Updated Rates

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PN an emo oa Poe PI50 COTFAGERATES OPEN COTTAGE P1,000 KUBO BEACH ERONT PAU) ROOM RATES oO ea ceo E DYE MERLOT Lan CNet) WLLL OLE I P11,000 Coe) Conny H SOC tet Cun G GKZATIVG Z TERMS AND CONDITIONS ‘To ensure safety and comfort of our valued Resort guests, Okeanus 21 Bea following terms and conditions: CHECK-IN TIME* room:2:00pm (CHECK-OUT TIME* POOL-HOURS BEACH HOURS *éay tour is allowed for walk in only. ‘IF the guest wished to check-in early, an additional fee of P300:00 per how a maximum of three hours extension only. Exceeding the maximum time ‘one night stay. And shall the guest wished to extend the check-out time, th ccheek-in shall apply. All subject o room availability. *Canceltarion of booking mace within 72 hours before the check-in peric the amount of the entire booked period. "Security deposit of P1,000.00 pet room shall be required, and can be refi Said security deposit shall cover any loss or damage to property or fixtures, 40 be determined by the management. cookin inside the toom is strictly prohibited as designated area for such resort vicinity, A penalty of P2,000.00 shall be charged. *Smoking is prohibited within the resort pool area end inside the room. Ne rule shall result to a fine of P2,000.00. *botile glassware and any other breakable items are strictly prohibited in dt *Swwimming or use of pool beyond the allowed time shall be subject to a fir In case of incidents like vomiting due to intoxication or drunkenness, the for the cleaning of the pool, to be determined fairly by the management. **Children under 10 years old must be accompanied by their parent/guardia beach at all times, “*Okeanus 21 management may refuse entry or cause forced check-out ‘the following instances: ¥ Guest/s behaves in a way that causes trouble or danger to property of the resort; Y Guest/s whose actions bother other guests or cause nui contrary to public order, public policy and morals during the Forany oss or damage of the guests’ personal belongings, the resort shall ne such loss or damage was caused duc to reasons attributable to the resort st: case of such loss or damage, it is encouraged that said incident be imme ‘management. Resort guests must observe proper and appropriate swimwear and footwea ‘reception and pool area).

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