Algebra Quiz 1

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ALGEBRA b. 3 d.

9. Determine the k so that the equation
1. Three transformers are rated 5 KVA, 2
10 KVA, and 25 KVA respectively. The 4 x + kx+1=0will have just one real
total cost of the transformer is P
a. 3 c. 5
15,000.00. If the cost of each
b. 4 d. 6
transformer is proportional to its KVA
rating multiplied by the factor 1.0, 10.Find the term involving y 5 in the
0.8, and 0.6 respectively, find the expansion of ( 2 x 2+ y )
cost of the 10 KVA rating. a. 8064 x 10 y 5 c. 8046 x 10 y 5
a. P 4286 c. P 5160 b. 8046 x 5 y 5 d. 4680 x 5 y 5
b. P 3924 d. P 6120
11.What is the discriminant of the
2. A tank is filled with two pipes. The
equation 4 x 2=8 x−5?
first pipe can fill the tank in 10 hours.
a. 8 c. 16
But after it has been opened for 3 b. – 16 d. – 8
12.Given the equation 3 x 2+ Bx+ 12=0.
hours, the second pipe is opened, and
the tank is filled up 4 hours more. What is the value of B so that the
How long would it take the second roots of the equation are equal?
pipe alone to fill the tank? Two pipes a. 4 c. 10
have different diameters. b. 8 d. – 12
a. 17 c. 10 13.What is the sum of the coefficients of
b. 15 d. 12 the expansion of ( 2 x−1 )20?
−1 a. 0 c. 2
( x 2 y 3 z−2 ) ( x−3 y z 3 ) 2 b. 1 d. 3
3. Simplify: −5 14.A 400-mm ∅ pipe can fill the tank
( xy z )
−3 2
alone in 5 hours and another 600-mm
1 1 ∅ pipe can fill the tank alone in 4
a. 2
7 5 c. 7 25
x y z x y z hours. A drainpipe 300-mm ∅ can
1 1 empty the tank in 20 hours. With all
b. 2 5 7 d. 2 7 3 the three pipes open, how long will it
x y z x y z
4. What is the least common multiple of take to fill the tank?
15 and 18? a. 2.00 hours c. 2.25
a. 3 c. 90 hours
b. 5 d. 270 b. 2.50 hours d. 2.75
5. The arithmetic mean of 80 numbers is hours
55. If two numbers namely 250 and 15.Glenn can paint a house in 9 hours
850 are removed, what is the while Stewart can paint the same
arithmetic mean of the remaining house in 16 hours. After 4 hours,
numbers? Stewart left, and Glenn finished the
a. 42.31 c. 38.62 job alone. How many more days did it
b. 50 d. 57.12 take Glenn to finish the job?
6. Solve for x from the given equation: a. 2.75 hours c. 2.25

8 √ 2√ 8 x = 2
b. 2.50 hours d. 3.00
a. 4 b. 2 c. 3 hours
d. 5 16.If 3 is subtracted from the numerator
7. Three ducks and one-third lay three of a certain fraction, the value of the
eggs and one-third in 3 days and one- fraction becomes 3/5. If one is
third. How many eggs will 10 ducks subtracted from the denominator of
lay in 10 days? the same fraction, the value of the
a. 30 c. 300 fraction becomes 2/3. Find the
b. 90 d. 180 original fraction.
8. Given: log 6+ x log 4=log 4+ log ( 32+ 4 x ) . a. 34/56 c. 38/56
Find x. b. 36/55 d. 34/52
a. 2 c. 4
17.Peter is 12 years older than his the votes cast, how many freshmen
brother John. Six years ago, Peter was voted?
four times as old as John. How old is A.5376 C. 5828
John now? B. 6216 D. 6120
a. 16 c. 14 27.If 4 men can clear the flood near a
b. 10 d. 12 school in 6 hours, how many hours
18.If an alloy containing 30% silver is will it take 12 men working at the
mixed with a 55% silver alloy to get same rate to perform this task?
800 pounds of 40% silver alloy, how A. 3 B. 2 C. 4 D. 1.5
much of the 30% alloy must be used? 28.A bus leaves a station and average 48
a. 480 c. 320 mph. Ten minutes later a car leaves
b. 300 d. 420 the station traveling 64 mph in the
same direction as the bus. How long
19.A candy maker wishes to mix before the car overtakes the bus?
strawberry - flavored candies worth A. 1/2 hour C. 1 1/2 hour
P1.50 per gram, with lemon - flavored B. 3/4 hour D. 1 4/5 hour
candies P1.80 per gram to make 150 29.How soon after one o'clock will the
grams of assorted candies worth hands of a clock from a right angle?
P1.56 per gram. How many grams of A. 22 4/9 min C.21 4/11 min
strawberry- flavored candies must be B. 21 9/11 min D. 22 2/9 min
used? 30.At how many minutes after 3PM will
A.120 g. B. 100 g C. 90 g D. 110 the minute hand of a clock overtakes
g the hour hand?
20.In how many minutes after 10:00 A. 16 4/11 B. 16 3/5
o'clock will the hands of the clock be C. 16 7/9 D. None of these
opposite each other for the first time?
A. 22.76 C. 20.45
B.21.81 D. 21.48
21.Find the coefficient of the 7th term of
the expansion (x + 2y)8.
A. 1792 x²y⁶ C. 1024 x³y⁵
B. 3584 x²y⁶ D.512x³y⁵

22.The constant term of the expansion of

(x + 1/x^3/2)¹⁵:
A. 3003 C. 6435
B.5005 D. 7365
23.Find the common difference of an
arithmetic progression whose
successive terms are 4x, 5x + 4 and
3x²-1 respectively.
A.4 B.3 C.5 D.6
24.How many times will a clock strike in
36 hours if it strikes only at the hour
and strike once at 1, twice at 2, thrice
at 3 and so on? A.78 B. 666 C.
156 D.234
25.If the 3rd term of an arithmetic
progression is 4 and the 9th term is -
14, solve for the common difference.
A. -2 B. -4 C. -3 D. -1
26.The winning candidate for president
of the freshman class received 2898
votes. If that was 210 more than half

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