete vangu kubatwa kunge nhapwa
iwe Simbiso ndomagariro aunoita here aya?"

Handina kuda kupindura misodzi yangu yakabva yawedzera 😭😭😭

Sekuru vakasimuka kuratidza kupererwa chaiko.

Mainini "Ko nhai baba tadii kungomudeedza mukwasha Beaven tataura naye"
Sekuru" Haaa no hazviite. Ini kuti Simbimbindo uyu achisara pano handione sekuti zvichaita.
Ngaambosuduruke. Iyi nyaya inoda kutongwa zvapera izvi kuremekedza hedu mushakabvu uyu. Saka
pano chatakuita vadikanwi kunooneka kuti taenda. Vana Tete na mbuya endai munobatsira Simbie
arongedze hembe dzake. Musarege kuzivisa Beaven kuti ndozvandataura kuti wedu uyu takutora
angasauraiwa nekuti vanhu vese vari kutoti ndiye auraisa kauyu....Amai motovaudza kuti takuenda
regai vasare ne musha wavo"

Ndaingochema ini. Mona aivemo aingondinyaradza but zvaisabatsira.😭😭😭

Takasiya vanhu vese varimo tikabuda na Tete na Mbuya Furusa kuenda kubedroom kwangu.
Takatanga tapira Gogo.

Gogo " Ndochaizvo manga matondinonokera ini zvepano iiii ndazvitadza asi ndaida hangu Theresa
umbobate uyu wekufirwa huro andibhohwa fani"

Mbuya Tereza " Kkkkk anondiziva paye bvunzai Simbie"

Takatuma Shungu kunodana Beaven asi ainzi anga abuda kuendesa vanhu kuAvenues kuna Maiguru.
Takabva tati tisanorongedza hembe ini ndichi phoner....
Me " Hello"

Beaven " Simbiso babie am sorry shaa ndambokutsvaga but I will be back soon"

Me " Huya vana Sekuru Furusa vanoda kunoda kukuona"

Beaven " Iiish kwakanaka here shaa"

Me " Chingouya"

Beaven" ok tatopedza kuno am on my way uri pai iwewe?"

Me " Bedroom"

Beaven " Bhoo"

Moyo wangu wairwadza i knew Beaven was in a dilemma kuti mukadzi uku uku family unenge
uchatoshaya kuti woita zvipi. Ummm but at the end of it all Blood is thicker than water they say
maybe anotone kapfungwa kekuti i am the causer futi......

We packed my bags neemwana ndakangoita two mamonach zva Aiziva ndozvanga zvakawanda
hazvo. Takapedza tikagara takamirira kuuya kwa Beaven. Mbuya Tereza ndoyaingopopota kani
yaitozvinzwa zvekuti yaitoda kuendera team yese iyi hanzi nhaka ndikatenderwa ndovabvuraudza
vese ava.

After an hour Beaven akabva asvika. Akangopinda muBedroom akashamisika kuona makurukota
akagara pabed ese apa mabed pedyo ne door.

Beaven " Aah Tete , Gogo umm muri muno"

Mbuya T " Tirimo muzukuru tanga takakumirira gara apa timbotaure"

He can close achibva andipuller by the hand he sat pa couch achibva aita ndigare pamakumbo ake.
Mona akatarisa pasi neka smile kekuda kuseka nhai.... i think iye he had sensed already by seeing the
Beaven " Taurai henyu Gogo"

Mbuya T " Hatidi kupedza nguva muzukuru asi tatumwa nana Sekuru tati timbotora Mainini ava
kuenda navo timbovasudurutsa"

I Could hear his heart beating faster apa aindipuruzira musana.....

Beaven " Kwakanaka here Gogo pane chandatadza here?" he said in a teary voice.

Tete " Kwete babamunini aah kuti imi here tinganyepe. Asi mabatirwo ataita pano ummm nezvaitwa
Mainini ummmm tode kumboenda kwedu uko tichonyaradzane tiriko"

He tried to be a man but you could feel him achidedera....

Beaven " Sa sa saka inini wamakuomesera aaah Tete dzorai moyo mukadzi wangu ndomuda inini
Tete "
Akawedzera kupuruzira pama thighs

Mbuya T " Muzukuru isu tiri nhumwa chete zvimwe zvakutoda ivo Sekuru mbune"

Beaven " Vari kupi Sekuru"

Me " Guest room yekuseri"

Beaven " OK Gogo ndoda kumbotsvaga wekutuma but meanwhile ndokumbirawo time ne mudzimai

Mbuya T " Hapana chakashata. Vasikana handei. Simbie ndozvese here zvauri kuda izvi muzukuru"

Me " Yes Gogo ndizvo"

Mbuya T " Kana wapedza unotiona seri uko"

Vakatora mabags vachibva vabuda. I stood up moyo wairwadzirwa Beaven iiish.

Beaven " Babie please dont go shaa"

Misodzi yangu yakangotanga kubuda paye 😭😭

Me " Beaven"

He knelt down
Beaven " Please my luv we both know that vanhu ava are insane babie.... Am here for you shaa
please "🙏🏽🙏🏽😭

He begged me. My heart bled for him pandakaona achichema.... but like Sekuru said handaikwanisa
kugara pakadai.

Me "Beaven hapana zvawaita, so simuka hama dzangu no longer feel comfortable nezviri kuitika izvi"

Beaven " but babie vanogona kuenda havo you can't leave me "

Me "Honey you don't understand ini handisi kudiwa pano. Staying here will only cause confusion and
tension my love dai wandinzwisisawo it becomes dangerous"

He held my hand
"Do you think I can let anyone harm you when am there babie" akadaro achipukuta misodzi

" Its different honey this is your family against me. Let me go and I will come back when all this has
passed. I didn't want to go asi hupenyu hwangu" ndakadaro.

He took his phone kwakuphonera Shaddy auuye na Sekuru kubedroom kuno.

Me " Beaven pliz I have made my mind I will be back but for now I need to give the family space
mwana achemwe zvakanaka pasina mhiri zhonga"

*Tired hey. It's been a long chapter. Will see you people on Tuesday this was supposed to be your
Sunday chapter but ndiri busy this weekend. See you Tuesday*💋💋

End of chapter 23

Luv u all 💋

[10/07, 06:56] Lyniemore sweety: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*

EDited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 22

Simbiso 🤱🏽

Ndakaita madays ndisina kumbobata Jayden. I thought he would text back and say am sorry but no
he chose to keep quiet. I sat down pa lunch Friday afternoon reading through our conversation
ndikatoona kuti I think I was expecting too much from him. I was the one who was supposed to look
for him. Oh Jayden why do you like doing this to me wakabva nekupi nhai munhu iwe 🤔 ndaifunga
hangu. For sure there was something about him that touched the inner me. Kare in high school taiti
ma crush mheno kana achiri iwo..... Dai ndakatanga kuona Jay ndiri musikana zvangu I would have
married him cause I feel for him so much I think more than I feel for my own husband at

People can judge me but these were the matters of my heart that's how I felt inside me. Ok I
thought how then do I go about it if Jay wants us to meet them it means I going kuSA cause
zvingazoite here kuti ndimuti huya kuno ndiku comforter I don't think it's viable at all. Haa manje
kuenda ikoko we all know what may happen iiish_.
I decided to text him

📤 hey

He went online and he read but he didn't respond. I felt bad. Aaah well maybe he decided not to talk
to me.

Ndakazotarisa my phone after an hour. Kwakuona aresponder I was happy kani.

📩 ndeipi

I quickly responded

📤 Am gud and you

📩 terrible
📤 usadaro Jay

📩 Do you care at all???

😳😳 nhai mwari what was the meaning of that

📤 I do Jayden

📩 You don't if you did care you will comfort me and hear my problem

📤 Why urikuda kundiomesera Jay.

📩 let me call.
📤 Sharp

Within ma seconds akabva aphoner.

Jay " Simbiso"

Haaa kungonzwa voice chete everything in me responded kani.

Me "Jayden look we both know that seeing each other is not an option we know what will happen"

Jay "Should our friendship be destroyed by mere feeling here??? I am your friend and demand to get
benefits to this friendship"

Me " Jay please"

Jay " Zvekuita senge am begging you always handizvide let's close this chapter it's evident you don't
want to help me and am cool with that."

He hung up again ndisina kutaura. Nhai Jayden why does he want to make me feel guilty nhai

The following day was Saturday. Iwas going to have a lunch meeting na Mandy. I dressed in some
jeans zvangu and a nice lacey top. We are going ku Garfunkens paVillage.

I had to first go and leave Gogo and Aiziva kwana Mhamha. They had planned on spending the
weekend ikoko zvavo. I guess pamba panga pakubhohwa ne tension ya mbuya Rushy.

I left them. But panga pane ka time since we were meeting at 2pm it was around 11am. I decided
kumbonotenga zvangu tuma grocery pa Chizy shops ndichizvivaridza. I got into Bon marche
ndikanhonga nhonga ndapedza ndopandaka sangana na Mrs Masiyiwa paentrance

Jays Mum " Oh my dear how are you keeping "

She opened arms ndichibva ndapindamo.

Me " Am good thank Mum how are you??"

Mai Jay " Ndinofara zvangu how is the little man doing?"

Me " He is great fit as a feedle"

Mai Jay " We thank the almighty... You are looking great dark blue Jeans suit you"

🙈 ndakanyara apa ndanga ndakazadza zvangu Jean racho

Me " Thank you Mum"

Mai Jay " That reminds me are you in a hurry??"

I checked my time. Dzanga dzichiripo

Me " Ummm no not really am meeting your daughter Mandy for lunch"

Mai Jay " Oh really that's lovely. I wanted to invite you over to my house i had a little gift for the
little boy "

Me " That's lovely I think I can spare a minute or two"

Mai Jay " Great wait for me here"

Ndakasara ndakamira the craziest thing came through my mind. Ko kana vandirongera mwana wavo
kumba kwavo ndiri kuendepi nhai hama kkkk.

She finally came and we drove takadungamidzana kuenda kumba kwavo muChisipite imomo.
Ummm the house was just 👌🏼classically nice hey. Kuzoti mulounge hey apa you could see the
picture portraits hey they were nice. I spotted Jay of course🙈. There were also potraits of Jays dad
was hoping to meet him..... Zvanga zvakarongeka. She bought the gifts I was shocked. A Big fluffy
Teddy and some clothes zvese zvaiva brand new with a box of toys. I wonder why she keeps
showering Junior cause last time vakamutengera pavakauya na Maka. Aah well chekupihwa
hachirambwi I thanked her. Ndakarongedzerwa home made cookies ne Dovi hanzi ndivo
vanotokuya. I was grateful and left.

Ndakangonanga kuVillage where I met up na Mandy.

Takagara and ordered food...

Mandy " Tell me how did you meet my brother if you don't mind"

I knew that would be one of her questions kana asina hake kutumwa kuzondinyengetedza zvake.

I explained how we met.

Mandy " Interesting ndaitofunga maizivana musati maroorwa kaini"

Me " Noo kana"

Mandy "oh ok. Shaa Simbiso I hope you don't mind if I ask you a personal question"

Haaa ndakuzobvunzwa zvino.

Me " No go ahead"

Mandy " Am sorry to ask but besides being friends na Jay have you ever been intimate."

I chocked on my juice. Why does she think so nhai. 🤷🏽♀🙄

Me " No we haven't been it's just friendship only"

Mandy " Oh ok...."

Me " Why did you ask??"

Mandy " Just curious you know what am sorry to say but my brother is crazy about you"

Me " I know how he feels but am married I can't....."

Mandy 🤫 "Ssssh I know and I wouldn't want you to. I had lunch with you cause I wanna get to
know you more. Look I understand your predicaments I have been told and anondirwadza. Someone
as nice as you anoitwa zvakadaro if only people knew what they are missing out. But you are strong
shaa. I don't want you to think my talking to you is to lure you to my brother haa no. I know very
well you are married and I respect that I just want us to be friends"

Woow I was happy she appreciates me. How I so much wished dai vari tete vanguwo Beavens sister
iiish_ zvakaoma. Hazel must have missed out on a lot shem.

Me " I appreciate am cool with us being friends. But allow me to call you Aunty Mandy or Sis Mandy
cause you are older than me sense of respect"
Mandy " Either way I don't have a problem love"

We talked about our families our lifestyles, hair , nails our Christian backgrounds.... She also tolde
about her businesses she runs a catering company amongst them. I adored her. She also told me
about Dan and from the look of things Dan anga aenda nenyika weduwe ummmm. H seemed
bastered rich. Umm there was a lot to talk about.....


I kept trying phone yaJayden but yaisadairwa ndakazophoner ave manheru kwakudairwa.

Me " Hello"

Maka " Hello is this Aunty Simbiso"

😳😳😳 Maka hooo arikufunga ndini Simbiso anyway let me act like her timbonzwa.
Me " Yes Hello Maka"

Maka " Am fine how is my brother"

Me " He is fine and how is daddy "

Maka " He is sad I asked him why and he said he misses you.... when are you coming to stay with us "

Hoooo now I get it. Jayden is seeing this Simbiso lady ummm🤔.

Handina kupindura ndakabva ndacutter shit nxaa hoo akuda zve vakadzi vevanhu. Iye mukadzi
wemunhu kusanyara manje zvichapera hazvo ko ini ndine nhumbu yake Jayden.

I check his status kutonyora kuti *JAYSIM*💋.... aah chihure kaichi iye murume waSimbiso amboripi
mukadzi achihura kudai. I had to get as much information as possible.
I went pa Google kwakutyper Simbiso Just Plastics Zimbabwe then I got her Facebook page. Ipo pa
Google panga pakanyorwa kunzi

_Simbiso Kambarami Rushy. Finance Director Just Plastics Zimbabwe. Co- Director Rushy Holdings.
Married to Beaven Rushy. Umm seemed a well profiled woman🤔._ Manje asaite zvekutamba neni
hake Jayden cause ndonyatso muvhiringa Simbiso wake.

_2 weeks later_


It was Friday we were leaving for the Mens outing in the afternoon. Hapana aienda nemota yake
were all going using ma coaster atanga tahirer from Rock Shade.

Kuma 12pm I left my car na Simbie she escorted me kuenda kuRock Shade. Ndopakarira phone
when we were on or way kuti anondisiya. It was mhamha.

Me " Maswera Seiko aChihera"

Mhamha " Ndaswera uuye uchindiendesa kumba kwangu manheru ano"

Hazvo amai ava vaipenga here hanty I had clearly indicated kuti handipo ko zveperekedzwa kumba
zvainge zvapinda papi nhai????

Me " Amai inga ndataura kuti handipo hanty ndakuwonekai kuseni hapana chachinja"

Mhamha " Haiwa Beaven unotanga wanondisiya wozoita zvako zverwendo pano handisari"

Me " Amai ndatoparwendo kuenda ini. Ndinodzoka ndonokusiya chamunoramba kusara chiiko
pamba ipapo"

Mhamha " Aiwa Beaven unondiwana ndafa pano hwanga hwacho handihugone"

Me " Hwanga hwei hwamuri kutaura"

Mhamha " Iye mukadzi wako"

Me " Imi amai kurai nhaika. Hwanga hunozoda kubuda nekuti ndaenda KuInyanga amai ka"

Ndakabva ndacutter. Nxaa

Simbie " Iii nhai Beaven amai vako why vachindivenga kudaro iii"

Ndakanyara fani my phone ndaitodaira pa Bluetooth yemumota apa Simbie aitonzwa zvese amana

Me " Babe let's just ignore some of these things tongoramba tichidzokera kumashure nezvinhu
zvisina basa shaa"

Simbie " Asi zvakangooma hazvo Babie zvimwe zvinhu so hazvidi kuti munhu aenderere kudaro inini
out of all the people here ko Mai Rumbie vanodii kunzwarwo she is equally a muroora wani aaah"
Me " I hear you babie but look sekuona kwako these people have a strong rural background. Please
varegererewo hun"

Hatina kuzoitaura nyaya yacho cause takabva tasvika. Takasvikawo Mona na Ratie vachitoburutsawo
varume wavo. Haaa unozodei these girls vakaonana vanoita kufara kani. Ndopataka kumbirwa or
kuziviswa kuti tomorrow they will also spend the day together kkk.

Nyanga Pfeeeee

That night vainwa doro wainwa then we madrinks vainwawo. Ini hangu I was drinking madrinks
semunhu anga akuda zvekunamata asi it affected vanhu zvazvo kkk.

We had a round table that evening where we were discussing our marriages. There were a lot of
questions and answers musi uyu. We learnt to love our wife's and take care of them. Asi pane nyaya
yakataurwa neumwe muface yakandibata. Muface uyu anga aenda through a divorce aiwirirana ne
hama dzake before he married his first wife but kungouya kwakaita mukadzi family started falling
apart. They didn't know what was going on but maingovane hatred. Iye aida mukadzi zvakanyanya
he was blinded to see kuti anga akadyiswa nemukadzi it came out after the wife was delivered. So he
emphasized that some of the problems zvine chekuita munhu waugere naye.

Yaaa ndakatofungawo zvaiitika kumba kwangu could it be the same ummm hameno.

The following day we did matours then we were back for games mostly we played soccer ne
volleyball. Tikazopinda for swimming vamwe vachigotcha munongozivawo pachi boys soo. But we
realised the importance yekufamba ne muriwo (mukadzi) wako kkkk 2 nights it's not a joke amana
unenge wakuda muriwo (mukadzi).

Kuma 5pm as we were enjoying my phone rang. It was Simbiso.

Me " Hey babe "

Simbie " Beaven urisey kunokwaita problem"

I could her vanhu vaipopota kubackground kunyanya izwi rababa Rumbie

Me " Chiiko babie what's going on"

Simbiso " Haaa ndatosvikawo from our meeting ne the girls. Ndasvika Babamukuru vachiti ndipe
makeys emota yako vanoda kuperekedza mhamha kumusha ndavati mirai ndiphonere muninina
wenyu ndopatanga hondo"
Me " Ok mira ndivaphonere two minutes will get back to you"

Simbie " Ok"

Ende futi zvakaoma hazvo. I dailed his number

Me " Mukoma"

Him " Yes Beaven"

Me " Hanzi muri kuda mota"

Him." Ehe ndoda mota yekuperekedza Mhamha"

Me " Hapana chakaipa mukoma but madii kungomira ndadzoka ndodzoka mangwana"

Him " Iwe ndati ndauya kuzotora amai full stop yawakutaura iyi yava yako"

Me " Haaa manje chipihwai Passo "

Him " Passo unopenga here iwewe inini mukoma wako kundipa passo"

Me "Ndo mota iri free parizvino"

Him " Mugarage muno mune 4 cars. Yako , Fortuner ne imwe truck I want Toyota hilux iyoyo"

Me " Imota yamai junior yekubasa iyo. Hazviite. Yangu merc iri low haiende ikoko iyo imwe twin cab
iri kubasa"

Him "Am taking Fortuner"

Ende futi munhu anonetsa.

Me " Mukoma Fortuner ndeya Mai Junior"

Him " Saka kana iri yamai junior haibatwe here. Indava usinga koshese Mai vako heee"

Takanetsana but ndakatoona kuti maone. And I wasn't going to give them my merc asi dai twin cab
isiri kubasa ndaivapa but I had parked it kubasa. The only available car was Fortuner na passo iyo
d4d yaisaita cause yanga uti ya Mai Junior yekubasa.

Phone yamai Junior yakambonetsa kuita through..


Babamukuru vachingopedza kutaura na Beaven vakabvatoti hande unondipa makey eFortuner vaka
tungamirira kubedroom. I followed kwanga kwakakiiwa . Ndakasvika vakamira padoor hapana
chandaka mbotaura ndakaona ndarohea mbama kwakuridza zimhere

"Fokofu akakujaidza Beaven unofunga ndiri Beaven waunoita zvinoda apa uchimirizika unopfunga
kuti ndokuda here inini nxaa"

" Aaah mukwasha chirudzii kurova mukadzi asiri wenyu " vakanga vaGogo. I think vakanzwa mhere

Baba Rumbie "Vhura door iri." Vakadaro vachi ignorer Gogo.

" Vape key dzacho Mai Junior " vakadaro Gogo izwi rine hukasha"

Ndakavhura door kwakutora makey kwakuvapa. It's not that ndaisada nemota but mota mudziyo
ino controllewa na Baba so wanted Beavens approval.

Vachingobuda I called Beaven apa ndichichema kudaro

Beaven " Chii babie"

Me " Beaven mukoma wako haaite asiya andirova mbama pano hanzi ndipe makey efortuner"

_Beaven thinking_

Ndakarwadziwa ko zvasvika pakurova mukadzi wangu here akomana.

Beaven " Shit vari kupi izvozvi"

Me " Vaenda na Mhamha "

Beaven " babie calm down it's ok ndozvi sorter ndauya I could have come but hanty uru kuziva kuti
tauya ne bus one".....



But baba Rumbie vanoda kundijairira shuwa munhu anga ndirovere mukadzi iyi taitonetsana manje
ndokupinda ne mwenje mudziva

I avoided calling him. That night ndakarara hangu but with a heavy heart.
Kuma 3am ndakamutswa ne phone. It was Simbiso kwanga kwakanaka here nhai. I answered

" Beaven!!!!!!!!!!! Beaven kani!!!Vana baba Rumbie vaita accident "

Me " Accident..........

End of chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[10/07, 06:56] Lyniemore sweety: 💔💐 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso* 💋

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*
Chapter 24

Beaven 🤵🏽

Everything was just happening so fast ndanga ndane confusion. Mhamha na Baba Rumbie vari
kudeedzera mukadzi wako Beaven. Ko anogoita involved in the accident how?? Haasiriye aidriver
mota yacho kunyangwe yaiva yake and kukumbirwa mota was just too sudden. Haanga mbova
akaita temper nayo sekuti anozvigona.

Now my wife wants to leave. Chokwadi zvanga zvaitwa na Mhamha zvekupumha Simbiso
nekumusvipira it wasn't proper at all. Zvinhu zvisingaite apa ma inlaws aka aripo zvenyu imi

There was a knock pa door I guess it was Shaddy na Sekuru. Ndakangoti come in vachibva vapinda.

Simbie anga agara pa bed achingoyeredza misodzi ini wacho ndaingoyeredzawo.

Sekuru " Chii Beaven"

Ndakavaudza zvanga zvataurwa na Gogo na Tete. Ndakaona mudhara mukuru okwenya mhanza.
Sekuru " Ummm ndiri kutonyara kutaura kuno muzukuru Mai Junior.... handisi kutogona zvaitika izvi
handina neremuromo. Varipi vana Sekuru Furusa"

Me " Kuseri uko"

Sekuru " Hey ummm pamwe tingamboonane hedu ne vamwe Beaven. Ukadeedza Tete, vazukuru 2,
babamunini, Babamukuru, Baba vako timboonesana"

Me " Ehoyi."

Ndakabuda ndikanovatora choppaz vakauya. Takanopinda mustudy nekuti mubedroom maisaita

vamwe vaiva vanyarikani. Sekuru vakati nditaure zvataurwa.


Tete " Pamusoroi ndofunga tikati kasikei kutaura zinotibatsira tisanyanyotsamwisa vana tezvara
vedu..... ini ndoda kuti kuna Makoti ndine hurombo askana iii ndiri kutonyara so. Chechipiri
ndofunga iyi nyaya iri kutoda vanhu vakuru chaivo vanoidzaka asi hazvingaite nhasi. Hanzvadzi
mukadzi wako iii isu hatimugone chokwadi Sekuru Mhofu ndine hurombo nekutaura kudai saka
ndinofunga kuti mwana uyu mumuzorodze parizvino"

Me " Aaah tete maita basa asi kuti Simbie aende hazviite zvachose"

Sekuru " Zviri kutaurwa na Beaven ndizvozvo"

Baba " Saka ponzwii aTete varikutarisa divi raMakoti weduwe uyu kuti kugara ipo pano panhamo
Chihera vachingotaura madiro ndoona setinenge taremedza munhu"

Me " Asi shuwa vanhu vese matadza kunyaradza mhamha here"

Muzukuru " Iiii Beaven enda iwe unozama aiwa Chihera bodo"

Tete " Kuzvitunhidza uko nxaa. Mai Junior vanogona kumboenda kuNorton kwangu uko"
Yaaa Tete vanga vataura suggestion chaiyo. We all agreed kwakuenda tiri delegation kunoona vana

Haa vakanozviramba and vanga vakutotaura rubber chaiyo.

Sekuru Furusa "Hatina kukukumbirai isu tati nekuda kwezvaitika tiri kukuzivisai kuti uyu Simbiso
takuenda naye nhaika"

Sekuru Mhofu " Zviri munzeve Sekuru asi ka isu tiri kutaura zvemudzimai wedu kauuya"

Sekuru Furusa " Hiyaa mese muri muno maona mwana wangu achisvipirwa pane zvamagadzirisa
here. Matishoora mhuri yekwa Rushy handina kukupai mwana wekuita nhapwa ka chirudzii.??
Ndofunga mukatisiyawo tomboitawo zvatinoda munenge manyaradza moyo wangu"

Mbuya Furusa " Regai tiende toonana"

Vese vakabva vasimuka kuenda. Ende futi zvakaoma. Simbiso aiita kuzhuzhurudzwa hanzi hausare.
My heart bled.
Takasara vana Baba vakatodeedzera Dare hombe chairo . Takaenda ku guest wing kuya tikanogara.

Babamukuru "Zviri kuitika pano hazvifadze handidi kunyepa. Isu takangonyarara hedu but vanhu
muka actor semhuka hazvibude. Tiri kurwadziwa hongu asi toda kuita chinhu one. Baba Junior
titaurire zvawandiudza tichienda kuchipatara maskati taura zvakaitika"

I narrated how Simbiso called and how Baba Rumbie beat my wife dare raingozungudza musoro.

Babamukuru " Right Baba Rumbi chitaura zvakaitika."

_What Happened from Baba Rumbie_

Ndakanetsana nemukadzi vaBeaven achirambira mota. Ndakasvopihwa makey eFortuner. Takapinda

mumota ini amai na Mainini Sekai takananga kumba kwandaida kutora Mai Rumbie ne vana.
Takarongedza sevanhu vaida kunorara tozodzoka mangwana acho. Takatobva tasimuka tikasvika ku
Mhondoro. Tichangoti rare kuma 1am. Murungu wangu akaphoner hanzi ndoda upihwe mapaper
kubasa kwavo na 4am wokwira bhazi kuenda nawo kuBeitbridge. Ndainosanga na Manager kubasa
kwacho kuma 4am.

Ndakatobva ndaona kuti hapana pandaimuti ndiri kuMhondoro. Ndakabva ndati ndidzoke Mai
Rumbie vakabva vaitoti sezvo mangwana ndaisazokwanisa kuzovatora vakatoti vakudzokera neni.
Chandino remember tiri muroad ndaitotaura na Mai Rumbie kuti ndanzwa nehope ndopandakaona
zidzvinyu zihombe paWindscreen handisati ndakamboona mukuriro wedzvinyu wakadaro.... I
screamed... ndofunga ndakavhunduka.

Vanhu vakatoti aaah kukanuka...

Babamukuru " Maiona nyaya ka hama dzangu saka munoti makoti apinda papi.... uye tsika yako
yekurova mukadzi wemumwe chitoisiya zvako."

Ndakaona Mai Bee vasimudza ruoko vakupihwa nguva yekutaura..

Mai Bee " Pamusoroyi... izvi zviri pachena kunge magaro echanana... dzvinyu iro rakatumirwa iro.
Hameno kuti hamuone sei madzvinyu atotanga kunetsa kubva zvauya Simbiso mumusha medu. Pese
paari anatwo tudzvinyu itwotwo paaitaura zvekufa kwemwana wake uya.. madzvinyu....kutadza
kuita basa husiku hwekutanga mumusha medu aiiti aona dzvinyu. Pano pakafiritwa madzvinyu
papiko paasinga maone. Apa mota ndeyake ndomaanogara mumota memuridzi Haiwa vana vake

Sekuru " Shut up Mai Bee uri munhu rudzii iwewe hee. "
Tete " Aiwa Sekuru musadaro.... ini kufunga kwangu kune ari kubata bata asiri makoti munoti
anozvizivira kupi iyeye mwana akakurira muHarare uye achizvidii zvake.... zvodya mwene wazvo
here? hanty mati zvaivinga iye here"

Mhamha " Yuwii mwana wemwana wangu kani vaRushy kufa here kudyiwa ne madzvinyu aSimbiso.
Iwe Simbiso aaah wandikweteka wandirwadza iiii"

Daddy " imi vanhu ka zvamuri kutaura ndoinzi nonsense. Ava amai takakudeedzai vachichema
kurohwa ne mwana wabheveni mazuva apera ayo munoda kupafunga"

Vakabva vatobuda Daddy he was angry.

Pakasara pakapopotedzananwa kutukanwa zvakangodaro daro.....

*Mbuya Rushy* 👵🏿 🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎

🙆🏽♀ ko madzvinyu andiitirei zvangu aya. Rabvepi zidzvinyu randiuuraira muzukuru komana

Chiiko chiri kutora nzvimbo apa. Ndakatambura ne pfungwa handina kurara musi wekutanga
kwenhamo. Handina kuda kudya. Chokwadi ndauraya muzukuru wangu here inini. Iii futi ka. Hongu
mota yaiva yake asi madzvinyu aya ndeangu.

Umm asi ka hazvaiita anondidyira mbeu yangu. Ummm kunze kwekuti rakatumwa na Mai Rudo kana
Rudo wacho .... vachida kuuraya baba Rumbie here ummm aiwa pamwe raiitirwa Simbiso wacho.
Haaa manje soo. Asi ndaida kuti nditsanangurirwe chaizvo kana kunopaona asi ndikadzokera kuya
vanogona kundiudza kuti nderani. Kana vari Mai Rudo handidi kuvangwadza ndoda kuziva dzvinyu
rakatumirwa ani....

Ini ndakazongoti ichi chinoda hana kwanga kwaenda nyaya ndikwo chaiko kuna Simbiso ikoko. Ini zii
zvangu semunhuanozviva kuti ndiye muridzi wedzvinyu.


That night ndakaenda mubedroom ndichiti ndimborara semunhu anga ane hope.

But handina kurara ndichirwisana nepfungwa paye. Ummm this madzvinyu thing🤔 could they be
true I mean zvataurwa na Mai Bee... it all adds up kasi. I have known dzvinyu all my life but kuuya
kwakaita Simbiso mumusha this madzvinyu thing has been causing problems kunyanya
circumstances around her.
For the first time I tried to pray to God to help me cause I was caught in between. Ethan anga
andirwadza kutaura chokwadi.

_2 days later_

Vanhu vakawirirana kuti Ethan aizovigwa kuMhondoro. Saka taksita kuti vanhu vasimuka mutumbi
wake wonorarira kumusha tozomuchengeta the following day. At times munhu anonzi mukadzi
akakosha so. I being the breadwinner I did completely everything ndaingoswiper chete from food
kusvika kucasket chairo. Dai Simbie aripo taiita zvinhu ne budget. I had been calling her aisadaira
phone ndaizoona munhu asender message yekuti *I am ok*. I just wished zvese izvi dai
zvachingopera I wanted my wife back home.

Everything went as planned tikaenda kuMhondoro. Maiguru Mai Rumbie vanga vabuda muHDU
vaku ward but she had sustained mainjuries including a broken arm.

Takasvika kuMhondoro around 6pm we had a bus from Nyaradzo ranga ratakura hama dzekwa
Rushy nevekwa Mai Rumbi.

Because of Simbie pamba pedu panga pakuwonekerawo kani. The house she had built solar yaanga
aisa haa panga panaka zvapo. Takazongoisawo generator kuti pati ngwee

Tati garei vanhu vachiimba zvavo ndakadeedzwa na Raviro ndichibva ndaenda. Ndakasvika akamira
na Rudo I was surprised to see her.
Rudo " Uri kushamisikei Beaven asi waiti ndakafa ka"

Me " uchifa neiko nhai inga ndakasender mari yekurapwa "

Rudo " Tete maita basa chiendai henyu"

Raviro " ok maiguru"

Haa yaa Rudo so zvakaoma hazvo. Takaramba takatarisana.

Rudo " Beaven"

Me " Taura zvauri kuda Rudo ndoda kuenda"

Rudo " Umm ari sei mainini Simbie ko mavasiireiko kkkkkkkk zvechiutsi havazvigone ka huriiii zvangu

Akaita kuseka....

Me " Iwe ndozva wandideedzera pano here iwe uri kudei"

Akangotarisa tarisa semunhu arikutarisa kuti hapana aimuona here.

" Ndoda iwewe" akadaro achindi squeezer mbolis ne jendile kechi one

Ndakaita kuvhunduka achibva aseka zvake 🤣🤣🤣

Mandiri semunhu anga ane nzara svinu ndakapedzisira shedegu Thursday night before going for the
Mens outing and this was now Tuesday evening. Mbolis haina kuzeza kuvhunduka. She saw it
coming up achibva atanga kuseka futi.
Rudo " Beaven unonyatsa kundinzwira sugar apa unenge uchingonyepera nyepera kusandida kkk.
Yaaaa inzara ka na mainini vangu musalad kumba uko kkkk"

I felt like slapping her ndakazozvidzora hangu.

Me " Wapora ka wakurachuka kutaura zvisina basa regai ndiende zvekupedzerwa nguva newe

Ndakatendeuka kuti nditarise kwandabva ndobva andibata ruoko.

Rudo " Beaven ndiri kuuya ne mwana wako mangwana wanzwa umbonomuchengeta kumba kwako
izvozvi ndanzwa ariku rwara kuno kumusha maclinic acho dhololo saka better afire mumaoko ako"

I froze.... Tinashe kurwara???

Me " wati kudini urikugara naye achirwara kubva rinhi usingandiudze"

Rudo " kkkk kukuudza Beaven hanty wakandi blocker ndokuudza sei unombori nebasa naye chifudza
mombe rombe remwana Tinashe shem hanty munongoda avo varungu veHarare here"

Iiish mashoko akandibaya moyo wangu. I felt guilty is that how my son was feeling illtreated
weduwe. Ipapo unoshaya chekupindura itori guilty as charged chaiyo.

Rudo " Enda hako Beaven regai ndinobatirana nevamwe. Bye"

Akabva afamba kuenda. Yaaa unoita weak chaiyo....


Kubva kwatakaita kumba takangopfuura ne kuMandara kwana mhamha. Iiish my parents were angry
nezvakaitika. Vakapopota my Dad zvaitoda kuenda kuna vaRushy wacho. Takazobva takuenda
kwaSekuru Furusa tese na Gogo na Shungu. Vamwe vakasara kuMandara. Vana Tete vakadzokera
kudzimba dzavo. Sevanhu vanga vadya kuMandara takasvikorara.
Kuti ndakarara ndinganyepe unorara how when you are being accused of something you do not
know anything about. Accused of Murder out of all the things. Mupfungwa mangu maimbouya
nyaya yeku divorcer chokwadi ndaisvikepi with all the torture ye hama dzaBeaven. Ini Beaven
ndaimuda zvangu but his family was a living hell. Ndakazobiwa nehope zvangu....

Kuseni ndakanonoka kumuka ko semunhu asina kudzirara. I was just low low zvangu aya headache
zvayo ndaisatomboda kuenda pa app I needed my space. Beaven ndiye aiphoner but ndaisada
zvekutaura so ndaingoisiya yorira ndozongo sender text message kuti *I am ok*

Kana kuri kunamata hahaha worse ndaitotadza kutomboti _Mwari vari kudenga_ regai Charamba
aiimbe kuti _honai zvinoitika baba kana ndakakombwa zvinoitika baba pfungwa dzinoita shoma

Maskati ndakazoti regai ndimbobvunza prayerful ladies ( grp rana Yvonne) kuti vanoona sei nyaya

📤 hi ladies I have a question or rather advise.

_Hama dzemurume dzanetsa should I divorce zvangu_

Kungopedza kusender. Ma typing akatanga kuitwa kkk. Ndakazongoti regai ndizodzoke kugrp
ndimbotarise mamwe ma message.
From Sam

📩 hey got your message about the funeral. Iiish so sorry hey. Arrived midnight. Was at your house
earlier on but you aren't there left Clara. Would like to come back though advise when you are

From Pastor Clara

📩 hey dearest was at your house for 3 hours tried waiting for you but dhololo didn't see Beaven
either people I asked said wabuda so want kubata maoko.

From Mandy

📩 hie makoti ndiri kumba kwako heard haupo a certain woman ati you are not attending the
funeral🤷🏽♀ is everything ok dear.

From Jayden

📩 beautiful how are you this morning.

Yaaa maone people were looking for me. Ndovatii zvakaoma weduwe aah. Ndakazongophonera
Pastor Clara and told her the ordeal I also called Sam futi. They said they will come kuno manheru.

I called Sisi Mandy and explained to her vakaratidza kubatikana.

Mandy " Iiish this is bad hey ummm I don't know what to tell you muninina am short of words but
mwari vari kudenga ngavakuchengete. If you don't mind can I come over kwauri tomorrow "

Me " Thank you Sisi Mandy it's ok you are welcome"

Mandy " ok you can send Google maps later please don't stress you will be fine"

Me " Thank you "

Mandy was really nice just like Jayden umm ndaiva neshungu dzekuona the complete family seems
everyone in that family is sweet. Jayden ndaizotaura hangu naye time time ko I owed him a shoulder
ka saka iniwo nenhamo dzangu I doubt if he will be moved. I guessed maybe it's God's way of pulling
us apart.

Ndakazoenda pagrp paye hey in a short time ma message hobho some read

📩 we are not here to play we don't train losers you must fight for your marriage

📩 God hates divorce. What God has put together let no man separate
📩 ignore the bastards and move on with life ne murume wako.

📩 hamusati matanga kunamata mabvi ngaashande

📩 usatendere Satan kukutyisa iwe unoda kurwa hey

📩🤺🤺🤺 munoda shamhu imi.

Those were some of the messages including bible verses.

*Ngatichengetei book redu*

End of chapter 24

Luv you all guys💋

[10/07, 06:56] Lyniemore sweety: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso* 💋

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 27

Simbiso 🤱🏽

I was now back home. Mwari kudzwai. I had sent zvangu Double action cleaners to clean my house
after I heard kuti nhamo yanga yazoenda kumusha and they did a perfect job. Mubedroom mangu
ndomaingova nebasa so decided to clean up tomorrow. That night we made love na Beaven. Yaa
tanga tane week and 2 days pasina shedegu saka nzara yacho yaiva kwese.
The following morning I woke up and first fed my son. Shungu was around so ndiye anga achitamba
naye. Beaven said he wasn't leaving the house because he wanted quality time with us. Akazoti
taizobuda kuenda kuMovie kuVillage later on.

I swept my room ndakutopedza phone yakarira it was Beavens phone anga abuda ndamutuma
chingwa pamashops ne formula ya Junior. I guess he had forgotten it his phone pacharger

📞📞 I picked the phone wanikwe ndi Rudo ummm. I answered.

Me " Hello"

Rudo " Mainini Simbiso"

Me " Urikudei kumurume wangu"

Rudo " Dzikamai mhani zvinyowani here kuti Beaven ane mwana neni
Me " Saka"

Rudo " Yohwe inga wakadzoka uine moto muburugwa ndaiti haudzoke ini nezvakaitwa.

Me " That's non of your business wanzwa taura zvauri kuda kumurume wangu tone"

Rudo " Kkkk vana Simbiso munoda kutamba nevamwe zvakanaka ndikuudze bvepfe raunaro
haribatsire..... muudze Beaven kuti ndasuwa kuiswa

Iiiii Rudo ibenzi shuwa

Me " Stupid fuseke wako fokofu mheni benzi remunhu kana uchifunga kuti Beaven will come ikoko
forget devil ibva mberi kwangu"

Akaseka 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Rudo " Masalad emuHarare munonetsa Devil devil kudini uchandiona ndiri pano beche rangu
richikwezva murume wako anotomunyura chete benzi remunhu kkkkk"

Ndakabva ndakanda phone pabed nehasha.

Aaah mwari 🙆🏽♀ what kind of life is this please. Ndoitawo sei. Ndakazonyatsa kudzamisa
pfungwa ndikatoona kuti pano I had to be strong sezita rangu chokwadi or else this woman anonzi
Rudo ka she will torment me.

Beaven akadzoka but handina kuda kutaura nyaya yaRudo ndangoramba ndakanyarara
akangozotora phone yake paanga aisiya kwakubuda.

Beaven 🤵🏽

I planned my day well I wanted to spend time with my wife and son. It was just a way of trying to
make sure I put a smile back on my wife's face.

Ndanga ndakato planner naDriver wangu kuti aizonosiira baba Rumbie mota....one of the pool cars
dzekubasa kuti vasote zvemukadzi wavo vega.
When I came back from the shops. Ndakasvika Simbie achingopedza kugeza. I took my phone
kwakumboenda pa app. Ndopandakasangana ne message

📩 Beaven udza mukadzi wako asada kundijairira wanzwa kunditi stupid, imbwa yemunhu kuti
zvaita sei anofanirwa kuziva kuti une mwana neni saka nditoriwo mukadzi wako akaita saiye.

Ndakasvotwa zvekuti na Rudo iish this person can't she just stay kumba kwake Simbiso is the one
who is supposed to be mad here cause ari torerwa murume but it's the other way round Rudo
kutoita kunge she has every right nhai. Ndakabva ndagaya futi saka this meant that these people had
talked ka. But why Simbiso asina kutaura kuti Rudo ambophoner 🤔 fishy....

I called Rudo


Rudo " Hello Daddy"

Me " Rudo imbomira izvozvo please ndokumbirawo kuti umbomira kuphoner kuno. Why
usinganzwisise I told you I am coming mangwana. Saka chawakuphonera chii?
Rudo " Nhai iwe ko ndaziva here kuti machinjana maphone"

Me " Saka pawaziva wadii kucutter"

Rudo " Usada kunditongesa Beaven ahihee"

Akabva acutter nxaa.

Ndakazobuda nemhuri yangu. I felt guilty the whole time why wasn't Simbiso talking about her
incident na Rudo. She was having fun, smiling and laughing as if nothing happened well maybe she
ain't affected anymore...

The following day I lied to Simbiso kuti I had to meet a client kuGweru so I couldn't attend church.
Hapana pandai muudza kuti ndanga ndadeedzwa kwamambo kumusha. Akamboda kuti hande tese
but ndakamuvhara neye kuti I spent the day with her yesterday sakawo nhasi ndaida prayer yake
yekuti deal rifambe.

Ndakabva ndichikasika cause ndaida kupfuura ndichitora Rudo then ndoenda ndizokasika kudzoka
wanted to rest since tomorrow was a Monday.
Ndakasvika kwaRudo ndika parker mota panze kwakupinda mugate.

Maid "Makadini father"

Ndakasangana naye achitobuda akabereka Tinashe. Ndakabva ndamuti aburutse Tinashe ndimubate.
Tinashe wacho ngaacheme kundiramba.... maid uya anga akungoti.....

"Tinashe Daddy ava ndi daddy"

Ndakanyara fani zvese nekurwadziwa kurambwa nemwana wako chaiye here aiwa....

Me " Ko muri kuenda kupi"

Maid " Ku Off mhamha vandikumbira kuenda naTinashe"

I was shocked for the why???

Me " Muri kuenda kupi kwacho"

Maid "KuSunnigdale ndotanga ndaenda kuchurch pacoca cola then ndozonoona vamwe"

Me " Church ipi"

Maid " Postori"

Rudo ari serious here kuendesa mwana wangu na maid kuoff . Ndakabva ndagaya kuti let me talk to
her first.

Me " Chipindai mumota ndinokusiyai hanty"

Maid "Ok father maita basa"

Ndakabva ndapinda mumba. Ndakamushaya mukitchen zvese neku lounge I called her but haana
kupindura. I went mubedroom kuona munhu achibuda mubathroom akashama.

😳😳 I was shocked kumuona akashama.

" Aah Beaven!!" Akadaro

Ndaka freezer kushaya zvekuita chaiko. Akabva atora chari kwakuzvifugidza.

"Sorry zvako handina kuziva kuti wapinda muno" akadaro

Haaa guys ka. Mbolis yangu yakashooter chaiko kuoma kuti ngii ndakanyatsa kufunga hangu
kupepetwa kwandaiitwa naRudo. Ndakamira kunge zombie akabva aenda padressing table
kwakutanga kuzora mafuta hake. Ndakangomuyeva hangu mate achizara mumukanwa apa aiita
kuzora mafuta achiita kuzvinhafa mazamu.

Akaenda kumakumbo achizora gumbo mafuta kusvika kululu uku zvinyoro nyoro. Manumber eleven
ekuzvimba akati aioneka zvavo achiremberera 😋Apa aiimbirira hake.

I tried to control myself ndichifunga kuti ndomusvetukira here uyu or ndomusiya. I fought very hard
kwakungofamba kubuda. Ndakabva ndapinda mutoilet erection yanga yandibaya zvangu decided
kutobonyora kuti zvipere.

Ndakazongoenda kunogara kumota iyi ndomuyedzo chaiyo iyi iiish but ndakazogaya kuti ndanga
ndapusa ko ndaregererei kushedegura ko hanty munda wangu here. Ndakuda kubuda kuti
ndidzokere akabva asvika.

Akabva apinda pafront seat kwakugara. Ndanga ndakuda kutaura nyaya yaTinashe but zvaisaita.

Rudo " Ko Sisi muri muno"

Maid " Ehe mhamha father vati vanoti perekedza"

Me" Yaaa regai ndinovasiya"

Akabva aisa satchel rake kumashure. We drove to coca cola and dropped vana. Tikabva tapinda
muroad kuenda kuMhondoro.

Me " Ko chii chauri kuita nhai Rudo mwana wangu akuenda kusowe naMaid futi here"

Rudo " Nhai Beaven hanty anochengetwa na maid here chii chashata ipapo"

Me " Usataure zvisina basa nhaika apa ndatongoshaya zvekuita dai mwana wangu ndaenda naye.....
kusowe hakuna basa stereki ko hanty kuchurch asi manje mwana wangu anopiswa ne zuva plus who
knows abva kusowe kwake achazoendeswa kupi haaa Rudo uri careless"

Rudo " Careless ndingaite zvangu asi ndinotodawo munhu anondibatsirawo kufunga
zvinondikundawo izvi"
Handina kuda kuzopfuurira mberi nayo. Phone yaRudo yakabva yarira. Hameno kuti ndiani

_"I think kuma 5 ndenge ndasvika ikoko"_

_" Ehe angatadze kukuziva kwaMereki here"_

_" Bye toonana later"_

Ndakagaya kuti munhu aida kunoitei kwa Mereki kana kuti ndiani arikuenda kwaMereki. Handina
kuda kubvunza. Akazorara ndikazvivaraidza ne music zvangu.

Takasvika pamba mhamha vakafara kuona Rudo...

Mhamha " Mauya muroora eheka ndozvaka kufitter izvo muchiburuka henyu mai vangu muzibango
renyu iri" vakarovanisa maoko vachiridza chikwee.

Amai vaitopenga chete. Ndakabva ndadeedzwa na mudhara kuenda kulounge.

Mudhara "Beaven wauya ka mwananangu"

Me " Hongu baba makasimba here "

Mudhara " Ndinofara Nyaya yako iyi yavekwa mambo uri kutii?"

Me " Ndiri mushishi kufunga so baba. Inini zvakutondinetsawo zvaRudo izvi ndodini ko"

Mudhara " Madhaka auri iye zvino ari nani pane aunogona kuzvipinza mwanangu. Kana wakagwara
bata mashoko angu aya. Handigone kukutongera asi kana wada zvako vakadzi vaviri zviri kwauri
mwanangu kurifuka kana kuriwarira"

Me " Problem yandinayo mwana wangu baba. Ndomuita sei Tinashe."

Mudhara "Iiii Beaven Tinashe angaite dambudziko anochengetwa na Mai vake vongoita
maintenance manje uri kudhuva kuti unoda kudzokera kuna Rudo kunorova makumbo futi"
Amai vakabva vapinda vakadungamidzana na Rudo akabata ndiro dzine chikafu. Ndakatoshaya kuti
sadza ranga rabikwa nguvai ipapo

Takageza maoko paye takudya hedu Sadza ne nyama yembudzi kuma 11am.🍛🦎🦎. Vana Rudo
na mhamha vakabva vagarawo.

Mhamha " Tati muende madya mungafe nenzara"

Me " Maita basa mhamha"

_Rudo thinking_

Right idya hako Beaven sadza ne madzvinyu🍛🦎🦎🦎 kkkk. Nhasi unotovabvumira Mambo kuti
unondiroora and imi mbuya Rushy mati madini nyemwe rese richapera iri heeee wasiyirei muzukuru
wangu achienda ne mushandi pwati pwati kudini nxaa.... idya faster hako Beaven kkk.....

*Mukitchen muina Rudo na Mbuya Rushy*

Rudo " Mhamha munoti zvinobudirira zvekwa mambo here"

Mbuya Rushy🤫 " Taurira pasi Ma Tinashe. Hazvi regedze Tete vako ndovati batsira zvikuru"

Rudo " Tete vapi mhamha"

Mbuya Rushy " Mai Blessing ka ari nyengwa naMambo vaye saka takatoronga kudai"

Rudo " Ok mhamha....


Takapedza kwakupinda mumota takananga kwaMambo. Takaonana nawo. Mhosva yangu yaivepo
ndeyekuti baba vaRudo vanga vareporter kuti ndiri kugara ndichishandisa mwana wavo.

Ndakavatsanangurira nyaya yangu. Mambo vakatonga vakati ndiroore Rudo. Hey ndakazovati
vandipewo mwedzi miviri ndione zvekuita.

Takazobva ipapo taisataura zvedu and takabva tangonanga back to Harare....

Rudo " Beaven ndiri kuda kuenda kutoilet."

Ndakamisa mota akatora satchel kwakubuda. After 10 mins akadzoka achinja hembe apfeka Jean ne
tshirt zvake. Akapinda kwakugara. Ndakasimudza mota

Me " Ko hembe dzachinjirwei"

Rudo " Pane kwandiri kuda kuenda nako""

Me " Kupi"

Rudo " Kugochi gochi kwaMereki "

I was shocked kwa Mereki since when ummm.😳😳

Me " Kutanga rinhi uchienda kwaMereki ini ndisingazive"

Rudo " Inga ndiri kutokuudza wani"

Me " manje hakuna kwauri kuenda "

Rudo " kkk hehede Beaven haupengi here iwewe"

Me "Ndiri kutokuudza ka"

Ndakazorova road munhu ati ziii . Takasvika kumba kwake kuma past 6pm. Ndakabva ndatoburukira
izvozvo zvekuti ndimbogare kusvika kuma 9pm zvekuti kana kuri kumafaro anenge aperawo.

Tinashe na Maid wakadzoka zvavo ndikatamba nemwana wangu uku Rudo hameno zvaibikwa.
Dzatove kuma 9pm ndakuti ngandichienda zvangu kumba ndopandaka deedzwa na Rudo
kubedroom. Handina kutomboona kuti anga apinda sei mubedroom macho cause ndaitoona zvangu
bhora pa tv.

I went kwaari maid na Tinashe vanga varara. Ndakasviko wana munhu akapfeka night dress akarara
pamusoro pemachira.

Again ndakamira paye ndichiita kunge ndichadonha rute. Apa mbolis yangu yatoshatirwa mumwe
mushatirwo wandisati ndakamboona.

Rudo " Chienda kumba kwako Beaven ndakuda kurara ini"

Me " Kundidzinga here nhai iwe"

Rudo "Aiwa asi ndakuda kurara "

Akasimuka kuuya pedyo neni kwakundiratidza nzira.

Ndakabva ndamu grabber.

Rudo " Yoo chiiko nhai Beaven ndisiye"

Akazama kuda kundirwisa...

Me " Rudo sssh mhani "

Rudo "Beaven chiiko iwe enda kumba kwako handidi zvekutukwa ini."

Kumusiya ndakange ndisisa kwanise ini. Ndange ndakutonzwa kutoti dai ndachingopedzera huturu

Me "Uchitukwa nani hee"

Ipapo maoko angu anga atove kumagaro uko achiita kunhafa zvavo!!

Akada kutaura ndichibva ndavhara muromo wacho ne kiss.

Chemusi uyu hamuna chamakaona weduwe ndakashedegura kusvika ndanzwa kuti yaa ndashanda.
Ndapedza ndakabva ndabatwa ne hope.

"Beaven enda kumba kwako shaa handide zvepamuromo nhaika muka uende"
Haaa ndakange ndisiri kuda but she kept nagging kwakuzomuka nduchipfeka hembe nekubuda time
12 midnight........

🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎 *pfeee dzvinyu radzoka ne punch*

*Simbiso itonamata hako*

*Beaven anga apona kuti poo here uyu* 🤷🏽♀

End of Chapter 27

Luv you all💋

[10/07, 06:56] Lyniemore sweety: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso* 💋

Edited by Belz
*Season 2*

Chapter 25


"Yaaa Mbuya iya zvaichazvidyira mazai ayo nhai iwe kkkkkk" vakadaro Mhamha

Me " Hehehede zvakaoma shuwa ndatonzwa kaipo paya pachitaurwa kunzi Simbiso ndiye akaroya
hanzi kutumira madzvinyu kkkk"

Mai Rudo " Vanhu akomana vachapera ndiwo kudyiwa nemunhu wavagere naye mumba vachingoti
Simbiso kkkk"

Me " Yaaa maone hanzi akatoenda kumba kwavo ka"

Mai Rudo " Hauchiona here kuti ndo chaizvo wochinopinda muzimba riya hehede topfeka 👠👗
gogo ne marokwe emari tichikwira nekudzika mumba mako muya Rudo"
Ndakaseka hangu mhamha vachiposer poser zvavo. Izvo zvekuti ndishingirire kurambisa Simbiso
zvaitodzosera plan dzangu kumashure. Chandanga ndakuda kuti Beaven andiroore ini.

Mangwana acho ndakafumira kutsvaga zvihembe zvakasakara sakara kwakumupfekedza Tinashe bva
ndamuzora mavhu ne dota kuti chiparuke paruke mumakumbo. Yaa kwakumwaya zviweti kuti
anhuwe weti.

Mhamha " Yoo ko wakupenga here Rudo mwana aumburukira pai uyu?"

Ndakaseka zvangu.

Me " Ndoda kunomusiira Beaven chana chake"

Mhamha " Aaah kuti zvaita sei shuwa iwe baba vako vakaona Tinashe akadai hapagarike pano"

Me " Mhamha ndikanosiira Beaven mwana ndoziva anogona kuramba uye hama dzake
dzinomushoora kuti haasi kuchengeta mwana ini ndobva ndatowana mukana wekumuisa pacorner"
Mhamha " Rudo Rudo wakazofoira sei muchikoro zvaunenge une njere wani kkk. Chiitisa tiende
nhasi anonyara akazvirega"

Takaseka zvedu... kwakubuda kuenda kwaRushy kumariro.

Takasvika varume vari panze. But vanhu vaipihwa tea madzimai vamwe vanga vari panze vamwe
mumba. I spotted Beaven ndichibva ndati kuna Mhamha fambisai cause ndanga ndazviona kuti
andiona uye aona Tinashe ndakamubata ruoko achofamba nehuporongi ihwohwo. Mhamha
vakafambisa ndokubva auya hake pedyo Beaven. Akasvondibata ruoko kwakuenda neni kuseri kwe

Beaven " Unopenga here Rudo mwana haana kugezeswa sei uti!!"

Me " Hehehede seka hako Love wekwa Mazipetele..." ndakaita kunonzi kuseka kuya🤣🤣🤣

Beaven " Handisi kuita mafunnies kaini"

Me " Yooo unei naye ndewako here mwana iyeye Tinashe haana baba uyu saka musiye"
Ndakabva ndanzwa izwi raMai vangu

"Tina huya kuna Gogo" ndakabva ndaregedzera ruoko achienda.

Beaven " Iwe tora mwana iyeye unomugeza kumba urikundinzwa"

Me " Beaven ndomugeza nei wakatenga sipo here iwewe unoziva kuti anodyei mwana iyeye une
care naye here ndibvire apa"

Akasimudza Ruoko kuti rundirove ndanga ndakazvitarisira saka ndakarugamha.

"Une chokwadi Rudo kusiya mwana wangu achiora netsvina kudai une huysinye urikuzvinzwa"

"eeeh eeeh eeeh Beaven ka usada kutombozviedza ndino kunyadzisa pano wanzwa. Anonzi ane
hutsinye ndiani baba vane mabusiness kuHarare vanotadza kutengera mwana wavo godo resipo
heee ndiwe une hutsinye shamwari. Ini uchiona kudai ( _ndakabva ndatenderera_) baba vangu
ndovari kundipa sipo saka kana usina kuunza yako sipo unoda kushandisa yaani apa kana dollar
chairo rawakaunza kumba kwababa vangu wakuda kushandisa sipo yavo.... Manje mira ndikuudze
ndaneta newe Beaven Rushy. Ini ndakukusiira mwana wako uyu cause arikunditadzisa kushanda uye
ndodawo kutsvaga anga ndiroore"

Ndakaona shasha yarembedza chiso. Ko anombonetsa here Beaven. Apa kana mushonga hausati
watombotora nzvimbo akuto bwaira nxaa...

Ndakanyatsa kufamba kuenda zvangu kwaive ne madzimai. Ndakasvikoona Mbuya Rushy yakamira
nechekudara vachibva vatoti huya kuno tikabva taenda kuseri kwechirugwi

Mbuya Rushy " Rudo chii chiri kuitika pana Tinashe wabva watadza nekugezawo mwana here???"

Me " aaah Mhamha Beaven haasi kutumira sipo ndiri kuremerwa nemwana ini hanty ndakatouya
kuno kumusha asisaite chinhu" 😭😭😭😭

Ndakatanga kuchema kkk.

Mbuya Rushy " Chinyarara Mai Tina muroora aaah zvakaoma asi wakunzwa zviri nani hako"
Me " Hongu mhamha asi Beaven anoda ndiite sei izvozvi baba vangu havachatodi nekuona Tinashe
ndatouya naye Beaven aende naye hanzi ari kupedza chikafu munhu kuna baba vake"😭

Mbuya Rushy " Yohwee zvazvakaoma kuti ndumurwa iyoyi kamwana kasati kambodini kubvisa pana
Mai vacho aaah Beaven sooo.... Chinyarara muroora aaah regai vanhu vapedze basa pano. Tigogara
dare. Ndanyara fani Mai vako vachisvika na Tinashe vanhu vachibvunza kuti mwana wani wakati
ndewa Beaven"

Me " Sorry henyu mhamha but ndaita kuti muone kuti ndozvaari kuita Beaven ne muroyi wake
vaanodududzana naye"

Mbuya Rushy " Chinyarara muroora tozvo sorter izvo zvidiki. Muroyi haachadzoka ndiwe watove Mai
pano ukati avo vekutyoka vachamiramira here"

😟 nxaaa Mbuya iyi ka vakutowanzira Mai Rumbie ipapo manje mirai muone mhai kana tapa
nyanga muchazviregedza damn it.
Ndakazobva ipapo ndikanotora Tinashe kwakumugeza paye. Ndobva ndapihwa hembe neumwe
muzukuru aiva ne mwana wezera raTinashe.


Ende Rudo futi soo chiiko chaanondiitira pamwana wangu. Haiwa kumwe kwacho kutsvaga attention
kuvanhu manje soo ndotoziva kuti atoiwana attention yacho.

Burial yakaitwa ummm it was so sad I watched baba Rumbie vachichema casket richidzika yaaa
zvakaoma shuwa.

After burial people had lunch vanhu vakatanga kuparadzana. Ndopakadeedzwa dare rekwa Rushy.

Takapinda mudare nyaya yakatangwa ndiyo yemanyaradzo. Kwapera iyoyo kwakabva kwapinda
yaSimbiso wacho. Iyo yakabva yanzi tikumbire Sabhuku vapinde. Sabhuku vakaudzwa nyaya yacho
vachibva vatoti hapana kana nyaya pana Simbiso kana vanhu vasinga gutsikane nemaonero avo
vakasununguka kukwidza makata nayo.

Vamwe ndovaiti sezvo pakunzi akaroya pakuda tsika mutanda. Haa ndakanyatsoona mentality
yevanhu ava. But in me I was caught in between.
Then came yangu na Rudo as family. People debated zvikanzi I had kuona zvekuita kuende mari
kwaMazipetele nekuti ndiri kushandisa mwana wavo. Aah hameno. Iye Rudo akadeedzwa
kwakutanga kungotaura rubbish mufunge hayaa. Apa Rudo akazivisa vanhu kuti akundusiira vana
and people begged kuti aende ne mwana zvinhu zvagadziriswa.

Patakapedza matare Sekuru vakanditora tikanogara mumota.

Sekuru " Beaven muzukuru wangu ndoda ubatisise mashoko angu aya"

Me " Ndiri kuterera Sekuru"

Sekuru " Dare rataura zvarataura asi iwe uri munhu mukuru imba haitongwe ne dare nhaika.
Inotongwa nemurume chaiye. I don't advise you kuita vakadzi 2 ini ndina mbuya wako uyu mubodzi
unokasika kufa nazvo zvekuwanza vakadzi. Vakadzi vanonetsa ndikuudze. Chechipiri uri kufungei na
Mai Jnr?"

Me " Ndazvinzwa Sekuru ndotenda nerairidzo. Mai Junior ndomuda ndinoda kuti mundiperekedza
Sekuru " Very good chiregedza ndizame kuita matalks na Furusa"

Me " Ehoyi Sekuru"

When all was done takapinda muroad kudzokera kuHarare. Ndanga ndina Ruda mumota tichienda
zvedu kumba. I had a lot of work to do so handide kuzombomira.


Ndaiti ndikafunga Simbiso soo iiish I would just go crazy. Ndanga ndane obsession and hameno kuti
yaizopedzwa neyi. Muphone mangu manga makazara mapics ake. If only if only kani.

Well talking to her again made me a lot better pastress yanga yandibata I knew she wanted to
comfort me but aitya.

I had meetings with my pastor over the depression yandanga ndaita and it was working we would
pray over it. The only thing that we were in disagreement was that of me getting married to Anna.

Pastor "Children are gifts from God it's our responsibility as Parents to look after the gifts God has
blessed us with. Baba I suggest you take care of yours so that God will continue to bless you"
Haaa mashoko iwayo akandisvika weduwe this was just not possible. My parents and family will
never accept me marrying that lady vachitoziva kuti it's club Hazel oh no.

I needed good advice not this. Yes I needed God's blessing but not to sacrifice my dignity. People do
make mistakes wani and am also a person. Mwana ndaigona kuchengeta hangu but kuroora haaa
kana Mhamha ndange ndiri kutotya kuvaudza ini.

I heard from Mandy about the funeral at Simbiso house I just hoped all was well cause that day
ndakangoswera ndiri low low.

Ndakazoshamisika the following day Mandy achindiudza kuti Simbiso was having problems at her
home. Well I had called Mandy asking kuti vamboendawo here kunhamo reason why I had called
Mandy was that i was trying to play difficult to Simbiso so that maybe she can decide to come down

Mandy had spent the next day kumba kwa Gogo waSimbiso with her and she explained to me the
accusations that were being blamed upon Simbie. Iiish vanhu vane a primitive way of thinking. It's
very bad. By the way it wasn't easy to get Mandy to tell me anything about Simbiso I had
kunyengerera chaiko.

I decided to call her that evening.

📞📞📞 she answered

Her " Hello Jayden"

Me " Hie Simbie are you free to talk"

Simbie " Yes it's ok"

Me " Shaaa am sorry about what you are going through. Please don't blame Mandy for telling me am
sorry on her behalf"

Simbie " Kkkkk no problem hey"

Me " At least I have heard the laugh. Shaa don't stress"

Simbie " Yaa such is life"

Ndakangoti chance given pakadai I can just try and patch us the injury. Ana Beaven create maronda
ekuti tirape to our advantage🤪

Me " Une mukana to correct your life to the better"

Simbie " Am confused I still love Beaven"

Me " Simbiso don't die for a marriage title. Vamwe takatsungirira but look takazosiiwa pachena you
don't deserve this torture girl"

Simbie " I know but..."

Me " Iiish but... uyo ka anonetsa let's leave it but just know the sooner you realise the better before
this whole thing takes you to an early grave.. anyway food for thought. Maka would like to speak
to you are you ok with that"
Simbie " oh cool bring her on. And thanks for the advice "

Me " Unappreciated advice kķkk hold for Maka"

Ndakaisa hangu phone paloud...

*Maka and Simbie* 📞

Simbie " Hi Maka "

Maka " oh yes yes hello aunty Simbiso "

Simbie " kkkkk Am gud thanks how are you and school"
Maka " I am well. How is my brother?"

Simbie " Growing will send you pics"

Maka " yippee yeah yeah yeah.... I wanted you to do that the last time you called but you hung up"

Akambo phoner nhai I thought🤔

Simbie " When was that I didn't call you honey"

Maka " Oh yes you did and I told how daddy is missing you"

Simbie " Maka I just hope your day is not feeding you with sweets this evening"

" Kkkk why do you say so" I laughed

Simbie " Mwana ave too active now she thinks I called her"

Me " Ndiri kutoshamawo"

Maka " But you did aunty you did"

Me " But seriously didnt you?"

Simbie " would I lie?"

Me "maybe you did "

Maka " When are you coming over I want to take you for an ice creem treat at the waterfront"

Simbie " That's lovely will let you know"

Maka "promise"

Simbie "Maka"

Maka " Please promise my teacher said big people must never break promises please please promise

Simbie " Ok ok love I promise"

Mwana akafara ndobva ndamutorera phone she made life a lot easier for me my girl for sure.🤪

Me " Don't break the promise"

Simbie "it's non of your business"

Me " Kkkkk hooo it becomes my business when you break my daughter's heart"

Simbie " I don't intend to anyway kkkk"

Me " Can I book you a flight tomorrow "

Simbie " Hahaha you are crazy huh"

Me "You cause it babie.... shaa I still feel for you."

Simbie " Jayden then near you is a no go area then kkk"

Me " It may always be just give me a chance to show you am way better than Beaven. "

Simbie " Goodnight "

Me " Kkk kutiza nyaya you know the truth. Let it set you free"

Simbie " Good night Baba Maka"

Me " Good night Mai Junior Masiyiwa mwaa!"

She giggled and hung up....

That was my girl the woman I so much loved. Nguva yese iyi mbolis yanga yatomira kare.
Achazoudzimura here moto uri mubhurugwa mangu umu.

I then decided to check kuti akambophoner here cause Maka sounded as if they talked but Simbie
akaramba. I went through my call log. Ndakabva ndasangana ne number dza Alice. Ummm I didn't
remember talking to Alice checked call duration haaa so it was her 😳😳😳 disguising to be
Simbie here. Ummm what the hell was she up to. ....

End of chapter 25

Luv u a lot but vamwe venyu 🙌🏽 munopedza power

[10/07, 06:56] Lyniemore sweety: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso* 💋

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*
Chapter 26



"Hello mhamha" ndakadaro when she picked the phone.

Mum "Hazel urisey mazuvano mwana wangu am happy to hear your voice sweetheart.... iii mwari"

Me " Ndiri nani zvangu mazuvano he isn't coming back saka ndambozororawo"

Mum " Ko nhai mwanangu hauchidzoka hako here shuwa unoda kudzoka wave chitunha here Hazel"
Me "Mum you know I told you I can't come back right now am pregnant and ma airlines ekuno don't
carry pregnant women... did you manage to speak to Baba Maka"

Mum " Ohh yes I did my child. Akangoti he will see pa holiday if she can come. But unozozvikwanisa
here mwanangu zvekuti ukatora Maka uine vaviri ivavo apa watiza murume"

Me " Mhamha mirai kani munomhanya istrategy kani. Kuno ndiri kuto sorter kuti pandobva zvese
zvinenge zvapa nzvimbo."

Mum "ok but ndaingofunga kuti pamwe dai vangotaura naye Jayden wacho uya aikuda uya

Me " Aiwa mhamha hazvishande zvichidaro no. Handifanirwe kumu begger Jayden anofanirwa

Mum "I hope you know what you are doing ini handide kusungwa pano"
Me "Kusungirwe kkkk ok mhamha regai ndimboronga ronga make sure munopihwa Maka pa holiday
munongoti garei naye momudzorera muchidaro then when I strike I strike once".

_Mum thinking_

Hazel akazongwara rinhi kudai huye ndichaitirwa zvimwe Gore rino ini🙌🏽.

Mum " ok be careful lots of love "

Stress ndoyandaive nayo kuti way forward yanga iri papi. Hongu I had managed to send mari kuZim
zvinhu pazvanga zvakanaka but izvozvi dhololo yese yandakuwana yaingoenda chikafu.
Ndaitorarama nekumusearcher musi waanouya akadhakwa uye nemamwe madays when he is
happy anosiya andipa mari kana pabonde. Ndodzaindaitosungirira.

Handina kuziva kuti this man could turn out to be such a monster. Plus kundinyepera zvake kuti ane
a very good proffession. Izvozvi kuti ndichaziva kuti anoswera achiitei kupi nani hameno.

He comes back soaked in drugs amboita madays asipo. He won't have sex with you if he does
unenge watokumbira and kukumbira kwacho unenge wazvidenhera anotoita zvekukuraper and
forced sex chaiyo yekuitwa uchirohwa plus zvine madrugs mukati sex yacho haisi normal unogona
kuita 1hr plus uchikwizwa kutosvuuka apa oda futi kukutundira mumukanwa. sic...
Iish ndanga ndakugaro demba my marriage na Jayden. The sweet guy akapusa wandaiitira yese

Jayden munhu akango ndikarawo and was blinded by love he couldn't see the actual me although I
didn't hide anything. I had tatoos on my body paakandiroora but paakabvunza I just told him I had
them done for fun tiri kuHigh school. Izvo maya I had them done ne vaindikwira.

I decided kumbo phonera Jayden wacho ndichingoda kuzama kutaura na Maka. Ndakaisa phone
yangu paprivate number kwakubva ndaphoner

Yakarira and it was answered


Jay " Hello private number"

Me " Hi Baba Maka "

Jay "Mashura urikudei"

Me " Nhai iwe kubva wangotadza kundimhoresawo here"

Jay " Hazel kana uchiziva zvakakunakira you will stop calling this number wanzwa"

Me " I want to speak to my daughter"

Akaseka 🤣🤣🤣

Jay "kkkkk Daughter which daughter. Iwe Maka haana amai wanzwa"

Me " Jay haundi rambidze kutaura nemwana wangu ka. I have every right to my daughter"

Jay " Fuseke wako mhani"

Akabva acutter phone

Kufarisa uko when I work out my plan he will come begging kwandiri nxaa.

Anyway it's life so I had to hustle my way out....

*Simbiso* 🤱🏽

The following day I spent my day ndakakombwa with people who loved me. Pastor Clara and Sam
ndovakatanga kusvika they had said vaiuya last night but they had failed to make it. So when they
came we talked at length. Sam wasn't happy at all.

Sam " Ko kungosiyana nazvo nhai Simbie look at what is happening now how do you move in society
with such bad callings"

Pastor Clara" Sam shaa we pray to God. Vana vamwari do not settle for less after God has shown his
hand on you. The devil is so cumming anotibvisa panzvimbo yedu by creating confusion. Am sorry
Simbie it may feel I don't care I do and am hurt too. But remember tichangobva kutendeutsa Beaven
and kumutsirwa mwana anga afa then all this happens it's a test. Pulling out now will only mean you
have lost the battle to the devil. Besides that Beavens soul will be lost. And yet the angels had
rejoiced. Don't let him lose his salvation because of you ngaazviitire ega. Look at Jesus he was
stoned for what he didn't know... are you superior to him. Look at Job what he went through. You
need to be thrown into fire for you to become a good product."

Iiish Pastor Clara soooo she was a true friend, mentor , sister and counsellor. I was diluted with the
word that day. All she said was meaningful although I was hurt inside but slowly the word she spoke
was healing every wound and making me strong.

Kutaura chokwadi the devil had taken advantage of me for soo long I had to tell him to move out of
my life.

Vakazoenda zvavo. But she had made me strong again.

Mona na Ratie vakasvikawo vana Sam varipo. Takaramba takagara mulawn kumberi kwemba
tichitaura zvanga zvabva kutaurwa naPastor Clara.

Mona " Iish kunamata is painful now I understand when they say zvakaoma sekunamata"

Ratie " Say that again girlfriend am buzzeled shuwa my Simbie is so strong ndirini I could have
broken down musi wekutanga uya. Those Rushy people are magots nxaa"
Mona " Kkkk vanoda shamhu vaye aka Theresa power kuzvishwapura nxaa"

We laughed zvedu🤣🤣

After a while Sisi Mandy pfee na Dan. Pavaka Parker mota vachiuya kwataive takatarisana.

Ratie " Ndakupinda mumba"

Mona " Nekuti unenge wabhaiza shaa unless you feel for him kkk"

Ratie "undikwanire"

Me " ssh vatosvika"

Vakabva vasvika. Kkkk tension yacho nekuva nervous zvaito feeliker paya.
We greeted each other kwakupa ma intro. Ratie na Mona vakabva vazvi excuser. Dan akabva
adzokera kumota ndikasara ndina Sisi Mandy we talked at length. But vakandiwana ndarapika ava
cause of Pastor Clara.

Havana kuzogara vakabva vaenda. Girls dzakadzoka we started having fun making fun of Ratie anga
akaita kudzvokorwa na Dan. After some time my phone rang. Unknown number

I answered it

Me " Hello"

Caller " Hi Simbie ndokumbirawo number yaRatie "

It was Dan hezvoo aipenga here.

Me " No ways I can't do that"

Dan " Haaa please just want to talk to her for old time sake"

Me " Aiwa!!"

Ndakabva ndacutter. Kana iye Ratie when I told her kuti ndi Dan akatoti ndagona.

That evening Jayden called me. Hameno zvandainzwa shuwa kuphonerwa na Jay. We talked at
length then I made a promise to Maka kuti ndichaenda kuno muona well hameno if I would be able
to fulfill that one. Going there may make me end up doing things I regret.

_2 days later_

Ndakatozoziva hangu kuti nhamo yakazopera nekuphonerwa na Tete Ruda. Vachida kuuya kuzoona
Aiziva. Ko ndaiva rambidzirei hangu tete vangu she was one of the few people who appreciated me
kwa Rushy.

Mazuva akatevera I got phone calls from vana Tete vaBeaven vekuNorton na Mainini Sekai.
Ndakaphonerwa na Beaven and this time I answered.

Me " Hie"

Beaven " Ndeipi sweety"

Me " Am good and you. Makamuchengeta zvakanaka here Ethan"

Beaven " Yaa zvakafamba mushe.... Babie am lonely I want you to come back mese na junior I miss

Kutaura chokwadi Beaven hapana chaanga atadza

Me " Handisungiswe here ko am accused with murder"

Beaven " Don't be silly babie shaa uri mukadzi wangu and you and I know kuti hauuite zvakadaro "
Me " Me and You Beaven ko nyika yese hama dzako"

Beaven " What matters is us. Ungatedzere zvemakuhwa here babie zvisina kana brain izvo"

Me " It's easy said Beaven cause you are not in my shoes"

Beaven " Am sorry my love. I know how you feel but ini ndofa nenzara here ndisina mhosva"

Paakadaro ndakabva ndafunga advice andaipihwa nevanhu vachiti ndikamudadira murume

anotsvaga mumwe and kumwe kwacho kwaitove kwaRudo

Me "I will come back but hazviite ndingobve kuno"

Beaven " Thanks sweety you are the best babie mwaa don't worry sekuru mhofu vachataura na
Sekuru Furusa"
Me " Ok but Beaven gadzirisa hama dzako shaaa am affected"

Beaven " I will do"

If I wanted to fight for my marriage I had to work hard. And that's what I planned to do.

Friday ndakaenda kubasa kondairambirei ndakagara ko ndaive kunhamo here. Kumaskati I got a call
from sekuru mhofu.


Me " Makadini sekuru"

Sekuru " Ndiripo muzukuru akadini Beaven Junior"

Me " Aripo hake varisei Gogo ne vamwe"

Sekuru " Vari nani just a short one. Ndataura na Sekuru Furusa as per instruction ya Beaven ndangoti
maybe ndingoziva from imimi kuti makawirirana kuti tiuye tichikutorai"

Me " Hongu Sekuru ndizvozvo"

Sekuru " That is great. Saka zvangu zvaita tokuonai mangwana"

Me " Ehoi"

So that meant tomorrow ndaitozonorara hope ndave kumba kwangu.


That very night yandakabva kuMhondoro Rudo akandiphonera.

Me " Hesi"
Rudo " Good. Ko nhai Beaven isu wawasiya kuno wati tinouya neyi ikoko"

Kutaura chokwadi I hadn't agreed with her anything saka handina kumbozvifunga plus musoro
mangu manga makangozara maresolutions epa dare....

Me " Sorry handina kuziva kuti makuda zvekuHarare"

Rudo " Beaven kana zvisiri kuita taura shamwari ndikupe mwana wako ndine zvakawanda
zvandinoda kuita nehupenyu hwangu ufunge"

Me " Chiiko nhai iwe ok. Munoda kuuya rinhi"

Rudo " Mangwana"

Me "Ok will send a driver."

Rudo " Driver!!!! Beaven aiwa iwewe huya"

Me " Iwe Rudo ini munhu anoita sekunge dzakatamba nepwere ndozvandisingade kudzoka
zvinoreva ndine basa nhaika unodyei ndikasashanda hee unodyei ndiudze"

Rudo " Iii horaiti asi unouya kuzondiona hanty"

Me " yaaa"

I hung up. Ndainyatsa kugaya zvangu kuti ndichaita seiko. I loved Simbiso zvekuti and she was more
wife material than Rudo. Rudo itype dzema small house dziya. Kugara nekudya kana productivity
ugoti wadeedzwa kumeeting naye kana.... apa I gave her 1k kuti atange business nezvayaitwa

The following day i sent my driver kunotora Rudo na Tinashe. Ndakabva ndatenga grocery
rakawanda. I also got to open an instant account kwakuloarder ne $1000 kwakubva ndaisa pin pa
app. Azoiona aita online.

Maiguru was recovering well the doctor vanga vati vachava discharger pa weekend saka
ndaizovaendesa kumba kwehama dzavo for recovery. She had a broken arm then muromo wavo
vanga vakachekeka plus hip yavo yaizoda attention. So for now vaimboshandisa maclutchs. Na Baba
Rumbie tanga tichingoonana ku hospital ikoko but he wasnt saying much.
Thursday ndakaphonera zvangu Simbie ndichida kunzwa paamire. At least she accepted to come
back saka ndakazobata Sekuru kuti vapfuurire ne hurongwa hwese.

Kudzoka kwakaita Rudo aingova maphone calls apo ne apo i tried by all kumaignorer ndaisadaira
zvangu waizovhura app yakazara mamessage ekuti why usiri kuuuya. Ndakazongomuti ndaiuya
Sunday cause Sunday yacho taidiwa kuMusha kwa mambo sekuuya kwakaita message from

Saturday takaenda kwaSekuru Furusa na Sekuru, Mukwasha murume waTete na Babamunini.

Takanokumbira ruregerero. Haa Furusa akatsika madziro.... Akazobvuma patova paye asi achitoda
kuti pabviswe mari. Iiish mudhara akaoma iyeye and zvekuripwa anozvinzwisisa chaizvo.

I took my family Gogo vakazoti vachazouya but takabva taenda na Mainini Shungu.....

End of chapter 26

Macomments enyu ndiri kumaona guys and muno commenter I love this. Thank you for the
continued support love you guys💋💋

[13/07, 07:02] Fungie Babie: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso* 💋

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 28

Simbiso 🤱🏽

Ndakaenda kuchurch after that ndakabva ndaenda na Shungu na Aiziva for ice cream paVillage

Shungu " Sis Simbie I have someone am dating"

Ndakavhunduka. Not that I didn't want her to date but I wasn't expecting to hear that.
Me " Woow nice who is the lucky guy"

Shungu "His name is Jayden"

I almost choked on my ice cream my Jayden here.

" What my Jayden I mean the Jay we know here or what"

Shungu "Kkkk Sisi Simbiso munoita heart attack pasina well no his name is Jayden but Jayden
Munetsi from Umwinsingdale "

Me " Phew kkk. Am happy for you girl that's a step ahead but always be responsible"

Shungu " Kkkk he isn't the first boyfriend but I told you cause he wants us to get a bit serious. His
mum likes me alot"
Me " That's great would love to meet him though"

Shungu " Xoo"

Takazobva takuenda kumba. Kubva pataurwa zita raJayden na Shungu my mind yanga yangove
paari. It's like I missed him ini. 🤦🏽♀ oh God what is this is it because I love him so much. But am
married I had to fight this feeling.

I tried taking a nap but zvairamba kungotsinzina kutoona image yaJay. I decided to text him

📤Hi hows been your day

Akabva aenda online kwakutyper he sent pic yandaanga ndina Shungu masikati. Achibva anyora kuti
Beautiful sisters.

Ndakashamisika kuti anga aitorepi pic yedu.

📩 Sorry

📤 for what you just sent me a pic of my afternoon with my sister. Asi you were there

📩 if I was I would have joined you

📤 you are stalking me

📩 sorry kani. I got it Shungu

Ende futi Shungu soo ka.

📩 asi uri kundifunga here??

😳😳 how did he know aah ndakatoti ndotoda kutomuudza kuti handisi

📤 No I mean no I wanted to speak na Maka.

📩 kasi wakuda kuuya here shamwari.

📤 kkkkk Jayden.

📩 ok she ain't around you can leave a message

📤 let her know I texted thanks...


Haayas ndakabva ndabva pa app pacho ini hangu this was just too much. Jayden did things to me I
didn't understand. Ndaipindura sei kiss iyo...
Ndakanopopotera Shungu. I think she was dealing na Jayden behind my back that pic was ours
takaitora selfies. Akandivhara akati aidzura pa profile pic yake. Ummm I smelled a rat.

Beaven phone yake kana kumboita the rest of the day anga adzima here or it was network.

Ndakatozonyanyo kutanga kuita worried ndatoona 9pm dzakwana munhu kana sign. I sent messages
but no response.

Ndakatombo pindwa nepfungwa yekuti maybe aenda kwaRudo but ndakazongoita brush off then
thought he had repented wani kuti angadaro here.

Ndakazojekerwa ne the famous bible quote... so what a men thinketh so is he..... I quickly rubbed of
the thought and decided kumboverenga hangu bible. Ndakangoneta nazvo bvandatoti let me read
book rakanyorwa na Shamiso wepa whatsapp rainzi My heart belongs to another. I was closely
following that novel ummm interesting. Ndakazobiwa nehope.

The next thing I heard some thing cold mumagumbeze. I almost screamed wanikwe ndi Beaven. Iiish
better I thought to myself.

Beaven " Ndeipi baby sorry to wake you"

Me " It's ok wafamba sei?"

Beaven " All good shaa let's talk about it tomorrow"

Akabva atarisa the other side ndakambozama kumubata bata but akazoti he is tired kwakumusiya

_5 days later..._

Ndakatobva kubasa zvangu Friday kuma 4pm ndakasvika kumba kune bouquet remaruva. My mind
raced kuna Jayden ndiye munhu aiita mashura akadai.

Ndakabva ndatomufungawo zvangu. It had been a week chaiyo tisina kutaura tese. I had been busy
nebasa besides zvekuramba ndichitaura naye ndaisada nekuda kwemafeelings. My life na Beaven
was ok since aka repenter so I knew God was at work. I had kept quiet nenyaya yaRudo I didn't want
to push Beaven if he was to forget about her mwari aifanirwa kuzviita.
Ndakatarisa gift card pamaflowers aya it read.

_My girl Simbiso....I love you sweetheart. Have Dinner with me tonight. Love Beaven_

I smiled this was so romantic ndakapedzisira kuzviitwa kare izvi. Akabva aphoner.


Beaven " Babie where are you"

Me " Home preparing for dinner with my man"

Beaven "Lovely I will pick you at 6.30pm. I have put what I want you to wear under your pillow"

Me " Woow thank you"

Akabva acutter ndakabva ndatoenda pasi pepillow there was a beautiful dress amana a Royal blue
dress it was a short dress and glittery. I loved it.
Ndakaita zvaBaby kwakutanga kupreparer. Gogo vanga vavepo so ndakavasiira but vanga
vakutrainer Aunty kuchengeta mwana as she wanted to go back soon.

Beaven came around 6.30pm as promised. Ndanga ndatochena chena waiting for him. I got in the
car umm iye anga akachena kani I think anga atora hembe kare. Mumota maingorira music till we
got to Meikles.

We had a romantic dinner together laughing and chatting. We recovered the lost moments in our
lives. I had a feel of the man I fell in Love with paye. I enjoyed....

Jayden 👨🏽⚖

Hazel anopenga fani what does she take me for. Anofunga anogona kungotubuka sehohwa pandiri
nhai. Andiwana ndichitsvaga mwari pasina izvozvo ndaida kumuudzirira munhu wepi. Zvakatondipa
pfungwa yekufunga phone call yakaitwa na Mai vaHazel vachida Maka ummm I think I should be
very careful ne mwana wangu something told me kuti there could be something fishy going on🤔

Simbiso texted me ndakavarairwa zvangu on Sunday. But I had been busy talking na Shungu. For
sometime now I had been talking na Shungu as a way to ease pressure. She would update me on
what's going on in Simbiso life. She would send me pics of her etc. I was partially obssessed I guess.
All my hopes were just on one day.
However Simbiso thinks am a child kunyepera kuda kuita chat na Maka nhai and yet I
knewbshevwss thinking of me kkkkk.

Yes I was praying and fasting zvangu. I really needed God grace and guidance in my life. I had issue
ya Alice yanga ichitonditambudza zvangu. On the other hand my love for Simbie I didn't knowvif my
feeling we're not merely lust cause why was I falling deeply in love with a married woman. Was
there a chance for me in her life.

Why do we keep attracting one minute then the other minute we are being pulled apart. I was in a
dilemma. I had taken hangu maoff days from Wednesday kunopinda weekend for this initiative.

I went ku alright prayer Friday night and God spoke to me. The word I heard is "Une basa but you
have to be strong.. Everything will come to pass follow the holy spirit". Nyangwe ndimiwo ndaizivivei
apa I got confused. I went to my Pastor tikapinda office husiku ihwohwo. I hadn't told him about
Simbiso so I finally did. I told him Hazels call. He already knew about Alice since we were already in
conscelling. I told him about what God had spoken.

Pastor " I may not be able to interpret God's word to you as these are straight forward words. God
will never confuse you but he speaks zvinoenderana nezvanga zviri pahana pako. Look man mashoko
ekuku simbisa aya. Let's pray "
We prayed. Handina kuzodzokera muprayer ndakabva ndaenda kumba. I made a cup of tea

My dream🧖🏽♂

I was looking outside my window in my dream and then i saw this big dinosaur chasing a lady. I got
my weapons and went down stairs and went to try and fight it. I could here a woman aiseka achiti I
have held her captive she must suffer. Then I heard a vision of a voice ichiti "use the word " I began
speaking using God word against it and it disappeared. The lady was standing akandipira gotsi when I
got to her and made her look at me I could recognise her but she was someone so dear to me....

When I woke up I felt I could go back into my dream. Iish hameno kafeeling kekufunga Simbiso
kakandibata. I don't want to lie I was sleeping ne doll raMaka rainzi Simbiso . I took it and hugged it

*Rudo* 🦎🦎

Right zvangu zvanga zvaita. Kkkk baba vangu kuenda kwamambo kupi ikoko kuti vashaya zvekuita
here yuwii. Plan dzatakaronga nana mhamha Mbuya Rushy na Mambo. Kkkk. Beaven chidzoyi
chaicho kupusa fani.
Mudhara Rushy asada kutamba neni vanoda kuona stereki and kundikanyira zvinhu ndokwavachaita.
Manje vasatomboita zvemafunnies zvavo.

Back to Beaven. Ndanga ndakamurongera heavy. Sisi vangu vanga vakati ita uchimboita ma boy
friends zvinomupa pressure yekuroora akaziva kuti unogona kutorwa. But munongozivawo dzimwe
advise dzaipinza muna taisireva zvadzo. So ndakango decider kungozviita low low ndichiona kuti
zvaishanda here asi zvakatoita pafirst day chairo kkkk. Kurambakuti ndiende kwaMereki kkk.

Beaven atofanirwa kuenda kumba kwake Sekuru vakandipa mushonga wekuti haafanirwe
kuyedzerwa ari mumba mangu before abvisa pfuma saka I had kutoisa effort yese yekuti aende
kumba kwake.

Regai tigoona 2 months dzacho asi Shedegu ndototi pamberi nayo.....

End of chapter 28

[13/07, 20:52] Fungie Babie: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso* 💋

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 29

_1 month later_

Beaven 🤵🏽

Umm I had tried to spoil Simbiso zvemhando yepamusoro and I had also tried to balance zvaRudo
at the same time. Rudo anga asiri kunetsa zvake in the past month I would visit her pamwe
ndotosvika asipo pamwe ndaisvika akaneta zvake. So pamwedzi iwoyu I slept naye ka 2 chete.

Na Simbiso it was all love that month zvekuti waitofunga kuti tiri kudater. I had decided to spoil her
to bad and give her attention kuitira kuti ndikwanise kuitawo madeals angu ekwa Rudo. Ndanga
nda decider kumuroora zvangu ndongoita vakadzi two plus maybe zvaiita kuti Mai vangu ne hama
dzangu dzidewo Simbiso hameno. Tinashe ndiye anga akundinzwisa tsitsi kushaya baba here
akomana ndoita kunge ndakafa ini ndiripo zvangu....

*Simbiso* 🤱🏽
Iiish these past month had covered the pain I had been having all the years in my life. Every Friday
night was a treat night na Beaven aindiendesa kupi nekupi mafriday night out chaiwo. I was very
happy indeed. My mind and heart were kind of healed. At least ndanga ndisina pressure yekwa
Rushy zvangu uye handifunge kana Rudo ainge arimu picture anymore. How I wished kuti dai taigara
takadai hupenyu hwese stress free chaiyo.

I had blocked Jayden again ehe I was trying to mend my marriage and Daddy vaiita effort saka why
not put effort as well.

KuChurch taienda zvedu tese but nguva yekunamatirwa ndaizongomushaya and at times ndikaita
busy kuchurch waitozoona munhu asisimo. I told my Pastor about it but vakati munhu anoda
kupihwa time to get used haangorumurike easy easy salvation is a process.

I continued to pray for my marriage and I also prayed for my inlaws kuti Mwari avaitire zvakanaka
vagone kundi accepter.

Mazuva akafamba ndakazonzwa Beaven achiti aphonerwa zvichinzi Baba vanga varwara. Akaenda
kunovatora akauya navi tikaita kuti vaonekwe kwaDoctor. Vakazo admitwa ku Avenues.

Kuuya kwakaita Baba. Mhamha vakaramba kuuya but when he was admitted ndopavakazouya. Musi
wandakasangana navo kuHospital ndakaita kupindwa nechando ndikatoziva kuti nhamo yangu
yatanga but I was surprised tabuda panze...
Beaven " Mhamha na Mai Bee chipindai mumota maMai Junior umo ndoda kupfuura ndichisiya vana
babamunini mutown ndoenda nekubasa"

Mbuya Rushy " Kuenda kupi Beaven handiende kumba kuno gara mhondi ini. Ndiendese
kwemuroora wangu Mai Tinashe "

Hezvo I was shocked hoo saka vaida kuenda kuna Rudo no problem ngavaende zvavo good riddance
of bad rubbish. I thought.

Beaven "Mataura naye here Rudo wacho. Zvekunetswa ndozvandisingade amai since when
muchienda ikoko"

Mbuya Rushy " Sinzi Sinzi kudini Rudo mukadzi wako Beaven uko kunotongwa nemadzvinyu bodo
idya iwewe miswe yacho wega "
Ndakangomira ndakatarisa ko ndaiitei zvangu. Chokwadi kusatoziva zvangu kuti why she hated me
so much. Beaven akaphoner ndofunga aiphonera Rudo wacho hameno ndakazongonzwa apedza
akuphonera Charlie kuti auye kuzotora vana Mhamha I wondered hangu ko adii kunovasiya🤷🏽♀

Mbuya Rushy👵🏿🦎🦎

Kwa Simbiso ndanga ndisiri kuenda. Ndaida kusimbisa rudo rwa Beaven na Rudo aitofanirwa
kumuroora chete Rudo osiyana nenjapisi yepatown isingazive tsika nemagariro edu.

Takatakurwa tikanosiiwa kumba kwaRudo takasvika kwatodooka kwasviba. Takatambirwa

nemusikana tasiiwa pagedhi neshamwari yaBevy.

Musikana uya haana kutiziva kuti tisu anani saka akaramba kuti tipinde mumba nekuti Rudo
aisavapo aitoda zvekuti tigare kunze kwegate asi takazokumbira akatigarisa muyard asi panze.

Mai Bee " Mhai mune nharo shuwa Beaven abvunza wani kuti mataurirana here naRudo chionai
manje dzodokwana 2 hrs tigere pano ini ndohwa chando"

Me "Aaah iwe ndaziva here kuti anenge asipo ini"

Mai Bee " Musazvipamhe zvamaita mhai izvi nekuti izvozvi munongo humana moda kuenda kwaMai
Tina apa kana ne kumbobvira masvika pano hamusati zvino tichazivei unouya kana kuti haauye.
Deno ane charger ine katsono ndacharger hangu phone ndaphonera Bevy"

Me " Iye Rudo wacho anga aendepi ko Beavy aisaziva kuti mukadzi haapo here. Aaah musikana
webasa uyu anotomuendesa chete"

Mai Bee " Imi kwanai mhai kumuendesepi munhu arikuita basa rake chete"

Takagara kusvika tatoona kuti hapana aiuya apa. Ndakasvotwa zvekuti. Asi Rudo wacho akuita
zvemaboy friends here aivepi achisiya mwana nemusikana webasa. Takamu knockera musikana

Maid " Vana Gogo ini handikuzivei hanty munotoona hakuna magetsi ndingadai ndava phonera
vese baba Tinashe na Mai Tinashe."

Me " Mwanangu saka tingavate panze shuwa"

Maid " Ini handikuzivei ka ko mukandikuvadza chandogona kungo kuvhurirai mugarage ndokupai
machira movata imomo"

Mai Bee " Hapana chakaipa tipe hoyo"

Akaita sekutaura kwake tichibva tapihwa chimat nemachira moyo wangu wakarwadza...


Ndaida kupa Beaven nguva yekuti mushonga ushande wega asi hameno zvaitoitika. Sekuru vanga
vakati handisini ndinofanirwa kumutevera stereki aifanirwa kuuya ega asi pamwedzi wanga wadarika
iya panga pasina change svinu. Ndikasatophoner aisatophoner zvake handifunge kuti waishanda ini.

Dzimwe nguva ndaitobuda zvangu kuti anditsvage but aigona kutosvika kumba ndophonerwa kunzi
aveko atoudzwa asi kana kumbondinetsa ndakazoti pano ndikasamira mira ka ndinozviruza
kwakubva ndananga kuChakari.
Ndakanoita 2 days ndiriko ikoko ndikabatsirwa zvekuti. Ndiriko kwa Sisi vangu ndopandakasangana
na Tanaka. Tanaka mukomana wekumusha kwedu ndaive pasame school naye zvake ari mukuru
mbinjana kwandiri akatoshamisika nekundiona. Kare kacho aitondida zvake. Iye zvino anga achinja
aiva nemota yake yaaita taxi achitakura vanhu anga atove nemhuri. Ndiye wakandidzosa kubva
kuChakari tichikurukura hedu.

Mota yake yakadambuka belt tatodarika selous apa hwaive husiku. Phone yangu yanga yaperawo
moto sezvo kuChakari kwanga kwane 2 days kusina magetsi.

Takarara mumota imomo mechanic akauya kuma 5 am akaigadzira tikapinda paroad kuenda

Tanaka aizivana na Beaven ko aiva munhu wekumaraini hake asi paakandibvunza zvekuroorwa
kwangu ndakangomuti hazvinei newe izvozvo. Takasvika kumba kwakumuti apinde ndimubikire Tea
sevanhu varara musango. Akaridza hooter Sisi vakavhura gate achingopinda kuti apake ndakaona
Mbuya Rushy na Mai Bee vakagara pamushana.

Me " Misa mota Tanaka maihwe zvangu "

Iye akatovaona zvake.

Tanaka" Chirega ndingoburuka ndivakwazise ndinongoti takutakura kubva mutown ko ndoita zvema
taxi ka uye semunhu wekumusha hapana chakaipa asi tea yako handichanwa"

Better yooo. Takaburuka ini ndine kutya chaiko. Akaita saizvozvo Tanaka kwakubva aenda.
Vakatomuziva chaizvo....

Me "Ko Chihera makauya rinhiko vaTete"

Mbuya Rushy " Zvakaoma ko tarara panze nhasi ipo pano musikana wako kuramba tipinde mumba"

Iiish ndakanyara asi futi zvaisekesa tsvatu waro muchinyanyo shanya musina kutaura iko kwanga
kwakanaka here kuuya kuno nhai🤷🏽♀
Me " Aaah maihwe sorry henyu kani mhamha mufunge nhai Sisi iwe musikana!!" I called out apa
ndapfugama zvangu kukumbira ruregerero.

Sisi vakauya zvavo vakapfugama.

Me " Nhai iwe ko zvauchandirambisa na baba Tinashe kurarisa amai panze sekakutu... wakakwana
here iwewe"

Sisi " Sorry zvenyu mhamha ndaingotedzera kundiudzisa kwamakaita nezve vanhu vandisingazive"

Me " Nyongono nyongono kudini wakatadza kuphoner here mbudzi yemunhu" _ndakamutsonya_

Sisi "Kwaiva kusina magetsi Mhamha handina kuziva"

Me " Chienda uko ndisati ndaku....."

Mai Bee " Zvakwana Makoti wangu "

Ndakagara ndikavakwazisa ndopandakaziva kuti baba vairwara uye vanga vatiza kwaSimbiso.

Ndakazopinda navo mumba kwakuvadziisira mvura yekugeza nekuvabikira vakazopinda muspare

vakurara sevanhu vakarara panze.

I went pa app ndopandakaona message yaTanaka.

📩 Sorry shaa ko Mbuya Rushy na Mai Bee varikutsvakei....??? Wakaroorwa na Beaven here thought
Beaven ane mukadzi

Aah uyu munhu anoda kuzivisisa haiwa

📤 aah Tanaka am his second wife

📩😳😳😳 second kudini Rudo!!!

📤 Chiiko Tanaka ehe ndozviripo.

📩 ane barika??

📤 chero zvawafunga

📩saka wanga uchiregedzerei kutaura. Anyway ndanga ndichikumbira kukuona futi.

Yuwii zvakaoma nhai munhu akutoda kundiona

📤 chaona.

Ndakabva ndabva pa app pacho kwakugara semunhu anga arara husiku mumota. Ko munoraraika

End of chapter 29

Luv you all guys💋

[15/07, 15:45] Fungie Babie: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso* 💋


Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 30
Beaven 🤵🏽

📞📞 phone yangu yakarira zvaari Mai Bee...

Me " Hello Sisi "

Mai Bee " Hesi Beaven ko kunyarara hanziiko"

Me "Kunyararei ndanga ndichiti muchaphoner kuti muuye kuchipatara ini ndiri busy zvekuti
ndakakuudzai kuti endai na Mai Junior izvozvi nditori kwaMutare zvino ikoko haauye manje "

Mai Bee " Iwe tengawo mota yekuno. Asi zvakaoma takarara panze kuno nharo dza Amai vako"

Me " Panze why indava"

Mai Bee " Takasvika Nai Tinashe asipo akafamba musikana wake aisatiziva"

Hey ndakarwadziwa shuwa. Asi ivo vachinyanyawo. Asi ndoda kunzwa kuti why kuna Rudo
Me " Hey maone.... hanty munoona kana ndichiti deno mauya pandiri maisanetsekana . "

Mai Bee " Imbuya ine nharo ini zvikanetsa ndouyako ini ndichiisiya kuno"

Ndakada kuseka uye nekuvati garai ikoko but ndakazonyarara.

I tried Rudo's number yaisaita. Ndakazoti I will call her manheru ndave free.

Simbiso aisatangika kuti ndimuti anotora ana Mhamha kwaRudo kuvaendesa kuhospital ummm it
was asking for too much kumuzvidza in short.

Manheru I then called Rudo📞📞

Rudo " Hello honey"

Me " Aaah yaa ndeipi urisey arisey Tinashe"

Rudo " Ari bhoo zvake..ko iwe"

Me " Good zvangu. Ko chii chakaitika kuti vana moms varare panze"

She explained everything and zveshuwa it wasn't anyone's fault.

Me " Ok ndapanzwa ko waivepi"

Rudo " Ndanga ndambonoona Sis kuChakari havasi kunzwa mushe"

Me " Ko sei usina kutaura"

Rudo " Aaah nhai Beaven inga ndinongobuda wani paChakari apa here"

Me " Handizvide"

Rudo " Sorry kani honey handizviite futi"

Me " Ok bye "

Ko kana achizoda kuita my official wife aifanirwa kundiremekedza zve....

Kurwara kwaMudhara kwaisatonzwisisikwa nemadoctors. After doing many tests but ese aiva
negative asi vachingonzi vari kurwara chete.

Ndakasangana na Baba Rumbie pahospital tadeedzwa naDoctor ndakatosvika vapinda muoffice so

ndakabva ndatopindawo.

Doctor "Gentleman ndakudeedzai as your family doctor. Yes of cause it is evident that Sekuru
varikurwara but we have done all tests there is nothing medically wrong with Sekuru. Handidi
mubude mari varume tikavachengeta muno munonyura chaiko. Personally I advice you to seek
spiritual intervention. But I will prescribe something for him to calm him down a bit"

Hey yaaa ndomaone chaiwo.

Me "Thank you Doctor umm maita basa zvikurusa at least we know what we are dealing with."
Takazobva maDoctor muya ndakupreparer mapapers ekuti va dischargwe.

Baba Rumbie " Beaven wanzwaka zvataurwa na doctor ka"

Me " Yaaa ndazvibata"

Baba Rumbie " Saka chokwadi mukadzi wako anoda kundiuraira baba here??"

Me " Mukoma chiiko anouraya baba neiko"

"Simbiso anyanya akazvidyira mwana akadya Ethan wangu izvozvi oda Baba kwete
handimbomutendera" vakadaro.

Me "Ngano ndodza muri kutaura idzo makamuona here achidaro munoziva so kunyarara kuri nani".
We got into a heated argument zvekuti takabva ipapo taramwirana.

I got daddy discharged obvious hapana pandaimirira mumwe munhu cause ndini ndaive ne mari

I called Simbiso ndichida kumuudza development achibva atoti akubva kubasa kunoti atambire baba.
Ndozvimwe zvandaidira Simbie she took her time kana tasvika pahama dzangu. Aiita nemoyo wese
irregardless kumuvenga kwavakaita.

Ndakaphonera vana mhamha ndikavaudza latest development.


Mhamha " Beaven huya navo baba vako kuno kwaRudo."

Me " Hazviite Mhamha uye mudhara wacho azviramba"

Mhamha " Futseke kupusa ungaudzwe zvekuita nemurwere nxaa"

Vakapopota havo but hapana zvaichinja the best treatment and care was kumba kwangu. Besides
daddy vacho vaisatombobvuma zvavo zvekwa Rudo. Pama close close family members angu
mudhara ndiye ega aitoda Simbiso..

I got home na Mudhara anga atogadzirirwa room yacho kuguest room. Manga maiswa maflowers,
fruits nezvidobi dobi.

I was surprised vana mhamha kana kumbouya kuzoona Mudhara zvichireva kuti vaisada here kuuya
pamba pangu or there was another reason isiri iyoyo. Ndakazofunga kuvaendera ikoko kwaRudo

Ndakasvika variko kwakugara zvangu mulounge mavanga vakagara. Maitova na baba Rumbie
pandakasvika Takakwazisana zvedu.

Me " Nhai imi vanhu handina kukuudzai here kuti Mudhara haachisimo muchipatara"
Mai Bee "Takazvinzwa"

Me " Saka muri kutii makagara kuno muri kuti vanochengetwa nani"

Mhamha "Usade kuti nyangadza Beaven wanzwa ka ndakakuti chii"

Me " amai munoona zvichiita here izvozvo kumba kwangu ndeuko saka ndokwavanoenda"

Mai bee " Saka pano pachii ngavango uya pano"

Vakatanga kundikutsanira ndikatoona kuti ndapinda busy kwakuoneka. Ndichingobuda panze Rudo
akabva atevera.
Rudo " Beaven shaa kubva wandirasa kudaro here"

Me " Hanty uri kuona ndichimboita zvaMudhara izvozvi imbondimirira"

Rudo " Saka uri kureva kubva zvarwara Mudhara hausi kusvi*a here?"

Me " Iwe zvekumba kwangu uneyi nazvo"

Rudo " Saka Simbiso ndiye akutodya zvake vamwe tichiurayiwa nenzara aiwa patsvene"

ZvaRudo so ndakatoti ndikada kuramba ndichipikisa ndaitotanga


Me " ok I will make sure I balance "

Ndakamu kisser kwakupinda mumota nekuenda..

_1 week later..._

Ndakange ndazofunga zvekutora mainini Sekai ndobva ndatora Tete hanzvadzi yaBaba kuti vauye
kuzoona baba. Kuti Simbiso arambe achiita zva daddy zvaisaita aiva muroora. But Simbiso wacho
aiva pro active zvisingaite. Everything chamudhara changa chakarongeka waiti ukatarisa daddy
vaitoti vanga vasinga rware. Vakatengerwa mapyjamas, magown, zvekugezesa zvemhando. Room
yavo yaitoita kunge muhosipal. Aka hirer munhu aivaita physio chaiyo.

Ndakazoonawo vanhu vekuchurch vachiuya kuzonamatira Daddy.... zvese zvaitwa naSimbiso

ndaizvirondedzerwa na Daddy voti vakaroora mukadzi akanaka.


🤣🤣🤣 ndakaseka zvangu naSisi vaTinashe tiri mubedroom mangu manheru..

Me " wakagonesa shamwari ndikuudze paya ndiri kutoona hangu vakavata mugarage
vachigwagwadza kkkk"

Sisi " Asi vakatsamwa Mai Tinashe"

Me " Hanya nani chidhoma chekwa chivi vanhu havangoerekana vangouya sekuti pamba pavo ka"

Sisi " ko father havapopote here"

Me "achipopotera ani iwe unongoti zvaisaita kupinza vanhu mumba vausingazive.... ooh mira
ndikukandire $20 paeco wakaspaka"

Sisi " Iii maita basa Mai Tinashe"

Ndakazoti achienda kunovabikira Tea yemanheru.....

Beaven akabva aphoner achida kuziva kuti zvakafamba sei kuti vana amai arare panze
ndakangomuudzawo kuti aunty aisaziva kwakukumbira ruregerero chaizvo ko akatsamwa madhiri
aiva. Vanga vanya zvavo kasi zvaindibvisisa mamarks kuna Beaven...

Ende vanhu ava vanga vato reporter nhai????

Murume anonzi Tanaka kana. Kune vanhu vasingade kusekererwa shuwa....

Anga akunetsa nekuda kundiona kana kuChegutu kwaaigara anga asisakude akungoti padiki padiki
ndiri muHarare. Pamaweeks mashoma iwayo anga atove addicted. Imwe Sunday ndakazobuda
naye kuenda kunational sports kwaiva nebhora.

Ndaida kumbotiza mazivanhu aiva pamba pangu. Iii akafara chaizvo kuita kunge ndamupa dinji ini
kana kungoswera tichiona bhora. Ndofunga kamari kese kemataxi kakapera musi uyu cause
ndaitengerwa zvinhu nekuzopihwa $100.

Haa ukuwo Beaven uya shedegu zero zvanga zvanyanya iya kuti pane chichaitika here ipapo kuti
mari iende or else ndatokuitwa rudhende zvangu rwokushandidswa vamwe vagere tata vana
Aiwa ini zvanga zvakundibhohwa zvemazi kuvanhu ava. Ndivo chete vanga vakunditadzisa kuti
ndiitwe Shedegu na Beaven. Nhai henyu murwere ari kuno here kwavanorindira aaah.

Ndakaphonerwa na Mhamha rimwe zuva...


Mhamha " Hello Ma Tinashe"

Me " Mhoroi mhamha makadini"

Mhamha " ndinofara mwanangu wakadini"

Ndakaita kudura zvese kwavari zvemishonga wekutanga zvese kuuya kwana mbuya Rushy mushonga
wekuChakari nekusa Shedegura kwa Beaven.

Mhamha " Finish iwe Rudo changamuka iwe"

Me " ko ndadini nhai Mhamha"

Mhamha "kudini kudini kwacho. Mishonga inobatsira vanozvibatsirawo nhaika kwete mafuza ini
ukaona wakoniwa kuroorwa na Beavy usatsike pano urikunzwa"

Me " Yowee nhai Mhamha munoda ndidini chaizvo ndibatsirei kani"

Mhamha " Muitire nhumbu ka womuudza kuti akasakuroora unouraya mwana wacho"

😳😳 yuwii mhamha vane plan kana kumbozvifunga ini. Asi ndoita sei nhumbu ini kurara tese

Me " Inoitwa ne waarara naye nhai mhamha"

Mhamha "ndambokuudza uri fuza nhaika varume vazera nyika yose.... hauna kuvata naye here
manje manje"
Me " Pane kunge 3 to 4 weeks."

Mhamha " Chitotange kurwara hanty ukuwo faster faster kutsvaga anokuisa inobata chete. Kana
kusina kuno unouya kuno zvikomana hobho kana kutonotundirwa nana sekuru vaye vazere nezemo

Ndakaseka zvangu🙌🏽

Me " ko ikasabata "

Mhamha " Ichiregerei totsvaga mishonga inobata sekubata kwayakaita pana Tinashe hanty
ndakakupa kaone."

Me " Iiii paye makandirwadzisa"

Mhamha " hakuna chinonzi chemahara uri kundinzwa kuti tigara kusvika zera rino mumba
takazvishandira. Ngatimbodaro usvike kuno ndikupfekedze. Idzo mbuya idzo siyana nadzo ndohama
dzemurume ka dzide"

Me " ok mhamha ndouya mangwana"

Ndakagaya kuti murume ndomuwanrpi. Ndakazojekerwa na Tanaka yaaa good zvangu zvanga zvaita
uyu ndiye aitondiisa manje nhumbu pfee Beavy ne bag recadh kuma mazipepepe wayaaa.
Ndakaseka zvangu🤣🤣🤣

End of Chapter 30

Luv u all💋

[15/08, 22:14] Fungie Babie: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso* 💋

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*
Chapter 31


Kurwara kwaita daddy ndaitozviziva kuti it was spiritual ini even before Dr Chadya had mentioned.
Umm mamhepo emumusha maRushy kana surrender.

I was happy zvangu kuti vana Mhamha had decided to stay kwaRudo kwacho it gave me time
kumbofurwa nemhepo. My marriage yanga yakufirer zvayo and I didn't need any draw backs not

Daddy vakange varamba kuendeswa kwa Rudo kwacho and ivo ana mhamha kana kuuyawo kuno.
Ndaingove na Mainini Sekai na Tete hanzvadzi yamudhara ndovanhu vaitondibatsira but it wasn't a
work load anyway.

Kubasa kwanga kuri busy zvekuti and nenyaya yangu yekuda kugara mumaboard umo zvanga
zvachiwanda manje.... the other part of me yaitoita futi zvekuRushy holdings I was just tooo busy.
Ndaimuka kuseni kuma 5am ndosiya ndagadzira breakfast yemunhu wese. Then I would arrange zve
lunch. After that I would feed Aiziva and prepare his formulas. Ndaibva ndabuda ndoenda kubasa.
Then ndaizodzoka kumba kuma 9pm. It was hectic.

Sam was preparing to open a branch and plant in SA in Pretoria and I was busy trying to come up
with financial statistics and budgets for this cause.

Financially it was a good investment and also opening a plant would lower costs of production. Here
was my job chairo I had to come up with proposals as well as giving strong and supported financial
advise to him. This was just the preparation.... then the kick of of this project would be after a good
6 months. So I had 6 months to add flesh to my research and be able to give a concrete report as
well as sound financial advise.

Sam " I know how this may be hard for you but you have to work closely with a legal firm in S.A. for
legal advise"

Me " I don't think it's a problem there is Skype and S.A. is not far I can go there too"

Sam " it's not about the distance am worried about but it's the people who work for the firm"
😳 what about them🤷🏽♀ maybe language here but they can't be knowing only Zulu, Xhosa or
Pede etc ka

Me " Am sure it's not like Mozambique.... a Portuguese nation."

Sam " Simbiso Jay works for that firm."

Nhai Mwari Jayden again here???🤦🏽♀.... ndoramba basa here ini. Why does it have to be them.
Ndaizvibvunza hangu....

Me " Sam I don't mean to be rude but on a personal note am trying to make my marriage work and
engaging in a work relationship na Jay will open up the closed chapters."

_Sam thinking_

It wasn't my intention to get them hooked up I swear. But I needed legal advise for my firm and Jay
was working for my friend there is no way I would select another law firm. And knowing those S.A.
guys they will defiantly assign Jay to do this one. I hadn't communicated na Jay wacho zvangu but
this was work she needed to know when to be at work and not to mix business with pleasure.

Sam "I know but ndouraya basa here Simbiso you are the Finance Director of Just Plastics
Zimbabwe tell me what I should do this is business!!"

Akabva abuda. Iiish Sam akomana. What did he want me to do nhai weduwe.

Zuva iri handina kumbofara I was just down. Mwari aida ndiite sei with this Jayden guy nhai...

When I got home. Beaven even noticed kuti I wasn't feeling to well ko ndanga ndakutorwara ini.

Beaven " What's wrong with you sweetheart you seem stressed"

Me " Am fine honey"

Akangovhura maziso zviya zvekuti lie to me hey.

Haaa nyaya yaSam was just a big blow to me. Ndakashaya kuti ndoudza ani. I was in communication
zvangu na Sisi Mandy na Mhamha va Jay but kwete zvekuvaudza about my feeling towards him.

Kuti ndiudze Beaven zvaisatoita zvachose even kungoti ndoita sei I don't want an assignment
yandapihwa kubasa zvaisaita aitoti ndakakuudza resign and work for Rushy Holdings.

The following day was saturday ndakazophonera girls then we went out ne vana vedu ne ma nanny
ini ndanga ndane umwe Nanny wemumba cause nenyaya yeuhwere zvawandira maid one. We went
pa St Elmos. Ma nanny aitamba nevana tichitaura

I told them my issue.

Ratie " Hey I think you guys are just destined to be"

Me " Iiish don't go there there is no way we can be an item it's defeated already am married and I
love my husband"
Mona " Chete munhu ari murudo haumugone chokwadi munhu anotoita kuvharwa"

Me " Am in love na Beaven guys but look this is lust or whatever kuti chii that I have for that man
hachisi kupera"

Ratie " Manje toita sei nhai Simbie ini am equally confused kutaura chokwadi. Wakutoda
kuexcerciser self control this could be a way God is testing you"

Mona " Yeah right maybe you should give in once warara naye zvinobva zvapera "

Me " Mashura Monalisa do you know what you are saying. Those are sins of the flesh they aren't
rubbed easily"

Ratie " She's right it can be an even worse formulae recipe for disaster. I don't recommend.... I still
go by self control"
Takataura musi uyu I felt at ease zvangu but still ndanga ndane fear ini. Fear of facing him
ndaizvikunda here ini. But maybe am over doing it hangu maybe he has moved on. Ndiani
angaswero agarira izvozvo. He had a life to live. He had things to do... but seriously he wasn't trying
to even email me... he had just gone quiet....


Handina wandakaudza ndakangoisa hembe dzangu mukabag kwakubuda kunge munhu ari kuenda
kutown zvangu ini ndichiziva madhiri angu.

Ndanga ndane 3 days ndabva kuMhondoro ndapfeka mushonga uya. Iiii ndakange ndarwadziwa
handidi kunyepa but zvanga zvatopora.

Tanaka ndanga ndatoronga naye hanty airamba achindinetsera pakati ipapo saka akazonditi aida kuti
timboenda weekend out kuVictoria Falls. Aiva ne Client yake yaiita zvematours kufalls saka anga
amuHirer sa driver kuti atakure matourists from Harare to Vicfalls vachiona then ainoita matour
navo ovasiya odzoka kumba Monday ivo vaizokwira ndege from Vic falls kudzokera.

Akanzi auye ne mukadzi wake saka anga ane week rese achindinetsa hanzi hande ndokuratidza Vic
falls. Saka pandakaona kuti ndodhiri randaida ndakabva ndatongoti hande...
Tanaka akandipicker ne kombi yacho yekuBuffalo Tours.

Me " Ndeipi"

Tanaka" Mushe chibabe babe urisey"

Me " Bhoo zvangu ko iwe"

Tanaka " Ndiri shudhu ndowanikwa nei mufaro wega wega ka"

Me " Haiwa uri kufarei"

Tanaka " Ko kuva newe kaRudo unoziva kuti wakandiramba apa ndaitoziva kuti une potential yekuita
zvimagaro zvakadai"
Takaseka. Nyaya idzi takadzitaura kusvika paHICC panova ndipo patakatora team yacho tichienda. Iii
varungu so mupfekero wacho tuma short twekuti kukotama garo rinotopoya. Netuskirt twekuti
bhurugwa rose rinosara panze.

Vainakidza asi apa kutofunga kuti ini ndiri mukadzi waTanaka driver wavo. Takaenda kuMatopos.
Tabva ikoko tikaenda neku Hwange national park ndobva tazoti Vic falls.

Varungu vairara mukingdom hotel ndomataka bookirwawo imomo. Umm panga pakanaka kani.
After dinner takazonorara hedu na Tanaka...

Tanaka " Ummm shaa wanditenderawo kukutsvitsa kunyika yechinomwe nhasi."

Ndakaseka zvangu "nyika yechii hayas"

Tanaka " Usaseke kaRudo unomboziva here makariro andinokuita kuramba kwako unenge
wandiuraya shaa"
Me " Wakuwanza kutaura kwacho chiita action."

Haa chakatsva kani muhotel imomo. We romanced. Ipo pakukwira yaa ndakatenda zvangu Beaven
aisara pasi. Ava ndovainzi varume vaigona kukwira zvemhando. Ndakakwirwa too bad zvekuti
ndakanakirwa chaiko kuti nditi ndowanga uri mugariro here or what hameno. Asi kana ariwo maitiro
ake emazuva ose haiwa mukadzi wake agare kana mhanza haangatadze kuita pakadai.

Me " Iiish matendwa ndiani zviya mutupo"

Akafa nekuseka

"watapirirwa ka Rudo nechawaindirambira paye uchindishoora tisu ana Samaita sweety" akadaro

"Aiwa maita mbizi samaita matendwa" ndakadaro.....

Akandi kisser....

Husiku ihwohwo handina kuzorara angove ma LP after L.P. imi mukati haana kudya mugondorosi
here. Ndaiswa pese pese ne iyo mbolis yacho. Ivo muromo vake aingodyawo pese paidyika. Yea
ndakaona murume mukuru achibuda ziya nekunakirwa.

Kuseni takati nonokei kumuka. Asi patakamuka pacho ndakange ndakunzwa musana ne makumbo
kurwadza. Apa maronda ekurumwa rumwa kwandaiitwa 🙌🏽... pakashandwa

"Mwana wangu wandaisa umu ndomuda" akadaro Tanaka

😡😳😳 nhai Jeso chachii zvekare...

" Wandinzwa here Rudo" akadaro

Mukati aivepo here pandaitaura na mhamha

Me "Mwana upi iwe akuudza ndabats nhumbu ndiani. Plus ziva kuti ndine murume kaini"


nhai chaisekesa chii

"Upi ko. Beaven murume wemunhu ka usadaro so kkkkk"

Ndanga ndashatirwa manje haiwawo 😡

"Saka uri kundiseka kuti ndakarorwa nemurume wemunhu" ndakadaro

" inzwaka babie siyana naye Beaven uyo haana chaanokupa inini ndokupa mazirudo sezita rako...
inga ndakakubvunza wani pandaikukwira ukadeedzera kuti Beaven hapana zviripo wani" akadaro
Nxaa benzi chairo anofunga anga ndichengete nezvi taxi here ini kuti ndodya mbolis basi basi here
kkkk. Nganofa uko. Hongu anotunda sugar asi maya

Me "Tanaka zvekuramba tichingoti Beaven Beaven kuno hazviite nhaika ngatiitei zvatakavinga"

" Ndazvinzwa Mai Jnr mwana wangu chete unenge wandifadza hako zvekuti kana ndege
ndokutengera" akadaro.

Zvipiko vana Tanaka ndege ipi yaunotenga Taxi driver......

Takabva tapinda mubathroom kunogeza. Ndakazvitarisa pamirror 😳😳😳😳 ndakavhunduka

kuona muviri wese unozvidzvanga zvidzvanga aiva munhu rudzii uyu kunge kurumwa kunge kudini.
Nhasi zvangu naBeaven🙆🏽♀....

End of chapter 31

Luv u all💋

[15/08, 22:14] Fungie Babie: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso* 💋


Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 32


📞📞📞 Phone yangu yakarira ndakatarisa vanga vari mhamha

Me " Hello Amai"

Mhamha " Hello Beaven wakadini"

Me " Ndinofara amai muri sei"

Mhamha " Ndinofara zvangu...."

Me " Ok zvinokudzwa"

I didn't want to start nyaya dzakawanda navo cause ndaizviziva hangu kuti vaingotanga kudemba
kuti uchauraisa baba vako na Simbiso.

Mhamha "Beaven uri kumbozvifambisa seiko "

Zvatotanga sooo i thought. 🤔Nhamo yangu ini

Me " Mhamha nyaya ya Daddy iyoyo ngaipere kutaura kudai vari kuimprover"
Mhamha " Haiwa kwete izvozvo mhani.... Rudo aripi??"

Ko vaindibvunza Rudo sekuti ndogara naye hanty ivo ndivo vanaye here??

Me " Ari ikoko wani"

Mhamha " Baba vangu iweee zvawakapusa fani. Rudo ari kungomberereka ne nyika ino iwe
wakatarisa.... Haako kuno uyu"

Me " Munorevei amai kana muchiti haako ikoko"

Mhamha " Totobvunza iwe haana kukuudza kuti ari kuenda kupi here"
Me " Kubva rinhi"

Mhamha " Vhiki rino katove kechipiri akangoenda kwemazuva 4 ndikamubvunza akati anga aenda
kwa Sisi vake kuChakari asi akabva asina kutaura pano. Izvozvi Friday akangobuda kuseni nanhasi
haana kudzoka nhasi yatove Monday"

😳😳 aaah kubva Friday munhu aivepi

Me " Hapana chandinoziva ini"

Mhamha " Ungazive sei uchawana musha waenda nezvikomba nekupusa nxaa..."

Me " Ndazvinzwa amai regai ndimuphonere"

Ndakabva nda cutter. Ndakatanga kunetsekana. Iiish saka Rudo anga akuita chipfambi here.
Ndakatanga kubatanidza kubva musi uya wekumusha achiti tora mwana wako ndoda freedom.
Kwakuzouya panyaya yekwa Mereki. Touya paya pekurarisa Amai panze ummm aiwa this made
sense she must be up to something.....

Ndakabva ndagaya let me call Sisi vacho first just to make sure she was there.

Me " Hello Maiguru"

Maiguru " Mushe Babamunini muri seiko ?"

Me "ndinofara maiguru vari sei vana"

Maiguru " Vatano zvavo ava arisei Rudo na Tinashe?"

Ndakabva ndaziva kuti haako ikoko

Me " All good mufunge. Ndanga ndichida number dza Tete ndakuda endesa mari"

Maiguru " Hulululu hululu ngazvikudzwe matigonera babamunini 0775121626"

Me " Munotendeiko.... ndinyorerei iri message."

Maiguru " Ok babamunini iii mazuva hamuchatumire yemusoro"

Good ndakati chance given

Me " Inga ndakapa muninina wenyu wani asi hamusi kutaura here"

Maiguru " Ani Rudo here munoisa direct kani. Ndatone 3 weeks ini ndisingatozive nezvake ndofunga

Me " Regai ndisende"

Maiguru " Maita basa babamunini"

Ndaka cutter saka uko aisavako aivepi manje.....

Regai ndi muphonere tone

📞📞📞 yakarira ...

Her " Hello Honey"

Me " Uri kupi??"

Pakamboita silence. From what was going on she was in a silent place.

Rudo " Ndiri kuChakari kwaSisi"

Me " Hoo wakaenda rinhi?"

Rudo " Friday"

Me " Hauna kutaura wani???"

Ziii zvake....
Me " Iwe hausi kundinzwa here?"

Rudo " Pakaita emergency Beaven saka ndakangomhanya"

Me" Emegency nhai ok. Ndiri kuuya kuzokutora ndoda kuti tironge zvekuendesa mari"

ziii zvekare. Right ndakabva ndaziva kuti pane maths apa. Ndaisada kumumhanyira stupid yemunhu

Me " Iwe uri kunyarara sei ndati ndakuuya ikoko"

Rudo " Aaah eeh aah Beaven aiwa mira ndanga ndakutokwira kombi ndosvika mamanje"

Me " Hooo ok aaah ndanga ndatove mukadoma pane kuclient kwandiri kubva so rega ndinobikirwa
lunch na Gulez"

Ziii futi
Yakabva yacuttwa. I tried her line busy then yamaiguru busy ndikatoziva kuti pano ndiri kuvharwa.
Manje nhasi achandiudza zvake chokwadi haandizive mushe.....


Mhaihwe zvangu 🙆🏽♀ ndaita kusweater chaiko.

Tanaka " Chii babie "

Me " Beaven akunditsvaga shaa mira ndiphonere Sisi"

Ndakabva ndatophonera Sisi

Me " Sisi kani"

Sisi " Rudo hesi kani....Mari yangu"

Me " Imbomirai izvozvo. Sisi Beaven akaphoner kana kuuya ikoko muuudzei kuti ndabva ikoko. Uye
kuti ndakauya friday ikoko"

Sisi " Wati kudini Rudo aaah hazvishande izvi"

Me " Sisi handisi kuseka kaini.... Pliz arikutouya ikoko"

Sisi " Rudo chii chiri kuitika ndataura naye Beaven mamanje apa ndikatoti ndane 3 weeks ndisina

🙆🏽♀🙆🏽♀🙆🏽♀" Maihweee kani Sisi mandiuraisa" ndakadaro ndichikanda phone pasi.

Yakazosimudzwa na Tanaka achitaura navo hameno zvavanga vakutaura. Ii ndakange ndakuchema

Tanaka " Rudo chiiko babie unondirwadzisa ukachema"

Dai atonyarara zvake cause dai aiziva kuti ndaitogona kumurova nezvaiita izvozvo. Aah he had
caused this....

Ndakaramba ndichichema. Pese paidyika zvese tange ta parker mota paside peroad. Akazoti
ndipinde tifambe cause tanga tichiri kure ku Shangani chaiko apa ndaifanirwa kukasika kusvika

Ndakademba ini ko ndaitei zvinhu zvanga zvakufamba wani aaah. Road yese ndaingodemba ini.

Tanaka " Ungabva wadaro here babie ini ndiripo ndokutora kana asi ngakude"

Haihwawo kutora kutora kudini aaah ini zvangu.

Me " Mira kumbotaura zvisina basa Tanaka ndipe solution ndonyarirepi ndanyepera munhu uye
ndichati ndaivepi...."
Tanaka " Ko iwe pakabuda waidii kutipira Sisi vako"

Ndange ndichazvifunga here my mind was loaded nenyaya yekuda kukwirwa kuti ndiite nhumbu.
Izvo ndanga ndisina nguva yekufunga zvakawanda. Ko ndaizivei kuti Beaven wacho achazophoner
kuna Sisi. Nhasi zvangu ndinoti mai ne mwana. And madhiri ose musango ndakandwa panze

Mahours mashoma iwayo ndanga ndatoonda ini. Iiish ndichingopinda muHarare ndakabva ndatoti
kuna Tanaka ndoenda zvangu ne taxi ini.....

We said our goodbyes. kwakubva ndatora taxi. Ndakaphonera mhamha ndichivaudza.

Mhamha " Mashura yohwee nhai iwe"

Rudo " Hameno ndichanotii mhamha, mongogadzira kunditambira"

Mhamha " Aiwa Rudo haudzingwe regai ndione zvekuita ndosvika mangwana. Iwe ingonyarara
wongokumbira ruregerero hwekunyepa kwawaita. Usati bufu nezve chikomba"
Me " Ehoyi mhamha"

Haaa vaiiteiko amai vangu zvaiva pachena semagaro echanana izvi kuti ndinodzingwa chete.

Ndakasvika pamba kuma past 7pm iish better anga asipo Beaven. Ndakawana Mhamha vakagara

Me " Makasimba here Chihera..."

Mbuya Rushy " Yoo ko muri kubva nekupi nhai Mai Tinashe.... uye pano hamuna kana kuwoneka
toziva zvipi"

Aaah ava vaisanetsa.... Tete vanga vasimo.

Me "Ndanga ndambobira kumadhiri edu aya mhamha iiish zvanga zvisisina kumira mushe mufunge
saka pane mazuva andakatarwa"
Mbuya Rushy " Kubva waregedza kutaura here. Iwo mitirauzi iyo inotenderwa here ikoko"

Me " Aaah ndapfekera chando Mhamha... ko Tete varara here?"

_Mbuya Rushy thinking_

Ummm anoda kunyepera ani. Zera rangu ndotadza kuziva kuti munhu anonyepa. Aaah pamwe
ndokwanga kwaendwa tichazivei.

Mbuya Rushy " Yaaa varara havo vanoda kufuma kuenda kuChiredzi kwa Tete vako vakuru uko
havasi kunzwa mushe.... tone zvawapihwa"

Haiwa kuoneiko nxaa.

Me "Waitwa wekupfekwa Mhamha"

Mbuya Rushy " Heya"

Vakabva vasimuka vakati vakunorara. Ini ndikapinda kubedroom mangu. Ndichingopedza kugeza
ndakanzwa gate kuvhurika ndinzwe mota haaa ndopandakaona kuti ndaitamba. Beaven anga auya.

Munoziva unotanga kutsvaga mazwi ekuudza mwari potse potse kuzomutuka mwari wacho iiish

Akavhurirwa door. Ndakamunzwa achibvunza Sisi kuti ndadzoka here. Ndakanzwa mutsimba kuuya.
He opened the door achibva arivhara nekukiya. Mwari 🙆🏽♀...

Ndanga ndakagara mumagumbeze.

Me "Maswera sei"

Beaven " Taura tinzwe wanga uri kupi"

Ndakaramba ndakanyarara.
Beaven " Ndiri kutaura ndega here muno I want answers and I want them now"

Ndaida kupindura but ndakatadza. Akafamba kuuya pandaive.

"Rudo ndiri kukupa 2 mins dzekupindura ukasa pindura uchaona hako kuti ndonzi ani nhasi
uchataura chakatadzisa imbwa kuseka kunyenama ichigona" akadaro Beaven achiwaranura
magumbeze pabed.

Ndakashaya kuti ndotangira papi chaizvo ini. Ndakazongo buruka kwakupfugama pasi

🙏🏽"ndinokumbirawo ruregerero Beaven"

Ndakazongonzwa mbama yakandicheka ichibatanidzira nzeve. Maungira chaiwo munzeve imomo. I


" Ndati wanga uri kupi!!!!"

Ndakatadza kupindura ndichibva ndarohwa same side iroro. Ndakadeedzera.

Vana mhamha vanga vave padoor zvino vachingo knocker ipo paye.

Ini ndaingochema😭

" Taura kasika nhasi unofira mumaoko angu. Wakuita zvikomba kaiwe wanga vaienda kupi 4 days
usipo wouya dzimwe futi taura kasika."

"Ndiregererero Beaven"

Handina kuziva kuti ndatozviparira hamuna chamakaona ndakarohwa kwete mbinjana. Vanhu vaive
padoor vaingodeedzera

" Beaven unomukuvadza"

" Chiiko Beaven"

" Vhura door iro"

Apa ndaiita kutsikwa kunge ndiri kurohwa ne mablack boot. Ndakatoona kuti ndingafe

" Ndine nhumbu Beaven unondikuvadza kani maihwee"

Muromo one iwowo wakabva watoita kuti andisiye akabva angotora makey ake nekubuda kuenda.
Vana Mhamha vakambozama kumumisa but haana kuzviterera ndakazongonzwa yangove mota

*Tanaka* 🧒🏽

Taxi business has been my life since ndapedza chikoro. Yes vanhu vanoshora the kind of business
vachitarisira pasi but unogona kutorarama naro business iri ukatoita stress free kupfuura vanozviti
mabusiness man. Chandoziva at the end of the day everyone is a business man so long uchiita
business racho.

My name is Tanaka Bhobha yes ndinobva kuMhondoro. Ndakaroora mudzimai wangu tine vana vedu
3 girls. Right muchindiona ndichi driver taxi munototi maona munhu anoshupika. Aiwa ndizvo
zvatanga tajaira nekushaya mabasa ndakatotanga ndiri hwindi kwakutotenga Taxi ndahwina Lotto
ma 5 numbers aya ndopandakatanga zvema Taxi. Ndine imba yangu muna Kennedy road opposite
Chegutu golf club handiyo yega kuPfupajena ndine imwe. Mataxi ndane 7 nemakombi mairi.
Kumbawo ndinotone mota 2 yangu Toyota bubbles ne yamadam vits. But ukandiona unongoti hoyo
hwu Tanaka rwasvika.

Na Madam vangu taisawirirana zvachose aingova mahwekwe kuroorana kwacho plus nyaya
yekuzoita vana vasikana. I then met a long time Crushie Rudo Mazipetele hummm she was looking
Forgot kuMhondoro ndakange ndisisaende stereki one tanga tatama kubva kwataigara tikaenda
kumwe but mumhondoro imomo. I was the only child to my parents apa Mudhara ashaya. Moms
vakange vakugara kuhanzvadzi dzavo kuEmpress mine saka musha waive dongo.

Yaaa ndakanyatsa kumusorter Rudo zvekuti ndange ndine confidence kuti ndainge ndasiya mbeu
yangu chete and dai akava mukomana. ZvaRudo ummm kuti nditi kushaya murume here kana kuti
aisadawo kubuda pachena saka ndakazongoti aaah hameno achataura hake. Iye Beaven akazoregei
kumuroora achitsvaka kumwe hameno shuwa.

Yaa paiva nezvimukadzi ainaka paye. Icho chikapa same same na madam vangu akakupepetera uko
ndainakirwa but panoti dinji haikona anga akazvimbirira kuita kukorera.... one thing chakandityisa
ndati regai ndifadze mumwe wangu down there uku ndichingoti pedzei kudyirira pakabuda ka🦎
kadiki diki😳 but handisati ndakamboona dzvinyu resize riro kunze size rebete rikatova hombe
handina hangu kubvunza ndakangoti pamwe rabva mumachira

End of chapter 32

Luv u all 💋

[15/08, 22:14] Fungie Babie: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso* 💋

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 33


Ende futi munhu anonzi Rudo soo ka. Ndange ndashatirwa paye ndakanyatsakuona kuti aya ndoaiva
magame chaiwo aya. Kuhura kuri pachena chaiko. Ndakaenda kumba maoko angu achipisa
nekumurova kwandanga ndamuita . Apa mufungwa mangu ndairwisana nezvaanga ataura zvekuti
ane nhumbu.

Ndakanga ndakuda zvekumusiya ini kana ariwo magame ake but panoti nhumbu apa. Wait a minute
I thought to myself. Ko why asina kundiudza before 🤔. Ummm pamwe yaisava yangu futi... Haa
manje so ndaiita seiko ini.

Ndakasvika kumba ndaka tofizuka kana chikafu ndakaramba. Simbie akamboyedza kubata bata
semunhu aida kushedegurwa but ndakashaiwa simba racho ini. Ndaisatoda zvese izvozvo.

Simbie " Daddy is there anything wrong"

Me " Ndakaneta had a hectic day toita mangwana"

Akangodairawo imwe iya iya ndikatoziva kuti abhoikana zvake.

Handina kurara ndichinetseka. Kuseni ndakazongo decider kuti ndaingozoenda ikoko later
ndonomuudza kuti kana asina kutaura kuti aivepi handichada anobuda mumba mangu, cause
handinga gare nehure remukadzi zve....

I did my work then kuma 3pm ndakabuda ndakananga kumba kwaRudo. I had been ignoring my
mothers calls ndakange ndisiri kuda kutaura nemunhu zvangu...... na Rudo zvaingofanirwa kupera
kana achinge asina kundiudza kuti aivepi.

Ndakasvika pamba ndakaridza hooter maid akauya kuzondivhurira. Ndakapinza mota. Palawn panga
pakagara Mhamha , sisi vaRudo na Mai vake Rudo. Rudo ainge akarara pachi mat.

Ndakasvika ndikavakwazisa ndokubva ndangopinda mumba. I instructed maid kuti amudeedze.

Papera ka time ndakabva ndaona Sisi vacho variivo vanga vauya.
She sat pa couch opposite inini.

Maiguru " Babamunini sorry nekuuya ndirini. Ndine hurombo nezvaitwa na Rudo muri right kufunga
zvamafunga asi zvinogona zvisirizvo"

" ndoda kuziva kuti anga ari kupi chete chete" ndakavadaro

Maiguru " Babamukuru munoziva so umm Rudo akandiphonera akati ane pamuviri 3 weeks ago
saka aiiti haasi kuziva kuti odini nekuti imimi wacho manga musisa nzwisisike kuti muchiri kuda ne
zvake her kana kuti kwete nekuti maisabatika. Saka aitya kuti baba vake vanozoti imwe nhumbu futi
munhu asina kuroorwa here. Akambofunga kuti obvisa here asi ndakange ndichimurambidza so apa
anga auya kumba kwangu zveshuwa anga ane depression achida kuzviuraya handina kuda kukuudzai
hangu cause ndaiziva kuti hamusi kuziva zviri kuitika muhupenyu hwake"

Me "Ummm mati kudini imi!!! why ari kufunga izvozvo handina kumuudza zvakandibata mazuvano.
Iyo nhumbu yaazotaura husiku why??"

Maiguru " Hudiki babamunini nhumbu zvayo kana Mbuya Rushy vanoiziva ava"

Yaaa zvakaoma vakadzi soo ka. But it didn't add up. I had promised wani kuti I was going ne mari
saka insecurity yaiva papi ipapa. Saka munhu angade kuzviuraya as if handigone kuchengeta vana
vangu. Tinashe ndanga ndiri kuchengeta wani..... ko ikwo kubvisa. Haaa akagona hake kusatobvisa
cause dai akabvisa akazoona kuti ndainzi Beaven Rushy chaiye kwete wemu film.

*Rudo* 🦎

Ndakarohwa kunge ndichafa. Beaven airova weduwe. Mukati Simbiso airohwawo here amana.

Ndakasara ndichitaura na mhamha. Ivo vaitonzwisisa cause ndakange ndavati ndaenda kunotsvaga
twunhu twuya.

Ndakarara ndaphonera Sisi tikabva taronga kuti vaiuya tobatsirana kunyengetedza Beaven. Mhamha
vakange vati vaiuyawo.

Kuseni takamupa dzingori nyaya dzenezuro apa nyama kurwadza. Tete vakafumo kuenda kuChiredzi.
Sisi na Mhamha vakasvikawo. Tikabva taronga. Ini na Sisi takataurirana zvekuti ndaifanirwa kutaura
zvekuti nhumbu yanga yandishungurudza. Then ivo waipedzisa.

Mhamha obvious chiri raiva redu. Vatouyana ne mumwe mushonga wavaiti unomudzimaidza.

Mbuya Rushy nenyaya yekuti ndakange ndavaudza zve mishonga vaitoti tinonirwa kutova careful
asazive Beaven.

Beaven akauya. Haa takapinda busy zvedu. Akazobikwa sadza na Sisi tikaisa mumuriwo 🍛🦎🦎
imomo ndaitoziva kuti zvaiita chete.
Jayden 👨🏽⚖

Ndakasvika kumba ndichibva kubasa iri Friday. Ndanga ndakasira zvangu semunhu aida kuzobuda
kuenda kuAll night prayer ko mazuvano my best friend was Jesus. Kana ndisina Maka na Mai Jayne
ndainge ndiri kuchurch.

Hapana hapo zuva raidarika ndisina kufunga Simbiso. She had blocked me and I had respected her
decision. Well I had to give her time and space. Plus wo I was training myself to back off. Not that I
didn't love her but chance yacho yekuti ave neni was just slim.

After I had told my Pastor about the love and affection I had towards Simbiso he had encouraged me
to pray.

Every time he called he would tell me to always remember this - _"If you love something set it free.
If it comes back it’s yours. If not, it was never meant to be.”_

Only fate can determine whether a relationship was meant to be. So, if let her go, she will come
back if that’s your destiny.

I prayed about this and the holy spirit convinced me to give it time. Meanwhile I should build my life.
It's not easy at all trying to kill a feeling within you.
On the other hand Alice was just texting ma message ake. KuApp nekuma SMS achingotaura zvekuti
ndaifanirwa kumuroora ukuwo tete vacho vaiphoner ndichitaura nawo zvangu but ndaingovati
ndichakuudzai. I had planned kuti monthend I should go my Zimbabwe ndinotaura na Tete vake ne
way forward. Initially I wanted them to come ndovatengera matickets but ndakazofunga ndikati
ndiende ikoko. I spoke to Tete vake.


Me " Makadini henyu Tete"

Tete " Ooh babamunini murisey

Me " Ndiri nani. Ndati ndidzoke kwamuri ne nyaya iya Tete yamakataura"

Tete "Hongu babamunini ndakaterera"

Me " Yaa ndiri kuuya ikoko monthend togara pasi Tete saka musauya henyu kuno"
Tete " Aaah zvakanakai Babamunini please musarega nekuti dumbu rakukura iri hazvizoita
zvakanaka kuvabereki"

Me " Ndinouya don't worry"

Yaa I was really going I had my own way to deal with this. What had to be done had to be done. I
had thought about this for a long time so it was time to act. Ndakabva ndatoti let me call Alice
wacho and tell her.


Me "Hello"

Alice " Hii bae "

Me " How are you?"

_Alice thinking_

Humm kwauyei nhai Jayden kundikwazisa here. God you are great.

Alice " Am good my love and you and baby girl"

Me "We are coping. I shall be there month end just spoke na Tete vako so tonovaona month end so
no need yekuuya kuno."

Alice "Serious here hii thank you Jay you are the best... apa mwana wako anga achito kufunga shaa "

I felt guilty...

Me "ok say daddy said hi and I will see her month end "
Alice " Her??? Mukomana uyu went kuscan"

Me " You are not serious!!"

Alice " Yes I am Jay. Ndakatakura Jayden Junior"

Ndakabatwa batwa nazvo. A boy my own son iiish was this God.

Me " Ok shaa toonana month end"

Ndakadaro ndichi cutter phone. A baby boy hoo ummm ndakafara hangu ko mwana komana ndiye
anotakura rudzi zve.

Ndakagara zvangu ndapedza kudya ndobva ndaenda pa app zvangu. I smiled Shungu had sent me
some pictures a Simbiso...
📤 Ndeipi dear... thanks wena

📩 hey zvirisey ... you are welcum dude

📤 cool hope you are well how is She

📩 ari bhoo hake how is Maka

📤 She is fine love

📩 great.... tikati gare gare toeuchidzana kkk

📤 🤣🤣 une musikanzwa do you think it will materialize 😭

📩 it's time babamukuru one day I want you guys to be an item. I am praying.... you people are
meant to be just that amai avo vakavharika meso🤣🤣
📤 Usadaro mukadzi wangu shaa but hey time yacho pains shaa dai wakangoronga makauya ini
ndaida kumuvharira aizobuda after 2 weeks tone anodzokera here

📩 🤣🤣 ini 🤐🤐🤐 ziii bye 🏃🏽♀🏃🏽♀🏃🏽♀🏃🏽♀🏃🏽♀🏃🏽♀

Ndakaseka zvangu yaaa.

Na Shungu taitaura hedu of late aitondivhairira about a guy she was dating who had the same name
neni. At least hake she was keeping me posted on my girl.

Ndange ndakungo browser ma message when Sam called...

Me " Baba"

Sam " Chibababa how are you doing "

Me " ndowanikwa nei zvangu sei imi"

Sam " And Princess Maka"

Me "She is fine shaa"

Sam " Zvinokudzwa shaa you remember that year when you were convincing me to have a factory ku

Me " Oh yes I do remember "

Sam " Great I have great news Mr Advisor.... I have seriously thought over it and have decided to go
for it:"

Me " Wooow what a way to go. Good going am happy for you. Haaa wazopinda Sam!!! This is
Sam " Kkkk thanks my man I wouldn't have done this without you my personal advisor"

Me " Anytime soo when is this baby supposed to pop out "

Sam " Expecting it in a year or less depends really on the out come on financial advisory I will get
from my FD and the legal advise and assistance I will get from my legal advisory "

Paakatoti FD (Finance Director) my mind raced to Simbie. Umm kutomuzadza mupfungwa. I was
tempted to ask how she was but ndakazomira.

Me " Ok. So basically on the legality part who are you planning to take"

Sam " Don't be silly. It's your firm down there I am going to talk to your boss and i know achati iwe u
handle case iyo saka ndasana kukuudza. Plus kuno I also need legal advise as well. I guess you are
the one-stop shop I have also been looking for. Kkk"
Sam was right I was indeed the perfect person to deal with. Which in short translated to me having
to work na FD wake Simbiso. Damn was this part of the answer to my prayer....

Me " Iiish that's great but on a personal note..."

Handina kupedza

Sam " Newewo here Jayden!!"

😳😳 neniwo kudini nhai

Me " What?? Ndadini???"

Sam " this personal note has to do with Simbiso ka"

Me " Kkkk how did you read my mind"

Sam " Easy munoita kunge matwins na Simbiso soon after I told her she said on a personal note.....
And then you wereabout to say the same... look man I know you got your issues with her but this is
business you ain't gonna dare refuse and you are going to have to work with her"

That he was right I wasn't going to even dare refuse who would wanna miss a golden opportunity to
work close to Simbie. And when I say close you will see what I mean.🤪

Me " Actually I don't have a problem. For me you may have just placed food in my plate kkk. But am
worried about her??"

Sam " I am expecting you to behave and take this as merely business and no pleasure associated.
About her please do respect her, she raised her concerns I would have tried to excuse her but she is
the key to the company it's her main job and she does it to perfection I am pleading with you to just
back off and do this assignment. I know those guys will 99% assign you to this that's why I have told
you first also being my personal person you had to know. So Jayden it's business"
Me " I don't have a problem Sir"

Takazotaura hedu dzimwe nyaya and ended the conversation. That night I didn't sleep. It was like my
mind had been reactivated to *Simbiso Mode* 🤦🏽♂ iiish will I really be able to not mix business
with pleasure.... I doubt but I needed to pray over this or else all this effort will go invane. Kana
kuprayer kuya dhololo last night. Kkk.

End of chapter 33

Lets go guys tipedze book. Musape vanhu munondipedza simba. Luv u 💋

[15/08, 22:14] Fungie Babie: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*💋

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*
Chapter 35


Pipipi tapinda tapinda muroora kwaRushy hehede unozodei. Ndakatenda Mhamha vangu
nekundibatsira kwose. Haa amai ndaida kuvaitira zvidhafu chaizvo.

Ndakaenda na Beaven kwa Doctor achida kunoti doctor vaconfime kuti nhumbu yaivepo zveshuwa
here. Musi uyu ndaitya zvangu shem kuti pamwe hapana zviripo. Ndakazongo zvishingisa tikaenda.

Doctor vakaita matests avo maresults akauya zvikanzi zveshuwa nhumbu yaivepo and ndakafara
kana iye Beaven wacho akafara chekuti pano. Beaven anga akupota achiuya but aisarara iye aiti
kumba kuna Baba vake saka hazvaiita. Apa ndakaroorwa baba vacho vasingaziva hanzi vari kurwara.
Vakangoenda kunoroora ndi baba Rumbie na Tete Mai Blessing chete pahama dzaBeaven. Na
Sahwira wake. Zvakambondibata asi ndakazongonzwisisa zvangu. Ko kusiri kuroorwa ndekupi kwese
kwaiva kuroorwa chete.

Mbuya Rushy vakazongoenda kwaSimbiso kwacho pakabva Beaven kuzondiroora. Zvaisaita varambe
vakagara kumba kwangu iye murume wavo achirwara.

Ndakafara fani zvekugara wakarindwa navamwene zvaisaita.

Tanaka aingo phoner but ndaimuti handina nhumbu ini. Akanditi aida tiende kwadoctor kana kuti
ndoita pregnancy test kuti abvume.

Rimwe zuva ndichitobva zvangu kutown ndakasvika pane mota paside pedurawall. Handina kuziva
kuti yaiva yani zvayo. Pandakasvika padhuze akabva abuda Tanaka. Akasvikomira akapeta maoko ake
panze akazembera mota yacho.

Him " Saka kusadaira ma message angu ne ma call angu zvinorevei"

Me " Aaah nhai iwe ndinenge ndiri busy"

Tanaka " busy yei usada kundifarisira ka"

Akadaro achiminyura ruoko rwangu.

Me " Aaah nhaiwe zvawakundikuvadza chiiko newe"

Tanaka "Pinda mumota tiende"

Me " Kupi kwaunoda kuenda neni Tanaka ndiri mukadzi wemunhu"

Kkkkkk akaseka zvake.😂😂😂😂

Tanaka " Wati kudini pawaisimudza makumbo uchichemerera paVic falls wanga usati wamukadzi
wemunhu here Mai Tinashe "

"Fokofu mhani Tanaka. Zvakaitika zvakaitika wanzwa oooh uri kuona ndakarohwa nemurume
wangu nekuda kwako" ndakadaro ndichimuratidza maronda.

Tanaka " Saka ndati pinda mumota umo tinoona kuti mwana haana kukuvara."

Ndakabva ndaona mota yakabudikira nechekucorner kweroad aiva Beaven chete.

Me " Maihwe Tanaka. Uyo ndi Beaven chienda shaa ndouraiwa. Please ndokuona mangwana please

"Ok but ukaregedza chete ndomuratidza something" akadaro achipinda mumota.

Mota ya Beaven ichingosvika Tanaka akabva asimudza yake akuenda. Zvekuti havana kuonana.

Ndakavhura gate. Mota ikapinda. Beaven akaparker mota kwakubva abuda

" Ndiani wawanga unaye uyo" akabvunza.

Me " Taxi yandauya nayo"

" Taxi hoo Taxi rudzii yakanaka kudaro" akabvunza

Chokwadi ndanga ndabhaiza cause Tanaka wacho anga ane mota yakanaka hameno kuti taxi yake
anga asiya kupi.
Me "aaah nhai ndingazivewo here kuti taxi inofanhirwa kunaka or kushata chandinoziva kuti
ndakwira ichinzi Taxi."

Takabva tapinda mumba. Ndakabika akadya kwakubva taiita mutambo wedu achibva adzokera
zvekuti arare zvanga zvakuita asi nyaya yamudhara wake.

Hsiku ihwohwo ndakanetsekana ne something yairehwa na Tanaka kuti yaiva something yeizve. Chii
chaaida kuratidza Beaven heee.

*Simbiso* 🤦🏽♀

Beaven anga akuita kamwe kahunhu kekunonoka kudzoka kumba kuti pamwe aienda kwaRudo here
ndainge ndisisanzwisise ini. Kuti ndibvunze ndaitya kumutsa a heated argument ivo mudhara
vachirwara. I just let it be zvangu and i would definatly pray about it. Kuchurch kwacho dhololo
anga asisaende zvake. Akungopa maexcuses.

Mbuya Rushy vakauya during the weekend i wondered why vazobvuma kuuya. But ini zvangu
kungovaona ndakawedzera gear reprayer zvangu papi pacho pandaizorora.

Kutaura vaisataura havo but she seemed changed. Monday ndakaenda kubasa I was very busy
preparing for my trip ye Wednesday. It was going to be very busy cause zvadiwa zvacho ndozvaive
Ndakasvika kumba ko kwanga kwakungogara kuine vanhu but chakandinetsa kuona vana Mai
Rumbie ne mhuri yavo varipo pamba vaine mabag hobho hobho. Baba Rumbie vaisavapo. Handina
kuda kuzvibvunza ko zvekwaRushy zvaibvunzika here pamwe pacho unotozonakurirwa nyoka
mhenyu. Ndakamira mira kuita zve chikafu apa vanhu vacho vaiita kunge pafiwa nhaiimi.

Beaven akanonoka kuuya around 11pm zvake apa hama dzake dzakanga dzakamumirira. Ndainge
ndakagara hangu mulounge macho just seated apa hope iiish.

Akasviko shamiswa vanhu takagara. I offered him food but he refused.

Akati agara kwakubvunza

Beaven " Ko maiguru mukati kwakanaka here kwamadai kubva mauya nemabag mukati hausi
mutore wese here maiguru. Ko blaz varipi"

Mai Rumbie " Mukoma venyu havadi kutaura asi tadzingwa nemurungu... ivo vabva vatotorwa ne

Beaven " Kudzingwa!!! Kuti zvadini?? Kutorwa nemapurisa ???"

Mai Rumbie " Hanzi vakaba"

Beaven " Aaah kuba kubei. Havana kurongerwa here vane evidence here?"

Mai Rumbie "Evidence iripo ndeye kuti mari yacho yaonekwa mumba medu. Haaa zvakaoma saka
murungu aendesa nyaya kumapurisa"

Iii ndakatya nazvo ini.

Beaven " Police!!! Saka vatii."

Mai Rumbie " Hameno iyo mari yanga yakashota ndiyo yanetsa"
Beaven " Nhai Gulez saka muri kugara musingataure wani kuti Blaz vasungwa"

Mai Rumbie " Ndamboedza kukuphonerai ne app call but yanga isiri kuita"

Beaven " Ko madii maudza mainini venyu"

Ziii havana kupindura vakatarisa kuside. Ende futi so babamukuru vakanga vasungwa zvakaoma.
Beaven akaudzwa kuti vaiva kuBorrowdale police ndokwaakaenda husiku ihwohwo kunovaona.

The following day ndaphonera Sam kuti ndaizononoka kupinda muoffice kuti ndikwanise kumboona

Beaven " Maone i am going to meet murungu wavo nhasi so he drops charges but pachadiwa mari"

Its obvious and hapana paairega mwana wamai vake achirovera mujeri.
Me " Hoo ok. Wambonzwa figure yacho here babie"

Beaven " Nditone stress babie haa hama dzangu dzandipinza busy. Well around 15K"

Me " Iya yese iyo nhai mwari apa usd"

Beaven " Ufunge maone."

Me " So what do we do ndovati vapinde kuguest wing here?"

Beaven " Haa no. Baba Rumbie made it clear last night kuti mhuri yavo isagare pamba pangu saka
handide maproblems let them go. Ndichati vakomana vatore zvinhu zvavo kumba kwemurungu then
ndoona kuti maybe ovaendesa kuMabelreign, dai kuWestlea kusina contract iya ndaitoti vaende
Mabelreign hooo kwaRudo nhai saka kureva kuti ndokwaitira vanhu kwangu havadi ka. Aaah
hameno regai zviende ikoko. Vamwe vakadzoka wani maybe its for the good vamboona kuti akadii
Rudo. Handina ku commenter...... kuWestlea tanga tane a month tasigner contract ye 2 year lease
ne a Preschool saka kwasaita kubvisa vanhu zvekuti Tete Raviro vanga vakulodgerwa ku warrenpark
na Beaven

Beaven organised everything. Ini ndakangoita maroutine angu ndobva ndaenda kubasa.

Beaven 🤵🏽

Ndakatoona kuti blaz zvavaramba zvekumba kwangu zvanga zvasara apa ndezvekuti vaende
kwaRudo ko zvaisaita kuti nditi vaende kuMusha.

Ndakati vakomana vanotora zvinhu zvavo vaina Maiguru after that wonovaisa kwaRudo. I think for
now vaitofanirwa kutombogara ipapo. Ko ndairasa here hama dzangu.

I called Rudo

Me " Ndeipi dear"

Rudo " Mushe daddy mamuka sei"

Me" Ndamuka hangu shaa arisei mwana wangu mudumbu"

Rudo " Kkkk hanty wakasiya wamusvipira svipira kkkk ariboe. Miss you"

Me " Miss you too. Inzwa ka shamwari. Vana baba Rumbie vadzingwa basa ka saka vabva vabuditswa
muimba yavo so i was thinking kuti vambouya ikoko for sometime until vave settled. Izvozvi ndiri
kutoenda kumapurisa Baba Rumbie vari kuda kuenda kucourt"

Pakamboita ka Zii

Me " Uchiripo here Babie"

Rudo " aah hoo horaiti"

Me "ok shaa ndokuona maybe tomorrow cause ndine pressure nhasi"

Rudo " Pari bhoo"

_Rudo thinking_

Aaah ndo anonzi mashura akagotchwa aya ndo zvandisingade manje. Aah imba haigarisanwe ne
vakadzi vaviri. Why kwangu ko adii kuvaendesa kwa Simbiso kana kuWeastlea. Pano ndopadii. Aiwa
ndichapedzerana naye zvangu Beaven.

💥 *Flash back Mandy going home na Hubby*💥

Mandy " Vamwe vakadzi vakaoma shaa"

Dan " Indava babie"

Mandy " Nyaya yanga ichitaurwa mushop mandanga ndiri iish zvakaoma. Munhu anotoita multiple
sexual partners then wosarudza kuti nhumbu ndoti ndeyani. Iish ndabatikana"

Dan " Welcome to Harare my wife. Unonetsekana nei zvako ndozvitoripo muHarare macho vanhu
vari kuchengeteswa vana vasiri vavo ufunge. Thank God its not your son or brother anenge
apomerwa. One really has to be careful these days vasikana vakadzikama are hard to find"

Mandy " Taura hako iish"

*Handei naro book.*

*End of chapter 35*

Luv u all💋

[15/08, 22:14] Fungie Babie: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso* 💋


Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 36


The following day ndabva kutaura na Simbiso boss wangu akandideedza for a meeting with him.

Boss " Mr Jayden just a short one. I have been assigned by the Partners to invite you to a critical
meeting tomorrow at V and A waterfront board room at 2pm"

Me " ok am fine with it any dress code neh "

Boss " Yes formal black suit"

Me " Thank you"

Boss " Welcome that will be all"

Ndakabuda imomo wondering kuti what the meeting was for. I hope it was something good.

The following day I attended the meeting and to my surprise I was being offered shares into the
partners firm. I was really happy to be honest. I knew they would appreciate my expertise. Law was
my passion and I did my job to satisfaction.

Munongoziva kana chinhu chiri mauri you tend to excel. My intention wasn't to stay in SA forever I
had to go back home and get my things moving. But SA had added value to my curriculum vitae and
I had gained experience. SA is busy than Zimbabwe and there are more challenging cases you meet
on a daily basis. So it had opened my mind. Having shares in the firm meant an investment for me.
Yeah building an empire.
I was given the documents to go through before accepting the offer. These shares were not as if I
was going to bring any capital. But my general expertise and coming up with departments.

I received Simbiso's iternary from her secretary. She was arriving on Wednesday around 5pm and
departing Sunday evening. Her business days were Thursday and Friday. So I had to make use of
them so we get the work done.

Ndakazvozvitongesa. Yes I wanted her but if we were meant to be I should just let nature take its
course. This was going to help me. Hameno kutaura uku lets see when she comes.

I then booked a flight for me and my girls for that Sunday mundege yaidzokera na Simbiso. It was
going to be monthend and also school holidays. I wanted to leave Maka kuZim achimbozoenda
kwaMai va Hazel also I had a mission to accomplish kwana Alice saka zvaibva zvaita.

On Wednesday I sent a driver from the firm. I really wanted to go but ndakangoita zvisatyise.
Ndakazongoti I will go kuhotel kwake manheru like around Dinner time. That day ndorandakabva
ndaudza Maka kuti Simbiso is coming.

Maka" Really daddy are you serious!!"

Me " Am dead serious!!"

Make " Yessss auntie Simbie is coming am so happy. Is she bringing my brother"

Me " Kkkk no Maka she is coming for work"

Maka " aah so whom do I play with when you two are together daddy"

Maka akomana this girl mumusoro make mumbori nei.🤦🏽♂ Unotoshaya kuti mwana here

Me " You will see you will get someone to play with"

Ndakabva ndanogeza so that i go and welcome her....


Ende futi zvakaoma saka Beaven ainditora semunhu wake boyi rake rinongoitwa yese yese.
Mungati mhuri yevamwe baba youya kuti ndigare navo pamba pangu hehede zvakaoma nxaa.

Saka Madam boss ndovatove Simbiso ka ndiye akakutogara ari stress free ini ndichingopfondoka
zvangu nemazivanhu haiwawo.

Tanaka aingophoner weduwe. Aaah nhai imi. Ndakanga ndichimbo ignower kusvika ndazongo daira


Me " Hello "

Tanaka "kusapindura phone yangu hanzii"

Me " Kudii kweyi ndenge ndiri busy kani"

Tanaka "hooo saka wazoti ndokutora ka"

Me " Shaa Tanaka pane zviri kuitika"

Tanaka " Kuitika kwei zvinei neni. Ini ndoda kuona iwewe full stop zvevamwe handinei nazvo ini"

Yaaa zvakaoma weduwe.

Me " Ok huya in 1 hour ndenge ndave ready"

Tanaka " Ndokuti Rudo ka ok coming"

Ndakacutter phone. Tanaka hake ndainakirwa naye chete zvekuti kumuona kana achida
kungondiponesawo zvaitoita asi nyaya yake yekuti mwana mwana yanga yanditambudza.
Ndakagadzirira kwakugara ndakamirira Tanaka. Paakauya akaridza hooter. Kubva ndapa Sisi

Me " sis pachauya vana babamukuru mukoma waBaba Tinashe. Munovasiya vachipinda. Tichange
takugara nawo. Mobika Sadza ne maveggy hanty"

Sisi " ko nyama toisa ipi"

Me " Eeh eeh nhai mainini hamusi kunzwa here zvandati bikai Sadza ne maveggies full stop"

Sisi " Ndanga ndati zvamakati hamudye pasina kanyama kuda muchataura ka"

Me " Aah iwe unenge unonyanyawo kukarawo nyama iwe nhasi manje hakuna nyama inobikwa

Sisi " Ehoyi"

_Sisi thinking_

Hehede kwagariwa nemagaro mairi kkk. Tichaona hedu tiri pano.

Ndakabuda zvangu kuenda kugate. Tanaka anga anemota yaanga anayo the other day. Ndakapinda
achibva asimudza mota. Akabva atanga kuridza music pafull blast.

Ndakaona mota iya iyo yapinda muna bulawayo road ndikaziva kuti ndanangiswa kuChegutu aaah
kunodii nhai. Ndakadzima radio yacho.

Me " Ko nhai Tanaka tiri kumboenda kupi"

Tanaka "hauna kana rudo neni iwe kutadza kuti darling kana honey"

Me" Nhai Tanaka handina kukuudza here kuti am married"

Akabva aseka 🤣🤣🤣

Kwakunyarara zvake. Akawedzera volume paradio.

Ndakatokotsira muroad kwakuzomuka ndatove panenge pamba.

Tanaka " Buruka tone tasvika"

Me " Kusvika kupi wandiunza kupi Tanaka"

Tanaka " Rudo chingoburuka mhani"

Ndakaita sekudaro. Takafamba kwakupinda mumba. Ndakatarisa mapic aive kumadziro

ndopandakaziva kuti mumba make. Yooo nhai Tanaka aindipengera here kundiunza mumba
memukadzi wake.

Me " Asi chii nhai wakuda kundiuraisa ka wandiunzirei pamba pako Tanaka"

Tanaka " Asi kupi"

Me " Shamwari usatambe neni ka"

Ndakabva ndacheuka kuda kudzokera kwandanga ndabva.

Akandibata ruoko.

"Relax mai mwana havapo kani. Ndiri ndega ini" akadaro

Akazondiudza kuti vaive vaenda kumusha ndopandakasununguka. Iya ini munhu wausingazive
anonetsa. Zvaitoda vana simbie vanga vakapusa kana kuona irimo haana basa uya.

Takagara zvedu tichingotaura nyaya dzakangosiyana siyana kunyanya dzemhuri yake. Iii
ndaimuonera pasi nhai Tanaka munhu aiva netunhu twake shem. Iro sofa svinu zvaro kuzoti
furniture yaaa.
Takagara akati ndimubikire ndikabika. Nguva yese iyi hapana chaakataura pamusoro penhumbu uye
kana kundibata zvake. Saka ndanga ndato relaxer.

Tapedza kudya ndopandakazoona kuti nguva dzati endei kuzodzokera kuHarare taifanirwa

Pese apa aiita achimwirira tudoro twake. Ini ndainge ndamwa 1 glass andinyengerera.

Me " Shaa ngatichienda ndogona kuzowana Beaven auuya"

Him " Ok sweetie no problem. Asi ndingade timbofara mbinjana hona it's around kuma too 4 saka
tikambofara fara tobva taenda zvedu"

Akabva andisumudza pandaive kwakundidhonzera padhuze naye kwakutanga kundimwisa doro

akandikochekera nerumwe ruoko apa airidza music so taitamba hedu akaita kundiisa padhuze naye.

Doro rakanwiwa and aitoti inwa babie haumbodhakwe malight lager aya timbofare. Ko ndaizivei
chinonzi Light

Lager 🤷🏽♀

Kkkkk Rudo anofunga kuti ndingaenderane naye pamunyati nhai. Manje nhasi ndaida kumuita yese
yese and ndichitoisa pavideo zvangu. Kugara kuChegutu hakusi kupusa ka.

And video iyoyo ndaida kuichengeta zvangu kuitira mangwana. Pregnancy test ndaitomuitisa chete.

Ndakatoona kuti zvibude kumudhakisa zvoita and vana Mai Idah tanga taendesa kuEmpress kure uko
kunoita mwedzi ndaida kumbosimbisa mwana pakafaranuka.

Kuroorwa kupi kwaaitaura kuita small house ndozvainzi ndakaroorwa munhu kutadza kuuya kuna
ana Tanaka ana Dr Love kkkk.

Ndakaona munhu wangu doro razara mumusoro wake ndikati regai ndibvunze kuti muchiri kuda
zvekumba here. Kkkk ega akatoramba ndamubuditsira rinozi anaconda rangu.

Ndakatora fodya dzangu nedoro racho kuenda kubedroom kwangu. Ndokubva ndasetter zvinhu
zvangu kwakuzonomutora zvangu.

Ndakagara pabed ndichimubvunza kuti unoida here iyi akati aiida and yakedero futi lol. Ko zvanga
zvapa camera zve.
Ndakazonyatsa kumuzvambaradza pachi Tanaka chaipo kuita kumurovera kwemberi akazhamba
kudeedzera zita rangu chaiko. Haaa naka mhani...😋

Husiku ihwohwo ndakamuita yese yese zvimwe ndakazoti ndai editor kuri kuti yazoonekwa
naBeaven aito stroker chete kkk.

Kuma 3am ndakamuitisa wet mugaba. And chokwadi it was positive......


Wednesday ndakamuka ndikarongedza my bags for my trip. Ndaida kubva ndatobuda cause I had to
be at the airport by 1pm so I had no time kwanga kuri kungo pfuura ne kubasa chete zvekuti
ndaiperekedzwa na Beaven. Ndakabva ndazoenda mulounge ndakunooneka. Mwana ndanga
ndakasiya kwana Mhamha. I was planning on kubva ndatorumura cause I was going to be busy ne
basa. Besides mukaka wacho waitove mushoma uyo mazamu aisatombo zvimba.

Me " Mamuka sei Mhamha mamukasei Baba"

Baba " Tamuka wamukawo mai Junior wararasei"

Me " Tarara zvakanaka. Muviri urisey nhasi"

Baba "Aah ndasimba manje mai vangu iii handingatadze ndichi chengetwa nemi"

Mhamha " Nxaaa"

Takangotarisana kwakunyarara zvedu.

Beaven " umm Mai Junior vachambofamba nebasa nhasi vari kuenda kuSouth Africa"

Baba " Aaah ok. Iii basa ngarishandwe zvaro. Mufambe munyasha aah saka munosvika mangwana

Beaven " kwete vari kuenda ne ndege ava"

Baba " Aah zvakanaka "

Hatina kuzogara zvedu takainekana na mainini na Tete tikabva tabuda. Mhamha takangovasiya
vachingoridza tsamwa. I felt bad zvangu shuwa what was that.

Ndakazogaya kuti ndaitamba ini. Why cant i just keep rebuking the devil in her nhai. Yaa
pandaidzoka i had kumbo vanamatira in silence ndoita kuti pamba pedu paitwe ka all night varipo.

We passed through both work places them we went to the airport

Me:" ok honey ndakuenda take care and remember i will be here Sunday 9pm."

Beaven " ok my love travel safely i love you"

He pulled me close and we kissed. Memories of what we did last night flashed back into mind. Umm
zuro pakashandwa ndatenda zvangu.

My flight to capetown was interesting I sat beside an old white lady who told me a story about her
married life. Like she knew me nhai. Her story was more like mine although there wasnt witchcraft
involved. I didnt get to tell her mine but she did give me a book. *The power of a praying Wife.*

Very few times you meet munhu whom you connect with in spirit. I felt bold to face my situation i
really had to.

Capetown pfee. I did the airport check out umm kungopedza I started to feel nervous and those
butterflies started what really is wrong with. me nhai???. Ok fine maybe Jayden wacho

I walked out and was expecting to see him but there was no one ndakabva ndatanga zvangu to read
the placards ndopandakaona my name SIMBISO JPZ. I went straight to the gentleman we greeted as
he welcomed me ku SA.

To be honest ndakaboikana kuti why asina kuuya kuzonditora ari iye Jayden. I was just looking
foward to seeing him. Why I don't know really know. I was just pissed. Maybe he really has moved
on. I think I was being rather unfair he had a life to live. Inga ini wacho i was married wo wani.
He drove me to my hotel. I was booked at the Twelve Apostles hotel in camps bay. Ko ndokwedu ma
FD ka. We reached the hotel although it was far from the airport. This wasnt my first time I had
been in capetown before.

" Excuse me ma'am Mr Jayden told me to inform you that he will be here to meet you at 7pm for a
welcome dinner" akadaro driver uya as he left me ndatoita check in.

Kamoyo kakafara at least..

I got to my room woow it was one of the best rooms i had even seen everything chaingove on point.

I unpacked then took a bubble bath. Ndakanyatsa kurelaxer kumbo removee mastress ekumba
kwangu. Hongu I had decided not to be bothered ne mamwe ma events amd episodes aiitika paden
pangu but still its temporary zvinongokudzokera chete in the long run.

Ndakazopedza and got dressed into something simple and smart. I wore a short nude dress on yaiva
long sleeved iri fury. It went on to bring out the curves on me. Remember my body is hipilicious and
bootlicious kkk.
All the while when i was just doing my light make up. My mind was on Jayden. It was as if i was
meeting him for a first time date iiish..

When i was done it was now around 7.30pm. Ummm kuti achauya here. Tried calling hangu Beaven
ndikamuudza kuti ndanga ndafamba bhoo. Maaive maiva ne vanhu vaitaura vachiseka. I knew very
well kuti maybe aigona ari kwaRudo. Aaah handina kuda kuti zvindi affecte ndaiita stress ndiri ndega

I checked on my son he was very fine. Then the room phone rang.

"Good evening maam Simbiso. I have Mr Jayden to see you here"

" thank you will be there shortly. " Although i was kinda expect a knock at the door🤦🏽♀

I got my clutch bag and went down to the reception.

When i got there. There he was Jayden Masiyiwa the gentleman himself iiish Jay was just cool kani.
Anga akamira with his hands in his pockets akapfeka chinos trousers and a blazer. My heart skipped
a beat. Ndakamboita kunge munhu atadza kufamba chaiko. Ndakazozvishingisa nekungoenda
kwaaiva. His eyes were fixed on me. Damn that look kani.

" Hie and welcome to capetown" akadaro achitandavadza ruoko.

We greeted.🤝🏽

Me " thank you."

Jay " Ok shall we go for dinner "

Me " Fine"

Takafamba kubuda muhotel hameno kwandaiendeswa shuwa. We got into his car. Ummm he had a
nice ride.
" sorry i didnt ask kuti unoda kuenda kupi" akadaro.

Me " Am cool with any place"

Ko ndaiziva nzvimbo dzacho here inini nhai.

" Ok fine. Oh my bad. How wás your flight??"

Me " It was fine."

Mumota imomo maiva ne tension chaiyo you could feel that maiva ne ma silent fight imomo.
Emotions airwisana, moyo wairwisana, pfungwa dzairwisana imomo....
Takasvika ku restaurant kwacho. I ordered a light meal. We had our dinner. Apa hapana aitaura
neumwe although i had plenty to ask but i wasnt sure to ask or not. I could feel that he was fighting
himself to keep this strictly business.

Takazotaura about certain business prospects in SA. And why he thought Guateng was the right
location to place Sams factory.

He escorted me back ku hotel. When we got there akandipa SA line rekushandisa. He helped change
the line but haana kuchinja whatsapp number.

Him " Well Goodnight shaa have a good rest. I will pick you at 9am"

Me " Thanks for the dinner. And Goodnight"

Maziso edu did the talking. Do you know that someone can undress you using eyes only huh...
Akabva aenda ini ndikaenda ku room kwangu.

Ndakangosvika kwakutopinda mumagumbeze before i slept i opened my app. Kwakuona Jaydens


📩 Just checking if you are comfortable

I smiled hadzisi mviro mviro dzemhanza here idzi....

End of chapter 36

Luv u all guys 💋

[15/08, 22:14] Fungie Babie: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 37

*Rudo* 🦎

Ndakamuka kuseni wanikwe yooo zvakwatochena. Ko ndaivepi nhai I asked myself. Kutarisa kudai
wanikwe ndiri mumachira na Tanaka. Ndo pakatanga kuvhurika pfungwa dzako.

🤦🏽♀ oh finished ndange ndarara kuChegutu haayaa. Ndakada kuti ndisimuke ndiende kutoilet
ndinzwe kurwadziwa. Aaah Tanaka akandiitei weduwe. Ndakazongoshingirira zvangu kwakumuka
kuenda kutoilet. Ndichingobuda ndakawana Tanaka amuka agara pabed.
Tanaka " huya pano"

Ndakafamba ndichienda paaive. Anga akagara nechi pregnancy test. He held it to me and showed
me. It was positive. Anga azviita nguvai nhai....

"Mwana wangu ndomuda wanzwa handina zvakawanda" akadaro

Aipenga fani mwana upi ko kana nhumbu iri ya Beaven nhai ko hanty ndairara navo vese.

Me " Tanaka nhumbu haisi yako"

Tanaka "I know what am saying ka shamwari ndati I want mwana wangu plus handina mwana
anochengetwa nevamwe baba wanzwa"

Me "Iwe ndakaroorwa kaini"

Tanaka "pawaichema uchiti ndikuise wanga usati waroorwa nhai"

Me " Tanaka zvauri kutaura ndezvekupenga iwewe ndakarara newe musi uya chete. Beaven ndogara
ndichirara naye saka chinokupa zvivindi zvekuti ndewako ndechei"

Tanaka "Unoziva so handidi zvekunetsana newe. Nguva yese iyi wairamba kuti une nhumbu kaiwe
ndichiti hande kwaDoctor ukatonditi waenda kumwedzi saka chanetsa chii unozviziva kuti nhumbu

Ndakagara pasi

Me " Nhumbu haisi yako Tanaka. Indava uchida kundikanganisira marriage yangu. Syana neni une
mukadzi wako ka"

Tanaka " Handina kana basa newe kana wati ndisiyane newe ndokusiya asi mwana wawakatakura
ndomuda ndewangu. Asi ibva waziva handichengeterwe mwana neumwe murume"

Me " Yooo ndikwanire wanzwa nxaa"

Akafa hake nekuseka.

Akabva aisa on TV yaive mubedroom make. 😳😳😳😳 ndinzwe izwe rangu tarise kuona
zvandinenge inini ndikukwirwa ndakasimuka kunyatsakuenda padhuze wanikwe shuwa ndini nhai
ndikukwirwa na Tanaka.

Me " Tanaka chiii ichi!!"

Akabva atanga kuseka 🤣🤣🤣🤣

" Tanaka ndati chii ichi waitei nhai iwe" ndakaenda paari ndichida kumudzemura nembama
akaribata ruoko rwangu zvine simba..

" Unoziva hako Rudo ndaikuda iwewe. Wakandirwadzisa moyo wangu kwenguva yakareba shaaa"
akadaro akanditarisa.

Nanga ndashatirwa ini ndakamuvhizhura ndichida kumurova.

" Dzikama hako wangu. Video iyi inotosvika kuna Beaven chaiko manje manje ukaramba uchiita
zvauri kuita. Right mwana ndewani" akadaro

Me " Tanaka mwana haazi wako"

Tanaka akatora phone yake kwakuenda pachat ya Beaven.

" Ndosender zvangu ka" akadaro.

"No no mira uri kuzvitirei Tanaka uri kumbodei kwandiri nhai" ndakadaro ndanga ndapererwa ini.

"Ndoda mwana wangu uye ndoda iwewe" akadaro

🙄🙄 "Iwe ndiri mukadzi wemunhu handina mwana newe" ndakadaro

"Hooo aaah saka amai musha waparara regai ndisendere Beaven"

"Mira mira ndewako kani Tanaka!!!" ndakaerekana ndataura apa misodzi ichiyerera😭😭😭

" Good girl thats why i love you chibabe kkkkk" akadaro achibva abuda.

Ndakasara musoro uchiita kutema. Nhai mwari ko ndoipi iyi yandazvitangira weduwe. Kunaka
kwechimwe kushata kwechimwe. Ndoita seiko inini nhai weduwe. Tanaka haambondisiye uyu ndoita
seiko ndakagaya kusvika ndatokotsira.

Ndakazomutswa na Tanaka achiti Beaven anguri aphoner. Tarise pa phone wanikwe 17 missed calls.
Nhasi zvangu ndinonotiii inini. Ndakamuka ndikageza. Kwakupfeka hembe dzangu dzanezuro
idzodzo. Ndakati Tanaka aende neni kwaSisi vangu asati andiperekedza kuHarare. Ndakabva
ndadzima phone. Takasvika Sisi variko. Akasara akagara mumota ini kwakupinda mumba.
Ndakavatsanagurira why i had come kuChegutu nenyaya yekuti nhumbu yaiva yaTanaka.

Sisi " Maihwe zvangu Rudo unozviwanza iwe aah ndochii ichochi."

Me " Sisi weduwe chiregai kudarozve"

Sisi " Asi kudini. Unoti chipfambi chacho unoda, imba unoida apa mishonga imwe haishandi
ikavhenganiswa vhenganiswa. Inotoita confused woo.... izvozvi chindiudza uchazvipedza sei"

Me " Ndaisatomboda zvekurara naye asi Mhamha ndovakati nditsvage anondiitisa mimba faster"

Sisi " Iwe saka mhamha ndovakati enda kuna Tanaka ka. Rudo ka Rudo hameno hako chokwadi oooh
muromo wangu uyu mira uone hako"

Ndakatanga kuchema 😭😭😭😭

Ndakazonzwa Sisi vakuphonera Beaven iri paloud

Sisi " Sorry babamunini.... Ah mainini varikuno. Ndakavadeedza nezuro pane chikwama changu
chakasara ikoko... Saka vakasvika ndispo so havana kuzokwanisa kudzoka. Pri zvino hakuna magetsi
saka phone yadzima asi vakutokwira kuuya ikoko"

Beaven " Hooo ko kusazotaura ndanga ndakutya kaini"

Sisi " Very sorry babamunini"

Better ndaiwana masvikiro ekumba.....

*Jayden* 👨🏽⚖

Pane pamwe paunozama kuzvidzora poita pamwe pazvinongoita zvega seeing Simbiso today was like
a new page that had opened in my life. Ummm we had dinner together that evening but no matter
how both of us were trying the fight was just evident you could feel emotiond, feelings,, the mind
fighting within us. The best was just to keep quiet but what I knew was these 4 days were going to
be something else.....

Ndakasvika kumba and texted her she was online. She read and took time to respond then I decided
to send her another message again

📤 Good niğht Mrs Rushi

Then finally I saw her typing

📩 thanks for everything nyt.

Ndakangoseka zvangu and decided to sleep tomorrow was going to be another day.

I got the hotel around 9am and I found her at the foyer. Smartly dressed I helped her with her laptop

Her " Morning"

Me " Morning how was your night"

Her " Good thanks and yours"

Me " Great!!"

Her " How is Maka"

Me " She is fine left her at home she is on holiday"

Her " Aaah sweet"

We reached my office. We got down to business. My boss wasn't around for me to introduce her but
he had said he would have dinner with her that evening.
The day progressed well. Of course there were sometimes when we would drift away from
concerntrating and you end up being caught unaware staring at her.

Tension yanga yave nani zvayo. Munozivei its not like taisagona kutaura tese or something but we
were both afraid to come out of the business shell. We knew coming out of that shell could cause
things to happen and thats what we were both afraid of.

We did alot of ground work but there was alot still to be done. I decided to call it a day at 3pm.

Me " Shaa lets rest am tired yooo this thing is very tiresome"

Simbie " kkkk ok but remember I only have tomorrow to finish this stage"

Me "aaah tikasapedza will have to see you Monday"

Simbie " Monday kupi ndenge ndadzokera ini"

Me " Actually i am going kuZim on Sunday and will have some days ndiriko"

Simbie " Really ok but ko the appointment with that guy who has the factory you were talking

Me "I can manage that dont worry"

Simbie " oh ok cool"

Takabva tapacker kuenda. I told her about having dinner with my boss. She didn't refuse...

Capetown iish. Spending the day with Jayden was something else. Ini hangu wasn't good cause it
seemed as if I was now a high school chick you know having a crush on a guy but not knowing how
he felt. That was the drill. Yes he loved me but of late he was acting funny and I think he had moved
on I wasnt sure anymore.

We called it a day. We drove kusvika kuHotel. He helped me with my laptop bag kusvika kuroom.
Tasvika padoor I opened kuti ndinoisa mafiles mukati I wanted to work on them later. I mean I had
so much to read about the laws and regulations of foreign owned business operations in SA so that
am able to cub the pros and cons in my report. I was surprised Jayden was standing padoor kana

Ndakadzokera padoor achibva anditambidza the laptop bag.

Jay " So I will meet you at 7pm pa Foyer right"

Hameno bundo randakaita pahuro ne zvanga zvaitika why was he keeping a great distance between
us which meant he no longer had feelings for me ndizvo here....

Me " Xoo"
I closed the door and droped a tear. Jesus what was going on nhai. Simbiso you are over doing this I
thought to myself this wasn't me.

My Phone rang📞📞

It was Mona

Me " Hi Mummy"

Mona " Girlfriend WhatsApp kusabatika"

Me " Don't start sistooo"

Mona " tell us"

Me " I came for business and that's what I am doing?"

Mona " Kkkk how is Jayden"

Me " Muphonere umubvunze shaa"

Mona " Yooo une moto for sure anyway tobatana paapp"

Akabva acutter I felt bad. I had taken it all on her.

Ndakabva ndapinda zvangu mushower. After that ndakagara zvangu palaptop ndakamonera towel. I
did some updating about Today's progress kuna Sam.

My Phone rang📞📞

It was Sisi Mandy.

Me " Hi akoma"

Mandy " Hey sweetie long time"

Me " Ndiri bow ini murisey"

Mandy " Am cool hangu. Kurisei kuCapetown"

Iiish ndakanyara kasi Jayden ndiye anga avaudza here.

Me " Kuri nani zvako. Who told you am here"

Mandy " kkkk Jayden. Otherwise zvirisei zvamafambira ikoko "

Me " Zviri kuita hazvo"

Mandy " Great just wanted to say hi. Enjoy your evening"

Me " Thanks akoma"

Yaaa Jayden. Now what will she think kuti ndiri kufofiwa nehanzvadzi yavo here🙈

That evening we had a pleasant dinner with his boss. Takutopedza dinner Jayden received a call kuti
Maka anga asiri kunzwa mushe. His boss insisted that he should go and he would take me kuhotel.
Akamboramba but ndakamumanikidza kuenda. Ndakazosara ndikaendeswa kuhotel na boss
When I got there I was really worried. I called him


Me " Wasvika here how is she??"

Jayden " She is fine. Just vomiting and has a temperature I guess something she ate"

Me " oh shame is she awake so I talk to her"

Akabva amupa phone.

Me " What's wrong baby girl "

Maka " Yeah auntie Simbie please come over I need someone to hug me"

Me " But you have your daddy...."

Jayden " Can I pass through am close by coming from the doctors"

Me "aah ok if you insist"

Within 15 mins they had arrived. I heard a knock. I opened the door. Maka akaita kuzviwisira
mumaoko angu. We got in Jay akaramba akamira padoor

Me " Nhai iwe ko indava come in"

Jay " Was waiting to be invited"

I looked at him and shook my head. Zvimwe zvaiitwa na Jay so. I reserved my comment cause of
Maka's presence.

I sat with her in my arms. Jay anga akagara pa chair changing channels. Maka akabva abatwa
nehope kwakurara.

Jay " Ko zvawarara nhaiiwe"

Me " Hey don't disturb her"

Jay " Simbiso munhu wauri kujaidza achandinetsa"

Me " Asi chii nhai so how do you treat the poor girl she needs love"
Jayden " Ok fine. Ndakuda kuenda manje"

Me " Ok you can go she can sleep with me if you don't mind"

He looked at me ndobva ati

Jay " Ok fine see you in the morning then.

Me "cool "

He came close and kissed Maka then he lifted his head our eye's came into contact. Zvaingofanirwa
kuitika but then my phone rang.
Jay " Here. I am going nyt"

Akadaro achindisvitsa phone yangu achibva andibata pabendekete kwakuenda.

Ndakasara ndotaura hangu na Beaven anga aphoner kwakuzorara zvangu na Maka......

End of chapter 37

Macomment ndiri kumaona guys 💋

[15/08, 22:14] Fungie Babie: 💐💔 *A LIFE TIME OF TEARS* 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*💋

Edited by Belz

Chapter 38

"Nhai aunty ko indava maveggy muplate so. Inga ndakatenga nyama wani" ndakadaro ndaona
maplate esadza aiuya nemaveggy.

Aunty " Ndakanzi na mhamha ndisabate muriwo unless vataura"

Baba Rumbie vakanditarisa.

Me " Asi havapo ka ini ndakatenga nyama kuti idyiwe daily pano"

Aunty " Handina kuziva sorry henyu"

Ende futi Rudo chii chaakuita futi. Ndakatarisa time kuona dzatove kuma past 7pm. Munhu asonzi
akukwira kuma 2pm paye nanhasi here amana.

Ndakazama phone yake yaisa pinda.

Baba Rumbie " Beaven I think unofanirwa kugona kucontroller mukadzi wako izvozvi anongobuda
asinga taure achinorara kunze"

Vaiva ne point zvavo ndakazongovati ndichataura naye.

Ndakazonzwa mota yaisimudzwa kuroad gate richivharwa. Ndikaziva kuti auuya.

Akasvikopinda mumba achibva ananga kubedroom. Akati garei kwakudzoka.

Rudo " Kazuwai kazuwai weduwe" akadaro achimhoresana naBaba na Mai Rumbie

Akagara pasi kwakusimbisana nekubvunzana hupenyu.

Rudo " Baba Tinashe makadini"

Me " Am good thanks kwakadini kwamabva"

Rudo " Kuri nani zvako"

Aunty vakabva vauya na Tinashe. She started playing na Tinashe. Paakauya chikafu chake
akachiramba hanzi ndakaguta.

Takazoti tatitandarei ndobva taonekana takunorara. Ini nhasi ndairarira kuno. Ko kumba kwaisava
nemunhu zve.

Tichingopinda mubedroom ndakati regai ndimbotwasure mbambaira yangu isati yaenderera.

Me " Rudo chekutanga tsika yako yekungo disappear pano pamba ini handizvide wanzwa"
Rudo " Beaven Sisi havana kutsanangura here?"

Me " Kunyangwe vatsanangura zvavo but ndiri kukuudza zvavo zvandisi kuda"

Rudo " Ok ndazvinzwa"

Me " chechipiri since when pano pachidyiwa maveggy?"

Rudo " Mubvunzo here iwoyo Beaven. Maveggy agara anodyiswa almost everyday tichidya nesadza
unless uchida tibike zvisina maveggy mukati zvinoita futi"

Me " Iwe usade kutiza nyaya nhasi ndadya Sadza ne green veggies. Musikana wako ndamubvunza
kuti ko nyama akati wakati asabike nyama usina kutaura"
Rudo " Aah Sisi vanopenga fani hongu ndozvandakamuudza aingoerekana angobika muriwo
wandisina kutaura saka ndakamuudza izvozvo"

Me " Manje chiona kuudza mwana hupedzisira wakunyara pamberi pevaenzi"

Rudo " Haiwawo akadzungaira uyo nxaa"

Takabva tazopinda mumagumbeze.

I called Simbiso ndichida kunzwa kuti arisei kuCapetown. And she said she was ok. Ndakangoita 10
mins achingotaura nezve ikoko chete.

Ndapedza paphone ndakaedza kubata mumwe wangu akaramba kubatwa aitotensesa muviri wake.
Ndakazama ndichitoona kuti yoo igwenga

"Beaven ndakaneta let's try tomorrow"

😳😳 kuneta munhu aneta nei ipapo anyway ndakazongosiyana nazvo kwakurara zvangu...😴

The following day ndakangomuka ndichienda kubasa kwangu ndakabuda na baba Rumbie
zvaingondisiririsa kuti murume mukuru agare pamba shuwa here. Hameno vaingonobata bata
kufactory. Basa ranga rakatopera takabhadhara murungu mari yavo. Kuti ndizive kuti zvakafamba sei
chaizvo hapana aitaura zvainzwikwa but ndakango concluder kuti it was a set up.


I woke up husiku ndichida kunzwa kuti Maka anga arisey her temperature was high. Umm.
Ndakamuka ndikamupa paracetamol. Akabva arutsa umm shem. Ndakamutova tova kuti zvimwe

Ndakamboti garei ndichiverenga bible ndichizama monitor but ndakatoona kuti haisi kudzika.
Ndakagaya kuti ndoita sei manje. Ko iniwo ndange ndafarisawo kutora mwana wevaridzi apa ko
akawana chinomuwana iii ndokunzi kufarisa chaiko. I had no option than to call Jayden.

I tried his number the first time he didn't answer akazodaira the second time.

Me "Hello"

Jay " Hey... whats up indava"

Me " Shaa Maka ane temp uyu tried kumbomupa paracetamol nekumutova but umm"

Jay "Rega ndiuye"

Me " Ok "

I waited dzinenge 30 mins achibva auya. Ipapo Maka wacho akange amuka achiona macartoon.

Jay " Toita sei can we go to the hospital"

Maka " I don't wanna go to the doctors "

Me " But you are not feeling well baby girl"

Jay akabata pahuma he looked at me. He took the thermometer and tested her. Paka karira he

"Umm the temperature is normal inga wani". he said ...

I took the thermometer and sure yaitove 36°c. Ndakanyara weduwe zvanga zvakuita sekuti I just
wanted him to come.

Jay " I guess she could be right"

He smiled.😊
Me " Kkk I wasn't lying"

Jay " who said you were nhai?? Kkk"

Me " That smile of yours"

Akabva atoseka I ignored him. Kwakupinda mumagumbeze ne morning gown yandanga ndakapfeka.

Jay " Maka join your aunty it's 2am... Ini ndakuenda"

Serious aiendepi husiku hwuno.

Me " Why don't you just sleep seriously you can't go back this hour?"

He gave me that look yekuti une shuwa. Anyway Maka aivepo hapana zvaaimbondiita.

Maka came into the blankets. He locked the door and sat pa couch. Aida kundinzwa here muface
uyu. It seemed as though ndozvaaida cause ukaona it started nekumira padoor achiramba kupinda
requesting an invite. Then apa anga akuda kubuda kumirira nditaure. Now he wants me to invite him
pabed pazoitika something oti you invited me. No ways. I used wisdom.

" Maka kindly ask your dad to come and sleep on the bed pliz"

She is so obedient she did just that...

Jayden laughed .... ehe matsotsi haagerane kkk.

He joined us. Maka in the middle we slept... ndakazonzwa phone ichipinda message I ignored then
he said imbotarisa your phone could be important. I took the phone. Haaa yaa Jayden so.
📩 Are you serious??

I looked at him he gave me a sign yekuti pindura

📤 about??

📩 inviting me to your bed

I giggled

📤😳😳 this is a hotel bed nhaika

📩 and Maka

📤 what about her

📩 why did you use her the implications

📤 I am sorry....

📩 kkkk ok fine just do things you can handle

📤😳 don't get you

📩 cool hey. Ok fine was she really sick

📤 you think I lied🙄

📩 not really but 😷🤥

📤 you can't be serious. Anyway I am sleeping😴

📩 not until am done with you its better we chat than I cross over Maka

📤 you wouldn't dare

📩 try me 🤪

📤 Jayden Masiyiwa goodnyt

📩 it surely will be the best with you close by.

📤😜 nyt

📩 😘 nyt

I laughed ndichikanda phone yangu kwakadaro. Iye achibva agadzirisa pahuro.

The following day we woke up rather late. Actually I woke up and found Jayden seated atomuka
achitoona hake Movie.

Jay " Ndeipi how was your night"

Me " Mushe and yours??

Jay " Bhoo zvekuti different from when it's just the two of us. Me and Maka"
Me " Hahaha"

Ndakabva ndamuka and got into the bathroom. I locked the door Jayden is unpredictable at times.
After bathing Maka anga amuka but since akauya ari mumapyjamas we couldn't go ku breakfast. I
quickly dressed my bathroom. Then we carried my laptop and went kumba kwaJayden.

Hey hey hey his house was cool. Umm saka arikuita mari Jayden munhu kuita imba yakanaka
muforeign land.

Ndakasvika kune ainzi Mai Jayne hanzi muzukuru. Umm she was so excited to meet me hanzi Maka
is always talking about me. Takawana vatobika breakfast. We ate then Jayden achibva anogeza. Yaa
pakazonetsa takuda kubuda kuenda kubasa Maka akuda kuendawo then I had to promise her that I
would sleepover 🤦🏽♀


Maka so ka. Ehe ndiye engineer wezvese izvi amana ko dai asina kurwara ndingadai ndisina
kuzopedzisira ndarara nenyere uye ndakabata mbolis mumaoko. Ko maida ndiurukire munhu here.
Ehe vamwe vangati kupusa asi hakusi kupusa kungovawo hugentlemen. Zvimwe hazvidi hasha
ndapota nice and slowly ichateyeka zvayo shiri.
Pana Simbie it wasn't just a matter of jumping into bed with her and fulfilling my sexual hunger well
yes sex was just like icing on the cake for me. But I wanted more than just an intimate relationship. I
wanted her to be mine. I wanted her to realise that she didn't belong to that good for nothing piece
of shit Beaven but her true place was with me. But we still had a long way to freedom if at all we get

Takabuda kuenda kubasa. The mood had improved more than yesterday where it was all tension....

She was a bit free today cause she asked so many questions about what she was seeing around. She
was excited about going to the beach kkk.

We did our work. Nhasi it was more interesting than yesterday. Just because the atmosphere was
just conducive. Our eyes would come into contact here and there.

And Beaven aiphoner hake well ndaiziva kuti ndiye. She loved him yes but she wasn't getting the
return on investment from the love she invested in Beaven that's what hurt me more yet ndaivepo
readily available for her nhai. I really wondered at times what it would take to make her change her
mind. To be honest if she did I would do anything to have her.

I kept calling Mai Jayne and at times she Simbiso would request to do it. She was checking on Maka.
But since patanga tabva she seemed well
We stayed after hours takuda kuconcluder zvedu. Although tanga tisati tapedza zvedu but this stage
was as good as done. Aizongono kwenenzvera basa rake adzokera. I decided to ask her if she can
attend dinner with Me and Maka. Aaah ndaingozviitira hangu Maka. She didn't refuse.

So I left her ku hotel

kwake kwakuenda kumba kunogadzirira. In 30mins ndanga ndatodzoka zvangu and

we waited for her kuti apedze you know women.

We drove to a fish and chips restaurant paWaterfront. It was Friday night and pa waterfront paiva
busy zvekuti.

Our dinner was lovely we enjoyed every moment as it lasted kunyanya Maka was just over the
moon. Unotoshaya kuti zvaipindirana papi naSimbie bond yacho was just too much kani.

We walked to the car. Ndaingonzi na Maka daddy pliz move away we gave some girls talking. Kkkk
aya so basically I walked alone kuenda kumota ndaingonzwa vachizevezerana nekurovana maoko...

When we got into the car ndakuti regai ndinzwe cause Simbie had promised Maka a sleepover
ndaizogona kumhanya ka.
"Ndamirira kunzwa kwamuri girls" ndakadaro.

Simbie " Drop me kuhotel kwangu tomorrow we can go to the beach"

Maka " then you can sleepover tomorrow right"

Simbie " Exactly"

Me " And me..."

Simbie " what about you??"

Me " Can I join you"

They looked at each other and laughed.

Maka " Yes please"

Right I felt like a high school dude these girls were just too tight. Ndaitorongerwa dende navo zve.

I drove to the hotel. Maka anga arara. We got to the foyer.

Simbie " Don't worry chienda na Maka anorara it's been a long night"

Me " Are you sure"

Simbie " Yes anyway there is no need it's only me and my small bag. Nyt see you tomorrow"

Akabva aita senge akubuda. I held her hand " Wait" I said. Nechandaimumisira nhai weduwe....

She stopped we looked onto each other's eye's. Haa the moment was just magical.

"Thanks for spending the evening with Maka" I finally said.

"No problem Jay" akabva abuda.

Yaa this girl sooo. Anotenderedza brain 😉

End of Chapter 38

Luv u all😘

[15/08, 22:14] Fungie Babie: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso* 💋

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 39


This trip was just straining especially my mind akomana. Ndoti basa then uku I couldn't stop thinking
of Jayden it was as of I was obsessed with the guy. Zvakaoma hazvo.

Handina kurara my body was just doing things I didn't understand myself. I was just high with
feelings and ndaitodawo sex. Ndakaedza phone yaBeaven kuti maybe ndikataura naye zvaipera. The
first ring he didn't pick ndakatimboda kusiyana nazvo. Cause it was now 12pm. But ndakatryer futi
then he answered

Beaven " Babie are you ok"

I expected that cause of time yandanga ndichiphoner

Me " Just missing my man urisey"

Beaven " umm bhoo zvangu babie I miss you to. Can't wait to have you here"

Me " Soon honey soon"

Beaven " Thanks for calling had a long day so hope. Love you sweetheart"

Me " Love you too honey"

Akabva a cutter.
Ndichingopedza kutaura na Beaven. Message yakapinda mu app. I opened it. It was Jayden.

📩 still awake..

I laughed zvangu. Ko iye anga akasvinura wani..

📤 and yourself..

📩 Can't sleep someone's on my mind..

📤 umm ok...

📩 and you
📤 you wouldn't wanna know kkkk nyt.. .

Ndakakanda phone uko. Aaah ndaisada kuramba ndichitaura pa app hameno zvandanga
ndakungonzwa soo.

The following morning ndakanonoka kumuka zvangu ko ndaimukirei sekuti kune kwandai mhanyira I
was resting zvangu. Pandakamuka dzaive kuma 8am. I started to think about what happened 2
nights ago. But at times I think am just too crazy munoziva. Kurara muma same blankets na Jayden
kwaitova kufarisa chaiko kkk. If Beaven found out maiti ainzwisisa izvozvo here pakaipa.

Ndiri mundangariro kudaro phone yakarira aiva Jayden aitoda kuziva kuti taienda nguvai we agreed
on time.

Ndakazomuka and took my bath and got dressed nekuenda for breakfast. Ndopakasvika Maka na

Ndakanotora my stuff kwakupinda mumota takananga pa camps bay beach.

Maka was so excited zvekuti. Taiva ne muzukuru wavo Mai Jayne. Jayden akamboenda somewhere
ndopandakasara ndikapfekawo beach wear yangu. I had kuzosunga hangu ka light chiffon style
rekuuya nepamberi iri criss cross wosunga kuseri kwehuro.

We played kani. Tiri 3 taiva ne floating ball redu. After kunge hour Jayden akazouya he joined us in
his shorts. Haayaa his chest amana yaikonzeresa six pack iyo ummm.

Ndakazonogara pasi kwakumbosiya kafamily aka kachifara after a while. Jayden akazouya pandaive
he lay beside me.

There was a bit of silence. Takazotanga kuseka tichiona Maka achipushwa ne ma waves.

Jayden "She is having real fun"

Me " Yaa true ufunge"

Jayden " Thanks shaa for making my daughter happy you don't really know what your presence
means to her to have a motherly figure around"

Me " You are welcome"

Jayden "Simbiso ndinokudà shaa"

Ndakaita kuvhunduka sekunge ataura something chandaisaziva nhai. Apa kuziva ndaitoziva ini. I
couldn't respond.

Jayden " I know you love me babie. Look how happy you are with me shaa. Ndaona ndikanyarara I
would kill myself ne bp. I am dying inside of me. The love I have for you is killing me slowly... have
you loved something and you can never have it that's how I feel about you"

Hey anga ataura. Truth was that I loved him too. But zvainetsa I was married.

Jayden " Give me one chance to prove my love for you... give me one small chance so I can show you
what you are missing babie"

Jayden soo ka his words aipinda pinda munyama dzangu kani kani
Our eyes came into contact hapana akambotaura neumwe we just drew closer. I placed my lips on
his and we kissed. That kiss could have taken us along way but Maka akabva wasvika. Nhaka
ndakanyara too bad. She stood there in amazement. Unoita kunge wabatwa cheating amana. Jayden
say something hey....🤦🏽♀

Jayden " Maka wapedza kutamba here"

She looked at me then her Dad achibva azunguza musoro

." No daddy" akadaro eye's fixed on us.

Hayaa I knew a million questions were racing in her mind. This was torture.

I stood up kwakufamba kuenda zvangu.... Hameno akasara nemwana wake. I walked zvangu
ndakazonzwa kubatwa muchiuno ndakavhunduka.

"What was that for.??"

Me " Shaa ndanyara we shouldn't have in front of Maka"

" She doesn't matter" akadaro

Akaramba akandibata from behind... I was getting comfortable ndobva ndagaya kuti am in a public
place am married am a Christian and what if someone sees me. Ndakabvisa maoko ake

Me " We are in public Jayden"

Jay " I don't think I care"

Ndakabva ndafamba.

" Wait am sorry shaa" akadaro andibata ruoko.

Me " Jayden... what we did can confuse mwana"

Jayden" Simbiso was it avoidable no. And what of the other night we slept in the same bed hazvi
confuse mwana here"

Yaaa I was in a dilemma zvese zvaiconfuser but iiish pakaipa.

Takadzokera and sat down. Maka akauya achiti daddy vake vatambe naye. She had a small spring toy
ravaikandirana na Mai Jayne daddy vachinzi huyai mutore. I decided to join in so it was me and Maka
as a team. Jayden na Mai Jayne as a team.

Haaa it was the funniest game ever mumvura imomo tichidonha pasi. Tichifara tichiseka. Maka
aimakana na Mai Jayne inini na Jayden. Hauzvide futi when I had the toy. Jayden aiita kundirwisa
chaiko I was all in his arms. Pamwe aiuya from behind achizama kutora the day was just interesting.

Takazobva kubeach kuma 6pm and passed through buying pizza and we went kumba kwake.
Takasviko geza hedu. Then we warmed the pizza and had our supper. It was as if I belonged here
cause I fitted so well.

Pakunorara pakatanga futi nyaya.

Maka " let's sleep together"

I looked at Jayden ndichiti achapindura mwana wake but akabva atondipa sign yekuti pindura.

Me " No sweetheart me and you will sleep in your room"

Maka " but we spent the day together besides am not feeling well"

Me "Ok fine it's either you sleep with me in your room or your dad in his room. We can't sleep

Maka " But why Auntie we slept together the day before yesterday no one complained"

Jayden " Maka Auntie and I are not married my love. So my bedroom is only for people who are

Maka " But you kissed her you told me its only married people that kiss wani"
Right unopera power zveshuwa.🤦🏽♀ this girl is clever I thought.

Vakazonyengererana na Dad vake and achibva aenda kunorara muroom make. Jay told her that I
would follow.

Takasara mulounge tiri two. Achibva ati let's go ku Movie. I refused manheru iwayo kunodii so he
suggested we watch a movie mulounge.

Takatanga mumwe ne mumwe ari kusofa kwake. We deemed the lights hanzi waramba zveku
movie house saka togadzira home made movie theatre It was a romantic movie zvayo...

He went ku kitchen akadzoka ne madrinks. And sat next to me. Ndakaramba kunwa anything.
Ndanga ndangove tense zvangu.

"But why shaa senge nhasi wandiomesera ufunge hako" akadaro

" Ndaita sei"

" Am a man Simbiso and I can't keep on holding on to my feeling ka" akapindura

Ndakamboda kuseka ko aibva ataura ne kazwi kainzwisa tsitsi weduwe...

Me " Jay you are a nice guy I don't wanna lie but my hands are tied. Making out with you will only
injure you more. If you get me correct"

Jayden " Am not after having sex but am after your heart"


Me " Do you think it's possible how do you expect me to share love. Kuita barika revarume here"

Jayden "Simbie this is me and you look we are just meant to be"
Akabva auya padhuze dhuze neni. " Look at me"

Umm eye's talk amana within minutes we were kissing....

Jayden 👨🏽⚖

The kiss was getting real hot. Ndanga ndazvipira ini handisi kudzora tsvimbo this time. We kissed and
kissed. I began to move my hands up her top. She moaned.

I forced myself onto her.

Suddenly she stopped me and pushed me away.

" Stop Jayden it's not right. I can't do this please" akadaro

Ndakamboda kunyengerera but she refused. Integrity ndo yakandibata chete. She stood up and
went to sleep. Damn!! where had I gone wrong nhai. Ndakarwadziwa ne Nyere too bad.
The following day I decided kuenda kuChurch I told her but she refused so ndakazomusiya kuroom
kwake. Ini ne mhuri yangu kuchurch.

I tried calling her after church but yanga yakadzimwa. Ku app aiva offline futi. Ndakazoti maybe she
needs her space.

Ndakasvika kumba and I sent a app message.

📤 am sorry shaa for violating. My point remains the same babie I love you and it's not going to
change. I know you feel the same. Can you at least think about it ok I maybe wrong in wanting to
make you divorce your husband for my sake. But look at it you deserve better you deserve my love.

Ndakabva ndatanga kurongedza we were going kuZim I was going for about a few days and Maka na
Mai Jayne vainosara ikoko.

Time dzekuti tibude dzakakwana. Driver wekubasa akauya kuzotitora then we passed through
picking Simbiso kuhotel kwake. Ndaifunga ndomuwana akatsamwa chete but kana she was the
happy woman I was in love with. She sat na Maka and ndakamboita kajealous hangu. Maka was
having all her attention. Ndakazoona response ichipinda.

📩 I am crazy about you but I AM MARRIED. I think I over did things let's try and stick to business so
we avoid getting hurt.
Mashura chaiwo.. ndakabaikana aida ndiite sei chaizvo. This girl ka. Iniwo kupusa ndingadai
ndakangomupina ndakamunyudza Jacob aitaura zvaari kuita here amana. Anyway lost chance I will
find my way next time.

Maka sat pakati pedu mundege. Hatina kuzombotaura nyaya yacho zvekare. I also put the
gentleman approach. Cause ndakangogara ndapindura kuti cool.

At Robert Mugabe International airport. I was welcomed by my Mum. She was surprised to see
Simbiso with us. Takangovati takwira same flight.

Me " Hubby ati chii?"

Simbie " Don't worry I can always get a cab"

I went close to her...

" told you just think about it babie he isn't worth the while" I whispered.
She just laughed. Ndakangoboikana ne kumusiya ipapo but I knew she would be fine.

_2 days later_.

Tanga tavemo muZim zvedu. Ndakaphonera Tete vaAlice sekuronga kwatanga taita.


Me " Tete makadini"

Tete " ndinofara babamununi mukati masvika henyu"

Me " ehe ndamo muZimbabwe. Ndiri kuda kuziva kuti hurongwa hwedu huchakamira mushe here
Tete " Manga matononoka babamununi ndakakutarisirai chaizvo"

Me " No problem Tete ndisvika kuma 12pm ikoko"

Tete " Ehoyi tomuonai"

Ndakapedza phone na Tete ndakaphonera Alice ever since ndiuye aingonetsa nekuda kundiona.


Me " Hie"

Alice " Jay shaa"

Me " I will pick you kuma 9am ikoko please be ready ndine zvakawanda zvandiri kuda kumhanyisa"
Alice " Ok I will. I love you"

Me " Ok"

Ndakabva ndacutter phone....

Ndichingopedza Mhamha was standing at the door na Maka.

" Maka go and play my dear... Jay ko uri kuenda kupi??" Vakabvunza

Me " I have a couple of things to do that's all should be back normal working time"

Mhamha " Ok hanty wataura na Mandy ati musangane achitora Maka"

Me "Yaaa hope apedza"

Mhamha " Yes apedza.... sit I have 2 issues I would like to discuss with you"

I sat pa bed navo. I wondered what the issues were vanhu vakuru weduwe.

Mhamha " First issue am not comfortable kuti mwana aende kuna Mai Hazel"

Me " Asi Mhamha chii nhai I had already accepted ka ini"

Mhamha " I know Jayden but my instincts just tell me kuti something is not right. I have contacted
your sisters vese they are worried to"

Dad " Exactly I don't think it's right. Mwana wavo akatiza murume and abandoned mwana wake...
now vanoda kutubuka sehohwa why"
Me " Ok ndapanzwa. I will just visit naye and come back then"

Mum "good... the other issue Jayden. I brought you up to be a good boy with Godly principles"

🙄 chaa chii manje

Me " Yes mhamha"

Mhamha " As much as I love Simbiso but she is married and you must respect that "

Makanakaishe damn I knew it....

Ndakatarisa pasi
"Nditarise hako. I know you love her but haasi wako. Leave her nehupenyu hwake. Muchatiitira
zvimwe hatidi kunyara isu hanty. Ndakaudzwa zvese na Maka. Uye Maka wauri kudai you are killing
her. Chekutanga uri kuraiser false hopes in her chechipiri urikumudzidzisei nhai baba Maka"

She was right zvavo but hey ndaimuda Simbie ini.

Me " Mum I hear you but I seem not to be able to control myself the feelings I have are killing me
ndomuda mwana uya"

Mum " Jayden ummm imhosva rudzii yaunoda kuita iyi. Mukadzi wemunhu here???. Wadii
wachingotsvaga mumwe vakadzi vakawanda mwanangu"

Dai vaiziva kuti hongu vakawanda but my hearts beats for Simbiso chete.

Ndakazongoti ok will try. Kwakubuda ndakananga kunosiya Maka kuna Mandy then kunotora Alice
kuti tiende. Ndakasvika pandanga ndichifanirwa kusangana na Mandy but she wasn't there
akazonditi she will be there after an hour. Ndakazo decider kunotora Alice ndodzoka cause ndange
ndave behind time. I needed to go and come back my program was tight.
Ndakasvika Alice apedza she wanted me kupinda mumba but ndakaramba. Akazobuda hake.
Vakamhoresana naMaka. Maka wacho aingova low low zvake ndanga ndambonetsana naye achiti
hande tinoona brother yake kkk referring to mwana waSimbie

Takasimuka Alice akagara zvake pafront seat ndakangozvisiya zvakadaro ko ndaibvei zvangu.

Ndakananga kwandaisangana na Mandy

Alice "Ko tiri kuenda kupi"

Me " Iwe gara chete ipapo ungabve wada kuziva zvose here"

Takasvika takambomira Maka akunzwa nzara. Alice akabva ati akubuda na Maka achinomutengera
food. I gave her my card ndikati atsvagirewo Tete ka grocery ke $100.

Ndakagara zvangu ndakazonzwa munhu aku knocker pawindow. It was Mandy. Ndakabuda
ndikahugger naye.
Me " Ndeipi"

Mandy " Hehede kusimba kudai ukati uchiri bachelor here iwewe iya"

Me " Ko asi chii nhai"

Mandy " Saka Simbiso madays aanga ariko pane zvakaitwa chete"

Me " Kana ufunge I respect her"

Mandy " Jayden kkkkk unoda kunyepera ani. Ko Maka aripi."

Handina kuda kutaura zvaAlice she still was an unfinished project saka ndaizotaura ndabva kwaTete.

Me " Arikuuya "

Takabva tatora bag ra Maka kwakuenda pamota yake she was parked pabay behind me. Akabva
ataura concern yamhamha yekuti Maka asaende kwana Mai vaHazel. Ndakazvitsigira hangu. Pese
apa taitaura takakochekerana ne my Sister kani. Rudo rwacho rwanga rwakanyanya.

" Aunty" akamhanya Maka achiuya.

Ndakaona Alice achipfinyama kwakuvhura mota kuisa magrocery kana kumbouya kuzomhoresa
Mandy. Anyway anga aita zvake ndozvandaida chaizvo.

Mandy " Ndiani you Jay umm her face is not new who is she"

Me " Kkkkk bye tobatana.... be good Maka"

I kissed Maka ndikabva ndamhanya kunopinda mumota mangu nekubva ndatoenda

*End of chapter 39*

Luv u guys keep the comments rolling.....💋

[15/08, 22:14] Fungie Babie: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*💋


Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 40


That woman where did I see her nhai. Kupiko ndakanetsekana nazvo but I knew her very well.... apa
she looks pregnant.... is she Jaydens girlfriend????
Me " Hello Maka are you ready to spend sometime kwaTete. Your cousins are waiting for you at

Maka " I can't wait aunty"

Ndakangoti regai ndifeye mwana kuti Jayden ane girlfriend ummm.

Me " Maka whose that aunty you were with??"

Maka " Aunty Alice or Ashy' s Mum.."

Me " Really Is she a friend of daddy??"

Maka " Not really she is my mum's friend she visits us at home. But I don't like her neither does Dad.
I like aunty Simbiso"
Me " oh really"

Akange akungotaura about auntie Simbiso's visit but handina kumboterera stereki my mind was on
trying to figure out what was Jayden doing with Hazel's friend. Besides that why does she visit them
kuSA??? It's not clear at all. Regai ndizomubvunze Jay wacho. But still her face was just familiar i
knew i had seen her somewhere....


Ndakangoisimudza mota kwakuenda.

Alice " Who was that?"

Me " Wadii kubvunza takamira ipapo"

Ehe ndakamupindura pfocho. Ko iye anga ambotadziswa nei kusvika.

Haana kutaura futi. Ndakaisa radio on kwakuisa volume. Tapinda muMarondera akati aida recess
ndakamisa mota. She went adzoka ndakuda kusimudza mota. Phone yangu yakabva yarira it was

I smiled 😀

📞📞📞 ndakaisa paloud....

Me " Hesi babie"


Simbie " Imbomira izvozvo mhani Jayden"

Ndakatarisa Alice ne corner reziso ndikati nechemumoyo svotwa zvako...

Me " Usadaroso you know I have feelings for you"

Alice " Ndiwe ani uno..."

Ndakabva ndacutter phone. She took the phone.

Me " Dzosa phone iyoyo"

Alice " Unopenga fani what do you take me for. Uri kutsvaga kuda kundisvotesa here who is that

Apa anga akuda kuphoner back. Ndakarwisana naye kuti nditore phone yangu. Finally ndakaitora.
Akapopota munongonzwa...
Ndakazongodzima phone yacho. Hameno kana Simbiso anga anzwa ndaizomuphonera ndichinzwa
kuti anga achidei. Ndakatozo driver kusvika kwaRusape Alice achipopota ini ndichifunga zvangu

Takasvika kwaTete tikatambirwa nemufaro. Ndakabuditsa grocery riya rikatambirwa. Takapinda

mumba kwakugara. We sat side by side I just kept my cool zvangu.

Takakwazisana Alice akaita maintroductions acho. Maiva nana Tete 2 na mbuya vake.
Ndakanakidzwa hanzi uyu anonzi Jayden Masiyiwa mukomana wangu kkkkk hayas I was happy
kuona delegation yacho...

Takaunzirwa drink.

Tete " Eeh babamunini ndimi madai kutiunganidza "

Me " chokwadi Tete ndauya ndafara kuti madzeedzawo muninina wenyu pamwe na mbuya kuti

Tete " Pfuurirai henyu mberi babamunini tikurukure. Isu pano ndakaphonerwa ne musikana wenyu
uyu kuti ane pamuviri akati Tete mukomana wangu ari Joni. Takagara kusvika ndakubvunzai kuti
zvakamira sei. Saka nhasi tiri pano kuti matigarisa kuti tinzwe"

Me " Chokwadi Tete. Muchiona kudai ndoda kuvamba nyaya yangu ne muzukuru wenyu uyu."

Ndakatora ruoko rwaAlice kwakurubata.

" Tete muzukuru wenyu uyu ishamwari yeformer wife yangu. Kuti ndizobata hupombwe
hwemukadzi wangu ndiye akandibatsira. Haiwa muhushawari aiva madzi sahwira. Akatanga kuuya
achida kuona mwana handina hangu kuita basa nazvo. Ndakatama kuenda kuSA. Akanditevera ikoko
handina chandakataura. Akazokonana na Mai vangu rimwe zuva vashanya kwakuonekwa aripo.
Havana kufara. Akatozobva hake ndamuti enda. Akaramba achiuya. Kuti nditi ndingazive kuti
ndakarara naye sei ndinganyepe. Asi handina musi wandaka muti ndinokuda ndizvo ka shamwari"

Ndakaona vakadzi vakuru vachiita kupererwa. Alice wacho ndaitonzwa maoko ake achidikitira.
Alice " Jayden usadaro wakara neni wani. Nhumbu yakamera here"

" Handina kuramba Alice ichokwadi asi ka Tete uyu muzukuru wenyu handimude ndochokwadi.
Akangofanana ne mukadzi wangu wandakarambana naye. Chinomupa chivindi chekutevera munhu
rume chii. Kwandiri akaratidza kuva hure zvino handikwanise"

Alice " Aaah Jayden !!!"

Me " Save simba rako Alice. Tete nditenderei mwana wangu ndinotambira..... mwana chete uyu
muzukuru wenyu handikwanise."

Vakatura mafemo. Tete vakatanga kupopotera Alice. Iye aipindurana nawo but I just kept my cool.

Tete " Saka babamunini hamuchinjiwo moyo here"

Me " Handikwanise Tete. Kwete kuti ndine wandinaye handina asi kuti hunhu hwemwana wenyu
uyu🙌🏽 surrender kana achigona kuita zvaakaita pandiri chinomukonesa kuita futi chii"

Mbuya " Muzukuru wadarirei zvimwe rudo rwaimutuma besides patova ne mhosva kaapa hunhu
hunogadziriswa ungade vana vanongokura vasina vana mai here"

Me " Gogo zviri nani vashaye psne kugara nehure remukadzi"

Takambokikiritsana but vakatoona kuti ndanga nditori serious.

"Ini Tete ndakuenda. Mwana wangu ndati handirambe. Ndichabhadhara zvose zve maternity
ndozoona azvarwa kuti ndomuita sei.... Mbuya na Tete maita basa"

Mumwe wangu kuda haana kuziva kuti ndaitove serious akabva atanga drama rekuchema
nekundidhonza achida kuzviwisira pasi ndakapinda busy chaiyo.
Ndakazopukunyuka ndokuenda kumota ndakananga Harare uyu ndanga ndapedza naye zvangu. I
drove for a while kwakuparker mota. Ndakabva ndaphonera Simbiso


Her " Hie"

Me " Babie"

Her " Uchandirovesa nemurume wangu iwe"

Me " Can't wait for that day unobva akatizira kwandiri kkk"

Her " Handidi ini kune munhu anondirova ikoko inga wauripo pandanzi ndiwe ani"
Damn ndakanyara kkk anga azvinzwa..

Me " Hakuna ariko kuno pandanga ndiri chete."

Her " Nyepa anyway I am happy kuti you can move on"

Me " Usadaro soo babie unondirwadzisa..."

She laughed.🤣🤣🤣

Simbie " Wanted to ask zvangu kuti are you going to send the pics of the factories any time soon."

Me " Yes give me 3 days it will be sorted. Am going back kuswera mangwana. Can we have lunch"

Simbie " No shaa it's not possible"

Me " Unorwadzisa hako"

Simbie " the pain is bearable as it is kkkk bye"

Me " hayaas bye "


Ende zvakaoma zvandanga ndaitirwa naJayden weduwe.

Tete "mweya wechihure wakauwanepi nhai Alice shuwa munhu kuto complainer chihure chako here
chiona zvazvadai todini"

Tete2 " Akoma hongu akakanganisa Alice asika munhu anongoenda kumuridzi wenhumbu. Iye
zvaaiona Alice achiuya aidii kumutandira kure.. .Chandoziva hakuna murume ano repwa nemukadzi
mumba make bodo akatoti dzawira mutswanda hadzichanetse kunhongera"
Mbuya " Chokwadi Tete Alice ngaaende kumurume wake tese tese takatizira murume uya
achiramba asi nhasi tigere mudzimba Alice usatombojaidze"

Tete1 " Saka tomuendesa kuhama dzacho here munokuziva here mainini"

Ndakafunga ndikaona ndisinga kuzive of course Hazel once mentioned her in-laws stay in ku chisipite
but ndaisaziva papi.

Me" Handizive"

Tete 2" ngaaende kwaari muridzi tozoita zvehama tambo dealer nemuridzi"

Vakadzi ava vakazoti ndironge na Tete vakuru kuti tiende kuCapetown kwacho vainondisiya ikoko.

I had to make a plan otherwise ndaitofa nekurohwa zvangu. Kutozoendeswa kuZimbabwe

Murume wacho aisatonzwisisika uyu. He was ever high me madrugs ana cocaine doro ainwa but
kuvakadzi uko umm I doubted cause akabuda 2 days aidzoka achindikw**a zvekuti ndaisara kuzasi

Mumwe musi ndabva kunosiya vana ku kindergarten ndaka receiver phone call. I checked number
it was Verna nhai...


Me " Hello Verna"

Her " Mushe hun how are you doing??"

Me" All is just great!!"

Ko maida nditi chii hapana pandaiudza mafriends angu machallenges andaisangana navo
vaisatowana chekumwisa tea here aiwa...

Her " Great.... shaa I thought you may wanna know this"

Me" What go ahead"

Her " Promise you will keep your cool shaa"

Me " Its fine"

Her " Bestie wako aita zvinorova"

Me " Aiteiko Alice weduwe"

Her " She is pregnant"

Me " Hiii serious here no wonder why she had been avoiding me kana ku apper anga asisiri kuita.

Her " Yaa she will defiantly avoid you cause she is pregnant for your ex hubby "

Me " What!!!!"

Her " Exactly what I have said and nhumbu yaari kuti ndeya Jayden"

Munoziva so ndakaita kupera power chaiko. Apa ndiye munhu aindipesvadzira kusiyana na Jayden
here shuwa akuita nhumbu yaJayden wacho. Akomana vanhu vanoroya maskati machena mufunge. I
was hurt but daisada kunyanya kuzvibuditsa
Me " Saka aindifurira ka uyu zvakaoma..... so vakugara vese here?"

Verna " No not yet panenge pane kanyaya all I know is Jayden ari kuuya kuzotaura naTete but hey
regedza ndizokuphonera zvauri iwe ndakuudza wozomuti ndanzwa na Verna vasikana"

Me " Handimbo thanks a lot shaa usaregedze kuzondibata bye"

Verna "bye"

_Verna thinking_

Alice aida kuonererwa chete apa ini ndairwadziwa nezvaakaita shuwa wodaro bestie wako here. Zino
irema weduwe never trust a friend.... chete kungoti bestie ana bestie wake. Ini Hazie ndamufarira

End of chapter 40

Lots of luv💋

[15/08, 22:14] Fungie Babie: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso* 💋

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 41

*Rudo* 🦎

Zvevanhu vanga vangowanda wanda pamba pangu zvanga zvakundibhohwa ini handina kuroorerwa
kuzogara nemhuri yese yekwa Rushi kaini.

Ndakasvika kubva kutown mumwe musi mumba muchiita kunhuwa kutsva ndakatozvinzwa kubva
kugate chaiko.
Nhai kuti Sisi ava havachandipisire imba here.

" Sisi Sisi woo" ndakadaro ndichideedzera.

" Mhaaa" vakauya vachimhanya

Ndakabata mapoto aive musink manga mine 1 ranga rakaita kutsva chaiko zvekupera chaiko.

" Ko nhai chii ichi nhai Sisi makuda kupisa imba manje " ndakadaro ndichipopota.

" Sorry henyu mhamha maiguru mai Rumbie vanga vagadza maguru ne matumbu saka vakanganwa
zvikatsva" vakadaro Sisi

Ndakarovanisa maoko 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

" Aaah haaa mashura padunhu watii kudini.... matumbu ne maguru manzi mubike nani izvozvo
handina kusiya ndakuti beef here iwewe" ndakamudaro ndichimumonya nzeve

"Madaro kasi zvanga zvanyanya beef tane mazuva tichingoidya saka vati vakuisa zviri different"
vakadaro Sisi

"Hehehede seka zvako Rudo Mazipepepe inga vanhu vepano mune chinya chaicho
munongoerekana machinja masystem emudzimba dzevanhu sei.... izvozvi tarisai mapisa poto yangu
neku waster muriwo deno mango bika zvandakuudzai musina kudai"

Sisi " Sorry zvenyu Mai Tinashe"

Maiguru " Matiiko mainini ndakunzwai muchipopota"

Me " Handingaregedze ndakakuudzai wani kuti mumba muno ndemangu musabate henyu ndoziva
how to handle my things"
Maiguru " Asi munoziva soo ka dai tagona kungonyarana nekuremekedzana zvese zvamataura

Me " Kana mazvinzwa matogona handichadzokorodze"

Maiguru " Unopenga here Rudo. Unoda kushamisira neiko iwe"

" hehede vana Mai Rumbie tinyararirei apa makore ese amaroorana maitadza nei kutenga dzimba
izvozvi makungotinetsawo"

Ndakangonzwa mbama kumeso kwangu. Aaah kurohwa nemumwe mukadzi kuti zvaita sei kuti
ndakabata mazai mumaoko here.


_Sisi narrating_

Ndopakatangira dhudhu ipapo pakarwiwa munongonzwa hembe dzaka kwinyiwa amana.

Ndakaonerera vachiita kuratidzana zveshandwa pafeya Mai Tinashe vairohwa chete kungoti Mai
Rumbie vaiva murwere ava. Ndakatozoona kuti vanga kuvara kwakuzobatsira kununudza.
Yanga yangove ana musata***ko vana Mha** nana mugod** zvakaoma hazvo. Ivo mai Tinashe
vane pamuromo chaipo shuwa ingaite nyaya here yekuchinja usavi haiwawo regai zvirohwe...


Ndakabva ndaphonera Beaven. Ini zvevanhu vanoda kundidenha ndakazvinyararira zvangu weduwe


Me " Beaven handichazvigone ini zvehama dzako. Mai Rumbie kundirova shuwa hii hii hii" ndakaita
kuchema pafoni

Beaven " Chiiko nhai Rudo dzikama tinzwe nyaya yacho waitwa seiko nhai iwe"

Me " Haundide Beaven unoda ndife nenhumbu yako ka unoda kundiviga hauna hanya neni"
ndakawedzera kuchema.

Beaven " Chinyarara kani Rudo ndichauya ikoko tinzwe nyaya yacho"
Me " Usaregedze Beaven cause ndiri kurwadziwa ini."

_Beaven thinking_

Airevesa here munhu uyu angarohwe na Mai Rumbie vari kutozvirwarira zvavo aaah akomana
zvevakadzi hazvitedzerwe chokwadi regai ndipedzise ndiende neko.

Ini nhasi munhu wese asiri wepano angofanirwa kuenda kumba kwake. Kana vasina kwekuenda
vanoenda kwaSimbiso kune zimba kana kuti kumusha uko...

Ndakaramba ndakazvivharira mubedroom mangu ukuwo Tanaka aiita kundinetsa zvisingaite

weduwe. Munoziva unoshaya kuziva kuti woita zvekudini. Mumwe musi ndakapindwa nepfungwa
yekubvisa nhumbu yacho. Mumwe musi ndakapindwa nepfungwa yekutouraya Tanaka wacho.
Mwana ndowaaida saka ndaizomupa sei. Zvaitozoreva kuti ndaizonyadziswa pamberi paBeaven ne
nyika yose. Manje izvo ndaisazvitendera

Ndakazonzwa vanhu vakutaura kunge kupopotedzana ndikaziva kuti Beaven anga auya na Baba

Ndakaenda padoor kunoterera

" Beaven ndakakuudza kare kuti mukadzi wako uri kumujaidza ndomukwapaidza ini toda vanhu vane
hunhu isu"
" Ndichaziva zvamunoda here imi vanhu. Simbiso muroyi uyu Rudo wamaiti ndiroore hamuchamude
idzo 2 days idzodzi"

"Ndiwe une problem unoda kubatira chirungu padenga. Ndabude mumba imomo andiudze
charovera mukadzi wangu mwana wasatani..... kurova munhu ari kurwara kana nyadzi bastard!!!"

Ndakanzwa mutsimba webhutsu ya Beaven kwakumhanya mumachira

Ndakati garei kwakuzonzwa door rangu repabedroom. Ndakashaya anga ambomira kupinda nei

" Iwe Rudo chiiko chinokunetsa iwewe hee" akadaro Beaven.

Me " Ko ndaita seiko nhai"

" Usandiudze zvekupenga nhaika uri kuziva zvawaita" akadaro achipopota

" Kuzivei Beaven saka nyaya wainzwa kuside one wakutoti ini ndiri wrong sei" ndakadaro.

" Rudo gona kugara nevamwe chete chauri kushamisira chiiko iwe. Pano pamba pangu saka hama
dzangu dzinotenderwa kugara pano nhaika."

Me " Beaven handina kuramba asi ngavadzikame kunyanya Mai Rumbie imba haingaite vana Mai
vairi ka"

" Wakuzondibhohwa manje chinoshamisa nekuti mumwe mukadzi abiya wako abike chii vanga
garire zvabikwa namaid here. Kana zvakunetsa chiita ako mapoto iwo woita avo"

Aaah Beaven anga akufarisa chete mushonga wanga wakuita mushoma chete. Pano ndikasamire ka
Mai Rumbie vanohwinha.

Me " Hapana nyaya kana zvirizvo zvawada ndokuita sei wagara unoda hama dzako kudarika ini"
Beaven " Chero zvawafunga Rudo unakumbira ruregerero kana uchida tiwirirana"

Aaah Beaven anofunga kuti ndiri Simbiso here ini waanoita yaada aah hiiye...

Mukati ndakazvitedzera here haa ndakabva ndafuga magumbeze kurara.


Kubva zvandakabva kuSA ndaingova busy chaizvo. Ndanga ndakuuya kubva kubasa very late I was
trying to catch up ne basa kuno as well as trying compile that work which we did kuSA.

Beaven aivawo busy hanzi kubasa maorders aiveko zveshuwa saka they had created a night shift.
Apa anga achibuda kuenda kuSA ne Friday
Kumba ndakasvika mbuya Rushy vanga vadzokera kumusha kwanga kuchirongwa zveNyaradzo ne
stone unveiling ya Ethan saka vaida kunoona ona zvepamusha. Sekuru Rushy still had ma
appointments ekuma physicians so vakasara na Mainini Sekai. Tete hanzvadzi yavo vakadzokera asi
anga auya ndi Tete Mai Bee na Tete veku Chiredzi pamwe na Tete Raviro saka pamba pangu panga
pane vana vese vekwa Rushy kunze kwababa Rumbie.

Ndaizama kuda kubalancer. Saka ndaingoti kuseni ndaisiya ndabika food yese yezuva rese kunze
kwemanheru chete. Ndikuita rimwe basa. Ndaizononoka kubuda kuenda kubasa zvangu.

Kubva zvavakauya panga pasina kana problem zvapo I thanked God. Tete vekuchiredzi vaiva quiet
vaingoita zvidzikame. Kunyangwe hazvo everyday ndaingodzi na Aunty hanzi hembe dzana Tete
venyu vati dzinogezwa naMakoti. Iniwo kupedza muromo ndaingomuka ndoisa muwashing machine
then manheru ndadzoka ndo ironer vaitodziwana dzamuroom mavo. Tete Raviro vanga vakutoita
chijairira chaicho. Naivo waitowana hembe dzavo pahembe dzana Tete.

Then on another note Jayden was on my mind. I would actually decide not to think of him but he
came coming up in my mind almost every day. To be honest I think I was deeply falling in love with
him. But I knew it was wrong zvangu but tell me how to erase memories of someone you love. I
don't really know what I was going to do. Now that I will be closely working with him for the next 6
months. I just needed God's grace.

Ndakazomuphonera hangu ndichida kubvunza about pics andanga ndichibvunzwa naSam. Hameno a
female voice rakadeedzera kuti ndiwe ani phone ikabva yacutter. Ndakaita ma questions marks and I
felt ka pain. Who was that. Iiish so maybe ange akuona mumwe munhu zve zvakandibata handidi
Weekend yakasvika handina kuda hangu kuita program ndaida kumboswera nadzo hama dzangu.
Beaven had flown the previous night to SA. Ndakamuka kuita basa bhoo bhoo zvangu.
Ndaibatsirwa naMainini Sekai na Tte Rudaviro ku wacha... Takaenda kuno yanika washen panze
vana Tete vanga vakagara panze vachitaura nyaya. Vachitamba na Aiziva. Tete Raviro ungati
mukadzi mukuru chokwodi very helpful.

Tete Mai Bee" asi nhai Simbiso iwe waitoda kuroorwa zvako nemurungu nekuti vachena
ndovangade vakadzi vanongoswera iri gombo mutsvairo isu pachivanhu chedu munhu kadzi
anoswera pamusha achichengeta musha"

Yuwii ndakabva ndatoziva kuti zvatanga

Mainini Sekai " Aaah Mai Blessing mukore uno muchifunga zvakadaro why??"

Mai Bee " Zvine makore here izvi chivanhu chivanhu"

Tete Rudaviro " Sisi vanhu vanosiyana uye mabasa anotosiyana vamwe havana kuenda kuchikoro
saka imi munoti munhu oenda kuchikoro kunogarira macertificates here"
Mai Bee " Nyarara uko uri chimwanana iwe unozivei kuda kudzidzira chihure uchati netsa"

Handina kuda kuzvipindira zvangu.

Tete Rudaviro " Aiwa madzimai makasara hahaha"

Mai Bee " Hanty munoona Sisi kuti Beaven zvaakatitangira mumusha medu ka Rudaviro otohakira
mweya wechihure"

Ndakatswinya Tete Ruda kuti vasadaire zvavo.

Mainini Sekai " Vana vatete vangu munoda kugeza kumeso please munosara munyika yavekumberi
muchingoti heee chivanhu chinyakare. Kana mada henyu garai imimi ikoko siyai vanoda
kubengenuka vabengenuke. Mungamugare muHarare imi kkk"
Tete "asi ndizvo chokwadi unotoona vana vedu vemazuvaano changove chirungu iwo matirauzi aya.
Handione chakaipa vari kuedza makoti kubva zvandagara pano basa rekubika nekuwacha arikuita
wani "

I was amazed zvangu kuti Tete ava kutaurawo zvakanaka pamusoro pangu shuwa. God works in
miraculous ways.

Hapana akazonyanyo kutaura nezvazvo. Takupedza kuyanika masheets Tete Mai Bee vakabva

"Simbiso tiperekedzewo ku Mabelreign. Sisi vanoda kunoona Mai Rumbie ne vana kuno tinodzoka
ne Monday"

😳😳 ahii vaireva ini here kuti ndivaperekedze ko chaivakonesa kuperekedzwa na Beaven wacho
aripo chii. Hakusi kuda kundinzwa kuita kuti ndiende kuhure raBeaven manje vane mafeelings
here amai ava....

Mainini Sekai " Mai Blessing usade kuzviitisa chinokutadzisa kuti Mai Junior kana Mai Aiziva chiiko
iwewe remekedzawo muroora wako. Izvozvi chaunokumbira kukuendesa kuMabelreign unoti
zvinonakidza here kune hure raBeaven uko"
👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 vakarovanisa maoko Tete Mai Blessing

" Yuwi kana zvisingaite ngaregedze chinyowani pana Rudo chiiko. Kuti tati tode kuona Rudo
here kana tati Mai Rumbie nevana. Mai Rumbie haachisiri mukadzi koma wako here kana kuti
watove pabarika na Mai Rumbie.... chete zvevanhu vane zvinhu zvavo munonetsa kuda
kunyengererwa fani" vakadaro zvavo Tete.

" kkkkk seka zvako Rudaviro makuona kukosha kwechikorobho marasa mvura ka Sisi kkkk makuda
kuendeswa nemota yevakadzidza" 🤣🤣🤣 akaseka zvake.

Takazoona bhutsu kukandwa kunotema Tete Ruda

" Pfutseke uko kahure unongoti kuzhinya zvisina order" vakadaro Mai Blessing

I decided to just go even though Mainini Sekai vaindizevezera kuti ramba ramba.

Me " Musanetseke henyu ndiripo tinoenda"

Vakafara kani kkk.....

End of chapter 41

Lots of luv 😘

[15/08, 22:15] Fungie Babie: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*


Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 42
Simbiso 🤦🏽♀

Vana Tete vakapinda mumba vachinogadzirira.

Mainini Sekai "Munozviitireiko Mai Aiz.. its not a forcing matter ka nhai askana I know how it feels
kuenda kuMabelreign. Zvinoita kunge akaroorwa iro riri hure zvaro"

Me "Regai ndingoita mainini ndipedze mutauro vanenge vakuti Mai Aiziva akaramba kutumwa"

Mainini Sekai " Wakashinga hako muroora iiii... Ukomborerwa naMwari"

Takapedza zvataiita zvacho. Kwakupinda mumba. Pandakaudza mudhara kuti ndakumboperekedza

vana Tete kuMabelreign vakapopota kwete mbinjana but ndakangoti regai ndingoita hapana
chandobva hangu. Iii munhu anonzi Rudo soo I hated her with a passion. Beaven aisava reachable
kuti ndingomuzivisa zvanga zvarongwa nana Tete.

Ndakasiya Aiziva na Aunty vake. Mainini vakasara na Mudhara ndikaenda nemadzitete ese ari 4.
Tete Ruda ndovakaita zvive nyore vaingotaura zvekuchikoro kwavo chete chete.
Takasvika kuMabelreign kuma 2pm. Ndakamboda kudzokera pagate ndikatoona kuti
ndingatozoporonga kunaka kwese takapinda hedu.

Mai Rumbie ndovakatitambira vachifarirana nana Tete vavo. Ini havana kana kundimhoresa
ndakaziva zvangu kuti vachine daka neni rekufunga kuti ndakauraya mwana wavo. Anyway
chandisina kuita chinondirwadzirei. Vanongoda grace chete.... Takagara panze vanhu
vakamhoresana. Ndakabva ndawoneka zvangu.

Mai Rumbie " Tete Ruda hamuchandide ka mongoda kuri kuerera huchi ne mukaka"

Tete Rudaviro " Hahada zvinogona kuita futi"

Ndakaenda kunovhura zvangu gate kuti ndibude zvangu. Kungovhura kudai zvandakaona aah.
😳😳😳😳 Rudo achipihwa hug nemumwe murume....

Akaita kuvhunduka ini ndakangoramba ndichivhura gate riya kusvika ripere. Kwakungopinda
mumota ne kureverser. Ndakabva ndaona mota iya ichito disappear nechepa corner iye Rudo
achipinda achifambisa mugate. Tete Ruda havana zvavakaona cause time yatanga tatove panze
zvanga zvatopera. Ndakazongonzwa kupururudza kwana Tete pakapinda Rudo ndakangoshayawo
chaipururudzirwa chacho.
Takabva tatosimudza mota kuenda. Handina kugadzikana muhana mangu chokwadi. The way she
was held by this man ummm left a lot to be desired. I hope Beaven haacharara na Rudo please cause
zvirwere ka amana soo zvakaoma.

Tete vakati vaida kuona friend yavo mutown.

Me " Munotiratidzawo kani weduwe"

Tete Ruda " Maiguru you will the first be assured but can't show you something that's not concrete"

Me " Just be careful Tete men are cunning munomuitiswa"

Tete " that I am well aware of you are my role model and I emulate you Mai Aiziva"

Me " Very happy. Enjoy"

Ndakabuditsa $100 bond notes ndikavatambidza. We hugged. Vachibva vabuda.

Hameno chakangonditi enda nepa News cafe pa fife avenue apa I rarely go there. Ndichingoburuka
mota dhuma dhuma na Ratie....

Me " Hesi kani Mai Junior"

Ratie " kkkk mushe Mai Junior"

We hugged. and laughed tese taiva ana Mai Juju ka

Ratie " ko urikutsvagei kuno"

Me " Hameno changoti enda neapo"

Ratie " Kana neniwo ufunge"

We laughed kwakupinda mu News cafe....

Takagara tichingokurukura dzevarume vedu. Akandiudza how Dan had gotten her number of late
achiti anzwa nekumublocker achichinja manumbers. Varume vane mweya chaiwo chaanoramba
achidzingirira Ratie iye ane mukadzi akanaka kudaro nhai....

We started to talk about my trip to S.A.. umm akaseka akazvirega...

Ratie " It's like am reading a romantic movie"

Ndakazomuudza ya Rudo yandanga ndaona and how it seemed weird like vana Tete going there
and all.

Ratie " Ummm Simbiso are you sure that Beaven haana kuroora Rudo here??"

Me " Never"
Ratie " Usati Never ka. China trip and house purchase happened right under your nose wakasvinura

She was right but I hadn't noticed any abnormal withdrawal and besides dai vana Tete Ruda na
Mainini Sekai na Sekuru va Aiziva vakandiudza kuroorwa chinhu chingavanzike here...

Me "Ndane close to a month baba va Beaven vari kumba he could have mentioned uye I still have
Tete Ruda and also babmunini solo dai ndakaziva haaa kuroora is not a little event"

Ratie " What bazzels me is that everyone is comfie in Rudo' s house... I just hope neyawaona pagate
iyo Beaven is not having unprotected sex naRudo cause unotochipihwa chirwere"

Me " Usadaro shaa ndozvimwe zvaita ndide kumboenda pangu ndega iiish ini hangu ndotofa zve"

Ratie " I just think now you know play safe."

Me " How do I persuade Beaven to condomise nhai??"

Ratie " I think pray about it so that mwari wakujekesere shaa... for now you can just tell him your
family planing method yaita mahiccups so wanzi naDoc condomise for a while. Then try and find out
if he isn't seeing Rudo. If not then uri bhoo"


"To be honest Ratie ini issue yaRudo yakundibhohwa ini. Ndoona sekuti hazvigadzirisike. Mhedzisiro
ari kuroorwa and ini am doomed"

Ratie " Une muchato shamwari you contest ka "

Me " easier said than done shaa. Even if I sue them will my happiness ever come back vakada zvavo
kuramba vari husband and wife ndovauraya here"

Ratie " You have Jay the lawyer kkkkk"

Me " Dont start shaa"

I was getting emotional. Ratie requested we leave the story for another day....

Rudo 🦎

Ndakavhunduka handidi kunyepa Tanaka paakandipa hug. Simbiso akabva avhura gate. Hana yangu
yakarova handidi kunyepa aaah zvakaoma

Ko iye Simbiso anga abva nekupi kuuya kumba kwangu. Zvese izvi ndakazvifunga ndichiri panze.
Takaonekana naTanaka. Ndichingopinda mugate ndakaona masisters aBeaven vakagara mulawn.
Vakabva vatanga kundipururudzira....

Ndakangonyepera kufara fara but ndanga ndasvotwa. Pamba pangu panga papadumping site here
pekuti everyone aiuya kuzosiiwa. Iye Simbiso anga auya kuzodumper vanhu pamba pangu why....

Takakwazisana asi na Mai Rumbie hatina kumhoresana. Haiwa ndanga ndine daka nawo.
Ndakazopinda mumba ndichiti ndoda kuona zvemapoto. Aunty vanga vabuditsa beef yatoboiler.
Ndakacheka cheka zvinhindi zvitoko toko kwakubva ndaudza Aunty vabike wosanganisa necabbage.

Sis " Muriwo unokwana here pane vanhu panze apa"

Me " Pfutseke unoti ndingatadze kuziva izvozvo here ini ndati bika zvandataura"

_Sisi thinking_

Kune vanhu vanotoda iri shamhu chaiyo kuti anzwisise ukaita zvemuromo hazvishande mai
yakaoma iyi🙌🏽. Kutukwa kwezuro uno...

Ndakabuda zvangu ndikanogeza ko after kukwira kwandanga ndaitwa na Tanaka mumota make
takaparker kulake ndanga ndogezera kupi. Idzo mota dzine matint ibasa kani.

Supper time yakakwana tagara hedu mulounge tichikuru kura Sisi vachiuya ne maplates. Ndakaita
kukambura changu chikafu vamwe vachiita kunge vanosemeswa here ndaivaona hangu
vachitarirana nemacorner eziso kkkk pakaipa. Yaaa kuno hakusi kwa Simbiso bastard dzokerai ikoko
ndakadaro nechemumoyo. Mai Rumbie na Baba Rumbie havana kudya kkkk.

Takazonorara zvedu.
Kuseni it was Sunday. Ndanga ndakarongana na Sekuru vekuchakari kuti ndaifanirwa kuvaona
vandipe mushonga waBeaven ehe aitoda umwe kkk.

Ndakamukira kwakukumbira aunty gemenzi ravo resowe ndakapfeka. Kwakunokera vana Tete

"Marara seiko" ndakadaro

Tete " Tarara Mai Tinashe mararawo sei"

Me " Ndarara hangu. Ndakumbomhanya kuchurch kwedu ndoda kumboonana na madzibaba

nhumbu yangu yakanzi inoda kushandirwa"

Vakaratidza kushamisika. Tete Raviro ndovakaseka. Vakangoti ehoyi ko vaizivei mastupids.

Ndichingobuda gate Tanaka anga atovepo. Akaita kuoma nekuseka.

Me " Usaseke ndiwe uri kungondiitisa yese yese nxaa"

Tanaka " Dai wakabvuma zvanezuro dai ndakapedza newe nhasi wafree manje wakaomesa musoro
kwakunditundisa mumota unoti pane chandinonzwa here imomo"

Akafa nekuseka. Taka driver kuenda pa TP Rukawa Hotel kuChegutu.

*Mabelreign*.... _Zvakasara zvichiitika_

Pakasara vana Tete na Maiguru mai Rumbie vakasara vachinwa Tea nechingwa chisina magarine
kana nechii zvacho. Vanga vagara mulawn

Tete Mai Bee " Nhai iwe musikana ndochii ichi" vakadaro vachipenengura chingwa

Sis vanga vaunza tea

Sis "ndo tea Tete"

Mai Bee " Iwe musikana iwe inga wakatsanagurirwa wani kuti tiri anani pano wakuda kudzokorodza
zve musi uya wawakatiradzika panze ka"
Sis " Very sorry Tete. Ndozvandasiirwa na Mhamha"

Mai Rumbie vakaseka 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Mai Rumbie " Enda zvako iwe unotora phone yangu pacharger uende pagarage ndikutume

Akabva aenda Mai Rumbie vakamuraira.

Mai Bee " Chiiko chiri kutora nzvimbo pano"

Raviro " Kuwachisina uku shuwa tea yakasuruka kudai kunge yaiswa kadrop kemukaka amana...
chingwa kushaya chekuisa haiwa kana kumusha hatidai"

Mai Rumbie vakatanga kutsanangura magariro avo pamba apa kana nekurwa kwese. Vakadzi vakuru
vakashaya zvekuita.
Mai Rumbie " Ndozvitoripo mufunge"

Raviro "kusarohwa uko"

Mai Bee " Anopenga here Rudo nhumbu yakumupengesa"

Tete " Imika musanyepere nhumbu hakuna zvakadaro hunhu hwake huya ende futi ka"

Vakazeya vakazeya nezvake vakasvika pakuona ne mamwe maonero...



" I told you long ago that this is not your pregnancy "
Alex " You must be joking yourself you know very well you were seeing me alone"

Me " Tats not true i had my boyfriend"

Alex " Kkkkk my dear i took you to work, I slept over ,I took you home, you slept over at my house so
there is no bloody fucken way you can say that the baby is not mine. Anyway Missy i want my child
period as for you bitch you can go to hell for all I care"

Me " We will see about that this is not your baby!!!"

Akabva acutter phone. 🤦🏽♀ iiish this Alex nijimbo guy akunyanya manje. I better see what i can
do ne shop and disappear kutoenda kwa Jayden chaiko asati adzoka kubva ku Nigeria kwaanga
aenda angandivigire malove possion ana Oga....

" Tatenda ...Tate" ndakadaro ndichideedza musikana wemushop mangu.

Tate " Yes akoma"

Me" Inzwaka muninjimbo ari kundistresser so am thinking of kuvhara pano"

Tate 🙄 " Kuvhara why akoma inga tiri kuita mari."

Me" Ndiri kuroorwa in a few weeks saka pamwe ndenge ndakugara kuSA"

Tate " Akoma you can always leave someone to run. Imi motumira zvinhu chete"

She was making sense hake...

Me " Ok chimbo tsvaga imwe shop tione cause pano handichade ini"

Tate " Ok akoma"

I still had 2 weeks ndodza takarangana naTete....

End of Chapter 42


[15/08, 22:15] Fungie Babie: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*


Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 45

Mbuya Furusa🤺

Ndakaphonerana na Tete Rudaviro kuseni kwe Thursday kwakubva tatosangana mutown na Ratie
na Mona.
Me " Saka zvandiri kufunga Tete Ruda ndezvekuti isusu tiende ikoko muswe Saturday nyaradzo
isati yapera. Imimi munosanoenda Friday. Mai Aiziva haandinetse tinoenda naye. Ndataura na
Tete vake nevazukuru tinosvika tobvunza zvedu"

Tete Rudaviro " It's ok Gogo. Ndiri kurwadzirwa maiguru ini. Handisi ndakanganisa here??"

Me " Aiwa Tete magona. God will bless you ini ndazviona kuti munomuda muroora wenyu."

Takazoronga mafambiro acho changa changosara kuti tiende ini vainondiona ikoko shuwa Simbie
kana asingagone kurova Beaven ndaida kusiya ndamugadzira size. And Sekuru Furusa vanga
vatondipa go ahead. Shuwa munhu oita hupenyu hwekungochema chete. Aiwa ini hangu zvekuti
adzokere kwaRushy ndaisada zvachose. Iyo Mai iya ndaida kumboibata bata dai ikasataura ne
mukoma wacho uya haa uya ndode kumudzidzisa mirai henyu muone.

Rudo 🦎

Tanaka zvaaita so kunge munhu asina kukwana inga wani ndanga ndamuudza kuti week rino
ndaiita zvenyaradzo apa aingophoner ndakadecider kumbo blocker number yake. Iniwo
ndaihwanda nenyaradzo kuitira madhiri aya. Ukuwo at least Beaven anga asiri kumbouya zvakoe
saka ndaive safe.
Muswe Thursday ndakaenda kutown na Beaven bho bho tainotenga grocery rekuNyaradzo. Ko
ndini ndaive panyanga Maiguru Simbiso vakanzi havaende ka.

We bought our things. Kuseni taizofuma kubuda tese kuenda kuMhondoro nana Mai Rumbie. So
Beaven airara kumba kwangu iiish ndaitofanirwa kutoona zvekuita tisatomborara tese.

Takasvika kuma past 6pm. Pakavhurwa gate I was shocked kuona mota ya Tanaka munoziva so
unoita kupera simba kudikitira chaiko shem. Maihwe ko anga auya kuzoiteiko nhai Jeso🙆🏽♀.

Beaven " Whose car is that??"

Ndakaramba ndakanyarara...

"Ndiri kutaura ndega here ndati imota yani iyo" akadaro Beaven ini muromo wangu wanga
wasticker zvino ndisisagone kana nekutaura.

Me "ha handizive maybe vaenzi vaBaba Rumbie"

Ndakazongodaro. Handidi kunyepa but ndaitoti dai ndangofa izvozvi. Tanaka aipenga here
shuwa... mupfungwa mangu makapinda nyaya yevideo pamwe anga akuda kuratidza Beaven.
Aaah ini hangu in....

Beaven " This car is familiar ndakamboioa iyi"

Me " Mota dzinofana fana anyway maybe ihama yako" ndakakungovhunduka vhunduka....

Takapinda mumba Beaven aiva kumberi. Ndakaita mudumbu ne 2 mins munongonzwa. Takasvika
Tanaka achiseka na Baba Rumbie na Mai Rumbie....

Paakaona Beaven akabva asimuka

Tanaka " Aah Blaz" akamhoresana naBeaven.

Hameno kana vanga vazivana zvavo. Ndakakwazisana naye maoko akaita zvekundikwenya mukati
meruoko. Ndakamupa ziso riya rekuti how far uri kutsvagei. His eyes spelt evil kani

We sat down. Vakakwazisana.

Tanaka" Blaz mandiziva here??"

Beaven "Yaa chiso chekuMhondoro but ndakanganwa"

Vakaseka Tanaka achibva ataura zita rake. Ndopaakayeuka Beaven. Weduwe Tanaka zvaanoita soo
ka chiiko naye kubva aita kurelaxer kunge munhu ari mumba make apa aiita kunditarisa sei.
Hamenowo ndaiti ndikatarisa Mai Rumbie hameno ka sign kavaindipa nemaziso vachismiler it's as
if pane zvavaiziva. Ini hangu ini zvanga zvakandiomera weduwe. Ukuwo Beaven ange aizvipihwa kuti
pane maziso aikandiranwa.... Akagara Tanaka tikadya angorimo. After eating ndakabva ndaenda
kuBedroom Aunty vachibva vatevera....

Me " Ko munhu ari umo abva kupi"

She closed the door kwakulocker

Aunty " Zvenyu Mai Tinashe handitozivewo ndatoti nhasi zvenyu"

🙄 nhasi zvangu aiziveiko

Me " Nhasi zvangu kudini??"

Aunty 🤭 " aah sorry Mai Tinashe ndanga ndakatokumirirai papinda murume uyu Mai Rumbie
vauya kwandiri vakati chikomba chenyu"

🙆🏽♀🙆🏽♀🙆🏽♀ What!!!!

Me " Ndozvavakaudzwa nani izvozvo hee "

Aunty "Handitozivewo ini.."

Ndakuda kupindura door rakabva raedzeserwa kuvhurwa aiva Beaven chete..

"Rudo vhura door. " akadaro achideedzera


"Chabvondoka!!" vakadaro Aunty

Munoziva so ndakada kuvadzemura nembama but nyaya yekuti I was in real trouble ndakashaya

Me " Endai munovhura mubva mabuda "

She did just that

" Ko muri kuitei muno makavharirana" akadaro Beaven.

Me " Ndezve chikadzi iwe"

Ndakadaro apa ndichiita kuhuta

Beaven " Are you ok indava kuhuta"

Me " Ndofunga chando"

Beaven "chando hoo. Ko blaz iyo iri kudei munhu asingaende kumba kwake"

Me " Ha ha handitozive ini"

Akauya pedyo neni kwakundibata chokwadi ndaiita kudedera too bad weduwe...

Beaven " Hande kwaDoctor"

Me " Amm fin fine"

Pakabva paita knock..

Beaven " Pindai"

Mai Rumbie pfacha...

"Muri kudiwa kulounge nemuenzi wenyu Mainini"

Beaven looked at me ndakaita kupera power. Ko chiiko changa chakuitika nhai

mwari....🙆🏽♀🙆🏽♀🙆🏽♀🙆🏽♀. Mai Rumbie vaifarisa ava.

Takabuda zvedu. Takanogara achibva asimuka

"Mai ani zviya" akadaro akaisa maoko muhomwe

🙆🏽♀ ndainzwa kuda kuchema chaiko. Hana ichiitakurova...

Beaven " Tinashe"

Tanaka " Ok Mai Tanaka aah sorry Tinashe... umm ndine hembe dzenyu mumota mangu umo"

Hautaure unoita kunge munhu aona a ghost weduwe.

Beaven "Hembe dzavo what do you mean!!!" Anga akuratidza kutsamwa already anga asiri kuziva
kuti avingei.

Hameno kakuseka kakaitwa na Mai Rumbie. Iye Tanaka kuzoti Mai Tanaka akomana.

Tanaka "ehe ndabatiswa na Sisi vavo kuChakari maternity wear nebhustu dzavo"

Ndakaita kufemeruka kunge chiballoon chabuda mweya

Beaven " Ok"

Tanaka " Varume handichagara. Munokwanisa here Mai kuuya kuzotora kumota"

Beaven " Enda"

Kutaura chokwadi I didn't want. Ndaitya kuti Mai Rumbie vanosara vachitaura zvisina basa.

Beaven looked at me akandipa sign yekuti endai. Anga akusvotwa nezvaiitwa na Tanaka.

Ndakabuda naye tasvika pamota akavhura boot kwakuseka. Ndakatarisa tarisa

Me "Manje uri kusekei wazviitirei nhai Tanaka" misodzi yanga yajenga zvino.....
Tanaka "Ukaita zvawaita zvekundiblocker ndopadzoka pano wanzwa"

Akanditambidza bag raive ne mbatya dzaanga atenga kwakutarisa tarisa kwakundikisser

Misodzi yakabva yadonha kuchema chaiko😭😭

"Chinyarara sorry hameno hako uchabvunzwa kuti wanga uchichemei" akadaro achipinda mumota.

I called aunty akavhurirwa gate achibva aenda. I was as good as finished ini. Ndakangonanga straight
kubedroom kwangu. Pasina nguva Mai Rumbie vanga vauya.

She entered and closed the door kwakutanga kuseka vakaseka zvekuti ndakatozvishaya vapedza she
just left. Ndakanogeza yaa I was in trouble now. Tanaka ihondo ipi yaanga anditangira 😭😭😭
ndakachema mubathroom muya ndoita sei nhai mhai🙆🏽♀🙆🏽♀😭😭😭

Alice ibenzi shuwa rega zvizonzi never trust a friend. Aah manje achamuchengeta ega mwana iyeyr.
She will never have Jayden no and never.

Ndakati regai ndimuphonere.


Alice " Hello Hazie"

Me" Alice urisey??"

Alice " Bhoo shamwari and yourself"

Me " Good shaa. Ko why usiri kupindura ma app message angu??"

Alice "Aaah sorry my phone was dead"

Me "Vasikana musadaroso ko sei usina kundiudza kuti une nhumbu???"

Alice " Nhumbu eeh who told you??"

Me " Ndakaona status"

_Alice thinking_

Status ummm I had blocked her wani??? Hapana akamuudza here 🤔

Alice " Hoo ok"

Ndaiziva hangu kuti iye atoshamisika cause it seemed anga andiblocker pastatus pacho

Me " So who is the father???"

Akaramba akanyarara haana kupindura.

Me " Hello!!!"

Alice " Ndaita client will call later bye "

Akabva acutter. Ummm so it's true nhai haa zvakaoma shuwa what a bitch a real bitch.

End of chapter 45

Luv u all💋

[15/08, 22:15] Fungie Babie: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*💋

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 44


Tanaka akasvika na 6pm dzepa watch chaidzo. We had cooked chikafu akadya. Ini hangu
ndaitorwadziwa nekuenda kumba kwangu kune mazivanhu aya aiwawo but zvaisaita ndizengurira
Tanaka aitoona sekuti anogona kundipamha zve and yet ini ndanga ndatonzi 2 week's.

Takangodya kwakupinda muroad kuenda kumba. Ndaiti ndikamutarisa soo ndainzwa kunyara
nekutya weduwe. Ko ndanga ndafunga kumusanganisa namadzitate guru ake.

Mupfungwa mangu makapinda futi munhu ainzi Simbiso umm kuti paye paanga akandiona nezuro
haana kutaurira Beaven here aah but ndingadai ndakatophonerwa. Haiwa ndakazodaro idzetse riya
zimcare kuti anotaura here vana Mai Maria Pussy cat kkk. Haiwa kunyangwe akataura
Tanaka akarova mota hatina kutana kusvika muHarare muya. Akanoparker padhuze ne garage
takusvika paden.

Me " Ko tamirirei"

Tanaka "Rudo ini zviri kundikurira kutaura chokwadi shaa. Rudo hwangu kwauri rwakabvira kare now
that i have you handichakwanise kukuregedza."

Me "Asi chii nhai Tanaka ndakakuudza kare kuti ndakaroorwa ini"

Tanaka " Asina kuroora ndiani. Plus me and you know very well kuti utori small house saka its a
matter of just leaving Beaven wouya kwandiri ndinokuchengeta shaa"

Ummm yaa it was so tempting kutaura chokwadi Tanaka anga ane rudo chairo rwusina kufanana
nerwa Beaven. Beaven aindira Tinashe. Aaah but zvaisaita ndaiita benzi zve plus ko kana
achindinyepera yuwi inga vakuru vakati chawawana batisisa mudzimu haupe double. Kuti
ndimupindure rough zvaisaita izvozvi I had to be a good girl for now kuti zvinhu zvangu zvifambe.

Me " Tanaka imbomira shaa zvese zviri kungoitika fast fast saka ndoda time yekufunga shaa."
Tanaka " Kufungeiko nhai babie une mwana wangu ndingakurasise here ko ndati ndotora ndisina
kubvisa here. Ndokubvisira mari uri kwaRushy ikoko. Toronga muchato tochata babie kana Mai ve
girls dzangu havana kana muchato neni"

Hey zvaiyevedza weduwe zvaitaurwa apa.

Me " Tanaka kani isa mabrake mbinjana"

Akabva avhura zip kwakubuditsa muzvambarara wake wembolis. Apa yanga yakamira zvayo.
Ndakabva ndayeuka zvanga zvataurwa zviya aah but ndanga ndisati ndapfeka mishonga yacho ka...

Haana hake zvaakazoita kunze kwekundiitisa abonyore mumaoko angu nhai.

Takazowirirana kuti I would think about it.

Akandisiya pagate kwakuenda. Ndichingovhura gate ndakabva ndasangana na Mai Rumbie.

Ndakaita kurohwa nehana ko vaitei panze husiku.. Nhasi zvangu ndanga ndaonekwa futi here
amana. Ndakangova mhoresawo munongoziva zvemunhu abatikidzwa. Ndakavasiya panze
kwakupinda mumba. Ndakaswedza vanhu vese.
Baba Rumbie " Ko nhai Mainini ko kana mune vaenzi hamugarewo pamba here?"

Yoo baba Rumbi vakakwana here munhu ndotadza kuita personal life yake nekuti kwaita vaenzi ko
hanty Mai Rumbie vaivepo here.

Me " Ndinogara asi kuti ndanga ndonzi ndiuye nhasi saka zvaisaita kucanceller."

Havana chavakazotaura ndakabva ndapinda mubedroom mangu....

Vana Tete vakazoenda na Baba Rumbie mangwana acho vainosiiwa kumusha kuMhondoro
vainobatsirana na mhamha kugadzirira zveNyaradzo yaitanga Friday kunopinda Saturday. Ipapo
ndopainzi ndainoziviswa kumusha wese kuti ndava muroora wekwa Rushy.


" Babie zvakatanga rinhi izvi" ndakadaro ndakuda kuti ndikwire munhu apa anga abuditsa
Simbie "family planning yadhakwa for now so was kwaDoctor and he said we should condomise

Me " Haaa shaa ini ndiri kutoda mwana saka zvabhadhara ka"

Simbie " Mwana not now Beaven. Junior is still young he hasn't reached his first birthday"

Me " But it's almost. Shaa why are we talking yet tofanirwa takunakirana.... siya izvo wakabva
kumwedzi musi uno"

_Simbie thinking_

Aaah aiwa ndaisada zvangu. But how then do I refuse now... Ndakaramba kuvhura makumbo he
tried kurwisana neni.

"Iwe chiiko newe what's all this hee??" Ndakashaya kuti munhu kutosunga play kuti zvaita seiko.

Simbie " Shandisa condom kuti tiwirirana"

Uyu munhu anga akundibhohwa so ndakabva ndaita zve force kusvika ndatomuraper nayo nyoro.
Ndakazokwira iri misodzi yega yega...

The following day ndakamuka ndakatsamwirwa kani. I tried talking to her but aito ignower.

Me " Am sorry my love I didn't mean to"

Simbie " Beaven zvinobhohwa zvaunoita why usinga ndirespecter"

Me " Simbiso waida ndiite sei inini. Handisi kunzwisisa reason yako ini"

Simbie " Chausina kunzwisisa chii nhai inga ndataura zvataurwa naDoc wani"

Me " Ok am sorry nhumbu yacho ikabata ine basa here tochengeta mwana wacho"
Haana zvaakazotaura taito preparer kuenda kubasa zvedu.

That evening takagara mu dinning having our supper. Tanga takagara ini, Mudhara, Mainini Sekai,
Rudaviro na Simbie.... Mudhara akatanga kutaura zve nyaradzo achiti ndimuzivise hurongwa. I
explained everything to him.

Mudhara " Ok saka ini neChina mondiendesa henyu kumusha ndisanogadzirira"

Simbie "Ummm baba ndoona sekuti hazviite ini... madii maenda Friday iyoyo"

Mainini Sekai " Ndochokwadi munonochengetwa nani ikoko"

Mudhara " Iwe ka na Mai Aiziva toenda tese"

Me " Mai Aiziva vanoenda kubasa ava plus havasi kuenda kuNyaradzo"
Rudaviro " Nekuti why??"

Ndakavhunduka kunzwa Rudaviro achibvunza kuti sei...

Me " Kuchurch hakubvumidzwe zve Nyaradzo hanty Mai Aiziva "

She didn't answer. Takazongoti Mudhara aende Friday kuseni kumusha. Tapedza kudya takuroom
kwedu . Simbiso kept asking me questions kuti why ndati asaenda. Kutaura chokwadi ndaisada kuti
awone Rudo achimira mira plus Rudo aiziviswa ka mumusha.

Me " Shaa unoziva kuti Baba Rumbie wouldn't want you to be there so why don't we just save the
embarrassment shaa"

Akazotenda zvake.

*Mai Rumbie na Maid*

Seated pa lawn zvavo masikati... Rudo haapo

Mai Rumbie "Nhai iwe imbondiudza unogarirei zvakadai inhamo here"

Aunty " Kkkkkk mabasa anonetsa kuwana plus munhu akanaka Mai Tinashe ini hangu ndaiva ndigere
musati mauya"

Mai Rumbie " hehehe baba vangu iweee saka uri kuti tisu takukutadzisa kudiwa ke"

Aunty " Kkkkk kwete zvazvo asi matambudziko ese aya ndimi hama dzemurume"

Vakaseka zvavo....

Aunty " Asi nhai Mai Rumbie ummm ivo Mai Tinashe hanty ismall house here???"

Mai Rumbie " Ehe wanga watii??"

Aunty " Chinovakonesa kuitawo wawo small house yechirume chii??"

Mai Rumbie " Iwe kwana inyaya yekutaura here iyoyo"

Aunty " Ndine zvandinoona hangu but handitaure"

Mau Rumbie "unoonei taura ka"

Akatanga kutsanangura mamessage aakaona muphone ma Mai Tinashe zvese nezita rekuti Tanaka.

Mai Rumbie "Une shuwa here iwe"

Aunty " handinyepe ndozvitoripo and muface wacho anenge ndiye anotogara achovatora ane taxi"
_Mai Rumbie thinking_

Ummm Rudo ave kuhura maihwee inga zvazvakaoma nhai. Babamunini zvavane basa pavakadzi.
Kukumbana nawo mahure nhaiimi. Manje kana chiri chokwadi ndichachibata ndoda kukapfidzisa
kabenzi kemunhu.. ..

Mai Rumbie " Inga maone "

Aunty " musazondi reverera weduwe"

Mai Rumbie " ndingadaro here shaa"...

*Tete Rudaviro*

The puzzle had a missing piece it wasn't complete at all. Baba Jnr was insisting that my junior
vasaende ku Nyaradzo why???. I called Mukoma Solo ndichivaudza update. Yes he was the only one
I could confined in. I had told him kuti ndozvaivepo the day they came for braii. He was equally
shocked with what Baba Jnr had done.

Solo " I think maybe it's to do with the fact that Rudo anenge aripo so that's why he doesn't want
her to go"
Me " thought the same too. Also considering she is not in good books na baba na Mai Rumbie"

Solo " You could be right"

Vakainsister kuti I should try and speak to someone close to Maiguru about this. Ndakambo
suggester mainini Shungu but Solo akati Shungu na Simbiso munhu one. Ndakazofunga Maiguru
Ratie. We agreed that ndaingova approacher ndovaudza.

Ndakatsvaga her number and called her she insisted we meet and of which we did. I told her
everything that I knew. Naivo vakaratidza kubatikana she said she would inform me vambofunga.


Oh finish I knew this was coming. Simbiso ane nharo she is so deep in love with Beaven that she is
blind to see. This was just terrible. This time anofa Simbiso shem.

Ndakaudza baba Junior he too was hurt.

Shady " After all she has been through Beaven haana matyira he has the nerve to go that far!!"

Me " Am broken shaa. This will kill her weduwe hanty I told you about our last meeting on Saturday
hey Beaven anondiitirei I just hope haana kupihwa chirwere haaa am hurt"

Shady "this may seem complicated but you knowing has worsened the issue. She has to know. I
suggest uone Mbuya na Sekuru vake vaya the ones wekuGoromonzi Furusa.... they can help us in
getting Simbiso to know"

Yes Shady was right keeping quiet wasn't going to help at all. The sooner the better she knows. We
looked for the Furusa's number and booked them for the following day manheru.

We drove ku Goromonzi. Takatambirwa ne mufaro. Takagara pasi ndikataura nyaya yandanga

ndaudzwa na Tete Rudaviro.

Sekuru "Yohweee zvapane benzi remurume inga ndakakuudza wani Theresa kuti hope dziya haaa
ndodudziro idzi"

Mbuya kubva nditange kutaura havana kugara pasi vangotenderera....

Mbuya " Haaa ndoanonzi mashura aya mukati hakufiwe here. Zvimwe zvichatadzisa mvura
kunaya. Hii mwana waTete vangu anopona gore rino kaa"

Vakaungudza akomana waitoona kuti vanhu vakuru vagurwa kunorira. Sekuru vakati sezvo
ndaiiti kune Nyaradzo vakati vaitoda kuti kutoendwa zvibvunzwe ipapo. Ndakazovasiira number
dza Tete Ruda tikavhura WhatsApp grp kuti titaure....

*Not edited at kumusha*

End of chapter 44.

Luv u all.💋

[15/08, 22:21] 💞Shamiso💞: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS* 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso* 💋

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 34

Happy happy zvangu nephone call yanga yaitwa na Jayden ehe after a long wait zvaita. Iiish this is
good very soon I will be "Mrs Alice Masiyiwa" ndakadaro ndakatarisa zvigumwe zvangu ndichitarisa
paizoenda wedding ring yangu.

Ndanga ndiri kumba zvangu watching zee world. Ashy and my little sister vakatobvunza kuti waiva
mufaro wei ndikavaudza kuti mummy has bought a big house very soon we will be in a big house.
They were excited. Ko papi pacho pandanga ndichasiya mwana wangu. They say akweva sanzu ato
kweva nemashizha aro. Very true if he wants to marry me then he must marry everything attached
to me. Yesaya...

Phone yangu yakabva yarira it was Tete


Tete " Mhoro Mai Ashy"

Me " Ndiripo Tete makadini henyu"

Tete " ndinofara mainini ari sey Ashy uyu?

Me " Anofara zvake. Vari sei vamwe"

Tete " Vanodakara... eh mainini ndaphonerwa na babamunini kwanzi vanouya monthend ndizvo

Me " ehe vambodaro


Tete " Ndangoti uzive zvako... kuti makazowirirana henyu"

Me "Ndoona sekudaro maybe aida kunguva semunhu aiva nemukadzi waanga ainaye"

Tete " Ok mainini ndafara kana zvakadaro zvicharerutsa basa ndichaudza Mai Rene vauye "

Me " Patsvene Tete"

Yaaa zvangu zvaita. Ndakarara uri mufaro chaiwo.

Mazuva apera Alex ndanga ndisisa nyanyotaura naye cause ndanga ndaku concerntrater nekuda
kuhwina Jayden. Although ndaizongoti apo ne apo shedegu but since dumbu parakatanga kuda
kuoneka ndakaregedza uye chimwe chakanyanya kuti ndirege was that last encounter yedu he told
me that I was pregnant hanzi I felt it.

So then I began to ignore him. Akatanga kunetsa akuiona nhumbu hanzi why are you ignoring me
apa you are carrying my baby. I had told him kuti it wasn't his baby but aizviramba.

The following day ndakaenda kubasa in my joyous mood. Ndangoti garei my friends Verna na Pau
vakabva vasvika. Takataura nyaya hedu.

Verna " Nhai Alice saka wakaramba kutaura zita remunhu ane nhumbu iyi here?"

Pau " iwe Verna pamwe i hit and run. Zvimwe hazvitaurike"

Verna " Hit and chii iye mu Nigimbo wake achitomunetsera nhumbu yacho"
Me🤫 " Sssh vasikana taurirai pasi"

I had noticed these ladies vaive mushop vachitarisana kuti vanzwa nyaya yedu.

Verna " Kkkk sorry but chingotiudza kani kasi murume wemunhu here wauri kurambira nezita rake "

Me " Tisu tichadaro here this time vana Verna nana Pau munoto aita masteps"

Pau " Alice kkkk haibo usatisetse zvedu ana Pauline ini zvekuroorwa kana "

Verna " Ingoita zve muNigerian wako ndiye chaiye manje anotokuendesa kuNigeria kwete muzimba
uchaona kuti uchaita zvana Two kumba kwako ikoko"

Me " Nekuti kwauyeyi... I am getting married makatarisa ko zvinonetsa here anonz.. ."
I stoped. Maladies aya auya kuzobhadhara. Musikana aiva cashier anga ambobuda I had sent her
kunotambira stock kuna agent wangu.

Me " Morning "

Lady " Hello. Ndiri kuda bhutsu dze nude a matching handbag, some pumps and a nice outfit can I
make an order"

The lady was on point zvake. Macustomer chaiwo aya. But her face was familiar

Me " No problem Tendie huya me book unyore. "

We took down zvese zvaanga achida. Ne date raanga achida. She also bought imwe set ye royal blue
handbag mapumps and ma chuncky heels acho. She got a beautiful coat as well. Ndakava charger
and she paid $400 for what she had collected and $150 deposit for her order akabva aitengera vana
vake bhutsu.

Me " Maita basa shuwa. Oops Can we have your details maam"

Lady " Just write Mandy 0775675221"

Me "Thank u auntie"

Lady "No problem. You have beautiful things here I have noticed. Will bring my mum along some
mice things"

Me " Thank you"

Lady " Your face is familiar though handichaziva kuti ndakakuonerai kupi"

Takatarisana ne vasikana nhaka ucharohwa muHarare apa pamwe vanenge vari madam vemunhu
wawakamhanya naye. Ivo yavo was familiar as well.

Me " oh ok maybe muma party funeral or somewhere "

Lady " Xoo anyway good day"

Vakabva vabuda. I served the other lady akabudawo.

Verna " Gegege mucha spotwa pamwe ndivo mai munigimbo"

Me " Silly mhani, munotaurisa mhani that lady atonzwa zvese zvatanga tichitaura apa akuzoti

Pau " iwe kungofananidza saka wati anonzi aniko"

Me" Jayden Masiyiwa"

Verna😳 " what???"

Pau 🙄 " Chinekewo what do you mean"

Me " Hapana Chamuri kushamisika nacho apa iyeye wamunoziva"

Verna rubbed her eye's. " Alice.... Jayden wa Hazel here"

Me " Exactly iyeye"

Pau " Kkkkk joke of the day you must be kidding"

Achingopedza kutaura the lady came back.

Lady " Sorry can I have somewhere to sit I had a tire puncture murume wangu is coming"

Me " Xoo "

Tendie assistant wangu akabva amupa pekugara. She sat pedyo ne changing room. Tanga tisisaise
mazita zvedu tichipedzisa nyaya yedu.

Verna " Aah am shocked unoroya Alice iwe"

Me " Ko ndadii musade kundinzwa it's a free world and you hustle for everything... Nditori nani it's a
single man iwe unodanana nevarume vevanhu wani"

Verna " But you can't do that to your friend never wakutyisa iwe wakuita sekuti you caused their
break up"

Me " Ndisiye Verna wanzwa. Munhu akazviitira. I just came across the broken pieces nekuti ndi Alice
makutoita sekuti ndapara mhosva. Ndiri nani iwe unotodanana nevarume vevanhu"

Takatanga kunetsana na Verna

Pau 🤫 " Sssh imi mothers iri kutozvinzwa"

Pakabva papinda murume iiish mabhozida chaiwo. A hunk.

" Excuse me am looking for a lady my wife she said she is in the shop"

Me " ooh ok avo"

Vakatobva vaonana kwakuwoneka nekuenda. Takasara takutaura about that man. Vamwe
vakutonzwa kutomuda.

*Beaven* 🤵🏽

Ndakazopedza zuva iri ndakutorapa maronda aRudo. Ko ndaitofanirwa kukumbira ruregerero

nekumurova kwandanga ndaita. Saka takangotorana kupinda mubedroom medu. Akasvikogara
pabed ndopandakaona kuti ndanga ndanyatsakumurova uyu face yese yaiva nezvima black spots
zvekudundiwira kweRopa.

Me " Shaa sorry babie handina kuziva i overreacted

Rudo (silent)

Me "Shaa ndidairewo kani ndati wani ndakatadza ndiregererewo babie"

Rudo " Beaven haundide iwewe"

Me " Rudo shaa kukurova zvinoreva kiti ndinokuda handidi kuti uite zvisina basa"

Rudo "aiwa ndozvaunoita Simbiso here izvozvo"

Kutaura chokwadi mukadzi wangu ndaimuda and hapana pekuti ndaimurova at times she was just
too perfect for my liking. Uyu zvake can't deny at one point muhupenyu nekuda kwemaparents but
kaiva kare I did have tuma feelings but nekukura I grew pa mindset and aimed higher had better
choices and dated better women. Right now what made me still stick to her was my child now
children i had no choice

Me " Shaa pano hapana Simbiso ko totaurei nezvake ini ndiri kuda kunobvisira iwewe mari"
_Rudo thinking_

Yessss zvangu zvanga zvaita haaa Simbiso wadzva nhaka kupinda mawhites chaiko yeah

Ndakazoramba ndichisofter and zvikaita. Hamude kuudzwa kuti pakangotsva demo pakasara mupini
toita zvedu zviya

_2 weeks later_

Takaronga nana Tete vaRudo about zvekuroora. I had made it clear that i didnt want a flamboyant
event ndaida zvekuenda ndonobvisa mari chete. Zvakamboti netsei kuti vazvigamuchire asi
ndakanyatsa kutsindidza Rudo.

Kumba I wanted to tell Simbiso kuti that was what i wanted but ndainyara nekutya so i just let it be.
Plus takazvivanzira mudhara aitogona kutoita stroke nenyaya yacho.

List racho ndakaripihwa rainge rine zvana damage ipapo apa it was fair zvazvo.

Mutambo wacho wakaitwa zvese zvikafamba mushe. Rudo anga ave mudzimai wangu...

"Simbiso get in touch with Mr Masiyiwa i5 have done the ground work with his bosses and he has
been appointed to assist us. So the earlier the better so that in 6 months we are done with all the
necessary valuations and I can decide." Akadaro Sam

Yaa maone ndokutotanga kwavo. All along from day riye I was told about this project ndaishaya kuti
ndotangira papi munhu wandaka blocker weduwe I had no option than to just start the
conversation. Well its our company who is in need of legal advice anyway so obvious i had to start
on way or the other.

Me " Ok sure will do so"

Sam " Great i need constant feedback and you know that its going to involve alot of travelling so
please organise yourself and your office as well"

Me " no problem am sorted"

Akabva abuda hake. Ndakasara muoffice mangu ndichisender an email kuna Jayden just informing
him that we have engaged them.
After an hour he had responded. He preferred we Skype so that we give a little highlight on whats
expected. Yaa maone its work after all. I booked him at 4pm.

At 4pm we went online pa Skype.

Jay " Hie there"

Me " am good thank you"

I presented a highlight like i had done on email. He asked a few question. I responded.

Jay " Right i think having done this its kind of shallow but we both can work out something. But again
i think we need an initial meeting where we can go through this getting everything in detail so we
dont go wrong... whats your take"

Chokwadi was that i wasnt going to get any where using Skype phone or email. This needed us to
meet and discuss.
Me "I am ok with it"

Jay " So when i need this to be done soonest as soon as yesterday"

Me " Iish but.. ok let me see i will message you when i get myself sorted"

Jay " Remember the initial meeting we can have it here at head office then the follow ups and
everything else on the ground we do in Joburg"

Me " Yes of course"

Jay " On thing again. Ooh ok will see you when you come. Give me your iternary so I get someone to
pick you"

Me " Cool thank you"

Hatina kuzotaura zvakawanda. To be honest i was acting really funning. Him kutoita live live as if we
dont have something we share i.e emotions. Maybe aka mover on I guess ndichango zvinetsawo ini.

The following two days were hectic for me I needed to prepare for the meeting in capetown. And I
had gotten my Secretary to book 4 days. Which meant I would fly Wednesday do business
Thursday and Friday then relax on Saturday and Sunday I would be back. Well waiva mutemo
pabasa kuti when travelling you get business days and one free luxury day thats if the trip is less
than a weeks duration. Kana yakareba unopihwa 2 days dzeluxury all paid by the company.

Ndakatozopinda muweekend ndato ready kuenda ku Capetown....

I had told Beaven about my trip and of course hapana pandaitaura kuti am going to be meeting
Jayden. Ndakazvisiya besides u dont think he even knew kuti ndokwaari anyway.

*Handei Cappa na Simbie 🛫🛫*

End of Chapter 34

Luv u guys 💋

[17/08, 14:40] 💞Shamiso💞: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso* 💋

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 46

*Mai Rumbie*

Kuseka chipfinhu chaicho kkkk zvaiwana ngwarati yavakuuya nezvikomba hehede shem chihure
chakaoma amana babamunini Beaven nemari yese woshayawo mukadzi kwaye haa zvakaoma kuita
munyama chaiwo. Iyo boyfriend kana matyira kuzoita boyfriend yemo mumhondoro makaremo iko
kupusa kwaRudoo yohwe....

Zvino babamunini vachasvetwa bag rose rikapera. Asi Rudo haangandirove kuda kushamisira kusina
basa kwanzi maivepi muchitadza kutenga dzimba manje ndoda kumupfidzisa kana aifunga kuti
Simbiso ndiye oga anochema gore rino ano wowodza kkk.

Baba Rumbie " Nhai iwe wamboona zvandaonawo here??"

Baba Rumbie vanga vakubvunza tiri mumagumbeze.

Me "Zveyi daddy"

Baba Rumbie "Muchinda uya ummm handina kumunzwisisa. And mainini wamboona zvavanga
vachiita nhasi kuti havana chikwereti here haa kuita semunhu ari kuteverwa nechikwereti "

Ndakada kuseka zvangu chikwereti!!! Kkk hayas chikwereti chekukwira zve. Ndakagaya kuti
ndotaura here but umm aiwa nyaya yerudzi urwu yaida h metro chaiyo kkk paitoda kadrama chaiko
sekaitika manheru ano wochibvondora. I decided to keep quiet for now.

Me "Haa imi munongoonawo zvisipo munhu akangongwarisa chete chete apa... mainini kurwara
kuya hanty ane mimba here"

Baba Rumbie " Kuti kudaro??"

Me " Yaaas kudaro"

*Beaven* 🤵🏽
Pane zvandisina kunzwisisa pamuchinda anonzi Tanaka uya. Ummm the way Rudo and him were
acting something wasn't right I don't wanna lie.... but ndakazongoti I will see. Rudo wacho
kungosvika kumba anga atova murwere. Ayas zvekuroora vakadzi two hazvibhadhare kkk ndiri
kumba Simbie was angry nenyaya yekumuraper iye anga akudawo zvekuti ndidyire sweet mupaper
apa kwanga kwakungo bvuma zvese sekuti ndainyengerera kuti asaende kumusha. Kubva ndimurape
anga akungoti hee musana hee ndakaneta aah hameno.

Now am here ndati ndiende kusecond wife ndipone dhololo second wife yarwara paye..... Nzara
chaiyo kkk.

Takazorara zvedu anga ave nani zvake. Kuseni takamuka kuseni kugadzirira kuenda kuMhondoro.

Munzira mese Rudo aiva zii zvake it's not like her at all. But ndakangoti maybe kurwara kwenezuro.

Takasvika tichitopinda pabasa kuronga ronga. Rudo akaenda kumba kwavo aizouya nana Tete vake
manheru. Program dzacho zvanga zvakaoma.


I got a call from Gogo Furusa ndichitobva zvangu kubasa Thursday night....

Me " Mbuya Teresa ndeipi"

Mbuya " Hesi kani my favorite zuke zviri sei newe?"

Me " hapana apa "

Mbuya " Asi uri kudriver here"

Me " Taurai iri pabluetooth"

Mbuya " Soko renyaradzo rakasvika kunana Tete saka tanzi tiendeko sevanhu vasina kuzoita

So Beaven anga asvitsa soko nhai ok.

Me " Aah ok Mbuya but ini handisi kuenda"

Mbuya " Nekuti??"

Me " Beaven akati baba Rumbie havadi"

Mbuya " Aah ndezvekwake ugadzirire tigoenda tongogara sevaenzi handiti"

Me " ok asi ndotanga ndanzwa Beaven"

Mbuya " kunzwenyi ko iwe hanty anga akurambidza saka kana tikaerekana tati pfacha
ndopaanokudzosa here unoda kungwara semukadzi ndopaunosara ipapo uchingonzi nemurume ichi
siya ana marwei vocapitaliser havateedzerwe ana nyapolo pipipi"

Ndakaseka zvangu Gogo soooo hanzi Nyapolo

Me " Nyapolo pipipi mava Gogo Furusa here hanzi unaso chenjere ana nyapolo kkkk"


Pese paidaro Gogo Furusa snr vachiti Nyapolo pipipi vaireva mbolis kkk. _Usatedzedzere wembolis
vana Nyapolo_

Mbuya " Inga unoziva wani saka gara wakagadzirira ndataura nana Tete nevazukuru vekwa Kambie
na Furusa jnr.... ndoteam iri kuenda.... mwii mwii amai"

I laughed.

Me " ok ndapanzwa"

Mbuya Teresa was a great advisor zveshuwa hadn't thought of it ndogona kutobuditswa nusystem
kabisira ka. I am Mrs Rushy so I must be bold.
That night hameno hope dzandakarota ndaitova funny mufunge


_Ndaiva paparty zvangu vanhu vakapfeka zvinhu zveblack. Plus taive takapfeka mamask kumeso.
There were alot of people my friends, family dzese vekwa Rushy, Kambarami, Furusa alot of
people.... As I was dancing ne munhu wandaitoti ndiBeaven. A waiter came ne tray yaiva
nemadrinks. I took a glass ndakuda kunwa ndakabva ndaona dzvinyu mudrink. I called out kuti
Jesus!! Murume wandaiva naye took the glass achibva ati " In the name of Jesus" Hameno kwakabva
mumwe mukadzi achimhanya achibva abvuta glass kwakunwa I wanted to warn her ndichibva
ndabatwa muromo nemurume uya pandakacheuka wanikwe he was now wearing white. Akabva
asimudza musoro and I saw kuti it was Jayden pandakada kuti nditaure we heard a scream
tikamhanya takaona mukadzi uya wekunwa drink achibuda madzvinyu mumuviri wake her face
yanga iri familiar but couldn't recognise_ ndakabva ndapepeuka

Yohwee I thought as I stood up kuenda mufridge yemubedroom kunotora drink kuti ndinwe
ndohope dzinokumutsa waitira weti mumagudza idzi aikaka. I gave Aiziva his bottle anga amukawo.
Ndakuti regai ndiverenge bible the time was 2am my phone rang

📞📞 it was Jayden. 🙄 husiku huno nhai???

Me " Hello!!"

Jayden " Sorry huya pa app?"

Me " Taura am alone"

Jayden " Ok urisey "

Me " Gud "

Jayden " Better"

Huh ndozvangaphonere husiku izvozvo.

Me "Jayden it's 2am and you call me to say urisey ndafunga kuti waita problem kaini"

Jayden " Sorry had a very bad dream we were at a party"

Me " Oh no! were we wearing black"

Jayden " What!!"

We started to narrate everything giving each other turns. The dream was more like the same but
zvimwe zvanga zvakasiyana hazvo.

Jayden " I have a terrible feeling shaa I think we should pray"

Me " You are right iish I just thought it was one of those dreams but iish you getting almost the same
dream makes me wanna freak out am scared to death now"

He read to me some scriptures Psalms 34 vs 4 " I sought the Lord and he heard me and he delivered
me from my fears"

Psalms 91

Jayden " Namata shaa I will pray about it as well and pliz speak the blood of Jesus"
Me " Thank you"

Jayden " I wish I was close I feel you need someone to lean on"

Exactly what I needed 🤦🏽♀....

Me " Nyt"

Jayden " Nyt babie"


Kungosvika kuMhondoro nekunanga kumba kwedu. Apa ndakangofamba hana iri mumaoko
weduwe Mai Rumbie vaiti vakanditarisa vaiita kunyemwerera kwekuti ndazokubata kune kachifinhu

Ndakangoenda hangu but pamwe husiku ndaisatombozo dzoka Mai Rumbie vanditengesa chokwadi.
Ndakasvika kumba ndakaneta neta zvangu.

Mhamha "Titambire "

Vakadaro mhamha vachifara fara... ndakangovapindurawo imwe iyaiya. Ndakakwazisana

nekusimbisana nevanhu vese pamba. Ndati garei kwakuenda kuimba yevasikana. Ndakazoona
mhamha vatevera...

Mhamha " ko kuzoita se vanaiwa sei"

Ndakatanga kuchema ndakuvarondedzera zvese...

Mhamha " Saka uri kuchemei nhai Rudo chinyarara zvese zvinonaka chete. Haticheme asi tinorwa"

Me " Handisi kutaura mafunnies ka kutaura kudai Mai Rumbie vanotogona vataura"
Mhamha " Haambo usatya ini ndakubuda ndonotsvaka zvekuita nawo nhai. Pamunodzoka
mangwana zvinenge zvaita. Asi Rudo nguva yakwana mwanangu yekuti uchipinda full time mumba
maSimbiso muya wazvinzwa"

Me " hongu mhamha"

Mhamha vakasunungura corner yezambia.

" Uyu ndakautsvaga mazuva apera ndichiti paunouya tigotaure. Unono ufuridzira mugotsi
maSimbiso "

Hana yangu yakarova zvekuda kutsemuka chaiko

Me " Aah mhamha kuti afe here??"

Mhamha " Kwete anoita kunge munhu ane down syndrome haataure maoko anorera anoita masiriri
kungodaro Beaven anenge asisade haamurambe munotofanirwa kugara naye kushungurudzika
kwake ndiko kuwedzerwa kwerudo hwenyi"

Vakafa nekuseka. Ndakatora ndikachengeta....


Takatorana nana babamudiki ne masahwira amudhara aivepo tichinoita meeting. Baba Rumbie
vakabva vazivisa kuti ndainge ndakaroora kwaMazipetele. Varume vakataura kuti hazvaifanirwa
kuitwa semaitiro atakaita... takazvidza vanhu vakuru.. Vakazonosvitsa kuna mudhara. Takapinda
dare. Nyaya yakataurwa

Sahwira " Hanty manzwa nyaya poitwa sei"

Vanhu vaiva nemamixed feelings takatukwa zvisingaite nevamwe hanzi chirudzii kusimuka musina
kuzivisa vanhu...

Tete " Ane problem ndiwo vaChihera apa kurunzira vana mune zvakashata shuwa mukadzi mukuru
anga ronge kudaro. Iwe Chihera ka" vakapopota Tete vangu kani
Tanga tangonyarara zvedu. Pakachinjanwa mashoko makukutu kani hamuna chamakaona. Finally
kwakazonzi yadeuka yadeuka vanhu votozvigamuchira nekuti ndozvatovepo.

Rudo akazouya nehama dzake manheru iwayo vakaziviswa. Kwakusiri kupembererwa zvako cause
taiva paNyaradzo.


Mbuya Furusa 🤺

Kuseni takamuka tichigadzirira kuti tiende kwaRushy. Phone yangu yakarira vaiva Tete Rudaviro


Me " Mamuka sei Tete"

Ruda " Kkkk Tamuka zvedu Gogo mamukawo"

Me " Tamuka musaseke mutori Tete vakuru ipapo"

Ruda " Hahada.... I hope mavekuuya cause kuno so far chokwadi chabuda cause Rudo akaziviswa
mumusha kuti mukadzi waBeaven. Gogo handina kurara ndichichema ini are you sure Maiguru will
handle this???"

Neniwo zvakabva zvandibata umm akatoziviswa hey weduwe ka Simbiso I feel sorry for her
ijambwa rudzii ko iri....

Me " Zvinorwadza kani asi toda kusimba for Simbiso it's not easy kani.... anyway thanks regai
tipinde munzira ndoda kusvika makuenda kumakuva "

Ruda " Ok fine..."

Ndakacutter haa nhasi ka Beaven ndoda kumbomupedzera hudzenga here kana kuti chiiko. Abva
atadza kuremekedza Simbiso. Ini this time sekutaura kwaFurusa.... Simbie haakudzokere idi🤞🏽..

Ndakatakura masahwira angu mairi kuti ndizowana anondibatsira pakumamisa vanhu. Yaa
ndozvaitodiwa ipapo. Takanosangana kumba kwaSimbiso tanga tine combie ye friend yangu.

Ndakashamiswa nedelegation yacho a bit weird for a Nyaradzo gathering I mean Mbuya Furusa
vaperekedzwa nemafriends avo. But handina hangu kubvunza. I was just low musi uyu kutonzwa
kuneta neta zvangu.

Takasimuka takananga kuMhondoro zvedu. I felt warmth nekukutwa but at the same time ndaitya
kuti vachanotii ikoko cause ndovaziva vanhu vekwa Rushy apa vaitoonererwa chete... simba
vachiriwana varipo pamusha wavo....


Ndaive kuseri ndichitotaura na Sekuru vanga vachangosvikawo... vaitonditongesa nenyaya yekuti

sei ndakazoita zvaRudo. Ndiri pakati pekutaura ndopandakaona combi yakasvika. Hameno
chakangoti tarisa ndokuona muchibuda vana Mbuya Furusa, Simbie ana Ratie, Mona vana Tete
nedzimwe hama. Hana yangu yakarova.

Sekuru " Vauya ka zvino uchaita sei??"

Ndakatadza kupindura ko iye Simbie azotevera why. Apa panga parongwa delegation
yaindiperekedza ndonomuudza kuti ndozvaivepo.

I guess taive kumashure cause kuva kwake pano meant achatoziva chete.
Sekuru " Hande tinovatambira"

Takafamba kuenda ikoko ndakasvika Rudaviro na Mainini Sekai vatovagamuchira vakanogariswa

paverendah I think vaida kunzwa kuna amai kuti vopihwa papi pekugara.

Kusvika kwavakaita pakaita tension. Ndakavamhoresa vese. But Mbuya Teresa vakangondimhoresa
imwe iyaiya. Ndakazoona vazukuru vangu vakuvapa room yekuti vagare mu our old house.

Simbiso 🤦🏽♀

Munhu wandakatanga kuona ndiRudo kumoto uko. Ndakashamisika. Ko Rudo akuattender

mafunctions ekwa Rushy pakai ini muridzi ndisipo. I felt belittled ini how can he do that to me

Takagara. Tikazobuda tina Tete na Mbuya na Sekuru Furusa jnr tichinokwazisa vana mhamha na
mudhara. Mbuya Rushy vakaramba kuti kwazisa... asi patakaenda kuroom yaiva nababa
vakatitambira nemufaro.

Patakadzekera kuroom kwatanga tiri takasvikogara

" Simbiso, Mona, Tete neni takumboenda kumapoto uko" vakadaro Mbuya Furusa
We took our Zambias.... everything seemed weird vanhu vaingoti tarisa tarisa mheno kuti chii.
Takasvika kumapoto kuya kwakumirizika. Ziso randaipihwa na Rudo so zvanga zvakaoma.

Mbuya Furusa 🤺

Mbuya iyi inoonererwa zvisingaite manje ndoda kuisoter nhasi handimboisiya inofarisa ndakayeuka
first day rangu pamusha apa haiwa nhasi taida kupawonekedza vakuru.

Kumoto kwacho hatina kuzokugara ndakatozoona kuti taiita vana mucheka dzafa kwakudzokera...

Mutambo wese wakaitwa tingoripo tiri zii zvedu ndakazoti tadzoka vanhu vakupihwa lunch
kwakusimuka na Sahwira wavaKambarami na Furusa jnr na Tete tikaenda muzoona Sekuru va
Beaven. We told them taida kuona dare. Havana kupikisa vakabva vati vakusvitsa shoko within
minutes vakadzoka vakati vanhu vabvuma asi kana vapedza kudya. Pateam yedu hapana akadya
takanonwa madrink. Ini ndaive nebasa rekumboda kuranga mapenzi and simba ndairinzwa rekuti
ndaigona kuvapedza musha vese ndiri one.

Takadeedzwa tikapinda mudare ne delegation. Tagara ndakabva ndati pamusoroi

"Pamusoroi ini ndinoitwa Theresa Furusa ndini ziMbuya racho remuroora wenyu.... tauya tibvunze
kuti tine zvatiri kunzwa"
Simbiso 🤦🏽♀

Ndakashamisika nezvaitaurwa na Mbuya Furusa vanga vanzwei. Beaven ndanga ndisina hangu
kunyanyotaura naye aingova busy seems pane zvaainzvenga plus wo ndaingonzi na Mbuya Teresa
gara pandiri....

Babamunini " Ehee bvunzai henyu Ambuya wedu"

Mbuya T " Vanhu vekwaRushy mune chokwadi here imi??"

Ndakatowedzera kushamisika ini cause ndaisaziva nyaya kwayaibva...

Tete " Pamusoroi dare ndofunga dai mangotangisa ne kutaurira vana Tezvara wedu ava zviripo pane
kuti muchibvunzwa nekuti zvinenge zvatosvika kare"

Mbuya T " Maita basa Tete. Ndauya pano ne vanhu vese vamuri kuona ava kuti perekedze muzukuru
wangu uyu azvinzwire. "
Vakabva vasimuka. Ummm ndanga ndakutya imbori nyaya yei nyaya yei ko.

" Beaven unganoroora mumwe mukadzi wotadza kuudza mukadzi wako une shuwa"

I felt a sharp pain pa moyo. Was this true!!!!

Muzukuru " Chokwadi mbuya pakakanganiswa tanga tiri kutoda kuuya kuzokuzivisai"

Mbuya T " Iwe nyarara handisi kuda zvemadhodhi dhodhi wanzwa ndiwe Beaven here iwe"

I started to cry

Pakabva patotanga kuita noise vanhu vakudzoserana mashoko.

Mbuya Furusa vakabva vatanga kupopotedzana nana Mai Blessing nana Baba Rumbie. Vakatoti too
late vachibva vanourukira Beaven wacho nembama. Baba Rumbie ne vazukuru vakazama kubatsira
Beaven but Teresa anga ane simba risiri kuita.

Beaven akazama kuyambuka achibuda panze Mbuya Teresa vakatevera pavakaona kuti Baba Rumbie
vari kuita take take vakabva vangoti kikiri na Baba Rumbie. Shamwari dza Mbuya Teresa dzanga
dzakubatsirawo. Hmuna chamakaona pakaitwa zhowe zhowe kani.

Mbuya Rushy vakazama kuda kuzvipindira but vakatadza neshungu dzekumborohwa kwavakaita
vakaona kuti vana vavo vanga rohwe kwakutora bucket rizere nemvura vachibva vanodira vakadzi

Mbuya Furusa.🤺

Pandakaona Mbuya iya yandidira mvura ndakasvotwa ndichibva ndasiya zidzenga rinonzi Beaven
ndobva bdano kwapaidza mbuya Rushy nembama yakaita varidze mhere yakavharira musha wese.
Hameno vamwe baba vechikuru vakauya vachindirova ne tsvimbo yavo. Ndakangobvuta kwakutanga
ndazvambura Beaven nayo ndakabva ndaona Rudo akamira padhuze ndikati uyu ndiye mumwe
ndakamuzhakada netsvimbo iya. Vanhu vanga vakutozeza kubata nekuto kamuzhakadiro kacho
waigona kubatanidzwa. Nakamupedzisa ne mambama pairi mativi ose. Kakutora tsvimbo iya
nekuivhuna nepakati. Ne simba racho ndakatorishaya kuti rakabvepi.

Ndakakokorodza vanhu vandanga ndauya nayo kuti hande. Apa vanhu vaingopopota chete. Simbiso
yanga yangova misodzi yega yega achinyaradzwa ne mashamwari ake.

*Lets meet Tuesday guys. Luv u💋*

*Not edited*

End of Chapter 46

[20/08, 07:31] Fungie Babie: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*💋

📲 0772110988

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 47

Mbuya Furusa 🤺

Taknobinda kumota kuya. Simbie anga atovamo kare. Ndakaona Tete, Sekuru na Mbuya va Beaven
vachimhanya kuuya kwandiri. Vakasvika vakapfugama.
Mbuya "Gogo ruregerero please Gogo chikumbiriso mirai titaurirane"

Tete " Chokwadi Gogo tine hurombo pakakanganiswa chokwadi"

Aiwa zvekutaura ndange ndisiri kuda ndaitonzwa kuvawiwa mumaoko angu aya.

Furusa jnr" kuti pane chekutaura here vana Mai hapana chekuchataura apa regai tiende"

Vakagwesha vachisvika pedo

Mbuya "Pakakanganiswa hongu asi zvinhu zvinotauriranwa Gogo. Tingarase mbereko nekufirwa

Me "Musazvinetse Mbuya yanhasi mbereko yashakara yabvaruka and tarasa musazvinetse henyu."

Vakademba kani vese na Sekuru wacho vanga vave mujecha imomo vachigwesha. Ndakabva ndaona
Beaven achiuya. Aidei benzi remunhu zvivindi zvake ndezvei.
Me " Uye munhu ari kuenda kupi" ndaireva iyi Beaven aiti tucha tucha achiuya kwataive. Hama
dzake dzaka cheuka akabva agwadama mujecha achigwesha

Beaven " Ndokumbirawo ruregerero"

Amai vake vakauya vachimhanya " Benzi remunhu Beaven uri kuenda kupi"

Ndakanzwa hasha ndakatora matombo kwakupotsera akasimuka achinzvenga. Akaramba ouya

achikumbira ruregerero.... nxaa ndakatoti munhu haanzwe nhayi ndakabva ndasvetuka
kumudzokerera kwakumutandanisa ndakamubatira kuna mai vake ikoko ndikagoti naye apa ndange
ndakurovera pemuzukuru wangu. Mbuya Rushy ikati unonyepa kubva yauya ichizama kununura
mwana wayo ikagoti kundiruma musana ndakangocheuka nekuipa zigwati chembere ikawa pasi.
Ndakabva ndasiya zvaBeaven kunopinda mumota ichibva yasimudzwa... Chembere yakapotsera
matombo nehasha


Road yese yaingova mariro mumota. Simbiso aichema zvaipisa tsitsi akaungudza kani "hanzi mwari
munodarirei chandakatadza handichichizive. Munyama wangu uri papi mwari kubva ndiri musikana
handisati ndambozororawo kuchema here"

Yuwi nesuwo takatonzwa misodzi ichiuya zvaipisa tsitsi kani. Chokwadi mwana uyu aiva nejambwa
kuti haana akamusurira munyama here weduwe zvakangooma hazvo iiii zvaipisa tsitsi.... Vanhu
takangotanga kudiscusser nyaya yacho akazenge aradzikwa neshamwari dzake anga akuti musoro...

Jambanja paMhondoro shem. Iish ndakarwadziwa ndarohwa nechimbuya chiya chaSimbiso munhu
kadzi anoita mangoromera ekurova kudaro kuita kunge murume nhaka ndakarwadziwa.
Ndaitarisirawo Beaven achandinyaradzawo but paakanzi na mai vake mukadzi arohwa
akatodeedzera kuti "Ndiye honzeri yematambudziko ngarohwe" 🙄 hezvo Beaven so. Saka munhu
anoda Simbiso kauyu but anyway ndofunga zvazvadai haadzoke futi. Dai makaona achiendeswa
mumota maitoti kufirwa kkkk munhu angabva adaro here ndakaseka nhamo serugare.

Beaven akatevera kwavaikumbirwa ruregerero ndakazvishayawo kuona varume vakuru ne

madzimai vachigwesha mujecha kudembera karati woman here kkk kuda Simbiso here ikoko.
Ndaingoti dai vakamamiswa kkkk ko ini havandioni here.

Ndakazoseka zvangu ndakuona Beaven achimhanyiswa kkkk iyo mbuya Rushy kuda kupinda
pamamonya yakapihwa gwati chembere kwakaderoko. Haaaiii Mbuya iyi dai yakarisota zimbuya iri

Ndiri busy zvangu kuokera ndichiona bhaisikopo yemahara ndakangonzwa kuzevezera

"Get ready mainini yenyu firimu mamanje kkkk"

Ndakacheuka vaiva Mai Rumbie vakabva vaenda kuseri kwemba. 🙆🏽♀ maihwe ndakadikitira
kani weduwe kuita kunzwa imwe heat so. Saka vaida kudini shuwa. Ndakati regai ndivatevere.

Me " Maiguru"

Mai Rumbie "Uri kudei kkk"

Ndakaramba ndakamira

Me " Pliz Maiguru pliz musanditangirewo zvimwe ndapota"

Vakaoma nekuseka chifinhu chaicho...

Mai Rumbie " Mai nhanha ndirini mumwe ndaigara ndashaika pano nekuti ndoda kuchibvondora
zvichiri kupisa kudai"
Ndakatoona kuti pano pangu pangapere... Ko mhamha vaivepiko nemushonga wemunhu uyu...
Ndakabva ndarangarira mushonga uya wandanga ndapihwa namhamha uchinzi ndewa Simbiso.
Ndakabva ndamhanya kuno utora kwakuisa muruoko. Ndakadzoka Maiguru vachitsvaga Beaven
ndakatoziva kuti chachaya. Vakamira vachitaura naRumbie ndichibva ndaenda nechekuseri kwavo
kutarisa tarisa kuti hapana kundiona here ndakabva ndafuridzira mushonga uya nechekugotsi
kwavo. Vakavhunduka kundiona.

Mai Rumbie " Yoo muri kutsvagei kuseri kwangu"

Me " Aah nhai munhu orambidzwa kudarika here"

Vakaridza tsamwa vachibva vaenda. I hoped mushonga uya waishanda otherwise my life would be
doomed. Ndakadzokera kuchoto. Ndisati ndambodini ndakabva ndanzwa Tete Mai Blessing

"Baba Rumbie... baba Rumbie iwe!!!"

Baba Rumbie " Chiiko Mai Bee"

Mai Bee " Huya uone zvaita Mai Rumbie kani"

Ndakabva ndaziva kuti mushonga uya vashanda..


Hey handina kutarisira kuti zvingazodai. Maybe deno delegation yakaenda pamwe zvese izvi zvisina
kumboitika. Amana ndakarohwa too bad kurohwa chaiko chaiko. Haa mukadzi anonzi Furusa
usaderere munhu anoita kubuda shavi nekurova.

I didn't know what to do anymore iish anga aenda Simbiso. Was she ever going to forgive me for this
nhai hey pakaipa. Ndakasara ndingori mundangariro. I was finished I didn't know what to do

*Simbiso* 🤦🏽♀

Weduwe zvakaoma chokwadi. I still couldn't believe this. All this happened right under my nose kana
kumbozviona. I was hurt my heart bleed💔....

Ndakamubvunza mwari kuti why me!!!! Why Simbiso munyama here chii... mweya here chiiko why
had I have to through this fire. Kubva ndisati ndaroorwa ndakamboita munyama wekutizwa
nevakomana. Now this... it seemed I was born destined for *A life time of tears*😭😭😭😭 where
these tears ever going to stop and rinhi???? why did i have to experience this pain.

I felt like just ending my life there was no reason to live after all this pain. Asi iye mwari sei
asinganzwe munamato wangu. Inga ndinonamata ndinoshumira mwari ndakaisa Jehovah pamberi
semufudzi wangu but why asinga ndigadzirirewo tafura pamberi pevadzivisi vangu. Why does he let
the devil attact me always. Mwari ariko here zveshuwa wakava mubvunzo after mubvunzo
ndichizvibvunza. But no mhonduro God was quiet.

Beaven why did he have to do this after all the love I had shown him. All the sacrifices I had been
through. So he really loved Rudo ka. He should have told me from day one. Ndaigara zvangu ndisina
kuroorwa ini. I cried my heart out.

Hameno ndakarara chirudzii ndakazomuka ndatove kuFarm kwana Sekuru Furusa. Ndakasviko
pinda muroom nekuzviradzika pabed. I was frustrated kani. Zvinhu zvekudai hazvidi kudaro sooo.
My friends ne vamwe vese vakaoneka ndikasara na Tete na Mbuya.

Tete " Unoda kushinga mwana wehanzvadzi yangu... kufa kweJoni kambani haivhare hupenyu
hunopfuurira mberi. Unoda kuti Aiziva aiite sei"

Me " Tete ndarwadziswa kani Tete Beaven kundidaro here ndachepeswa honai vavengi vangu
vandifara nhasi"
Mbuya " Simbiso muzukuru chinyarara count all things as blessings. Pamwe anga asiri wako
Beaven iyeye mwari anoita zvinhu zvekuti nesuwo tinoshaya kuziva kuti why zvaitirwei shuwa Aiziva
unoda kuti azodini unofa na bp"

Me " kana ichi uraya nani kufa zvangu. Zvepano panyika zvandikona dai ndiri shiri zvangu
ndaibhururuka ini ndiende kudenga kuna baba vangu"

Ndakatanga kuchema zvangu.😭😭😭


🎼🎼Zvepano panyika hazvimboperi zvepano panyika hazvimboperi... dai ndiri shiri

ndaibhururuka ndiende kudenga kuna baba vangu. Zvepano zvepano zvepano panyika.

🎼🎼Panyika panorema panyika panorema panyika panorema panyika panorema dai ndiri shiri
ndaibhururuka ndiende kudenga kuna baba vangu..😭😭😭

Ndakaona vakadzi vakuru vakubuditsawo misodzi kuchema iii ndakachema kani. Sekuru na
Mhamha vakasvikawo after some minutes kungovatarisa so ndakairidza mhere kani. Zvangu
zvaitova zvemunhu afirwa izvi ko ndanga ndabaiwa panyama nhete.... iii Beaven Rushy wakandigona
*Mukaona richinonoka itai moyo murefu ndimbori busy*

End of Chapter 47

Lots of luv💋

[22/08, 13:28] 💞Shamiso💞: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 48

*Events at Pamusha pavaRushy*

Baba Rumbie " Yohwee Mai Rumbie chiiko zvaita Seiko.. . Nhai Mai Bee vaita sei??"
Mai Bee" Handitozive ini baba Rumbie kuti zvirikumbofamba sei vangotanga kukwenya
ndavabvunza vakuda kupindura ndopavabva vatadza vakubuda marute"

Baba Rumbie vakaperererwa vachibva vabuda kunodana amai vavo ne hama dzekwa Mai Rumbie
vanga varipo vauya kuNyaradzo. Vanhu vakaungana paye. Vaiita chivanhu chavo ipapo vaidiniko
zvakashaya basa. Beaven ndiye akazoti vatakurwe vaendeswe kuchipatara kuHarare. Baba Rumbie
vakabva vaenda nemukadzi wavo kuchipatara kwacho. Beaven akasara achipinda dare rezvakanga
zvaitika zvaSimbiso uye nekusara ariye mukomana akamira mutsoka dzababa Rumbie achipedzisa
basa reNyaradzo.

Kubva kune drama dza Mbuya Furusa kusvika kune zvanga zvaitika kuna Mai Rumbie vanhu
havana kunzwisisa, zvinova izvo zvakakonzera kutaura taura muvanhu... vamwe vakati chivanhu
vamwe vakati Mai Rumbie vakaromba zvakawanda kani.....

👵🏿*Mbuya Rushy* 🦎

Ndakasvotwa nezvakaitwa nezimbuya riya mazivanhu emukadzi waBeaven havana kukwana. Zvino
akadzoka Simbiso wacho this time ndomupedzisa idi kumuuraya chaiko vanyatsa kurwadziwa
nekuti zvandaitwa nhasi idi oooh vanozviona.
Mai Rumbie ndakashaya kuti vanga vabatwa nei munhu kungotanga here kurwara ipo paya
takatarisa. Mukati haana zvaakabata here mukadzi uya pamwe mwana akufuka pamwe
vakazvidyira mazai avo vega umm ndakazvishaya kuti zviiko regai tigoona kumadhokotera
kwavanga vaenda.

Vanhu vakaparadzana kopanga pachagarika here pamusha paRushy vanhu vakutya kubatanidzirwa
mudzinyaya. Pakangosara vana vepamusha nevamwe vashoma vehukama hwepedyo.

Ndakapinzwa dare nehanzvadzi dzangu dzichinditongesa hanzi waparadza musha wevanhu. Apa
vaibvira nyaya ya Simbiso. Aaah vaipenga fani. Vamwe vaitoti zvichakudzokera kuvana vako. Haiwa
kupenga uko nxaa.

Manheru tarara ndakapepuka ndichinzwa kutamba kwevana panze. Ndakatarisa nepawindow but
hapana chandakaona. Ndakadzokera mumachira noise yanga yapera ndichingoti vharei maziso
ndikanzwa..... " Ethan huya tiende kuna Gogo.kkkkk"

" Mazvita mira kani mazvita"

Ndakabva ndamuka kugara ndairota here ini Ethan na Mazvita vana va Beaven na baba Rumbie
vana vakafa....
Ndichiri kushamisika ndakanzwa..

Gogo Goooogooo Gooogooo vhula door vhula door titambe Gooogooo Iwe Gooogooo vhula door
vhula door.... Gooogooo huya titambe.

Ndakaita kuvhunduka kushaya zvekuita chaiko apa vaitotaura shuwa.

Ndakatanga kudeedzera kuti " Ndisiyei ndisiyei"


Tuchipoko twevana twakapinda mubedroom maGogo vavo vakatanga kutaura zvekare vachi uya
kuna Gogo.

Mbuya Rushy vakatanga kuzevezera vachiti "Siyanai neni ndokuzivirai kupi dzokerai kwamabva"

Mazvita akatanga kuchema. "Gooogooo makandiurairei Gogo ndakatadzei"

Ethan " Gooogoo makandiurairei Gogo kutuma madzvinyu Googoo Gooogooo huya titambe

"Siyanai neni imi"

Kuzevezera uko kwakabva kwaita kuti sekuru Rushy vamuke.......

Sekuru Rushy "Ko muri kuiteiko makasvinura muri kutaura nani"

Mbuya Rushy "Hapana ndiri kunamata"

Tuvana tuya twakaseka Gogo vakavhara nzeve. Sekuru vaitoshaya kuti zvii nekuti Mbuya Rushy
vaingonzwanana vega nevazukuru vavo.

" Tikudzoka Gogo utiudze kuti seiko Gooogooo gegegegege Goooogoooo"


Zvangu zvanga zvaita kani. Kkkk Mai Rumbie dakuona kuti uchazviudza ani kkk. Muromo
zvawavharwa ne zip kkkk huriiii ndakaseka zvangu. Next time she must learn to mind her own
business hezvoka vatova zimcare. Ndakamboti regai ndiende kumba zvangu zvepamusha uyu zvanga

The following day yaiva Sunday ndakamuka ndakaneta zvangu. Ko ndanga ndarara hangu kumba
kwaMai Mazipetele. Ivo mhamha chinguri vakaenda kunotsvaka mushonga vakazodii. Ndakazoti
ndapedza kugeza ndakuti ngandidzokere kwaRushy mhamha vachibva vasvika....

Me "Ko nhai mhamha kwakanaka here"

Mhamha "Aah iwe masango anga ari matema but zvakazoita wena..."

Me " Aaaah makanonokera colgate mhamha ndakatoshandisa mushonga uya pana mai Rumbie ini"

🙆🏽♀ "maihweeeeee!!!!! wati kuti kudini Rudo !!!!! Nhai mwari vakaita kugara pasi apa taive
kuseri kweKitchen.
Me "Yohwee ko chiiko nhai mhamha kani!!"

Mhamha " Ukwane wazvinzwa rega sis vako vazoti unosanganisa zvinhu.... Inga uri wechi manje
manje wani wokundwa nesu chembere kutedzera ma ma inist inisitura anonziiiii ko hameno

Me " Ma instructions mhamha. Maida ndiite seiko mai Rumbie vanga vakuda kuchibvondora panga
pasina yekutamba"

Mhamha " Hiya panga pasina yekutamba nhaika zvino uchazvionera pamhino sefodya benzi

Yuwii ndakazvishaya. Vakabva vaenda mumba ini kwakutoenda zvangu kwaRushy ko ndaigarira
kuudzwa hubenzi here. Iye Simbiso vavaida kuuraya hanty anga atoenda here ko munoti anga dzoke
pakadaro here.

Ndakasvika pamusha ndikatanga zvangu kubatsira vazukuru vaizama kudzosera zvinhu panzvimbo.
Mota yeRooneys yanga yauya kuzotakura zvinhu. Ndakambopinda mumba ma Mbuya Rushy
Me " Maswera sei amai"

Mbuya Rushy "Ndaswera Mai Tinashe. Ko vakazvionawo sei zvakaitika pana Mai Rumbie"

Haaa vaida kunditapa mazwi kuti mangwana vazoti ndini manje vanyangira yaona kare.

Me "Havasi kuti varwara here"

Mbuya Rushy '" Ummm kuti hapana chivanhu here?"

Me " Ummm handione sekudaro hu downsyndrom chitori chirwere amai"

Ndakaona hangu mhinduro dzangu dzaisavafadza. Manje tanga tisiri pakufadzana zve.
Vakandiudza nezve mazwi ana Mazvita na Ethan aitaura nawo husiku vachiti vaida kuzvifambira.
Aaah ndakangoti endai. Yoo ndinei nazvo one man for himself and God for us all nxaaa.

Ndakabuda panze ndichida kunochera mvura. Mashura!!!! ndakaona Tanaka akagara na Beaven
panze. Hana yangu yakarova kunge ichatsemuka. Tanaka aitsvagei futi nhai mwari ndoti ndapedza
nezva Mai Rumbie uyu wotubuka kunge hohwa. Shit!!!

Akabva atondiona paye apa ndaida kutonzvega.

" Aaah Mai Tanaka aaah sorry Mai Tinashe!!" akashedzera Tanaka

Tanaka imbudzi yemunhu chaiyo what kind of mistake was that.

Ndakaenda ndikanomumhoresa ndaiita kubvunda kani chandaisanzwisisa ndechekuti anga avingei

pano nhai.

Matarisiro aakandiita akaonekwa na Beaven. Akabva anditarisa ne ziso raitaura. Tanaka uyu ka auya
kuzokonzeresa chete. Ndakapindwa ne mweya wekunotora mushonga mushoma wanga wasara
ndifuridzire but ndichifunga kudaro ndakabva ndarangarira mazwi amai vangu kwakuzvisiya.
Ndakanochera mvura ndakudzoka ndakavhundutswa na Tanaka achibva kuseri kwemubanana waive
mugarden medu. Mvura yaivepo pamba but vanhu vaida kunwa yaibva pa spring yaive mugarden.

Tanaka " Rudo wakuda kukuvadza mwana wangu ka"

Me " Sssh mhani unonzwikwa. Tanaka enda ne kanzira ako kanoenda ne kumba kwedu ndiri kuuya

Aka smiler😁

Tanaka " Better"

Akabva aenda but ndange ndatoonekwa naTete Raviro vanga vakudzika kuGarden kunochera mvura.
Aah hameno ndakangopfudzana navo hapana chavakataura.....
Ndakanosiya mugoro wangu kwakubuda ndakananga kwandainge ndaudza Tanaka I made sure no
one was following me. Takasvika tikatsauka nzira kupinda musango

Me " Uri kutsvagei kuno Tanaka"

Him " Kukusuwa babie" akabva andimbundira kwakutanga kutondi kisser yohwe nhai weduwe.

Me " Nhai Tanaka hausi kuona uri kundi markisa here izvozvi waona ziso randapihwa na Beaven

Tanaka "handidi zvekutadziswa kuona mukadzi wangu panguva yandinoda anozviziva here kuti une
nhumbu yangu"

Me 🤫 " Sssh weduwe Tanaka pliz kani chienda"

Him " Handiende ndisina kudya punanani"

Me " Undikwanire izvozvi ndinenge ndakutsvagwa unoda nditii"

Him " Ndo homework yako iyoyo yekugona kuvhara maone ini ndakakuudza kuti huya tigare tese
tichinakirana but wakaramba saka unozvigona"

Ende futi ka nhai mwari 2 weeks ngadzikwane ndiuraye benzi iri pliz nxaa...

Akatanga kupinza maoko ake pese pese.

Me " Tanaka no mira am on izvozvi plus pano hapanyatsoite"

Him " Zve on haisi nyaya topinda nemajombo"

Hey nhasi zvangu ndikasatosimba ndoiswa mazuva asati akwana.

Ndakanetsana naye kusvika ndanyengerera akabvuma.

Takazongo batana batana musango imomo ne makiss kiss tichibva taparadzana. Tanaka soo ka
zvakaoma. Ndakatanga ndini kudzokera ndakazoona iye asvika achiwoneka Beaven achibva aenda.
Kutaura chokwadi Tanaka anga akufarisa kupinda nemweje mudziva chaiko.

Ndakazonetsanawo naBeaven ndakuti I was remaining behind hanzi why??? Ini ndaizviitira kuti 2
weeks dzikwane cause ndatoona zvangu na Beaven wacho anga anzwa ne nyere saka
ndikambopedza mazuva ndiri kumusha zvaiita. Akazobvuma ndikasara.

Tete Rudaviro

Umm my heart bled as I saw Maiguru crying. Zvimwe zvinhu hazvidi weduwe. Neniwo ndakatopinda
mumba and cried 😭😭😭 Ndakambozvituka kuti dai ndakaziva ndakangonyarara zvangu but still
I may have lived a terrible life of guilty and this was better now she knows.

Hameno if she would be able to forgive my brother. I wanted her to but I doubt if he was worth the
forgiveness. It seemed there was no turning back apa especially for Beaven.. Rudo anga atova
mukadzi wake and she was here to stay nenhumbu yake.

I just hoped in life handisangane ne masituations akadai ummm terrible chaiyo.

Jayden 👨🏽⚖

After having that dream na Simbiso I couldn't stop praying for her. I felt something bad could
happen to her but I knew that God had revealed himself through my dream so Satan was defeated if
only we prayed about it.

Friday ndakatorara ku all night. I so much wanted to call her but I decided to pray.

Saturday ndakaswera ndega zvangu closed indoors ndichiona TV there was nothing much to do. I
longed for a partner musi uyu. To be honest I was trying to suppress my sexual desires but at times
ndaitonzwa kuti ndaibva I couldn't take it anymore. Munoziva zvaiva funny of late I had been trying
kunyengawo kuti maybe ndingawane something chinondibvisa stress especially yekushaya zvekuita
ne rudo rwangu kuna Simbie hwaingoperera mukutaura. But each time pandainyenga ndaisatogona
kukeeper the relationship going ndaiti ndawirirana nemunhu tapanana manumber bhoo bhoo. Ini
follow up ndaibva ndatadza I would feel guilty. Worse munhu wacho akaita follow up ndaitobva

Ndakagara kudaro ndakatanga kuvisualiser Simbie ummm mafeelings akandikurira ndikaona kuti
kubonyora ndokungandiyamure. I did myself until ndareleaser apa ndange ndatarisana ne pic yake.

Ndichingopedza phone yangu yakapinda message alert ndakatarisa it was a foreign number. I
opened the message
_Dear Jay_

I know am the last person you want to talk to right now. But wait stop and read this first it maybe
helpful. I know you have been flirting with Alice... But becareful I care for you Jay. She isn't what you
think she is. A wolf in sheep's clothing. Chenjera kuchengeteswa mwana asiri wako. Nekuzadzwa
chirwere. Am sorry but I felt you ought to be warned....

Please greet my daughter for me. I would want to see her soon.

_Love Hazel_

Ummm for a moment there flashbacks came back in my mind of the time I had with Hazel. Those
were moments I cherished but I guess she chose her life.... ndakatanga kugaya her warning against
Alice haa uyo ndanga ndapedzerana naye changa chasara ma DNA chete and if mwana ari wangu
ndaichengeta but that she devil no ways. I wouldn't even dare repeating a mistake called Hazel
nooo. Yaa hi think I needed to get tested as well....

End of Chapter 48

Munodiwa mheni😘

[23/08, 21:21] Fungie Babie: 💐💔 _*A LIFE TIME OF TEARS*_ 😭😭😭😭

*Story by Sabz aka Shamiso*💋

Edited by Belz

*Season 2*

Chapter 49

_1 week later_

Simbiso 🤦🏽♀

Ndanga ndane 1 week ndisingabude panze. Mbuya Theresa vanga vakati ndimbogare muroom
mangu macho and find myself. She had taken my phone. Kubasa I had communicated kuti I need a
week's space just to get myself back again.

Yaa I had never experienced such trauma in my life. Hongu the feeling was like time yandakaona
Beaven na Rudo making love on my matrimonial bed. Ndakabaikana.
Mbuya T wanga varipo to counsel me zvavo. But vakazophonera Pastor Clara vanga vakupota
vachiuya here and there. Apawo my mother vaivepo pamba apa vachirindira mwana wavo. But
Mhamha vskangoita 3 days kwakuenda kumba na Aiziva.

Mbuya T "Today is Saturday one week yatokwana Simbiso. Handina kukuudza zvangu but tanzwa
nekunetswa na Beaven"

Me " Beaven what does he want??"

Mbuya T "Mukadzi wake zve"

Me " He can go to hell for all I care"

Mbuya T " True but ndingade kunzwa kwauri muzukuru ndoda position yako ndakugarisa muno
week rese ndichikuitira zvese kuti pfungwa dzako dzimboenda panzvimbo. Pastor Clara kwanga
kuri kuuya kuzongoti vakusimbise mweya wako nekukupa tariro. You need to decide kuti woita
zvipi now. Your Boss ari kuphoner he needs you back to work now and ndatomuti auuye
Me " Ndiri kuzvinzwa Gogo... kubasa ndinodzokera zvangu handina problem nazvo. Beaven
anogona kuuya zvake nditaure naye. Gogo ini handichade zveMurume. Mukanditendera ndogara
pano for a while ndichigadzirisa zvinhu zvangu uye ndinenge ndichizoona what next"

Chokwadi chaicho I had said all that but I was hurting. I wanted to go back to him because I loved
him. I wished everything didn't happen zvaiva nani kugara zvangu murima pane kuziva.

Noone will ever understand. Beaven took a part of me. I have always loved him and he came into my
life when I was in total misery. It was going to be difficult. Oh lord I wished I could turn back the
hands of time and start again from where we started I would have looked into every mistake I might
have made.

Mbuya T " kana uchida nguva Simbiso zvipe nguva hatidi munhu anozochema nevanhu kuti
makanditi zvakati. Asi ini na Sekuru vako ne vabereki vako tageza maoko edu aya muzukuru
zvawakwauri kutora jira worifuka kana kuri warira nhaika"

Me " Ok ndazvinzwa Gogo. Ndokumbira phone yangu"

Mbuya T " Ok iyi"

Ndakapihwa phone iya. Ndakaita on kwakuphonera Sam. I knew I had a mountain of work that was
awaiting me. Plus I knew Jayden anga ane ma appointments aanga akaita for the following week
which meant I was to go to SA for more than a week.


Me " Hi Sam"

Sam " Hey Simbie how you feeling now?"

Me " So so zvinopera here but am glad Pastor Clara did a great job I could have died"

Sam " Kkkkk you have better things to live for girl and it ain't the end of the world."

Me " I guess so. Heard there is a work load for me"

Sam " Yaa Mr Masiyiwa has been on me since some days ago he was trying to raise you but failing.
Didn't mention your personal life. He had made a lot of appointments so I guess it's wise that you go

Me " Xoo I had noted that and was aware let me get my secretary to communicate with him on the
iternary and hotel bookings. I understand it's cape town then Joburg then back to cape town then

Sam " That's my understanding. Please take it easy I really wanted to give you more time to sort your
life but nyaya yebasa riri forgive me dear"

Me " Its fine Sam I can handle it. It will also keep my mind away for some time too"

Sam " cool bye and take care"

Me " Bye"

That was sorted I called my secretary kuti achifambisa basa. It was Saturday but aitofanirwa kuona
kuti zvese zvaita by Monday. I then decided to go on whatsapp to communicate na Jay wacho.
📤 Mr Masiyiwa Good Morning

It was Saturday and munhu aigona atori nechimoko chake ka. Ko last time takazonzwa
takubvunzwa ndiani from the background ka. Saka kugara watoti Mr Masiyiwa kugona.

Ndakambotarisa zvangu mamessage ana Mona na Ratie asati apindura..... akabva apindura.

📩 Hahaha what's that for. Simbiso uri mupenyu🙄

Ndakaseka zvangu

📤 yes I am Mr Masiyiwa.

📩 tibvire apa. Nhai iwe on a serious note are you ok you just went silent and this whole week my
spirit wasn't settled as if there is something wrong then you just disappear paradar kunge ndege
yekuMalaysia usadaroso
Jayden and his jokes so zvakaoma ndakamboseka zvangu kuto bviswa stress chaiko. And I wasn't
even going to tell him what am going through I knew he would want to comfort me. But this time I
needed to be me and make a well informed and real decision about what to do.

📤 Ndiriko was just having a short break but am around

📩 Cool so when are you coming cause the first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday and the rest I will
inform you. I think you responded to the program of works right

📤 yaa I did I should be there Monday night my secretary will defiantly inform you with my iternary

📩 that's great indeed.

Hatina kuzotaura zvakawanda. Ndakazomborara zvangu kutonzwa hope chaidzo. Ko anga angove
masleepless nights zvavo.
Ndakazopindura message ya Beaven he wanted to talk to me so I agreed ndaida kunzwa hangu kuti
aidei chaizvo. I wanted to hear from his mouth kuti ndozvaanga afunga and what he thinks. We
agreed to see each other the following day aiuya onditora toparker and we talk. Pano paisaita I
needed some where tiri two and also Sekuru vaisabvuma kuona Beaven pamba pavo.

Kutaura naye opened some semi closed wounds that day. Handina kumborara wondering how I was
going to face him.

The following morning mhamha called vachiti vaizouya after church na Aiziva hanzi haunga travelle
usina kuona mwana. Vanga vakaenda naye kumba on Thursday.

Ndakageza bhoo bhoo. Kudya I wasn't eating zvangu appetite yangu was just off munongonzwa.
Akaphoner Beaven ndikafamba kuenda kugate he opened the front door but ndakangopinda
kumashure zvangu.

Him " Ndeipi"

Me " Drive down that road and turn right wodzika then you can park anywhere"
Him " Cool"

Akaita seizvozvo tikasvika. I was boiling inside of me. Pandanga ndamuendesa panga pari paplace
pakangogadzirwa zvakanaka for vanhu vaiuya kuzoona the Nora valley. Ndakadzika kwakunogara
pane rimwe dombo iye kwakutevera. Akangosvika achibva apfugama.

" Am sorry babie please ndiregererewo my love pliz" akadaro

Misodzi yakangotanga kuyerera ndakambofunga it's the wrong time to talk cause ndaitonzwa
kuremerwa but ndakazongoti I needed to be strong cause hapana pandai traveller for almost 10
days ndisina kuita at least clear the air. Ndakanyatsa kupedza shungu aingoti "Sorry my love"

Me " Sit down let's talk"

Akaratidza kushamisika nazvo. He sat opposite lane rimwe dombo.

Me " Taura nyaya yako Beaven"

Beaven " Simbiso am sorry I didn't mean to"

Me " Ndati taura zvakaitika you are wasting my time!!"

He explained how he found out kuti Rudo was pregnant and how he was summoned kwamambo.
How he didn't want to have his kids growing in a broken family bla bla bla..

Me "Ok I see saka vana vaRudo mean a lot pana Aiziva hanty?"

Him " Its not that Babie" akazama kundibata ruoko.

Me "Don't you even dare do that.... And don't babie babie me Beaven!!!.... You disgust me how
could you do this to me. How could you sacrifice what we had. Is she so good in bed than me. What
is it Beaven what!!"

Ndakadaro ndakavhizhura ruoko rwake kwakadaro uko.

Beaven " Simbiso Am sorry shaa I don't know what got into me"

Ndakaerekana ndamurova nembama akabata dama. Ndakatanga kumurova akatanga asinga dzivirire
but ndofunga zvakazorwadza akundibata.

" Mira kani Mai Jnr unokuvara" akadaro achindibata.

" As if you care" ndakabva ndamusiya ndamuruma padama

" Fuck!!!" Akadeedzera akabata dama racho.

Ndakabva ndatanga kuda kufamba kudzokera. Akandidhonza

Him " Wait kani"

Me " Wait for what Beaven to be honest there is nothing to wait for"
Ndakabata my finger and started kuremover ring yemuchato yanga yakuti netsei cause of the baby
fat. He held my hand in a bid to stop me.

"Uri kuda kuitei shaa zvasvika pakudai here Simbiso" akadaro looking in my eyes.

"Asi kudini you have messed up. I gave you my heart Beaven I gave you my heart but what did you
do to it Beaven" I started to cry. I broke down kugara mumahuswa chaimo

" Babie am sorry shaa we can fix this am really sorry" akadaro achindimbundira agara paside pangu.

I let him hold me. I cried in his arm. Ko make ndomandachemera he was the cause of all this.
Achindipuruzira. I missed my man I really missed my Beaven the guy I dated the guy who proposed
to me that day on the sunset cruise in Kariba oh God what was all this what was happening. I was
broken the man whom I thought loved me irregardless of my past experience. The only man who
accepted not to disgrace me. Was this him was this my Beaven. 😭😭😭😭😭 ndakachema

Me "There is no more *we* Beaven I am sorry please have your ring back this marriage is over!!"
Akaita kushamisika...

I stood up and started to run. He followed me. Ndakamhanya zveshungu he was in hot pursuit "
Simbiso wait!!"

Akandibata ndato kucorner yemuroad yekufarm.

Ndanga ndaneta. I stopped and cried again. He was crying for the first time kumuona achichema
sezvanga achiita.

Him " Please you can't do this to me"

Me "Asi kudini Beaven zvakurwadza cause the dice has changed sides. I have suffered in the hands
of you and your family. I can't sacrifice my happiness for *A life time of tears* no not anymore. Go
to Rudo ndiye vanyachide and I wish you the best in life ok. Zvimwe zvese we will talk when am back
from my trip."

Him " Simbiso usaomese moyo ok at least keep the ring with you. I will die zvangu"
Me " No be honest I don't care anymore... the honours is on you"

Akapfekera ring iya mupocket mangu. I turned my back and began to walk. Ndaimunzwa zvangu
achifikura misodzi but ndakangoti hameno ikoko ini zvema stress ndaisada zvangu....

*Baba Rumbie*

Mumwedzi mishoma nene all this was happening. Kutanga accident yakanditorera mwana wangu
Ethan. Then ndodzingwa basa ne mhosva yandisingazive izvozvi Mai Rumbie akuita kunge dzarasika

Takafambira madoctor week rese tichiendeswa kupi nekupi but hapana chaka chinja. Ma xray
mascan from head to toe hapana chakaonekwa. Hama dzangu kana une dambudziko haumbofare
ndakapedza week rese ndichinetsekana. Hama dza Mai Rumbie kwakuti muswe Friday endai
nemunhu wenyu kumba mozouya naye kana mauya kuzoti suma nehama dzako tozoona kuti
totangira papi hanzi vadaro nekuti zvakatangira kumusha kwangu saka munoziva zvamakaita yoo.

Saturday ndakafumo netsana nemusikana webasa hanzi ndakuenda haachakwanise nekuti panga
paita zvekuchengeta Mai Rumbie. Ndakazomuti it's ok. Ndaivaitira ndotsvaga musikana umwe kana
ndataura naBeaven. Iye Beaven kana kumbobatika. Akazobuda achienda kuOff hake after
tanzwisisana. Ndakasara ndikagezesa Mai Rumbie apa aizviitira dzimwe nguva ukanzwanana naye
waitogona kumuendesa kutoilet mushe mushe.
Ndavapa food vaksrara ndakagara zvangu mulounge ndichiona TV. Ndopakadzoka Mainini Rudo.
Kungopinda kwavakaita Mainini Rudo ndichivaona mbolis yangu yakabva yamira ndakatadza kana
kuzvi controller apa ndakabva ndanzwa kutovada zvese nekutoda kupinda pa middle field yavo. Was
this normal nhai🙄

🛫 finally toenda kuCappa😉

*Enjoy the weekend guys*

End of Chapter 49

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