Author(s): J. E. O'Leary
Source: Journal (American Water Works Association) , SEPTEMBER, 1925, Vol. 14, No. 3
(SEPTEMBER, 1925), pp. 190-198
Published by: Wiley
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Water Works Association)
By J. E. O'Leary2
capacity in gallons per minute and the pumping head are the vital
factors. It is also common for the engineer to specify the allowable
working stresses, the loads and the size of pipe connections. The design
and details are left almost entirely to the manufacturer. I submit
that this is a most logical position to take, as the tank specialist is
more interested in the complete success of his structure than even
the buyer, for the manufacturer has a business reputation to main-
tain which is more valuable than any single job or series of jobs.
So it is up to the tank manufacturer to design and build the best
possible structure for the lowest practical price.
I dare say there is no engineer or superintendent in this audience
who has not given his whole hearted approval to the efforts of our
able and eminent Secretary of Commerce, Herbert Hoover, to
eliminate waste in industry. You are all more or less familiar in a
general way with the intensive program of standardization that is
being promoted by Mr. Hoover and his Department. Every few
days we read of some group of manufacturers, engineers and users
being called to Washington to discuss their particular industry.
There is scarcely a single one of these conferences but that brings
to light conditions of waste that are more appalling than those that
have gone before.
This work is being carried on by the Division of Simplified Prac-
tice of the Department of Commerce with Mr. R. M. Hudson in
charge. The aim and scope of this program can perhaps be best
told by quoting a few paragraphs from a recent bulletin of the Divi-
sion entitled "Simplified Practice, What It Is and What It Offers."
Many of our industries - many more of our businesses - believe that we are
suffering from too great variety in almost every article of commerce in this
country. Leading men in widely different fields agree that the reduction of
variety, the simplifying of industrial and commercial practice in any line,
will secure some or all of these advantages :
Simplified Practice will decrease:
Production costs
Selling expenses
All costs to user (including initial accessory and maintenance costs).
Simultaneously, Simplified Practice will increase:
Stability of employment
Promptness of delivery
Foreign commerce
Quality of product
Profit to producer, distributor
Frequently a manufacturer, or gr
eliminate excess varieties, but feels
proach either the distributors or th
posal. In other lines it is the distri
reduction of variety, if they could
while in still others, it is the user
Secretary Hoover has established
serve as a centralizing agency in br
together and to support the recom
shall mutually agree upon simplific
group in any branch - production, d
of the Division upon request.
tower for both these sizes of railroad tanks is 20 feet. Two tower
heights for municipal and sprinkler tanks were fixed for all of the
seven capacities, namely, 75 and 100 feet. These we call our Class
A Standards and we carry them completely fabricated in stock for
immediate shipment. When an order comes in for a Class A tank
the only work to be done is to attach the flanges and expansion joint
casting to the saucer plate and then load the structure onto cars from
the stock piles.
While the study of tower heights clearly indicated that 75 and
100 feet were the most common ones, it also showed the necessity
of other heights between these figures.
There seemed to be no question but that other heights should be
provided in our program of standardization, so a number of inter-
mediate designs were developed. This second series we designate
our Class В Standards. It was possible to amplify the Class В series
by adding alternate column lengths for middle and bottom panels.
For example, on the 50,000 gallon tank, the column section which
is uniform throughout and is made up of 2 channels, 12 inch X 20.7
pounds, laced, we have two top sections, three interior sections and
two bottom sections. With these seven column sections we can make,
not only the two class A Standards, but also nine Class В Standards
varying from 55 to 148 feet in height. The struts and wind bracing
rods are carried in stock completely fabricated for all Class A
Standards, while on Class В structures it is usually necessary to
fabricate the rods and struts for one or two panels. The tank, of
course, is the same for either Class A or В Structures.
The only thing that prevents us from carrying the Class В series
completely fabricated is the fact that the demand for each height
of this series is not sufficient to warrant the tying up of capital in
material and shop labor. If experience should show anyone the
desirability or if more sizes in the В Class became sufficiently active,
we could immediately move these sizes into Class A and carry them
completely fabricated.
And now that I have told you something of the sizes adopted in
this program of standardization, let me try to point out to you some
of the mutual advantages to be derived by both producer and con-
fixed cutter, which could only mill one column at a time, we are now
able to utilize a milling machine with a travelling cutter which
permits as many as twelve columns being clamped into correct
position and milled at one setting. Likewise in dishing hemispheri-
cal bottom plates, the changing of the machine to accommodate
different diameters of tanks has been one of the time consuming
elements that built up costs. The savings to be made by permitting
the machine to dish on a single size of plates for a full day's run are
While it is true that the greatest advantages and savings from a
standardized product are most evident in the manufacturing end,
still to a lesser degree is this same advantage maintained in the
erection of these structures. Because of the uniformly better grade
of shop work that is turned out on account of standardization, the
work naturally fits together much better in the field with the result
that the time required for assembling and riveting is materially
reduced. Further savings are also possible on account of workmen
becoming more familiar with the small number of tank and tower
sizes and heights that are used in this standardization program.
Then of course there is the further advantage in the matter of
erection equipment. With the tower heights standardized, naturally
the rigging equipment is more or less standardized to handle the
work. The time saved in the erection due to the better shop work
and the familiarity of the workmen with the uniform product are
outstanding advantages of a standardization program.
As suggested earlier in this paper, one of the real premises on
which a standardization program is justified is the quality of the
product. It is unnecessary to argue this point. With steel tem-
plates, as stated above, it is practically impossible to make any
errors in punching the plates or shapes, so that when once the steel
templates are correct, the problem of producing correct shop work is
entirely eliminated. This means a quality product. The shop
work being correct there are none of the field errors that have been
found so often in the past.
Selling and engineering expenses are also decreased to a large
extent by standardization. To design and estimate the cost of an
average size of tank and tower of special design will require the time
of a good engineer for the better part of a day. When this same
man can prepare proposals on fifteen standard outfits in the same
length of time the saving is quite apparent.