Angular Interview Questions and Answers

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100 Angular

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1. What is Angular?

Angular is a popular open-source JavaScript framework developed and

maintained by Google. It is used for building dynamic web applications and
provides tools and features to simplify the development process.

2. What are the key features of Angular?

Some key features of Angular include:

Two-way data binding

Dependency injection
Form handling
Component-based architecture

3. What is the latest version of Angular?

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the latest stable version of

Angular is Angular 12. However, there may be newer versions released since
then. It's always recommended to check the official Angular website for the
latest version.

4. What are directives in Angular?

Directives are Angular's way of extending HTML with new behavior or

modifying existing behavior. There are three types of directives in Angular:
Component Directives, Structural Directives, and Attribute Directives.

5. What is a component in Angular?

A component in Angular is a self-contained, reusable, and independent block
of code responsible for the view and logic of a specific part of the user
interface. Components are the building blocks of an Angular application.

6. What is data binding in Angular?

Data binding is a feature in Angular that establishes a connection between

the UI (view) and the component's data. There are four types of data binding
in Angular: Interpolation, Property binding, Event binding, and Two-way

7. What is dependency injection in Angular?

Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern in which the dependencies of a

class or component are provided externally rather than creating them within
the class. Angular has built-in support for dependency injection, making it
easier to manage dependencies and write testable code.

8. Explain the difference between AngularJS and Angular.

AngularJS, also known as Angular 1, is an older version of the framework,

while Angular refers to Angular 2 and later versions. AngularJS is based on
JavaScript, whereas Angular is based on TypeScript. Angular offers improved
performance, better modularity, and a more powerful toolset compared to

9. What is lazy loading in Angular?

Lazy loading is a technique in Angular that allows you to load modules and
their associated components on-demand, only when they are needed. This
helps improve the initial loading time of the application by splitting it into
smaller bundles.

10. What is Angular CLI?

Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is a command-line tool that provides a

set of commands to initialize, develop, test, and deploy Angular applications.
It simplifies the Angular development workflow and automates common

11. What is a template in Angular?

A template in Angular is a combination of HTML and Angular-specific syntax
that defines the structure and layout of a component's view. It includes
placeholders for dynamic data and bindings to connect the component with
the view.

12. What is Angular Router?

Angular Router is a module that provides a client-side navigation system for

Angular applications. It allows you to define routes and associate them with
components, enabling navigation between different views.

13. What is the use of ngFor directive in Angular?

The ngFor directive is used in Angular for looping over a collection of items
and generating HTML elements dynamically. It is commonly used for
rendering lists of items or generating table rows.

14. What is Angular CLI command to generate a new component?

The Angular CLI command to generate a new component is:

ng generate component component-name

or the shorthand version:

ng g c component-name

15. What is Angular module?

An Angular module is a mechanism for organizing the components,

directives, services, and other building blocks of an Angular application.
Itprovides a context in which these building blocks can be used together.

16. What is the purpose of NgModule in Angular?

NgModule is a decorator in Angular used to define a module. It specifies

which components, directives, pipes, and services belong to the module and
how they should be compiled and instantiated.

17. What is the difference between NgModule and Component in Angular?

NgModule is used to define a module in Angular, while Component is used to

define a component. A module is a container for related components,
directives, pipes, and services, whereas a component represents a specific
part of the user interface.

18. What is Angular CLI command to generate a new module?

The Angular CLI command to generate a new module is:

ng generate module module-name

or the shorthand version:

ng g m module-name

19. What is the purpose of the ngOnInit lifecycle hook?

The ngOnInit lifecycle hook is used in Angular to perform initialization tasks

for a component after it has been constructed and its inputs have been
resolved. It is commonly used to fetch data from a server or initialize
component properties.

20. What is the purpose of ngOnChanges lifecycle hook?

The ngOnChanges lifecycle hook is used in Angular to react to changes in the

input properties of a component. It is called whenever the value of an input
property changes.

21. What is Angular template-driven forms?

Angular template-driven forms are a way of building forms in Angular using

template-driven syntax. The form structure and validation rules are defined
directly in the HTML template using directives and binding expressions.

22. What is Angular reactive forms?

Angular reactive forms are a way of building forms in Angular using reactive
programming principles. The form structure and validation rules are defined
programmatically using form controls and form groups.

23. What is the difference between template-driven forms and reactive

forms in Angular?

In template-driven forms, the form structure and validation rules are defined
in the HTML template, while in reactive forms, they are defined
programmatically. Template-driven forms rely on directives and binding
expressions, while reactive forms use form controls and form groups.

24. How can you pass data from parent component to child component in

Data can be passed from a parent component to a child component in

Angular using input properties. The parent component binds a value to an
input property of the child component, and the child component can access
and use that value.

25. How can you pass data from child component to parent component in

Data can be passed from a child component to a parent component in

Angular using output properties and event emitters. The child component
emits events with the data, and the parent component listens for these
events and handles them.

26. What is the purpose of Angular service?

Angular services are used to encapsulate reusable logic or data that multiple
components may need. They provide a way to share data and functionality
across components and help in keeping the code modular and maintainable.

27. What is the difference between a component and a service in Angular?

A component is responsible for the view and logic of a specific part of the
user interface, while a service provides common functionality or data that can
be shared across multiple components. Components are typically used for
user interaction, while services handle business logic and data manipulation.

28. How can you inject a service into a component in Angular?

To inject a service into a component in Angular, you can use constructor

injection. You declare a parameter in the component's constructor with the
type of the service, and Angular's dependency injection system will provide
an instance of that service when creating the component.

29. What is a resolver in Angular routing?

A resolver in Angular routing is a service that pre-fetches data before

navigating to a route. It ensures that the required data is available before the
component associated with the route is instantiated, preventing any delaysin
rendering the component.

30. What is the purpose of the async pipe in Angular?

The async pipe in Angular is used to subscribe to an observable or a promise

in the template and automatically update the view whenever the data
emitted by the observable or resolved by the promise changes.

31. What is Angular testing?

Angular testing involves writing and running tests to ensure that Angular
applications and their components, services, and other building blocks
function correctly. Angular provides tools and frameworks like Jasmine and
Karma for writing and executing tests.

32. What is TestBed in Angular testing?

TestBed is a utility in Angular testing that provides a testing environment for

configuring and creating instances of components, services, and other
dependencies. It allows you to simulate a module and its dependencies to
perform unit tests.

33. What is the purpose of spyOn in Angular testing?

spyOn is a function provided by Jasmine, the testing framework used in

Angular, that allows you to spy on methods of an object or a class. It enables
you to track method calls, return predefined values, and perform assertions
on method invocations during testing.

34. What is Angular CLI command to run tests?

The Angular CLI command to run tests is:

ng test

35. What is Angular Change Detection?

Angular Change Detection is the mechanism that detects changes in the

application's data and updates the view accordingly. It determines which
parts of the view need to be re-rendered based on changes in the data and
optimizes the rendering process.
36. What is the difference between ngOnChanges and ngOnInit?

ngOnChanges is a lifecycle hook that is called when the input properties of a

component change, while ngOnInit is called once after the component has
been initialized and its inputs have been resolved.

37. What is a pipe in Angular?

A pipe in Angular is a feature that allows you to transform data before

displaying it in the view. It takes input data, applies a transformation, and
returns the transformed data. Angular provides built-in pipes for common
transformations and also allows you to create custom pipes.

38. How can you create a custom pipe in Angular?

To create a custom pipe in Angular, you need to define a class with the Pipe
decorator and implement the PipeTransform interface. The class should have
a transform method that takes the input data and returns the transformed

39. What is the purpose of the async validator in Angular forms?

The async validator in Angular forms is used to perform asynchronous

validation on form controls. It allows you to make server-side requests or
perform time-consuming operations to validate the input data and provide
feedback to the user.

40. What is the purpose of the ngModel directive in Angular forms?

The ngModel directive is used in Angular forms to create a two-way data

binding between a form control and a component's property. It enables
synchronization of the input data between the form control and the

41. What is an Angular interceptor?

An Angular interceptor is a feature that intercepts HTTP requests and

responses and can modify them before they are sent to the server or before
they reach the application. Interceptors are useful for adding headers,
handling errors, or performing other actions globally for HTTP requests.

42. What is the purpose of the trackBy function in Angular ngFor loop?
The trackBy function is used in Angular's ngFor loop to provide a unique
identifier for each item in the collection. It helps Angular track the identity of
each item and optimize the rendering and performance of the ngFor loop.

43. What is AOT compilation in Angular?

AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation in Angular is a build process that converts

Angular templates and components into highly efficient JavaScript code
during the build phase. AOT compilation improves the application's
performance by reducing the size and parsing time of the application code.

44. What is lazy loading in Angular routing?

Lazy loading in Angular routing is a technique where modules and their

associated components are loaded on-demand, only when they are needed.
It allows you to split your application into smaller bundles and load them
asynchronously, improving the initial loading time of the application.

45. What is the purpose of ng-content in Angular?

ng-content is a directive in Angular used for content projection. It allows you

to pass content into a component from its parent component, enabling the
creation of reusable and flexible components.

46. What is the purpose of ng-template in Angular?

ng-template is a directive in Angular used to define reusable templates that

can be rendered conditionally or used as placeholders for dynamic content. It
allows you to define a template once and use it in multiple places within your

47. What is the purpose of ng-container in Angular?

ng-container is a directive in Angular used as a grouping element. It provides

a way to group multiple elements without adding an extra DOM element to
the rendered output. It is commonly used in structural directives like *ngIf or

48. What is tree shaking in Angular?

Tree shaking is a process in Angular where the build system eliminates dead
code (unused modules, functions, variables) from the final bundled JavaScript
file. It helps reduce the size of the application bundle and improve

49. What is the purpose of Angular Universal?

Angular Universal is a server-side rendering (SSR) solution for Angular

applications. It allows you to render Angular applications on the server and
deliver pre-rendered HTML to the browser, improving initial loading time,
search engine optimization (SEO), and user experience.

50. How can you enable production mode in Angular?

To enable production mode in Angular, you can set the --prod flag when
building or serving the application using the Angular CLI. For example:

ng build --prod


ng serve --prod

51. What are Angular guards?

Angular guards are used to control access to routes and prevent

unauthorized access to certain parts of an application. There are several types
of guards in Angular, including CanActivate, CanActivateChild, CanDeactivate,
and CanLoad.

52. What is Angular Material?

Angular Material is a UI component library for Angular applications. It

provides a set of pre-built, customizable UI components, such as buttons,
forms, dialogs, and navigation components, to help streamline the
development process.

53. What is the purpose of the ngClass directive in Angular?

The ngClass directive is used in Angular to conditionally apply CSS classes to

an element. It allows you to dynamically add or remove CSS classes based on
certain conditions or properties.

54. What is the purpose of the ngStyle directive in Angular?

The ngStyle directive is used in Angular to conditionally apply inline styles to
an element. It allows you to dynamically set CSS properties and values based
on certain conditions or component properties.

55. What is the purpose of the async pipe in Angular?

The async pipe in Angular is used to subscribe to an Observable or Promise in

the template and automatically update the view whenever the data emitted
by the Observable or resolved by the Promise changes.

56. What is the purpose of the EventEmitter class in Angular?

The EventEmitter class is used in Angular to implement a publish-subscribe

pattern for communication between components. It allows components to
emit events and other components to subscribe to those events and react

57. What is an Angular module loader?

An Angular module loader is responsible for loading Angular modules and

their associated components, directives, services, and other dependencies.
Examples of module loaders in Angular include SystemJS, webpack, and
Angular CLI.

58. What is Angular Ivy?

Angular Ivy is the next-generation rendering and compilation engine in

Angular. It provides improved performance, smaller bundle sizes, enhanced
debugging, and better build times compared to the previous View Engine.

59. What is the purpose of the ngZone service in Angular?

The ngZone service in Angular is used to manage the execution context and
change detection of an Angular application. It helps to optimize change
detection and handle asynchronous tasks, such as event handling and API
calls, within the Angular application.

60. What is an Angular service worker?

An Angular service worker is a script that runs in the background and handles
offline functionality, caching, and push notifications in Angular progressive
web applications (PWAs). It enables the application to work offline and
provides a seamless user experience.

61. What is the Angular router outlet?

The router outlet is a directive in Angular used to define the placeholder

where the content of a specific route should be rendered. It acts as a
container for dynamically loading the components associated with different

62. What is the difference between ngIf and hidden attribute in Angular?

ngIf is a structural directive in Angular that conditionally adds or removes an

element from the DOM based on a condition. The hidden attribute, on the
other hand, is a standard HTML attribute that only hides an element visually
but keeps it in the DOM.

63. What is the purpose of the trackBy function in Angular ngFor loop?

The trackBy function is used in Angular's ngFor loop to provide a unique

identifier for each item in a collection. It helps Angular track the identity of
each item and optimize the rendering and performance of the ngFor loop.

64. What is the difference between ViewEncapsulation and Shadow DOM in


ViewEncapsulation is a feature in Angular that encapsulates component

styles to avoid style conflicts between components. Shadow DOM, on the
other hand, is a web platform feature that encapsulates the DOM and styles
of an element, allowing for component-based encapsulation at the browser

65. Whatis the purpose of Angular Universal?

Angular Universal is a server-side rendering (SSR) solution for Angular

applications. It allows you to render Angular applications on the server and
deliver pre-rendered HTML to the browser, improving initial loading time,
search engine optimization (SEO), and user experience.

66. What is the purpose of the ng-template directive in Angular?

The ng-template directive is used to define reusable templates in Angular. It

allows you to declare a template once and use it in multiple places within
your application, either as a structural directive template or as a content
projection template.

67. What is the difference between ngOnInit and ngAfterViewInit lifecycle


ngOnInit is a lifecycle hook that is called after the component has been
initialized and its inputs have been resolved. ngAfterViewInit is a lifecycle
hook that is called after the component's view has been initialized and

68. What is Angular DI (Dependency Injection) hierarchy?

Angular DI hierarchy refers to the order in which Angular resolves

dependencies when injecting them into a component or service. The
hierarchy follows the principle of injecting dependencies from the nearest
injector in the component tree up to the root injector.

69. What is the purpose of the ViewChildren decorator in Angular?

The ViewChildren decorator is used in Angular to query and access multiple

child elements or components within a parent component's view. It allows
you to get references to child elements and interact with them

70. What is the difference between ViewChild and ContentChild in Angular?

ViewChild is used to access a single child component or element within a

parent component's view, while ContentChild is used to access a single
projected element or component within a component's content projection.

71. What is the difference between Renderer2 and ElementRef in Angular?

Renderer2 is a service in Angular used for manipulating the DOM

programmatically. It provides a platform-agnostic way to interact with the
DOM and avoids direct access to the native DOM elements. ElementRef, on
the other hand, is a wrapper around a native DOM element and provides
direct access to the underlying DOM element.

72. What is the difference between ngOnInit and ngOnChanges lifecycle

ngOnInit is a lifecycle hook that is called after the component has been
initialized and its inputs have been resolved. ngOnChanges, on the other
hand, is called whenever the value of an input property changes.

73. What is AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation in Angular?

AOT compilation is a build process in Angular that converts Angular

templates and components into highly efficient JavaScript code during the
build phase. It helps to reduce the application's size, improve performance,
and detect errors at build time.

74. What is the purpose of the Angular HttpClient module?

The HttpClient module in Angular provides a way to make HTTP requests and
interact with APIs from within an Angular application. It simplifies the
process of making AJAX requests, handling request and response objects,
and provides features like interceptors and error handling.

75. What is the difference between ngOnInit and ngOnDestroy lifecycle


ngOnInit is a lifecycle hook that is called after the component has been
initialized and its inputs have been resolved. ngOnDestroy, on the other hand,
is called just before the component is destroyed and removed from the DOM.
It is used to clean up resources and unsubscribe from observables.

76. What is the purpose of the @HostListener decorator in Angular?

The @HostListener decorator is used in Angular to listen to events on the host

element of a component. It allows you to define event handlers directly
within the component and perform custom actions based on user

77. What is the purpose of the Angular CLI command ng lint?

The ng lint command in Angular CLI is used to run linting checks on the
codebase using configured linting rules. It helps to enforce coding standards,
detect potential errors, and ensure code consistency across the project.

78. What is Angular Ivy?

Angular Ivy is the next-generation rendering and compilation engine in
Angular. It provides improved performance, smaller bundle sizes, enhanced
debugging, and better build times compared to the previous View Engine.

79. What is the purpose of the ngZone service in Angular?

The ngZone service in Angular is used to manage the execution context and
change detection of an Angular application. It helps optimize change
detection and handle asynchronous tasks, such as event handling and API
calls, within the Angular application.

80. What is an Angular service worker?

An Angular service worker is a script that runs in the background and handles
offline functionality, caching, and push notifications in Angular progressive
web applications (PWAs). It enables the application to work offline and
provides a seamless user experience.

81. What is the Angular router outlet?

The router outlet is a directive in Angular used to define the placeholder

where the content of a specific route should be rendered. It acts as a
container for dynamically loading the components associated with different

82. What is the difference between ngIf and hidden attribute in Angular?

ngIf is a structural directive in Angular that conditionally adds or removes an

element from the DOM based on a condition. The hidden attribute, on the
other hand, is a standard HTML attribute that only hides an element visually
but keeps it in the DOM.

83. What is the purpose of the trackBy function in Angular ngFor loop?

The trackBy function is used in Angular's ngFor loop to provide a unique

identifier for each item in a collection. It helps Angular track the identity of
each item and optimize the rendering and performance of the ngFor loop.

84. What is the difference between ViewEncapsulation and Shadow DOM in

ViewEncapsulation is a feature in Angular that encapsulates component
styles to avoid style conflicts between components. Shadow DOM, on the
other hand, is a web platform feature that encapsulates the DOM and styles
of an element, allowing for component-based encapsulation at the browser

85. What is the purpose of the ng-template directive in Angular?

The ng-template directive is used to define reusable templates in Angular. It

allows you to declare a template once and use it in multiple places within
your application, either as a structural directive template or as a content
projection template.

86. What is the difference between ngOnInit and ngAfterViewInit lifecycle


ngOnInit is a lifecycle hook that is called after the component has been
initialized and its inputs have been resolved. ngAfterViewInit is a lifecycle
hook that is called after the component's view has been initialized and

87. What is Angular DI (Dependency Injection) hierarchy?

Angular DI hierarchy refers to the order in which Angular resolves

dependencies when injecting them into a component or service. The
hierarchy follows the principle of injecting dependencies from the nearest
injector in the component tree up to the root injector.

88. What is the purpose of the ViewChildren decorator in Angular?

The ViewChildren decorator is used in Angular to query and access multiple

child elements or components within a parent component's view. It allows
you to get references to child elements and interact with them

89. What is the difference between ViewChild and ContentChild in Angular?

ViewChild is used to access a single child component or element within a

parent component's view, while ContentChild is used to access a single
projected element or component within a component's content projection.

90. What is the difference between Renderer2 and ElementRef in Angular?

Renderer2 is a service in Angular used for manipulating the DOM
programmatically. It provides a platform-agnostic way to interact with the
DOM and avoids direct access to the native DOM elements. ElementRef, on
the other hand, is a wrapper around a native DOM element and provides
direct access to the underlying DOM element.

91. What is the difference between ngOnInit and ngOnChanges lifecycle


ngOnInit is a lifecycle hook that is called after the component has been
initialized and its inputs have been resolved. ngOnChanges, on the other
hand, is called whenever the value of an input property changes.

92. What is AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation in Angular?

AOT compilation is a build process in Angular that converts Angular

templates and components into highly efficient JavaScript code during the
build phase. It helps to reduce the application's size, improve performance,
and detect errors at build time.

93. What is the purpose of the Angular HttpClient module?

The HttpClient module in Angular provides a way to make HTTP requests and
interact with APIs from within an Angular application. It simplifies the
process of making AJAX requests, handling request and response objects,
and provides features like interceptors and error handling.

94. What is the difference between ngOnInit and ngOnDestroy lifecycle


ngOnInit is a lifecycle hook that is called after the component has been
initialized and its inputs have been resolved. ngOnDestroy, on the other hand,
is called just before the component is destroyed and removed from the DOM.
It is used to clean up resources and unsubscribe from observables.

95. What is the purpose of the @HostListener decorator in Angular?

The @HostListener decorator is used in Angular to listen to events on the host

element of a component. It allows you to define event handlers directly
within the component and perform custom actions based on user
96. What is the purpose of the Angular CLI command ng lint?

The ng lint command in Angular CLI is used to run linting checks on the
codebase using configured linting rules. It helps to enforce coding standards,
detect potential errors, and ensure code consistency across the project.

97. What is the purpose of the @ContentChild decorator in Angular?

The @ContentChild decorator is used in Angular to query and access a single

projected element or component within a component's content projection. It
allows you to get a reference to the first matching element or component
projected into the component.

98. What is Angular Ivy?

Angular Ivy is the next-generation rendering and compilation engine in

Angular. It provides improved performance, smaller bundle sizes, enhanced
debugging, and better build times compared to the previous View Engine.

99. What is the purpose of the ngZone service in Angular?

The ngZone service in Angular is used to manage the execution context and
change detection of an Angular application. It helps optimize change
detection and handle asynchronous tasks, such as event handling and API
calls, within the Angular application.

100. What is an Angular service worker?

An Angular service worker is a script that runs in the background and handles
offline functionality, caching, and push notifications in Angular progressive
web applications (PWAs). It enables the application to work offline and
provides a seamless user experience.

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